HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-05-23, Page 12Iiuron AltxSl:W I1H tats k Lut rainy events FESTIVAL IN THE PARK, Sat. June 9, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Lions Park, Hwy. #8, Seaforth. African Lions Safari Parrot Show, other entertain- ment, craft and other vendors. Food and Child Safety Fair with Teddy Bear Clinic. Bring Teddy for some T.L.C. If rain @ Seaforth Agriplex. For more information 519-527- 0682. CE -21-3 STRAWBERRY AND HAM Supper, Brucefield United Church, Wednesday, June 13, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Adults $10.00, children 6-12 yrs. $5.00. Pre-schoolers free. CE- 21x3cc 60TH ANNIVERSARY - Roy and Pearl Dolmage, social afternoon May 27, 1 to 4, 1/2 mile west of Winthrop. Bring your lawn chair. Your presence is your gift. CE -21x1 BBQ, YARD SALE and Bake Sale at Northside United Church, Saturday, June 2nd. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. CE-21x2c ACHIEVING OPTIMAL Health and Wellness seminar, Thursday, May 31, 2001, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Betty Cardno Memorial Centre board room, Clinton. For more infor- mation call 1-877-494-9492. CE- 21x2cc SEAFORTH GIRLS Band Charity Auction, June 9, Goderich Arena. Silent Auction and Preview 5:30 p.m. Live auction 7 p.m. Hundreds of all new items. Richard Lobb, Auctioneer. CE -21 x3cc FISH FRY at Monkton United Church, Sunday, May 27, 5:00-7:00 Adults.$10.00, children $5.00. Fish by Howells of Wiarton. Church is wheelchair accessible. Tickets call 519-348-0052. CE-20x2cc OPEN HOUSE at the Spa in Bayfield, 13 Clangregor Square, Bayfield, May 29th, from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. We welcome you to come out and see our facility and meet our therapist. There will be door prizes and refreshments. CE- 20x2cc ALL YOU CAN EAT Spring Breakfast at the Van Egmond House, Egmondville, Sunday, May 27, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Adults $5.00; children 10 yrs. and under S2.50; pre-school Free. CE -20-2 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $3,855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for 5350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot 51,500 must go. Lic. #157920. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, same program as Thursday night. Lic. #310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-42-xtfcc 26th Annual Egmondville United Church Pork Chop Barbecue Supper Wednesday, May 23 Seaforth & District Community Centres Take outs available 4:30 - 7p.m. eat in 5:00 to 7 p.m. Tickets available from congregation members, Hildebrand Flowers, Egmondville Store, Pizza Train. Tickets Available at Door The tasty chops are back!! Coming Events MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS House open every day 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come share.the magic of our shim- mering home. Enjoy the ultimate shopping experience. 7304 Richmond, Arkona, 1-888-797- 7760. CE-09x4Occ BLYTH FESTIVAL Annual Book 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Blyth Memorial Community Hall. Admission is Free. Refreshments and homemade pies available. Call 519-523-9300 for details. We are still accepting book donations. CE-20x3cc Dabber Bingo every Friday, Bayfield Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Bingo 7:00 p.m. sharp. Potential prize money $3,000. Jackpot - Up to and includ- ing 130 people $750. 131 people and over $1,000. Nevada tickets available. Bayfield Lions and Lioness Clubs. License #M257809- 810. CE-18x19cc 1. Articles For Sale STARCHOICE SATELLITE SYSTEMS $99.00 after rebate. For more details call Rodger at Ontario Country Kable 519-233-3944. 01- 19x4cc SEEDLINGS: Blue or White Spruce, $1.00. Cedar .40. The Lawn Master 519-527-1750. 01-21- 1 BED, KING, pillowtop, orthopedic mattress, box, frame. New, still in plastic. Cost $1,600.00. Sell $675.00. Can deliver. Call 519-951- 0611. 01-20xtfcc DINING ROOM, cherry wood, 9 piece, 92" table, hutch, buffet, 6 chairs. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $12,500.00. Sacrifice $4,750.00. Call 519-859-3220. 01- 20xtfcc LAWN MOWER BATTER ES $34•99 SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 tWELGO6LIY FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED FLEA MARKET I1 WATER TR POST The Old Mill, Tiverton, ON Open Weekends 9:30 am to 5:00 pm May -June Ron & Addie Starr (519) 368-8667 LAWN -BOY® Making it easiermt SALES SERVICE SEAFORTH 527-0120 ELOUT FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 23, 2001-11 Town and Country LASSIFIEDS Deadline: Monday, 12:00 Noon Call p7 -o2 o 1 Articles For Salo BESELER PHOTOGRAPHIC enlarger, model 45H, included with enlarger: 1 time clock, negative holder, box of magenta (contrast) filters, 3 8x10 inch trays, 1 16x20 inch tray, 1000 ml glass beaker, 1 Tike -new thermometer, 2 screw in safety lights, 1 bulk film loader and some boxes of photo paper. $250. Phone 519-434-5006. 01- 16x7ccnxe ANTIQUES. Call Us. We buy it all. Antiques, furniture, coins, col- lectibles, glassware, old tin toys, tractors etc. Cash on the spot. Phone toll-free 1-866-501-8848. 01-42xtfcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-tinxe 3. Garage Sales GARAGE SALE: Sat. May 26, 8 a.m. - ? 234 Jordan Cres., Mitchell. Kids clothes and lots of it. Toys, stroller, toddler bed, car seat and much more. 03-21 x 1 cc YARD SALE, Sat. May 26, 9 a.m., lot 18, conc. 1., McKillop Twp. Hwy. 8 east, #43378. Dining tent, skill saw, 1/2" drill, three 3/8" drills, jig- saw, planer, swing, misc. household articles. Louis Nolan. 03-20x2 Downtown Seaforth SMEWALK and 1144' MvN�� ypn O `O�'J 11 Seaforth Invites you to Shop Downtown Sidewalk Sales Wed. May 30th through Sat., June 3rd and in our Neighbourhood Yard Sales Sat., June 2nd 5 Cars for Salo 1990 FORD TEMPO, low mileage. Phone 519-524-4915 after 6:00 p.m. 05-19x6nxe 1998 DUTCHMEN Tent Trailer, excellent condition, 12 ft. box; in/out stove; 3 way fridge; furnace; king and queen bed; sink; awning; 2 dinette areas; sleeps 8. $7,400.00. Call 519-524-6998. 7G-20x3cc 3oats, '.'otors & IM!arine 1990 19 FT. EBBTIDE complete with 150 hp Mercury and 8 hp (1999) Honda, cuddy cab, marine radio, new canvas, digital fishfinder, trailer. $18,500.00. Phone 519-534- 2925. 7H-20x6nxe 10. Pets CHICLIDS and Angelfish. Also available several 40 and 45 gallon aquariums. Phone 519-524-4240 10-17x6nxe 1 1 F. Farm Product HAY FOR SALE: 9 acres Alfalfa and Timothy. Phone 519-345-2379. 11F -21x2 38 ACRES OF HAY for sale. 80% alfalfa, 20% Timothy, 2nd year stand located in Hibbert Ward. Call Rosebank Seed Farms Ltd. at 519- 345-2697. 11 F-21 x 1 cc 11H Farm Services CUSTOM LIQUID MANURE REMOVAL 1 Vacuum Tank 1.2 Units Available 1 Agitation 1 REY-AGRA • 519-345-0047 a 519-345-247ii • X519-263-3023 16. For Rent PASTURE FOR RENT: 40 acres plenty of shade and water, prefer- ably for cow and calf pairs, in • Seaforth area. Phone 519-527- 1356. 16-20x2 17. Apartments for Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment in Dublin. No pets. Call 519-345-2314 or 519-345-2792. 17-21-tf CLINTON: Bachelor apartment for rent, laundry facilities. Parking. Phone 519-482-1293. 17-2lxtfcc QUIET ONE BEDROOM apartment in historic home in Seaforth, 1 block from uptown, 5 appliances, private entrance. References. Phone 519- 527-0349. 17-20-tf SEAFORTH: One bedroom apart- ment in a quiet residential area, with deck, small yard and driveway, in a one storey duplex. Phone 519- 527-1027. 17-20x2 TWO BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth. Quiet location. Parking and laundry included. Ground floor, front and rear entrance. $480. Phone 519-527-1031 or 519-524- 9076. 17-19xtfcc 16 FT. TRAVELINER tandem travel trailer, lightweight, 1650 lbs., sleeps five, fridge, stove, fumace, flush toi- let, fully equipped. Excellent condi- tion. Please call Goderich 519-524- 7586. 7G-21 x1 nxe f Ct ouow LL BAN Ken Linda Dzloba• Res: 522-0221 Sandra Dale' Res: 527-0801 All Points Festival City Realty 34 Main St., Seaforth 527.2103 OR 1.877.599.0090 Email Us at: allpoint@tcc.on.ca Website: www.coldwellbankerfc.com HOUSE HUNTING JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER - www.coldwellbankerfc.ca The Huron Expositor's LASSIFIEDS C E Coming Events 01. Articles For Sole 03 Gorage/Yard Sole 04. Antiques & Art 4A Crohs & Hobbies 05. Cors For Sole 06 Trucks for Sole Sports centre 7A.K, 7A For Sole General 7B Wanted To Buy 7C Wonted To Rent 7D Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers, Videos, Etc 09 Automotive 10 Pets Pena Mititrtl etiuA-K 11A 118 11C 11D 11E IIF I1G 11H I 1J 11K For Sale General Wanted To Buy Wonted To Hire Employment Wonted livestock Farm Product Farm Equipment Farm Services Farm Land Farm Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vacation Properties 16 For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent • 20 Rooms & Board 22. lots For Rent 23 Commercial Property 23 For Rent 24 Wonted To Rent 25 Wanted To Buy 26 Help Wonted 27 Wonted General 28 Business Opportunity 29 Tenders 30. Employment Wonted 31 Service Directory 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sole 39 Educational 40 lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47 Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY I3:oo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY moo AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week S6.5o, two weeks 56.00 ea. week, three weeks SS.So ca. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional 52.ob will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - S6.5o plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words S6.5o. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. Ity placing an ad in The I luron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional S3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAIL) Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 17 Apartments for Rent SILVER CREEK Apartments: Luxury 2 bedroom apartment, con- trolled entrance and 3 appliances. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-345-2197. 17-19-tf EAS•TVIEW APARTMENTS: Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite, laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235- 2961 or 519-565-5062 or 519-348- 0118. 17-185dfcc IN CLINTON, newer two bedroom apartment, quiet four plex, con- trolled entry, four appliances includ- ed, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475.00 month- ly plus utilities. CaII 519-685-2264. 17-llxtfcc COUNTRYVIEW APARTMENTS, Clinton, large luxury 2 bedroorn apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-29xtfcc HEATED ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, close to uptown, fridge and stove included. $295/month. Phone 519-527-0235. 17-01-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton, fridge and stove includ- ed. Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17-06xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent 3 BDRM $525, JUNE 1ST Three bedroom home in Clinton, close to downtown, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, appliances, gas heat. Available June 1st. $525.00 monthly plus utilities. 1-519-637- 3737. 18-19xtfcc COUNTRY HOME for rent, Mitchell/Dublin area. Immediate possession possible. References required. Apply to Box 01, Mitchell Advocate, P.O. Box 669, Mitchell, On. NOK 1NO. 18-19x3cc 23 Commercial Property for Rent 1100 SQUARE FT. Retail/Commercial space for rent with 700 square feet basement stor- age. Front/rear entrances. Ample parking. Main Street, Mitchell. CaII 519-275-2373.23-21x1cc 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED old barns and brick hous- es for salvage. Also scrap and household removal. Call for quote. 1-519-235-1662. 25-09xtfcc Culligan Sharin9 a Healthier Oa FUtUr@- PaR17OPja 77017 • R.R. 8 2 STAFFA - LIST - 521,900! - THURSDAY, MAY 2411I, 6:30 8:30 HWY 88, WEST OF MITCHELL 126 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH -LIST-S89,900.!- 11 JAMES STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST - 89,900.! - 115 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST - $149,900.! - 58 EAST WILLIAM STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST $84,900..! - 22 CHALK STREET SOUTH, SEAFORTH - LIST - 596,500.! - 53 HARPURHEY RD. HARPURHEY - LIST - $129,900.! - 108 GODERICH ST., SEAFORTH - LIST - 5159,900.! - 82 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH LIST - 594.000.1 - 51 JARVIS STREET, SEAFORTH -- LIST - $99,900.1 - pr 51 BRANTFORD ST., SEAFORTH -LIST-$89,900.!-- Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 ' 'f. 'MAUREEN WILDFONO 8 Main Street 519-527-1118 •SALES REPRESENTATIVE MLS REALTOR AIR LANDING STRIP - MCKILLOP TWP. R.R.85, SEAFORTH - LIST - 5329,9001 - - LIST - 5129,900.! - OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI Recycle your unused Items Into cash Call 527-0240 to advertise In the classifieds Gas Fireplace Kitchen Island Nicely Decorated Partly Fin. Basement Large Lot $110,000 r j .i -1 ' j ti Lots of Charm High Ceilings Grand Staircase Central Air & Fireplace Pine Flooring TOUR - Red Brick Beauty Immaculate Landscaping 4 Bedrooms New Loft Master Bedroom REDONE . iiii 41/1641 . , y' 1' 1' New Kitchen New Bathroom New Deck Nicely Landscaped Great Lot & Location 'lir Beautifully Restored Pine Flooring Gas FireplaceN Large Backyard Must be Seen! Huge Living Room Wood Fireplace SAir Separate Dining Room One Floor Living I fain 1;''' !, '• / TOW/ �... ".."..Se1• _ �ksi Why Pay Rent!!! $81,900 Hardwood flooring Nicely Decorated 2 Sun Porches Priced To be Sold! $129,900 4 Apartments 2 Main St. Stores 1 Restaurant Income Potential r Productive Cash Crop Land 100 Acres 90 Acres Workable 2 Lg. Sheds on Property Extra 150 Ac. Available Tuckersmith Township HOUSE HUNTING JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER - www.coldwellbankerfc.ca The Huron Expositor's LASSIFIEDS C E Coming Events 01. Articles For Sole 03 Gorage/Yard Sole 04. Antiques & Art 4A Crohs & Hobbies 05. Cors For Sole 06 Trucks for Sole Sports centre 7A.K, 7A For Sole General 7B Wanted To Buy 7C Wonted To Rent 7D Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers, Videos, Etc 09 Automotive 10 Pets Pena Mititrtl etiuA-K 11A 118 11C 11D 11E IIF I1G 11H I 1J 11K For Sale General Wanted To Buy Wonted To Hire Employment Wonted livestock Farm Product Farm Equipment Farm Services Farm Land Farm Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vacation Properties 16 For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent • 20 Rooms & Board 22. lots For Rent 23 Commercial Property 23 For Rent 24 Wonted To Rent 25 Wanted To Buy 26 Help Wonted 27 Wonted General 28 Business Opportunity 29 Tenders 30. Employment Wonted 31 Service Directory 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sole 39 Educational 40 lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47 Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY I3:oo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY moo AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week S6.5o, two weeks 56.00 ea. week, three weeks SS.So ca. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional 52.ob will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - S6.5o plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words S6.5o. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. Ity placing an ad in The I luron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional S3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAIL) Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 17 Apartments for Rent SILVER CREEK Apartments: Luxury 2 bedroom apartment, con- trolled entrance and 3 appliances. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-345-2197. 17-19-tf EAS•TVIEW APARTMENTS: Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite, laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235- 2961 or 519-565-5062 or 519-348- 0118. 17-185dfcc IN CLINTON, newer two bedroom apartment, quiet four plex, con- trolled entry, four appliances includ- ed, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475.00 month- ly plus utilities. CaII 519-685-2264. 17-llxtfcc COUNTRYVIEW APARTMENTS, Clinton, large luxury 2 bedroorn apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-29xtfcc HEATED ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, close to uptown, fridge and stove included. $295/month. Phone 519-527-0235. 17-01-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton, fridge and stove includ- ed. Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17-06xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent 3 BDRM $525, JUNE 1ST Three bedroom home in Clinton, close to downtown, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, appliances, gas heat. Available June 1st. $525.00 monthly plus utilities. 1-519-637- 3737. 18-19xtfcc COUNTRY HOME for rent, Mitchell/Dublin area. Immediate possession possible. References required. Apply to Box 01, Mitchell Advocate, P.O. Box 669, Mitchell, On. NOK 1NO. 18-19x3cc 23 Commercial Property for Rent 1100 SQUARE FT. Retail/Commercial space for rent with 700 square feet basement stor- age. Front/rear entrances. Ample parking. Main Street, Mitchell. CaII 519-275-2373.23-21x1cc 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED old barns and brick hous- es for salvage. Also scrap and household removal. Call for quote. 1-519-235-1662. 25-09xtfcc Culligan Sharin9 a Healthier Oa FUtUr@- PaR17OPja 77017 • R.R. 8 2 STAFFA - LIST - 521,900! - THURSDAY, MAY 2411I, 6:30 8:30 HWY 88, WEST OF MITCHELL 126 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH -LIST-S89,900.!- 11 JAMES STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST - 89,900.! - 115 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST - $149,900.! - 58 EAST WILLIAM STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST $84,900..! - 22 CHALK STREET SOUTH, SEAFORTH - LIST - 596,500.! - 53 HARPURHEY RD. HARPURHEY - LIST - $129,900.! - 108 GODERICH ST., SEAFORTH - LIST - 5159,900.! - 82 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH LIST - 594.000.1 - 51 JARVIS STREET, SEAFORTH -- LIST - $99,900.1 - pr 51 BRANTFORD ST., SEAFORTH -LIST-$89,900.!-- Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 ' 'f. 'MAUREEN WILDFONO 8 Main Street 519-527-1118 •SALES REPRESENTATIVE MLS REALTOR AIR LANDING STRIP - MCKILLOP TWP. R.R.85, SEAFORTH - LIST - 5329,9001 - - LIST - 5129,900.! - OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI Recycle your unused Items Into cash Call 527-0240 to advertise In the classifieds Large Country Lot 1 1/2 storey.Vinyl Sided Totally Redone New Plumbing/Wiring Pine Flooring 3+ Bedrooms r Lots of Charm High Ceilings Grand Staircase Central Air & Fireplace Pine Flooring / ill4- • t gre � r s: A Y. ° Beautifully Restored Pine Flooring Gas FireplaceN Large Backyard Must be Seen! I fain 1;''' !, / ti , - $117,900 Includes Extra Lot Large Heated Workshop Very Private Lots of Room Well Maintained $129,900 4 Apartments 2 Main St. Stores 1 Restaurant Income Potential . MI, . Js' -. r y " • t i Large Corner Lot Double Carport Family Room w/ Woodbuming Fireplace Eat -in Kitchen Main Floor Laundry �� Er , 150 Acres 110 Acres Workable 2 Storey Brick Home 2 Sheds, Bern, Silos Extra 100 Ac. Available Hibbert Township •y HOUSE HUNTING JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER - www.coldwellbankerfc.ca The Huron Expositor's LASSIFIEDS C E Coming Events 01. Articles For Sole 03 Gorage/Yard Sole 04. Antiques & Art 4A Crohs & Hobbies 05. Cors For Sole 06 Trucks for Sole Sports centre 7A.K, 7A For Sole General 7B Wanted To Buy 7C Wonted To Rent 7D Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers, Videos, Etc 09 Automotive 10 Pets Pena Mititrtl etiuA-K 11A 118 11C 11D 11E IIF I1G 11H I 1J 11K For Sale General Wanted To Buy Wonted To Hire Employment Wonted livestock Farm Product Farm Equipment Farm Services Farm Land Farm Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vacation Properties 16 For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent • 20 Rooms & Board 22. lots For Rent 23 Commercial Property 23 For Rent 24 Wonted To Rent 25 Wanted To Buy 26 Help Wonted 27 Wonted General 28 Business Opportunity 29 Tenders 30. Employment Wonted 31 Service Directory 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sole 39 Educational 40 lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47 Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY I3:oo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY moo AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week S6.5o, two weeks 56.00 ea. week, three weeks SS.So ca. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional 52.ob will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - S6.5o plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words S6.5o. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. Ity placing an ad in The I luron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional S3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAIL) Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 17 Apartments for Rent SILVER CREEK Apartments: Luxury 2 bedroom apartment, con- trolled entrance and 3 appliances. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-345-2197. 17-19-tf EAS•TVIEW APARTMENTS: Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite, laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235- 2961 or 519-565-5062 or 519-348- 0118. 17-185dfcc IN CLINTON, newer two bedroom apartment, quiet four plex, con- trolled entry, four appliances includ- ed, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475.00 month- ly plus utilities. CaII 519-685-2264. 17-llxtfcc COUNTRYVIEW APARTMENTS, Clinton, large luxury 2 bedroorn apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-29xtfcc HEATED ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, close to uptown, fridge and stove included. $295/month. Phone 519-527-0235. 17-01-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton, fridge and stove includ- ed. Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17-06xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent 3 BDRM $525, JUNE 1ST Three bedroom home in Clinton, close to downtown, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, appliances, gas heat. Available June 1st. $525.00 monthly plus utilities. 1-519-637- 3737. 18-19xtfcc COUNTRY HOME for rent, Mitchell/Dublin area. Immediate possession possible. References required. Apply to Box 01, Mitchell Advocate, P.O. Box 669, Mitchell, On. NOK 1NO. 18-19x3cc 23 Commercial Property for Rent 1100 SQUARE FT. Retail/Commercial space for rent with 700 square feet basement stor- age. Front/rear entrances. Ample parking. Main Street, Mitchell. CaII 519-275-2373.23-21x1cc 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED old barns and brick hous- es for salvage. Also scrap and household removal. Call for quote. 1-519-235-1662. 25-09xtfcc Culligan Sharin9 a Healthier Oa FUtUr@- PaR17OPja 77017 • R.R. 8 2 STAFFA - LIST - 521,900! - THURSDAY, MAY 2411I, 6:30 8:30 HWY 88, WEST OF MITCHELL 126 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH -LIST-S89,900.!- 11 JAMES STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST - 89,900.! - 115 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST - $149,900.! - 58 EAST WILLIAM STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST $84,900..! - 22 CHALK STREET SOUTH, SEAFORTH - LIST - 596,500.! - 53 HARPURHEY RD. HARPURHEY - LIST - $129,900.! - 108 GODERICH ST., SEAFORTH - LIST - 5159,900.! - 82 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH LIST - 594.000.1 - 51 JARVIS STREET, SEAFORTH -- LIST - $99,900.1 - pr 51 BRANTFORD ST., SEAFORTH -LIST-$89,900.!-- Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 ' 'f. 'MAUREEN WILDFONO 8 Main Street 519-527-1118 •SALES REPRESENTATIVE MLS REALTOR AIR LANDING STRIP - MCKILLOP TWP. R.R.85, SEAFORTH - LIST - 5329,9001 - - LIST - 5129,900.! - OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI Recycle your unused Items Into cash Call 527-0240 to advertise In the classifieds