HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-1-21, Page 5h. EXET,gR TI S-ADVOCATA rMNIN III11N1 M 01000000000000 01010000001000010000000000000010000 111IIM1NN011 : .. s Fr • I Illilll 1 Ia11111N1N111000 II �� 1 1 1111111 1111 ... it IIIN INI�1 II11NN1 1111_.. i N IINI. I N N 1111 UI , 11 IIIIIMIIIM11111111111111NI111111111111N11111111111NINIIIIINI 1 11 11MI1111111�, COUNCIL MEETING The first regular meeting of the new 4926 Council took place Tues- day' day' evening January 19th, Reeve Geiger and all the members of the Council being present. The •.min- utes of the last meeting wereread and adopted on motion of Campbell and ,McArthur. Mr, Adam Reicnart was present and asked for a refund of Ms son's poll taxes, claiming his son was a renter of land in the vil- lage,, The matter was laid over. Collector sent in the amount 'of un- paid taxes and he was given to the 2nd to collect them. A number of accounts were presented and order- td to be paid. By-law No. 1 for : the appointing 'Of the officials and .;set ting the aino.unt of their salaries was read first, second and "third times and passed.Alex. Murdock, clerk and manager of the Town Hall: C. Cook treasurer; A. W. E Hemphill, collect- or; Colin Hudson, assessor; Mrs. G. Hudson, caretaker of the town hall; Geo. Hudson, constable, fife chief and sanitary inspector, Harry Price; pound keeper; Ray McArthur; the council's representative on the lib- rary board; Joe. Hudshon and Ray 11TcArthur were appointed auditors. By-law No. 2 giving the Reeve and Treasurer power to borrow $3,000 for current expenses of the town was give its first, second and final' read- ing and passed. A communication from the Children's Shelter at Gode, rich, asking for a grant, was refer- red to the next meeting. The meet- ing then adjourned to meet again February 2nd. olot .of erFe N TO111 OmaniQ CLINTON, Winter Term Opens, s Tuesday,January 5t 1926 TRAINING will fit you for the Our PRACTICAL BUSINESSES WORLD, where ,irork HIGHEST paid positions. In the BUSINESS , is always REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered. — COURSES --- STENOGRAPHIC, 'ECRETARIAL COMMERICAL S Teachers, Civivl Service and :Special -Courses e S Special Classes for Hensall and Exeter Students ' d students on an 8 months' course.. !'weeks additional time given to For Information apply to M. A. STONE MISS B. F. WARD:`b, Aa, �a Com. Specialist, Vice Principal l Principal, Phone 138', pa HENSALL DEFEATS EXETER 7-3 On Friday evening last the local crew won from the Exeter • puck chasers by the score, of 7-31 The game was very even for he first two frames. In the opening frame each team managed to bulge the twine once, and the second period saw two counters each chalked up so the 'be- ginning of ;the last stanza found the score 'tied 3 all. With the. start of the 3rd period the Hensallboys also seemed to start afresh and had the puck bottled up at the Exeter end of the rink the greater part of the time and were incessantly storming the visitors goal. The exceptionally good work between the posts by Bruce Rivers' the visiting goalie a oubtless jam' saved the visitors a very severe trimming. The local crew seemed . to get their second wind in this final clash -and notched four goals before the bell sounded, while Exeter fail- ed to score. C. Blowes and- C. Shaddock showed up well for Hen- sall while Tuckey and Acheson were the pick of the visitors. The line- up—Exeter, goal Rivers; defense, Tuckey and Batson; wings, Acheson and Abbot; centre, Pollen;, cub. Caldwell. Hensall—Goal, McAllis- ter; defense, Bell and Shaddock; wings, Blowesand Shaddock; centre Hoggarth; sub., Farquhar. WE CAN 4T3AVE YOU MONEY t Renew yew: subscriptions to daily and weekly 'papers and rnagazines at the Observer office. We can save you money. Hensall Bread,is selling at 10c in town, Rev. H. Naylor spent a few days this week in Toronto. Mrs. Wilson Berry, of Winds.4 , is visiting relatives in town. Reeve Saunders, of Exeter, was in town Monday on business. We are sorry to report that. Mrs. E. Willard' is not in good health. Miss J. Johnson, visited over the week -end with friends in Seaforth. Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, visited friends in town on Tuesday. Messrs. Chas. Way and C. Ander- son, of Exeter, were in town Monday Mt. Laird Joynt, of London, is vis- iting for a few days at his home here Miss Grace Scarlett visited over the week -end with her parents in Staforth. T. W. Parlmer has opened up a meat market at the back of his grocery store. The rain on Monday has made the cads very soft and has taken away lot of the snow. Mr. Sam Rennie has been confin- 1 eek to his home for the past w ith a severe cold. ,, Wall Paper In the Latest Designs • Prices from 1Oc. to $1.50 PER ROLL - w mt� ne c] 0 t: 2 f, T b 1 r x 1 i i ' 1 ] " f. 'r'�� OCA 1 JL 11�/ r FLOORING1' -LAID AND POLISHED J.- Sangster, Hensall Hensall Tile, Brick and Block Yard NOTICE To A11. �� Ou r: Customers We want all. emptyent sacks returned be #' JANUARY 31, 19 ALL SACKS NOT RETURNED BY MULE ABOVE DATE WILL HAVE+ • TO BE PAID FOR , igi% 13% wawa) Phone 7 • DR. R. P. L DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty . of � iedicine, ,and Master , of • Science, � %niyeraity of Western Ontario. Kember of College of Physicians .• Wad Burgeons of Ontario. Office � Iwo doors east of Post Office. Phone 68 Residence 114 , HEl' SALL, ONT • .AUCTIO NEER . „, OSCAR KLOPP._ Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - inion School, Special course taken in 1Legistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) gteechandise, Real Estate, Farm isles, etc. ..Ratesin keeping, with Prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- A'dled, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or ter. 18-83, Zurich_ .,...�. WHITEINE- �IT F Ali, v matched dressed on- both sides 'at 1, rPER M. IBIS IS TIM TIME TO STOCK GOOD COA1t, Wang 1� WITH ...LOW ng CAN GET IT AT A LQ ;mon R Y A. J. CLATWC�TH G,OTON 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Munn, of Wel- Grand Bend On Thursday evening, Feb. 4th, there will be a Box Social held in Grand Bend church, given by the Y. P. S. Everyone is cordially invited. Ladies bring a box. Admission for boys 50G. Lantern slides, consist- ing of comic stories and other inter- esting pictures will be shown. We invite you all, "Come!". STEPHEN COUNCIL Following are the Path Masters omitted from Stephen Council min- utes last week. Pah-Masters: Gordon Wilson, Hir- manie Jas. it Powe,-, C. W.Christie, Shantou ton Preston Dearing, Geo. Hep- burn , burn, William White, Jos. White, S. ood, Manitoba "are visiting with Kuhn, Chas. Box, Sam. Preszcator, r. and . Mrs. Alex Munn. The young people of the Anglican lurch are putting on a play in the war future, particulars later. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McQueen and iildren visited wih Mr. and Mrs. F. yekm n, of Chiselhurst, on Sunday. The dance het& n tne" Town Serail n 'Thursday evening last was large- -attended and all reported.' a good me. Charity Dance will be in the own -Hall on Monday evening Jan. 5th. A good orchestra is secured �r the occasion. Miss Francis Pearce who has been isiting for the past two weeks with elatives in St., Thomas, returned ome on Saturday. Mrs. G. Knapp, who for the past ionth has been visiting at her home i North Bruce, returned to town on aturday evening last. Owing to the mild. weather of'tife ast few days -the rink is not in ood shape, consequently skating ad to be stopped for a while. The continuing Presbyterians held heir first service in their .r new hurch on Sunday afternoon, Rev. uIr. Foote, of Exeter being the min- ster. Das .WcQd C wen ,. D. $, amu;. S► SU• 6 lv Ea�TTAL RO At office in Hartleib lslock, Dean,- wood, first st three days of week and' at office over the Pest OffiCe, in Zurich, last three days of week. 1Vfr, Percy Caifas, has returned, month after spending tla�e past neon. in De- troit, Mi E. B. Guenther, spent Monday in London, ' Miss Ida Zimmer, returned to her home "here Saturday, after visiting in Detroit for the past month; Dr. H. II. Cowan, spent the week- end in London. Rev. Bruer, is visiting in Kitchen- er this week. Mrs. Ezra Tiernan had the misfor tune, to fall and break her. wrist, »• Centralia Crediton The many friends of"Miss M. Wein are pleased to, see bier out again. atter her recent 11/nese, ' Mrs, E. Maynard lett on Monday for. Chicago 'and polats west `on a C g months visit with friends„ Mise Merle, Clark is visiting leer brother .in- Detroit forr a few days, Mr,:Syivester, Wuertli is all smiles,. its a girl. Carnival Postponed --The Carnie. nal thatwas advertised. to be held'. . this (Wednesday) evening bus been. postponed until Wednesday of next week,, Mrs Chris. Rau, is visiting friends at Exeter. Mrs, George Lawson returned to her home in Exeter after waiting on her mother Mrs. Yearley who was sick. Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Motz last week. Mrs. Godfried Nicholson is quite 311 and under the doctor's care. Mr. Lawrence Hill is all 'smiles. It is a fine big girl. Mr. Will Motz went to Toronto on Monday to consulta doctor about his leg, which was broken some time ago. Mrs, Motz went as far as Lon- don with him. She will visit friends there for a few days. Mrs. Wm. Watson, of Thedford and children are visiting the' for- mer's parents, ormer's-parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Heist. Mr. Joe Heist who has been quite ill is improving nicely, Mr. Ben Price,, of •Dashwood, spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brock, of Exe- ter spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lewis. Hosea—The Prophet of Love," 3rd in the series on "Paintings of,. the Prophets," will be the subject in the United church next Sunday evening. Last week you heard of the message of a preacher of Con- science. Come hear of his contem- porary the preacher of Repentance. The gospel message at the Evan- gelical church next Sabbath, morn- ing will be part. III. in the series, "What` is life when built according to the plan of God and invested in His service and empowered by his might. In the evening Rev. W. Y. Dreier preaches on, "Peace like a River." Popularity Tests—It has been said in a rather cynical way that "in most churches the atten- dance at the Sabbath morning ser- vice shows the popularity of . the preacher, and at themid-week ser- vice the popularity of the Lord." It is at least something to think about. • The Senior Young People's League of the Evangelical church was treat- eda ver enjoyable nd novel` to y a i Work am byan progr the Christ CoOnittee, of which the president, Miss. A. Geiser is chairman. It being a memory meeting, the entire pro- gram was given from- memory. Fred ,Cunnington recited the Scripture lesson. .A. brief sketch of various bible characters was given as an in- troduction to the topic of the even- ing. This was ably done by Clara ai--r. ila,Hair"t.._Kathleen 1Viorlock Dorothy Hirtzel, Wealthy Schroder and Edith Sweitzer. The topic, "Great Ideas that have Spurred People to Action," was discussed. by Beatrice Heist. A vocal duet was pleasingly rendered by Adeline Wein and Lloyd Wein and Clara Oestreich- er's solo, "Open the Gates 'of; the Temple" was enjoyed by all. Then a Bible contest was participated in by all present and the meeting ad- journed with : the "Mizpa" benedic- tion. The regular meeting of L. 0. L. 1343, Crediton, was held on Decem- ber 29th, 1925. The following of- ficers were elected for the ensuing year: Wor. Master, William Grieve Dep. Master, Henry Hamilton; Chap- lain, William Smith, Rec. Sec'y, Edward Faulder; Financial Sec'y, Jame's Patching; Treas., William Scott; Director Ceremonies, Robert Gower.... lst Lecturer, James Flynn 2nd Lecturer, John Edwards; lst Committeeman, Thomas Appleton; 2nd Committeeman, Fred Waghorn; 3rd Committeeman, Joe. Flynn; 4th Committeeman, Raymond Greenlee; 5th Committeeman, Fred Lewis; Outside Tyler, John Corbett; , Inside Tyler, Edwin Scott; Auditors, Ed- ward Faulder, Henry Hamilton. Mr, -Wm. Dobbs spent the week- end with friends in London. Mr. Wm. Colwill, who has been on a business trip in the west for some months returned home on Monday. Mrs. E. Powe and baby of Lon- don, spent the week -end at the home of .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Fantail visit- ed last week in Windsor. Mrs. Byron Hicks, -rho has been i11 -with diptheria is much improved. On Wednesday night the Young People's Society of the United church have planned a sleigh ride party, on their 'return lunch. will be served in the basementof the church. Next Sunday evening in the Unit- ed church, January 24th the subject of the sermon will be "Jesus as a Lay Man." Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neil,, spent the week -end with friends in London. Miss O'Connor, S.S. No. 1 McGil- livray, received word of the death. of her sister-in-law, in Detroit. She left on Saturday to attend the fun- eral. Mr. Frank Conlin has purchased. a new radio set from Mr. G. Hicks. Gerald, the young son of Mr.sGus. Hennessy, has been quite i11 during the past week. Wm. Sims; Henry Finkbeiner, John Fanner, Henry Schenk, Gotfried Wein, Thos. Chambers, Pat. Flana- gan, Geo. Finkbeiner, W. H. Mor - lock, Bert: Nestle, Henry Martene, James Flynn, 0. Nicholson, William Mawhinney, Reuben Davey, Jonah Kessell, Jos. Glavin, Mich. Madden; 'Deli .C3ar'Y;-Ar"t "W hart, dacou -'Teff hofer, Ed. Kraft; Arthur Curtis, Newton Clark, Ernest Keys, Henry Link, Henry Devine, John Houlahan Wm. Melilla; Milton Ratz, Alex Me- Eachen, Jacob Kellerman, Placid Desjardine, Sam'l Webb, John Mar- riott, Alex. Fraser, Geo. Mason, Alex Latta, Humphrey Webb, W. T. Baker, Fred Desjardine, Ed. Gill, P. Mollard, W. L. Lovie, James Wilson, James Hodgins, Byron Hicks, Cecil Jones, Roy Hodgins, Pat. McCarthy Michael Ryan, Chas, Ragier, Henry Appleten, Wesley. Mellin and Jerry Brophey. The Welfare of Youth Club of the resbyterian church held their reg - lar meeting in their new church on 12onday evening with a large atten- lance present. A meeting of the Agricultural So-., iety for South Huron was held in ho Commercial Hotel' on Monday afternoon. Quite a number of mem- ers were present. The Hensall Hockey Team were cheduled to play a league game in lashwood on Monday evening. But wing to weather conditions the ame was postponed. A dance will be held in the Town Sall, on Friday evening Jan. 22nd. Che Hensall Night Hawks will fur- iishthe music. Come and enjoy he evening with the Hawks. .. The many friends of;Mrs. Thos.' )ickson will be sorry to learn • that he is not enjoying the best of health s -a result Miss E. Dickson is not �n duty at the post;office'this week: The Young Peoples'. League of he • ChiSeihurst United Church will resent their play in the church on Nednesday evening February, 2nd. Chey also will repeat in the Town' all, Hensall as soon as the ar angements can be made. CLAN DEBOYE° Mr. Tomas Smith, who has been confined to his bed for this past two months, we are sorry to say is not much improved. dance held supper per and The oysterp in the L.O.L. Hall, at Mooresville, on Friday evening was, attended by over ` 140 couple. The Avalon or- chestra furnished the music. Mr. Thos. Grundy, who has been confined to his bed this past week, is improving very slowly but his re- covery is -looked for. Mr. W. Lewis, is expecting a n ,r t r-ear-yo'iY�ilwee Th e : demandlately Iabeenexceeding heavy.: Mrs. Elsie Hodglon, who has been seriously ill for this past two weeks, is on the mend' andwe all hope for a speedy .recovery Owing to the thaw this past few days the roads in this section of the country are in poor condition, cer- tain roads practically bare and on others the snow isof considerable depth. Miss Myrtle Cunningham is visit - int relatives at Mooresville. Frank Hodgins has returned home after spending 'a few days visiting in Parkhill. ZURICH ' Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Koehler, of Kitchener, visited relatives here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gellman and family of Sovereign, $ask., are spending a month at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman. The annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall, Tuesday afternoon with a large attendance present. The following officers were elected: President, E. F. Klopp; 1st vice- president, J. P. Rau; 2nd vice-presi- dent J. Smith; Directors, 0. Klopp, 0. Sarerus, M. Rader, W. Hey, A. Reichert, Dr. MacKinnon, Ed. }lab erer, J. Decker, Jr., Thos Yearley. It was again decided to use Govern- ment judges the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Taggart of South Bend, Ind., visited relatives. here. • Mrs. Pierce Farwell and daugh- ter Luella (eft for Chicago, Mil- waukee and other points. Miss Thecla Smith, of Detroit, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Wendel •Smith.; Mrs. C. Fritz spent the week with her daughter, Miss Pearl Wurtz, who underwent an operation at London. McGILLIVRAY FARMER LEFT $31,207 ESTATE Administration papers on behalf of Thomas Morrisey, McGillivray Tp. farmer, who died without a will, were filed at the courthouse and disposes of an estate totaling court, 207. By the order of the u , it will be divided among a brother and sister. They are: Agustus Morrisey living at Crediton, and Mrs. •Mary Cassidy, who lives at 2973 Mont- i h. The 't Mc r avenue Detroit, > Y , estate consists ,of $8,837 cash in the bank and a farm, on which Morris lived, valued at $7,100. Monies w- itted by mortgages totaled $14,924,- 75. The remainder was made up of household goods and personal ef-� feats. The 'meeting of the Young Peep - es' League was held on Monday ev- ening. The topics on: "Language of Animals ; .was very,ably •. given by Mr. Jas. ;Tapp; an instrumental by Miss Irene' Douglas; ' instrumental duet by Mrs. Hoggarth and Miss G: Laramie; readings by • Miss Ruth Chapman, and master Ray Patterson g lo' byMiss a soG. ands Mies M. Ellis Scarlett were all greatly ,enjoyed, DEATIt. OF ,HOLLAND LITTLE As we were about .to send in onr budget for this week, we learn of the death • of Holland . Little, Mr. Little has been in poor: health for .a number of years'. and has been con- fined to his room since September; with rheutaatisin and other trouble. He suffered greatly for a longtime and finally passed away on Tuesday evening,, He leaves to mourn • his lose his Sorrowing widow and three young children, Edward,, Dorothy and Mary. Wo will give further par- tioulars next week. y .A.t Ontario St. church parsonage, Clinton, on Thursday, January 7th, the marriage took place of Clifford Thomas Glazier, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Glazier, ;Exuron Road, and Miss Mary Evelyn Johnston, dough- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joliin. ston of Londesboro. The young cnottple were unattended. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning vis- ited with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Tookey of Lucan over the week -end. Mr. Mervin Johnson has bought a new driver. Mr. Chittick is engaged with Wil- son- Moiney il-son•-Morley for, a short term. Mr. Cliff Shipley, of Lucan, visit- ed at the home of his uncle, Mr. Al- bert Duffield on Sunday. Mr. Morris Brooks, of Stratford, is home at present owing to the ill- ness of his father and brother. Miss Beth Whaley and Bertha Batton visited with friends in Lucan on Saturday. Mr. Laverne ,Morley who has been quite ill is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire spent the week -end atthe latter's home in Tuckersmith. Mr. Wm. Brooks is confined to his house with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire and family spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. ando Mrs. N. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster, of the West are calling on friends and relatives in this vicinity at present. Ei.iMV1141: We are, very glad to report that the two little girls ,who have been, very aeriotlsly ill with p ieunlonig4 PPrgtl►Y Job ie :and HeZel "Willianxs are 'making favorable progress to- ward recovery, Mr, Benson willia►s had the mis- fortune to lost cane: ;ot bis prize hors- es from poisoning eansed by eating' frozen ensilage, The ether Horse of the teawWarr very badly poisoned .as well b t recovered.. Mr. Wesley a t of hie beat hers- onus �a"los one. J . ee from pneuinen.ia during the past week.. The local hunteret succeeded. in bagging over seventy jacks last Sat- urday. GREENW Y Mr, Dawson Woodburn left for Port Huron on Saturday, :where he has secured':a pgaition as cliemist. A little son Caine to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Eagleson last week. Congratulations, Mrs, Toll, of London, is visiting her parents, Mr. and•Mrs. E. Mason. Miss Emma McPherson, R. N., of London is home caring for her mother who has been ill. Mr. 'Selboure English returned to Detroit last week., Miss Pressy spent the week -end in Parkhill. THAMES ROAD The monthly meeting of the Thames Road W. M. S. was held on the evening of January 13th and took special form, . in it being an open social evening to members of the congregation and a special birth- day collection. The meeting was favored by a splendid address by Rev. A. E. Johns on Medical work in China as he has found it in his work and experience in China, after which Mrs, A. D. Johns displayed many Chinese curios whish were of great interest to those present.. During o the program an Orchestra, composed ped de- • of the congregation, f members 0 lighted the audience with several musical selections. Rev. Mr. Chid - ley very capably"occupied the chair. Ater the progrean lunch was served and a vast successful meeting was brought to a close. The members of the W. M. S. were pleased with the large attendance and good Collec- tion of $34.00: Tlie financial statement of the W. M. S. for the past year shows it to be in a flourishing condition with a total of $844„43 raised during the year thus bringing the Society well over its allocation, which was $225 and $282 being sent to the General Fund, 4 Mr..lali sixty-six aeras owned by the lI last week-. lat. and Mrs. 1011t G'ulnaa b on Saturday for Peti'oit, ' 1V1r• J'ohn.,MeCd;atlay', of the 1.4th concession, Mooillivr ay, is all smiies theseday s'at the 'arrival of a son. Plito �e•� rr ofl Kh va Ru,ite t umber around here are laid: up at present, with La Ovine. St sp ,:.Mde r, and Mrs..Wnx. a pen Sunday with Mr. and: Mrs. Waiper Of Dashwood. •: Mies Esther Ne b, is spending a few weeks with �r nds at Moun Carmel. Mrs, . , McDonald is Confined: to he ^ bed. with an ,attack et plenrfn)n Her many friends bope she will ,,seen be well again, Mr. and Mrs, Art. Willert and: family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mason, of Dashwood: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lippert and.. family spent a very enjoyable even- ing one night last week with Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Sweitzer, of Shipka, Miss Florence Turnbull, spent the week -encs at her home at Grand Bend. Messrs. Chas. and Win. Lochner secured a beautiful red fox last week. ZION Mr. Frank Cornish, who has been ill, is able to be around again. Mrs. Thos. Hern, is confined to her bed under the doctor's care. Mr. Sam'i Cornish and daughter, Emily, of. Thornloe,. New Ontario, are visiting relatives in the corm- munity. Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe, is visiting with her brother, Mr. Thos Brock. Miss Alma Hern and 'Ward Hern very pleasantly entertained their Sunday School chums on Tuesday evening of last week. A jolly time was spent by all. A congregational meeting of the Zion church was held on Wednes- day of last week when it was decid- ed to repair and redecorate the church. Mr. Jos. Mills, a former resident of this community died in Toronto recently. Mrs. John Horne, a sister, predeceased -him two months. FOR 107 years the Bank of Montreal has main tamed offices in the Province of Ontario ready to accept monies upon deposit, and loan these funds to farmers, merchants, manufacturers and business men generally upon terms consistent with sound banking and the proper custody of its depositors' funds. Since the first office was established in x8x8 at Toronto, the Bank has spread throughout the Province until today it has 249 offices in Ontario, with headquarters at Toronto, ready to give prompt and efficient service to people of this Province. Small;accounts are welcome and are accorded the same service as that given to large accounts. t t. ..i ► . Et „L i, a,.� - -Provincials Organization, combined with the strength and facilities of a nation-wide Banking Institution having world- wide' confections. a front FMK. OF MONTREAL !lbtd Assets in excess od' iyso.000.oao HEADQUARTERS FOR ONTARIO: 4 Wellington Street East, Toronto SUNSHINE Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brock, spent the week -end with and Mrs. J. ' h Mr. Knox; of St. Marys. 'Mr. J. E. Creery attended the funeral of his cousin, the late Mr. J. Mills, in Toronto on Thursday. An: event which will not soon be forgotten by the young people of the vicinity took place on Friday even- ing vb.en ven •ing;'svhen they were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou,. Pletcher. The early part of the evening was spent in games and contests after which a dainty and unique lunch 'was served. The hos- tess was assisted by Mrs, Ray Frau- ds. All returned hotue feeling :that a very pleasant and profitable even- ing had been spent, Miss Eileen Berry, Of Woodhaln , spent Sunday evening with Mrs, Ra'Y: Fletcher. Just like a Local Call Starting Thursday, January 21st, it will be possible for telephone users to call sub- scribers at London without asking for Long Distance. Just give the local operator the number of the distant telephone and hold the line while the connection is established. Simply say Ito the operator "London 67,” or whatever the number may be. If you do not know the umber, asked "Informa- tion." Service Se r Toll Direct Exeter La n2 5Cr For Three Minutes 1 P If you must speak to a particular person Dis- tance the;details of the • Long give�Cali to the operator. LANA/SON .e� I2: 1VIAl�TAOE . The 13e11 xeep�"one Ctiuca.palnY of C anada.