The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-1-14, Page 2Coast to Coast IS A$TRIO TO ea save OP THE PRIN.0 WALESt e ville, N.—The scallop fishing in Western Canada endeavoring to ndustry in the Bay of Fundy in the arrange for a regular Supply of vicinity of Digby, continues to flour- creamery Itutter, Western Canadian Isla During the month a November butter is now highly' favored in the the quantity a scallops sent to Boston Britieli markets, and dealers are pre- inarkete totalled over $6,000 value. pared to take practically the mitre This is an inclustey that promises to output if they can be assured of a become permanent and it is attracting regular supply. tonsideralale attention.• , Saskatoon, Sask.--Thirty-five cases, Saint the N.B.—Cattle shipments containing 102 black foxes, the largest through the port of Saint Jelin to idioshipment yet arriving in Western t Old Country dining the week ended Canada, were unleaded lately in. Sas- kateon frem Port Elgin and Frederic- ton, New Brunswick, They will be used for breeding purposes at the new Prairie Silver Black Fox Farm here. Edmonton, Alta.—A poultry pool is nOW in operatiOn ie Alberta under the name of the Alberta Co-operative Poultry Producers, Limited. Poultry raeducts will, be marketed through. the provincial government's marketing service, which has offices in Edmon- ton, Calgary and Lethbridge. Sunneerland, B.C.—Exceeding the fernier champion's record by seven pounds of butter fat, the senior' yearl- ing Jersey heifer "Farleigh St. Mary's • Beta," owned and developed by the Dominion Experimental. Station • at Summerland, British Columbia, has just -established a new world's record for her breed and age, it is announc- ed by the Central Experimental Farms Winnipeg, Man.—It is understood at Ottawa. In 305 days this cow pro - that buyers representing Old Country duced 9,018 pounds of milk and 524 • wholesale produce dealers la a been pounds of butter fat. Dec, 12th, Were the largest for any one:week in many years, Three stearee • eliipe loaded about 1,45� head here. Quebec!, Que,—It is understood that an agreement has been. reached be- tween the Clarke interests and. the Provincial Qovernment regarding the construction of a pulp and paper mill 'in the bay formed by the St. Charles and St. Lawrenee Rivers, at Quebec, and that work would be started early • next apring. The output of the mills Will be shipped to England and. util- ized by newspapers controlled by Lord Rothermere, Iroquois, Ont.—M. 0. Wallace, poul- try raiser in this • district, won the • higheet honor's With his entry ie the • Brahma cockerel and pullet division • in the Mid -West Poultry and Pet Stock Show held in Chicago recently. Winter Color -Print A grey afternoon without wind, A still, mistiness! of town and winter combined, When folk. sit within door,s And yellow lights show palely through the windows. An old poplar tree drapes the balcony, 1 A. dark -grey etching of innumerable branches Marvelously combined in rhythmical • order. The- twigs curve upward, And bud; like little hands, Seem to be lifted in praise toward the sky. • A mauve -grey pigeon rests heavily in the tree, Hie fea.tliers in perfect tone with the picture— A. silent, solemn 'watcher in the color - print. • - Below, a split cocoanut, suspended • from a branch, • Twists slowly on its string This way than that, And a blue tit, clinging to the edge, Pecks—pecks—pecks from its doubt- ful balance. In the midst of the , balcony a ghost ball, Head Polar Flight. Capt. George Hubert Wilkins, Like a Japanese lantern, ror and explorer, -who, with Steer's- \ Glows ruddili; vrilI lead the expeditioo. of ftniJ±i5 the of the laz04), within • The Window Picture. There Wage Magic picture ,on, miy wal‘ Premed a glees, ea anyerie! MOT see ; 1 home net hidden it in.seixte !dark hale Or tor its view charged any men When etrangers tome tel o eit In my . . hour% ' • 1 Wa'itical inetinatious with ⌣ At *flee !Mete :hwy. eyes begin. to. roam.— They elaselte My easitie, vie lack. 'of Style, • , Upon their lett they 's litteachibis (Sucei ciente are euttielmase ekiniee nineteen three!) While *melodies, is hung . laricanne (Hew I Attend :mob. a =Ss they cannot - Now my beet picture never has Peen seen, Us! beauty, Oa mydele, is4 not admired; I smile at guests whe claim n: vision keen, Natural Resources. Bulletin. ---- THREE INTERIORS The Natural ReSOUrcee Intelligence Service of the Dept. of the Interior ,...--eeezz—,e at Ottewe saye; Canada has entered vixen a new year which may he to her one of the greatest in advancement that history shall record, With the brightest of PresPects, with records of developmentu.nsurpasd, unsurpassed, she stands to reap a har- vest of progreee beyond any yet ex- perienced. Canada is now beteg rediscovered. The world is awakening to the fact that in our natural resources we have unconverted wealth beyond the dream. of a Midas. Early reports of produc- tion for 1925 bow material gains in practically all lines of development, while in sienna of the more important the increases shown have been Phee nomenal. • In agricultare, without the •abnor- mal conditions created by the war, • that .11 Canada has leaped crops ave When ithey vavel by my window min_ establiihed a record second only to set fire& 1915, Her agricultural products are eer jydjair moanoketr. also bringing good prices, so that the farmer will have a reasonable profit . co ago the late"( bees that a year or ueen Alexandra had h.er guest at Marlb ' rough House for RUMOR SELECTS BRIDE Loudon roman FOR PRINCE OF WALES• eeedish Priticens the delightful Visit Their Majesties at !near her. onths, but the PI ince hardly went • daughter of ss Astrid of Sweden to ; indess Ingeborg, n her mother's er Queen Alex - Prince Buckingham Palace, 1 Princess Astrid i a A' despatch from London says:— ' Pberiinillece aChgarralensdnairiede I , Princes Astrid of Sweden is about to ' sideThf the late Dm den, and, according to an unnamed Martha, were dinn at andra, pay a visit to the King and Queen papers are all agog. Agri s impe ing N With.d, the annound Buckingham Palace, and the pews -1 She is a niece of the King of Swe- the Princess and ha I Palace, it became 1 Swedish diplomat, she is one of the King and Queen la prettiest girls in Europe. She is just Prince of Wales a anent of Princess it to Buckingham nown to -day that sister, Princess r guests of the t November, the d Prince Henry twenty,. a keen sportswoman, and a also being preseet , delightful dancer. Miereover, it is 1 Princess Astrid a pointed out that this -will not he the I the were else ,guest first occasion OIL which she' has met; of Norfolk during the Prince of Wales, as she stayed in I visit. When they London about a year ago. Wheeher the Princess has any romantic dreams no, official information is available, but if so, she is pitted against an by the Duchess, P present, but not the This led to rumor. ti Princess Mar - of the Duchess heir November ere entertained nee Henry was rice of Wales. in society that prince Henry also as interested in 1 one of the siste.rs. elusive Prince Charming. Beauty of Snow. The peach flower aaad the plum. flower have a beauty, 'Which flourish in the warmth of sun Stoop to Succeed. Nothing will !twee go right in bust - mese if you aren't phynacally lit, and •the best way to secure flenesa In win- ter ie by !taking some !siinple emereisee. • Those niec5t involve stooping ^OMB peerably 'the meet vainable. You sttop to eueceed. • Wt ai the knees straiht and the heels together, bend •down slowly un- til Ithe fingers toll*. Vile toes or, if possible! the floor. Breathe out as you go down. Come slowly to the upright pasittion 'again, breathing iai ais you do so. With the feet •apart, the knees, eitiraight, amid the arms raised sideways borisorutail 'ositio,t !saowly until you can see the wail be- hind you. . Keep upright, and remain - bee that your Iva:eat amerseles are the fret consideration end not ,these of your neck. Do this' agitternately to left and right. Froin the same starting position, bend down to touch, your left heel with your right hand, and oom,e up again. Then touch the right heel with rtabe left hand, keeping the knees and arms straight throughout. /1t1 the hedis togetlh.er, rise on your toes and !stretch your arma above your head as high as possible. Bend your knees outwards llairly quickly and bring your hands between your thigh3, to the floor, bending the back • but keeping the seat on the heats. From six to twelve repetitious of each movement should be sufficient. Ocoast:onally, et, intervals in the day's work is • • • ful toGrit - • Exploi A former's wife; is, smartn,ess, aptnesa a her eon—a lad sixty lady acquainta dnIt shower; s Tezei*.! /0,0,4.Y%, strne-1 _ speaking of the d intelligence of 1--q."".".. eare ,, with the feet eat on e knees together, and - round as far as .p -os, above the cost of production. minina, the output fa increasing, settled labor conditions exist in all provinces, good markets are at hand closed 'only tgrcup ok people exter- ior the output, and capital is aerting reline over the price of some vegke a return sufficient "to infivence the Veiee. Presently the thin figure investment of additional funds ler af Moorish, woman with her baby • stayoftdh:vcelenPtilnneenntt, not 1137 in luM-f feet the baso Canada's forests are no r the main- prems,ed tsie acaliwt her, and et her ,greene Dor will ,the her but in pulpwood. Bet asel eeereeeee- waS;4‘,1megaining - Proud, and the wed are being called upon 'straight, slim! es a lance stood the wo- for building material by the 'United man, fees) uncoveeedef in her eyes a se.daess that daatened her beauty, for Drawing the reggod eurtitiai' Canittixaesi weireeeblitterated.. There bay tho babe. , The floor, 'covered with rough matting arid a little raw, as atis media joseeb mentehled oa the lett gazing at the iiwed. iley lona ePPe owaddling olothesi, !while Mary lar. be- hind it halt 'eupeorted•!, evillest ' straw. Heir brand ireathedeout tom* elle. babe limbs, in. the !shadow hind Was 'Et Nredaarn, ahreualed white weeder). robes; li.ea aged"- face, (lurk from exposure, looked, ‘doave on the group reverently, • Outside, !Cattle aaa asses moVed abent in the Ponalak and mew, !loaded ,or -unleaded their beete ..4s, I locked • the •child stretchedrout its tiny ernes sszd ,Tosech and Mary leaned! closer in the gloote the Only some refugees from the Span - lee Zone !ariveu into Tangier bY bonebe Only a poor eleardelli Motater anten infant? Nay, caw the -Holy , Family that 'day! • . * The -sunshine without was daz- ling that the doorw,ey ot the Jewielt larovieion %bor..) Arzilla , et 'first dis- °mad ddIeltingnished, a little child • States and other countries, lnrnber, lath, shingles and dimension timber she was beautiful The short tat finding a ready market. 'swarthy ehoplteaper gesticulated and Marc• . and more is the newsprint gabled; tee womans face never ' industry of the world being centred in tereid its !triage* sadness. The baby Canada, and particularly is this the mewed restiesely; the ether child case with the North American con- pulled at bar !cloak. She atooe tali and tinent, where Canada has wrested straight and proud, refusing firmly to from the United States the premier be beaten down from the price she set position in newsprint production: The upon ilea' wares. Who won? Del she paramount position of Canada in this get the Dew' poor !coins needed to buy industry is influencing many of the her ooarse ibreacl, I do •not know, for larger organizations across the line lit was time to be getting' on to Tan- to remove .their activities to Canada, elm , with the resultant increase in employ-• ment for labor- •Out of the low door of ithe hovel, ap- Canadian' fisheries were very sue- pareartly its only opening, • camo a cessful during the year just past and yoluee woman who added bite of aried the sea fishermen of both east and thestieseerne! to the blaze in her little . west coasts report excellent yields mrthenmeno stove. it was. the hour of eating. Tite rules of ytaniadan, the with good mark-ets for their output. Canada last season was visited by Moslem fest, forbade all toed or drink many' thousands of tourists. They while the sun, asi up, but as it sinks to cerne. from all pts of -the world and resit • these tiny fires may be scan , , • carried a -way impressions that will not among the IVIoorish hamlets, and. wo- early Ve forgotten. The hearty "wel- men melte a meal dor their lords anti come they received is evidenced by the anaztare, in they kitchens, the great stories of their experiences appearing outdours.... in their local press and outing publi Leming ageket the eerioe ee (-bleed greaterinesuearssi% wofillthweist-e man i•unitil ;ale bpaaaue aware of my lay le tsiistoonarss s, t i iAI s general rulethey are p estenoe. Young and amiling h was f spenders, and they ar . • ty-to-V.e, • do.- ea •The coming stalite I Avitteleed the 'young wie-