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Huron Expositor, 2001-04-18, Page 12
Learn to play Golf BEGINNER GROUP LESSONS -CLASSES START MAY 7 AND RUN FOR 5 WEEKS MONDAY MAY 7: WEDNESDAY MAY 9: THURSDAY MAY 10: 6:30-7:30 pm 7:30-8:30 pm 9:00-10:00 am 10:00-11:00 am 6:30-7:30 pm 7:30-8:30 pm Learn a game that lasts a lifetime! All lessons taught by CPGA professional Fee: $50. for 5 one hour lessons Come Play in one of our leagues SENIORS Monday mornings 910/9 holes LADIES' NIGHT: Monday 812/9 holes MEN'S NIGHT: Thursday 812/9 holes Great deals! In our fully -stocked PRO SHOP. Why, drive to London when everything you need is here at Woodlands., Special Custom Orders are available (one week delivery or less). Compare our low prices anywhere) Club House open 8 am -dusk 482-7144 PAR '72 CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE ON HIGHWAY 8 BEM= GODERICB AIIID CLINTON 12 -Tilt NI MON 1EXPOSI TOiI. Apel) 1$, 2001 Dianna's Country Bakery & Cafe St. Columban 345-2804 BAKERY SPECIAL Homemade Date Squares Reg. 3.50 NOW Li 2 eggs with bacon, ham or sausage toast & homefries until 11 a.m. Sat. & Sun. 1.99 SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM $695 • SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET 3:00 PM -8:00 PM Roast Beef and Chicken Parmesan $795 • tit Annual Spring Warm -Up Poles & Holes Co -Ed Me -Pitch Tourney Rain or Shine Saturday, May 5 Holmesville Softball Complex Guaranteed 2 Games with A -B Format ENTRY FEE $150 'Based On 16 Teams TO REGISTER YOUR TEAM CALL Greg Smith 522-0706 Steve Lostell 263-5779 .10 a UPCOMING DANCES • at the Brodhagen Community Centre 8:30 pm -12:30 am Moonlighters Saturday, May 12 For information call 3474127 or 347-2731 0 111111ffffffffffff M.C.L. SOUND ." FULL D.J. SERVICE f Book Your Receptions, f Buck & Does early! f For more info. call f John: Clinton 482-9984 f Barry/Donna: Mitchell f 348-0516 f ffffffffffffffffff L,I1.tti4,1(l '1111f -1 . 1 551 Huron St. 273-6780 1 1 1 1 Josie And The Pussycats Nightly at 7& 9:15 v® Sa(. i Sun. 'Asthma M 2pm Joe Dirt Nightly at 7& 9:15 1oG SM. & Sun. Mannino M 2pm Spy Kids i pd Nightly at 7 1 Sat. a Sun. Matin» at 2pm /p I �-, 1 Tomcats Nightly at 9:15 1 1 1 1 1 1 Along Came A Spider /© Nightly et 7 & 9:15 Sat. a Sun. Matins M 2pm imionsg 4.25 Tuesday 1 1 1 FRI.-THURS. APRIL 20-26 8 PM NIGHTLY Not recommended for children vblence O „sled lte game is lar from over. r LIVERY FILMFEST THURS. APR. 26 6:45&9:15 PM • FRI. - WED. 8 PM NIGHTLY Not recommended for children CKOw Yv. FAT MICH11 t Ytat Zww6 Zm AN ANGlilft• CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON \\I\\!It. \C 11\lR!�� 'I LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1 800-265-3438 FOR TOIL FREE MOVIE INFO Correspondents Scott Hilgendorff photo Beyond Bliss Members of the Acapella group, Beyond Bliss, featuring Walton's Brian Black, performed at Walton Community Hall on April 6 to help raise funds for heating costs at the village's community centre. Here, Black sings to Judy Lee. Speaker discusses Communities in Bloom The Seaforth and District Horticultural Society met April 11 at 7:30 p.m. at Northside United Church. Jackie Racho, vice president welcomed everyone. Minutes of last meeting were read by Bea Stoll. Roll call was answered by 27 members with guests from the Lions Club, Huron East Council, Brussels and the Business Retention Committee. A letter was read from Homemakers telling of Meals on Wheels started in Seaforth. We were reminded of the O.H.A. annual meeting in Chesley on April 28. Seven members will attend. Nancy Kale had spoken to Huron East's Public Works Seaforth Horticultural Society Coordinator John Forrest and profit organization it was decided to apply to committed to "fostering" sponsor a community civic pride. Lynda was placement to help with the thanked by Eleanor Horst planting and upkeep of the and presented with an Easter town flower beds. lily. Nancy Kale introduced our Dick Burgess brought guest speaker Lynda Rotteau greetings from Huron East as of Goderich. She spoke on did Kathy Elliott from the Communities in Bloom. It Lions Club and Gwen was started in 1994. Devereaux from the Business Britain in Bloom, Tidy Retention Committee. Tours of Ireland and Villes Eleanor Horst read an Villages Fleures de France invitation to Mitchell Spring provided guidance. Fling, April 18 from 7-10 Communities in Bloom is p.m. to be held at the Town a volunteer Canadian non- Hall West Perth. There is to be a tea room and market place. Tickets were given for us to give as door prizes. A bake sale will he held at the plant sale, May 12. Heather McLean reported on an upcoming bus trip on July 12 to Kitchener. Wings of Paradise, Cambridge. Paris and supper at Tavistock. Bring a bag lunch. There is a cost. Dilys Finnigan gave the treasurer's report. Nancy Kale reported on the Home and Garden tour. Olave Little moved the meeting be adjourned. Lunch was served by Jackie Racho and Nellie Vander Pryt. Residents enjoy cinnamon buns after Sunday's Easter Service • • • Residents enjoyed a wonderful Seaforth Manor Nursing Home Easter Service Sunday morning at 10 a.m. with the Fellowship Singers. Several commented that it was nice to actually attend a service on Sunday morning as they had been used to. A time of visiting over warm cinnamon buns and fresh fruit and lemonade took place following the service. Weekly bingos this month are being provided by the Hensall Presbyterian Church women. Rev. Vernon Dean of Exeter Pentecostal led worship on Tuesday with Belva Fuss on piano and Marg Cole assisting residents. Breakfast group Wednesday morning was well -attended with fried eggs, sausage and toast, the order of the day. In the afternoon Marg Cole had two tables of euchre enthusiasts competing. Friday evening, Clare Masse, Bob Gilmore and Andy Rau gave their usual fun performance at Friendship Friday in the retirement home lounge. Exercises, games, manicures and a spring time video also benefited the residents throughout the week. Legion installs full slate of officers The Hensall shuffleboard scores for April 10 are as follows: Hensall Merle McLellan 484, Gert Eagleson 474, Jim Davis 452, Isabel Rogerson 445, Lorne Archer 438, Theo Vandenboom 436, Donna Smale 413, Hazel McEwen 400. On Wednesday April 11 Hensall Legion were pleased to have incoming Deputy District Commander and incoming Zone Commander Robert Grey at their meeting to assist with the installation of officers. The Branch was fortunate to install a full slate of officers for the coming term of office. President Larry Uyl, First Vice Stewart Taylor, Second Vice Bonnie Rowcliffe, Secretary Treasurer Bea Uyl, and Sergeant -at -Arms Bob Waring. The executive members are Betty Taylor, Dayle Waring, Donna Smale, Iva Reid, and Pete Zwaan. At Hensall Carmel Presbyterian Church Tracy Whitson-Bahro conducted the service. Tracy's message was "Hearing Good News of New Creation". Dorothy Taylor and Joyce Pepper were the musicians for this special service. Tracy and Joyce sang a duet "How Great Thou Art". The children's story was an action skit by Tracy and husband Greg Bahro. Al Hoggarth gave the Lenten Liturgy. The offering was received by Harry Smith and Al Hoggarth. The Kids Club meets on Friday April 20 from 6:30pm to 8pm at Carmel Presbyterian Church for music, stories, crafts and more. The Hensall and District Horticultural Society will meet on April 18 at 8 p.m. at Hensall United Church. The guest speaker will be Tom Dunbar, a botanist from Goderich. Everybody is welcome to attend. Maundy Thursday Service was held at Hensall United Church with Pirie Mitchell. Chuck Mallette was the organist. Mary Lou Dixon of Ailsa Craig was the guest soloist. Communion was served at this service. Good Friday Service with guest soloist Mary Lou Dixon was held at 10 a.m. This was an "a cappella" service under the direction of Pirie Mitchell. A sunrise service was held at Hensall United Church followed by breakfast. Lauralee Schnieder was the organist for the 10 a.m. service. The choir sang "The Old Rugged Cross". The confirmation class -- Laura Jeanne Corbett, Dustin William Johnathan Elder, Amber Lea Karin Elder, Artemysia Fragiskatos, Fragiskos Fragiskatos, Sherry Lynn Moir, Brittany Alicia Pilgrim, Jessica Lauren Wallis, Jasmine Heather, Kiaya Westlake - Powers, Christina Lynn Tayor, Peter Jacobs, Beverly Lynn Leppington, Kristopher John Leppington. Flowers in the sanctuary were in loving memory of John Castledine from Bill Gibson and Les Hills, the Fee Estate, Peter, Caroline, and Makayla Jacobs in memory of loved ones,Susan Riley in memory of her husband Leslie and mother-in-law Nellie, Audrey Christie and family in memory of Clendon, Hensall and District Horticultural Society. Fred and Susan Elder were the greeters, Wayne and Jason Corbett were the ushers. Ryan Jacobi looked after the elevator. A large crowd attended this special service. Them is still room on the bus going to Windsor on May 27 for Pirie's ordination. Contact Cecil Pepper or Ann Annen for more information. On April 23 at 7:30 p.m. a meeting will be held at Hensall United Church with Ray and Richard of Trafalgar Tours concerning the trip to England. Money earned from this tour will be dedicated to the Building Fund. On Sunday April 22 at 7 p.m. the SouthWest Gospelaires with guest quartet will be in concert at Hensall United Church. Please phone Bill Gibson or Les Hills at 263-2350 or the church office at 262-2935 for tickets. The Hensall United Church Annual Beef Supper will be held on Wednesday April 25, with settings at 5pm and 6:30pm. Take-out meals will be available from 5pm to 7pm. For tickets please phone the Church Office at 262-2935 or Cecil Pepper at 262-2201.