The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-1-29, Page 5nee
JC400.1, 05bOttn.erre
olawonT, ox.T.A14,6
Winter Term Opens, Tuesday, January 5, 1926
HIGHEST paid positions in the BUSINESS WORLD, Where 'Cork
la always REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered,
Teachers, Civivl Service P.nd Special Courses
Special Classes for Hensall and Exeter Studente
4 ',weeks' additional time given to students on. an 8 months' COUrfie.
For Information apply to
M. A. STONE MISS 13. F. WARD, 13, A.
Com SPorialleti Vice Prindpal Principal, Phone 1884
The Young People's Teague meet-
ing Monday 'eight was largely attend-
ed. -There Were 102 on the Blue side
and 94 on the Red side, Some 84
niernbers of James St. Leagae og.
Exeter, came up and took the pro-
gram. Rev'Mr. Sheppard, pastor of
James St. Church was present sand
to* the chair. The *meeting was
opened by singing ea, hymn and
prayer. We were then favored with
e.duet by• Miss Reta Rowe and Miss
Essery, accompanied by Miss Irene
Stewart on the piano. A reading
Was then given by Mr. Leonard Pfaff
which was well rendered. Miss Ruth
Andrews gave an exhibition' of club
swinging, an instrumental trio was
given by the 'Misses Wood and Stew-
art, Mr. Francis Abbott then gave
two splendid readings, the kitchen
orcheetra which was comprised' of
15 young ladies, each one having
some kitchen utensil with a kazoo in
the end of it, was very entertaining
The Scripture lesson was read by the
President, Miss Amy Shapton. Rev.
Mr. Sheppard gave the topic and
gave a very humorous address. After
th program was over the president,
Miss Viola Higgins took the chair
and propesed a vote of thaeks to the
Exeter League for the splendid pro-
gram they provided. A dainty lunch
was then served and aftee some time
spent in a social way, the meeting
was closed by singing "Auld Lang
was closed by singing "Aul Lang
On Friday evening last, our fast-
est hockey match of the season was
staged at Hensall rink when the
Zurich puck chasers were the attrac-
tion. The •initial stanza found both
teams up on the bit and individual
rushes were much in evidence but
one lone tally made be E. Shaddock
of Hensall was the only score. In
the second stanza the visitors seem-
ed at their best and had the best of
the play, managing to score four
times before time sounded. In this
period the local boys seemed to be
taking things easy. The last stanza
saw a great comeback by the Hen. -
sail Green -and -Whites, when they
forced the visitors to a fast pace and
outplayed them the full period tally-
ing 4 times while the visitors only
notched one goal. Thus at the end
of the third frame the score stood
5-5 tie. It was agreed to play over-
time and after a brief •intermission
n the Latest Desiiiis
J shortly after the' face eff Hoggarth
the teams again took the ice and
checked a.Zurich puck chaser, secur-
Prices frnin. 10C. to $1.50 ed the , puck, stepped ahead of the
PER ROLL cramble, ,passed a Zuricli defense
neer and when Walper the goalie
r , came leedt--to mete -UM
to his rknees and Hoggarth lifted the
disc clearly over his head for the
score that broke the deadlock. ' It
was a pretty play and "Digger" des-
erves credit. The teams changed
ends shortly Atter the tie was brok-
en and -for the last 5 minutes Zurich
were played off their feet and Hen-
sel slipped in two more, one when
Chas. Shaddock took a pass frotu the
corner and batted it past Walper,
who never saw it till- it was resting
quietly behind him in the net. The
third goal was the result of a long
shot by Bell, which the goalie
couldn't see for his team mates until
it had bulged the twine. It was a
real comeback and the Hensall
team deserves credit. The/line up
—Zurich, goal, Walper; Defence,
O'Brien and Gascho; wings, Young-
blut and O'Brien; centre, Rau; sub
Brokenshire. Heneall, goal McAl-
lister; defense, Shaddock and Bell;
wings, Blowes and Shaddock; centre
Hoggarth; subs, Farquhar and Pass-
more. Referee, F. Boyle, Exeter.
About 50 Hensall fans drove to
Zurich on Monday evening with the
hockey team and witnessed a fast 60
minutes of fast hockey, from which
Zurich emerged victorious, 6-4.
The play in the first period was
speedy and very even, bat the vis-
iting Green -and -whites managed to
notch two goals while Zurich fail-
Bills are out announcing 'a Box
Social under the auspices of the -
Young People's League of the United
cburch to be held in the Town Hall
,ox Feb. 16th. A good program is
being prepared and a prize given for
the best box. There will be no ad-
mission at the door and everybody is
At the meeting of the South Hur-
on Agricultural Society held at the
Commercial Hotel here last week the
following officers were elected:
Pres. Wm. Consitt, Hensall; vice-
president, W. D. Sanders, Exeter;
2nd vice-pres., Dr. Campbell, Hen -
salt; sec'y-treas.'Keith McLean, Sea -
forth; auditors, H. Arnold and C. A.
McDonnell; directors, Robt. McLar-
en, H. C. Soldan, W. W. Chapman,
C. Campbell, J. Manson, Oscar MoPe
Owen Geiger; W. R. Dougal, M.
Clark, T. Seeritt, B. Peck, R. D.
Bell, J. A. Flemming, H. Neeb and
Wm. Pepper. The treasurer's state-
ment -showed a good balance the end
of the year. The date for the an-
nual spring show was set for Tues-
day April 6th at Hewett and the
seed show on Friday Feb. 6th in the
Town Hall fiensall. The prize
money for both shows will be in-
creased this year.
Wall Paper
.,, .
Weddieg bells are ringing in this
Miss Nellie Carmicheal left Mon-
day evening for Stratford.
Mrs. E. Jackson, is visiting rela-
tives in Goderieh this week.
Mr. Andrew Johnston has instal-
led a fine radio in ,his,home.
Mr. Cabey Hudson sold his driver
to Richard Taylor, of Chiselhurst.
' Miss E. Durst, of Homesville, was
a visitor with friends in town over
Sunday. ,
Don't forget Dashwood Hockey
team. comes to town on Friday even-
Rev. McRea occupted the pulpit of
the Carmel Presbyterian church on
Sundae last. ,
Mr. J. McDonald and sister arriv-
ed home on Friday after their visit
in New York.
Miss Dora Sherritt, of London vis-
ited .over the week -end with rela-
tives in town. -
Mrs. J. L. Meek,, of Shakespeare
visitedover the week end with
friends in town.
Mr. Fred Bengough who.has been
confined to his room is showing
some improvement.
The many friends of Mrs. Thos.
Peart will be sorry to hear that she
ie on the sick list.
The Hockey Club are putting on an
Old Time Dance in the town hall on
Friday February 5th.
Reeve Geiger of Hensall and
Reeve Klopp of Hay left Tuesday
morning to attend the County Coun-
cil at Goderich.
The dance put on by the Night
Hawks on ,Friday eveninn.lest, ow-
ing to the sever' her wae---eie
as wellJ
, atfeeeed usual.
We enderstand ehat the poetpon-
ed scheduled hockey match between
Zurich and Hensall will be played in
Zurich on Wednesday evening next.
A lecture entitled "The Sunny Side
of Life„" will be given in the Unit-
ed church by Rev. A. Sinclair on Fri-
day evening, Jan. 29th. Other local
talent will assist with the program.
The Hensall Hockey Team enjoy-
ed an oyster supper at Jackson's res-
taurant on Monday evening. The
feed was put up by the President of
the Club, Mr. W. A. MacLaren.
Shook & Lipton's juvenile Circus
was here on Tuesday evening and at-
tracted quite a lot of attention. The
children were delighted with the
antics of the pony, dogs and birds.
Quite a lot of interest was shown
here on Tuesday in the election of
Warden of Huron County resulting
in the election of Reeve McKibben,
of Wingham. • (
Don't forget to hear the popular
play "Welcome Home,n-immy," to
be given in the town hall on Fridae
evening, February 12th, under the
auspices of the Women's Guild of
St. Paul's church.
Mrs. Chas. Blackwell, of Hay, was
taken"to London hospital on Thurs-
day afternoon last to undergo an op-
eration for appendicitis. Mrs. Black -
well's many friends here will be
pleased to hear that she stood the
operation well and is improving
A very successful Euchre Party
and Dance was held in the town hall
on Monday evening. Mr. Wm. Sang-
ster carried away the prize for gen-
tlemen. and Mrs. J. Ross for ladies
prize, each winning 12 games. Aft-
er the euchre, dancing was the ord-
er and a good time was spent tripp-
ing the . light, fantastic. . The pro-
ceeds of the, evening amounted to
$94.00, which is to be spent for char-
itable purposes.
On Tuesday- evening last D.D.G.M.
Moore, of Clinton, accompanied by
his installing team, drove down to
the local lodge'of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, and installed
al 1 the incoming offiters for the
year. There was a good attendance.
Short addresses were given by a
number of the Clinton brethren, fol-
lowing that of the D.D.G.M., also by
Past Noble Grande, William McKay,
G. C. Petty and G. J. Sutherland.
After the lodge had been closed the
rest of the evening was spent in
social intercotirse and a dainty lunch
served, '
The Literary Society of the Hen -
sell Continuation School held their
meeting on Friday afternoon last,
group 3 putting on the program.
The meeting was opened by einging
"Carry me Back to Old Verginia"
and "I Wonder What's Become of
Sally." A reading by Beryl Pfaff,
Violin solo bY Scott Welsh, accom-
panied be Nellie Boyle on the piano
and an elistreniental by Joan Bon -
throne were well rendered. A de-
bate was put on resolved "That it
would be to „en advantage to the
eetintry that it tax be plaeed on
Bachelors." 011 the affirmative side
were Harry Cook, Lorne Poster and
George Pinney, and on - the negative
side were Nellie Boyle, Ruth Chan -
another goal, which they didn't earn.
man and Gertrude Higgins,: The
'Thus Zurich emerged front the game
judges gave cleeision iti fatter of the
negative ide,
at the long end of a 6—:.4 score.
J. Sangster, Hensall
Hensall Tile, Brick
and Block Yard
To A111;Our Customers
We want all empty cement
sacks returned before •
JANUARY 31, 1926 •
phone 7
Honor graduate of Faculty of
Medicine, and Master of Science,
tiversity of ' ,Western Ontario.
Member of College of Physicians
Ind Surgeons of Ontario. Office
Pero doors east of Post Office.
Phone 56 'Residence 114
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au-
etion School, Special course taken in
itegistered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Merchandiee, Real Estate, Parse
Salem!, etc. Rates in keeping with
Orevailing pricesSatisfaction as -
lured, write Oscar Kiel*, Zurichor
Wire 18-93, Zurich,
Oion•OOMMI.M.m. N......itsploomesnewommmisme
Aka, v matched dressed on both
sides 0
50 PER M.
ed to tally. This report wouldy not
be complete without making men-
tion of the exceptional net minding
of McAllister, the Hensell goalie,
who, in the initial stanza of the
game turned in a stellar perform-
ance, and turned away many diffi-
cult shots throughout the entire
game. This fine goal tending was
largely responsible for the inability
of Zurich to score in the first frame.
The second spasm saw both teams
start at a fast clip, each team using
subs frequently and both teams tal-
lied twice before the bell sounded
and• felted Hensel' leading 4-2.
The final 20 Minutes of play saw
the Hensall team fighting hard to
retain their lead, but the Zurich lads
seemed a little fresher, due no doubt
to constant "subbiug." The home
team came through and scored, and
the Zurich fans called loudly for an-
other goal t� tie the scoee. They
tried to comply with thie request and
took a side shot at the Hensall goal
which hit the goal poet square in
the centre and bounced off toward
the boards at the side. The Zurich
goal umpire got excited and stuck up
his hand to signify a score. It was
quite obvious to anyone with average
optics that the puck never bulged the
twine, but the gbal Umpire would not
alter his dicision and the ehief
pire G. Coohrane'did not see the play
so he had to ,take the formeine decis-
foe, alid award Zurich a goal veltieh
they did net score. This piece of,
unfairnese seemed to "break the
hearts" of the Hensell boys and Zur-
ich, now in great spirits, showed one
ease Shortly after this Bell let his
stiek fl3r across the ice as a Zurich
man' was coining up the rink, for
which the referee awarded Zurich
r.,-DHJCwen, L. D. S.
;• wawa, scrucap.olv
AL °Oleg in 1404110lb Block, Dash-
wood, firet three day e of week and
at offiee over the Post Office. in
Zurich, last three days et week, *.
MISS Laura Reid, is visiting in
arise A. Lane, of Dorchester is vie-
iting with ber, sieter, Mrs. A. E. Coe-
treicher, •
'elle R. ROVecliffe, of Exeter, visit-
ed friends in town last week,
IVIise Reid Of Bayfield, is visiting
with her brother, Mr. j, C. Reid.
Mee, el. is visiting in
London. •
Mrs, F. B. Meyer spent Thursday
in London.
Rev. F. B. Meyer has returned
after spending the past week in New
Grand Bend
On Thursday evening, Feb. 4ell,
there will be a Box Social held in
Grand Bend church, given by the Y.
P. Se Everyone is cordially invited.
Ladies bring a box. Admission for
boys 50e. Lantern slides, consist-
ing of comic stories and other inter-
esting pieteree will be shown. We
invite you all "Come!"
Mr. and Mrs. Cony, of Jackson,
Mich., are visiting at the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Devine.
Ross Desjardine, of Deteeit, is:
visiting at his home here,
"Warren Teeeeerson, of the Sarnia
Collegiate, ee., it the week -end with
his parents here.
The ice harvest is about complete
for this year.
err. Alex. Neel, is attending
County Council in Goderich, this
• Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Hay Township Fire Insurance
meeting in Zurich on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witzel visited
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Finkbeiner, of
Shipka last Friday.
Miss Mare, Plynn, is spending a
few days with her grandmother,
Mrs. Flynn, of Centralia, who is
quite ill at present.
Miss Erna Neeb, of St. Marys,
spent the week -end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Neeb.
Mr. and MI's. Are Willert, visit-
ed friends at Corbett east Thursday.
On Monday ,evening a number of
the neighborsiand friends spend a
very enjoyable evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert in cards
and dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. John Morley of
Woodham spent a few days this past
ek at th , I oi ef . their, son,,Me.
Wilson " orlee,
We are pleased to hear that the
Misses Johanna and Julia Kehoe are
progressing favorably after their
serious ilhiess.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Jacques has been brightened by the
arrival of a flee:baby girl.
Owing to the storm on Sunday
last the services of :this church were
Mrs. Albert Gnarling is spending
a week with her daughter, Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mr's'. Jake Foster, of
Birch Hills, Sask.., who have been
visiting friends and relatives in this
community have returned to their
Rabbit hunters from Kirkton
Woodham and .Vinchelsea scoured
this district last 'Thursday and suc-
ceeded in bagging eighty-five rab-
Miss Aida quire, has returned to
her home after spending a few
weeks in St. Joseph's -Hospital, Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Squire, of Sunshine.
Mr. Alf. Brock, of the West, who
has been visiting relatives in this
vicinity and around Centralia for the
past month, is leaving this week for
his home.
Miss Pearl Baker, of the tenth,
entertained a number of her young
friends on Friday evening. All re-
port a splendid time.
Mr. Wellingtoia Shipley and Miss
Irene Harness, spent the week -end
at the home of Mrs. Robt. Dann of
Prospect Hill.,
The annual vestry meeting of St.
Patrick's Anglican church, Saints -
bury, was held in the Sunday School
hall on efonday evening, Jan. 18,
with the rector, Rev. W. J. Connor
in the chair. The financial report
for the year was read and adopted,
after which the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
Rector's warden, Alex. Macdonald";
people's warden, George Davis;
sidesmen, John Hunter, Heber Davis,
Earl Atkinson, Albert Dobbs; finan-
cial secretary, Lena Davis; lay rep-
resentative, Phineas Dickens; sub-
stitute, Win. Dickies; auditors, John
Hunter and Those Quinton.
A very pleasant and instructive
meeting of the W. M. S. was held on
Wednesday afternoon at the honte of
Mrs. P. Brock. The different sub-
jects for the day Of prayer Were
eery ably taken. by Mrs. George
Segues, Mrs. C. Canam ad Mrs. Elk
Fanson, each one giving a splendid
paper on then' subject,
Mr. 3. E. (3reery Met With a pain-
ful accident oe. Wednesday of last
Week. While operating a corn
blower his hand came in contact
with the gears, breaking one of his
fingers and crtishing two others.
Mr, D. Mills, of Ransoravilie, Mich
has spent the past week with 1VIr.
arid Mrs. S. Pleteher and other
friends, His many friends are al-
ways glacl to see hinl once more.
The feithhiet next SlindaY 0.,X,90Teg
In the Vuited..chnteh.WW
jgefPrnphet 0f',#94)13osif NARY!,
and eworshipe with tie and get_ aq-
quatnted with tbe great preaebers
of the past.
A. liberal tree 'will. offering in aid
of the Church Extensten Puncl for
the Evangelical ehurch bI Willetineg
where Rey. S, M Ifaueb-, u termer
pastor is Minieteriete to 4 ProSPer-
ing Congregation will be received at
the Sunday Scheel session of the
Evangelical church here next Sun-
day morning.
The Women's eliseion and Aid
Society meets on Wednesday after-
noon at the honae of Mr. and Mre.
Herman Oestreicher to hold their
monthly meeting.
Next Sabbath morning the gospel
message at the Evangelical Church
will centre, in the' theme. "The
high water mark itt christian
at the evening service the subject is
"Habit, a fact and a force; an aven-
ue to liberty or to slavery." Did
you say you'll be there to receive
them? Thanks! It will pay you.
The 26 devout worshippers wive at -
Vended divine service on. Sunday re-
gardless of the storm and the 122
who braved the blizzard on Sunday
evening are to be congratulated.
The nembers of the "Dorcas
Band S, S. Class" including their
husbands and friends spent a very
enjoyable social evening in the
Women's Institute Hall last Mon-
day evening. Rev. Mr. Dreier is the
fond, teacher of this class. 80 were
present, and will not soon forget the
happy event. The follbwing pro-
gram was given: song service;
words of welcome and greetings by
the pastor; men's quartette by 3. H.
Holtzman, E. G. Faist, II. M. Feist
and H. K. Eilber; readings by Mrs.
Chris. Heist and .J. H. Holtzman;
instrumental solo by H. K. Eilber,
a duet by Clayton Sims and Mrs. W.
Smith, Jr., and another duet by Mrs.
G. E. Faist and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel
and a recitation by the latter. Con-
tests by Mr. H. K. Eilber's and Rev.
Dreier's classes and community
songs. The program brought the
house down. The ladies served a
dainty lunch.
When God creates a majestic
snow storm He uses pure white
snow flakes and cold air. When
man storms he uses hot air, a bad
teinper and bad language disinfect-
ed by nicotine fumes. When God
makes sleighing He spreads a layer
oe pure woolly snow over the road
and some people assist Him and try
to improve on it by scattering ashes
on top of it in front of their neigh-
bors property, so that others shall
no t suspect the real transgressor;
was that somebody you? Nuf said.
Miss Merle Clark has returned
home, after ,vesiting her brother in
Mr. Fred Finkbeiner is visiting
MrseLevi Stahl and family for a few
Mr. Neleen ..St. eMe. Pinch
ii -
proved after his recent illness.
Mrs. Ed. Lawson, of London, is
visiting Mr. a-nd Mrs. Albert King for
a few days.
Skating is again in full swing aft-
er the recent thaw and we hope for
a few good nights yet.
I expect to start my bakery busi-
ness about February est and would
appreciate a call. Lloyd England
Mr. Harold Dempsey, of Winni-
peg, Spent a few days at the home
of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. W. Kiteley was in London
for a few days this past week.
Mrs. W. Bawden spent a few days
last week in London visiting her
mother, Mrs. Boyle.
Miss Kathleen Hicks of Victoria
Hospital, spent Friday at the hofee
of her parents.
Mr. Melville Mitchell left last
week for Victoria, B. C., where he
intends remaining for some time.
Mr. Thos. Oliver has been quite
ill this past week and under the
doctor's care.
Mr. Wilfred Huxtable has pur-
chased the chopping mill from Mr.
Smith,, possession to be given
the first of February. ,
Mr. A. Robinson, of London, is at
his home here owing to the serious
illness of his mother, Mrs. W. Robin-
There was no service in the
church Sunday morning owing to
the storm.
Mr. Wm. Skelton has sold his
Ford coupe to Miles McCabe.
The Young Peoples' League held
a social evening on Wednesday even-
ing of last week. The sleigh -ride
was postponed but a pleasant time
in games and amusements was spent
in the church followed by refresh-
ments served by the ladies.
Sometime during the week -end the
Centralia school was broken into
and damage was done to the prop-
erty. The trustees met on Monday
-morning and decided to prosecute
the guilty parties. There was suf-
ficient evidence on which to base a
conviction. Later in the day on re-
considering the whole matter and
taking into consideration the ser-
iousness of the offence and the
probable heaey penalty that wOuld
be • meted out the trustees decided
not to prosecute but give warning
that should the offence be repeated
the law would take its course.
Mr; and Mrs. Harry lilickmeier
have 'returned after spending sever-
al weeks at London, St, Marys. Seb-
ringville and Brodb.agen.
Mr. Ted Habeter is taking a.
short course on beekeeping at the
0. A. C. Guelph,
• Mt. Harry Lipphardt, who has
been quite ill, is linproving.
Miss Doitella Ruby left for Lon-
don on Wednesday.
Mrs, Carolina Price has returned
to Zurich after a few months' visit
with relatives in Detroit and Cava-'
lier, N.D.
*toag*'ib;*ltun4 Secilety
`1 The anntra,1,1Meet .the Kirktnp,
Agrieultural-, Se,aietY was- hold lu the
Aberdeen L1h, .Kirkton, on ,Saturday
Jarman', it fair attendance
The chair WAS taken by the retiring
presideet, ea. lkr, Miley, and Nathan
Doupe, acted as Secretary of the
meeting in the aheettee of the Sec-
retary, Amos Doupe, wbp Wa$ un-
able to be present on account of W -
ACO'. Tile /ear PP:A closed has been
one of the most eliceessfel in the
histery ef the society, and the report
presented n by the secretary shovrs
that the sdpiety is in a eery Prosper -
Otte conditiOn-, It ;was decided at the
meeting.ite..employ Governmelat ex-
pert Judges, for cattle and bersee
at -
the Fall Fair and to have Field
Crop Competitions in *heat and eats.
After ether inizior business was
transacted tb.e 'following officers
were elected.''for 1926; President,
Samuel Routley; 1s1 vice-pres., Jas.
Mere; 211d vice -pros., John Duncan;
sec'y-treas,. Anects 'Doupe; directors,
Wm. Brook, A. Brethour, J. Stephens
Joseph preety, , Roger, Robt.
Berry, Gleasde One, S. Pym, R. N.
Shier, WeSwitzer, John Priagle, Jas.
Robinson, 'Reba, Spence, John Gett-
ler, W. Hodge;' auditors, E. N. Shier
and Chs. l'aul.
The newly elected president, Mr.
Samuel Routley -was appointed a
delegate to attend the Provincial
Fairs Association at Toronto.
Mrs. Will. Pollen, of Farquhar,
has -returned heme after spending a
week with her sister, Mrs. Buhr, of
Mitchell. '
Mr. Josiah Creery had the misfor-
tune to lose a finger in the cutting
box recently.
A jolly dance was held among the
neighbors of the Boundary at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Selves
on Friday evening. The night was
spent in games au d dancing, all re-
turning home in the wee hours of
the morning. ,
Miss Lute Fulton, of Seratford,
visited among relatives here over the
week -end.
A pleasing event of unusual in-
terest took place at the home of Mr.
Robt. McDonald, Thames Rd. on
Wednesday evening, January 20th,
when the teachers and officers of the
Thames Road Sunday School met to-
gether to do honor to one of their
members in the person of Miss Ethel
McDonald, who has just returned
from Toronto after an absence of
five weeks. Since early in Septem-
ber, Ethel ha e been absent, terough
illness, from her accustomed place
in the Sunday School, and church,
where she was greatly missed by all.
Shortly' after ihe crowd assembled,
Ethel was presented with a Bible and
plant, in recOgnition of her faithful
services in the Sunday School. Fol-
lowing is the address, which was -
read by Miss Mabel Neil, while Mr.
-Ienniaan—Motedeeeeande---lera ale.nry-
Anderson, made the presentation:
Thames lied., Ont., jan. 20th, 1926
To Miss Ethel McDonald. -
Dear Friend Ad Sunday School
We are met this evening in your
home to spend a social hour, and to
express our pleasure a,t seeing you
home, once more. Our thoughts and
sympathies have been with you dur-
ing your recent illness, and we sin-
cerely hope your renewed health will
permit you to resume your custom-
ary place, as organist in our School,
which duty you have faithfully per-
formed with such regularity during
the past seven years. In appreciation
of _these services we take great
pleasure in presenting to you this
Bible and plant, and trust that these
little gifts of remembrance will con-
vey to you our sincere appreciation
of your services in our Sunday
,School. With best wishes for your
continued good health, we are as
ever, yours most sincerely,
The teachers and officers of the
Thames Rd. Sunday School.
Miss McDonald was completely
taken by surpriee, but made a very
suitable reply thanking all, in a few
well chosen words. This Was follow-
ed by a program consisting of
speeches by Rev. G. M. Chidley, Mr.
William Moodie and Mr. John Cann
all expressive of the high esteem in
which our honored member is held.
Following this was a recitation by
Miss Anna Jeffrey, music by the Read orchestra and songs,
old and new in which everyone join-
ed. A bountiful lunch was served be
the ladies, then all joined hands in
singing "Auld Lang Syne," a fitting
close to a very pleasant evening,
The' .ypOtry irieetttg .f St,
OPArc;11, th
week. 'Th9. , gfnoliak,: the yenr,
are' as tollOWsi' 'XtectPide, , warden,
,Tames lacriann: POOP164, warden.
ktieltael cntp,11,1p,016.4ni sideozen,..43x,
drew Carter and 'lege '‘O'Neil; (tele-
gatee tn the synod, Alex, O'Neil, and
Wilfrid Cunningham; --vestry clerk.
Moore 'Cunningham; organist, Mita,.
,Plorenep McRann;
3. Cannhiglialii, The' , warden's
pert was very sitisfacterY, 'shoWing
all obligations fully Met ;Ina itsur '
plus of $60.
The people of. Ilttrondale may well
be proud of the boys and girls they
send to Exeter High School, Last
year in First Forne, Harold 0. Hor-
ton was the winner of the Scholar-
ship in general ` proficiency. in
Second Form the late Melville Down
came second in general proficiency,
and Maebelle Strang tame third in
general proficiency, In the prev-
ious year Maybelle Strang was the
winner of the scholarship in general
proficiency in First Form. All of
the above mentioned were formerly
from S. S. No. 1, Usberne and Miss
M. A. Herton's pupils. '
Quite a member from here attend-
ed the Fire Insurance meeting at
Zurich, Monday. .
Mr. Isaac Tetreau had the mis-
fortune to fall -and had his shoulder
bone dislocated.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner, of
Killarney, Man., are visiting with
Mr. C. and M. Finkbeiner.
Mr. Wm. Barringarten, from Mi-
eita„ Man., is visitig at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Lampert.
Mr. Ira Tetreae who has been in
London St. Joseph Hospital under-
going an operation for appendicitis
is expected home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor from
Greenway, spent last Monday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs-. A. Finkbein-
There are still quite a number
confined to their homes suffering
from La Grippe.
Speaking of the proposed new
schedule of rates for telephone ser-
vice, which appears in another
eolumn of this issue, Manager Sas.
`Lawson, of the Bell Telephone Com-
pany said:
"I am very glad that the new
schedule proposes no increase in rate
for residence service. This will
tend to encourage the development
of residence telephones; making the
service of the merchant and busi-
ness man, for which we are asking
an increase, of growing value to ,
htsrajdenes, eee awe
telephones increase. Co reach an al-
ways wider circle of householders,
and customers. '
"We have delayed our request for
a change in rates as long as we pos-
sibly could. Nobody' wants a starv-
ed telephone service thatwould be
injurious to the whole community!
We have no alternative but to read-
just rates if we are to continue to
provide adequate service for present
subscribers and. extend our plant to
care for new ones. We must do
both, of these things if we are to -ful-
fil our obligations to the public.
"Of course no magic wand has
touched the telephone business to
defend it from he general increase
in prices during recent years. Con-
struction costs are double those of
a few years ago. We must continue
to pay fair wages to the 14,000 men
and women who provide your ser-
vice to enable them to maintain
their customary Standard of living.
The cost to us of the intricate ap-
paratus we use is largely determin-
ed by the higher wages now re-
ceived by skilled labor.
"Only twice sinde pre war days
have our rates been increased -10
per cent. in 1918, and 12 per cent.
in 1921. Contrast this with the in-
creased cost of almost everything
else that enters into the cost of liv-
ing to -day and the need for further
readjustment of our, rates is not
difficult to realize.
"We believe our patrons will
agree that the importance of main-
taining the standard of service and
extending it promptly to new appli-
cants far outweighs the moderate in-
crease which we are proposing for
this exchange.
Did Von Ever Turn a
Cream, Separator?
It is wondearfullreasyl Even the sizestrosn
600 lbs. upwanis—which in other makes
°Item' require 611 etnginetr7';are easily oper-
ated by a &Bd. Here is a direct slaving of.
tixne and labor.
Sizes 100 to t,000 lbs.
Reasonable"price& Easy Payment Phu.
Swedish Separator Company, Limited,
Ma Notre IMMO St, West, fitsturesd.
Dashwood Creamery Company