HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-05-09, Page 13state for Sale 12' ;eal _state for Sale I Albert Street Prudential519-482.3400 Heartland Realty BrokerlOwner: Fred R. Lobb wwww.prudentlalheardand.corn $329,000 R.R. N4, SEAFORTH Att'n horse (overs/hobbyists! 35 ac. country estate boasts stately 4 br. brick century home. pioneer log guest cabin, gazebo. horse barn, drive shed. garage/workshop. Beauufuay landscaped property. 10 BAYFIELD STREET, EG Excellent ranch -style bride bungalow is set on premium lot (almost 1/2 acre) Well built. well Tantawned home has many great features incl. a full. unspoiled bsent. fnishable to your design. CaiI Dave Youmans Sales Rep. - 235.3310 Serving Seaforth and Area Lorie Zulauf, Sales Representative 519-522-0575 (res.) email: revealon@tcc.on.ca Fax: 522-2131 (res.) 16. For Rent 16 or Rent GIVE YOUR LAWN A BREATH OF FRESH AIR LAWN AERATOR RENTAL (by 1/2 day or full day) See us for all your rental needs! 198 Main St., SEAFORTH 527-0770 RONL\ CAS HWAY 17 nartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth. Quiet location. Parking and laundry included. Ground floor, front and rear entrance. $480. Phone 519-527-1031 or 519-524- 9076. 17-19xtfcc SILVER CREEK Apartments: Luxury 2 bedroom apartment, con- trolled entrance and 3 'appliances. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-345-2196. 17-19-tf MITCHELL APTS. has a spacious two bedroom apartment available for June. Quiet building. $525/month plus utilities. Contact Ron 519-887-9605. 17-19x2 EASTVIEW APARTMENTS: Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite, laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235- 2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-18xtfcc BASEMENT APARTMENT, two bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room in country, big yard. Phone 519-527-2449 evenings. 17-18x2c SEAFORTH: One bedroom apart- ment in a side-by-side one storey duplex with small yard, deck and parking, in .a quiet residential area. Phone 519-527-1027. 17-18x2 IN CLINTON, newer two bedroom apartment, quiet four plex, con- trolled entry, four appliances includ- ed, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475.00 month- ly plus utilities. Call 519-685-2264. 17-11 xtfcc COUNTRYVIEW APARTMENTS, Clinton, large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-29xtfcc HEATED ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, close to uptown, fridge and stove included. $295/month. Phone 519-527-0235. 17-01-11 ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton, fridge and stove includ- ed. Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17-06xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent 3 BDRM $525, JUNE 1ST Three bedroom home in Clinton, close to downtown, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, appliances, gas heat. Available June 1st. $525.00 monthly plus utilities. 1-519-637- 3737. 18-19xtfcc COUNTRY HOME for rent, Mitchell/Dublin area. Immediate possession possible. References required. Apply to Box 01, Mitchell Advocate, P.O. Box 669, Mitchell, On. NOK 1NO. 18-19x3cc 25 VVanted to Bi ;y BUYING OLD BRICK farmhouses and other rural brick buildings for wrecking and brick salvage. We also buy old bricks; loose or on pal- lets. Call Ross Lumley at Cadillac Brick Co. Sarnia (519) 383-2024 most anytime. Wrecking people's homes all over Southwestern Ontario since 1969. 25-19xlcc WANTED old barns and brick hous- es for salvage. Also scrap and household removal. Call for quote. 1-519-235-1662. 25-09xtfcc 26 Help Wanted PART TIME HELP for seasonal office. Approximately 20-30 hrs. week. Computer skills an asset. Send resume to Box 598, Mitchell, On. NOK 1 NO. 26-19x2cc IMMEDIATE OPENING for an enthusiastic travel representative to work full-time on our sales team. Excellent pay scale, average week- ly eamings between $750-$1500. Training provided. For interview please phone 1 (519) 565-2950. 26- 19x2cc FULL TIME position available on 300 sow farrow to finish operation. In the Sebringville area. Call after 8 p.m. 519-393-6539. 26-18x3cc ADOBE PHOTOSHOP knowledge- able person for photo restoration, photo developing and sales clerk at our Exeter Store. part time or full time. Apply in writing to Jervis Photo Inc., Box 398, Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO. 26-18x5cc WORK AT HOME, health industry, $1000.00 part time. $5,000.00 full time per month. Training available. Call for free information booklet. 416-631-3849. 26-18x5cc 26 Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE PERSO with mechanical skills and welding expe- rience required for position on road crew. Basic fabricating skills and drivers license necessary. Fax resume to 519-528-3187 or call 519-528-2713.26-18x2cc HELP WANTED: Reliable plant workers required. Apply in person only to Durisol Inc., 216 St. George St. Mitchell (Hwy. 23 north). 26- 18x2cc FULL TIME POSITION available immediately on modern 100 cow dairy operation. Involves work in barn, field, shop. No dairy experi- ence necessary. Must be reliable, responsible, eager to learn, able to work alone as well as on team. Mechanical ability OR cow sense an asset. Mitchell area. Fax resume to 519-345-0195. 26-18x3cc 'olp .. anted AZ DRIVER needed for Mich. S- trains. Home weekends and some nights. Clean abstract. 519-273- 3910. 26-18x3cc RELIABLE CLEANING lady wanted approximately 5 hours per week. Please call 519-522-0250. 26-18-2 FULL TIME help wanted. Apply in person to Merv's Patio, Dublin with resume. 26-15xtfcc I LOST 40 LBS. in two months. 1- 877-263-4249. 26-12xtf cc BUSY HAIR SALON is looking for a professional, expe- rienced hair stylist to come join our team. We offer a pleasant atmos- phere with a great opportunity for success. If interested please call 519-348-4286 or 519-348-4936 and ask for Denise. 26-18x2cc MEAT CUTTER. Apply in person to the Tender Spot, 20 Main St. Grand Bend. 519-238-2512. 26-08xtfcc THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 26-49xtf FULL TIME CHICKEN CATCHERS, age 17 and up, some experience preferred. Call Julie or Emie 519- 482-8823 or 519-482-9067. 26-33- ff 27 ..'anted General ANTIQUE VENDORS wanted for antique market, Neustadt, Ontario. Phone 519-364-3553. 27-14xtfcc WANTED: Restaurant Vendor or french fry wagon for antique mar- ket, Neustadt. Phone 519-364- 3553. 27-14xtfcc NOSTALGIC SALVAGE INC., a safe, professional insured disman- tling company is looking for old barns for salvage. Call Danny Farrow 1-888-643-8410. Mount Forest. 27-45xtfcc 28 Business Opportunity THE HURON EXPOSIT • R urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 28-49xtf 26. Help Wanted AUTOMOTIVE Immediate opening for a, PARTS PERSON Reliable parts person required for our busy parts department. Automotive background is important Please apply in confidence with references to: ROBERT EVANS CHEV OLDS 74 Kingston St., Goderich N7A-3K4 Fax (519) 524-7625 E -Mail: robertevanschev@gmcanada.com S.O.S. Staffing Solutions & Seaforth Creamery are looking for YOU! Immediate Temporary & Contract Positions Available Clinton Recruitment Clinton H.E.L.P. 60 Mary St. May 179:00am - 12:30 pm Seaforth Town Hall Main Street May 17 9am-1:00 CALL TODAY 1-877-281-7512 or fax resume to 519-848-5944 or email resume sos@wcl.on.ca Huron County Housing Corporation Requires an Accounts Payable/Maintenance Clerk (Pregnancy/Parental Leave) The Huron County Housing Corporation is seeking a tem rary full-time Accounts Payable/Maintenance Clerk to fill a vacancy for pregnancy/parental leave for approximately one year. The duties of this position include maintaining accounts payable system; entering invoice data and filing; typing tender documents ensuring accuracy; maintaining tender files, advertising tenders and assisting with tender openings, and taking minutes. The successful incumbent will also type reports and routine correspondence for Maintenance Supervisor and other Clerical duties as required. Qualifications: > Good analytical, mathematical & bookkeeping skills > Good computer skills with knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Solomon an asset > Keyboarding skills of approximately 50 w.p.m. Ability to deal tactfully with the public > Knowledge of tendering procedures and general maintenance an asset, but not necessary Please forward your resume and letter of application by Friday, May 18, 2001 to: Human Resources County of Huron Court House Goderich; ON N7A 1M2 Phone: (519) 524-8394 Fax: (519) 524-2044 The County of Huron would like to thank all those who apply, however, only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. s t AVON SPECIAL OFFER: Avon Cosmetic Bag and 6 great Avon products Free (over $30.00 value) for new sales dealers with first order. Limited Time Offer. Selling Avon is easy and rewarding. Only $20.00 to start your at home busi- ness. Don't miss out. Eam the extra money you need. Call today Sharon Stephenson 519-887-6305. 28- 19x3cc 29. Tenders THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 9, 2001-13 ACCESS TO A COMPUTER, work at home online $500.00 - $1,500.00 part-time, to $5,000.00 plus full time. Call 1-877-420-8017. 28- 12xtfcc Num:. voit ari County of Huron Highways Department 2001 TENDERS FOR WINTER SAND SEALED TENDERS will be accepted until 12:00 noon local time on Thursday, June 14, 2001 for the following contracts: HC -01-105 HC -01-106 HC -01-107 HC -01-108 6,000 t 8,000 t 5,000 t 6,000 t Winter Sand Winter Sand Winter Sand Winter Sand Forms available upon request from the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. County Engineer Court House, Goderich, Ontario Tel: (519) 524-7412 Fax: (519) 524-9291 31. Service Directory BRIAN ULCH Welding. Custom Welding and Repairs. Portable welding. Farm and Industrial. Custom made trailers and hitches. Reasonable rates. 519-345-2643. 31-26xtfcc REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made fumiture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR #1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-ff PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 8 1/2 x 11 copies - .25 cents per sheet, 8 1/2 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527- 0240. 31-01-tfnxe OLD FADED PHOTOS restored. Scratches, tears, stains removed. People added/removed. Text added. Pictures enlarged/reduced. All now affordable in our new com- puter and superb photo quality printing system. Phone 519-482- 9494 and ask for Jo Ann or phone owner Kelvin Jervis 519-482-7740 and leave message. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton/Exeter. 31-18x5cc CUSTOM PICTURE Framing in exceptionally lovely pattems and colours in wood or polystyrene. Many frame comers and matt sam- ples to choose from. Regular glass, reflection control glass or dramati- cally fade resistant conservation glass. Jervis Photo Inc., Clinton (hwy. 4 at the lights). 519-482-9494. Exeter (in house across from Scotia Bank on Main Street) 519-235- 1612. 31-18x5cc J.F. CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FINISHING 4 Floors, sidewalks, driveways, patios Jeff Fulcher RR 2 SEAFORTH (519) 5 25-9753 32. Babysitting RELIABLE CAREGIVER looking to babysit in my home this summer. Lots of experience with children, day trips, fun -filled activities, nutri- tious meals. Full or half days avail- able. All ages welcome. If interest- ed call Janice at 519-527-0141. 32-18x2 EXPERIENCED MOM willing to babysit. Nutritious meals, snacks, activities, crafts, walks, all provided with lots of TLC. With or without receipts. Call today 519-345-2643. 32-26xtfcc 34 Personal ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 519-527-1650. 34-19-1 LET US help you. Talk to our accu- rate psychics. Honest answers to all your questions. Problems with spouse, boss, money? 97% accura- cy. Cdns. rated. Evenly Rays N1 In the Nation. CaII now 1-900-451- 4055. 18+ $2.99/min. 24 hrs. for you. 34-15x12cc ELEPHANT SAYS 35 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of ANNIE LOUISE HODGINS All persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Louise Hodgins of the Town of Seaforth, who died on or about the 6th day of March, 2001, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of June, 2001, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 4th day of May, 2001. DEVEREAUX MURRAY LLP, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Estate Trustee(s) 38. Auction Salo AUCTION SALE: MAY 12, 9:30 a.m. J.J. Fehr, R.R. 1, Clinton, 1 mile out of Kinbum on Summer Rd. 6 and 7. Farm machinery, roof tin, fence posts, 45' house trailer, 2 reg- ular trailers, 20' double axle, miscel- laneous items. 38-19x1 :roc -Hors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the estate of ARTHUR JAMES F1NLAYSON late of the Municipality of Huron East, who died on 19 January 2001 must be in my hands by 16 May 2001 after which date the estate will be distributed. LAW OFFICE of RALPH SMITH, B.A. LLB., CFP Lwyyer 8 Certified financial Planner 20 Gouinlock Street P.O. Box 159 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1 WO Lawyer for the Estate Trustee with a Will 37 Mortgages MORTGAGES For A-1 Clienta/Resldentlal 5 yr. mortgage rates now 6% or 5% of mortgage cash back. Been turned down for a mortgage? Institutional and private money available. Gary Walden 482-7675 Toff Free 86623-0589 Mortgegs NMwork www.garywaldert.com 1" & 2nd Mortgage Money Absolutely No ont Fees Available as low as 7.0% Interest Personal Loans If you quality, payments Arnt. Approx, Mo. Payment 5,000 ' 41.66 '10,000 ' 83.33 '15,000 '125.00 Consolidate your debts 'We specialize in problem mortgages. CaII (519) 364-04501-800-387-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 42. Deaths MILLER, J. Gordon (Dusty): At Seaforth Community Hospital, on Wednesday, May 2, 2001, James Gordon (Dusty) Miller, of Seaforth, at the age of 69 years. He was sur- vived by a daughter, Mary Ann, brothers, Frank Miller of Mitchell and Alex and Hannah Miller of Seaforth, and sister, Margaret and Frank Roney of Staffa. He was also survived by nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his par- ents, Worden and Pearl (Stacey) Miller. Family received friends on Saturday, May 5, at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home, Seaforth, at 12:00 p.m. prior to the funeral ser- vice at 2 p.m. Rev. Kath( Urbasik- Hindley officiated. Pallbearers were Dan Witschi, Paul Desloges, George Roney, Bob Roney, Brian Miller and Paul Miller. Interment Staffa Cemetery. 42-19-1 38 Auction Sale ******************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PROPERTY AUCTION * Of attractive brick home known as 123 Trafalgar St. in * Mitchell. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 AT 7:30 P.M. * PROPERTY: This single storey two bedroom brick home * has a full basement and is situated on a lot with a 52 ft. * frontage and 104 ft. depth with a paved driveway, newer roof * and small garage. It is located close to uptown and would * make a good starter or retirement home. Plan to attend the * Open House Mon., May 14 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. * TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down payment evening of * sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reasonable * reserve. * PROP.: Ken Siemon. * * * * AUCTIONEER Doug Jacob * - - 5192717894 ******************************************** ******************************************** LARGE AUCTION * At the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell It THURSDAY, MAY 10 AT 3:30 P.M. * INCLUDING: Andrew Malcolm six piece bedroom suite with * * single beds or queen setup in cherry finish; maple table, 4 * chairs and buffet hutch (as new); sofa bed (like new); two * * La -Z -Boy recliners; dusty rose leather chesterfield; oval * * extension table and 6 chairs; walnut comer cabinet; corner * * what -not; combination secretary -bookcase; cedar chest; * * walnut server; oak buffet; bonnet chest; bamboo stand; spin- * * ning wheel; easel; washstands; wooden rockers; dry sink; * * large flat -to -wall store cupboard; spooled hall tree; church pews; spooled floor lamp; blanket box; coal oil lamps; * license plates; cast iron kettles; cast grates; Ansonia and * Pequenot calendar clocks; gingerbread clock; bridge lamps; * reverse painted picture; Saults, Goderich jug; Medalta * crocks; blue flowered crock; approx. 25 crocks; Coke picnic cooler; B.A., Supertest, White Rose items; Double Cola * blackboard; Export A sign; many advertising items; lamp * posts; old brass telescope; cast lamp holders; beer trays; * picture frames; ox yoke; wood fork; match holders; chamber * pieces; fountain pens; cigarette lighters; DeLoval match * holder; Jersey Milk wooden thermometer; grain cradle; sap * pails; quilts and fancy work; 1937 NHL All-Star Game * Program with Morenz on cover; 1961 Leaf -Wings playoff * program; horse drawn buggy; wheelbarrow -style turnip * seeder, pocket watches; peanut jars; Stratford items; orien- * tal area rugs; approx. 40 pc. of green depression; 10 pc. * Carnival; pink depression; Cornflower; Prussia; R.S. Germany; Flo Blue; Austria; Wade, etc.; quantity of Hoosier jars; two RegSetfe paintings; F. Selfreg painting; jewellery; * Whirlpool stacking washer & dryer (2 yrs. old); microwave; * e side by side fridge; 30 inch electric stove; Filter Queen vacu- * um; colour T.V.; J.D. LX172 riding mower with bagger; Noma * 14 hp rider; MTD 5 hp tiller; 1950s Bolens Huski garden * tractor with attachments and much more. NOTE: Large interesting sale. Mostly antiques & collectibles. * PROP.: Laura Coxon of Milverton and Ken Davidson of * Stratford. * * * * ******************************************** AUCTIONEER Doug Jacob 519-271-7894 * * * * * *