HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-2-11, Page 1EXETER. TIMES, DS� ISHED 1873 EXE• TER ADVOCATE, ES'1'rABL:SITIOD 1881 AMALGAMATED DJ+iC[+I11IBER 1st, 1924 EXETER,ONT., THURSDAY. MORNING, FEBRUARY ).1th, 1926 ���.•1�Ipl�pppllp�llpl�6(p1(p�1111iplplpplpllplp0lppppplpplllp�1111plplpppppl1111ppppiplplppllplpllplNIIIIIIpIIIppIllpNplpllpillll [Illlpplplppll1111pipppp FIRST SHOWING OF M Ladies and Misses' ., ...... • ring We have just received our first shipment of • Ladies' and.Misses' Spring Coats. Styles are very ,smart and prices reasonable this season. We are • local agents for the- well known Northway rnents as well as other makes.' Coa' .111.11111 MMIOM Spring and Summer Dress Fabrics We have just placed in stock hundreds of yards of beautiful dress fabrics for the coming season in bordered and painted voiles, crepes, etc We will be pleased to show you these new materials. BROADCLOTH SPECIALS -We have in stock the finest silk finished broadcloth we have ever shown, suitable for bloomers, ,:slips, dresses, skirts. Conies in all popular colors, including white and black at $1.25 a yard. We have cheaper broadcloth 'at 75 cents a yard: A Bargain in Flannelette Blankets 25 pair only large size flannelette blankets in white and 'grey with colored borders, to. clear this week at $2.45 per pair. WOOLLEN BLANKETS—Also clearing at greatly reduced prices. FLOWERS—We have a beautiful range of the new flowers for wearing on coats, also very popular for trimming dresses at from 35c to $2.00 each. ®4• MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS ON SALE Men'.s Winter Overcoats at $12, others at $18, $20,/$22,50 Boy's Coats, Light Greys and Fawns, good colors at WOO GROCERIES Our grocery department means an everyday saving to you. We specialize in low prices on all lines. 11.c. - Lux • Ivory Soap Chips - Charm Wonderwash .......... :Washing"kernonraa...... ..... ,3 for'. -256', .� P. & P. Bulk Soap Chips e... 2 for 25c - Canned Corn 2 for 25c '.Canned Spinach (Libby's) .... 25c. Canned Golden' Wax Beans 2 for •45c • Royal Yeast 5c 100 10e Molasses Snaps 2 ib. for 25c... -Bulk Sodas 15c. lb. Puffed Rice 17c Kelloggs Corn Flakes..... .. ......A. 3 for 29c Do Matches— Red Bird, minion -- or Pine Till 3 for 29e �I Red Salmon per lb:' tin 30c Pink Salmon per 'ib. tin 2 for 35c Sardines 4 for4 25c Kipper Snacks, 4„ for 25e EX T R CQ JNCI1 Local News ii7xetez 1Vlozula , „ 'Ih 3ih 1920 A regular meeting 'of the Counorl Mrs. G. Creech spent the weelG- d, of me nd, yl- iglz ties tar, ast on - ant ia, he. ng. o - ay was he 5- a s- ine u- 50 nd he to of er a A absent Councillor Gillespie. The Minutes of the meeting held Jan, 25th was. read and - approved A. letter from the office of the Outer- io Municipal .Association, Toronto was read and 'ordered to'be filed. From the manager's . office of the Bell' Telephone ompany of Canada re . Company's a'evised' schedule of Rates:—.Filed, Nile Auditor's- Re- port for ,Tanuary was react and ac- cepted on .motion of loultis--Davis. C,erried. The account as 'received and read from County Crown At- torney C. Seager, Goderich,;was on the advise of the • Reeve, Filed. The following accounts were read and ordered paid H.T. Itowe, coal" ,$30.90; Jedi.athan Lydd,. team labor $13.50; W. Webber, gravel $19.00; Thos, Sanders,' labor $2.50; Lloyd. Fraser $2.5,0;• Sidney :Sanders $2; Fred Bloomfield $2; Geo. Webster 50c; Wm. Blainey $1; Wm. Smith $1; Henry Green 50c; Samuel Kirk $2; .John Stire $2; Geo. Ford $2; Jno. Parsons $1; Henry Smith $1; Charles Steinlzagen, trimming trees $1; W. T. Gillespie and Son, Bray- ing 75c; R. E. Davis, , team labor $12.11,0 ; Richard Quance, labor $3.75; Clyde Hywood•$36.00. Pass- ed on motion of Coultis and Davis. Carried. - J. Senior, Clerk. BOARD OF EDUCATION The first meeting of the Board of Education for the year was held on. Wednesday, Feb. " 3rd, in the office of the secretary. The newly elected ` members, Messrs. W. H. Dearing,' J Elston and F. T. Delbridge, and the re -appoint- ed County Council representative, Mr. W. May, subscribed: to the dec- laration of office. The chairman, Mr.- R. N. Creech, expressed regret at the voluntary retirement ot Mr. A. E. Fuke, who C was a -valued member, of the Board, and pleasare : at the re-election of Mr: Elston and Mr. Dearing, the election of Mr. Delbr rdge, and the re -appointment of Mr May He re- called the work of thg "Board dur-' ,ing the past year, and. expressed re- gret'-.that the Board had not yet '^ been able to secure the needed ac- commodation, hoping that some- thing might be done along that line this. year. He stated that the sec- retary had prepared the reports for Huron,Perth, Middlesex acrd Lamb- ton counties, and • for : the Depart- ment of Education,, and . they had. waymo non Immo meow 0.00 < - Bread from your favorite baker delivered with your order at no extra charge. Bring in your sealer or. pail 'and procure your corn syru iallyegood and costs less. ` p, espec- & Ma PHONE 32 IF IT'S HARDWARE, SEE US AUTOMOBILE SEATES TOILET CLIPPERS BARBER SHEARS, $1.85 Hockey Puelts 10, 15, .25e. AXES 25c. up Hockey Sticks Per. Ankle Support' $1.00 AXE READS $1.15 to $2.00 F0pD CHOPPERS $2.25 MEAT CHOPPERS, large size Stuffing Attacriment'' 30c. SAWS $6.50 Stock Foods and Poultry Tonics Royal Purple Herbageum Champion Tonics Salts_ Oyster Shell Sulphur Grit and Beef Scrap Heama.n's Hardware 8z Paint Stiire FAHRNER2-In loving Mqmory 'of our dear mother, Wilhelmena, rahrner, whos passed away' Feb, .And we shall not ay, .Tliat she is dead; She IS just away. With a cheery smile and the Wave of the hand, She has Wended into an atikliown Add left as dreaming how very fair It needs must be, since She lingere there, For, she is not' dead, Sbe is just away.' Sadly missed by husband, datighters PaisleY, of- Clinton, lied a barn almost entirely destroYed bY fire on Friday idea There were several loads- of alfalfa hay and a tractor in the barn and were des- troyed. The loss is eStlinated at St. Valentine's Day, February 14. den, Thursday, attending a banquef of Metropolitan Agents. - J. P. Rogers, a well-known grocer of St. Marys dropped dead in Los Angeles, California on Sunday. The remains are being bronght to St. Marys. The local hockey team were due to play in Hensall Friday evening last but owing to unavoidable cir- cumstances they were prevented at the last moment. The Hensall teeth-. could have. claimed a default but Secretary Bates has ordered the game to be played at a future date. Mr. Frank Watt, who claimed he had econe from St. Thomas and was on his way to Owen Sound,' wander- ed into town Sunday and was ac- commodated for the' aight at the Public Library. He appeared be- fore magistrate W. D. Sanders Monday morning and was eommitted to the Goderich jail for two months. Chief W. J. Bissett accompanied him tO the county tOwn., gIRTHS KING—In Stephen _on Feb. 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Melville •Kng, a son (Russell' James). r s DEATHS DEMPSEY—In Toronto, on Feb. 4, Andrew Dempsey in his 84th MELV1LLEI—In Fullerton, on Feb. -7th, George MelVillee aged 79 NICHOLSON—In Crediton, on Feb. 7t11, Evaline Rebecca johnson, be- loved wife of Godfrey Nicholson, aged 55 years, 7 months and 28 davSt WITWE'R—Kn lotring memory of Frederick Witwer, who died Feb - Time naeves on, and we're reminded Of a day our hearts were crushed; When God toele yoti; Oh so quicklY Af)11, we all in gloom were thrust. Time may cenye and bring ets' Fresh with evevy coming Year, I3ut your memory will be Cherished Ine the hearts that loved you dear. When the ehades Of night are falling, And we are sitting all alone, ° There often conies a lOnging 11 you only could Come home. Sadly missed by Wife and family. which 15 only $1,00 end wit i her brother in Stratfor 11fr's, Ronald Witlirar and babe, Stratford are visiting at her ho in Exeter North, Jr,�lRoy Taylor, of Richuro 1Que e le visiting his brother Mr, S ve3ter J3. 'i'aylor. The report of the Exeter H School and County Council no are being held over until next we Mrs. Jas. Grieve returned 1 week from Victoria ;Hospital, y don, improved fr m the treatm she has been 'reediving.. Rev. W, E. Kitely, of Central gave a very splendid. address at t James St.` League Tuesday eveni Mr, 'S. B. Taylor • gave a missi ary address at the Elimville Sung School on Sunday afternoon wed. the guest of Mr. Chas. Johns for t day. Miss Catherine Watson, of .Brin ley, who has been a patient-" for few weeks at Dr. Hyndman's he pital, left Tuesday for her he much improved in health. Sr Martin & Son's store was e tered Tuesday night and about $ worth of fountain pens, pencils a other articles were stolen:.: W. -'W Taman's itore was entered from t rear but the party was unable gain admittance to the front part the store. F. M. Boyle's barb shop was entered by prying open; window but nothing was secured. crow bar was used in all cases. t The death took place near Ru seldale on Sunday of one of Fulla ton's oldest residents, George Me s- 1 - vale, ,aged 79 years. The deceas- ed had been ailing for seyenal weeks but had been, in bed only about a week, gangerine being the immediate cause of death. Mr. Melville lived all his ,life on th farm on' which he died, He is sui- vierect by' his widow, whose =hie name was Mary Jane Worden tw sons and two daughters; Frank, - o rison, of Brandon, Man.; Mrs. Cole of Mt. Pleasant and William, of Ex eter. The funeral was held Tues day afternoon to Roy's cemtery Mrs. Morrison and daughter o a Ix TY -T IRE S'1A: No. 7,1 S. RURON AND N. 11 Qhi ORANGEMEN, N, TQ CIi]7G1[+I113 %li.TE AT CLINTON The annual me ting of South Huron County L. 0, L. was held in Exeter Wedneedey of lita week, with the coutitY master. ReV. A: A, eouraging reports of progress' were presented from the various districts and a grant of ;15 was voted to the Orange orphanage. It was decided to celebrate the e"glorious twelth," with North Huron and South Perth in Clinton. Captein Florence county organizer of the, Ku Klux' Klan, ad- dressed the meeting on the aims of the klan and stated that it Was ut- terlY Unfair that a majority of PeoPle in any connty should be rul- by a minority. He stAted that the K. K. K, had made. great progress from coaet to coast in the Dominion and that before next fall in this county it expected to have over 1,000 members. The election of officers for the county lodge resulted as" fol - H. powe; chapIein, Rev. James Foote; recording secretary, H. M. Hanley; financial secretary, R. P. Fisher; treasurer, G. W. Davis; first lecturer, S. Drennan, Second lectur- Littman. It was,. decided to hold the annual county Orange service in Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, on July 4th. PRESIiYTERY COP HURON The Presbytery 'of Huron, of the United Church met at Wesley church Clinton, on Wednesday, February 3. The, chief topic of the meeting was the program of the,Maintenance and Extension Fund. Re*, W. D. Mac - !Donald of Eginondville gave e ver encouraging report of the Fund so far, and with' the information glean- ed from many of the charges, it was shown that the Huron Presby- Lety.was well on the way to it's ob- . jective, which was $70,000. Some of the charges, not only had raised _ their allotment, but were pushing on to a larger amennt. Many ap- phcatzons tor the sale. of different Brandon, arrived the same day tha Mr. Melville pased away. The silver cup for the Cyclone Hockey league, was on exhibition a Heaman's hardware for a few days The cup is small, but neat and at tractive and was presented to the league by the McDonnell Chevrolet Co. of Hensall. It is to be won tveice in succession or three times to becOme ' the permanent., property parcels of church property were re- ceived and dealt with. It was point- ed out however, that Trustee Boards should be advised against the sale t of any property or buildings that might be -kept under the control of _ the church for commUnity purposes Unused churches might well be fix- ed up to fulfill a long -felt need in many communities, where our young people may enjoy clean healthful re- creation, and .the- hope was express- ' considered before 'parting with our church properties, The Trivitt Memorial Young Peep- le's Association entertained the Caven Presbyterian Young People ort Tuesday evening. The visitors provided an excellent program, after which a nuniber of games and con- tests were enjoyed by all those pre- sent. The Caven_Presbyterian chnrch orchestra provided some very fine selections. A dainty lunch was ser- ved by the Y. P. A. and everyone en- joyed a very jolly time CELEBRATE DIAMOND JITBILEE A unique event tOok place in Us - borne on Saturday last when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd celebrated the diamond jubilee of their wedding. At noon members of their family to- gether with a number of neighbors and friends surprised them in their home having prepared a very bounti- ful repast. A very' pleasant after- noon was spent in the course of which the honored couple were made the recipients' of suitabee pre- sents. Mr. Kydd who is in' his 84th year, was born at Arbroth, „Forfar - shire, Scotland, and carae to ,Cane - da in a. sailing vessel 76 years ago with his parents, taking up land in 'Osborne where Mr. Kydd has since resided. Mrs. Kydel, whost maiden name was Elizabeth Crawford, was born near Pt. Dalhousie, Lanark Co., Ontario 8,1 years ago. They were muted in marriage 60 years ago Feb. ath, by the late. Dr. Caven Mr. W. T. Acheson, who went to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week for the purpose of undergoing an operation for the removal of a cataract from his right eye, was taken seriously ill Monday from an acute attack of -kidney trouble and Mrs. Acheson was called to the city Monday evening. Latest reports state that he is improving and ex- pects to undergo the operation shortly. Mr. C. C. Film has installed a lacquei•oid system for painting cars and he has already put a fine finish on Dr. Hyndman's and on Dia Kins- man's autos: With the laequeroid system the paint is sprayed on through a gun much in the shape of a pistol and leaves a beautiful gloss finish. There is 110 brushing what- ever. Metal or furniture can be done with the same results. Last week we had two persOna come to us for eye examination that it was impossible for us or any ono else to help them to see better. There are many suth eases Whieb: might have been different had their eyes been given proper attention and not been neglected In the abovo ;mentioned cases, meg- let had caused a diseased condition which nearly terminates seriously. It pays to have your eyesight exe S Fitton Phone 75w. OPTOMbTRIST. Speaking of Bread Here's everybody's guaran- ty of Bread sustains, satisfies, ° energizes. No other food can compare with Bread. It is the most prac- tical and economical of foods, and makes an ideal side -part ner for every other food. The more fussy you are about honest -to -goodness Bread, the better you will like Lockwood's Better Bread It has a rich Bready flavor and always delights. W. H.. LOCKWOOD BAKER EXETER .1. ONTARIO HOCKEY MATCH —At The— Fri., February 12 Dashwood vs. Exeter CARNIVAL MONDAY NIGHT DOME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATERDAY February 12th and 13th RICHARD DIX in California or Bust or "LUCKY DEVIL" We wish to Announce that we shall offer ecial bargains from Feb. 15th to the end Principal of Knox College,, Their of the month in tne family consistes of three children, following lines: Robert and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, of Usborne and Mrs. Go M. Gillespie, of Lemburg, Sask., 8- gtandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. In ad- dition to farming Mr. Kydd has been a mason and erected many of the brick buildings in the township. For ninny years he has been an eld- er in the Thames Road United church and both are held in the highest esteem throughout the com- munity. The Times -Advocate joins their many friends in extending con - HURON °ALFALFA CAMPAIGN ' OFF TO GOOD START Meetings comparing with the oltd Institute Meetings in their palmiest •th and Fordwich recently. The' entgrice ranged from, one hund- d to one hundred and fifty. nur- County had a hay shortage in 25 and the farmers are deterrain- that it will not occur again. Had not been for the large amount of left over from 1924 we would ve a, hay famine at present. Pre- sor Sohn Buchanan of the 0.A. liege addressed the meetings in ngham and Fordwich while T. A. k the Seafoeth meeting. Each ve an outline of the neausitY of alfa and bristled a discussion on why and how of it. These meet- s were the preliminary round in County Wide campaign being or, ged the Ontario Department Agricultarb. Others Will be ,er- god as the winter progresses. niers' Clubs, Junior Partnere' ocintions, Lions' Clubs and other. The remains of the late Andrew a Dempsey, a former resident of Ex- foi eter, who died in Toronto, were att brought to the home of his re terment took place in the Exeter 19 cemeterf Sunday afternoon, ed WORTHY OF SUPPORT Everyone should join the Herta. ha cultural Society both for the bone- fes fit theyt will receive directly and Co also for the benefit whieh collies to the town, No one who looks arotincl Exeter can deny the great improve- Ag ment made in the appearance of the too streets and residential premises ga sinee the society' was organized. The elf premiums offered this Year are bet- the tor than ever and every effort h be- ing Ing made to get good stuff, The a, roses Will thie season be imported ran from England and every bush tag- ged. In this issue will lit found ran premiuM list' which can be cut out rai and handed or mailed to the sec. Ass votary with the raemberellip fee of organizations are eo-operating to Ladies and Children's Hose 15e- per pair and up. Ladies' Shoes, odd sizes $1 and up. Men's Heavy Wool Underwear $1.25 per garment. Neckties, choice, 39c to $1.00. Heavy flannel -lined Smocks $3.25, Mitts and Sheep -Skin lined Coats greatly reduced, Large -size "Ibex" Flannelette Blan- kets $2.75 per pair. We are also offering more VerY nice Ginghams at 29c per yard, and some Galateas and Prints at 19c. yd Also a few good Horee halters, $1 and up. Come and get your share of these and other baegnins. HIGHEST PRICES PAD) FOR EGGS, R. E. POOLEY WINCBELSEA FEED FOR SALE WE HAVE A QUANTITY OF Re -cleaned Split Beans ;WHICH wn ARE OFFERING AT $1.00 per hundred pounds waxLn THEY LAST SECURE YOUR sirrnor xow make the meetings a success. • February -Jetta and 2;0th "THE PONY EXPRESS" Sequel To "THE COVERED WAGON" February 25th. ONE NIGHT ONLY "THE MAN THEY COULD NOT HANG" FOR SALE Feeding Molasseg Cotton Seed.Me41 R. G. SELDON Exeter, Ontario Villa Eden Dairy In soliciting patronage for our new and up-to-date dairy we...wish to an- nounce that we are now PERMAN. ENTLY ESTABLISHED in Rioter and are able to supply you with pure wholesome, good cMality, bottled • milk. We are also very glad to en- itoutee. that we have had all our cows properly tested by a qualified veterinarian and they ha-ve been found to be free fro 130VINE Tang. 00tatii•tnottaolitylelas8os.econd to nOkic and, Our motto is cleablinese euttlitY and service -Ask Us tO call Or phonia Ben S. .Case skim milk 'et Cream Phone 174r22