HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-10-29, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES•ADVOCATE. EWART Special .Fall Values Warm All Wool Sox 49c, Ladies Silk and Wool Hose 98c. Union Flannel Work Shirts $1.25 Ladies' Cashnzerette Stockings 35c. Ibex Blankets Laigestsize now $2.95 All Wool Sweater Coats for Men $2.65 Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes for $2.98 Cashmerette'Stockings for Children 25c. Horse -hide gauntlet work gloves now 98c. Black Leather Driving Gauntlets for $2.25 Fur -Trimmed Coats $25,00 values for $19.85 Our best $6,00 slippers and oxfords now $4.95 RUMMAGE SALE OF COATS AND FURS A genuine clearance of coats for men, women and children. They are not this season's styles but they are of good honest ma- terial. Some of these coats can be worn without alteration while others are suitable for remaking into chiidrens' coats. Neck pieces and muffs of real quality fur ready for wearing trimming coats or remaking into collars or shocker scarfs. Coats as low as $1.50 Furs as low as $2.50 J. A. Stewart • 1 The Best Place to Shop After All - AT -- GARDINER'S THF INCREASED BUSINESS WE ARE DOING CONVINCES US . STILL MORE THAT THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP. OUR STOCK IS LARGEST. AND MOST UP-TO-DATE AND OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. e OUR INVITATION TO INSPECT OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS IN FORCE AND IT INCLUDES EVERYBODY. ALWAYS GLAD TO .SHOW YOU THROUGH "THE HOME FURNISHER" M. E. (iARDINLR FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE • LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION OPERA HOUSE BLOCK OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74.7; Night call T, Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store Men's Snits and over- i Cfor �ats Fall Winter Affording broad selection in styles and materials. Beautifully tailored clothing at 'surprisingly moderate prices, no matter what price you niay decide to pay, you will be sure of value to the very last penny, and to spare. The many models give correct interpretation of the styles and materials that have. been approved .for Autumn and Winter wear. In these suits and over- coats there's a distinction of styling, a fineness of fin- ish that makes a special appeal to the man of discrim- inating taste. W. Tf\MR Merchant Tailor and Gents; Outfitter Great Attraction at Our Store What? THE BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE AND THE LOW PRICES Yes! We are selling our furniture at lower prices than any other store in the Country., 'Follow the crowd to our store and do your buying and you will shite money. R.N. R '`OMr' E v mE aysion , AND Extu711R„ x+inestIli;dtorHearse ' - • and zfl Funeral Equipxoaiolzt 11160.0 29.W-293 Exeter Markets Wheat $1„10 Oats 35c. Barley, 60c. l Manitoba Flour $4.25. Blended flour{ $3,80 Pastry Flour $3.40 Feed Flour, $2.00. Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Creamery Butter 48c. Dairy butter 41c, 44c. Eggs, Extras 44c. Eggs, Firsat 340. Lard 20c Potatoes' $1.10« a bag. Hoys, selects $12.65. Hogs, thick smooth $11.50. i.++°1•-1-{°14.1°«.14+++°1'++4•+d+++d++i°+1.°D FOWL SUPPER Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, fowl supper in the -Town Hall, on Friday, October 30th. Supper serv- ed from. 5.30 p.m. Part of the pro- coeds will be used to defray the cost of repairing the Trivitt Chime Bells. Admission: adults 60 cents, children 35 cents. LOCAL r Miss Auld spent Sunday at her home in ,Watford. Ailsa Craig's tax rate for 1925 is 43 mills on the dollar. Mrs. R. Ellis, of Parkhill, is vis- iting for a few days with her father Mr. A. Dow. Mr. Richard Gidley returned on Saturday last from a m.onth's visit in Blyth. Mr. Wes. Simmons has returned home after spending a few weeks in the West. Mrs. Hy. Squire is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Orville Cann, this week. Mr. Wm. Abbott had the misfor- tune to lose a thoroughbred Jersey cow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Hunter return- ed last week frons a visit of several weeks in the West. Mr. John Hockey, who has spent the past few years in the West, re- turned hone last week. • Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis spent a few days last week with the form- er's brother in St. Marys. Mrs. M. Elford, spent a few da3as with her sister, Mrs. R. B. Sanders of St. Thomas last week.' Mrs. E. Howald and daughter Miss Muriel returned home Monday` after visiting for a week in Detroit. Mr. Thos. Pryde, Jr., left Thurs- day for Windsor to join his parents, who recently moved to that city. In the report of the Kirkton Fair second prize for, agricultural+ foal should have read Enos Herdman. Huron County's annual Fruit Show will be held in Clinton on Monday and Tuesday, November 2nd and 3rd. Mr. Geo. Hunter, of Usborne, who has spent the past few weeks in the West, returned home on Friday last. Miss Jessie Park, of Hensell was the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr., and. Mrs. S. Ross over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pomfret; of Hamilton, spent a few days last week with Mr..and Mrs. Win. Pom- fret. Mr. • and Mrs. J. W. Taylor and Reg. spent a few days last •week with their daughter, Mrs. McTavish, of Shakespeare. Mis./ `(Dr.) Fletcher; of Hamilton and Mrs. (Dr.) Irving, of St. Marys, visited with their' sister Mrs. Mc- Dougall last week. Mrs. C. Harness is moving her household effects to London this week where she will reside in future at 138 Colborne St. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston were in Blyth on Friday last, attending the funeral of the latter's brother, the late Mr. S. H. Gidley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser, who have been in the Canadian West for several months returned 'home the latter part of the week. Mr. H. O. Southcott returned home Monday evening after a, three months' trip through the West rep- resenting a Toronto firm. Large flocks of wild geese have been seen flying south during the past couple of weeks, indicating that the told weather is not far distant. Messrs. W. Duff, R. Hebner; V. Simmons, L. Little and S. and N. Sheppard, of Pt. Huron, spent the week -end at the James St. Parson- age. A subscriber from Alberta in' re- newing her subscription says that she looks for the paper more thazl she does a letter because the paper is regular each week. Miss Laura Hooper, of Florida, spent a few days with her brother Will and other friends in this com- munity. She is returning ',again to Florida for the winter. Mr. Isaap S..„Van Velzer, a well- known resident of Sparta and father of Mrs. (Rev.') Donnelly, formerly of Exeter, died at, his home Sunday morning at the age of 65 years. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH Rey, James Foote, B.A., Minister '10 a.111. -Sunday School, 11 a.m.-Mutual Sympathy in Sor- row The Minister 7 p.m.: As We See Afterwards The Minister Dr. Wardhas moved his house- hold effects into the living apart- ments he ha r ce s e nit fitted upi y n connection with his office in the 'building south of the Central Hotel. Mr. B. M. Francis was successful. in winning an electric table lamp for writing the most insurance with the Canada Life in the London and Windsor districts during the month of September. James St. church have been for- tunate in getting Rev. A. E. M. Thompson, M.A.,13.I1., of .London, President of our conference, to preach their church anniversary services on November 29th. Clearing Sale at Mrs. W. D Yeo's of Ladies' all wool, union and fleec- ed underwear, also Children's ;fleet-. ed lined underwear and a few lines .,of Men's ribbed shirts, and Peninan's all wool shirts and draw- ers. JANES ST. - UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.-Partakers of the Lord's table.. Members received,. Fund for needy 3 p.m, -God's Word Taught, 7 p,nt.-Is it fair to take one sud- denly and another with sickness which gives time to repent? When shall the Lord come? Is their an- other chance in the other world? etc. Sacrament at both Services. Trivitt Memorial Church Rey. A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector 11 a.m.-The Festival of All Saint's Day. 3 p.m, i3ibie Study 7 p.m. -The Laymen's Discovery • MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Drysdale, Pastor Anniversary Services. 11a.m.- Adult Baptism; Reception and Holy Communion. 3 p.m. -Sunday School. 7 p.m. -"How the Apostolic Church Strayed". or "How did the Pope gain his power." The Pastor will be• in charge. The Soul life of the people is our first interest and we welcome questions and. conversations showing the people's interest in themselves. Powell's Bazaar The Big Variety Stdre Holiday goods are arriving daily, and are being marked up at saving prices. We want to make this Xmas business the biggest we have ever had. There will be real sav- ings for those who deal at this store. "We will set aside anything you want till nearer Xmas, on a small deposit." READ THIS 600 Blue Ambrol records, 25 for $3.75; 100 new ,Columbia records, 50 cents each; 300 Edison Diainond Discs, 10 for $5.00. Reduced pric- es on instruments. Do you want_ a Radio? See us. CATTLE FOR SALE -10" steers, rising 3; 3 steers rising 2 years. Apply to W. E. Sanders, Exeter. NOTICE •�"' There will be no A.Y.P.A. meet- ing on Friday evening of this week on account of. the Trivitt Memorial Fowl Supper to be held on that night. Next meeting night will be on Friday November 6th. A. record attendance is expected. • FOR SALE-About1/4 15 tons of choice hay, sold at the barn. _Apply S. P. drebb, lot 8, con. 9, Hay Tp., or T. J. Wison, R. R. 1, Putnam, Ont. BUSINESS .FOR SALE -Station- ery, tobacco and school supplies with daily papers. Grocery, room- ing house, billiard and pool rooms. Apply SYDNEY SMYTHE, Market Lane, London, Ont. FOR SALE Blacksmith Shop, solid brick for sale. France woodwork shop, good barn, 1 acre land, six roomed, brick dwelling in good condition, t `miles, east of Exeter. Apply David Fen- wick, R. R. 1,.Kirkton, Ont. • WANTED' AT ONCE -Articles that -have been takenfrom niy prem- ises. If not returned this week I will be obliged to take other means to find them.-Robt. Gillies. FOR SALE -Four Durham year- lings, 1 Durham cow, due in Janu- ary; 2 York sows. Apply to Jas, W. Watson, R. R. 1 Kirkton. FOR SALE -About 100 pigs, suckers and stockers; 40 young brood sows going from $20 to $40; also. 14 head pf one, and two year old cattle; 1 Heavy colt rising three years. Apply to Mr. D. Lippert, Dashwood. 10-29-3t Hay and Wood for Sale T. Cameron is putting in a quan- tity of baled hay this week both al- falfa and timothy m th which he i y sof offer- ing for sale; also several hundred cords of choice maple wood, 12 inch. long, no more, no less. Parties wishing either should apply early, Terms, cash on delivery. . T. Cameron Miss Mildred Harvey was in St. Thomas on Thursday •and Friday, of last week, Miss Harvey is special- izing in china painting at Alma Col- lege and "spends one day. a week there. Thomas McMillan, the 'liberal candidate; Robt. McMillan, the Pro- gressive candidate and Jonathan Merrier, the Conservative candidate, were nominated at Ie salt Titursda ylast to contest S� th on- Hur on in, the Federal election which is taking place today (Thursday.) TIrunspitx,. OCTOEE1i, g9th, ' 1926 „ 11�1111111111.1111I1 .� I111111111fINI11111111111111111111111l�I(IIIIIIIIII�IINII��iIIffiIlf�111�1iMt�1���111191Ip�l���Il�I�I�i�IIIL��� �k'��111111gI111111 BOY'S and MEN -OVERCOATS Enna s 1111110. AMINO MONO IMMO MOM MOM 1 MINIM s MINNA OMMI MONO NINO WPM It. 1111.11110 lanon esemow In the Newest Shades and °Myles. We offer some splendid Values in, Leather or Fancy Check Wool Linings at the special prices of $22.50 $22.50 New Knitted Balbriggan Dresses In several new styles and shades. These are very popular and retail at $12.00. Ibex All Wool Blankets In the largest size and best qual- ity, in grey 'or white with 'blue or pink borders at per pair $2.95. MISSES' and LADIES' COATS You will find some very smart styles in our new coats, all in the IMMO new colors that are so popular this season. Winter Hatchway' Underwear, t' • Conies in different ,weights. No ....*'-buttons to come off. The kind of underwear men like $2.95. New Knitted Ties 5 doz. new knitted ties. A won- derful wearing tie and comes in many new shades and weaves. Buy your Xmas supply at each SOe: Miner Rubbers and tRubber Boots You will need a pair for the wet muddy weather. season. Every pair is guaranteed. l/ \mac;:,'; -i I `A =-4 moobi i )Zra1: Try Miners' this outhcott Bros. L 1111111111111111111{IIII111filfi liil1li1111IHi11110111111l l 111111111111i111111f111It 1►NINIIIIIIIIIIIIli#iftIM - ill THE PUBLICA�EYE rr_ %�`z�t�1 SiZa, Z1 REPAIRS We are low prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames. whereas before, we had to send theca to London or elsewhere. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, $1.00 and UP. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR &N OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 ERNEST ELLIOTT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance • Office one door south. Times Office • FOR SALE-Spys , and Baldwins. Anyone wishing such phone John Callwell, London Road. COAL, ---COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED R. J. CJ -I ISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE 40 Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, "Druggist CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING If you want to look like a man, and `feel like a man when you are dressed up, there is only one way and that way is to let • ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Make your Clothes We also do Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Agent for Tip -Tip Tailors • W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M: "London Life has opening for Organist and Choirmaster real live man. Write C. K. Kep- James St. United Church kay, Agency Manager, Stratford, 1 Instrucction �n Ontario." 9-1-4t FOR SALE -Heater with oven, also small sized range, both in good condition. A bargain. -Apply at this office. CATTLE TO FEED - Wanted about 20 head of big cattle to feed for the winter. A Oestreicher, Dash- wood P. 0., telephone 57 r 10. 9-22-3tp BOARDER WANTED -Gentleman or two school boys preferred, Ap- uly at Times -Advocate. FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar kets. Priced right. Apply to Thom Cameron, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. STRAYED -A yearling heifer, ted with horns, strayed from lot 5, con. 5, Hay. Kindly notify Chester Rowe, telephone 36 r 7, Dashwood. LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED To represent the "Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries." ' Big demand for stock. Start now at -best sell- ing tune. Exclusive territory, handsome" free outfit; liberal terms. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. For Sale Jersey cow, quiet milking fresh- ens ens in February. Single light sleigh, nearly new. Boy's overcoat, nearly new Good single harness New Home Sewing Machine, Cheap. Several Veneer cases, Good piano, upright organ, Baseburner; large and small heat- er, oil heater. eater. Raymond Sewing Machine, Two used phonographs, bargain. Use our Service for selling and locating, Inquire ' POWELL'S 3AIAAR Phone Gu and 1i"2 Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of- Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victdria St. Box 57 EX -NITER, ONT. J.1L. LEWIS CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Houses and• Barns • EXETER :-: ONTARIO Phone 152W Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE H. Bagshaw TRY US Phone 58W Dr. Adrian B. Gibson, V.S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College - Veterinary Dentistry a . Specialty All calls promptly attended to Office -Frank Taylorts Sales Stable Phone 99W Residence -.James St., Phone 99J EXETER ONTARIO DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT. LY ATTENDED TO Phone 158 Residence Ann St. -' EXETER, ONT. • J. VICAR MUNRO REGISTERED ARCHITECT Plans, Specifications prepared for residences, Churches, Schools eta. Best References Phones: Office 18.80w, House 5141w Room 8, Coote Chambers, ` Market Lane, London; I. R. DARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC4 Loans, Investments, Insurance Office,Cariing Block,Main St. Exetet GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &C.- Money c.Money to Loan, Investments Madel Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of our,: Clients without charge. Exeter London Hes "G R. McINNIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER ,FOR HURON COUNTY • For best results let R. McInuil handle your auction sales. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY POST OFFICE Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S$ DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental Officer et Military District,, Number One, Loi'* don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Office closed on Wednesday onljr, Dr. G. F. Rouiston, L.D.S.,D.D. DENTIST Office over, I. R. Carling's Leif. office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. ,. Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Universa sity ° DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stanbury'M office, Main Street Exeter. DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon i Office -One door south of the Times -Advocate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30"Cit., e 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. " Phone: Office 67W, Residence'67.I' DR. HARRY J. °BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P,&S. Glasgow Physician & Sin geon-"-- Office over • Browning's Drug Stord, Phones Residence 30 Office 2Ss FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable,,and satisfaction guaranteed •EXETER P; 0. or RING 138 THOS. CAMERON and James Wt WATSON Licensed Auctioneers Sales conducted izt any localit1« Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satiw taction guaranteed. Charges maids erste, Orders left at thle office will( e promptly, attended to. R.R. los,„ :Kirkton, Plump K rktei 14r$, .a;