HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-2-11, Page 5c• t - a 2 it r r or 111- a- a, 1- a- ip of rr� be tie V- d - to z1II of.. oz' 1N aE' VA of rd. er 11 - re rte he• ve• is Qy mg EXETER TIMES -AD 'OCATE From ws s e v:.,:_ -el- ...ms's",�G� �•�aea_?`�.Ylare;� :• ,o.,;=4�. CLINTQN'-"ON'TARIO Winter Ten Opens, Tuesday, January. 5, 1926 --\,. Cur � PRACTICAL BUSINESS' TRAINING will fit you for the HIGHEST paid posit tons in the BUSINESS' WORLD, ,,where • Cork is always REWARDED in proportion...to the' SERVICE rendered. — COURSES — STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERICAL SECRETARIAL• Teachers, Civivl Service and Special. Courses Special Classes for Hensall end Exeter Students 4 weeks' additional time given to students on an 8 months' course. For Information apply to • ,✓ 11Y. A. STONE MISS B. F. WARD, IL Il,- Com. Specialist, Vice Principal Principal, Plien'a IDS gra ,t �� Y z:�r.•,y.y p 4�� rP or as 0 YOU will never know how good your recipes • are—and how well you .can make pies, Cakes, puddings and ,bread, until you've used Purity Flour. Your dealer knows. Ask him. RirLJ31 Nt7 FOA 'Y'IiB UIZT Y`,FZ.OUR GOOK I3b0 Send 30c fPor thIe 280 i age Purity FE113 Flour Cook Book. Sent postpaid. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS. CO. LIMITED Head OMce-TORONTO or all your bakingBranches froni coach to coat ` 2 Wall P In the Latest Designs Prices from 10c. to $1.50i PEI: ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORINGEN LAID AND POLISHED J. Sangster, Hensall Hensall Tile, ' Brick and Block Yard NOTICE To- All Ou"r...Customers We want all empty cement sacks returned before JANUARY 31, -1926 ALL SACKS NOT RETURNED BY THE ABOVE DATE WILL HAVE TO BE PAID FOR Mit ti 1442a27 - Phone 7 ' • DR. R. P.I. DOUGALL Z%nor graduate ox, Faculty' , of Medicine, and Master. of Science;;. giniverrity of Western Ontario. Klaiber of Co11eg of Physicians ,read Surgeons of Ontario. Office, Iwo'doors east of 'Post' Office. Bone 66 Residence 114 HENSALT, ONT 'AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' An- ietion School, Special course taken in Registered` Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate,: Fast ' tales, etc: Rates in keeping with »revailing prices. Satisfaction, lured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or `si►-ire 18-63, Zurich_ WHITE PINE 1x6, v matched dressed on both sides at $50 FUER • ,4 T:FII�I IS Ti13il 7C`I;iJ(1 TO � S� qC]f - . P WITH GOOD COAL ,')S 1lll:it • you CAI (X,if , 1,T AT A' 1.01,,, ...rutC1:d �y pp�.,..Y p T I� 'fir- a, A. 6f s 4�d� R Hensall Miss Helen Smith, who, is attend- ing London Normal visited over the ,veek-end at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs. Mew of Goderich visited on: Saturday with Miss Mattie Ellis. —Mr. and Mrs. Lee Redden visited relatives _in Exeter on Sunday.—Mr. Laird Joynt of London University visited over eethe weekendat•,,. his home here.=Mr. Donald Hoggarth, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with his parents, 141r. and Mrs. 'Jas. :Hoggarth.—The dance, held' on Friday evening. last was largely' at - 'tended and all reported a good time. —Mr. Henry Pfile visited on Sun- day with friends in Zurich.—Miss Marguerite Chapman, of Palmerston is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Scott.—The Literary Society of the Hensall Continuation School held their regular meeting on Friday, Feb. 5th/ The meeting was opened by, singing "The Maple Leaf For- ever." The minutes 'of the last meeting were read. An instrument- al by Margaret McLaren, a reading by Tommy Simpson, entitled "Fred's Rush to Town" and a reading by Alice Walker entitled "Dorothy En- tertains the Minister." Several musical numbers by the Kazoo Band A play was then given entitled "The Mock Trial of Mrs. O'Haf?ety versus Ting Tang." The business of the meeting was taken up by Miss John- son and plans were made for a skat- ing party in the near future. Dur- ing -the past two months a contest was being carried on. The idea was to :see who could get up the best pro- gram, and the winners to be enter- tained by the other three groups. It was decided that group two got up the best program.—The pppular'play "Welcome Home Jimmy," will be given in the Town Hall on Thurs- day evening, Feb. 11th, by the young people of ,the Anglican church. Don't •fail to hear this play.—The Young People's League of the Unit- ed church was held on Monday even- ing. . The meeting was opened by a song service. The topic was , very. ably given by Mr. .'Pollick. The scripture lesson was read by'•' Miss Margaret Hobkirk. ,A,; duet bee MissG. Scarlet and Mr. Sam. Rennie, and aninstrumental by Miss,.. H. Fisher were all greatly. enjoyed. 'The at. tendance on the Red side was 191 and on the Blue side 167. The Red side is now 21 ahead. The program was in charge of Miss E. Murdock with Miss Viola Higgins presiding. The League meeting will be with- drawn next Monday evening On ac- count of the Box Social Tuesday ev- ening. The collection amounted to $ 32.15.—The Sacrament of, • the Lord's Supper will be commemorat- ed in the United church on,• Sunday morning, Feb: 14th --Mr. John Mit- Chen is confined to his room through illness,—Mr. and Mrs. Ed, McQueen and children spent ' Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ryckman of Us - borne Tp.—The services in all the churches were well attended on Sunday,—Rev. Mr. Larkin of Sett - forth occiipied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church -on Sunday last. —A tlanoe is being' put on in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Feb. '19th, ,by the Local Dance Club. The: Avalon orchestra%ofyfniean will fur- nish the music.—Mr.• Legg of Lon- don, representing Greene & Swifts Clothing Co. was. at Mr. Pfile's on. Wednesday; last. Mr,'i'?file has'soid a number of shits. -1V 'iss Mary Fair- burn visited over` the .week -end with friends in .Zurich. --Mrs. Beverley Beaton/and babe, visited for a few days with relatives in Exeter: She intends to leave shortly for her home in Detroit,-Wedcling bells are GRANT(YNringing in this vicinity, 4 -Mr. Gini, "lir c? Ciiapznan and Mr.. W. 0, Goodwin alzd Mr..Samuol Dougal, were attend- ing `court in Goderich, last, week as jury;inen,--Mr. and Mrs., Ell. Fines, of Clinton, visited with friends pi and around town on .Saturday.— lifiss Lilliaaz 'Rivers, of Parkhill, vis - iced over the week-eind with friends in this vicinity.—Don't forget the Box Social to be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Feb. 16t under the auspices of the Yount People's League of the United church. Preparations are being made for a, big crowd and a splen- did program provided. The Young Ladies of::.tlio League are providing the lunch boxes which will he, sold after the program. A prize will be given for the nicest box and Mr. 0. Klopp, Zurich,'anctioneer,—Mrs. Dr. Reid of St. George is visiting her father and mother in 'town,'Mr. and Mrs, Ed. 'Shafer. , Mrs. Reid's many friends are pleased to see her.—Mr. Alf. Smith spent Sunday with friends in Zurich—Mrs. Jos. Hoggarth of Seaforth""spent Sunday with friends in tow -r. Jas.' Bell and Dr. Dan. Bell, - well' known to many „friends, here, left • New York on Saturday last Por"'a trip to Spain, the Medet-. erranian, Palistine and, Egypt. • No doubt t'hey will have some interest- ing times on this tour.—The W. M. S. , of the United church held their monthly meeting in the church ,on Feb. 4th. The president;; Mrs. 0. Mc- Doneli, in the chkir, The' scripture lesson. was taken by Mrs. Scruton and a very interesting and much en- joyed study was given by Mrs. F. Hess, Mrs.' p. McDonell gave a'lielp- ful veading on "Tithing." The ladies, planned to hold a birthday party the latter part of February. . Several teamsters are busy this week drawing ice from Bell's dam to the several consumers' in town. The ice is in excellent shape and a large quantity.is being stored.—Mr. J, Passmore has been appointed .is- suer of radio licenses for Hensall.— Mr. Hugh McDonald lately of_Strat- ford is -visiting at hie home in -town. —Mr. E. Shaddick, spent Sunday with friends in Clinton. Mrs. Wm., Hildebrandt,' who has been in poor health for some time was taken to London this week for treatment.— Mrs. R. Duncan, of Harrington, vis- ited` recently with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Young at the hotel.— The Sunbeam Mission. Band will hold a Valentine tea in the basement of Carmel Presbyterian church on Saturday, Feb: 13th' at 3 o'clock. Also a sale of• home shade cooking and candy. Lunch. served from 3 - to 5: Supper from 5 to 7. Ever y body welcome.—A box social will be given under the Welfare of Youth Club in the basement oCarmel Presbyterian church on Monday, Feb. 15th. .A good program will"be given.—Preparatory service will be held in the United church on Friday evening, beginning ht 7:30., A rec- eption for members will also be held A Hensall school report had to be held over this week on account of the crowded condition of our paper, it -will appear" next week.—Mr.' and Mrs. •A. J. Fleming very pleasantly entertained a number of friends on Wednesday evening of last week. ENJOYABLE EVENING SPENT' AT PEARCE HOME On Friday evening last about 35 young people from town were taken for a sleigh ride to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, where ,a sur- prise party, was held for Miss Grace Chapman, who is leaving for Ham- ilton where she will go in training for a nurse. Miss Chapman was'pre- sented with a number -of useful and beautiful presents, after which a social evening was spent in games, etc., which was capped by •a tasty lunch which was much enjoyed. Visitors from out of town included, Miss N. Medd, Mies H. Dignan and Miss M. Aldworth, of Exeter and Miss L. Rivers of London, Mrs., E. Fines, of Clinton. Grace recived the best wishes of her many friends who will be sorry to have her leave. HOCKEY The game between_ Hensall and Exeter which was to, have been play- ed on Friday evening was called off,. as Exeter was unable to come. The` game will be played. later. The local,,team were defeated on •Monday evening last at. Dashwood 5' to '3'. . The team was far from at its• best and were on strange and peorly lighted ice: There had also been' a little friction • between mem- bers of the team and if you combine these circumstances together with ,the fact that Dashwood played the best game they have . this season, 'due largely tie - the stellar perform- ance of E. Gaiser, one, can easily ac- count for Hensall's defeat. ' Be on your toes Friday night boys, Zurich is coming to town for their last battle here, a lot of inter- est is being taken in this league this year ;and:' no doubt a record crowd will be on hand to witness the 'game.' Mr. J. MoDonell has donated a silver cup to the winners of this league and this ought to stiinulate interest and keep up a real fight for first ; place, Exeter Wras defeated by` Zurich on. the latter's ice 'on Friday even- ing by the score of 14-5, Zurich played good, combination and piled up the score without the aid ot_ Le- roy.^O'Brien, who played the role „of spectator. Painting le eitl x an art t;r ,a ,"lab - art. due 10 male 'and' the other "fe- male. *'* * * 4 * Most women ai'e less worried over their own trei`tbles than they' are over those of the. neighbor. *** *** *** As soon as one of these;ears "that pays for itself" has done so it ray be delivered to our address, rt s.woo4 Dr, I-1.1-1„, Cowen, L. A.. SURGEON At offtce in ,ilartleib lgcl , •Dash- wood, first three clays of week and at office o.$er the Post Office, in Zurich,, last three days of week, Mrs, w.i.?. Rumble" and az xily, of Sarnia, spent the week -end with Mrs:' ti.:Finlit eizzer, who is still on the sick list.--Dz. R. 'I. Taylor, spent Monday ; in Loudon. ---Rev. Meyer is visiting in Toronto. -Mr: Sam, Brenner:is on " the sick list. We hope' for a speedy recovery.= Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher spent Mon- day in Exeter "Where she visited her sister, Miss A. Lane, who is suffer- ing from an attack .of appendicitis. =1VIr. G. -H. I'file attendeQ. the fun- eral of the late Mrs. 01 Pfile - in Filion, last -week.—On Monday ev- ening the Itensa1l Hockey team made its first appearance on the Dashwood lee and a very exciting ,gaine was played. Our boys have been playing good hockey all sea- son but have been out lucked in several games but came through With a vengeance that evening win- ning by the score of 5-3, The first period ended with the home team Iii, the lead by 2-1, while the second Period went scoreless both teams checking consistently. In the third period`Hensell scored a lucky goal, the pubk being shoved under the net at the side, but this only spur- red the home boys bn and Earl Galser stick handled his •way past the visiting defence and .fooled the. goalie completely, putting the home team in; the -lead again. In a very few minutes Gaiser again got ;through and when near the goal passed to L. Tiernan who bulged the twine behind McAllister, Earl Gais- er was the pick for the home boys Playing consistent hockey all even- ing, while R. Gaiser and L. Tiernan also played well. / The defence checked very well and usually got their -man. These two teams meet -again in Dashwood on Feb. 18th and the boys promise another good gauze socome out and cheer the boys on to another victory,-111rs. Chris. `Pfile' Dies in Detroit—Funeral ser- vices for Mrs. Chris. Phile, aged 62, of '.Lincoln :Township, . who died Monday, Feb. 1st, at the home of her son, Ernest, n Detroit, , were held Friday, ' Feb. 5th at 2 ,p.m. from the M. P. church Filion, Mich.. Rev. Prouse, ',pastor of the Kinde and Filion ghurches officiated.' Mrs. Prile was born in Germany and came to this, country with her par- ents 'when five years of age. For 31 years she was a resident of Hur- on county later moving to Michi- gan. At the time of her death slie was visiting in Detroit. She was ill only four days. She leaves seven children, Wm.. Pfile and Mrs. Amel- ia Lounsberry{, of Ann ,Arbor, Lydia �. „ `. • a+ 4•_ gan, Lillian and Ernest Pfile of De- troit, Mrs. Chas. Tolpfer of Halfway and Fred at home. CLANDEBOYE Mrs. Potter, of Woodstock, spent the week -end with hr sister, Miss Myrtle Cunningham of this place. —Miss Florence McRann is serious- ly 111 with blood' poisoning and is under the care .of: two trained nurs- es.—Mr. Robert Hodgson is visiting relatives in London this week.— Jack, is all smiles, it's a girl.—Mr. Thomas Smith, who has been con- fined to his bed for the past three months, is still very low and shows very little improvement.—Don't for- get the dance to be held in the. L.O. L. Hill, Mooresville, on this Friday evening, under- - the direction of Biddulph L.O.L. Music will be furnished by the Avalon orchestra. —Mrs. Joseph . Mcllhargy is serious- ly ill. On account of her age little hope is held for, her recovery.—Mr. Burton Hodgson, C.N.R. operator, is spending a. few days in the ' city. —Rabbit hunting has been the sport around this locality this past month several large, jacks have been bag - ed but still there are lots at large. GRAND BEND The Box Social held by the Y. P. S. of the Grand Bend United church on Thursday evening was very suc- cessful. The ',moving pictures were both interesting and instructive. e --Misses Bernice Webb and Mar- jorie Jennison of London, spent the week -end at their homes here. A number of young people were in Dashwood .at the hockey match on Friday night, . - Mr. Grant attended the Presbytry meeting in Clinton last week when the local plan's 'for Union were ap- proved; Lumley (Intended ,for last week We have tjiis week to record the death of Ars, Tobias Ryckman which sad event took place in the General Hospital at Guelph. She was in her 87th year. Mrs.. Ryck- man up until a few years ago re- sided with her son Francis on the boundary homestead in Hibbert. She was a good 'neighbor and a kind friend ever ready to assist in a help- ing way to ,any one in need. She was ar member of the Methodist church and a regular attendant and always took a live interest in church work, Her husband predeceased hex' 30 years. She ]eaves to mourn her loss three sb,ps and two daugh- ,ters, , Thomas and Archie . of Moose - jaw; Francis of Usborne;• Mrs. Per- seus, of I-Iillsgreen, and Mrs. Sea- more of Dakota. The remains' were brought• to the home of M. Josepli, Ferguson, Where interment took place on Saturday `ht 2 pan. to Mc . Tagger t,s cemetery, •and was large- ly attended. Mrs. Thomas Dayman, of Tucker- sinith is visiting with the Raney family for a fe'w days. Mrs. Seamore; of Dakota, arrived, here Friday evening having receiv- ed eceiv-ed news of the serious illness of her mother the late Mrs. 7tyckinan. CREDITO1 ZLON i+.'P ANGEL/Oat C.".NLJirGI A SAiY AN V a�R The 2911i ,A.nniversai'y,' since eche �, dedication of the pzusent very ex» ce}lent Structure, will becone7 his - toile :'tact next Sunday, li�ebria,ary:14, when Dr. A, E. Hane'n of Cleve- land, Ohio will occupy tila pulpit in Zion Bveugelical Church. Below is a lithograph of the speaker, • His' message in the morning will 'be baled on the subject: "The un- earned increment." In the evening he will speak on: "Rebuilding our Altars." . He will also address. `the Bible School. Z ol, On Monday evening February 15th, he will deliver the Anniversary Lecture on the subject: "After, 1925 years what?" Admis- sion adults 25c., children 12 and finder 15e. The orchestra will fur- nish a most enjoyable musical pre- lude for the evening beginning at 7:45 with their orchestral selections Be on hand early and take it all in. Mrs. Eral Brunskill, of Ingersoll, (nee Vera Edwards) is visiting re- latives here. - Miss Luella Gower, of Woodham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Bul- lock for a few days. lVrr. Oscar . Pfaff spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs., Hy. Pfaff, Sr. Service in tile United Church will be withdrawn 'Sunday evening ow= ing to the anniversary in the Evan- gelical church. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner, of Killarney112 , an., who have been vis- iting with his sister, Mrs. L. Stahls, and relatives for a few weeks have left for Kitchener to visit with rela- tives before leaving for their home in Killarney.—We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. John Bedford are on the sick list. We hope they will soon be well • again -Miss Lauretta I Holtzman, graduate, nurse from the iczoria : os .i ai, lou. o , s i visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Holtzman, for a week after which she will go to Chicago.—Miss Clara Oestricher is visiting with rel- Mrs. J. H. Holtzman, for a week at - ter which she will go ,to Chicago.— Miss Clara Oestricher is visiting with relatives •in Windsor.—Credi- ton' can now „boast of an up-to-date bakery. Support home industry and keep your money circulating in Crediton.—Mr. J. H. HoItznian was in London Monday on business. On next Friday evening at 8 o'- clock the Senior Young People's League program will be especially interesting as it embodies among other good tidings a debate, on the subject: "Resolved that the home exerts a greater influence in mould- ing character than"does the school." The speakers on the affirmative side of the question are Ella Mor - lock and Irwin Finkbeiner, those on the negative side are Beatrice Heist and Lloyd Heist. It will be a real treat, , and whosoever will may come and enjoy the same. Centralia Miss Mason and Mrs. Harris, of London, were visitors at the home of their sister, Mrs. J. Smith, over the week -end. --Mrs. And.; Proctor and 'baby visitedwith friends in London this wee,.—Mrs. Geon- 0. Thompson and Jean, spent a few days this week witl} friends in Brantford.—Next Sunday morning Rev. W. Kiteley will have as his subject, "Lent" and at the evening service will speak of; the "Life - of John Knox."—The death, took place. in McGillivray last . Wednesday„Feb. 3rd of Janet McGuire beloved :wife of Young Neil. Mrs. Neil has been. in delicate health for some time past, when' an attack of pneumonia proved too much for her weakened condition. She leaves to .mourn her loss, her husband and five little daughters, her parents and one sister; 'Mrs. Neil in the West, and. one brother. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W, Kitelty and interment took place on Friday afternoon in the Neil cemetery.—A number from the villageattended, the funeral of the late Mr. Andt ews Dempsey of Toronto, interment tak- ing place in Exeter cemetery on Sunday last. --Miss Vera Essery spent the.-week-end-a"t the home of Mr. Jas. Oke andsang a solo that was much enjoyed Sunday evening. —Mr. John Tient is able to sit ,up following his lengthy illness. SUNSHINE 1VMiss Luella Gower, is visiting With her a sister, Mrs, Bullock of G'rediton.' Mr.'heron. CI eery:' spent a few' days during the past "week” with friends.in London,., Misses'' Verna Brock and'. Mildred and Norinan Routly visited over the week -end with their cousins : at Thorndale, ' Mrs,: R. Hodgins is spending a few weeks With her daughter, Mrs. Glerenoe Fletcher, Mrs. truest Vanden, (formerly r.. UltS i.d Minnie Talbot) of Alberta,; called 0u fries ds.in the xieinity recently, niz•. and Urs,„ 111r, Routl? visited; w A en of . Mrs. Ed. it , with. z M', and Hibbert, on, Thursday. Mrs G. • 'Pulleyblah1�, spenteitWed- nesday e d- ne day with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Skinner,. of ',Musa'', S. S. NO. 2), HAY The following is the report 5, No, 2, Hay, for the month of January": Jr. IV.—Pass,' Margaret Mussell 73, Fred Treibner 6Q, 'Sabel Stanlalte 07. Sr., III,---*ioncars, Cor- don Orel) 85; peas, Roberto, T'inzreY 67 Mildred Nortboort 6d Jr:lll. Wass, i cold Rowe 61 Sr,' l asb esley Gre73, l rotlzy Dud -- - e son 73,Hoaxer `Kinney 73, l+'lareneo Diui fod 63. Jr, II• ^Pass, _Jack Tianey '6. Sr, I.,---kionors, Billy Dunsford 89, Gladys O'Brien 78,' Gordan Ti'iebney 65. , l'r,--Gordon Berber, Lloyd Stanla,ke, Number un roll 24, average` attendance 21- M. V. Iiatelifi:e ,,,'Teacher Tile Exeter Horticultural Society PREMIUM LIST 1iiOI. 1926 CLOSES FEBRUARY _J.7 le Ell.D3ERS ARE ENTITLED TO TWO CHOICES CHOICE :1—A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST, (Enlarged and unproved for 1926.) CHOICE 2—DOZEN GLADIOLUS—NAMED VARITIES, 6 ' or.. EACH.. CHOICE 3—ROSE—HYBRID TEA OR PERPETUAL, CHOICE 4—ROSE—CLIMBER—PAUL'S SCARLET. ' CHOICE 5 -ZINNIA SEED -1 PKT. GIANT AND 1 PKT,. QUILLED, • 'CHOICE 6-12 STRAWBERRY PLANTS. • CHOICE 7-2 CURRANT BUSHES RED OR BLACK. 1 , (Indicate color wanted.) CHOICE 8—WEIGELTA. 1 CHOICE 9—PERENNIAL PHLOX. -3 ROOTS. • Mark, an X in front of any taro of the above choices. Sign your name and mail or hand to the Secretary not later than February 15th. There will be no fall premium. Sign Here . OBJECTS OF 'OUR SOCIETY To interest -the citizens, of Exeter district in the pleasure of growing flowers. Rural members solicited. To further this interest, by means of meetings and literature. To make our 'homes more attractive, and to:. beautify our town, and our farms. OUR SLOGAN At last two members of every family, members of the horticultural society in 1926—Tryit and watch results. s y u J. S. HARVEY, President J. G. STANBURY Secretary -Treasurer 1 b Chief Concern IIT the matter of telephone service we believe the•public's chief concern is in two points: -- 11] People want to know that they can. count upon getting a complete tele- phone service of high quality, day and night, now and in the future. ice„ People want such service at a price that is as low as sound business prac- tice permits, and less than the value of the service received. (these points are the essence of true public service, and this company is just as deeply :coil' -perned in them as is the public. Alt the present time, as we have explained, an increase in rates isneeded to assurethe con- • tinuance of the kind of service our subscribers require. {rhe reasons are:— DJ re:[1] Our earnings per telephone have de- clined, due to the great development :" of lower rate service, such as two- party line. [2] Large additions to plant at present- day prices, as compared with the low price levels of a few years ago, have increased the fixed charges to be pro- vided from our earnings. The low rate of depreciation suggested by. the Beard of Railway Commission- ers, ommissioners, as a temporary- measure, is now known to be inadequate to protect the investment. "[3] reasonable adjustment of the wide differ- ence between present telephone rates and ,the cost of doing business is an obvious necessity. ,Snell technical subjects as property valuation, rate of return, and depreciation expense have en important part in determining telephone rates. Casual discussion of such subjects is Often misleading for it can deal only briefly • With matters that must be 'gone into in great 'detail to be clearly understood. These and all other factors will be presented in 7111 detail to be fully• considered b y the proper publie authority, the Board of Railway' Com-.. initssio lers for Canada. The booklet "Telephone Service and states' states the facts of our position. A copy has been mailed to all ottr subscribers. If your copy has not reached you, we shah be glad to send you one. „> THE BELL 111.31PRONE COMP'AN'Y OF CANADA