The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-1-29, Page 7$ the 'ertr'ert„
leathered ar,Ps , hhal'afAt• the erpent
Waage bheerl; eraiffed.. end 'thee .1.400(1
it ep.' Ho OW there. for et *Mend*:
.1.101Cihg 011,99;oi'.,41.a. 011,400
'gwa.prks.Huort. g:dos;•
• Thee the tii4„440 .liumen barter! meat .
heve, arageteeed himdfee, inataering tad,
• horhitile, groind3 ared to his 'hind
-feet anal greet\ leadry teed
• eward meter
• 's l.
January 31, Jteette. Feed; FIVe
•end Menal John rit. 1..71r Geldert Teat
-Jesup sai4. ante, theire, .1 A1M the: ,
breed -of Mel ha thet oMeth 'te me
etiall never fahneert erld he that be.
'Ileveth on me shell never thlreteg
John 0
Cro,ebyhand'ilarer to his rside ,peorke
I. 'MS TWO Mmica's, 1-21.
IL IVO Itanniningeagne, 25-40.
111. WHIS lanernres, e0-11.
Ierraontloseorr--This ehapter de:
seribes the great crisis in the Gelfleah
ministrY, eierhesponding to the Joie
unalean oriels of ch. 6, and it oontaiue
the only incident from thedearly rain,
Twenty years ago every sair who away, A marlin spike in his right shipped south, hong irefoire we had his ferehead.
engeance• of the Pea
Author ef "Scotty Smith's Reptleic, etc,
et, juet 0,0 had Amen it move once be
Th -
fere. ere Wes a Spit of flea a muf-
fled report, a esornd and a third ine
quick suceeesion, The "Colonel" seem-
ed to stop -in midair. He droppU .tre
the deck,. shook hie head and witbout
beinad tubd evaSr on hie side.
Crosby wipe( the cold sweet feriae.
Areetea eotee the new and very ietry fount' in ate the goepea. See
headett for the ,banks •and deep-sea bond. He dropped it with an ugly figured. The daily hatie were run- "I ,got you then, don Yee," he umt" yoothful preeident of the rep:1We of Matt 141.13-21; Mark 6:3044; Luke
nehlneand was wottlig of the name of oath and turned, black as thimder 43 ning big and our hold was firring 11.1) tared. ' Then to se eair, "Take him Albania. 9:10-17.
seaman knew of Capt, SaudY MCKelle I looked at him. „. with moneY in the ehapo trf cod and away; w*cdre done with pets eboard , I TEE TWO lifigA,or4Es,
• etc dean,of the fleet, Ile wee a big,' "I can't see why in h-41 'any ene halibut. • this ebp," ••
There wee a clatter an the man V' 1. After these things' The e°n"
bluff, barreleelaested Seetchman, with -wants to have a -bear on shipboard," Then came that black niorning when Haff an hour later Chang and the nection is vague and general, but in
a heart as tender a.s womaros when he snarled, etre teied te bite me a the mate _• •1t,o be carried in the "Oeurael" were en many lathonis of guarding le PPed gun" Matthew the iamOent connected
• you got on the right side of him, and while ago." • captain's boat instead of his own. 1Water and I was, back in my 'berth ever and picked it up, By this time with the death' of John the Baptist
te.mper, once aroused, as destructive; us was my senior officer mid I had begged to be allowed to go with them, „feraing like A eick man, , thfigure
e at the rail brad beodnee mere 14:13 aad in Mark 6;36 it fOron
s a typhoonAnd they emembmy own ideas aboudiscipno, so" 1
for was afraid that something was Tho • following, night hresity shifted dietinet, I made out white linen gen- the return of., the Twelve from their
a. as rer' t li
Capt. Melrenzte they a'..eo recall the said nothing. I should like to have ia the air; but Capt. McKenzie teak all the wateeres .arie 1 noticed that the. dalledthe reflection a the inoonright on mission and Jesus wiehes them to rest
. Susan, out of Gloucester, as handy told him that he lied, for that Was one look at my hand and ordered Me double watch. that went on day and a•knife that Protruded freln his awhile. Sea of Tiberias. This name
taken .from the Emperor Tiberias is
a three -sticker an ever left the grease what I thought. •Ito remain leiltind.• made up entire:SI o• f men with whore "reast •
• . frorri her ways in the Atlantic. • . f "If I had my way about the thing • It was juet before 8 bells when I 1 had soon him t&klngIt was Chang come back for the re' used Gn‘l7 by John. See eh• 21;1. Tile
ra me to . . . . usual risme is 'Se it Of Galilee." It is AN AFTERNOON GOWN OF
In da.ys the seaman who sttick I'd have him overheard," 'he muttered, i inado out a boat pulling toward ue, time. , . , . what vt'herdelh. wedilta(1 been tillable te fincl in ale; eajled Lake of Gennesalet. . . CriARM.
. V. 2. Saw his miracle& John de- Dignity and charm unite in making
aud made good, particulerly- if he was after, waiting a moment for me to the men straining t...t their oars. Then I didn't hate long re wonder .
. . . .' Fe raised a ghoe'l
a roan in command, had V, know men reply. ; 1 inede out 'diet it was Gee of GUM and this meant foe just before the grave- . .'teYnte:mtZeibl;e:c-v,t teeniii!;sn'itthde itbgrooww?thboots: dfariffheih4(11,14.; this a oen gown a cbie costume.
and hinteelf, for life aboard hip was . In some way or another rile "Col? somehow or other I knew eitence thated attthe man beeid
, yard watch, he and two men came into It is le did example of the new, fees' hs.ving driven every- the ra titres headtrig up to tills faith. silhouette that outlines the body frene
riot a =lag Parlor affair at beet. I onel" inuet have understood; ror lie Something liad gore wrong. When iti ety cabin and,. after 'a brief struggle,
And IrdontY of meld had bad names diePlaYed his teeth in o hasty fasnidli get nearer 1 saw Capt. McKenzie seat-.. oill:113ernevdegagredoetintreaTTIllieyZenndt hoiariti,dleamilvdr tatlanygattnelserno°1trted7fhi, eymes Sie.v".7 the, Here calinT''hatYp'
for brutality as a reshit . But nene anti growled. Cavalry reached for Ilia ed in the Stern, ererewed it the inultitude. , , . „ flre rerie.bliTehtohantadl'a:Tas unde•r the s to the low Iiipeline
, tie 1 where a new variation or a Inane Is
. fascinated. I hoard the etick of Gros- . • .
of them 'Was 'more widely known in: .ide. Pocket, which was the first intl., • He yeas propped up against the marl foot on the atoor;
by's breath and a rattle in his threat. feast a the Jewahell in SP ' g men- exPre:assd in a gathered lace ficunce,
tide particulax than Fighting Red ma ' ft I had that he carried a gun, Who was steering, and I could see -After that I heard, all over
tioned liere to mark 'the progress of starting at the left •hip and winding
Croeby, who held a record for brutal- ea' t my glance of surprise, flushodIthat they had made a place for one of the ehip. Finally thinge quieted down. Then. I looked in the direction of
reerunteinjamaheoausiseiloirbtht ItstritlY1,%tGt re°711,xtev,drase::Ifirs-atlreted'e.t to the
ity and dovnixiglit cruelty that was at . ed -and swinging on his heel,lhas legs between the tea.° men on the Ciesby'e Men chine back again, seized the ghoetly arra of Chang, the aveng-
second to none ia. thoee waters, • ItatrONto down the deck.• thwart before him. We got him meand lugged me aft, where I was sr' Whited. he met InallY of the PlillTints who ELT° the manner of all correctly fashioned
sieeeee long -the
It wee eaid byeome that lie wetiM . Making certain that ha eras out aboaird and I could see from his fates tied to the Then mainmast. thComing toward us down the deck, on thole way. The passover counted costumes, the are
ey re..
rather .cruelta. risen before the meatier shearing I went over to the bear that he was suffering terribly. moved the gag.
This wee what I got out of one Of (el'ne oing to keep where
his teeth dripping 'crimson, was the vorY much in the thought of Jesus and ac eyed by johung a deep
hghergr° telirth ti upper art.
"Colo' nel" His body too waa gea.y latirr he aehoolated it vrith the mem- Ifertnitgt
. into submiesion than take. hie gmg; :arid patted his head.• g g P 3
However, Ite. tever het Once *Irt"L'011tt't honestly say tut I blame the boat erew: They had gone a, bit atia nave an eye on you,. my 'hearty," like a ght f°4*, .an4 hia °Yea the oritarefeerP Whiehetradeecleh ilsneaPache Crap: satieen claims° elf seasona for its
dead Chang, were faced on Crosby. flow for th, I ow. 5:7.
man. you, -fellow," I said. "But for the farther than usual end run into rough! laughed Croeby, who seesued. in high own, and one of the petite' ahadee
he had done, I vfould have helped him other narratives_ Jesustis reminded by with silver lace for the frill, and a
Much as I hated the mate for what V. 5, 5_ saga, unto phigh_
Most of us had signed up for the sake of peace on this ship you've got Nyater. The fiditing W1t9 UrIUSULIIIIIspiriter at the out4orrte a his mutinous In the was used. for the plain -Foundation,
aboard chip befe-re we learned that cover LIS r do. You probably don't take insisted on taking a hand. In somei During -the next few hours 1 had an had I been able, ng the deseiPles that the crowns have no- touch of contrastiug ceIor introdueed
but there vras hi
year's cruise •and had our dunnage ItodkeeP your feelings an& snarte under good, however, and Capt. McKenzievaork.
to do; that he not yet. I saw the men thing to eat., John tells us that Jesus
Rad Caseshy was to fillt as our mate. '1 to hiin. any more kindl3r thee I do, but way or other he got tangled up in, the opportunity to see how mettere stood.,
wore the marking of a bosun for the we've"got to remember he's the mate. lines. •., ' I and so far as -I Could tell, flay halt gathering aft, following the strange Ind thought of this from the begin -
In the flower wore at shoulder and
tableau, their eyes eacto with weeider. riiintenother a the personal, touches. m No. 1270 is in sizes 34, 38, 38,
first time, but all the ranks on the be better for both our skins in the At very rnoment Crosby swung of the crew of the Susan were on: the 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36 bust
Suddenly Crosby found his voice. n t s book.
the Susan but for a :talk that 1 had -When I finielted I'm bleesed if the of warning, and Capt. McKenzie, who up to .me. " "Cut them loose!" he screamed to V. 7. Two hundred perie.ywortia. requires 8% yards 88 -inch, or 2.ti, -
seas wouldn't bete kept me aboard the long rnn." - the boat too sharply without a word, mates side: Just before dawn. he came
. his Inell. T,I,yen., seeirig the revolver i,n Shoot them if they don t gPhilip, the practical man, eees a great Yards 64 -inch material, with ail
R '
. ,..
with Capt. Mc1Cenale. - - old Ducal- didn't lick my fist fIa. if he h,adret been expecting such a moved "You see, OUT Plans have been. economic difficuley'.. Where can they yards Ian flouncing. 10 inche.s wide.
, is enough for tl'As yarn that, understaerd every- word I said and lost his balance and fell, striking
his , changed a hit," he hoganewith a -neer my hs,nd: Shot forty dealeref
obey; they have no wes.pons." 1 V. 9. What are they ani:tyng so' Pi.olaeur2F0aeSeshill Book, illustrating thetao
when ite was done, I gave him my meant a:di:abide by my orders. forehead on one of the oarloalt.sarid; "Just for goer. information we're go -
Master of the gitaation, I famed trig- many? Andrew hie) will-
, . • had been trite to Capt. newest and most practical stylee, will
word to sticic, My mind, I We rao into o. cold, nastY fog that twisting his right.leg, under hini, snap -i, ing to sail this tub in and get rid of
' Went back to the oredv end- guaranteed held all {lee net day and I was too ping it,•Iihe a pipestem. I the catch But before that there's self into action. One by one the men hag to do his shategisitit I -r ts overeome
twenty different kin.ds of living pur- busy to give over -much thought to the In the meantiine they had carried, going to lise a 'little two or three days, whe "dCenziit bY4,;.01rInestwesriceaalitill;i1clufffit'es vanish be of interest to every home dress -
mit loose, and one by one the , , maker. Price of the hook 10 cente
ga.tory al the men who lerouble incident of Crosby and the bear but the captain to his berth and Cha -ng, I cruise te give you end a few ethers a were
mitt was we took the Susan out .of f(rr dread of what might henlien if dition to being a cook had fixed hiin ( ut
7 p your enin , on a ew points. . ' • sit down." , What difference five
- es f • * If thne I heard Croeby sobbing and. curs._ .
. 1 is wnen Je:91.19 SPeelse. When they say the coPY. .
, a e e men
before or, clueing the voyage. The rer every time tIta.t I did it made me shiver whorwas'ar bit of a bone setter in ad- chance to thank matters over and make. • P' "Impossible." He eays "ne k th
Gloucester, fan, manned tand Crosby Red broke lease on one of his tan- up as weia as could be expected. The you den't decide to take up 'with us lng at rn side.
thousand make to Him even though
Ids wild, rod hald and board flying In trinns. mate hung about outside the cabin you walk ere plank!, •As I tu.rned I saw Chang melt away there are many women and children
.new. into nothing at all and heard a. sigh besides'? Mirk 14:21.
the wind, ti wheel' • - If I had been a pest the Mate door, and when' Chane ceme out he, I gasped with horror, for I k
a., le I.
Itkepte, close watch on the mate for
the first few dayseexpecting_to show,
his handeas soonas we' were 'clear
of laed, but bowas as docile .rts the,
. Somehow I felt -that this didn't
• mean any good for us. Whea you be.
lieee that there is to be a storm teru
want to have it break so that you. can
know the want instead of reelieg it
hanging oereitherad, leaving you in sus -
I th le V 11 Who 11 h d giv the. k
from up in the tops above es, in- . • 'I, a a ert n 0.
couldn't have taken greater, pams to tseized him by the shoulder and swung, what it rneent-rpiracy! After having
keep. clear df me, which 'wasn't a hire about, looking down. at him his disposed . of such sn ether f the^ it was his spirit passing off satisfied Thie Wee the act of the father of the
'nee:J:1411y Way to start a -yeage associar face black and ugto - 1
. . . , as i no care, e .row ots en
did t , t it, i , ,..,,h vrith what it ha.dhi:one. .. ' home; and. Terms ta.kest their place. It
. .
wee a.thetikegivierr to God. In Mat-
batine adropieleint nreorscreetiteloerechtefi- terothe.neerree, - reeteet er,e, ,, je,,,t,titerised for a moment,: sniffed about
dential tiineS -with seine members off:Marred: '"Wliert'S-TO becdentetirtlietret4tairrierefifii-th73t-rreiratAreirehrtererhetAhh-th.--t -------2--e------ h '&-tat,TetAth,ghniPiffi,lirtrea0;thoitattthanat
thing, raised Ina head. Then, -out of hory sereice,,,, .-
the crew, 'and I think .he ;had. herd I shall do from now on. Understand?" McKenzie. .;': .
tion on',shipboard, Several tithes '1 "You, etay•in the gallete.where'otiehthenOtthey intended to turn the catch Ent net " With. the, "GD1:oneLo He. was. no formal ggace. His. vrhole life
the ,a.-erful stilt:tem of the remnant came, V. 12. Fragme.nts. Why Shoa one
week keeping histhands off me. lehang was fond of Capt. McICenzie! . I'remained tied to the mast, all the
I could have. sworn .from the ex -,and, besides, it hadn't been ttn easy next ay, my stomach eryiug era food, a low, ghtteraa grow,
b , the battle-crys who made the world be SO °Direful
pression of hatred on his face that ; job to get that broken bone into shape' my throat dry and 'parched, every • of the bear spirit, and it came from, about fragments?
bone in my body aching.
away somewhere. I saw the "Colionel" : V. 14. This is the prophet. The peo-
more than onee- the only thing that' and he was a bit done up. " i rear tip , g. . ple are eemintied of the great miracle
on his bird de 9 /014 ettencl
pense. I kept ray thoughts to rayseef saved trouble wa.s the know:edge that I He in-adesth.e mistake -of answering; Toward the last I think I prayed veri
and had the opportunity Of wiping up he had something still more d4abelic- back. In the twinkling of an eye, that I might diet . eyes never leaving the terr-
eught by Moses sod see in this the One one I saw there, his fulfilment of the words of Moses; Deut
the fo'castle,with two sailors who were , wily cruel for Me; 4, LCrosby had liunged .at him, crashing the others brought up, and stowed, in. fled mate for a fraction of a 89.0011.C1., SI :15-19.
foolish eireiig.h. to talk along the lineS1 After I had happened upon three dr his big fist between the Chinaman's the stern where the helmsman could 'Then. he moved forward until he! V. 15. King. Scene q further and
I Was thinking. I was young andl the four of these mysterious confabs each ' eyes, and sending him seneeless 111 .the keep an eye on theni.
VMS between me and Crosby. wish to make Jesus a -ig; bet their
fight put ray mind into normal chat time, carioesly enough with a differ- scupp,ers. I.. Poor devils! I think the ff d
By this time this gray, transparent views ere so -.material that Jesus
nels,agaia, •-• tent men,' T began to wonder if there . Chang lay there for awhile so still. even worse than r did. "Cdicatel" was not more than two escapee out of their rradst, while fie -
y su ere
There were two other "members- of icould'be anything back of them. I that I feared that he was dead, then I Just. before sundown -Crosby bet paces fram the mate. I saw it 'shake dordierg to the other morra.tivee He
itselfrtonce inere I heard the growl hastens to get His diatiples ay from
our ship's family who were destined • I wee to find out that.there was in- , ho groaned and lurched tohis feet. came sufficiently human to loosen my
• fr0111 eway off somewhere beyond ue, may t„te, t .
this unhealthy excitement. The crowd
te play important parts im. the weird deed. However, there -wasn't. any -1 "Chang no forget,' lte muttered !numbed arms and feed me a, bit oft
experience that followed. , thing to -warrant a: report te Caet. I shaking a -fist et the back of 'the Mate: rancid seat pork and a fe-e, mouthfuls and the filny body of the bear hurtled ttnde C.'s' tart ehi pboipulee agitation
One of the Chang, the cook, MeICenzie beyond the fact that too "Yeti pay Charag aome day." of ma _a- that mast--hao stood �n the through the air straight for its prey. I against their oppressere, and they
. ,
I t d heathen of a Chinee who much familiarity between officers andI Stitt muttering to hiineelf, he stag- sun all day. When 1 had finished. he I raieecl the revelver and • firedwould uses Jesus 80 e. too/.
could .et up a nteal to please the own- creerris a bad thing even on a fishing gered off toward his own quarters, went away, leaving one of his men / ;last es the thing flung it.self upon I Vs. 16-31. The seeond miracle, where
• ' 1
• , " .7 him. The mate's han1. flew to his side' Jesus uralks on the water, represents
.... ers, and was unusually, decent, con- schooner. Arid it was none o -------- assing the "Colonel" who sat uand armed with a gun and instructions to
• • • stdeeing his airier. We allowed him businees afte,r all when it came to ealuted. And when Chang paused fee" shoot if I tried to make any trouble.' 'and he pitched ferward onto the, deck. the important truth that he ie able to
the privele fly' ' t e .rf'h terTible aning of what I had euPherr and he2P HIS °INTL 017011 Where
e ge a nig his pgtail uch .repo s. a motile -tit' and held out his heed the lialf dead from being tied in a - e '
' The other wile a pet of drt,- We get our - berth -anc, ored and beast lacked et as a og hcks his et di h 't' 1 Si ht
h • • d • done fl shi g over me I etared
a , ,
ha ,dth the forces or nathre are against them.
Ile is the unseen companion who can
et'he ehip's niase0t. .119 was aneverfed, boats and tackle "r&dy foe the feehing,1 That row between Chang and the off half consciousness', frem which II. Ti -in INTERPUTATION, 25-49.
• i
taint -and- had been on three voyages as were hilsY 3:01* a daY er so getting t eimasterss.
ere' an ' • "Colonel" melted. Into the air and W41.9'
(I weak freed hunger I dozed 1Cu<311viug whast t° d° next' and the contrei -ne waves-.
good-natured bear called "Colonel," which the ()there told us was running i mate was the 'reel beginning 'of our I was aroused by the-- ship getting gone.
The following dieco'nrse was given to
because of the.triek he had of Sitting high and, to a fir average weight. Be-, troubles, .for Red Crosby, as eenior under way. . _. Crosby died -111 hoer later In mite
' - . oorreet wrong 'diens of the work of
• '
of r of all we could do to save him, and
up and saluting wridr one of his paws , Mg responsib,,e for one of the boats, I officer on deck, tt oo command of 11 Crosby, who had, taken one side _ . Christ end to help them out of their
when you hatted him w th some favor- tl Was apart frOm CrosbY mast of the ship. 'Within an hour I had -seen how the wheel -being short -handed -was, we buried emcee -forgetting what he difficulties, The erowd were blind to
ite morsel. time. The second week of fishing I Fighting Red Crosby had colne by his leaning' on the spokes, starieg towards
He had the run of the vessel, behav- got an ugly cut from the line and the reputation. A.IsittI observed with con- m.e, his eyes wird with terror.
ed himself . like e gentleman and captain ordered mo to stay aboard sitlers.ble interest that' the men he I cursed him over and ever again
haunted Chang .evory moment he waseship until the wound had a chaece to abused were nene of them with whom for the death of Chang and the Col-
otrt of the gadley. • e- heel. ' I had seen him baling at various o 1" but h . d Tt We foand Capt. McKenzie strapped
. onel," IS eyes never move .
We paSsed- Sable Island with per- Having nothing better to do, it. be- times, was uncanny, ma eningterrible
dd ' that in hie berth, his hands tied to the coil-
ine beerde. Then we turned about
foot weather and a steady wind that , ing part of my duties to keep an eye 1 turned in early, wondering if, fixed stare of his, and I screamed at -
and headed back for the bank and
made the SUSS."). 911.OW her heels like a , to the stores, I wandered into the after all, that inanner in which Oapt. him, to take his eyes off me. Once he
fancy dancer. 4 galley. Chang sided up to me. McKenizie had come by his injury was raised h'right h d- 1 (0
. is an am wept 1
•t assistance.
The remainder of the tale is short.
I was beginning to believe that ir.y "Mate, him plenty bad men," he eritirery. accidental or part of some across his eyes es if heetvotild het out
d I hie sing -son tone "You .1 - • • , . , We made St John's where we Tot rid
fears had, been mosehdbuilt up by my chante n . - g • pan thet was due to -1mA/hi itse.f. 1 some terriba sight ' ' ' ' -
of the half of ettl: crew that mutinied,
, ihmgination an that 'Red Crosby, tip- Plenty watoht, was dozing off, my mind filled with all Suddenly his jaw a:egged and he :eft
, predating the -master under whom he Chinks are bad enough anyway, but manner of suspicions, when I heard the wheel and cam; plevaly towardene filled in with new men and had Capt.
McKenzie properly attended to. Onee
was SerVillg, had cencluded thae the worse then that when they 'begin to shouting and then the sound- of men as if drawn by eome power he could
in a while the h‘orror of the night and
wisest course as te behave. think too mueh, so 1 exereioed mY running on the deck. Jumpingnt resist. He hesitated as if in pro- . . r . . ..
_ .the thing that 1 muntentionell.y die
He old his work And did it well-.- aPtheritY by knocking Chang into a cait 0 my berth, I dashed • on deck, 'test, then 'th sob,11. d t 1'
, wr, a w oppe ou us
without tiny more physicaa diiection cOriler of the gaidaY. He Picked ..,Ilim- Chang, curled up like a ball, lay at knife, and with quick gashes that sent come back to me' was ,ef humble origin, How can He
-than the men under him demanded egf up and came back net in the east the feet of the mate, and glistening in fear chills racing up and down my
olueion-the fate that destined Chang of Life?
And always 1 ante to the suers rail- whose parents they know be the Dread
We had cleared Cepe 'Breton Irdend bit ruffled. the moon:fight, I saw a knife driven spine cut the rope that held me.
had been, -with nu:a honors% men the epiritual meaning of Hie presence
were thoroughly unnerved now that and were looking for outward posees-
the master spirit was gone, and were sions, unab:ie to see that Jesus was
•on:13r too ready to obey my commands. longing to satisfy the deep, spiritual
needs of the soul. Ile Was not content
to be a bread -king. The sermon (11.
vides thus:
(a) VS. 25-40. Jesus meets their
thought that, this may be another in. -
stance of the manna, Exod. 16:16. He, ward the iron wheels' of progress? It
however, is the true rranna. The Jews is not the motive power bated. the
want bread. Jesus offe,rs IlimseU, vest machinery of factory and mine.
The Golden Tent, v. 35* nlaY be cellar We grant it has built no mighty
pared with 4:14. Bread and water are orimon0,1 no fields with blood. It
found in Chriet. God is known to us shr. no bittemeav between men of
through the Saviour. . different lands, or of different oreede
(b) Vs. 41-61. Je.sus replies to the
objection made by the people that He eieor e:lb'ctiater'•10.01ren. blese'kkinse; rIetdk'04410.;:ineeivafrt;
heroes are not the Alexander's, Ulte
Carasere, the Napoleons of hietorY.
One woutlete even how many of our
famous capteluer indeetry, our build -
ere of cOloSsal fortunes 'could have
otintleed to all their greetriere had they
lletened to itre voice!
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Wilson Publishing Co., 73 'West Ade-
taide St, Toronto. Patterns setat by
There *au old Greek legend, found.
ed we may well believe an tact, which
tells us .that once when the highest
emit of Athens, was sitting, a sparrow
pursued by a hawk, lieST fdr refuge to
ithe bosoin of a Judge. Unmoved by
its mute appeal, the judge elneked•it
from his robe, crushed, it in his hand
and flung it to the ground. •
The ',people, outraged by the deed,
dernandeth his removal, declaring that
no man. eould be just to hie fellowe
who waa cruel event° a sparrow. They
would have agreed with one of Dos -
Aware great preachers, Edward Everett
Hate, who ones said, "We are all
the same boat-anemais and. men. You promote kindness .to one with.
out benefiting :the other.",
The,thing of wilich we are thinking
for the moment 19.! 0:11)1DRS91013.,.
What compassion? It is the ro.
manse of the. soul to the appeal of
every living thing its hour of need.
It is that which enters into fealov,vehiP
with other lives and, makes their lot
its own. me tali of a a:poen:tar would
not walten the 94IXIS ressvonse as the
ory of a Outman heart, hut to no ap-
peal of man or bird or 'beast will com-
Passion turn an unheeding easr, It is
torn of that love more beautiful than
hope, more enduring than faith.
Do we refuse to rank it with the ag.
greesive f.oreee that have eriven
and the "Colonel" 'to cones back for ICI. '....11111 REF:JILTS, 60-71.
bekre I found out hhat 1as wrong. I "Clumg no lie," lie announced:, hie almost te .the hilt into the Chinaman's' ;re done it," he ehrieked, s -way -
revenge upon Fightiug Red Vs. 60-71. The p•eople age compel-
wns aiermy way ice -ward when I brunpr face as exproSsiOnless as a claY image. heart A red pool that grew and grewing from side ix) side_ epee doh, itt their
ed into the Corenel etulang in the itlat,e bete try hUlt CUielle-, him talk .etained the deek boards. now go way, for God's sake, go away." eveSbY alsu '"ranti that T, too, led to take Sidea. Those' who do not
. . .
• • LI ' • 1 • • .
. Should be an instrienent ite betide accept Him ate driven mte hostility,
GUT' near the water bats. He was crew. Irlean, bad Citange see." I had the story in ne tiMe• Chang, 1 -le seemed to be awaking to some
It was fate that should be one of vvidie the felthful are drawn more
olo,:kly to
sucking one of his shaggy paws and I reinindecl him- that -his plaee was knife in hand, Itad erePt from the gal- person near him, although I eaw no "
- But it hos broken a theasantl, -chains
Lf 1 ever saw an animal that wanted in the galley, eyes and 01, that he was 10 intent on revenge for his -beating. one. its it°°18' V. ‘5g. To whom else Shall We ile? rent Lettered fee bodge, antij souls of
Mecum told couldn't, he 'was' the one. Paid to get the grub and that his du- He had ,adimost reached the unser/Peet- Unable to do anything iriere than Out With the Reindeer. This eenfeasiell.lnYabe emnParecl I/v..11 men. It bee lifted emeurnheeed bur -
Peter's wordS Matt. 16;16, wine
e. gave min a Push, expecting him ties on e. husan begaarid entled ing mate When a sailer sew and Yelled lean 'against the niast, I watcbed
to roll over on hie back for a roiep as with 'that th
echedtea a warning, Reindeer delves ar.e. to be, added to probabay (tate from the same hehigth dens that have erusted m.eri, and, wo-
alaye did, but, instead, he ,hared Ho 'shuffled beak n to leis pots andh .Crosby turned just as lie sprang ehortly. Two ot these animare are though. the multitudes were [ore' ,sip children tokling in the mill
though. the circunistancee differ. E'ver MSS- th'S 4asrith• It hos beard the
the pleaseres of the London Zoo very
his teeth and growled. kettles, a yellew ephineeand I went On, into the air, grappled with hian, mad not, being trained_ re drew a envell Him and worlailsr hopes were varileht 'and freed them ilrbAt their bondage.
You get to understand an animal dock to ponder over whet he had said, his fingers, closing like a vise about
His face terned a pasty white, even
more ghastly in the Moonlight than it
really was, and I realized that he was
not leoking at but past me. I .turned.
coulciet ignore the warnmg for I , the Chinaman's wrist, eLovely drove and looked in the ettene direction.
felt cestain that it was a warning -d the knife th,at h,ad been intended for Then 1, to6, saw it.
and 1 couldn't brieg earrself to jamp hina into the heart of his would-be Huddled on the deck vvhere I had
euperion no matter how I digiked murderer. . discovered Chang Was 9. gray filmy
him, arid run, to the ptain With ft Following Croeby's orders two men Agere, rolled up in a ball. Slowly it
tale that I eoulei beck tip with nothing carried Chang's body forward. went unwound itself and spectral haride
more time 111 OW11 Suspicions end the with them to peepate it for burin} and, reaching the rails, dragged it up to a
clia.tter of yelloav boy. {this work coMpleted, ,letturned to see etanding po.sitiou.
I conoluded that my only possible i if the mate had any further orders: I fo.rgat weelMeet, forgot all
itove vote to keep as -close a Watch on I found hint leaning ;Against the butt that / had suffered, forgot even the
Ino'. Peter clime' to his belief in jesus.itt hos braved ridicule and contempt,
just do some hamen beings, aad
whe,eled vehicle.
This was the proof of the greatnese stertno without Wren vrithotit fear
I 'grew, as won as he allowed his tern- • Woi•kmen Oonfined, of his faith.
idea '499 to who that perticu:ar party mon Eaglaria tould legally taTel "Vnig" Originally Drwit, Nineteen hundred years, ago it
'might be. ' out of his parish to dud employment. Tito pcattu,a Ilaate 01 in use tnasieforreed a Itreinee. revise Oxen a.
Ito be the itrieed of every friendless
that bear. I alto had a pretty c'e' r it was, not until 1795 that. a week-, ---"-- .-4**-----' I thing that livee.
per that ',some one had been ebueing
r boxed the "Colonel's" ears. justtoopar ne:::Yonitbao.eue lulundred iyealra, ti-e,niii., 1 trittlig hhhanhted linito a 00"altbeti et the
to show that he waSn't to work ()if, any Young Girle aft' SwItchhoards.
0 Ibis uglinese on rite, herded hirn uP roorteen Yeahe in the ar &ego age tclIt'e Soot*, 411111(01o4r Idtpraxl°attlik At'llrtt (11 414°:.
or terephoue girls in Japan. landmen. It was sitteh. a poor litpror
behave. h H eine Man L.Ift 100 Tons. ta,,ttott:Dtth:Atoapor'e 4 itnT"1,41:744110„taelai Id° dreovcnfe.
. ,., ,_
into i)be ship's eyes and ordel•ed him .....................,.........
' t* rantain there until he learned to
X teened to ge about my work and IVIth a. now aok invented it is, said Wale were oIlrottled au41 Pereecuten by
feitnd. Ited Crooby standing' a few` feet owe Matt can move 190 tads. the government.'
fightiete, Red Croelry ee possible. of the rnainmaot„ staring down at the awful feet painted en the ghastly fate
A. Month lieseed eh,' it began 't..e leek pool of red on the deek, , of the mate, for thetnIgh the figure 1
ee if Wo conid make Halifax, Where "God! HoW he cursed mel" he nuit. could make out the rail, a dark line
tlieskipper landed his catch to be terecl with 9 9111.1cIder• draWII thrOlIgh gray trantittengy,
Latht Laflatlaalf And bIplomacy,
Latin teased to be t1,40 141iNsig
diplomat)* IlekfIr tit* 0.1414) of the seven.
teenth t eatery.