HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-12-30, Page 1TER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873AMALt•AMATED IXETER ADVQCATD, ESTABLISHED. 18$`7�DECEMBER, lit, 1924 EX.ETER,ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30th, nIIIlll mimilu(I miIII1I111iilillll I�ItillNlillllil[Al11UIolilllllllllmll{Illlimlumillllll(illlll(Ilil(itiilllllllllillloliiiliiilllit. 40111011110 0.101/1111011. WISNEMI ...1010101 Howl A▪ MMO aMILNIO- N S OREN 210111, *frj. Was GREETINGS We Extend to All Our Best Wishes r,. for a,Very PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR PHONE 32 ones & ay MINIM .:..Nampa OMER yawns 01.1.0 IMMO ammo PAS HAPPY NEW YEAR T May Health and Prosperity be yours i Is a Pool Room Wanted in .Exeter? The Question will be submitted to the Rate- payers on Monday next C. F. Hooper and W, D. Sanders to Contest The Reeveship Eli Coultis, Jos. Davis, Jos. Hawkins ; Wni Armstrong, Wm• tailless pie and N. Ogden in the field for Council.—W. IL Dearing, Jesse Elston and Frank; I)elbridge elected by acclamation to School Board H. E, Huston, re-elected to Public Utilities. NOMINATIONS For Reeve HOOPER C. F+.—Proposed by Thos; Harvey, seconded by Jarri.es Hera, SANDERS, WM, 1).e -Proposed by Thos. Jones seconded by Jesse Elston. SNELL, CHAS. B.—Propose+i by J. L. Lewis, seconded by John Taylor For Councillor HAWKINS, JOS.—Proposed by Robt Skinner, seconded by Wen.Tier- nick. PENHALE, L. J.—Proposed by C. H. Sanders, seconded by W. J. Carling.: DAVIS JO bridge, seconded by J.W. Hern. WILSON, J. R. -Proposed by Wm. Mitchell, seconded by C. H. 'San- ders. OGDEN, NAT.—Proposed by G. N. Williams, seconded- by S. Martin. ARMSTRONG, W. H -Proposed by Triebner, seconded by S. San- ders. COULTIS, ELI—Proposed Ly Chas. Harvey, seconded by W. G. Medd. BIERLING, H. -Proposed by Jas. Murray, seconded by Jaio. Taylor. GILLESPIE, WIVL—Proposed by P. Terry, seconded by Win. Andrew. • Board of Education DEA ' RING, W. H.—Proposed by.'T M. Dinney, seconded by W. J. Carling, FRANCIS, B. M.—Proposed by T. Harvey, seconded by.S. Martin. DELBRbott.IDGE, FRANK Proposed by S. Martin, seconded by W. F. Ab- HEYWOOD, . ESLI--Eropese'1 by. B. Parsons, 'seconded by. T. Jones. CARLING, W. J. proposed by E. Heywood, seconded by T. Jones. PUKE, A. E.—Proposed by S. Mar- tin, seconded by J. R. Hind. ELSTON, JESSE, Proposed by R. N. Creech, .seconded by J. it. Hind. HOWEY, MRS: LUELLA—Proposed by W. A. Balkwill, seconded by Wm. Andrew:. Public Utilities Commission IIUSTON, HY.—Proposed by Jas.Murray, seconded by S. Martin. PHO E 32 = Elected by 'acclamation: received, This bill was the differ- ence between the actual cost of power and the amount paid for'.pow- er. Last year, there was a Credit' of $$,000 and this year :he expected to show a surplus of an equal amount. Jos." „BEawlins Mr. Hawkins ,stated that at the first of the year the council had to raise $1,500 to pay for the land at the cemetery purchased by last year's council and that. had account- ed for ' two mills of the increase in the tax rate. The' school this year asked for $500 more than Iast year. um Calcichloride used in laying the dust had cost more than in other S — repose by F Del- years. The ditch on. Ann Street had caus- ed a great deal of agitation. The council had undertaken the work without consulting an engineer and had hefeby saved a considerable ex- pense. Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Hoop- er had been blamed for putting in the ditch but there was nothing the minutes of the council to show that anyone on the council object- ed to the work that was going on. There was objection to some catch basins. By cementing the ditch he figured that Exeter would save money. In other years the town had to pay for cleaning out the ditch Mrs. Cottle had made an offer of $ 600 to continue the ° cement work through her property and he consid- ered it too good a chance to miss. The cost of the ditch was $2,981.60 and this included a cement sidewalk and a bridge on Carling Street. The cementing of the 'ditch through C. Be Snell's property was done to pro- tect the town's interest. He con- sidered the open ditch unsanitary and in time it may have to be cover- ed as for back as Dr. I3yndman's. The Government had been applied to and he expected the town would receive a grant equal to 20 per cent. of the cost. .� Iilllll!(III{II(Illill(il{IIII1lII(I!(Ill{Illillll(lull(IIIIlllillil!(ilill!liillli6�l[�ii�ll �1�1111111{VIII(lfIIII{lilllllllll[I[{!IIlIIII(Illi(II ., . Aremommeennimmrmesomenssememarnow New Year's Greetings REDUCED PRICES ._ ON _ HOCKEY GOO D S Food Choppers . $2.25 Meat Choppers large .., ..$4.00 Bissell' sweepers 6.00. 15 lb. Floor Polishers with 1 lb.. wax .. 3,75 POCKET KNIVES for every member of the home from 25c up. Silver Ware priced very close for Xmas buyers, stainless knives and Yorke, per set. $7.75. Carvers in pairs 2.75 Carvers in cases •-- 4.90 • 1 4 -in. Reg. $2 for Xmas $1,75; Aood saw will be very ac - 1 ceptable. Specially priced for 8 -in, Reg. $3 for Xmas $2.50 Christmas $1.90 Automobi1a Skatesfrom $1.25 to. $4.00. Hockey Sticks 25e Up Hockey Purks ...... 100 and 256 Hockey Pads 93c Straps 20c a'iiair von BOBBED lAlli Special for • Xmas Week Only 50 pair 00 Hair Clippers ,- Regular $1.50 for $1.19. Barbers' Shears ' Reg. $1.50 for $1.00 O'Ceder Mops..,, 125 and 2.00 4 .Liquid Veneer Mops . 2.0.0 Vacuette Sweepers..:.... . 39.00 He .man's Hardware & Painttor.. S � ALL„ ACCOUNTS ARE NOW DUE. Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl •Whiting and little' son," Donald, of Parkhill, came over to spend Christmas with Mrs. Whits g's ,parenth,' Mr. and Mrs. J. Nestle.' While here the little lad contracted pneumonia, but we understand, he is getting along nicely. RESIGNS AS COUNTY CONSTABLE • Mr. W. A. Balkwill, who for the past ten and a half years has been a' successful prohibition officer in this district, has resigned his posi- tion as County Constable, his re- signation being tendered to Crown Attorney Seager, of Goderich, on Monday. The prehibitibn forces of .this community lose a valued offi- cer ae Mr. Balkwill has been fear- Iess and . without favor .in the dis- charge of his duties. Ms: INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS At the regular meeting of Leban- on' Forest Lodge, No. 133, A.F. & A.M., held on Monday, December 28th, 1925, the newly -elected offi- cers were duly installed and invest- ed, the work being admirably done by . Wor. Bros. Taman and Dignan, assisted by other past masters. The officers for 1926 are as follows:— I. 1?. M., Wor. Bros. G. M. Chid - ley W. M,, Wor: Bro. Thos. Pryde; S. W., Bro. W. IL Prayne; J. W., Bro. G. Q. Thompson; Chaplain, Bro: W. M. hiteley Tredsurer, V, ' Wor. Bro. C. H. Sanders; Secretary, Wor. ro. R. N. Creech; 5.• D., Bro. H. S. "Walter;; J. D., Bro. E. A. Howald; D. of C., 'Wor. Bro. W. W. Taman; 1. G.; 'Bro, Wm, Pomfret; Tyler, Bro S. Sweet; S. S:, Bro, G. F. Rouiston; J. S.,'Bro. W. J: Smith, BIRTHS WILLERT—In Stephen, on Decezn- her 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil- lert, a daughter. DEATUS WILDS- At Dashwood, on ,Friday, December 251 Edna Patinae Wilds aged 18 years and 15 days, BItOIC,IDNSHIRE—In. Crediton, on ' Friday, Deeember 25th, 1925, Lucy J.N frokenshire, widow of the late Richard ;Adams, aged 74 Years, 11 'days. I•IO1X TNS—In lli.ddulph, on Sunday, December 27th, at Lot 20, Con, 5, Jemima ;Eiaskett, relict of the late Thomas C. Hodgins, aged 70 years and 4 days. The question of a pool room .for Exeter .fell like a bomb at the muni- cipal nomination meeting Monday evening` -and created a great deal of discussion. It was finally decided by a standing vote to submit the fol- lowing question to the ratepayers at the forthcoming election: "Are you in favor of ,the ` council of 1926 granting a license for a pool -room. -The meeting opened at 7.30 and at that early hour the town hall wit filled', many standing. Tile dis- cussion of municipal matters lasted for nearly four hours and a keen in- terest was maintained to the- last; Clerk jos. Senior occupied the chair and kept the meeting well in hand. W. D Sanders • The first speaker was W. D. San- ders. He touched on several Boun- ty matters . and. referred to the special assessment for good roads to which .he had strenuously objected. Exeteyeee assessment amounted to $53§.20. At the last meeting of the county council the good roads were put on a flat rate and as a result of his fighting that assessment, over $1.070,00 had been saved to the lunieipality of Exeter, r He also referred to the increased expenditure in the administration of justice in the county which had al- most doubled in a few years. A m committee had been appointed to in- vestigate. The speaker "next dwelt with the financial statement' and referred to the receipts' and expenditures. One of : the first items which 'confronted the, council this year was $1,500 to pay for the land acquired at the cemetery. The' eemetery was more than self stistaining. In the past three years there had been revenue. enough to pay for, i:he land but it had been spent for municipal pur- poses. The land is assessable. He had gone to the council of Hay and at his request they had dropped the assessment. The cemetery is well managed and this year there is a surplus of $606. The amount spent for roads and bridges this year is high,,, being $5,152 or •over $1,000 more than last year,. Nearly all of this amount he -la3 c mad had been spent on the. ditch on Ann Street. At the beginning of the year* the report shows a balance of $ 614 and on December 15th the 'balance was $2,949. With debentuts and other accounts to come in this would be reduced to about $700, The' Public Utilities Commission shows a deficit of 8244 and W. H. Doerr, the superintendent, was ask- ed to explain. He stated that the thirteenth power bill had not boon C. F. Hooper Mr. Hooper said he had expected to hear more from the Reeve be- cause the council had not agreed on everything that had been done dur- ing the year. When he was elected four years ago he was elected to use his own best judgment. He had, started at the bottom and was now• aspiring for the reeveship. There had been much contention over the stormwater sewer on Ann St. Early in the year the council had taken half a day to go over the vil- lage to see where improvements were needed and when theycame to Ann St. they examined the ditch also where it went through. Mrs. Cottle's property and all were agreed that the best thing to do was to close the ditch and remove any danger. The council agreed to accept Mrs. Cottle's offer of $400 to close the ditch. through her property. Mr. Hooper claimed that the bottom of the ditch belongs to the town and the sides to the owner of the property. The municipality has had to spend money to keep the ditch clean. When Mr"s. Cottle offered an ad- ditional $200 to cover the remain- ing 125 feet through to Carling. St. and when the motion was put to the council there was not one dissent- ing voice. When the Reeve sits in the chair and does not offer any objecion Mr. Hooper claimed he is as much responsible as the council- lors. " The next they heard was that the reeve said it was unlawful to go through private property. Three hundred acres of farm land drain into the ditch and Messrs Hawkins and Hooper had gone to Crediton to see Mr. Eilber and Mr, Hooper had gone to London to see Engine- er Farncombe with reference to get- ting a grant from the Provincial Government. to cover part of the cost.. The Clerk was asked to read Mr. Fariicombe's letters. in a letter of October 10th, Mr. Farnconibe stated that he had made an examination of the Ann St. drain and in his opinion if formal applica- tion and foritial representations are made to the Government the usual grant should be obtained towards the cost .of construction. In a letter written December 28th 1VCr. Farncon>:be says. "I have 'been asked by one or more of the ,men" - hers of your council to give an opin- ion as to whether or not the work' done to date in connection with the Ann Street water sewer `should be commended or condemned. "The only expression of opinion which I cangive from my present knowledge of the matter is as fol- lows: (1) The work so 'far as Completes ed appears to have been done in a Workmanlike Mariner and at reason- able cost. (2) The sewer appears to have been laid to proper grade and has: sufficient capacity to accommodate the water from the .drainage area.'. (3) Whhe.tber In favor et the (Continued on Page fent) )(WORE —Hansa 5—mExete 8 --Dash S--Zuric 12—Dashwood 12--Hensall at 15 -,Zurich at Da 15 --Exeter at Hen 18—Exeter at Zuric 18-Hensall at Dashwo 22—Dashwood at Exete 22 Zurich: at Hensall 25---Hensall,at Zurich` 25—Exeter at Dashwood 29 Dashwood at Heneall 29 -Zurich at Exeter FEBRUARY .2—Dashwood at Zurich 2---Hensali at Exeter 5 -Exeter at Hensail S-Znrici' a*Dashwood 8—•Hensall at Dashwood 8—Exeter at Zurich 12. --Zurich at Hensen 12—Dashwood at Dashwjod Mrs. Wilbur Itnig; Wno vwith. Mr. King recently moved to Forest where they have purchased afarm, visited her mother, Mrs: Whiteford and was accompanied home by her daughter who has been staying here: BROCR-- PRASER NUPTIALS A •quiet wedding was solemnized at the James St. parsonage; on Wed- nesday, Dec. 30, when Miss Emma FrasLr, of Mount Pleasant, became' the bride of .lames W. Brock; only son of Mrs. Mar* Dearing of town. After the ceremony a reception was held at the homes of thee groom's mother, guests being present from Mount Pleasant, Science Hill, Sask- atchewan, and town. The happy couple received, many costlyand use fug presents. They will spend a short honeymoon in London and In- gersoll. A. C. Dayton The Radio Set for the man who believes his own ears Install a Set this Winter; and enjoy.the air you breathe Ask us for a demonstration C Ei'A 1C13ERS BROS. Battery Service MILD SNELL Ford Dealer, Exeter, Ont. CHAS. W. FORD — SALESIVIAN sur pleasure at this, time to wish you all the Joys of a„Bright Prosperous New Year W. 11. LOCKWOO BAKER EXETER -.le ONTAR .0 FOR S Feeding Molasses — and Hay G. SEL M g; s;N Exeter, Ontari s DO YOU WANT ItE We are trying to anticipate your wants and have just unloaded two cars of Western oats; ear of beauti- ful corn; car of Standard Screenings and we are expecting a ear of Oil Cake and a car of Tankage 60 per cent. We have on hand a good sup- ply, of nice Shorts and Feed FIour Always in stock, some of that good Flour for Bread.—Harvey Bros. A T THURSDAY NIGHT I Skate the Old Year out and the New Year in OME THEATRE .ry Friday and Saturday, January ,,, ist and 2nd J MARY PICKFORD, in 'fess of the Storm Country” USUAL COMEDY. -•- ADMISSION 30 and 15c, GREETINGS It is our pleasure at this time to wish our many customers and friends a very HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR XETER ER ON