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Seaforth 527-2727 Fax: 527-2112 or call Toll -Free 1.877-595.1118 In life, as in finances, there's a lot to be said for clarity. How can I clarify your finances? -11. CLARICA Investment and insurance solutions - Since 1870 -"Trademark of Clarica Life Insurance Company Representing Clarica Life Insurance Company and Clarica lnvestco Inc. FOUR SEASONS REALTY LTD. , REALTOR www.peakrealestate.com Thinking of Buying a Home or Cottage? Thinking of Selling a Home or Cottage? CaII us...(519) 565-5951 1 Highway #21, Bayfield (next to Harbour Restaurant) Independently Owned and Operated Bill MacLennan Broker —. c0'o nr{� •s F1N. R rvi /\ iR K E T and WHOLESALE PRODUCE John Bakker - Proprietor OREN: 9 to 5 Mon. to Wed. Thurs. & Fri. 9 to 6 Sat. 9 to 4 23 Main St. Seaforth 527-1117 Cell 519-525-8356 'I'IIOMPSON U11E'1'IIAANE SPRAY & FIBREGLASS INSIJI.ATION 1Th i --11111(11c--. Call Ron At 519-263-2319 McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 1-800-463-9204 Fax 527-2777 HOME, COMMERCIAL FARM, AUTO COVERAGES Bob McNaughton 527-1571 Graeme Craig 887-9381 Donald Taylor 482-9976 Banter. MacEwan & Feagan Insurance Brokers Ltd. 524-8376 John Wise Insurance Broker Ltd. 482-3401 Exeter Ins. Brokers 235-2211 Cockwell Insurance Brokers Ltd. 356-2216 BOX & SMITH FUNERAL CHAPEL "We are dedicated to your confidence" at 47 High St. Seaforth 527-1142 - Office 522-0360 - Res. CHRISTOPHER M. SMITH Funeral Director JANSEN MASONRY Pete 522-0614 Harry 1327-2601 Pete Sr. 522-0206 prick • Block • Stone REeTORATIIOW WORK rr,.rvira. The Amu Pat Oir•r 33 1M.• Seaforth, Ontario WHITNEY•RIBEY FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth 527-1390 Pre -planned and Pre -Arranged Funeral Services Available Sincere and Courteous Service KKN BUILDERS INC. ALL KINDS OF SITE WORK & CONCRETE WORK •Excavator *Complete Foundations •6 -way Dozer •Slatted or solid floors •Trucking •Bunk silos •Float Service •Sandwich Walls •Demolition •Farm Work Renovations •Concrete Driveways Fritz Klaver Dublin 345-2042 CaII Scott or Susan with your News Tip 527-0240 RONI CAS HWAY 198 Main St. Phone 527-0770 Seaforth Fax 527-2600 SEE US TODAY FOR YOUR RENTAL EQUIPMENT! DAVffS ACCOUNTING SERVICES ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION Farm,Business, Personal & Corporate 887.9595 MARION'S PAINTING Free Estimates • Interior/Exterior Painting • Drywall Repair CaII Mike Marion 527-0707 (Evenings) For all the news in your community SUBSCRIBE to "Your Community Newspaper" 11 Main St., Seaforth Dr. L.J. Laplante OPTOMETRIST 522.1240 87 Main St, Seaforth HOURS Monday CLOSED Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Thursday 9:00 -12:00 1:00 - 5:30 6:30 - 9:09 Friday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Sat. & Sun. CLOSED HURON -PERTH Refrigeration and Appliance Service Larry Horne Repairs to most major appliances Licensed for gas appliances 522-0330 or 1-800-363-3265 HILDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER Expert... Interior and Exterior Decorators PAINTS & WALLCOVERINGS 527-1880 Main St. Seaforth t r;:rs Seaforth Agricultural Society • BANQUET & MEETING FACILITIES • 10,000 sq. feet of indoor show area See what we have to offer Call 527-1321 Today! L. McGRATH PLUMBING and HEATING Inc. SEAFORTH 522-0493 Larry McGrath Licenced Plumber & Licenced Gas Fitter Call Today! Installation Service Repairs * Agricultural * Residential * Commercial * Pole Line Construction • Raodit wituto tRin ELECTRIC R.R. #4 Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO (519) 522-1556 Advertise Your Business HERE! Small ad only $6:0 weekly Large ad only$4 Zoo weekly CaII 52-0240 for more information Elligsen MIL ELECTRIC LIMITED FARM • NOME • COMMERCIAL • POLE LINES • STANDBY SYSTEMS (519)34S-2447 R.R#4 WALTON, ONT. KEECON-PLUS DRYWALL SERVICES Drywalling - Taping - Texturing - Restorations MARK MELADY 527-2799 DON'T just let a few people know what is happening in your store. Tell everyone in your community... ADVERTISE in the G1MGi oOAI CSP o0t0 TO "Your Community Newspaper" This Ad Space could be yours... ONLY $12:00 weekly SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine and Serger Specialists Repairs to all makes •FREE ESTIMATES •ALL WORK GUARANTEED SALES Janome, Juki, Babylock, Omega Machines LOTS OF USED MACHINES 149 Downie St. (Beside Hudson's Dept. Stork) STRATFORD 271-9660 W.D. HOPPER & SONS WADT ILWt. INLGL • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES • 5 MODERN ROTARY RIGS • LICENCED BY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT. FREE ESTIMATES • CALL COLLECT NEIL 522-1737 OURL 271-7860 "Where hopper goes the water flows" It's Here 1001 Phone Book... Extra Copies $2.00 Seaforth Veterinary Clinic Open Thursday Evenings by Appointment Only! Dr. Brian Nuhn 527-1760 Main St. North, Seaforth Office Hours MON. TO FRI. 8 AM to 5:30 PM THURS. EVENING BY APPr. ONLY SAT. 8 AM to 12 NOON This space could send a message... ...to your customers Call 527-0240