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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-1-21, Page 4
x JA! X111 Y ; 1stt stl �ecial: Sale of RADIO e haste a few nets that we are ' lett to sacrifice on to clean out. aril 1,., it For instance we have a four tube set s.g Y i ht1 used with new tubes, l eSslar price $66, , that we will wall for $ 40. Try us for tubes, batteries loud epealeere, phones, etc; a W. J. BEER EXETER ONT. For Sale Set of Sad Irons cheap. 2 used wash boilers. Large stone covered jar, capacity 6 gallons, Galvalizec3 ash sifter. Earthen bed pan. , 20 -in Glass refrigerator about square:. 2 wood drawers 30 -in. by 15 -in. Hair -cloth covered piano stool. Cellar bin on legs. a jack number of large Union ,flags 3 feet by 5 feet. A pair of hockey shoes and skates A good show case cheap. Quantity of Al Alfalfa hay. Table 12 -ft. by 27 -in, wide. Dayton scale 3 lb. capacity. 3 good building lots. 3 nation counters for store use. Good hall rack, $5.00. 3 Tube radio, cheap, will install. Good Ford Touring, just overhaul- ed, good tires, cheap, cash or hard wood. 100 acre farm, well fenced and drained. Good brick 'house and large bank barn, cement silo, drive, shed and pig pen. Hydro installed, 2 never failing wells, 2 miles from Exeter. Some old coins. WANTED Couple good typewriters, cheap. Good calves, suchers. Cow, good milker. Use our Service for selling locating. Inquire POWELI.a'S BAZAAR Phone 55 ',and 122 Exeter, Ont. °Corner The oisly way to 'meet the socially prominent is to be a bill, colleetor, *** *** *** *** n a © :ratte... on c b w Ohara tea xnay girl's face, beet Modern men only read the foot -notes.' * * * **,p; *'*. * . * ti•aitin Ge '4 Stare you can sic ed 'by g, but did you ever Bear „or a 'bird wait- ing in its nest for a Worna, *. *. * * * * s * * A. *. * Getting angry is, like cutting our. tti e. of k s.e < c1 wemake a c Lair' a own 1P w must o.. e d m a • zid i the n ourselves a n the job over. **t' *** *** ** Only half the electors go to the Dells, The ether half sits back and. find fault with the way the country is run. *** *** *e* *** If you save up for a rainy day it is inconvenient to go in the wet to spend it. 0 and *** *** a** You pay nothing to get into trouble` but you pay the priceto get out of it. • *** *** *** Now they say skirts are not full this year and here we thought they were running over. *** ***'-*** ***, Sufficient commentation an cur- rent sportsmanship: "It was •a' rot- goode Lyall, Toronto. . to 1926 TOUR TO ALASKA for an all -expense, ments Arran e g personally conducted tour to Alaska have now been completed, starting from Toronto via the Canadian Na- tional Railways, early in July, vis- iting enroute important. Western Canadian cities, Wainright Buffalo Park, Jasper National Park and Pa- etfic° Coast points. This will be one of the finest trips anyone can pos- sibly take from a scenic and educa- ;apal point of view. folder des- criptive of the tour giving comp ete information is now in hand and will be available shortly on applicaton to Mr. Martin Kerr, (Principal of Earl Kitchener School,) 4 Beulah Ave., Hamilton, and Mr. A. E. Bry- son, Principal of Silverthorn School, 44 Silverthorn Ave., Toronto. In view of the very heavy traffic to Alaska during the short season available it would be well to make early reservation as demands for accommodations are sure to be heavy. Mrs, Poplestone, of town, is ill :at her home and owing, to s doubtful. lerent- ed ager her a:ecoveay i Iv1as• . John Welea, wlao, came east . owilag to the illness of her sister, the late Mrs.. Jam es Creech, heti returned toher home in Winnipeg.,, f w • clieePpear- A great deal, o_ s . no ed MondeY and. Tuesday owing: to and mild weather,. There is rain a neither good sleighing or wheeling: Mrs. W. Bawden, Mrs. J. Ratcliffe and Miss L. M. Jeekell were in Clin- ton on Tuesday of last week attend- ing s n m u ing a meeting of the Wno sionary Society. The expenses of 12obt.S. Graham in the South Perth election' amount- ed to $927,15, while that of his op- ferment, F. G. Sanderson; was $1,- 3a6.72. Mr. Albert . Wilson, , of Toronto, arrived Tuesday to instal the steam heating system ill Mr. C. B. Snell's garage. Mrs. Wilson and babe ac- companied him. Horticulturists will be interested in Prof. Detweiler's lecture on "Friends and Enemies of the Gar- den," in the Trivitt school hall this Wednesday evening. Congratulations are due to Mr. James Morley and Mr. Melville Glad man on having successfully passed. their third year •examinations at Os >r.441,RGH O ;►A RAM The shprt sing and 1 !t to W p„ zn ed itn i, e auspices o h n e ae" ti b I s tote y • Ms n S\ i t Dawe, of Toronto ol?ened n he Town Idai1 Monday evening. The attendan%e „svas particularly large alad eneeleregtng for the first 'might, 49 being present. The ladies: were. m p s much im res ed :with:the first lec tore be' Mrs, Lowe and are looking forward to au, interesting and ' .in•- structive ''two, weeks' course, The a met watoo :the they s 'n Which roomy small and. the ladies are nein meet- ine in. Senior's hall. TIIVIESMADVOCATE. 9 TAXES tSING COURSE , ur< o.urse in Home Nur- t Aid bean egnd.2et-. n game; our team lost," Mr. Chas. Northcott, who has been *** *** *** *** visiting his mother and 'assisting to We'd windupthe estate of his father, the e like to knew how they tell W d 11 0 when some of thee young are lataRogerog erN Northcott, , left last week k knocked unconscious. So _ mild has been, the weather in December and January in Southern Alberta that not only is there no snow on the ground, but the rivers are running free as in summer and an ice famine looms before ice com- patties. Records of 24 years fail to show such a long period of summer Iike weather in the heart of the win- ter season *** a** *** c*+ According to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act one clause reads: "On and- after the first day of January, 1926, no person other than one holding : a chauffeur's lic- ense shall operate or drive a motor vehile on a •.highway unless he holds an operator's license issued to him under this section:" The penalty for an infraction of this clause for •a first ,offense is not less than $10 nor more than $50' *** *** *** Now the prodigal son is hanging e wound watching the fatted calf. Bow legs are a sign of courage, declares a scientist. They certainly are, it the owner wears an up-to- date skirt. Local News Are your, hens laying? C in and secure the best quality of poultry supplies. -Harvey Bros. Miss: Jessie 'Manson, spent Wed- nesday in London... Mrs. R. D. Gluance Sr., is confind to her bed through illness. Miss Ruby Wood is attending Clinton Business -.College. Mr. J. F. Colwill, of London, was Rev.a. A.:Trumper was in Toron- to the latter part of last week. Mrs. J Strob idge, of Ingersoll, is holidaying ai"the James St. Par- sonage. Mrs. R. Df Quance Jr., is in Vic- toria Hospital; London, receiving treatment :..fore'ear trouble. Mrs. P. W. Lee and children, of Thorndale, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Easterbrook over the weak -end. Mrs. Jas. Brooks, Mrs. Jos. Bailey and Mr. Chas Delbridge attended the funeral of Mr. Eli Frayne near Forest on ` Friday 'last. Mrs;' `Allen, Mrs. Preston Dearing and Allen ;Quance were in London Tuesday visiting Mrs. Rd. Quance, who is ill at Victoria Hospital.. for his home at Bladsworth, Sask, Mr, Stuart Stanbury returned to Toronto University Saturday to 're- sume his studies, ; having been con- fined to his home here through ill- ness since Christmas. Mrs. Tliornton, of Windsor, visit- ed her mother, Mrs. S. Handford, during the past week.. She left on Monday to visit in Renfrew. Miss Alice Handford accompanied her to London visiting for a few days. The London Free Press on Satur- day contains a picture oVMr. Thos. McMillan, M. P. for South .Huron. The Free Press has a bee in its bon- net when it says that Mr. Mclefillan is a supporter of the Rt. Hon. Ar- thur Meighen. Mr. and Mrs. Prestbn Dearing of the second concession of Stephen entertained a number from Exeter to a very jolly evening on Thursday -of last week " A sumptuous repast was served and everyone had a most enjoyable time. as Last week mention was :made of a thief entering the store of S. Mar- tin & Son and rifling the till. It was not until Thursday last when Mr. Martin had occasion to use his fur -lined coat that he realized that it was missing along with a foun- tain pen. SHOMEY JUNIOR PARN17!7Ii I,EAO1JE The Exeter .Junior Farmer's Im- provement Association; have formed a hbckey •League with four teams en- tered, viz;; Irish Kids, Never-Wasee, Thames Road and Hurondale. The first games were played last Thurs- day night, • the Never-Wases defeat- ing the Irish Kids 7-1, and the„Hu- rondales 'coming out ahead of the Thames Road:in a close game 4-3. The next games are to be played Thursday .• night -:January 21st.. ; SCHEDULE Thursda Januat7 21st ' - Hurondales Never-Wases Thames Road - Irish Kids Thursday, January 28th Tha es Road - Never Wases Irish Kids - Hurondales Thursday, February 4th Thames Road - Hurondales Irish Kids - Never Wases Thursday, February llth Irish Kids Thames Road Hurndales - Never Wases', Thursday, February 18th Hurondales Irish Kids Never -'Vases -- Thames Road. '16 -Beauty of Color that lasts ForYQurs Your car can be made as • beautiful as you want it ---as gloriously new,as the day it loft the factory -by the Glidden l acquerokl System. And this new beauty *ill endure for years. The extremes of weather, `dust, dirt and grease, will not harm'. it. And el saning will be easier than you ever imag fined it could be. t x1i castle BM 104 Will it take? fgisuae of Csr �. Type end Model:.. ---..Year: Yom. Do Feaademaaeed Aell i ?._,De Peode meed Seraigliteateti Do Lou : dia,p , erackeiledt..,...."i•elepitafie...--.....�... ,,qa - u..c1 sc,. -aw Iona ..�-�, .-�• r» State. ...,...«. ,,.. bring in tho Above coupon. !twin Ow yam obllotlon. 4'19261LACoairlllt0111 SHOP" , A u e n . They tell of an Owen Sound man who kept his wife in bed a full month after she was able' to be up in order that kind hearted neighbors might continue to send in good things to eat. This one ungrateful and unscrupulous man does an in- tary to W...., Mrs. E. A. Ross, of Winnipeg, in renewing her subscription to the Times -Advocate says: "I should be sorry to stop this weekly visitor. It has been coming to my Winnipeg address since February 1882. I don't like to count the years, . for it seems like a dream:" iP,l1i.S. BON ro 1$BV'ktRIA,L 141. gonnection With 1'a' United' eaMalss o1 Canada • al rt'of the e• •a nu eo ,..The. tw lth is x � S. as s to a W. M.h Heron a b it I.zo Pe y � 3.a e ex n of th remindo e oh Mach m 'n it to . pression,- "the, glory of the: grey." 1925 will stand out 10 the annals of the history of the Presbyterian chureb, of Canada as that when. Sdeir rte to Presbyterianism was manifest- ed, in loyalty to the mind and will of the highest ,court ---The General As- sembly of the ;canna; and when the oetetandiag event in the World's ld s church history was consiimu►aed in the Arena in Toronto on June loth, the Huron Presbyterial, as part of the Presbyterian church, suffered ixt the sixty- three as little as any of Y three comprising . the General So- ciety, re The secretaries of the different departments presented reports that were of a alga order as follows: Therd was 'a most liberal response to the call sent out'by the Library sec- retary for books suitable for a S. S. library for a needy field. S.p S. papers were sent regularly from- dif- ferent organizations and t1}ese were gratefully acknowledged. ay the mis- sionary and others. The Literature secretary reported an increase in the interest taken :,in ' her depart- ment. 315 copies of the thankof. Tering story were sold, besides study books and general literature amount ing to $39. The Messenger secret- ary reported 426 subscriptions to Monthly Messenger. The Home Helpers number 185 and contributed $287.77. The Strangers' secretary reported the in- terest taken in those removing from place to place also visits to shut-ins strangersand hospital patients as being well sustained. The supply. secretary reported having received grateful acknowledgment, from the Principal of the Birtle Indian school Council The bales contained outfits for boys Usborne t;OU r and girls; 37 quilts, Christmas'gifts and money, for the purchase of The municipal council elect met boots. The total was clothing $485. - as per statute at the Township Hall 81; quilts $171; cash $255.25, mak- on Monday, January llth viz John ing a total of $912,06. was passed Lit connection with the death of Mrs. Stewart, at one time an offieer,of the Presbyterial and aa th co-womker 'with her husband, la e 1 i congregation', �'lrs, DeL c y, Wi loo ear was former 11lissiou F3.and aecrt y w rmenebered also in, her •'great sorrow, , wereespec- ially ladies hur. i c ch The W.11is thanked tor their hospitality exteedin over many years, g in to a close This report is bringing a ' worthy history. It is doing more It is opening the door than,. that, p rvice for the reporting of larger se with new associates. Something has come to . its in our chureh life, in e f our life • i work; u w , our Presbyterial work and its successful outcome de- pends on whether or not we leave• a "mind to work." The closing words were given by who for Mrs. .Hamilton, of Goderich, thirty consecutive years has been on the Executive of, the Presbyterial. She urged upon all to remember the command was ever "Forward" and that it was the duty of each to "endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus' Christ." Hanna, Reeve; James Ballantyne, The Mission Band secretary re - Hugh Berry, Dan Dew and Welling- ported the organization of two new ton Skinner, Councillors, each tak- bands: Burns and Londesboro. The ing the necessary declaration of of- interest taken in the annual rally fice and became the organized was very .marked and the year's council for the year. work as a whole was most satisfac- The minutes of thee meeting of toffy. There``are 17 Bands with 4.52 Dec. 28th were read and approved members and a contribution of $1,- on 1;on motion of Berry -Dew, 092.83. The salaries of -the several muni- The Y. W. Aux., C.G.I,T. and af- cipal officers were fixed as follows: filiated societies number 6 and con= Clerk, $250.• and postage on motion tributed $1,305.12. The Sr. Auxs. of Ballantyne -Berry; Treasurer $85 number 24 with 619 members and a and stamps on motion of Berry -Bad contribution of $4,602.83.. To the ,lantyne; Collector, $75 and stamps, above amounts $25 was transferred on motion of Dew -Skinner; Assess- from the expense fund for a Life or, $100- and to distribute dog tags, Membership Certificate for the Lit - on motion' • of Ballantyne -Berry; erature secretary, Mrs. Naftel, of Auditors, $10 each, on motion of; Goderich, making ,the amount to be Skinner -Devi ; Caretaker of hall, 025.78. $12 sent to the provincial treasurer $7,- on motion 'of Berry -Ballantyne. ,Ballantyne -Berry: That the reeve RECEIPTS° receive $7Q and the councillors each Auxiliaries - $60 as salary for 1926. Carried. Auburn. Ballantyne -Dew: That ' Henry Bayfield Strang be clerk for 1926. Blake Blyth neaseeiiaia • ..,.............a.......-... S7-ryrye:7T Clinton 290.00 Messrs. John Hind and H. W. Doerr, of the Public Utilities Com- mission are in Toronto interviewing the engineer of our hydro system here, on some matters of local in- terest. Mr. Doerr ise also attending the annual convention of the 'Elect- rical Association of Utility Engin- eers. t The financial statement orf the Huron Weather Insurance, Co. has been distributed to the policy hold- ers. The company has made splen- did progress during the past year. The amount at risk is over four million dollars. The annual meet- ing will be held at Hensall, on Wed- nesday, January 27th. • Mr. Clyde Heaman, who, a few months ago left for Hollywood, Cal- ifornia has resigned his position in the bank and has taken a position On a large fruit ranch in. the interest of his health. Clyde says the weath- er is„very warm, going to about 80 degrees each da„y. There has been no rain far several months and it is badly needed. Tho only snow they see is in the mountain peaks in the distance. The Women's Missionary Society of the James St. United church held their anniversary services on Sun- day. The speaker for the occasion was Mrs. Dr. Kilborn, who for over thirty yearshas been a medical mis- sionary in •'China, but who is at pre- sent home on furlough. Tile speak- er in a most interesting and educa- tive manner told of the work that is being carried on in West China and of numerous experiences of the mis- sionaries. She also spoke of the political ` situation and of the civil war that is being raged. Mrs. I ilborn paid a glowing tribute to the work of Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johns; Rev. John and Mrs. Walker and Rev. Harold Swan. Berry -'Skinner That F. Coates Ballantyne -Berry: That Thomas Hunkin )e Assessor. Berry -Dew: That Sher. Hunter be Collector. Skinner -Ballantyne: That Wm. Johns and E. N. Shier be auditors. Berry -Skinner That George Kel- lett be caretaker of hall and to be paid for time employed as cow sup- ervisor and weed inspector. Ballantyne -Berry: That William Johns be school attendance officer. Dew -Skinner: Local Board of Health, John Hanna, chairman; Dr. • The "Comrades" class of the James Bt. Sunday School held their annual meeting and social evening on Wednesday of last week. Be- tween sixty and seventy were pres- ent and "a very enjoyable time was spent. Following .the business of. the evening games and amusements were enthusiastically contested, and refreshments were Served at the close Everyone had a jolly time. The 11- natices of the class are lmi, a healthy condition. Officers were elected as follows:- President, Ed. Shapton; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Wm, Frayne; 2nd. Vice -Pres., Chas. Kerslake; ' See'y Treas„ Wm. Welsh; Assistant, Ed. Westcott; Ceitirenor of Vj5iting a,ncj ,:Loh t Belten,,faraal bridge, McDougal Flower Com., Mrs. ijd, Stond; Seen- Brain, $20,00, Lut bsr I,'ot clift'e, re- venor of Membership Com., Miss fund cow tags $2,00; the Clerk, Treble;' Missionary Representative,' drain fee; Prance drain $15.00; Mrs; Chas. Kerslake; Convenor of -Children'e Shelter, Goclericli, grant, the Home Depertrnent, '14trs. 3. Min.' $10.00; Sidk. Children s, , Hospit'al, ers. A vote of appreciation for the grant, $10:00; Muskoka. Free Eos - services they have rendered Was ten- pital, grant. $10.00, dered to the teacher, li.ei+. 17 Steep-, Dew:: Thee we adourn to meet, j pard and to the assistant, Mrea Min- Saturday, /Pah, Oth at 1 o'clock, .11EN111' ,STIIANG, Clerk H. K. Hyndman, M.O.H., Samuel Brock, H. Strang,. Sec'y; G. Kellett, sanitary inspector. Berry -Dew: Fence viewers, Frank. Dawn, W. Kerslake, F. Delbridgea Amos Doupe, James Heywood. Ballantyne -Skinner: Pound keep- ers viz: John Luxton, Sam. Hunter, Chas. Keddy, W. 'R. Frayne, W. Hazlewood, T. C. Allen, P. Pass- more, H. N. Taylor,'J. Shute. Dew -Skinner: That a by-law be drafted confirming the foregoing appointments and the several sal- aries fixed. By-law No. 1, 1926, re same was read and passed on mo- tion of Berry -Skinner. Skinner -Dew: ' That the auditors meet the treasurer at the Township hall on Wednesday Jan. 20th at 10 o'clock a. m. to audit the accounts of 1925. Dew -Berry:' That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and sub- mit to the Minister of Public High- ways the petition of the Township of Us'borne requesting that, statutory grant for expenditure on Tp. roads for 1925. By-law No. 2, 1926, re estimated expenditure on, Tp. .roads for 1926' was read and, passed on motion of Skinner -Ballantyne, fixing the esti-, mated expenditure for the coming year at 1 000. Berry -Dew : That ' tht following grants be made :viz.: Children's Shelter, Goderich; Sich Children's Shelter, Goderich; Sick •Children's Hospital for Consuniptives, each $10.00 Skinner -Dew: That the Clerk• se- cure' from the Municipal World Pub. Co. the necessary municipal supplies viz.: 1 42 -page -each Assessment and collector's . roll, 8 copies Municipal World, 400 dog . tags and 400 cow tags. Ballantyne -Skinner: Re Municip- al printing. That the Times -Advo- cate be enggagled•. to do the municipal printing folk 1926 at the same rate as 1925. Carried. Dew -Berry: That the clerk be in- structed to forward to the treasurer of Hibbert as requested a statement of expenditure by Usborne on this boundary hi 1925, Skinner -Ballantyne: „That the fol- lowing bills be prided and orders is- sued for the payment of same, viz.: $ 93.03 166.36 166.74 478,00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS 7t EREB"Y' GIVEN that allpersons 110 04 .Gl iTn s - galnst, the ostat1 n1 "'HENRY JAC•- hiof c OBI late of the Tpwaas p Tucker - Mit'', Xter- Huron, who smith, County of I rp , died: January19 6. 2 a the dd a aa ,. o t y n required to forward their: claims duo:, proven to the undersigned ou or be- lays tae 80. day of February, 1926. AND NOTICE IS P'UATHER GIVe EN that after the geld date the Ex+ ecutrix will proceed to distribute tke estate having regard only to tl►tRe*,,. claims 91 which idle then shall hav notice.- a o Dated at Exeter 26th this 4 d y ' t JanuarY 1926, GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix Exeter and Hensala ATTACKE1 . BY A BULL Mr. William Hodge, son of John Hodge of Russeldale, was attacked by a bull and hrown into the air and over the animal's back, and sus- tained several severe bodily bruises and a general shaking up. Mr. Hodge was endeavoring to grasp the ring in the bull's nose when the animal, without any warning charg- edt him, and lowering its head, struck the man in"the stomach. Mr. Hodge was hurled bodily against the side of the barn. That he was able to escape more serious injury is attrib- uted to the fact that the bull was dehorned and that Mr - Hodge Hodge was standing quite close to the brute when the charge was made. Egmondville Exeter Goderich Grand Bend Hensall Hillsgreen Kippn Kirkton Leeburn Londesboro 129.75 McKillop, (Duff's church) 86.09 Seaforth 326.84 85.35 282.00 35.29 39.00 150.00 250.35 183.10 224.46 110:00 297.00 160.00 366.00 210.80 100.00 Smith's Hill Thames Road Union, (Goderich Tp.) Varna Winthri Total $4,602.83 Young Women's Auxiliaries- Brucefield, "Kelly Circle" $' 410.69 Exeter, "Logie" 164.11 Egmondville, "Neil Shaw" 211.00 Goderich, "Arthur" 272.60 Seaforth, "Barbara Kirk- man" Blyth, "Young People's Society" The death occurred in Clinton on Sunday, Jan. 10th, of .Mrs. Luke Trouse, in her 87th year. She died. at the home of her daughter,i Mrs. Fred. .Livermore, after an illness of one week, having fallen' and fract- ured her hip the Sunday before. MITCHELL. - While walking down town, Mrs. Edward French, slipped and fell, breaking her left wrist. Smith's Hill Ass'n. "C.E.D Class" Total Mission Bands-- Auburn Blyth, "McLean" 31.72 115.00 100.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE lfe HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of THOIyIAS MOR-• BISSEY, late of the Township of Mc- Gillivray, County of Middlesex who died November 14th, 1925, at- the. townaliiii of MeGillivraY are ret1uired• to forward their claims duly proved. to. Augustus Morrissey, Administrat- or or H. Silber and Son, Crediton, on or before the 8th day of Febru- ary, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after. the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distri- buteregard only' the estate having ar T to the claims of which he then shah, have notice, Dated at Exeter, :this 20th ,day of January, A. D. 1926. GLADMAN & ST.A.NBURY . Solicitors for Administrator Asphyxiation caused the death of Mr. Murdock McDonald of Parkhill, last week. He and his wife were in their home when they both were overcome by gas from the stove. Mr. Foote, the milk man happened along that horning and found the old gentleman ,;lying on the floor, while Mrs. McDonald, who has been an in- valid for some time, was in her bed, both prostrate from gas fumes. Medical aid was summoned and both were revived, but lair. McDonald suf- fered from the effects and he passed away on Tuesday. He was aged 84 years. $1,303.12 $ 71.87 310.50 After being an invalid for nearly 3 years, Mrs. John Clark .assed � 6t day, January , theage of 63 years. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the• Annual Meeting of the members of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., will be held in the Town Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, Feb. lst, at 1 pan. for the purpo e - of receiving the reports of the Di Auditors for the and r ectors year, and for the election of three ' Directors, two for a three year term. and one for one year, and two Aud- itors, and for any other business in the interests of the 'Company. The - Directors, whose term of office ex- pires, but who are eligible for re-el- ection are: Jas. McKenzie, Simon - Dow and Francis McConnell. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary Farquhar, January 7th, 1926. The Exeter Canning Co. are pre+ pared to take contracts for corn and: pea acreage. Parties desiring in- formation call at factory. 11-4-3hr,- It is announced that there will be no days of grace allowed to auto owners in the matter of the new licenses for 1926. In other years it was customary to allow drivers until about the first of March to procure the markers, but there will be no such provision this year. The new numbers are now on sale, and can be purchased any day. Bayfield "Lou Graham".... 30.00 Blake 68.22 Brucefield "Little Dis- ciples" 75.15 Burns 5.48 Clinton 97.24 Egmondville, "Little Help- ers" 45.94 Exeter, "Sunbeams" 23.50 Goderich, ` "MacGillivray"7:. 0 0 Grand Bend 24.85 Hillsgreen 75.00 Hensall, "King's Own" 39.9,1 Kippen, "Gauld" 80:69 Kirkton, "Anna Fletcher" 65:00 Leeburn 23.16 McKillop (Duff's ;church) "Willing Workers'•' . *2.00 Seaforth, "Sunshine" .... 37,00 Thames Rd., "Busy , Bees"10.32 Total $1,092.83 Reeapitnlation of Receipts Auxiliaries $ 4,602.82 Y. W. Auxiliaries 1,305.12 Mission Bands . 1,092.83 Transferred from Presby- terial expense fund ,. ' 25.00 yrs. Total $7,025,78 Charlotte Dunlop, Tress. The following Auxiliaries reached their allocation: Blake, Blyth, Bruce field, Exeter, Grand Bend, Hills- green, Kippers, Leeburn, Thames Rd. Winthrop : and Brucefield Kelly Circle. There was an attendance of sixty representatives 13 auxiliaries, being as large an atteuc.ance as. was ever at' a January meeting..Itefererices were made in different auxiliary re- ports to, the. itinerary of Miss Mit- chell, travelling secretary and also to the conferring by the Erudei~ield Auitillary attd Kelx1* Circle of an Ilonorary Life Membership on the Honorary .president of the Presby- terial. resolution of condolence MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the •orporatiom of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderichi at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 26th day of January( 1926. All accounts agains,,,,.-" ust be in the handsof t dn.daY' 21 ceding the, meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, . County C,le,1; Goderich, Sans llth, 1926. A quiet --but very pretty wedding was solemnized in Seaforth on Sato urday, January 9th, at the home of Mrs, W. D. Bright, Sr., when Olive Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Parr, of Collingwood became the bride of Mn\ George P, Dobson, of Guelph. on CW? trust 'the man law sells PURITY Writs fir the 180 page PurityPtourCookBook. 30c iM nam ngr"rio1i r b Jia He has his choice of the world's finest brands. He chooses Purity Flour to meet your baking needs. Experience has taught him this uniformly ex 'cellent, silk -sifted, oven -tested flour makes the most wholesome and delicious pies, cakes and bread. A Purity. Flour' sign in the window of a shop is your assurance of a first class store. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO., Limited Head Office -Toronto: Branches from coast to coast URIT. `or all a/ou Mortgage Interest E ready to meet the pay menu when it falls due. Begin now,;by depositing regu• larly in a Savings Account. N addition to the interest thus provided for, you will pro. bably have something as well to apply on the principal. 23 ThE . CANADIAN BANK � .. OF COMMERCE Pad U .20 �l fp � ,OOO,d00 Reserve Fund $20,000,000 Exeter Branch' • M. R. Compliu, Manager Crediton .Branch G. G. Maynard, Manager 4 s