HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-11-19, Page 5ME EXETER TIMES.ADVOCATE r i Ilrlltitlirill� Iii 1 Illnuutpiluo ttu r ' r � Iilrrprti11111rrUiltlpltipttllltlrirlttt tt.p r lMIIIlttirtlHlplrirtlppttlttttlptlllirrtirlllit�lrpllllrprrrt NeWs 1 1 !11 111_ 1 1_ I!!1 ! p rt Irlrri 1 rrplplrptllipfllrfllllptlllpplpplll111111111 u r1 pl�ilp11111111p1p1lpiptIpllp�Ilpplpllllpripppllplppplpllpllppp11I11Mlirpi. Ip p p ,An old time dance is being held in to town .hall here on Tuesday ev- ening next. Good music has been secured for the occasion, so come out and enjoy an evening of fun. On Monday 'evening, November, 23rd, the Ladies' Aidof the Chisel - burst Church are serving a Hot Fowl Supper in the basement com- mencing at 5:30. After the sup- per the program will be given by The Goulding Entainers assisted by Mr. Francis Abbot, Elocuttionist of Exeter. A preparatory service will be held in the church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The session is called to meet at 7:30 immediately before the service. .A. reception service will be held . for those uniting with the church. Every'member of thecon gregation is urged "to attend these. services. There will be special re -opening services in the Chiselhurst United Church, November 22nd at 3 and 7:30 o'clock. The church hasibeen beautifully decorated, and new gas- oline lamps installed. The ,young Peoples' League are financing the painting and decorating,( and the Ladies' Aid areinstalling the lights and are getting new carpet. The minister will conduct the service at 8 o'clock. The music in the after- noon will be provided by the Ladies' Quartette and the Mixed Quartette ;from Hensall. At the evening ser- vice at 7:30 Rev. W. D. McDonald, of Eginondville United Church will preach, and the choir will render special music. Everybody is invit- ed to these services. A quiet marriage was solemnized at the Wellington street United par- sonage, London on Thrs., Nov. 12th. sonage, London on Thurs., Nov. 22 when Miss Ada May Marshall, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, F. Marshall, Ottaway Ave., became the bride of Mr. Albert J. Matthews of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. 1Vlatthews of Quebec City. Rev J. W. Hibbert, pastor of the church, officiated. The bride was smartly gowned in a frock of purple satin and wore a becoming hat of the same shade. After a brief honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Matthews will make their home in Detroit.—London Advertiser. ; Wog grtiooto` Toll -In -terve CLINTON, .ONTARIO, • time Students may easier at any Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for the HIGHEST paid positions in the BUSINESS WORLD, where work Is always REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered. --- COURSES --- STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERICAL, SEOEE'rARIAL , Teachers, Civil Service and Special Courses Special Classes for Hensall and Exeter Students 4 Weeks .Additional Time Given to Students on an 8 months' Course. - For Information Apply to M. A. STONE Principal, Phone 198 Com. Specialist, Vice Principal MISS B. F. WARP, B.A. THE /SUNBEAM CONCERT TRIO Graduates, of the Ontario 'School for the Tlind MISS GLADYS SLAY Soprano Soloist' and Reader MISS GRETA 7,AMil, Violinist MISS CATHRYN SELLS, A.T.C.M. Pianist and Accompanist •„ Will give a concert in the Town Hall, Hensall — on — Friday, at 8 ADULTS 35e. HENSALL Mr. Richard Blatchford is still confined to his bed tk ough illness.. Misses E. Shaddock and Inas. Sparrow visited in London on Tues- day. Large quantities of turnips are being shipped from the station daily. Messrs. Bonthron and Drysdale. have recently installed a number of furnaces in town, We are pleased to report that Mrs -Frank Fitzgerald is improving after her recent illness. Mr. and. Mrs. R. E. Cook and family of Ridgetown visited friends in town. on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein of Detroit visited over the week -end with relatives in town. Mr. Geo. T. Wren and son and Nov. 27th daughter who have been ill for the past week are on the mend. Our local fuel merchants are busy p.m. Sharp "these days delivering coal and wood to many customers in town. CHILDREN 25c. Mr. Jack' Tasker, of Blyth, is re- leiving at the C. N. R. Depot here, Mr. A. L. Case being on a holiday. Mrs. A. Sparks returned home re- cently after a pleasant visit with re- latives in, Saskatchewan and Cal- gary. On Sunday evening in the United Church, Rev. A. Sinclair will speak' on the subject, "The Hardest Com- mandment of All." A number from here intend tak- ing in the Conservative Banquet at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on December the lst. Miss Dora Sherritt, R. N., who has been nursing in Windsor for some time is now visiting at her home in the village. Mr. Jack Steacy, who has been 'visiting at his home here for the past few months left Thursday morning for Detroit. Next Sunday morning, November 22nd, the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be commemorated at the service in the Unitd church. Hensall Tiles Brick' and Block Yard WE HAVE RECEIVED A FRESH CARLOAD. OF CEMENT ON OCTOBER 12th ME AND GET ALL YOU NEED. WE HAVE INSTALLED THE NEWEST UP-TO-DATE White Rose Gas Tank TRY O1JT GAS % :Rita Phone 7 DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, •aiversity of --'Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians sand Surgeonsof • Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. ',hone 66 Residence 114 HENSLLL, ONT AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - lotion School, Special' course taken in Ategistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Bales, etc. Rates in; keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as - loured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or Wire 18-93, Zurich WHITE PINE 1x6, v matched dressed on both sides.. at 41 ■r 50 PER M THIS IS THE TIME TO STOCK WITH GOOD COAL. WHILE PP CAN GET MATA LOW PRICE A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANTON A public meeting will be held in the Town Hall Thursday evening of this week in aid of the Beck Mem- orial Fund. Everyone is invited. US»4 NOS? 'nueunCe ,ant. FridaY evening the. pastor: will give a Step"eo»titan Lecture at the Senior's Young Peoples` League on "Yosemite, the Master Piece of God This real treat _will be precede by a specially Prepared. programiam be- ginning at 0 p.m. sharp, .All are welcome. That means you, Khiva Mr. and Mrs. Ben. McCann and family motored to London last Thursday and spent the day with the. former's brother, Mr. Tom. McCann. Mrs. L. Witzel, of Dashwood, Vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witzel one day last, week. Miss. Florence Turnbull spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Jacob Ratz. Mr, and Mrs. John Williams, Sr., spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schroeder; of London. Mr. Gordon Miller, "of Zurich, is spending a few days with his sister; Mrs. Jas. Ziller here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm,. Stade, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Deitrich of Shipka. Mrs. Dave Hutchinson sold her 100 acre grass farm to Jas. Clarke and the 50 acres to Mr. Harry Carr ruthers, of McGillivray. Mrs. Hut- chinson intends making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mason, of Dashwood. Dashwood Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. D., D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash- wood, first ,three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade and Mr. and Mrs. L. Kraft of Zurich, visit- ed with Mr. and 1VPrs. C. Stade on' Sunday. Mr, Earl Neeb of Pontiac, visited his mother, Mrs. Mary Neeb over the week -end. Mrs. Neeb accom- panied hiiii to Pontiac where she will spend some time. Mr, Czar Kellerman is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Christine M. Willert, of'Pitts- burg, Pa., announces the engage - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hedden ,and meet of her 'daughter, Edna F. Cam - family who have resided here for a eron, • to Mr. •Paul E. Temple, of number of years left Thursday for Monaca, Pa., the wedding to take Exeter, where Mr. Hedden has sec- . place some time in February, ured employment. An inspector is Were this week frons. the Hydro Electric Department testing the meters of our local hy- dro system. The meters have all; Mrs. Chas. Schroeder recently vas - been taken out, and are in the town ltd with her sister in Strathroy. hall. Mr, W: H. Brown is visiting for Our local huntsman, David Dees- a few days out of the village with wax is securing a fine lot of fur friends. this fall, and while in the vicinity We are glad to report the sick at of Varna on Tuesday, captured a Mr. Albert Morlock's house are im- fine coon, the skin was certainly a proving. fine one. Mrs. Godfry Nicholson is not so Mrs. Godfry Nicholson is not so Miss Mattie Ellis, who was con- well again. But we hope she ' will fined to her home for a week with The surveyor of Chatham was in a severe attack of tonsilitis resumed town on Monday and approved of teaching on Monday morning. Her the work of Mr. G. Eilbei on Victor- ia Street drain. ed -last week. Mrs. W. -Sims and Miss •Thelma The Sunbeam Trio,. consisting of Sims have returned hone after vis - Miss Gladys Slay, Miss Greta Lam- iting Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cave, of mie and Miss Catherine Sells, grad- Bengough, Sask. uates of the Ontario school for the . Rev. D. McTavish was ,in Goderiel blind, are: giving a concert. in the on Monday attending a meeting of Town Hall on. Friday, Nov, 27th. the Godericli Sumnler school exe- Owing to a break in the Hydro cutive of which he is president. wires between• 'ITensaih and Exeter The choir of the Evangelical the service was off Sunday, evening church were in Dashwood last Wed - 1 or the course of an hour, and ow- nesday night giving special, music ing ..to their being no light's there at the, special meetings in progress was no services in the local church- ,there. • es 'Mr. H. F. Eilber left on Sunday The death occurred'• on Tuesday for Durham and Kincardine where inhe will be engaged' Nov. 17, of Mrs. Paul Boa, of the plumbing. M. is widely known for his ex - London Road south. Mrs,: Boa has Eilbei• cellent work. been a life long resident and will Crediton SEXSMITH Mrs. William Northcott, Sr., re- turned home here on Sunnday, after a pleasant visit with friends in Loudon, her daughter, Mrs. George Geddes and Mr. and Mrs. H. II, Humeston accompanied 'her home and paid a short visit with friends hers. Messrs Amos and Frank Wildfoug and Mr. Fred' Corbett spent a short time hunting in the vicinity of Blyth last week: We are pleased to note that Miss Marguerite Aldworth, who `under- went an operation for the "removal of her tonsils last week, is progres- sing favorably. Mr. Wm. Bieber is bean threshing with Mr. Hy. Trick of Crediton. and Mrs: rl', McLaughlin on Friday' night and left twin boys. Mr,: Walter Pullen, who haS lust i returned, from Northern Ontario is visiting at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. V. .Gun i Gunning. nng the W. n o The November meeting f M. S. was held at the bonne of Virg, a st. A Thursday la �l n � o . Morley x bat o Tor - bale was packed to be sent t Tor- onto, Owing to the inOlement weather there was only a fair at tendanee. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jolla Stevenson, Mr. Jack Duffield is attending the Annual Royal Fair at Toronto. Mr. George Marcilia visited in Whalen on Sunday. Rev, Walter Millson, who ocou- pied the pulpit here on Sunday very ably explained the purpose and needs of the "Maintenance and Ex- tension" fund of the United church of Canada Elimville Mr. Will Johns had the misfor- tune last week to lose one of his best steers. The animal got its foot in the chain with which it was tied and strangled itself. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johns spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents here. Rev. Livingstone preached a fine sermon on "Missions" last Sunday. Three children were baptized also, namely Norma Doreen daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis; Ber- dene Labelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clark; Hugh Glen son of Mr. and 1Vrrs. Sherwood Hunter. At the close of this service Sacra- ment was administered. Mr. •Kenneth Johns has been on the sick list. The members of "The Live Oak" Mission Circle will hold a bazaar in Elimville church basement on Dec - 1st to be formally opened by Santa Claus at 7 p.m. A large assortment of fancy work, reed work, aprons, children's wear, dolls and doll's out- fits, "etc., will be on sale. Come and bring the children. ;+ JSE01't111 & nmi iinT TUAL �' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY pad Office, Farquhar, Ont, President, SOHN ALLISODN Vice -President, JAS. McKENZIK DIRECTORS T1108. RYANSIMON DOB' EOBT. NORRIS, .. WM. BROCE AGENTS JOHN ESSE'RY, Centralia, Agent Ter Ueborne and Biddulph, 40LIVISB. HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Ribbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. 'PU tENOULIe Secretary -Treasurer Ilex 98 Iiixeter, Ontario. GIGADMAN & STAN:0131 1 Solicitors, Exeter. henry Ford and Rockefeller, The richest • men we know ---F pile makes a 'little 'iliviter Alla the other Makes it go, THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Dave McNicol of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with the former's mother, Mrs. Jane Mc- Nicold. Mr. Sim Pollen is home from the West and is learning plumbing and tinsmithing at Heaman's Harddware of Exeter. Miss Violet Stewart spent the holi- day with her another, Mrs. Rebecca Stewart. A meeting was called at the church, to try and organize for a play and N.nias entertainment, but we are sorry to learn that owing to a poor turnout of the young people., it was impossible to plan anything. Mrs. Jas. Gardiner an , her brother Mr. John Brown formerly of St. Marys, were visitors Thanksgiv- ing Day with friends here and at Cromarty. Miss M. Gollings, of Stratford, spent a few days at her hone here, returning to Stratfofrd on Tuesday. Messrs. Samuel' King and Vernon be sadly missed in her home. The Beaver have returned home after funeral arrangements have not yet spending the past two months in the been made. west. They report weather cond.i- 1/11ss Rate Bengough who has-been tions very unfavorable this year. making her home with her neice "Spiritual enrichment and equip- Mrs. Colin Hudson; was taken 111 on meat The greatest need of the 20th Friday last and this week was ren century church" is the subject on moved to the home of her sister, which Rev, W. Y. Drier will speak Mrs, Anderson at Klippen. Her many next Sabbath morning and ;evening friends' hope fora speedy recovery, at Zion Evangelical church. The Bible School of the Evangel - The Schubert Qa concertette Quartette of Lon- ;cal Church with Mr. J. H. Holtzman don are giving in the as .its enterprising superintendent Town Hall on Friday evening, No- are making large plans and prepar- vember 20th Tinder the auspices of Slices for the best ever Christmas the Welfare youth Club, of the vi1- Festival to be held on the evening lige. This company is highly re- of December 25th. • commended, and a good crowd is -be- A large number enjoyed the mov- ing, looked fora ing pictures in the Town Hall on The regular mooting of the Young Saturday night, These whoo missed thein missed arare treat. We ex - Peoples' League of the United. church was held on Monday evening. Mrs. Chas. McDonald gave a, very interesting topic. A solo by Mies Nellie Boyle, readings by Miss'1:+1iva Sltaddocl, and Miss GladYs Luker And . an instrumental by Miss' Irene Douglas were all greatly enjoyed. Centralia Mr. Herman Hodgson broke his wrist last Thursday when cranking his car. Little Clifton son of Mr. and Mrs Byron Hicks has developed an Ate tack of diptheria but is somewhat improved. Mr. Milton Mitchell who has been on a two weeks hunting trip has re- turned. Mr. Andrew Hicks and Donald are attending The Royal Winter. Fair, at Toronto this week. Mr. Geo, Essery is confined to his bed and is under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Abbott who have been in Windsor this past summer have returned to their home here, Mr...Truman Mills who has been. acting as releiving agent at Wy- oming for the past three weeks has returned home. Mr. Jack Reeder who has been in the West for some weeks has re- turned Next Sunday evening Rev..W. M. Kited* will have as his, subject "Is it Wrong to Bet." Mr. Thos. Willis is attending thei, Canadian Dairyman's . Convention held In Toronto this week. : pest just as good next Saturday WHALEN nigtit and probably better, Colne Messrs, M. Johnson and L. Mor- e anti, bring your friends, a good time lhomeevofelVl'sunclar.l Johnson, Zion, for all. Dedicationof Life and Substance Miss Dorothy Stevenson, spent . will be the subject hi tiie United few days last week with her aunt church text Sunday evening, The Mrs, E. Pitt, of Deel e3.' < Miss Sarah Knox,. of Woodham is spending , a few clays With Mrs. 8. Gunnisntork g. called a the hoi>ie of `Mr, 1 A, Next Tuesday evening a social even- i follorviirg Sunday services will be ing will be held in the league, an ( held morning and :evening specie! admission of 10 cents will be cliarg- ICO/Amu/lionand Balitisnt in the ed. Everybody welcome, 1 morning, Watolt for next week's ' un t C;armo,i The people Ae this caaiiariunity were ehocke�d on Silttirday evening last at sudden death of Mrs. Thomas Morrissey at leis' home on, the 14th concession of M�C Gr illtray, death bet ing dile to heart failure. 110 was in his 60th year. Be Is survived by one brother Gus, of Stal?'hen one ne sister, Mrs. Cassidy, of Detroit. The residence on TuesdaY at 10 a:na, with Solemn High Mess celebrated by the pastor Rev. Fr, Corcoran with Fr. Lowery as Decon,. Fr.. Cos - tells, sub Decon. Tire play entitled "Never Again. which was held in the Hall here on Thursday and Friday evenings; of last week wasa complete success. Mrs. Cassidy and son and two daughters of Detroit; Miss Martha Morrissey, of London and Andrew Morrissey, of Brookville; .attended, the funeral of the late Thomas Morrissey on Tuesday, NOTICE TOlfxEL ITt zloTICId SH ilxtuo t' °aloof tl*A t all persons. having 'claims against than estate At, Dinht )031LF9VII., late e the Towneirip Of . Fnllartgn,. Countl► its Perth, rthr �r did On the as k �+Fb $ TWentY-Sixth day 4f 4ugilet, 1120 are required to forward, their claitnil ' on May prAveu to 'tXli$ undersigned or before the 20 .day et November, 1920, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVE EN that after the said date the .10x,- ecutoi's will proceed to distribute the estate having regard oiilY to the claims of which they then shall have notice, Dated at Exeter this 7th day of November, 1920. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitei's for Executors A. close shave makes the course of true love run smoother. In Chrysler Alone, the Qualities That Satisfy Every Motor Car Ideal Distinctive design, original beauty, smartness, and perform - 'ante without parallel, single out the Chrysler Six from among the finest. That is why men and women who have owned the highest priced cars, now prefer the Chrysler Six. Unusual economy, outstanding durability, exceptional free- dom from mechanical drudgery, are placing the Chrysler Six in the hands of thousands who formerly drove lesser cars. Thus, among all classes, the qualities which are peculiar to Chrysler alone have won for this car an esteem seldom if ever before conferred onanycar. We are eager to give you a demonstration of the properties which give the Chrysler Six such universal and irresistible appeal. CHRYSLE SIX CHRYSLuRS(X—Phaeton, $r86o; Coach, $regi; Roadster, $acro; Sedan $2275• Royal Coupe, $i4ros Brougham,. $2505• Imperial, $26pcg Crown Imperial, $2825. CHRYSLER FOUR—Touristy Car, $1240; Club Coupe, $X385; Coach, $146o; Sedan; S1535, Hydraulic four-wheel brakes on all Chrysler Four models at slighe =MT Cost. All prices f• o. b. Windsor, taxer Bodies by Fisher on all Chrysler en. closed models. All models equipped with full balloon tires. We are pleased to extend the convenience of time -payments. , Ask about Chrysler's attractive ; plan. Chrysler dealers and su perior Chrysler service every. where AR Chrysler models are pro- tected against thefrby the Fedco I patented car numbering system, exclusive with 'Chrysler, which I cannot be counterfeited and can- not be altered or removed with. out conclusive evidence of , tampering. C. C. Pilon, -Huron Garage PHONE 155 t _1 EXETER., ONTAIO l BANKING n ONTARIO TN' the Province of Ontario the Bank of Montreal has a complete organization, 1, with, headquarters at Toronto, specially organized to give careful attention and prompt service to banking requirements of the people of this Province. There are zgo branches of the Bank of Montreal in this Province, the offices being located at every important centre in Old and New Ontario. Behind this Provincial Organization are the resources of a nation-wide Institn' tion, having a combined Capital and Reserve Fund of over i$6o,000,000 and Total Assets exceeding 1$ oo,000,000. Over novo shareholders of the Bank reside in Ontario Main Office, '1'or0nto :OP MONT....•.,., REAL t� . ts in. excess a{' i 7oo,000,QQO Total .iQlaib� Headquarters for, Ontario: 4 Wellington Street East, Toronto