HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-05-30, Page 5Budget
economic development officer may be delayed one year as council debates budget
By Scott Hilgendorff
Expositor Editor
The tate of hiring an
economic development officer
rcmains unknown as Huron
East councillors look for ways
to save money in this year's
budget that currently sees an
increase of about $200,000
from taxpayers' pockets.
"I just don't know if we can
afford it right now," said
McKillop Coun. Sharon
The budget includes
$50,000 for an economic
development officer, half of
what was originally proposed
by members of Seaforth's
Business Retention and
Expansion Committee (B R
and E) because the position
would only operate for half a
year once the budget is
"I would like to see it
deferred a year until
everything is, running
smoothly," said Brussels
Coun. Greg Wilson, an idea
supported by Tuckersmith
Coun. Bill DeJong.
Instead, Wilson wanted to
see money set aside in
reserves for new equipment
such as firefighting vehicles
and road graders, something
that is currently not included
in the budget.
Treasurer Brad Knight said
there is some hope there will
be a surplus from the five
former municipalities that
formed Huron East this
January that could be put into
those reserves. He is currently
waiting for final auditor's
reports to know what is left
from each of those budgets.
When members of the B R
and E committee pitched the
idea to council a little more
than a month ago, they
described the position as
someone who would promote
the communities in Huron
East, work on attracting both
new industry and business and
try to help existing businesses
with promotions or specific
needs to improve their
strengths in all five wards in
Huron East.
However, council focussed
much of its discussion on the
economic development
officer's role to attract new
There are currently no
promotional packages
available for people interested
in buying industrial land
throughout Huron East.
"I don't think it takes
$100,000 to put a package
together to show someone
what lands we have
available," said Wilson.
Brussels Coun. Joe Seili
wondered if it wouldn't make
more sense to he working with
a realestate agency which
would do the work of
promoting industrial land for
sale to make the sale,
suggesting they would put
together the necessary
packages in order to make the
He said the incentive is
there for the agencies to try
and do a good job with
bringing in an industry
because that would leave to a
need for more homes for
future employees and more
sales for the agency.
Seaforth Coun. Bill Teall
said there is no one available
full-time selling the
communities to business and
industry, suggestion
administration cannot put
together a package fast
enough when someone walks
in wanting information about
available land and services.
"Who is going to do that?"
he asked.
Seili suggested Huron East
staff could take • on the
responsibility of putting
promotional packages
together after work on the
budget is done.
Teall said if there is staff
with time to do that, then
there's too many employees in
Huron East.
He said they need to hire
the economic development
officer on a yearly contract
and if there is no indication of
any value for the money being
paid, the contract would not
be renewed.
The idea is to budget
$100,000 annually: $50,000
for salary and $50,000 in
operating expenses.
Seili said if they don't get
any results from an officer, it
would be $100,000 wasted,
adding it would take at least
three years to start to see any
real benefits if there were
going to be any.
Tuckersmith Coun. Larry
McGrath wanted a clearer
picture of what and economic
development officer's role
would be.
If it was to just put together
promotional packages, he said
the money should be put into
reserves but if it's to organize
events like a moonlight
madness sale for businesses in
Brussels too, he could see the
Janine Lavoie,
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Total Image II
benefits of hiring an officer.
Deputy Mayor Bernie
MacLellan said there is
$40.0(X) included in this year's
hudget for work in the
Vanastra Recreation Complex.
That money would not be
needed next year, giving them
almost half of what would
then become a $100,000
budget item for an officer for a
full year if they waited until
next year's hudget to hire one.
He said that would give the
B R and E committee time to
get more organized with how
it wants the position to work.
The B R and E committee
was formed through a group
of local volunteers about five
years ago who were
concerned about the future of
Seaforth after the loss of two
major businesses.
At the same time, a
government program was
being set up to form
committees in rural areas to
help determine needs for
attracting and keeping
businesses and industries. The
local group became the most
successful of several pilot B R
and E committees set up in
the province.
For more than a year, the
committee has advocated
hiring an economic
development officer and tried
unsuccessfully last year to get
a grant that would help cover
a large portion of the
$100,000 plan for an officer.
Committee members thin
pitched the idea to Huron East
council in April.
Mayor Lin Steffler,
council's strongest advocate
for hiring and economic
development officer, said the
committee won't be around
that long.
"They are getting tired.
They want to see some
commitment from the
municipality to keep this
going," she said.
Her husband is a past chair
of the B R and E committee.
She suggested council be
presented with a presentation
from the Huron Business
Development Corporation
that helps dispel myths about
strengths and limitations in
Huron County which she
believes would help show
council the need for an
economic development
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Atter hearing the
presentation. she said, "If you
still believe there's no place
for economic development in
Huron East, then I will shut
She said there are so many
other projects for an nfiicer to
do beyond putting land
packages together.
"I know the rural areas Lind
it difficult to see a benefit to
economic development. but well ask you point blank."
it's definitely there," said said Steliler.
Stettler, adding as new Council didn't make a
business comes in, it adds to decision on whether or not to
the tax Kase which helps remove $50,000 for economic
everyone. development out of the hudget
She also said it's the rural as it continues to work toward
areas that are currently finalizing a tax rate.
growing as small agricultural Members did agree to hear
businesses open where taxes the presentation from the
are less. Huron Business Development
"Are we ready to cut this Corporation.
from the .budget? I might as
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990
Chapter M 45 and other powers enabling, the Council of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Huron East"propnses to enact a By -Laws as described below for
stopping up, closing and selling road allowances.
The proposed By -Laws and description of the lands affected may be viewed in the
Municipality Office of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East at the address
hereinafter noted. The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East
will head in person or by counsel or agent, any pefson who claims his land will be
prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies.to be heard at a meeting to be
held at the said Municipal Office on the 19th day of June, 2001 at the hour of 7:00 p.m.
DATED at the Municipality of Huron East this 23rd day of May, 2001.
J.R. McLachlan, Clerk -Administrator
Corporation of the
Municipality of Huron East,
72 Main Street South
Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO
By -Law 60-2001 proposes to stop up, close, sell and transfer a road
allowance known as Church Street, Hamlet of Egmondville,
Tuckersmith Ward, Municipality of Huron East. Please refer to
diagram below.
By -Law 61-2001 proposes to stop up, close, sell and transfer a road
allowance on Plan 22R1046 Part 3, Hamlet of Egmondville,
Tuckersmith Ward, Municipality of Huron East. Please refer to
diagram below.
Road Allowance
as proposed by
By -Law 60-2001
CON. 2
RP. 237
Road Allowance
as proposed by
By -Law 61-2001
By-law 62-2001 proposes to stop up, close, sell and transfer a road allowance on Plan 201
between Lot 5 and Lot 6 in the Hamlet of Dublin, McKillop Ward, Municipality of Huron
East. Please refer to the diagram below.
Id 1 Om $
Road Allowance
as proposed by
By -Law 62-2001