HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-11-5, Page 1xxiorrErt TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 t AMALGAMATED 212:ETER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1.887 DECEMBER let 1924 .EXETER ONT., THURSDAY oltiORNING NOVEMBER 5th,, 1925 iitillII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111411111111111111111101110011111111111111111111111(11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a11.A8°'svis" iiUOAN LODE Local Doings - .• ---..-: brethren of Lebanon Forest Lodge i Ju ee severi weeks to Chrietreas. — ' A number et 'the officers and . Ladies' and , Misses' Fall and Iltrinter .Coats = visited Linen. Lodge Monday evening' • = manner that called forth naucb. fav -1 Mrs. Sarah J. Weekes, of Ward*. .--- served and. a number of imprometn:Weelees. 411•10•1 • Mr, Courser Brown. has returned = and conferred the third degree M a horae from the West. at Reduced- Prices =,orable comment. Refreshments were ville visiting.her son addresses were eelivered by several Mrs. Walker is visiting her grand- daughter, Mrs.. Morley Wilson, of Dresdee. Mr. Carman Cann, of Usborne, is *BUSINESS Pee ST. THOMAS in Toronto taking a course in ale - Mr. Fred 1VIallott, of London, = _Mr, W.J. Statham, who some time = of the brethren, ee both lodges, = PURCHASES BAIMRY MOMS.* = ago dispersed of his bakery business spent the week -end with his parents in Exeter, has Purchased a similar Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellott. = business In St. Thonaas, Mr. Stat- Mrs. W. j. Bissett has been very for a couple of weeks. While re- nesday was somewhat iraproved. during the week but on Wed - hare has been working in St Thomas bly gretting to lose sech a ealued iti- Nurser Pearce, of London, but late = zen as Mr, Statham, his many friends of Detroit has. been the guest of Mrs here will wish for him every success (Dr.) Hyndraan during ehe past in the "Flower City." 0 week, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mellott, Mrs. M. E The Great War Veterans, will par- Dearing and Mr. Jas. Brock, attend- -, ade to. the Trivitt Memorial churcb ed the funeral of the late Mrs; Wm. = I oil Armistice Sunday, November 8. Gavell of Fullerton on Moaday. • E The Tetra.ns will tall in, in front of Mr. Sim, Pollen, Mr, Jack Ford R. N. Rowe's store at 10.30. Vet- and two companions arrived in town erans of the surrounding district are last week having motored from invited to attend, Exeter band will Saskatchewan in an open car. They furnish the musk. Following the struck some very bad roads 'and morning service, at 12:15 a mem- run into some hard luck. Two oriel service will be held in front of weeks were taken to make the trip. the Soldiers' Monument. The local Miss L. M. .Teckell, representing clergy assisting in the service. All the District Women's Institutes, is citizens are invited to bee preeent in Leeidon attending the W. L eon- PARADEI) THE STREETS IN This is the opportemity you have been looking for. Ladies' Misses' and Girl's coats reduced in price right in the middle of the season. We have many beautiful coats to select fronn Come early and see these bargains. Bargains in Dresses We have many odd llues of Ladies' and MiSSEM; dresses in crepes, serges, .ete., that we are marking aveay down in price this week. These are at real bargain prides. Ladies' Pleated Skirts at $2 95 ea Ladies' pleated skirts in wool .erepes, fancy flannels, etc. Only a few left, values up tea$7.50 each to clear ,at one price, only a few left - at $2.95 eadh. MOONS • • y..sammo SPECIAL SALE 20 smart style, young men'e overcoats, just received, two colors, •=> Light Fawn and /Light Grey, regular $29, on sale at $25, Men's Overcoats at $15, to $20. About '30 coats h the lot, sizes 36 to 44, some young men's light greys- and. fawns, some are older M eft's big dark grey and Brown. coats. Special prices $15 $18 $20 • Bargains in Big Boys' Overcoats size 29 to 35 erne lot of about 20 coats, sizes 29 to 35 all at one price, per coat $9.00. Ow. !Omar. ....••••10 , 4., • .PHONE 3? OS ,:• ay .PHONE 32 COSTUME Much to the credit of the juvenile element of town very little or no damage was clone on Hallowe'en ▪ night. Quite a number of the young folks dressed themselves up in ra- ther hideous garbs and created a = little merriment among themselves Presbyterian. W.M.S. will give ad- - and others, but it was all Confined dresses of the W.M.S. work of the rto harmless amusement. This horse- United church. = play is fast becoming a thieg of the Mr. Thos. McMillan, the newly = past—at least in our town—and the elected member for South Huron = ▪ yoorunitg folks are to be given credit will be in Exeter Friday evening. f and will addressee meeting in the = Town Hall to thank those who sup- = j CARL- ROBINSON .AleeD WIFE ported him in. the recent election. = ASPHYXIATED IN AUTO It is hoped there will be a. good WTY-SECOND YEAR, NO. 27egg r...ANNWERSARY..S.P.',./C141:::,:•.•• • — AND — FOWL SUPPE Eumvpirm, — — SUNDAY AND MONDAY NOVEMBER 8 and 9 On Sunday Rev. G. M. Claidley, of the Thames Road, will preacb a‘ at 10.30 and 7 pan. SPECIAL MUSIO BY THE CHOIR Thanksgiving Day A HOT FOWL SUPPER WILL BE 'SERVED BEGINNING AT • 540 PROGRAM THE MELODY BOYS, of Exeter, as- sisted. by MR. FRANCIS AB- BOTT, Reader -of Exeter MASTER BILLIE BENDING, of London, Violin Soloist, a young lad of brilliant proinise vention. 'and at the banquet Tuesday me evening gave an address in reply to of London the address of welcome. _Mee. J. solos, and W. Powell is representing the Ex-. eter branch. . A meeting of real interest will be Adults 60 FRANK HOWSON , who will give whistling selections of thee cornet ADMISSION: cents,- Children 30 cents held in Main .St. church on Friday. evening, when Mrs. Mortimore, on furlough from China and Miss Mit- chell, field secretary of the former MOON 114r=1111 *Wall 1.111•I•1•• rrearrroomr.mra .,, ' . . • See. Our North Wmdow . , ,.. f,. . 15c. Bargains' or ...... Quebec Heaters - fi•onl $18..00.,.1113. to QUEBEC CO8KS StoVe Pipes,' Stove Elbe:wee, Collars, Coal Heels and . very low .,prices. „„. .. ' " . '1' ' .11 ---' -- 11 1 BANNER -.f.'''':.---il.,--..--.:.-'--------7-''- -- . $22.0 $42..00 Up Boards,- . Dampers Ask Sitters at, if '4' e .1 , h. .....e',> - : , '1. Wear-EverlSale . .. . .,,'....;,,..:,..„.„..,,.., . Starts . ..z. . - ..= . Next •• Very Xmas be 'selected , Week. suitable Gifts can. at the ... • J . ::' ' •' Y. Y .1r -rT77: .7'44,, .: rill I , sale. , , . ROASTERS D. BOILERS .. . J POTATO PRE , POTS, _ . $ERV1NG KETTLES , . - ° ETC. ... _ ____:" 9 ... . TINSMITHINGAND PLUMBING _............ ,, . . .: .. Heamarit s Hardware & Paint Store ALL AROUND YOU PEOPLE KNOW THIS SECRET Would 'you know the secret"of good bresed? Good Flour. We are shipping to very many points 'in Western Ontarie and we often receive, unsolicited words of highest praise about the splendid bread made from our flour. What it has done for them it will do for you. Try it. Our Ween Flour for bread. makinVe very very hard to beat., WI give very substantial reduc- tions on quantities Of three hundred, five hundred or a ton. lUse our Weltonte-Floen. for Pastry. HARVEY BROS., Exeter « turn out of the electorate. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'C. Robinson, of A record crowd of young people Lethbridge, .4.1ta., were found as- from Main St. and James St church- phyxiated in ,a Closed ear on Tues- listened to an illustrated address day of last week while motoring on Bermuda, given by. Rev. F. E. from Ailsa Craig. 'to their home in Clysdale last' Tuesday evening. The the west. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson slides were well presented illustrat- had visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. -Jea,..e..:Robinson, of Ailsa Craig: They eve.efound dead in a closed gar south of Great Falls, Mon- tane. The former was 28 years of age. Five years ago he went West and engaged. in the automobile busi- ness. Four years ago he was mar- ried to . Miss Florence Donald, of Lethleribge, Alta. BROWN—HEPBURN ing the physical features and- natur- alscenery and religious work of The fowl supper served in the Town 'Hall, on Friday night under the auspipes of the Ladies Guild, of the Trivia Memorial church was well patronized and the excellent manner in which the fowl and other deliceces were served brought fourtb much favorable comment for the. ladies in charge. A very quiet marridge took place i The• death occurred 111 Fullerton, at the Wesley United church, Lon- on October 31st of Emma Jane don, on October 28th, when Mies Gavell, beloved wife of William Gavell, aged 38 years, 2 months and 18 days. The deceased is survived by her husband and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth. Simpson of. the 14th con., Fullerton, also two sisters, Mrs. K. McNicol of Farquhar; Miss' Lizzie, at home and William. The funeral was held on Monday inter- ment in Kirkton cemetery. Several Oddfellows from Exeter Mary Grace Hepburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hepburn, of Springbank Drive, formerly of Cen- tralia; 'became the bride of M. W. Fred Brown, also of London. Rev. J. EeJelVrillyarcl officiated, while Dr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds attended the bridal couple. The beide wore a emart navy suit e and becoming small hat fashioned of colored vel- vet leaves and also' wore a fox fur. were in Clinton Tuesday evening at - Immediately after the ceremonY, tending the opening of the new LO, Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on e Wed-' O.F. Hall in that. town. The guest ding trip to Montreal and other of the evening was the Grand Master Eastern points. On their return of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, Bro. they will „reside in London. Ross of. Kingston. A very sump - CHOIR ENTERTAINED ON . tuous banquet was served and the distinguished.visitor gave a very HALLOWE'EN • inspiring address on Cedelfellowshp. - Me members of the choir of the Past D.D.G.M. Bro. W. W. Taman, James St. 'United church, together of town", proposed the toast to the with their wises and husbands and district, which was responded' fo by also the Melody Boys of town, were. D.D.G.M. Bro. More, of Goderich. very pleasantly entertained by the "Members of the Ruth Division organist of the church, Mr. W. R,lof Pilgrim chapter, No. 444, 0. E. Goulding, at the home of his parents S. and. their friends were entertain - d M• D Goulding of Kirk- ed Thursday evening at the home of ton, on Fridayeeyenine of laile.week. Mrs. 0,Zueele, of -S. Saginaw St. tee -e'en table bridge and 500, were played during the evening, and, a three course lunch was serval -ea. , 50 people. Favors and decorations were in keeping with the Hallow- e'en motif. A number of contribu- witch and MrWtions were received at thin time for Lawson a . . Mel- The Hallolee en spirit prevailed and the members were dressed all . in manner of amusing costumes. Priz- es were awarded and Mr. and Mrs. )33: Christie carried off the honors faxathe best dressed couple. Mrs. 3. as STANLEY OPERA HOUSE LUGAN Wed,Novernber 11 Grade Wigley's Six -Piece Orchestra (London) DANCING 9 pan. TO 2 a.m. ADMISSION Gentlemen, 05e ends 5ce war tax Ladies Free X. T. NANGLE, Manager the the organization's fall bazaar."ee-- ville monkey, caexied BIRTHS prizesas fora comic. Games and off amuse- Flint Sunday Journal. --, meats were enjoyed and refresh- DEATH OF MARGARET BTSSETT ANDERSON—To Mr. and Mrs. Chris ments were served, leallovee'en dec- Anderson a daughter. ' orations adorned the rooms. It was (The Yorkton Enterprise) • GAFFORD—At the city Hospital, a real, jolly evening and one that The death occurred at the home r. . Pontiac, Mich., on Sept 24th, 1925 the members will not soon 'forgetof her grandparents, Mand Mrs , Jlenee Russell, on SaturdaY, October to. Mr. and MrS. S. D. Gafford 24th, of Margaret Joyce Bissett, (nee Alice Vincent) a son. (Vine ATLSA CRAIG RESIDENCE Out Drake.) • DESTROYED BY FIRE eldest daughter of Mrs. Dolly Bissett • 4tX and the late Isaac Routledge DEATHS The beautiful two-story brick res- Bissett. The deceased, who was idence of J. H McKay, of Ailsa Craig eight years and two months .of age, \ was totally destroyed, with all con- was in 'apparently good health gill it LINK—In Stephen Tp, on October tents, by fire, which was discovered week prior to her death, and her 26th; Jacob Link, aged 86 years, shortly before noon on . Saturday. sudden death came as a shock to 2 months and 12 days. ' The fire spread so rapidly that hope her relatives, school mates and GAVELL—In Fuller -am, on Oct, 31, of saving the building was abandon- friends. She was a member of the • Emma Jane Simpson, beloved ed haat the fire department ar- Victoria, school Brownies and was wife of William Gavell, aged 38 rived. The fire started in the par- well liked by all the members, as years, 2 months and 18 elaYetition near the library, and is be- well as her many echoer'', mates and . ,• lieved to have been caused ;by over- friends and will be greatly missed heated pipes from the furnace Some bY all. Her mother, one brother, clothing and some balding 'WAS sit ed, but a,11 other eoritents ot the sister eeariOn, evh0 resides in )11XetOr house, including it Valuable library, Ontario, ‘are left to Mourn her loss fell prey to the flames. Within an and have the sympathy of the coin- munity. •A private •funeral service, attended by the relatives, was held at Christie's undertaking parlors, at e.30 Monday afternoon, Canon W. 33. Parrott conducting the service, the remains ' being interred in the Torktou cemetery, A large number Of wreaths from the Beovenies, school Mates, Mothers" Union, oe Which Mrs. Bissett Is a Member, and r othee, testified to the respectln which she was held, a, attinber of Brownies and inetnber8 of the Moth- ers' eltion paying their lea respects by thite.;,.' To? tient of the' Tadefe • lee ' iarlere, • IN MEMORIAM e DAVIS—In loving memory of our dear father, Wm, wlao pas- sed away nine years ago to -day, November 4th. Gone nine Icing years but not forgotten. • His loving children. CARD .OF THANKS The family of the late Jacob Link desire to eepress their sincere thariks to the ninny neighbors and friends for theirkindness and sympathy during their recent ber- eavement and oleo for the floral Harper was 'united it marriage to tribittee Mr,Areas McPhail, hour only bare walls and smoking 'ruins remahaed. • The lose is eeti- mated at about $15,000. Four years ago, Mr. McKay suffered lose through fire, but m this iregtance the library and a large portion of • the .building Were saved, and furni- ture was all carred out. This time nothing was saved. A quiet Wedding took pIace at the parsonage at Fullerton, on Wedrie8- day Octobee 218t Wheti 'Mies Lie SMONNIMOMMOOYMNOMMICOMM See our special offer in 'Flee/A Vases and jardinieres. Theeli Japan earthenware and Well dee..44 ated. et: We also have a fine line oe • Christmas Gifts from.. 50c to $5.00 also Personal Christmas Card*: and Greeting Cards 5 to 15c. 'Watch and Clock Repairing Gua anteed at the Watch Hospital , Sr B. 'TAYLOR Bread That's Brimful of .Goodness Our scientific up-to-the-minute • methods of Bread -making as- • sures you a perfect loaf. • Can you beat this for a sure route to Bread -quality? we May only purity ingrediente—use modern mixing and baking • equipment ---employ the service , of bakers skilled in the art of Bread -baking. Lockwood's Better Bread —The loaf always delicioue, nourishing and. satisfying. It gives you full money's worth. (Ask Your Grocer For It) W.11. LOCKWOOD' BAKER EXETER eze ONTARIO PARTY STANDING The latest returns -eve the party, standing as follows: ''Liberals 100e Conservatives 117, Progressives 23e, Labor 2, Independent 1, doubtful Total 245. Line up of Big Features at the ome h Aft atre Friday and Saturday, November 6th.and 7th D. W. GRIFFITIL producer of Birth of a Nation, Intollerenee, "OneEtc.e p e g Night" presents GREATEST MYSTERY STORY E VER FILMED Monday and Tuesday, Novel ber 9th and 10th MAE MARSH IN "The Net Best Thing" Friflayjand Saturday, November 13 and 14 IrSid Chaplinlin "CHARLIE'S AUNT" eae FROM THE PLAY THAT MADE MILLIONS LAUGH eke. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th "WHEN A MAN'S A M41." STORY BY HAROLD BELT/ WRIGIIT 20 and 21—pun. BLOOD • "Never Ain' A Funny Farce in Three Acts in Mt Carmel Hall MT. CARMEL, Ont T 0 NIGHTS Thursday 4 ri ay NOVEMBER 12th and 13th MUSIC - SONG FUN e . Admission 50c. School Children Free `4`