HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-12-17, Page 8In Respectful Remembrance • R. W. 1 U K Im.y BORN, JANUARY 20, 1894 DIED, DECEMBER 14, 1925 J. A. Stewart £.7 A Magnificent Display of Christmas Gifts —AT— GAIiDINER'S LARGEST STOCK BETTER SERVICE , LATEST DESIGNS LOWEST PRICES• Imp ICROEHLER7 4 411.41011114.119, OUR STOCK OF FURNITURE IS SO ,LARGE WE WOULD RATH- ER SPIOW YOU THANA' TELL YOU. FOR REAL CHRISTMAS BARGAINS THIS STORE TAKES THE LEAD. ALWAYS GLAD TO SHOW YOU THROUGH. "THE HOME FURNISHER" LONG Phone M. E. GA DINER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 1 DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK - Night -Cala 74w Men 's5tyre Phone 81w Men's en's 'Store FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS BROADCLOTH SHIRTS AT $2.50 AND $2.15.-• a ., ' RIPE AND CIEECIC SHIRTS AT Si.'76 AND, g,2 -- SILK AND WOOL , LEi i - '$1.5u'w SUEDE ... IiII) 1.' 5 TO $2.50 WOOLM'DES $1.25 AND $1.50 FLTR-LINED GLOVES AT $5:00 CREPE AND SIIaK TIES AT 50 cents to $1.25. SWE !CER AT 52.50 TO 4.50 �. s � 50 cents TO CASHMERE. r �Ii SII,IIWOOL,AND so �1rs-��' AND TO $1.00 PER PAIR _ - HANDKI+lI1CHlEI'S--COT't'OlV',> LINEN AND SILK: 1TO O $ 1.00 fl GUFF BUTTONS, COLLAR PINS, TIE PINS 25e, TO $3..00 GARTERS ANJ) BRACES 85c To` '7e. MIND: uC l WEAR ,UI SIZES 0001 $1.00 A. GARMENT AND UP • HATS S 2 NI) CAPS AT $1.50 AND ' • MexCb.a11tTailor. and GentsOutfits THE EXETER TIIVIES-ADVQGATE Exeter Markets Wheat, $1,35 Oats 454, Barley, 700. Manitoba Flour $5,00, Blended Flour $4,50, Feed Flour $2.25. Bran $1:,60. Shorts $1..70, Creamery Butter 48c. Dairy Butter 390. Eggs, extras 60c... Eggs, selects 40c. Lard 20c Potatoes $1.75 to $2.00' Hogs .$12.00. Hogs, selects, $13,20. LOCAL I Christmas is just around the cor- ner. Mrs.. C. Harness, of London, spent Friday in Exeter with friends - School closed 'Wednesday, Decem- ber 23rd for.the Xmas -holidays. Mrs, .John ?east • is able to be around after being confined to her 0: bed. Miss. Edith Walter has taken a position with Mr. Jos. Senior in the studio Mr. Mawson, of Mt. Carmel, spent the week -end with his neice, Mrs. K. J. Sims, of town. The windows of Exeter • have at- tracted considerable attention parti- cularly to he little folk. Mrs. S. 3. Cummings, of Croswell, Mich., visited with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Snell last week. - Mrs. Geo. Vivian of Mitchell is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Doerr for a few weeks. Mr. Douglas Stewart, of Detroit, attended the funeral of his brither- in-law, the- late R. W. Fuke. Mrs. John Snell left Saturday ler Windsor to spend the winter with 3aer daughter, Mrs. C. H. Smith. Mr. Harry Fuke,.-of Toronto,-. was called Home owing to the death o his brother, the- late R. W. Fuke. The many friends of' Mrs. Jame: Sweet are glad tp know that she i improving and able to be around. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yleideman, re turned home last week after visitint their children in Toronto, Kitchene and London. Miss Auld, who spent the millin ery season here with Miss Armstroni returned to her home in Watford of Thursday last. hrr. Beverley Acheson has return- ed to Toronto after spending a fe days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. T. Acheson. Mrs. T. M. White and litte grand daughter, Gertrude White, have re turned to Windsor after .visitin€ with Mass White. - n D Mr: Jas. Stnth,ofWasbin Washington, C., is visiting with his faller, Mr Sam'i Smith, London Road Soutl and other relatives. - Mrs. Moses Beckier, of Usborne has returned after over a week a Victoria Hospital, London, and she is again able to be out. - Mr. and'Mrs..Wm. Smith and tw children, of Carter, Montana, ar visiting Mrs. Smith's parents, -Mr and Mrs. Dan. Coward, of Usborne Mr. Fred E. McPherson, of Sask atehewan arrived • home Monday t visit for a few weeks with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McPherson Miss Olive Hern, who has been re ceiving treatment in St. Joseph' Hospital, London, has sufficient'3 recovered as to return hone on Fri day last. Radio fans in Exeter were delight -ad to hear the singing of Charli, Gladman broadcasted from the Fre Press, studio, London, on Frida; evening last. Mrs. Fred E. Umberfield, of De troit, in renewing her subscriptio to the Times -Advocate says: "W surely enjoy the news from the holm town each week." Miss J. Murray, of the publi school staff was ill for a, couple o days during the past week and th pupils had a holiday. Miss R. Row is now taking her work Mrs. Ulric- Snell is visiting in -Lon don. Miss. Snell -has made wonder ful progress since het last operatio She has gained considerable i weight and is getting along fine. .. The 14th of December, the las day for receiving the local mimic pal taxes, was a record breaker fo Exeter, $10,000 being received. Th staff of the Canadian Bank of Co merce were nearly swamped. Mr. Jr W. Powell, who has bee troubled with his back, was in Lo don Monday consulting' a specialis Mr. Powell is able to be at the stor for several hours eachday and it hoped he will soon regain his healt Shirley, the fourteen months of daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. •' Wn Gardiner was painfully burned o Friday last, the little tot havin in contact With, a 'hot,stov cdme! burningits little hand eryAw-r die1, ire: "Chis mics -Weekes has r Ceived the usual notice re the,dange to life and property from Cbristms decorations,' such ,as, draperies, ,scei cry, cotton to ,'represent Snow; et When electrical appliances are 'use 'every precaution. `should be taken. 'Mr. W. H. Dearing, who has be ;:suffering "from •art attack of antri: taken •i 'old wast en tr' ubi andmast ob , tlre lfo Void ictal" iu ` ;London on ad a n where ;.. he underwent .an` operatio for the removal of mastoids, He fitting. along 'nicely. 'Mrs. Dearin accompanied hini to London. Mr. R. E. •Pickard, agent for th Great West Life Assurance Co., ha received word that histeam has wo the President Macdonald prise give for largest amount of Life Insurane Written during the Month of No emb t e • last. Mr. .Pic and also k e w a•, ,personal prize for being amo n the five largest writers of insllr'anc in Western Oxrtarle. JAV191ei rita3r513Y'raittlAN Vaatittula Rev, zanies Foote; B;A.,, Minleter 10 a,m,--Sunday Sehaol. 11 a.m.--Services as. Usual , The Minister 7 P.m.—Services as Usual The Minister Thursday at 8 p.m,--7--"Prayer meet- ing in the church. o e o n• i_ m is h. JAMES ST. UNITE]) • CHURQH OF C.d.DA Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R, Goulding,;'A,T.C.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m;'�--"The •Wonderful babe of Bethlehem." 3 p.m. -Come to Sunday School. 7 p,m.—'Is Christ in niy Christmas' ' Special Christmas Music To take the child within my heart ,,,And make Him of my life a part. Is keeping Christmas. To open wide the hearts closed door And let your love flow to Christ's poor Is keeping Christinas. Oh man! Is the Star' in your sky? Oli. women! Have you been to'Beth- lehem? Oh, Child! Visitthe manger cradle?` rivitt .memorial Church. Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th.,: Rector 11 a.m.—"Life?s Greatest,Tragedy" 3 p.m. Bible Study 7 pan.—"The Injustice of Lite"' IVIAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor • 11 a.m.—Rev. W. M. Kiteley, Cen- tralia. • 3, p.m.—The Christmas' Story in motion pictures. 7 p.m.—Pastor—"The First Xmas Message." . This is;,Christmas' Sunday, Christ- mas Sermons, Christmas Music, Christmas Spirit. Get ready for ,a real. "Merry Christmas." Powell's Bazaar The Big Variety Store WISHING YOU ALL A ,MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A ., HAPPY NEW YEAR • AGENTS WANTED Au exceptional opportunity for as spare time •energetic men whole ors Full line of trees and shrubs. We L supply free selling outfit and pas liberal commission. Start now. Welland Nursery Company Welland, Ont. HOUSE FOR ,RENT—A stucco house and garage to sell or rent cheap; corner of Carling and Sid- ley Sts., Exeter, modern home, fu113 - egiiipped in every respect. If yon want a good home examine this pro. - position, it will pay You. ' Apply to John W. Taylor. The, annual meeting of the Exetei District Branch of the Ontario Plowmen's Association will be helc in the- Town Hall,- ; Exeter, on Sat urday, Dec. 19th at 2 o'clock for the purpose of receiving reports for the year, electing officers and other - business. - W. H. Shapton, Sec'3 ' t Mat. Routley, Pres T • _ SAXAPHONE—Give her or him - one for Christmas. Easiest wind 'in• 1 strument to learn. Are you inter• e ested? then phone ' or write Robt e Gambrill. Free demonstration. FOR SALE OR RENT • The •-Following Properties Brick .Store on Main St., 'Exeter ' Commodious Brick dwelling, fur trace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures in place - -John St.. - Six and a half acres- of choice lane suitable for market garden, runnim n through from Huron St. to JohnSt - Choice Saskatchewan farms in th, t Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fro besher districts. . For price and terms on above se r ROBERT E. PICKA:RD, d;ohi. Stroe , EXETER. ' Agent for (rent West Lite As'ce Co a COCKERELS FOR SALT; -- Bar .- red Rocks' and ., White, Leghorn: t• Choice from- ;2'50' Rock/ land. 121 e Leghorns. Prices to suit. ..Also 50 bush choice cookingons .A o onions. n ply to W. F. Abbott, Exeter. d,., i. COLLIE PUPS, FOR ' S^ALE-B French' , Da h s wood • air. Severn Weiner, returned t, his home in -Ste hen Tp.Satin' Sat� day evening from the Clny Hospita ;rAlberta. Mr,`' Weiner went wes • ,s with. the harvesters'excutrsion • an, t. had the misfortune to have hi$ ars 0, , broken, when caught in the beltd d a separator while threshing- H was in the hospital; for seven weeks He still carries his Farm in a cast 'n ,but,otherwise is fine. s feeling ;mTlie ,LadieS, Aid of Jamesp Si o church met in the church parlors of '1.1'Ylue daY, December 8th. The nresi dent, Mrs'. E. Rowcliffe, presided 0, There were 91 members- present ani g one new meinber Was enrolled. t the business'' part Of the Meeting; i e was decided that $ 5.' be Sent' to th ,s Children s Shelter at Goderich...•i ri caminittee. was named, With Met n Sheppard' as convenor., to distribut. e Christmas cheer. °C to th'ose" in nee. -- here. •;At theconclusion of busines n a social time was .spent, the Hostess g es being hirS, Hardy, Mrs. Boyle e Mrs. Wm. Rivers, Mrs. Ina, Woo* and Mrs'. N. Sheere..:, THUIISD,tlN, DEOIt;AIBElt 17, 1$20 °° WIIIIIIM1111111111111111111i11111101II11111111111111111110.111.41111111111111111111111010011111111111111i11111I11M111111111111110 Gift: Suggestions for Christmas —With Christ�as sonear w� offer below a list of suitable aid .serviceable Christmas Gifts AMMER .11104 1 t t Beautiful New 'Dresses 1; Flannel Crepe and Silk -Knit. Sweater Coats for Xmas Splendid Styles in brushed wool. Fancy Towells, Boxed Just the ting for Christmas Gifts Silk and Wool Umbrellas In the new Shapes and Handles; Silk: and Wool Hosiery In the new Checks, Lail colors. Black Messaline Silk Give mother a Dress Length for Xmas -Smart New Coats A few choice models to choose from, Fancy Silk & Crepe Scarfs Tn many shapes -And. patterns. Warm Goloshes For every member • of the 'family. Fancy Felt Slippers Tn 'many'new .patters. Silk Chamoisette Gloves A delightful Xmas. Gift'. ...Fancy Handkerchiefs Per box 25c, 35c, 40e, 50c, 75c, to I Christmas Gifts for Menk 3os Fancy Sox Pyjamas.• Mocho Mitts New Belts New Garters` ,,New Arinbands Warm Gloves Cuff Links New Spats sto Warm Sweater Coats Fa'iicy New Mufflers Useful . Umbrellas Cozy ,Slippers Collar Bags New' Neckwear • Wood's Silk Underwear This is `the finest range of silk underwear we have ever. seen. Conies in vests, blooth- ers, teddys -and Princess slips. A. sachet bag go with each gar- ment. CallirONWSM =MIME= AL.V• Southcott.Bros. 11111111111111116111.11111111111d111IIIRI1111111I111MI1i11111iI111IIIIIII111111MINI 111111111111111111i1IIfilm 111 THE MOM EYE ,�Y f.,<z / s,(X Lct!R J EPAIRS We are sow prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before e• had to send them 9 tc London or elswewhere. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES, TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $8.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, - $1.00 and UP. i Dr. l Jolla. ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER. ONT. 4• PHOE 70' The Exeter Canning Co. are pre- pared to take contracts for corn and pea, acreage. Parties desiring in- formation call at factory. 11-4-3.hr HOUSE FOR RENT -0n Decemb- er lst. Apply to Mrs. Emma Cook- son, 808 Perrie Ave, Windsor, or to James Sanders. Exeter. - HONEY • FOR SALE - Parties wishing dark honey can have same at John Carrick's for 5c. per lb.; 3 miles _west en Lake 'Road, Hay P. O. 12=17-4t For: Sale A good Clothes Wringer. - Number of 6 -in. Stove Pipes. Several Spring Calves New White Rotary sewinrg machine. Use our Service for selling and, locating. Inquire POWELL'S BAZAAR. Phone 55 and 122, VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELEC-TION - Public Notice is hereby given that. •a meeting of the Electors of the Village of Exeter will be held in. the Town Hall, Exeter, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon. on Monday, Dee. 28th, 1925, for the purpose of mak- ing, and receiving nominations for the office of Reeve and Councillors • one h Public Utilities member of the Commission,' and three members for theof' And further BoardEducation. a io c t n. notice is hereby givenen that in the event of more caardidates' being pro- posed for any particular office than required to be elected the proceed- ings will be adjourned until Mon- day, January 4th, 1926, , when polls will . be opened at 9 a,m. and closed. at 5 pan, at the following„places, as fixed by village' by-law, viz:— Sub -Div. No. 1—Mrs. E. A. Handford residence, Main • St., 30.11.0., E, W. J. Car in '. p. , g gat. Main t ub•�Div. N o. 2—Town 1 lido S . S, D;R.O., W. Johns, ” P. C. J.' H. Greive. Sub -Div.. No. 3—IVlitchell's Office, Main and ,Wellington .Sts., G. Anderson,' P. C., A. Gambrill. Sub -Div. No. 4 --North tad Town Hall, D.R.O., Rd, Welsh, P.C. Jno. And all electors: are hereby re- quested to take notice and .govern tliernseW€M accordingly, SDN/011,'Returnin. Officer Dated at iiixeter, this 12th day of 'Decen'ibera:1925,,' .04 1ERNEST 'ELFIOT ' Conveyancer, Investments • Insurance Office one door -south Times Office W. R. Goulding A. T. G M. Organist and Choirmaster fdrnes St. United Church Instrucction in Piano Vocalr O gen Theory Supervisor of .Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted 'Studio Victoria St. Box 57 EXETER, ONT. FRANK .TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and :Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and eatiefaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or "RING /28 R. McINNIS • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOB For best results let R. Mclnnhi handle your auction sales. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY ,POST•. OFFICE' JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality Farm Stock sales a specialty. Sati1P- faction guaranteed. Charges mod orate. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to.. R.R. • No 1, Kirktot. Phone Kirktoa 14r2. ' • CLEANING PRE �IN SCJ` G and REPAIRING If you want to look like a man, and feel like a man when you are dressed up, there ,is oily one • way and that way is to let ELLIOTT; AND JOHNS Make your Clothes We alio do Cleaning, Pressing .and Repairing Agent for Tip -Tip Tailors Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE .:.....«...:r 30 DOUBLE EDGE GE. 40 Perfect Edge Guaranteed f S. COL W E .Druggist COAL—COKE AND INSURANCE :.. E C YOUR PATRONAGE YO ONAGE SOLICITED E. J. CHRISirie OFFICE: 'No&th of Elliott and Johns ..L. LU7tIS CONTRACTOR Cement;, and Carpenter 'Work ESTIMATES,FURNISHED Houses and EXETER x -• Phone 152W i, R. CARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC: Loans, Investments, Insurance - Office,Carling B1ock,Main St. Exeter (MADMAN '4 STANBURY - Barristers , Solicitors &c. ° Money to Loan, Investments hum Insurance. Sate -deposit' Vault for use of oar Clientswithout w t out charge. Exeter London Hosea* Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.3. DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental;. Officer` •i . Military District, Number One, Lo* don, Ont..• Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 343 Office closed on Wednesday on'y. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.R,z• Office over ' v I. R. Carling'e FsT office.s ,Extractions Under Oxygen Gas.. Dr, A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D., D.D.L DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers city Office over Madman & Stanbury's office, Main Street Exeter. 'DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office o4er )3rowning's Drug Storer Phones Residence 30 Office 25 DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinarjt College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT,- LY ROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Phone 158 Residence Ann St, EXETER, .ONT. Dr. Adrian B: Gibson, V.S. Graduate t of the Ontario o Ve' terinar F College ge Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty f. All calls promptly r n p y attended t� -•-,;y Office—Frank Taylor's Sales Stable Phone 99W R • esa'd encs -Jam e St s St., Phone 9914: EYETER — ONTARIt) J. VICAR MUNRO REGISTERED ARCHITECT Plana, SpeciEication,r prepared for Residences, Churches, Schools etc: Best References ?hones: office Pica' 1889w; TTause 5141- ts: Room 8, Coote Chattibers, ': Market Lane, London Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DBY i coo Port . situ Ba e ►. aw `CIt,X US' Phone 58W