HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-11-12, Page 1IOW= TIMII,$, ESTABLISHED 1878 AMALGAMATED R ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1887 f DECEMBER rst 1924, EXETER, • ONT., TILTR.SJ A.Y AMO.RNING, NOVEMBER 12th., 1925 VI ?!T'Y SEdr AR, NO. 2 111111111111111110111111111111111111111111 VETERANS IUJ INSPIRING I11E Local Doings y ; 4 ARMISTICE SosISIVION air .1111111111111 ale .011111111 -10111111.1 a111 1:1 Free adviceon your our foot troubles Cramps CCafouses\ "Aches Rheu- matism Pains Bprning Sensation. Tenderness Sore Limbs M A FOOT EXPERT trained in the methods of Dr. Wm. M.'Scholl of Chicago, will be here TUESDAY, NOV. 17 1f you have.. aching feet, pains, cramps, callouses, burning sensation atrthe ball of the foot or .toes, fallen arches. painful heel, weak turning ankles. sore limbs, corns, bun- ions, or perspiring feet—you are cordially invited to see this Foot Specialist. He will be pleased to make recommendations, with- out any charge or obligation, as to what your trouble is and how to relieve it. imitme 1.011.1111 41.0110.1 amaistm r10 NOT miss this E LJ opportunity of consulting this Foot. E Expert, if you have any foot troubles. His visits are only half- yearly, so consult E him now and walk in COMFORT Clearing of Ladies', Misses' and Girl's Coats - Don't forget our Ladies', Misses and Girl's fall and winter coats have been greatly reduced in price. We still have a very large stock to select from Dresses on Sale We have a large stock of odd lines and sizes of Ladies',and Misses' dresses in crepes, serges. tricotines, etc. Some at half price and less. Ladies' Skirts Pat $2.95 Still a few Ladies' and Misses' odd skirts left in • pleated crepes and flannels, values up to $7.50 on. sale at $2.95 each. PHONE 3? Jones & Hay PHONE 32 moor rooms Bi.gSale Thursday, Fridayand Saturday A Good Time to buy your Christmas Gifts See Hand Bills for Bargain List New Potato Pot WEAR -EVER /L71T.'Ile u MADE MARK - WITH THE FIRST 25 PURCHASES OF '(? mart -EVER ALUIVITNUM ON THURSDAY MORNING WE WILL GIVE FREE 'A WEAR -EVER HANDY SAUCE PAN SALE PR.IGES WEAR EVER .DOUBLE BOILERS' REGULAR ,S2.00 FOR $1.49 WEAR EVER NEW POTATO POTS REGULAR $1.75 FOR $1.39 1,VEAR EVER TEA KETTLE REGULAR .$4.05 FOR $3.59 (WEAR EVER COMB. ROASTER & CANNER $6.006: FOR $3.98 "WE- WEAR EVER PRES. KETTLES REGULAR $2.35 FOR $1.98 WEAR EVER PRIN. KETTLES REGULAR $2.65 FOR $2.19 WEAR EVER PRES.' KETTLES REGULAR $3.30 FUR $2.69 See New Stock Quebec Heaters ust arrived, from $18 up r , TINSMITHI • NG AND PLUMBING Hea man's Hardware &P� Paint Store e "NEVER AGAIN" 'ALMOST HERE Attention is called to the an- nouncements made last week in re- gard to the very funny play entitled' "Never Again" which is being pre- sented in Mt. Carmel Hall this week for two -nights—Thursday and Fri- day at 8.15. The large crowd last year. has made it necessary to pre- sent the play for two nights this year and a full house is expected for both performances. Mr. and Mrs. Garvey Acheson, of St.'Thomas, Mrs. Thos. Oke and Mrs Billings, of London and. Mr. Bever- ly Acheson, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Ache- son over the holiday. BIRTRS RIVERS—In. Exeter, on Wednesday Nov. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. .11. C. Rivers, a daughter (Shirley Mar- jorie) ' KERSLAKE—In Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on October 28th, to Mr. and Mrs.. George Kerslake of Staffa, a son. - .MARRIAGES HAUGH—WIEGAND—In DashvVood on Wednesday, November 11th, Clara Viola; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiegand,' to ' Mr. Milton D. Haigh, at the Evangel- ical parsonage, ' DEATHS MOFFATT—At lits late residence, 77 Byron. avenue, London, on Wednesday, November 4, 1925, Samuel Alfred Moffatt, aged 74 years 3 months. BROWN— In Lucan, on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1925, Mary Hall, relict of the late David Brown and mother of Rev., J. J. Brown, formerly of St. Marys, in her 86th year, IN MEIKORIA:IVI i\4ADGE—In loving memory. of our dear one Samuel I. W. Madge, who died suddenly on Nov, 12th, 1924, Here in the old home you are f6 is ly remembered Sweet are 'the memories that cling round your names Wife, Murray, Margery, IVIOt'her and rather. mistice Day 'serrates were held on don, spent several days the guest o S.unday in the different churches of the latter's mother, Mrs, J. Taylor. town. The veterans of this coin- Mr. Sim.- Pollen has taken a pos munity together With the boys who ition in Heaman's Hardware tin have been in. training under the srithing department. command of Major W. J. Heaman, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis have numberinng about fifty, marched to moved into, their new home. on John Trivia Memorial Church and lis- St.. Mr. Lewis has built one of Ithe tened to a very eloquent and "force- those nice little bungalows which so ful sermon delivered by the Rector, many people admire. Rev. A. A. Trumper. In spite of the Messrs. Howard Hunter and Henry inclement weather there was a good- Strang, Jr., were two members, of the ly number of visitprs. Following the Huron County judging team at the Mr, and Mrs. Wm; Let Us Help Yo Local News Sweet, of Lon- - don, spent Thanksgiving with the ! : f former's mother, M'rs. Thos. Sweet. erine, of London, spent the holiday Mrs. Inwood and daughter Cath- - with Miss ,ganders and Miss Vesper. Impressive Thanksgiving and Ar Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruston, of Lon services in the Various churches a goodly number gathered about the Guelph Winter Fair. They will 'al soldiers'" memorial' where short ad- so athe Royal Show at Toron- dresses were given" by Rev. E. Shep- to neetend ext week. and Rev. Mr. Trumper; Ma. Fred Davis, formerly of Gode- At the service in Trivia church rich and a brother of Mrs, Fred May taking his text from Ecclesiastes of town is Conservative member -el - 7, 14 the preacher said in part: ect for East Calgary, defeating Wm. These words, "God also hath set the • Irvine, Progressive member in the one over against the other," reveal last parliament by over 2000. the Divine law of compensation The many friends of Mr. Thos. which, is a source of perennial wons Cameron will regret to know that he der to the mind of man. In the has suffered a breakdown in health. world of nature God has set winter Mr. Cameron is widely known thro- over against summer, and' each has ughout the community and his many its part to play in the Divine econ- friends hope for his speedy restore- omy. Think how this merciful law tion to health. has worked on the Battlefield, al- Mrs. Henry Reynolds, Mill Street, though lines of trenches are still vis- who was, for several days last week ible near Vimy Ridge nature has cast in a ,very low state of health, took over all a beautiful mantle of green. a turfor the better the latter part Palestine was a buffer state between of the week and naw gives promise two vast Empires, frequently over- of recovery, much to the surprise run and yet withal she produced the and pleasure of her many friends. prophets with their' inspiring mes-' The Merry Makers Club the girls' sages of hope, andWJesus Christ in ! organised Bible c ss of Coven Sun whose name we meet. On the map day School, hes very successful of the world the British Isles are a mere speck or two yet they control social in the noel room on , Wed- mere quarter of the renown world. nesday evening last. The program Something of the restlessness of the of music, games and contests was sea entered into our national con- much enjoyed by the young people. sciousness, and we sought and found The girls have now $10.00 to their a larger liberty. Think of Belguim credit. and her imperishable glory enshrin- I Mrs. David McKitrick and family ed in the epic words "they shall not' late of Calgary, who have been vis - pass•" Over against sorrow God has iting the former's mother, Mrs. et joy, many a mother's heart echo- Lamport and her sister, Mrs. Mar - d the cry"if only I could know that shall, left Tuesday for London and his body was decently buried, that; from there will go to Toronto, where haunting fear, that searing doubt ;they will make their home in future. an forever be put away as England! Mr. McKitrick now being in that pends a fortune every year in t.hecity. are of the graves of the Empire's The Liberal workers of the com- ead. What could God set over munity gathered in•the Town Hall on gainst Canada's appalling loss of Friday evening of last week. when manhood? He has set Canada Mr. Thos- McMill , the newly elect- inong the nations , crowned with ed representativeor South Huron, lory and honor because she has been expressed his thanks to all those who willing to tread the path of service had in any way assisted in securing nd sacrifice. This recalls war- his election. ..Brief. and informal carred and blood -smeared names to remarks were made by Mr. McMi.l 1 eniory such as Ypres, St. Julien, ran. imy Ridge, Hill 0¢; Arras, Cambrai Mr. and Mr's. • Thos. McKenzie, of nd many others which remain to- • "garner, Alta., are visiting with Mr, ay as holy ground. Over and and Mrs. Newton Baker and Mr. and gainst the borrows of war God has Mrs. John Chambers, the tliree lad - et the splendid conception of world les being sisters. It is over twenty eace, and the true brotherhood of years since Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie elan. We must therefore carry on visited Exeter and they note many nd through the vital force of per- changes in that time. They expect onal religion build a solid founda- to spend the winter and summer in ion's for the future of Canada. Men Exeter and Crediton. omplain of hypocrites within the hurch, and over against them God `,Several from Exeter motored to as set a vast host of men and wo 1whitechurch, in Bruce Co., in Mr. H. men who love Our Lord and who Bagshaw's,motor van on Thanksgiv- trive and work that His will may "Ing for a rabbit hunt. There were 'be done on earth as it is in Hea- 'sten in the party and they took five s e e s c d a a g a s V a d a s p a s t c C h ven." Let us follow this splendid ex- ample. ZURICH MAN STRUCK LONDON POLICEMAN WITH AUTO q, Dr. H. H. Cowen, of Zurich, Ont: while driving an auto in London, on Saturday had the Misfortune to run into P. C. Alex Towle, who was do- ing traffic duty at the corner of Dundas and Clarence streets Satur- day evening, and as a result faces a charge of reckless driving, being re- leased on $2,000 bail. Towle was carried into Orth's clothing store, where Dr. Williams rendered medical assistance. He suf- fered injuries to the muscles of his back and arms. He will. likely be confined to his home for a week or so, but his injuries are not consider- ed serious. Cowen, who was driv- ing in -the ram, south on Clarence St states that owing to the rain and the dark clothes of the policeman, he did not see him until he was upon him. He stopped as soon as he hit Towle, His car, which was a coupe, was cov- ered with mud, and it was hard to see through the windows. Mr. James Elliott, formerly of the Wingham brickyard, uncle of Mr. Herbert Walter of Own, died on November 3rd, at the home of his daughter, .Mrs. David Kemp. in Lon- don. His remains were taken to Sault Ste. Marie for burial. The late Federal election had snore than a passing interest for Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston since three of the former's pupils in three dif- ferent provinces were candidates for parliamentary honors. These were Dr. C. C. Ross of Hyde Park, who ran .in East Middlesex, .Dr. M. R. Blake, Mrs. Johnston'S cousin, in North Winnipeg and C. H. Russell, B.A., in the Wetaskiwin constituency in Alberta. Though none have been successful in winning a Seat yet all have made good runs. Dr, Ross, who ran in the Liberal inter- est was handicapped by having 1, Progressive running in a three corn- ered field. Dr, Blake' was elected, for the same constituency in:1916 by a majority of 1700 and when the returns came out first this time his majority was given as 85 but since then it has •faded away. Mr. Rus- sell, who isa son of William Rus- sell of town and a very suocessfud lawyer in Wetaskiwin, Aliei'ta, . ran in a constituency 80 miles long by 40 miles Wide. 1-I .and" Dr. Blake ran, in the Conservative in- terest. All three Men are farmers' Sons, Dr, Ross and l'v,fr. Russell, have., ing been born in the township of Hay, and Dis Blake in Allbfield, 440, ogs. About three o'clock in the af- tInoon they struck a fine spot and bagged 20 rabbits in a couple of hours. The roads were good for 3�lIotoring. Among those in the par-; qty were H. Bagshaw, H. Bierling, l Milt and Homer Russell, 'Geo. and `fid. Anderson, Ed. Pollen, Silas .keid and Ulric Snell. The Ladies' Aid of James Street United church held a regular meet- ing in the church parlors, on Thurs- day last, with the President, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe presiding, and Mrs. J. T. Miners taking the devotional exer- cises. Final arrangements were for the Fowl Supper, which is to be held on the 2nd of December. One new member enrolled. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. J. S. Harvey, Mrs. Jno. Snell, Mrs. J. G. Jones,l Mrs. H. T. Rowe and Mrs. W. Johns. A delightful missionary meeting Was held under the auspices of the W.M.S. on Friday evening, Novem- ber Gth in Main St. United church. Two, very interesting, earnest and helpful addresses were given. by Miss Mitchell and Mrs. Mortimore, the former a field secretary of the W.M. S., the latter a returned missionary from China. Piano and violin sel- ections were delightfully rendered by the Misses Eleanor and Marjorie Medd and Miss Helen Dignan, Miss Violet Gambrill and Robt Gambrill. The thank -offering, including the one taken in October, amounted to $236.10. . Twe young men from the country who Were iri town training with the military boys Thursday evening had a narrow escape from being killed while on their way home going north.' They were driving a horse and when about the Metropolitan Hotel a car going in the same direc- tion driven at a very fast speed over- took them and striking the buggy, hurled the occupants into the ditch With terrible force, and the horse was knocked down. The two young men gathered themselves up, and' 1 scicy to say escaped with oni a fell bruises, while the horse receiv- ed some injuries and the buggy and Harness were also damaged. The car driver, who was unknown, never stopped to see what damage was done. This is an offence that merits severe punishment. .HURON APPLE GROWERS SUFFER ER I1tIEAV % LOSSES Apple growers in Huron County have suffered heavy losses owing to the heavy awinds and early frosts. S. Stl•others, the agricultural repre- sentative, estimates that the loss for Huron, county is at least 15,000 bar- rels, It S. Slny'th, on the Bayfield road, lost about 3,000 barrels. TV. See Better Mr. A. . dand family. ofand LonirsdonF, spentW.GlaThamannlcsgiv- OUR KRYTQKS ORitatatim ing with Mr- and Mrs, R. E, Pick- IN BIFOCALS AR DOUBLE V ard, ION LENSES ARE SOLD UNDI+3'i , THE FOLLOWING GUARANTEII 1 Mr. and Mrs. "Nelson Hill of Tor- onto, spent Thanksgiving with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill. Mr. Beverley Elliott,. of Toronto, was here over the holiday, the guest of Mr. L B. Carling, and other rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Irwin of Waterloo, spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mallett, of Lon- don, spent Sunday and Monday with the former's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett, Mr, Cyril McMartin and Miss Bea- trice Vosper, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Snell over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and Mr. Jack Guenther, of Windsor, spent Sunday e and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. G'ladman & Stanbury are install- ing an oil burner in their furnace at the office and Mr. Stanbury has installed one at his residence. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie, and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, of Toronto, and Mr. Douglas Stewart, of Detroit, spent Thanksgiving: with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mrs. Neil and son, Mr. Alton Neil, of London, spent Thanksgiving with. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Jones: Mrs. Jones and son, Neil, returned with them on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred .1. Sanders and two sons, Jack and. Gordon, of Tor- onto, spent the forepart of the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Sanddrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunt, Mr. and Mrs W. W. Clark and daughter Mar- ion, of Hollywood, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker, of Landon, visited recently at the hone of Mr. S. J. Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs, John Canton, of Pet- rolia, motored up and spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rice. Mr. Canton recently returned from a trip up north bringing home a fine deer. He presented Mr. John Ran, - ter -With a fine roast. Messrs. Wm. Lawson, Geo. Hind, Grant Sanders and Howard Dignan, of Toronto, University; Bruce Medd, of Guelph O. A. C.; Miss Evelyn Ho- ward and Kenneth Stanbury, of Wes- tern University, were 'home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mr. Thos. Newell, of Stratford, had the misfortune on Wednesday last to have a McLaughlin car, up- set' in the ditch and destroyed by fire. Mr. Newell was driving home from visiting his • brother in North Easthope and was'- crowded close to the ditch by an approaching, car. The car toppled over and was soon a maws of flames. Mr. Newell; who was alone in the car, jumped and escaped injury. ALTS AROUND YOU PEOPLE KNOW THIS SECRET Would you know the secret of good bread? Good Flour. We are shipping to very many points in Western Ontario and we often receive, unsolicited words of highest, praise about the splendid bread made from our flour. What. it has done for them it will do for you. Try it. Our Western Flour for bread making is very very hard to beat. We give very substantial reduc- tions on quantities of three hundred, five hundred or a ton. Use our Welcome Flour for Pastry. HARVEY BROS., fltixetsr - rI 4.16 ffiIITs is uie u-Alatutrtice that ifa;als nup)tlieb.Iltia sae to GENUINE IM{rt IMPERIAL KRYPTOKS, , from .II defect, to m.nulmcmre. IMPERIAL KRYPTQK BIFOCALS ('orvi5i,) ere medsm n only,1, hryheet queli,y .town .d Ilio 0001elms p, f. try 4rouud .e 4 PeE*heel ty .5 ,uI.a Cen.n..,ame,,. .ts' ,, Suppl;edty, Deb new. I, &tush. .I $a t. Ela QaVmVAtiYana vaiiuiH v'tix WE CAN FIT YOU S. Fitton OPTOMETRIST Phone 75w. • Speaking of Bread Here's everybody's guaran- tee of a "square meal." Plen- ty' of Bread sustains, satisfies, energizes. No other food can compare with Bread. It is the most prac- tical and economical of foods, and makes an ideal side -part ner for every other food. The more fussy you are about honest -to -goodness Bread, the , better you will like Lockwood's Better Bread It has a rich Bready flavor and always delights. (Ask Your Grocer For It). W. H. LOCKWOOD BAKER E1i4TER ONTARIO POSTPONED once STANLEY OPERA ROUSE LUG AN Wed, November 25 Grade Wigley's Six -Piece Orchestra (London) DANCING 9 p.m. TO 2 a,mn. ADMISSION Gentlemen, 95c puls 5c, war tax Ladies Free J. T. NANGLE, Manager , SEVERELY HURT Mr. Severne Winer, who had been working in the harvest fields in the Canad}'an Northwest, had the psis fortune to be thrown from the sep- arator, when his glove got caught in a pulley, and fell against a wagon breaking his right arm in the muscle and: receiving a deep cut under his chin. He was taken to a hospital and is now doing nicely under the doctor's care. Mr. Harold Wright, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford., Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14 "Charlie's Aunt" with Syd Chaplin THE SCREEN'S FUNNIEST FARCE CO1SJED'Y. EVENING TRICES-4144 SEATS .35c, BEGINNING AT 7:30 UMW, Saturday Matinee at 2 o'clock sharp. Prices 15 & 25c. Monday,November 16; One Night Only hen a M i U,4s comme. IILAbJSATURDAY, NGV1ElCIrR 20th and 211t "CAPTAIN L Dis by RAI+•1A ilfs S dI3 iT> NI The thrslliizg, suspenseful story of a wrongfully sentenced: Itelio1 Convict, wlio turns I3uecaaieer, defeating the .1'"rencli Moet lit a soft. satlonal Sea Battle`.'