HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-05-23, Page 14111111111111111111111111 AVON SPECIAL OFFER: Avon Cosmetic Bag and 6 great Avon products Free (over $30.00 value) for new sales dealers with first order. Limited Tune Offer. Selling Avon is easy and rewarding. Only *20.00 to start your at home busi- ness. Don't miss out. Earn the extra money you need. Call today Sharon Stephenson 519-887-6305. 28- 19x3cc ACCESS TO A COMPUTER, work at home online $500.00 - $1,500.00 part-time, to $5,000.00 plus full time. Call 1-877-420-8017. 28- 12xtfcc THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 28-49xtf 31-,`-rn;ice Directory LADYBUG GARDEN Scapes. Someone to help design your gar- den; maintain ifs beauty, plan for the future. Call Sandra Malady, 519-527-2799. 31-20-2 OLD FADED PHOTOS restored. Scratches, tears, stains removed. People added/removed. Text added. Pictures enlarged/reduced. All now affordable in our new com- puter and superb photo quality printing system. Phone 519-482- 9494 and ask for Jo Ann or phone owner Kelvin Jervis 519-482-7740 and leave message. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton/Exeter. 31-18x5cc CUSTOM PICTURE Framing in exceptionally lovely pattems and ' colours in wood or polystyrene. Many frame comers and matt sam- ples to choose from. Regular glass, reflection control glass or dramati- cally fade resistant conservation glass. Jervis Photo Inc., Clinton (hwy. 4 at the lights). 519-482-9494. Exeter (in house across from Scotia Bank on Main Street) 519-235- 1612. 31-18x5cc BRIAN ULCH Welding. Custom Welding and Repairs. Portable welding.. Farm and Industrial. Custom made trailers and hitches. Reasonable rates. 519-345-2643. 31-26xtfcc REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR #1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-tf PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 81/2 x 11 copies - 25 cents per sheet, 81 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527-0240. 31-014fnxe 1JL.COISTHUCTIOf OINOIQE FINISHING nnouncoments MUNICIPALITY OF WEST PERTH NOTICE The interim instalment of the 2001 taxes is due by May 31, 2001. Payments may be made at financial institutions in Mitchell, Monkton and Dublin, by telephone bank- ing, mail or at the Township Office at 169 St. David St., Mitchell. Karen McLagan CGA Treasurer ction Jolt' -auction Salo *.********************-*. * GIGANTIC CLEARANCE AND CONSIGNMENT * AUCTION SALE Friday, June 1st -10 a.m. Sharp! note date and time) *Approximately Tractors. Over 200 Pieces of new & used* *farm Equipment including 15 haybines, balers & rakes and* * 2 local farmers' lines of equipment Plus 35 Lawn & Garden* *Tractors, Tillers, Weedeaters, Chainsaws, Boat, Motor &* *Trailer, etc. Tricking & lunch available. Terms - Cash, Visa, * * Mastercard or good cheque day of sale. -O( Auctioneers: Glenn Sinclair, Bruce Ward and Eric Dix -$( * "Come & check our yard - try at your price before the Auction" -4( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **************e*e****e****rue**************** * * * * WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT Hwy. :-6. Wiarton. Ont. (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980 * LARGE AUCTION At the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell THURSDAY, MAY 24 AT 3:30 P.M. INCLUDING: Nearly new buffet -hutch with light; four year old chesterfield; Sklar-Peppler sofa bed; two chesterfield suites (like new); La -Z -Boy recliner chair, double pedestal writing desk; two modem glass front cabinets; 3 piece white dinette suite; dressers; chests of drawers; single bed; six press back chairs; wooden extension table with 9 leaves and pressed sides; pine blanket box; oval parlor table; several washstands; Nadeau maple table and six chairs; colour TV's; late model Electrolux; Kenmore #30 sewing machine; large sewing machine stand; Panasonic microwave; Woods apt. sized deep freeze; stacking washer and dryer, fridge; Whirlpool automatic washer; trunks; crocks; bridge lamp; pottery and glass ink bottles; old bottle collection; brass lamps; coverlets; quilt; bedding; oak lamp table; 12 place setting Harwood dishes; 12 place setting Woods & Son Venice pattern; set of Alfred Meakin dishes; set of Wedgewood Edina dishes; 8 place setting 1847 Rogers IS; 8 place setting Community Plate; collectible dishes including Belleek, crystal, press glass; Royal Albert, Coalport, Cornflower; hand painted etc.; Centennial Car Ingot collection; oak bankers desk; Wheel Horse 8 hp. riding mower with snowblower; A.C. B-208 lawn tractor; lawn thatcher and aerator; garden tiller; gas mower; Lawn -Boy 5 hp. snowblower; Sutton 10 inch table saw; De Walt 10 inch mitre saw; Trademaster 14 inch band saw; drill press; Busy Bee wood lathe; combination bett and disc sander, garden trailer; farm gates; tools and much more. Double ring auction Prop: Margaret Wilker and Winnifred Swanston AUCTIONEER: Doug Jacob 519-271-7894 * * * * *******************fink****ill******1t***********t Floors, driveways patios Jeff Fukher sidewalks, driveways, patios Fulcher RR SEAFORTH (519)JZJ-J%S: RR 2 SEAFORTH (519) 525-9753 32 3abysitting EXPERIENCED MOM willing to bbysit. Nutritious meals, snacks, activities, crafts, walks, all provided with Tots of TLC. With or without receipts. Call today 519-345-2643. 32-26xtfcc 'ersonal ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 519-527-1650.34-21-1 LET US help you. Talk to our accu- rate psychics. Honest answers to all your questions. Problems with spouse, boss, money? 97% accura- cy. Cdns. rated. Evenly Rays #1 In the Nation. CaN now 1-900-451- 4055. 18+ S2.99/min. 24 hrs. for you. 34-15x12cc 4 mgrs NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the estate of MINNA MARGUERITE SCOTT late of the Municipality of Huron East, who died on 25 July 2000 must be in my hands by 134 June 2001 after which date the estate will be distributed. LAW OFFICE of RALPH SMITH, B.A. LLB., CFP Langer i Codified Financial Panner 20 Gouinlock Street P.O. Box 159 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO Lawyer for the Estate Trustee with a Will • MORTGAGES For A-1 Cassitefflasidontial 5 yr. mortgage rates now 6% or S% of mortgage cash back. Been turned down fore mortgage? Institutional and private money avelatle. _ Miklos Gory Fe. 11108423-03W1 To 0=5111ollateroro° an.orw 1M & 2" Mortgage Money Mediatory No upfront Fees Awiaele as bur as 7.0` Interest Plnsoner Loons AMIAGINIAL MIXBISment ' 5,000 ' 41.66 '10,000 ' 83.33 115,000 '125.00 Cor soadaae your dotes 'w► apeorlae in problem mortgages. (aa� 1150 FUNDING PIC. -tfg2 LARGE AUCTION SALE Antique furniture; collectables; Edison Phonograph; Appliances; Riding Lawnmower etc. to be held at Lobb Auction building in Clinton for Florance Quinn and the Estate of Edward Quinn plus . , good additions. Saturday, May 26 at 9:00 A.M. APPLIANCES: Hot Point fridge; 24" stove; 30" stove; Hot Point washer and dryer; Filter Queen vacuum w/power head; 2 air conditioners; microwave; 12" TV; colour TV; dehumidifier; large freezer; small chest freezer; sewing machine. ANTIQUE FURNITURE ETC.: antique flat to wall cupboard with 4 glass panes in each door, Edison table top cylinder phonograph; 75 cylinders; spinning wheel; wool winder; harvest table; jam cupboard; jam cupboard with mustache pulls; poster rope bed; Bonnet chest; Targe chest of drawers; antique wooden bed; kitchen shelf clock; Seth Thomas OGee clock; side board; drop front secretfiry; 7 matching chicken coop chairs; wooden washing machine; 2 wooden dining tables; treadle sewing machine; organ stool; squeeze box accordion; china cabinet; handmade quilts; 2 unfinished quilts; miniature lift top desk; washstands; blanket box; trunks; Queen Victoria Book; Queen Victoria Commemorative plate 1837 to 1899; 3 old dolls; tin toys; 20 pieces of old enamel kitchen ware; 4 oil lamps; old sword; Brown Pure Milk Corp bottle; 7 pocket watches; Elgin pocket watch; drop leaf table; antique baby cradle; clock shelf; wooden settee; parlour table; rocking chairs; parlour table; Rodgers Bros Oneida chest of silverware, picture frames; candle mould; scrub board; copper boiler; sad irons w/handle, old bench; lift top desk; egg crates; Royal Purple tins; modern maple table and 6 chairs; power tilt double bed; modern chesterfield; upholstered chairs; cow bell; tilt double bed; double box spring and mattress; cream can; crocks; dishes and glassware including antique pieces plus our usual large offering of related small items too numerous to mention. TOOLS: 20' aluminum extension ladder; router; jig saw; hedge trimmer; battery charger; skill saws; step ladder; drill; weedeater; hand tools; etc. RIDING MOWER: Ford 8 hp riding mower; gas push mower; garden tiller; wheelbarrow. NOTE: Many antiques. Pian to attend this good auction. Viewing 3:00 till 5:30 Friday, May 25. Tw4j auctioneers selling starting at 9 am. Come early. Auctioneers: Richard and Ben Lobb (519) 482-7898 Clinton Sat. June 9 at 9 AM: Antique fumiture; etc. for Ruby Triebner of Brucefiekd. Watch for our new website www.lobbauction,on.ca -t Deoths RILEY, Lloyd Frankland: August 9, 1933 - May 14, 2001. Beloved husband of Winnifred (Riley) (Stinson) Riley. Dear father of Allan Riley and his wife Marilyn of Exeter, Wendy Brickman and her husband Mike of Stratford, Wade Riley and his wife Ruthann of Staffa, Roger Riley and his wife Bonnie of Blyth, Michelle Bennewies and her hus- band Murray of Seaforth and Tracey Riley of Staffa and her friend Dennis Lameront of Mitchell. Dear step -father of Susan Riley of Kippen, Joanne Thompson of London and Gary BeN and his wife Gail of Hamilton. Loving grandfa- ther of fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Dear brother of Ross Riley of Exeter. Predeceased by his parents, Adelbert and Elizabeth (Taylor) Riley, a great grandson Franklin Dean Philips/Riley and a brother Leslie Riley. The funeral service was held from the Lockhart Funeral Home, Mitchell, Ontario on Thursday, May 17, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. Bob Heywood, officiant. Interment in Staffa Cemetery, Staffa, Ontario. 42-21x1 ROBlNET, Mom Rose Marie born September 25, 1935 in Windsor, Ontario, passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by her terrify, on Monday, May 14, 2001. Mona 42 Deaths founded Country Bulk in 1982, a business she developed with much care and dedication. Mona will be sadly missed by her husband of 47 and one half years, Archie Robinet, her children, Debra and her hus- band Al Sacerty of Stayner, Denise and her husband Rob Haddow of Ancaster,- Tem and her husband John Hart of Mitchell, Kim and her husband Dan Maloney of Stratford, Marc and his wife Heather of Seaforth, Mary Margaret and her husband Patrick O'Reilly of Mitchell, Diane and her husband Edward Stewart of Mount Forest, Stephanie and her husband Cesar Hau of Waterloo, Natalie and her husband Mike O'Krongli of London and Jason of Cambridge. Dear 'Mimi" to 21 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Also survived by her brother Maurice Perreautt and his wife Mary of London, her sister June and Bill Larsh of Windsor, in- laws Phil Robinet and his wife Vivian of Windsor, Peter Robinet and his wife Freida of Windsor, Dean Robinet of Windsor and Annette Robinet of Windsor, and many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her parents Emile and Bertha (nee Soucie) Perreault. Relatives and friends called at The Ratz- Bechtel Funeral Home, 621 King St. W., Kitchener 519-745-9495, on Thursday, May 17, 2001, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A funeral service was held on Friday, May 18, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. from the chapel. Interment to follow, Memory Gardens, Breslau. As expressions of sympathy donations may be made to World Vision Canada, through the funeral home. A heartfelt thank you to all those who prayed and cared for Mona over past 3 years. Her body could no longer keep up with her spirit. "God Grant Her Peace.' 42-21-1 DAVIS, Grace Adeline: Grace Adeline Davis passed away at home in Gibsons, B.C. on Thursday, May 17, 2001 at the age of 62 years. Predeceased by her husband Jerry in 1996. She leaves to moum her loving son Lance and his wife Michelle and 2 precious grand- daughters, Natasha and Christine of Hong Kong. She is survived by 2 sis- ters, Doris and her husband Ken Camochan of Seaforth and Rose and her husband Bob Robinson of Walton and many nieces and nephews, relatives and friends. Grace graduated from Stratford General Hospital and enjoyed many years in her chosen nursing profes- sion up until her illness. She was married in Whitehorse and lived in Inuvik, Sudbury, Vancouver, Sioux Lookout and various other areas pursuing her husband's pilot career and later settled in Gibsons, B.C. Cremation has taken place. A memorial service was held at Gibsons United Church on May 19, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. with Rev. Tem Scallon officiating. A memorial ser- vice in celebration of life will be held in St Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen on May 26, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. Grace was an advocate of the choice to die at home. To continue her work her family has set up a memorial fund to support the cost not covered by the new Palliative Care at Home Program. Donations may be sent to Grace Davis Memorial Fund at R.R. #8 728 Trueman Road, Gibsons, B.C. VON 1V8. 42-21-1 HABKIRK, May: On Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at Maitland Manor, Goderich, May Habkirk, formerly of Seaforth, in her 97th year. Beloved wife of the late Scott Habkirk (1963). Dear mother of Jacqueline (Jackie) and Mel Melanson of R.R. #5, Goderich, Elisabeth (Libby) and Larry Wilson of Goderich, Les and Diana of Whistler, B.C., Brian and Dianne of Pitsford, N.Y. and daugh- ter-in-law, Jane Habkirk. of Seaforth. Fondly remembered by 12 grandchil- dren and 23 great-grandchildren. Besides her husband, she was pre- deceased by her parents, George and Annie (Corrigan) Hudson, broth- er, Melvin, sisters, Eva and Vera and t*o grandchildren in Infancy. Family received friends at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Friday, May 18 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service was held on Saturday, May 19 at 11:00 a.m. Rev. David Clements officiated. Pallbearers were Todd Wilson, Tim Wilson, Jamie Habkirk, Adam Habkirk, Matthew Bartman and Seth Bartman. Flower bearers were Cody Berry, Tyson VanOsch and Cameron Overholt. Interment Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth. 42-21-1 43. Births BALDIN-VANDERVLIET Greg and Marianne of Elmira announce with pleasure, the birth of a third son, Eli Avellino, 8 lbs. 8 oz. born at home April 29, 2001. A little brother for Parker, Veda and Nigel. Proud grandparents are Pete and Bev Vandervliet of Dublin and Avellino and Evelyn Baldin of Cape Breton Island. 43-21xlcc 46 In '. �moricfm DALE: In loving memory of Marilyn Dale who passed away May 26th, 1998. Our hearts are full of memories, We treasure them with care, The way you had to leave us, Will always seem unfair. Sad are the hearts that love you, Silent the tears that fall. Living our lives without you, Is the hardest part of all. In all that life has given us, And all that's left to do, We will never have a greater gift, Than the time we spent with you. - Love always, Rick, Colleen and Leslie 46-21x1 DALE: In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Marilyn, who passed away May 26th, 1998. You did so many things for us, Your heart was kind and true, And when we needed someone, We could always count on you. The special years will not retum, When we were all together. But with the memories in our hearts, You will walk with us forever. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Vernon and family 46- 21x1 47 Cards of Thanks LANGFORD I wish to send out my thanks to all those who helped me during a very trying ordeal. Thanks Walt for being there and for acting so quickly in get- ting the police and ambulance. 1 am so grateful that you were able to stay so calm and cool. Thank you to the ambulance attendants for corning so quickly and to the doctors and nurs- es at Seaforth Community Hospital for their quick and excellent care. Thank you to all of the police officers who assisted in the initial investiga- tion as well as the detectives who are still looking into the events. Special thanks to Officer Tanya Banter for all your help and your visit after just to see how I was doing. It was very refreshing to find that your involvement with me didn't end when your part of the investigation was over. Thanks to all my relatives and friends for their phone cells end best TIME MINION EXPOSITOR, May 23, 2001-13 s • a . thanks for coming so quickly and taking care of Brad and Kaytynne. Thanks to all our customers at Seaforth Shell for their words of encouragement and con- cern. It is truly nice to know that we are not just the people who pump your gas, but are friends and neigh- bours as well. It is comforting to know that because Seaforth is such a small community that when some- thing bad happens to one of us, that it is felt that it is happening to all of us. I grew up in this community and decided to return here after 15 years to raise my children in a small, quiet community. Although recent events have brought con- cerns about what is happening here, I do not regret coming back. The community support has been overwhelming and Seaforth does not appear to have lost it's caring attitude, friendliness or community spirit. Lastly, I would like to thank Don Edwards, Dave Edwards and all the office staff at Edward Fuels in Goderich and all my staff here in Seaforth; my assistant Krista Kellough, Kendra Jewitt, Leigh Bradley, Erin Beuerman, Wade Broome and Jeff Black. You all pulled together and filled in while I was recuperating. You took extra shifts and filled in at the last minute. I am extremely proud of the team effort and I will never forget it. Thanks again everybody. - Lisa Langford 47-21x1 Exipos.itor on our WQ LJ31 ISIS www.bowesnet.com jI ifJ L CROWLEY From the bottom of our hearts we'd like to say thanks to our famitles, neighbours, friends and co-workers (past and present) for your many acts of kindness since the sudden loss of our husband, Lather and grandpa Don Crowley. The offering of masses, floral arrangements and donations were overwhelming and touched us more than you'll ever know. For the tasty meals, thought- ful cards, phone calls, your listening ears and "been there" advice (you know who you are), we thank you. The staff at Stratford General Hospital, on the eve of April 29 was kind and compassionate. The W.G. Young Funeral Home was very car- ing and professional through our difficult time. Many thanks to George Wicke for a kind and thoughtful eulogy. To Fr. Peter Keller, Fr. Gerard Dewan, words cannot express what it meant to have your support through it all. Also Fr. Joe Hardy for assisting at the funeral mass. To Claire, John, Liz and Shirley for your wonderful gift of comforting music. To the Knights of Columbus and Past Presidents of Ellice Optimists who were in the Honour Guard our sin- cere thanks. Our appreciation also to the Kinkora C.W.L. for your dona- tion of time and energy towards the funeral lunch. Special thanks to all the grandchildren for their love, strength and support at the visita- tion and their participation at the funeral mass. What a wonderful tribute to their grandpa's life. As we joumey on, God Bless. - Donna Crowley and Family 47-21x1 cc CAMPBELL I wish to say thanks to everyone for helping me and remembering me with cards, gifts, visits and prayers. Thank you to friends and family who provided extra help on the farm. - G. Arnold Campbell 47-21x1 Community Calendar WED., MAY 23 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Community Centres 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. - Egmondville United Church Pork Chop Barbecue at SDCC 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Areobic class with Kae at the Community Centres THURS., MAY 24 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Aerobic class with Kae at the Community Centres FRI. , MAY 25 10:30-11:30 a.m. - Preschool Storyhour at the Library MON., MAY 28 7:15 p.m. - Minor Sports Council Bingo at the Seaforth Community Centres 7:30-8:30 p.m. - Aerobic class with Kae at the Community Centres TUES., MAY 29 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Fitness is Fun with Druscilla at the Community Centres 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Dog Obedience at the Seaforth Community Centres WED., MAY 30 9:30-10.30 a.m. - Preschool Playgroup at Northside United Church 10:30-11:00 a.m. - Toylending Library at Northside United Church 7:00-8:00 p.nf. - Aerobic class with Kae at the Community Centres If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" ANNOUNCEMENTS EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW about Ontario communities is now at your fingertips! Check out the Web's pre-eminent, unique guide: InfoOntano - Your information gateway to community information, news, events, festi- vals, attractions and local business. www.InloOnlario com BUSINESS OPPS. , BOTTLED WATER DISTRIBUTORS needed. Manage your own business in this fast grow - ng industry, ful or part time, men or women, small inventory, investment required. Call to information. 1-888-718-1793. Leave message. INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS WANTED! FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Develop & professionay present your new product idea 10 manufacturers through Davison, an award winning firm. Patent assistance available: 1- 800.677.6382. INCOME TAX MASTER FRANCHISE. Liberty Tax Service. 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ROOFING SUB -CONTRACTORS and ioury shinglers wanted. All work is in Toronto. Best rates paid. Cal Peter 416-785-5129. Fax 416- 785-6485. A40411111111111111 2 • Experienced Flatbed & Van Drivers required for US long & short haul. EXCEL- LENT PAY PACKAGE - Mileage (up 10 40 cents) or Percentage (up to 28%). Relaxed company atmosphere. Newer equipment. Also 0/0's for Van & Flatbed. CALL 905-563-5848 or 1.800-565-3634 Ext. 234. mumr***111161 SSCHOCOLATESSS Attention students. Make lots of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, fast delivery. Fund Raising available. Cal now 1-800-383-3589 ATTENTION SALESPEOPLE/RETIREES: our new eBusiness System pays A-30% B=25% C-20% etc. Service and Support Coast to Coast since 1940. Excellent Sideline O'Don- nell -DRG Promotional Advertising 905-427- 18. ALPACAS (40) AND LLAMAS (30) sNNng June 9 at Legacy Classic's 141h Mrwal Auc- tion. Westerner Fairgrounds, Red Deer. Terms 10 qualified buyers. Details/sale cala- bgue 403-346.3148. 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