The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-11-19, Page 4VAS 1.:tvt. S I y, NOVO EU 10, 1025 Auc TzoN SALE --'ef 1+'A1El1VI STOCK I21i LEMENTS ANI? HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 'The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction; en LOT 4, CON. 3, 'OSBOR.NE on---- 1#10041r, NOVE11U E11 217th, 1925 at 1 o'clock • sharp the following: HORSES ---Belgian mare, 4 years 69 Yd, supposedto be in foal; Perch- eron mare, 4 years old, supposed to, be in foal; mare 7 years old in foal, 2 year old heavy colt, C ATTLE—Caw freshened in Oct- ober, cow due in March; cow due in December; cow due in January; Dow with calf at foot; Jersey cow, milking; red C,ow, milking; three choice baby beeves, 2 spring calves, 3 steers weighing 1100 mounds; 3 heifers weighing 900 pounds. I'IGS-4 pigs weighing 175 Ib.,. 1 sow with 11 pigs 6 weeks old, 15 shoats. 50 ib. POULTRY -25, pure bred rock ;pullets,;F 50 pure bred white Leghorn pullets,, 6 rock roosters. Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS -141,-H. binder, 6 ft. cut; new walking plow, i2 hoe Frost & Wood drill, new; No. 21 Fleury walking plow, muffler, wagon hay rack gravel box, 2 1-2 h,p. gas engine, set harrows, fanning mill, new Ancborholt cream separator, new oil brooder, new brass set brichen harness, set double harness, 4 hives of bees and bee boxes; Overland car in good shape, quant- ity of bay, 800 bus. oats, 200 bus. THE EXETER TIMES.ADVOCATE Wee barley, quantity a turnips, straw to be ked on the plats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Teas ure range, good as new; extension table, new; 6 chairs, rocker, bed- room set,walunt, complete; bed- stead, bureau, couch, lamps, cream can, mint 'pails, whiffletrees,neck- yokes, hoes, forks and other articles too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve as propriet- or has rented his farm., TER11MS. $10.°00 and under, Dash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. off for cash, Hay and grain, cash. W. 3. THOMPSON, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 9 C ACTION SALE ,-- of — FAR'M S7:OCI THURSDAY, DECEMBER • 3, 1925 at one o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—Heavy mare 1700 lbs., heavy horse 1500 lbs., Heavy many 1600 lbs., 2 general purpose mares, CATTLE --Durham bull, cow due at time of sale, ,2 cows due in De- cember, cow due in January,cow due February, cow clue in March, cow due in April, 2 heifers' milking The undersigned has received in- struetions to sell by public 'auction on LOT 22, CON. 3, USBORNE —on - -- good, 1 2 -tear -old heifer, 4 yearling heifers, 1 yearling steer, 10 spring calves. POULTRY -20 White Wyandotte hens and a rooster; 2 Afrioan beese 1 gander. 20 tons of, timothy hay, straw to be foci on the place; 10 ft, ensilage in silo to be fed on the place, 1000 bushels of oats; 7 loads" of alfalfa hay, ;uantity- Of roots, Positively no reserve as Propriet- or is leaving the -farm for the win- ter. TERMS ,- [approved. joint notes, 5 per cent. months' credit on furnishing Per annum off for cash, Hay and grain cash. 3. I.: MOIR, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer e FRE nderful ort;w:k;filly for Every WidemAwake ManitWoman and Child ra----sANSWER THIS PUZZLE ----WIN A BIG CASK PRIZE FOR CHRISTMAS Are you wide awake to your own interests? Are you determined to get ahead in the world? If so—enter this great ,puzzle competition. The Mail and Empire will give away 100 CASH PRIZES totalling over ' ,000.00, to men, women and children who send in the best answers to the "C -Word» Picture Puzzle. The Mali and Empire has already paid Thousands of Dollars to successful prize winners In recent Puzzle Games. . The cash prizes offered in connection with this new Puzzle. Game will be forwarded to the lucky winners:on December:' 23rd, sand reach them before Christmas. 1e®sarssir Many Oblects e pini g With the Letter "C" Can You Find in This Picture? The picture below contains a number of objects and articles beginning with the letter C". You will find all sorts of things that begin with the letter "C"— like "Cow", "Camera", "Cabbage",' "Calf", Cross", etc_ See how many you can find. This is not a trick puzzle; nothing is hidden, and you don't have to turn thepictare upside Clown or sideways. We are giving you this large picture so that all objects and articles starting with the letter "C" will be easy for you to ace. Choose Your Own Prize from the $8,000 List To Be Given, Away One l'3undred Cash Prizes will be given for the 100 best lists of wvrde submitted in answer . to this Puzzle The answer having the largest and nearesit correct not of visible objects and articles' in the picture that start with the letter 'V" will be awarded First Prise: second best, Second Prize, etc. YOUR ANSWER TO THE "C -WORE" PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9111 IWC. .413016 Fi iii A' tsii1i1mvl,;I11i10;unIIII11 �f`,-,---r Asa et 6 -se.• aro • orde. ,;;- 11-4uc Then Start Your List of 6t� Words" and Win That Cash Prize for Xmas YOUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY. FOR r1PLEASURE AND PROFIT. x�r1,7' ISG SPARE TIME --START Y UR LIS' 'Off` "C -WORDS" TO -DAY You may never in your lifetime be given another opportunity such ae we are offering you in our puzzle Garro to "play and Iearn" while earning a big cash Tries. You can't help enjoying the hunt for "0 -Words" ilo this ' All like you solveed is en observing eye. Let's all join in and have a . jolly' good time. No matter wt $bage,e tf you puzzles, try your hand at this one. It really is not a pazsie at all, for all the objects in .t' $ picture you beeIId i' Din, with no attempt to disguise or hide them. Get a pencil and paper and see Stow many '!•C -Words" you canWhen you have maid,s3qp your list of "C -Words" panedit in along with one, two or three yearly subscriptions to rue Mail and Empire et 53.00 per Year, which will qualify your atower for the Big Cash Prises to be awarded on D c nber 231rd to #bolo rending in the 100 best answers. YODU GAN .WI] A Harrosonim to mum F'O t aids. Start your list of '04W7ords" To-dayt THE $8,000 PRIZE LIST Winning Answers will receive the ' One Hundred Caw Prices according to the table below: 100031A/in J'.IUZES Prize 11 140 Sabeerip• teens Are Benj, Prize l Subbacrip- tion is Sent. Prise if Subec rip- tion«, Are Sent. Prise If Subeerip- tions Are Sent 1st Parize. , - :p80.eo $500.00' $1,000.00 $2,000.00 2nd Prize.-.. 25.00 400.00 '800.00 1;600.00 3rd PrimA... 20:00 300.00 600.00 1,250.00 kith Prize... 18.00 150.00 300.00 600.00. 5th Prize.:. 16.00 100.00 200.00 400.00 6th ` Prize... 14.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 7th Pirize... 12.00 30.00 ' 00.00 " 150.00 , 8th Wize..'. 10.00 20,00 40.00 100.00 lith Prize. , , 8.00 15.00 30.00 00.00 10tbi Prize. , . 6.00 10.00 .. 20.00 50.00 11th ` to 20th Prizes, Fact 4.60 7.00 . 14.00 30.00 ?,is( to bot 'fines, nli. 00th 3.00 0.00 12.00,, 20.00 Sist 1,61 I'i*Ize8 incl . 2.00 5.00 10.00 .-... 5,00 In the event of a tie for arty prize Offered, the full amount, Of such prize will be puid to each tied participant. ....�+ .........„11110. . Subscription Prates --Payable it Advance The Mail and Etripire Rn ' where in Canada by hall, $5.00 per year: 'Delivered by calsrier-boy 1n lTamilton, $6.00 per year. Mail tent Puzzle l reitt'era and Qut1001*g SnbSorptione to A: lMMON,Moli 1ii'iiy', PTY7lktm MANAGER THE MAIIL AN D EMPIRE 100 --- ` CASH PRIZES --- 100 Bow Prises Wilt Be Awarded The "'O-WOBIY' pioturo Puazle Gn ie is a campaign to increase the popularity of Pbo Mali and I+'xnplre. It costs nothing to tyke part, and you do not have to mend in a sub- scription to win a prize. If your• list of '�C-Words" is awarded B'irst Prize by the Judges you will win $80.00; but if yon wo111d like to win more than $80, we are making ,the following special offer whereby you can win greater cash prizes by sending in ONFI„ or TWO, or THESE yearly subscriptions to The Mall and Em,ire. �. H RE'S' HOw'TICE BIG WIIZES WILL BE AW.9.RDED $500.00 instead- w of $80 will be awarded to the ensurer winning First Prize if ONE yearly Subscription to The Mall and Empire at $5.00 by snail has been gent in. Second Prize, $400.00; Third Prize, $800.00, and so forth, (See second column of ' figures in prize list.) $1000 "00 ,instead of $30 will be awarded to the answer q' v ' Ull winning First Prize if TWO (new or renewal) yearly sub3cri tions to The 'Mail and ' ]Tmplre are sent in. Second Prize, 800.00; Third Pte, $000.00, and So forth. '(See third 'column of egures in prize 11Qt.) $2000.00 instead of $80 will be awarded to the =Meer' winning First Prize' provided ',rizteM 3 (now or renewal) yearly subscriptions to The Mail and Empire are pent Second Prize, $1,600.00; Third Prize, $1,250,00, and so forth. (See lotrth column of llgure2 in prize 'Isn't this the most reiliarkabid' and liberal offer you, have ever ertfhad presented to ?tin? And that's not all. We will give am ,; dllntS on an Drize, in the same. manner. 1t': your answer is gttaiified by TX:TP.EE yearly subscriptions and you win fdurth tor/se,' you will receive $600.00, and se forth down the prize lith.. 'Yeti aro given an opportunity to ''articlijato .l t 100 Prizes Totalling ovet $8,000, whore the 100th pelt° with +1'rtlilIE isubsoriptlons wins $18.00, so that. yeti would got your own Subscription metier bao'k, also the 00.00 you Sent In for your two raddttionS.t attbgOribers Should you only win the , lOOth hlopl . 1 Tore/Ito. 09,101tda Prize:. --EASY RULES i. 4.20, man. woman or child who livesInCanada and ie not a resident of Toronto, and who hi not In the em- ploy of The Mail & >dmplre, may submit an anaw.r. 2. Prise Winners In former Picture Puzzle Qamee eon- Qccted 6y'" The Moil &J mpdre, win -Mpg $200.00 or mere, are not eugiblo to participate In this Puzzle. 2. All answers must bo mailed by Wednesday, De comber 9th, 1958, and addressed to 0. A. Montgon cry, Puzzle Manager, The Mali :b liimptre, 4. All lista of namee should be written on one side of the paper only, and numbered consecntiveiy 1, 1 eta W ite your full name and address in the upper rig= hand corner. If you desire to write earthing eiee, wie a,•, separate sheet. 8. Only such words as appear irsd Webster's Dictionary trill be counted. Do not nae hyphenated, cont ound or obsolete wprda. Where the plural 11 Used the singular cannot bo counted and vice versa. ti.. words of tho same spelling can be used only once, even though used to doaignate different obieete or artieles. A•n object or article can be named only once' iowover, any visible part of en Object may also 'be, nam- ed. 7. The anewsn having the largest and nearest correct lint of namos of taib a objeottl in the p that begin with the letter "0" will be awarded Prise; ' eta 'Neutrals, style or handwriting.havo no bearing upon de- ciding the winners. 8. Any number of people may co-operate in answering the Puzzle, but only Dern prize will be awarded to ,any one household; not will prizeil be, awarded to morn them One of any group where two or more have bean working together. 0. Inyevent of a tie for' prize offered; the fall amount of each peke will be sell to each tied partial. 19: Subearipti4os (both now and renewal), pafable in advance of $t.Oo per year by man, or $4.00 Per year delivered by oerrier boy in Hamilton, will be acceoppted, Xi, Ali anewers will receive t x0 -'tame crineration regardless of whetherOr not a subscription to ',J2,' )diad & r,lmpiro In sent In, 12. Three prominent Toronto citizens, having 0o con- nection whit The ).tail &. Efzcplro Will be selected to set . as juaget to endo the winners, and participants, by dead!ns in their answers, agree to accept the decision of the Yudges as final and donoluetve. Tho Indeed will meet an becember 11th," and aann nnenceineat of. the PrizeWinners )ihd 00rregt list of horde will bo pSbllshod in The Mail and M,upire, on1)eeomber 33rd, and prizes vlill bo mailed to the winners 'before Chriittrues. 'Irene Own subscription will cotint, or Subacrip- tions§ to Start at some ftlturo date. Jtwt write on the girder when you want' the paper started, and it will gait promptly on that date, You will fllkdit easy to get Subscriptions to The Mail and Empire to iialify„your answer for the Rig Cash Prizes. It hi by far the beat daily newspaper ,published in Gnter'ie. ; ..AUCTION SA, ;. -- of — SCHOOL, SCHOOL FB4WERTY The Trustees of Union S. S. No, 8 laud 14, Stephen and, Bosanquet, have received instructions to offer by public auction, on SATUIGt.DAX, NOVEMBER, 21, 1925 in the village of GRAND BEND at one o'clock 'the• following A brick school, school grounds, two good stoves with 7 inch pipes, 12 good school seats and several other articles. The real estate will bo sold in two parcels. TERMS School house and real estate, 10 per cent. of purchase money at time of sale, balance not later than De - comber 15th, 1°925. All other articles cash. Maurice Brenner, Harold waiver,, Aaron 3tieland, Trustees. AUCTION SALE — of DURHAM AND HOLSTEIN COWS The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction, at MOFFAT'S BARN, CENTRALIA — on— THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1925 at one o'clock sharp the following: 4 Cows newly freshened. 7 Cows just springing. 10 Young heifers. TERMS 6 Mouths' credit on furnishing approved joint notes with 6 per cent. added. JAMES FERGUSON, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE - of FARM STOCK The undersigned has received in- structions to” sell by public auction at tije. Old. Foundry, Opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter — on— - SA.TURDAY, NOVEMBER, 21, 1925 at one o'clock sharp ,tlie following: 37 Heifers rising 2 years old. 4 Steers rising 2 years old. Jersey bow; good milker. 3 Cows due in January. 2 Cows due in February, 2 Cows due in March. Top buggy, cutter, gasoline engine quantity of lumber, seed drill work, bench. TERMS 6 Montha' credit will be given on furnishing approved . joint notes with 6 per cent. per annum added. MRS. T.' CAMERON, Proprietress F. TAYLOR & JAS. WATSON Auctioneers A. PURDON, Clerk. AUCTION SALE of— FARM, FARM STOCK AND I1VXPLE- MENTS W. E. Nairn has been instructed to sell by public auction on LOT 1, CON. 12, TUCKERSMITH —on — TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1925 at 12.30 p.m. the following HORSES—Team of horses aged 9 and 10 years; mare 8 years old, gelding 5 years old, driving mare, quiet and reliable, aged eight years, suckling colt, heavy draft, 6 months old. REGISTERED CATTLE Carrie A. 2nd, 206084, female, white, born December 20th, 1923. Carrie 8th, 109248, female, red, born March 6th, 1913. Seaforth Lassie 6th, 205142, fe-. male, red roan, born December lst, 1923. Carrie 10th, 175993, female, red born August 1st, 1920. Carrie A., 196706, female,dark roan, born November 4th, 1922. Seaforth Duchess 2nd, 159766, roan, born December 16th,, 1918.,,.. Seaforth Duchess 4th, 203455, red roan, born July 1st, 1923. Seaforth Lassie 6th, 194799, red, born June 15th, 1922. Seaforth Duchess 5th, 211623, white, born August 4th, 1924. Lady Sample, 145997; roan, born April 2nd, 1918. Martha B., 171686, female, red, born February 22nd, 1920. Lady .Sample .2nd., 180983, fe- male, roan,. born Tannery 5th, 1921. Stock ;bull, bred by Mr. Peck, Sul - tin .Ramsden, white, born lOctober 19th, 1921. THOROUG'SBRED CALVES Nie calves under one year old, eligible for registration. ; GRADE CATTLE One Durham cbw just calved, one Durham cow due to calve in two months, two 'small calves; about 75 hens and pullets. ' GRAIN -100 bushels of beans, 300. bushels (if oats, 10`0 bushels: of barley, about 20 grain bags :and about 20 sacks. IMPLEMENTS—M,-H. binder 7 foot cut, bind' 'truck, M, -H, inowei; 62foot cut, h, & W. 12 hoe seed drill, 111.-11. spring tooth. cultivator, M. -IJ. bean, cultivator an l:nu ll : complete, new wagon, fa�iYlgo hay rack, stock rack, steel roller,; 5 -section' harrows, hay rake, No. 1 buggy, second buggy, set bob sleighs cutter, 'low down manure spreader, walking plow, land cultivator, scales 2,000 lb., fanning mill, hand 'scut- flee, slings, rope and car, set single harness, 2 sets double harness, halt set double harness and about six. e whiffle - trees, .good collars, neckyok s, i e - trees, bag truck, 8 sugar kettles, S' sap pans and heater, galvanized store tank 350 gallons capacity, 175• sap buckets, DeLaval cream separ- ator about 600 lb. capacity, a quant- ity of turnips in root house, root pulper, wheelbarrow, ladder, forks, chains and other articles too num- erous to mention. TERMS—AB articles under $111,. and roots grain and poultry cash. All ,articles over $10, six months' credit on 'approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. per annum allowed for cash. ' At the same time and place, Lot 1, Con. 12 H,R.S„' Tuekersmith, and Lot 3, Con 13, H.R,S., Tuckersmith, will be offered for sale subject to reserved bids. Terms of sale made known on day of sale, and may be had in the meantime from the under- signed. ' W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer ' JAMES RIVERS, Administrator A,. S. HAYS, Solicitor CLEARING AUCTION SALE —of— FAliM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS James W. Watson, Auctioneer has received instructions from Mr. Ken- neth McLeod to sell by public auc- tion, on LOT 29, CON. 14, HIBBERT BOUNDARY — 071 — TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1926 at one o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—Driving horse 9 years, old, agricultural mare 8 years old,. agricultural mare 12 years old. CATTLE—Cow due in January,. cow due March 1, cow due April 2, cow due April 24, cow due Febru- ary 26, cow due March 10, cow; with calf by. side, 2 farrow cows, yearling steer, 3 yearling heifers, 2 spring calves. HOGS—Sow dile Feb. 15, sow due Feb. 20, sow due time of sale, . 4 pigs about 175 ib., 9 .pigs 2 months old, 9 pigs 2 1-2 months old. POULTRY -1 Pair Geese: IMPLEMENTS—Wagon, Frost & Wood binder, 6 ft. cut; . Frost & Wood mower, 6 ft. cut, fanning mill: breeching for team harness, sap pan,. sap heater, 75 new bucket% water trough. TERMS All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months' credit on approved joint notes with 5 per cent. straight off for cash in lieu of notes. Positively no reserve as propriet- or is givingup the farm. 01 KENNETH NMeLEOD, Proprietor JAMES W. WATSON, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the, estate of HANNAH SULLIVAN, late of the Township of McGillivray, County of Middlesex, widow who die& on the 25th day of September; 1925 - are 'required to forward their claims - duly proven to the undersigned ol3 or before the 30 day. of November, 1925. ' AND NOT.IOE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute' the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 7th day of November, 1925. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. all persons having claims against the - estate of WESLEY MARTIN LUKER. late of the Township of Stephen, who, died on the 16th day of Jan. 1924,. are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on• or before the 30 day of November, 1926. e AND NOTICE 'IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said ate the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 7th day of: November, 1925. .,. GLADMAN .& STANBURY ” Solicitors for Administrator' Ton. Money Se �. use the Money Orders sold at all branches of this Bank. They venareasafe, thanea' and • e nit � a.xe readily cashed in all parts of the world. S2 THE CANADIAN ZA K OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 Reactive Fund $20,000,000 Exeter Branch G. It, :Coniplie, Manager Crediton Branch G. G. Maynard, Llha;t river