The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-11-5, Page 7LOObFb•
et`'1Vlore Pleasure Out of Life and Are of More Use in the
World Than SicklyRundown People.
'There aro,: people who lack thered
blood t giveo
1 o q color to their lips,
,.warmth to their hands and brightness
to their eyes.
These people tire •easily and cannot
compete in 'school, store or shop with
the more energetic, Their bloom be-
ing thin they are nervous tend do not
sleep .well. Arising lar the morning
una•efreshed they begin: each day bad-
ly and. miss much idof the pleasure of
To become active and energetic, g c, Illte
most, red-blooded Canadians these
people need a blood -building tonic..
A tonic that gives strength, that re-
vitalizes weak nerves, that increases
Help for Nervous People.
Y u pie and weak, tired most
of the time, out of breath on slight
Are you nervous, is your steep dis-
turbed sb that rest does not refresh
Is your appetite poor, your liges=
tion weak and do yoia have painsafter
If you have any of these syniptoms
you 'need the helpof such a reliable
tonic as. Dr. ,Williams' Pink Pills.
Read what. Ma, W. W. Francis of Cal-
gary, Alta., says of this -tonic, "After
returning frem overseas," writes Mr.
the appetite • and aids digestion will Francis,: "my whole system was in a
put color ill the cheeks and -lips and badly run down conditionI became
give vigor to the step. That means
hew joy in living,increased usefulness
and longer life.
Where ever you find a
person who
has taken Dr, Williams'- Pink ' Pills
faithfully you find an enthusiastic
friend of the tonic that hae made life
mean more in many ways. These
-blood- making pills have been used by
three generations of Canadians and in
alai oat every eoni,miinity, however
snnail, can be found those who owe
health, and happiness to this famous
household remedy:..
' Weak and Run Down.
nervous, irritable, pale and - lost
weight. Of course I was given treat-
ment and recommended many tonics,
some of which I took, but with no ap-
parent result. 9 At last I could not
even sleep. My sister, who is in Eng-
land, wrote and urged me to give Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and':f can
scarcely say how glad I am that.I took
her advice. My friends-arere surprised
at my complete recovery; but I as-
sured then; it was due entirely„ to Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills and now always
keep a box on hand in case of emer-
I wish •from in 'heart I caul - ; Keep Your System Toned Up.
d per_
suede every person' who is run down Dr. :Williams'' Pink Pills assist di-
- In health to give Dr. Williams' pink. gestfon, correct the lassitucle, the pal-
alPills a trial," Thus ,writes sMr , Louie pitation of, the Heart, shakynerves and
Mitchell, .,Oak Point, Man,, who furs the pallor of''the face an lips that are
ther says:—"About a year ago I was
• a weak woman, Suffering _porn a run-
down, System
undown•,,°system' and impoverie
shed blood.
Any Little exertion would cause my
lege •to, tremble and my heart to throb
violently. I, could. not sweep,a. room
. or walk -fifty 'feet "without- ;being ex-
hausted. Then I began taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and after taking
only six boxes I am as well mid strong . Twb-.useful books, "Building Up the
as ever. I can walk and rat without Blood," and "What to Eat • and -How to
stopping .every,few seconds gasping Eat," will be sent free by The Dr. 'Mi-
ter breath: as previously. Dr. Wile Ham's' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont..;
if you mention this paper.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all dealers in medicine or will be sent
by mail, post paid, en receipt of :price,
50 cents per box.
The, Frontier r taller Cnllege.
The first calendar of -the_ Frontier
College strikes a new note in educa-
tion. This institution- endeavors "to
relate an Arts course to life, and is
- therefore "designedto open the. any
of opportunity to manual- and- other
workers, hitherto neglected
This institution claims; and with a
good deal of Mason, that too many of
our young people have been sent away
from home to acquire an edue^tion.
This has detached them from the busy
work -a -day world, and unfitted them
for the daily.. round and common task
of earning a'living and helping their
families and'neighbors,.,
° The Frontier College has broken
new. ground, and studiously avoids
competition with the ,older universi-
ties, It seeks. to crdat an interest in
the homestead, farm, .camp, shop and
other forms of isolated employment so
long overlooked.
There can beno question that the
time is ripe foesuch a university. la
a country like Canada where manual
workers are needed mast of all, and
where this class will:-settleabe large
numbers in the future, it Le necessary
to bring education to the w rker.rath-
er than take him: away from his `--voa•k
to obtain an ediication elsewhere. For
matriculants who have the ambition,
energy and capacity to study alone,
courses of study are .outlined therein,
and due provision wall be made so that
'candidates' map wirite their examina-
tions locally. a . " '
Perhape,pne ofthemost interesting,
features of the Frontier- College is tele I
fact that nd boy or girl living in thee
city can win a scholarship. Thfese are I
offered as a premium to encourage a
"trek" back to the land. Substantial
fellowships running from $100 to $500
are offered to young *nen and women
who go to the frontier and combine'
manual labor and a few hours, of teach-
ing with peivate study. This is e ome-y
tlttng.decidedly new"'in education and
every fair minded person interested in
Canada will wishtheexperini'ent suc-
Fuller information may be obtained
by 'writing' to. the Frontier College,
the results of thin, impure; blood.
Try .Dr. Williams' . Pink Pills for
anemia, rheumatism, neuralgia,. ener-
vousneess. Take them as a tonic .if
you are not in the best physical con-
dition and cultivate a resistance that.
'will keep yofi well and strong. Get a
box and begin this treatment now.
Send for These Health Books.
Alms' Pink Pals will be my stand-by
in: the future if ever my blood needs
• building up again, and I shall always
• find pleasure' in recommending them
-to anyone needing a tonic."
Fitted far the Job.
Lady wishes empioytfzent for few
hours ° daiIy to take children out .. (or
an invalid); life experience with all
animals and; poultry.: Write E.833.
Crescent '
Ground Saws;
their teeth are of
even thickness
throughout the entire
length of the caw, thus
impossible. CrescentGririd-'
ing.,ie an eicls dee Simonds
fcature,5imonds Canada Saw Co. Ltd.
1600 DUNDA5 ST.' %1.: TORONTO
tri •',;):T ..
- iic`caC.�
"Crescent Ground!!
Lunge Tooth
'Cross Cut
Ho. 22
egMs �r .
the `inoinent you
board a SantaFe
train for
?on your Y a
sunny, scenic
,vonde` d
Fred Harveydining service.,
another exclusive
Santa Fe feature
Enjoy the outwoffdoors'
this winter -tam your'
?amity ea, 'a
California hotel rates
are reasonable
,fMay I send you our picture folders?
G. G. nobortson,Tray. Paso, Agent
E. a. eatery, General Agent
Banta Ire Ry,
454 Transportation Bldg;-
03 Detroit, iltloh.,t Phone Main 5847 R
A Veteran Motor -Car.
A motorcar, built in 1000, which is
Said to have 'travelled 500,000 miles,
figures among the assets of a motor,
mechanic in the bankruptcy court at
Wesh•ington, D.C. • It`- still rtuts, • bivt
not on the original tires;
It is calculated that the machine
has travelled an average of eighty4ivo
miles a day for the sixteen years of
its life, or, allowing rest en-S'tthlays,
about 100 miles a day. 1t =has run the
equivalent' of twenty trips roundthe
world at the Equator.
The relic, which will be (sold, to satis-
fy creditors, has been appraised at
A horse -plow works at -the rate of
an aura a day. • • A 08 -horsepower
niobor-plow, invented by a Lincoln-
hire engineer, plows the same area
it half an hour;
B esuse e
Could Work..
Among. those Alfee interested 1n
improving the condition of the pltysi--
eally defective --•-cripples, thedeaf axed.
dumb and the blind -no experience
mese common than the desire, in
many cases the eagerness that these
unfortunates manifest "to help them-
selyes by doing such work as still re-
mains possible to them.
The enost intelligent effort is now
directed, not so -much toward estab-
lis n the it si-
t w e !e
hi g ine„itutions It z p y
call de endue m b cared or free
y t ay e f ,
aa to teaching: them occupations by
which they can support themselves in
self-respecting industry.
'phis. desire :for independence fs sal•
clefs so, simply and so :'touchingly de-
monstrated as it was in an incident,in
which Miss Helen Keller recently fig
Not long ago ` therecame to Miss
Keller a letter from an unknown eor-
respoaidehtt in the West. The head -
writing was precise and labored, the
phrasing homely, and ' in the letter,
wrapped in paper, with a care that
spoke eloquently of the meaning of
money to the waiter, was a dollar bill.
"Dear Helen Keller,!' the letter read,
"I have heard about .you, and I .am
sorry for you '''I•send,.you a dollar, be -
cease I. am' deaf and dumb, butI can
work and you cannot. I work in a fao-
tory and have "a, good Job the year
round. I wish I hadyou3 picture, 1f”
you have a picture that has been print-
ed somewhere in a paper of a maga-
zine and would send it to ate, I should
think a great deal of it .,X would not
ask for a phbtogra ah, 1? but any picture
thatrhas been printed,."
A heart as tender as Miss IKeiler's,
but with less insight, might have dic-
tated the return of the money, since
her cirduaizstslnces made the gift quite
unnecessary-. But instead, with intui-
tive understanding, she accepted the
humble gift in a gracefulletter in
which she told the unknown giver that
it would -acrd her much pleasure to
"buy something with tate dollar for
herself." She also sent a large photo-
graph, -with. hen' signature on it.
In a little 'while there came this re-
"Dear Helen Keller: Tour letter and
picture were both received o3_ the 18th
of May, .you do not know how happy
I am. On reading the letter and .look-
ing at the picture a thrill ofejoy came
over me. 0 my. friend, I cannot find
words to express to you the thanks I
feel. May God bless you for your
kindness. Inclosed in this letter you
willafind an envelope and inside of that
a ',dollar which is yours to use as you
please; and 'also a postage stamp to
replace the one you put on the picture
you sent sue. I cannot find it in my
heart to allow -you to spend a cent for
me, as i •can writ and you cannot."
Cpuld. one find anywhere • a nobler
tribute than this to the dignity and
worth -of labor? To be able to give is
the finest thing -in the world, and to be
able to work is to. earn the power to
The Divine Art.
What art, like Music; can express
Mur thoughts and feelings, sad or-
A solace sweet when; in distress.
In happy hours our chief delight!
Proem 'morn of Life till eventide,
At, every stage --in joy or pain,
In hours of gloom; of pomp and pfride,-
Music ;supplies th' appropriate
strain. -
Ineinfancy=soft lullaby; -•
The wedding march for groom and
a bride; ,
And, when is breathed Life's long last
The solemn chant at quiet -grave-
What Art is there can charm away -
Like Music, haunting doubts and
tears -
Make heart and,'spirits light and gay,
Or movelia to the point of tears?
Sweet melody at close of day
A soothing sense of peace imparts;
Both prince and pea ent own the
Of music -Queen of all the Arts!
We supply . cans and pay express
charges. We pay daily by express
money orders, which can be cashed
anywhere without any charge.
To obtain the top ';.rice, Cream
must be free from bad flavors' and
contain not less than 30 per cent. -
Butter Fat,
-Bowes Company Limited,
For references -Bead Office, Toronto,
Sank of Montreal, or your local banker.
Established for over thirty years.
Bathe` "'the face with
Minard's in water and.
place a piece of cotton
wool, saturated with
Minard's, in the cavity.
Anirnal4 aSn ire of ectno .
We knew that a lost, cat is never
really lost; that our dog will find his
way home under most any„.conditions;
and that it is wise sometimes, if we
are confused, to lot the home guide
• But the ability to find their way is
still greater i* undomesticated ani
amis. Weceeeity for self-reliance and
the constant preeence of danger keep
their faculties and instincts on the
l nest edge,
Th greatest fal;tor Ana man's study
of his location Is sight; and without
Jt he has but a vague sense of direc-
tion. But I knew a blind dog to find
his way home over miles of unfamiliar
country. Blind horses or cows go
where they want to in a pasture, mid
you can't .ecriousTy a'eidetraek” a oat
bee.- blindfolding it, Some animals
seem helpless when sight is handicap
ped, but the reason usually is excite-
ment- a panic of fear. Given time
to. deliberate, their sense of direction
saves them, as a rule:" a
That animals: do not rely ou the
sight oflandmarks has been proved
many times in the effort to lose unde-
sirable pets by taking them to distant
Points while blindfolded. -Unless the
distance is great theanilnal`returns, '
Naturalists' once thought that ants
returned to . their home, through the
forests of grass -blades, weeds, sticks,
etc., by scent, 'following their own
track back:. As, a .natter of fact, an
ant seldom .goes back over the out,
bound trail, and here is considerable
evidence that ;it relies more on the
mysterious general sense of direction
than on sight or any other particular
sense. One ant, as an 'experiment,
was transported on a leaf beyond her
destination, and when pit down kept
on in the Same direction, though she
we's now, going away from home. The
general sense of direction is very re-
markable in one species of the • Aus-
tralian ants; they build their nests
along a,north and south line so ac-
curately'that a traveler allay direct his
course by their aid. Snails have no
sense of, sight, or at least a, very rndi-
mentary one, yet it is not ,easy to 'lose
a snail.
And there's the turtle. It must be
guided .by the geperal sense, because
the who'd country could change fn ap-
pearance before this creature com-
pleted its trip by arriving home! In
Milford, N.J. scientists became in-
terested in a certain turtle, and to test
its homing instincts took it several
miles beyond the Delamare River. Af-
ter four years it was 'again found in
its favorite haunts among the tomato
When- an animal does become' lost,.
its actions are, different from those of
a man under file same •conditions. A
lost, horse will wander but: lie' lies no
particular tendency to circle: whereas
a lost man's trail will circle in three-
fourths of *the cases. There are some
anatomical explanations for this dif-
ference, but the' main reason is that
the animal has the more acdurate
general sense of direction.
Beans Are Considered Good
• Arctic Food.
,,Navy beans constitute one of the in-
'itovations In Arctic menus introduced
by. the MacMillan -National Geographic
expedition, Powdered orange, pow-
dared -lemon,, powdered `milk, "'tomato
paste and American cream cheese are
other novelties in food carried by the
flyers. The only two eo sessions to
theailsual Arctic food requirements are
pemmican or dried meat, which
makes up. one third of the food supply
-and biscuit.
The food list et the explorer' is the
answer to a diff.ealtproblem the navy
dietitians had to solve. Minimum
weight had to accompany maximum
caloric value. Foods had to .be such
that , they would require • lit'tle, or no
cooking. Futhermore, the menu mak-
akers had to consider the posisibility.of a
prolonged stay.
Here is the ration the explorers
must depend ou eveuy time- their
planes fly: For one man for one day,
one-seventh of a pound of flour, two
fifths of a pound df pilot bread (polite
name for hardtack), tenth of„',n pound
of bacon, third of a pound' of navy
beans, twentieth of a pound of oat-
meal, twentieth of a pound of ehovo
late, twentieth of a pound of cream
cheese, one pound of pemmican, one
spoonful of tomato paste, tenth of a
pound of orange and lemon fifthof
a pound of sugar, tenth of a pound of
finned butter and small portions of•
tea, coffee, salt and pepper.
Pemmican is explorer's food. I The'
Word comes from an Indian name for`
their variety of dried meat. Origin-
ally it contained onlyerneat and Suet.
White men and various tribes in Afri-
ca have added vegetables, .oatmeal,
raisins, currants, sugar, wild cherries
and honey. For hiss earliest expedi
titin by dog sled out into the same El-
lesmere island the planes explored,
MacMillan took nutritious pemmican
put up in eight -pound tins for the dogs
a s
ncl in six- o p und tins for the men. At
the end of a march, the frozen blocks
of meat would be carved with an ax,
And you may be sure no crumb ever
was wasted,
New Rubber Product.,
More buoyant than cork, a recent
rubber product 15 said' to have a re-
siliericy equal to air
A cargo Carrier.
The water buffalo of the cadent can
draw a load weighing more than a
Among American film stelae Doug-
las 1+airbanks ;aid the highest income
� g
tax,. $182,100, Past year. t
New Delights.
Day afterday I find some new delight;
it was the gas haat pressed upon
my cheeks,
That and a touch as soft as Death's,
when he
Comes to a sleeping child that never
And now the Wind and rain: It was the
That,.made' the wind reveal his
breath at la a st;
But 'twits the wind that, traveling high
sill far,
Furrowed' the heavens with clouds
from east to'. west.
And when tdae.night has come, perhaps
the Moon,
with' bee round,' • face all shining
clear and bright,
Will ride the dark, lumped clouds
with camel's backs-
acksAnd end my day with that last new
-W. ' 11. Davies.
You have been intending to try "R,
Rose." Why not now before you for et-
��i� o�cl tea
extra good. T%�
A Marvellous Thing.
Did you ever stop to think, what a
marvelous thing a day really is, and
what wonderful opportunities for hap-
piness it bolds? Every morning we
wake to a new miracle, a marvelous
world of beauty, overflowing with pea-
si.bilities. The grandeur, the ntpstery
of it all ought to entrance every hu-
man being- To think that each mol-sz-
' ing we are uehet-ed into a new life;
! that no matter how many mistakes we
AGAINST COstulindees yeastselradPapye
,d nooP maartt
a ow rmainn
t3 : I£ee in Ba 'Tablets
� s Own.
y p) t3' Y
in the House at All Times.
To guard the baby -against' colds
nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative
lthat will keep the little ova's stomach
anti bowels working regularly. It is
a recognized fact that where the sto-
mach axial bowels are in good order
that colds will not exist; that the
*health of the little one will be good
and' that he will thrive ,and be happy.
Thousands of mothers have become
convinced through the actual use of
the Tablets that there is nothing ,to
equal them in banishing constipation
and indigestion; breaking up, colds
and simple, fevers; expelling worans
and making teething time easy. 'Among
the thousan 1s who praise Baby's Own
Tablets is Mrs. Alex. J', Perry, Atlan-
tic, N.S., who says: -"I alway ,s_ F' keep
Baby's Own: Tablets in the 'house as
I know of no other medicine for ,little
ones to equal them."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from Tile Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,.
Siberia's Mystery Race.
In.the depths of Westee'n Siberia an
explorer has found a hitherto unknown
race of white people. They differ in
complexion and language from all
other natives of that region.
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
Just the the; Same.
Grady -"The only girl I ever loved
Is to be married on Wednesday."
Hall -"My sympathy, old man!"
"Oh, but she's going to marry me!"
, "My sincere sympathy!"
The Indians of Brazil organize
great alligator hunts, at one of which
as many as 500 of these scaly mon-
sters may be dispatched.
First 4 Prizes
each a
Wrist Watch
100 Prizes
Of each a
Fountain Pen
Hundreds of other Prizes
tf you can solve this Puzzle and will sell 24;Frozea
Perfumes at IOC each, you can win 000 of the above
prizes. Will you do this? It is very easy. If so just
mark Santa with an X a s4 reedit to us at once and if
correct we will send you the Perfum to sell right away
Utast Specialty Ce, pep W Waterford. Ont, • .
were, or how many opportunities we
lost, we can start 'anew today and
1111 every hour with the best we can
Put into it! 'This of itself should fill
one with joy and gfatitude O. 8,
Ask for Minard's and to a no other.
The Whole Truth. '
The young man with the flushed
faced felt vete,' proud of himself, It
was only natural that he should do so,
for he had been promoted' to the posi-
tion of chief dirummer for :a frim of
wholesale druggists, and further than
that, he had the use of a car.
For the benefit of this story, it is
essential • to note that the young travel-
ing man was a very honest and truth-
ful young fellow. -
His first business call took place in
a drug store in a Southern weltering
Place. He already had a lengthy list
of goods on order when the white-hair-
ed druggist thought a moment, then in-
"Has your firm anything for gray
hair, young man?" - e
"No, I'm afraid not," came the as-
tounding reply. "Nothing but the
,greatest respect"
Shark's Characteristics._'
In some species of sharks the young
are born alive, but in •others the eggs
are deposited• in a tough, usually 'flat-
tened case with tendrils by which it
may be fixed to a'eawe'ede. Most of
the 150 species of sharks are charac
Classified Advertisements
counek 3331 n tacrrxcn t EXEOTIIICAT,
angfnerring an roue slam tAna st koala a
enable yon to earn, a big saint' ar go 1nt'o heede si
for reuryelf. write for free training book. Aurgoe*
Electrical Company, Beat.. 14, Crawford st , Toronto.
Antras' OvlttAS. wAITE roil CAT&T,0Eiafl
and list of used avers Hubbard .Oven Cons-
tant', 782 Xing west, roseate.:.
Little' room,
Last night we met as strangers,
And I, worn out with dangers,
My heart and soul beset
With worry, fear and fret,
Fleeing from :noise and sound;
Found you and sleep prorloundi.
Little roohn,,
That held me in your arms,
Sheltered from dread alarms,
Secure through:outthe night,
I humbly crave the right-
Stirred deep by your endeavor •
To call you friend -forever,
-George Elliston..
Before sewing on hooks and eyes,
''boil them in strong soda water. This
will prevent them rusting in the wash.
The Toronto' Hospital for Incurables. 15
.b4Cnatlon.with Bellevue and Anted Hospital*.
view York Clty, alters a throe years' Course
'-et Training, to young women, having tho
reuulred education, and desirous of becoming
nurses. .This Hospital has adopted the eight-
hour system. The pupils recolvd uniforms: of
the echool, a monthly allowance and traveling
expenses to and from New York. For further
information apply to the SUperinteident.
•oR j,cvfa EYES
Refreshes Tired Eyes
-v-it,,Murine Co„ Chicago,fosEyeCare$ook
termed by five gill =openingson either
side of the .head, undrneath which the '
u 4 S
mouth is situated.
•-111•11,.S flu I,n- I.tW
The Capo Poli,ltos. Ltd., H,milton.
-•s-h-if�p US youte
Wrife today forprices--s,'e %(a)a21tee
:themrfor a week ahead
Exlabllsheel over -60 Years
1_.36,-39 fionsecourr Marhet — Montrr,al P
Proved safe bymillions andprescribed byh:�•sicians, for
Rheumatism Colds Neuritis Neuralgia
Headache Pain Toothache Lumbago
Accept Elly,cr!3..- ;•a.} paekl e
which contains proven directions.
handy "Bayer" hoses of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and•100-Druggists.
Aspirin Ih the trade Mark :(regintered in Canada) of Beyer Manufacture of 'blpnoacetie-
aeldeetor of Salitylicaold (Aoetyi salicylic .Acid, A. 5, A."), Willie it to Voll` known
that Aspirin paeans Sayer mantihactnro, to aaslet tate _rnblic egetnat Imitbttond, the Tablets
et /layer Oorupany will be staiaped With their meter trade nittri0, the Safer Oroiri.
Relieved by Lydia B. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
f' Verdun, Montreal, Quebec. - "I am
one of thousands who have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound and
I have great faith in it. I can safely
say it has relieved my troubles and I
shall never be without a bottle of it in
' my house. + Since my last baby ' vas
born I suffered from pains and backache
and would feel so tired I could not do
anything in my home. Since I have
been taking the Vegetable Compound
and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine
I feel so different. I recommend it to
all my friends and hope it will cure other,
women who are suffering from the trou-',
bles 1 had." -Mrs. Taos. H. GA.knNEtt„
821 Evelyn Street, Verdun, Montreal, f
-Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coma
pound is a dependable medicine for the
new mother. It is prepared fromrobts
and herbs, contains no harmful drugs
and can be taken by the nursing mother.
Its worth in restoring the mother' to
normal health and strength is told again
and again in just ;such letters as 'Mrs.
Gardner writes.
A recent canvass of women users of
the Vegetable Compound shows that
98 out of every 100 women taking the
medicine are benefited by it They
write and tell us so. Such evidence en-
titles us to call it a dependable medicine
for women. It is for sale by druggists
everywhere. 0
Nearly .Driven Crazy By
Itching, Cuticura Healed,
"1 was bothered for a year with
eczema all over my face and body.
It was in pimples and I kept it irri-
tated by scratching for it nearly
drove me crazy itching, and it kept
me awake nights.
" I was treated but it did trot help
me, so when I' heard about Cuticura
Soap and Ointment, I bought theta
I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap
and one box of Cutieura Ointment
arid 1 was healed." (Signed) Alton
'Booske, Charlotte, 'Vermont, ,Sept.
16, 1024,
Clearthe pores of Impurities by
daily use of Cuticura Soap with
touches; of Ceticura Ointment as
needed to soothe acid hestl. Cuticura
Talcum is fragrant and refreshing,
an ideal toilet powder.
S,aniple'n�`aeh ProbV MaAddrrad Conndian
Depot: itenhenae,Ltd.,Atentreal, Price, Soap;
SSc, Ointment 25 Rad e, Talcum 25c,
lam'" Cuticura She nt Stick 25c.
ISSUE No. 44-'25.