HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-10-22, Page 7R1C
]headaches and Backaches Often
Make Life -Miserable.
A `woman's health handicaps her al-
most always. She hu•s pains and die -
„e► #hies which do not afflict hien. Na-
ture does not give her a fair chance.
Her blood is more often thin and poor
than a 'ma
n's, end often neglectslects
the IIn.o �t beginnings of ill -health. Niazl'Y
women who'seem4d destined to a life
of frequent suffering have been freed
t.. entirely from their suffering' through
the wonderful blood-inakiug qualities
of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Many a
woman toils .all day with a pain Th her
back and side,, a aliening headache,
and a sense of having no spine left.
What a pity women will not listen
; to their friends' whom Dr...Wi11iti,ms'
Pink Pills have • saved from their miss
ery. Whenever a woman suffers they
will help her—in youth, middle -age
and afterlife. Mrs. John Mitchell, of
Middleville, tante gives her experience
. for the benefit of other women suffer-
' ,ers.. She says:—"Some years ago I
was so badly run down :I could hardly'
walk around the house, , I tried to do
a few 'chores but was able to do very
little. My boys and husband had to
do the rest. If retorted up stairs I
had to go . very ,slow or I would fall,
and I'was 'just played out when I got
at the top - of the stairs. ` My head
ached terribly, and .my heart would
beat violently.. Little deplorable:don-
dition. I began taking Dr. Williams'
• Pink' Pills., When 'I had finished six
boxes I' felt much better. Then I got
a further s•lippiy, and by the time I
had taken these I could walk any;
where without being exhausted, the*
headaches had disappeared and I am
now perfectly well'. Any woman who
is run ,down should not hesdtate to be-
gin. Dr. ; Williams' Pink Pills at once,
as Dam sure from my own experience
they will -build her up,"
You .can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by marl at 50 ete. a
box from The 'Dr. Williams' Medicine
"Co., Brockville, Ont.
Little Feet.
Little -feet pattered down the path
Between the mignonette;
Little feet petered' back again
Where the ,aster plants are set.
Little feet hung on the garden gate
Ands swung and swung and swung,
Then climbed the ladder by the porch
Climbed up rung by rung.
Little feet pattered. •. into meals
Andt again ou a i
to la
They are_ very, very restless feet
And scarcely still all day.
-But evening always follows day, ••
`• hen little' feet are still, `
Andthe little hearts that Ted them on
Have gone.up Dreamland Hill;
Rebecca Heiman.
We supply cansand pay express
charges. We pay daily by express'
money orders, which can be cashed
anywhere without,any.charge._
To obtain the top price, Cream
must be free from bad flavors and
contain not than 30. per cent.
Butter Fat..
Bowes' Company Lim' ite
For references—Head Office, Toronto,
Ban's of Montreal, or y our iocal banker.
Established for over thirty year&
1111 1176euvull1111
SAWS . ala:
u► MACP DINE 1tnves.
Vo, They stay *harp longer. ' l
Asa s
The Silver GNI:
one need net ' be superstitious to
realize that, eereas'iianally inexplicable
things happen in a,'way to give those
whothink' superfieielly ground for be-
lieving in "iii MOO The well kugwn
English dealer in. antiques, Mr. Thom-
as Hoban, 'who has written a book
about the interesting experiences of
Iris lite, tells' one story- that illustrates
the kind of incident we mean.'
The 'moot eerie 'occurrence that ever
ha a ed to me he writes fell out in
Pp n x
this fashion. • I was in: of
h s h' nf 13 Ic habit
buying email brie -actives from an old
retired schoolmaster who had alai
,good knowledge of ani nes. He.uee
to bring: me 'Battersea boxes, lithe
Chelsea scent bottles very rare these
days,— lel seals, and so forth. One
day he brotight in Chinese god about
nice inches high.. It was beautifully
modeCed in silver, and the base was
ragged, as if it had boen torn off a
stand, of •souse kind. The silver wee as
thin as paper, and the interior of the
figure was' filled with a sort of bitu-
The cid gentleman said that it had
been looted from Pekin at the time of
the Boxer riots. Be this as it may,
I bought the figure for £4. This,.I
remember, was on a Thursday, I
placed the figure on a cabinet. That.
day not a single ' client came to see
me; the next day, Friday, it was the
s'arne, not a singe inquiry. Of course,
one does not expect to sell antiques
every hour, but .as arule some one
conies in• every day to make some in-
quiry or to have a look around. Satur-
day in those days was a fairs usy
morning; ; onthisparticulart urcTa
Sat y
not a soul camp in. o
The loneliness began to get upon my
nerves. I was walking about the shop,
Pondering on this sudden and 'unac-
countable cessation of business when
my eyes alighted on the silver• god. I
am not superstitious, but all of a sud-
den the idea came to me that the
Chinese god was bringing me bad
Just about the luncheon hour, the
old schoolmaster came in with a tor-
toise -Shell and silver picquet snuffbox,
tor'which he wanted £2. I. told him I
would take the box if the would take
hack the god. I. -said I was. willing to
folie a pound on it. He assented, say-
ing he knew a collector who would
buy the 'god.
On the following Monday morning a
dealer who also had dealing with the
old schoolmaster came in and -said,
You heard
the news? Poor
Powell(the name
of the schoolmas-
ter) was found dead in bed, on Sun-
day night." It gave me sa shock, and
I thought of the silver god. It was no
doubt only a strange' coincidence, e, but
the •death of the old schoolmaster
haunted nee for days'.
Sentence Sermons.
The Cost of, a Grudge Is more than
any mat can afford to pay.
—Is excessive in comparison with
the cast of 'forgiving.
—Is out of all proportions to the
dividends it pays. •
—Continues to grow as the grudge-
rudgegrows older.
—Ie not the first cost but the up:-
—Can never be estimated in ad.
—Always includes a lot of unhappi-
ness for all concerned.
Still Alive.
Doctor—"I suppose, Mrs. Johnson,
that you have given the medicine ac-
cording to directions.
Mrs. Johnson—"Well, doctah, T done
nigh bes'. You said give Sam one o'
dese teak pills three times a day un-
til gone, but I done run out o' pills yrs-:
tadday an' he hain't gone yit."
Every man who believes in luck has
a touch of the gambler in him.
1 E vee/ TO
' The world's' best
hair tint. Will re-
store gray hair to its natural
color in 15 minutes.
Small cize, $3.30 by man
Double size,.
g5 50 by mail
The W. T. Pember Stores -
129 Yonge St." Toronto
Influenza, debility and other illnesses
result in loss of vitality, weight, and -
weakened digestion, Bovril is the food
which not only contains nourishment •
and strength, but supplies it in 'a con-
centrated and easily _digestible • form.'
Bovril contains' the most valuable nour-
fishing and stimulating qualities of.
Prime Lief.
That is why:—
The Teront0 Ha,p;tal for InouratIe4, In.”
affiliation with Bellevue and; Allied Hosaltale,
Naw York City. oilers a three .yearn^' Couref
of Training to yauap Winton,, having, the
required education, and desirous of htcominli
Ogress. . Tlllr Hospltai has adopted use eight-
hodr system. The pupils recolve uniforms of
the School, a monthly aliuwa,o0 and traveling
expenses to and from Now York. For further
Information etety to the Suportnte slant
Montreal Fur Auction,
Oyer one and a half million dollars
was realized at the mid -summer auc-
Px u
C i,+TU►R to '
I`. ,,:,1
5c "'t Y I ce of ue-
A icultu.I e. "in e I'i o i> Q
bec, which is eehibiting such marked
typrogrese at the present time, has been
an active branch of the agricultural
industry since the earliest . days of
'settlement. The, first agricultural Ota-
tti io that n 1870it
st s of'tha are sh a i
possessed 41,295 hives' with a total
yield of .64$,000 pounds of lioneY.
All this' white •tl#e Honey of Quebec,
tion•• sale of Canadian furs held in exported abroad, had been creating for
Montreal, at which were present seve itself .a reputation in foreign equntries.
eral buyers representing, all the more In 1900at•'theParis
World Fair
'important fur houses of Canada, the again in 1901 at the Glasgow klxpesi
a ,
TJnited States, Great Britain and the
Continent. This was the seventeenth
fur auction held in Montreal and: since
its inception over twenty million dol-
lars worth of pelts have been sold.
The holding of these sales' in Mont-
real is the outcome of a persistent de-
mand by those interested in the Cana-
dian fur industry to market their own
pelts. For many years- it had been the
'custom to despatch the skins, with the
exception of a small quantity taken up
by t
retailer dealers in the ,Dominion;_ to
markets in London, New York,. St.
Louie and other fur centres.'
meant that the Canadian industry was
at a disadvantage in competing with'
other fur soueces, having no control
over the selling price of itslt
pe s In
order to offset this drawback to the
development of the fur industry- in
Canada, an organizatioL was °stab-
listed in Montreal in 1920 to dispose
of domestic and, foreign furs by auc-
• Since then the results attained by
this organization have been. gratifying
and have more than justified its es-
tabl'is'hmene, The volume of. raw furs
offered is
carefully'cheeked so as to
keep the prioe at a level which will
give a reasonabie`retuu'n. to the pro-
ducer, andthis one item alone has
been of great b,enefit in 'stabilizing
the inetistry. Controllin;, in this way
a coneidecab;e quantity of. the ,.very
finest of pelts, the foreign buyer must.
conte to Montreal,?;hnd.as a result drat
after only four and a half; years*
operation, this organization now has
a decided ,influence on;, the trade in
regulating the supplyand price of bet-
ter class raw furs:
- In this connection if it interesting•to
note the progress of the fur 1nd;is•tt'y
C nada in recent
Y rs,: bath in pro-
duction and expert. For 1920-21 the
total production In the Dominion -was
valued at $10,151,594, for 1922-23 at
7x1 5x7.
$ to
1914 Great -Bri-
tain was, Canada s most important'
tomer for raw £urs, but '.ince the war
the majority of exports have gone to
the United States, that market ac-
counting Per wel'i- over•half'of the total
in the past five years.
Corh in 'Camp. •
:lst Sodier--"W.hen: you eat corn
on the cob are you able tobite off the
major part?" '
2nd Ditto—"I bite off the whore ker-
nel, mar boy."
Things Schoollfo, ys Say."
The following bright answers" to.
questions- were gifien at a recent
school examinations
Q. What other minerals exist 'be-
sides coal and iron? A. Lemonade
and ginger -beer.
Q. What did Wolfe do at Quebec?
,• A. The wicked beast made war on Lit-
tle Red Riding Hood.
St Andrew is, the patent saint of
Scotland; the patent saint of England
is Union Jack.
Q. What is "below par?" A, The
eldest' son. e
The' Colusses of Rhodes' was a great
explorer; he dovered land in South
Joan of Are was a' French peasant
girl Balled Maid of Athens for her'
bravery end patriotism. After. many
years she was cremated.
A.fugue is what you get In a room
full of people when all the windows
and doors' are shut. -
An • Irish bull is a male cow.
Cereals, are films shown at the`pic-
People of Iceland are called Equi-
Queen Elizabeth was 'called the Vir-
gil Queen becauseshe knew Latin. t
`pdyolution is what Darwin did; .Re-
volution is a . forni of government
abroad, ' and Devolution is something
to do with eaten.
Locust Oil
Locusts are made into an excellent
brawl of oil for airplane engines,
A. man once christened his baby,
"Horner," and on the clergyman's ask-
ing him whether he had done' so be-
cause "Horner" was hie favorite poet,
lie replied:' `Poet? '1pr', no; sir; Y keep
The It/ve of angels to man is sim-
ilar to that of a Maii'a friendship for
Ms dog.-•writ.e llernavd bl' Claiz'vaux.
Minartre Liniment for Distemper,
tion, a Quebec apicuituralist was
awarded premier Honors for his honey
product: Since ',that time Quebec
honey has been generally acknow-
ledged to have no superior in the
world,, this superiority being due to.
the provincial climate and the exceed-
ingly rich flora of the area. It has
generally been found that th'e farther
north `colonizatjon penetrates the finer
is the honey, e th t sweeter its flavor,
and the daintier its aroma,
'es Annual Production Growing.
At the present time the Annual pro-
duction ` of honey in the Province of
Quebec:. amounts' to 4,000,000 pounds
of extracted.. honey and 300,000 pounds.
of comb honey, This is showing a con-
sistent eniival increase' as would seem
to be indicated in the fact that whilst
last year the Government bee inspect
ors visited about" 8,000 bee -keepers
they found that one thousand of these.
were .in their first year: ,
Three years ago the beekeepers of
Quebec amalgamated and formed a co-
operative' association for the saleof
their products: Members send their
produce to warehouses in Montreal
and Quebec, where it is graded accord-
ing to a grading system adopted by
the association, there being five
grades' and prices being determined
by quality. The association has adopt-
ed uniform packages for the domestic.
trade, the mark of the society, being a.
guarantee of superior quality. Gener-
ally speaking 'this • amalgamation has
been effective in securing better
prices for the product of its ,members.
Part of the revenue of the associa-
tion is used to 'advertise honey and to
stimulate its consumption. Thous-
ands of pamphlets and other pieces of
literature -on the of honeyIn
it use s
cooking, etc., have been. issued. Whilst
a considerable .f export market still
exists the association is especially en
deavoring to develop the local mar-
ketthere xis
where exists wide oppor-
tunity fox expansion. So far in the
limited period it has met with very
gratifying results.
Most Fav'o'ralete Districts. -
The Provincial Government, through
its provincial apiarist and his depart
went, is making strong efforts to in-
crease the province's beekeepers and
the production of honey. - :'The cul-
ture of bees" it states, may be carried:
on with profit in all regions . of the
Province of Quebec_" It points out
that in the present centres of.00loni-
zation, where the -,fire weed grows
abundantly, the honey crop is so much
larger than elsewhere as to appear ex-
aggerated. It cites production of 510
lbs., and 533 lbs. of honey from a
single hive. The most favorable dis-
tricts for the growth of -fire weed are
those -of: Lake St. John,. the Gatineau
and Temiskamingr There are large
quantities et clover everywhere else'
and the'harvest of clover honey is al-
most as large as the preceding and
superior in quality, The apicultural
service of the Provincial Government
replies to all requests for information
and supplies free pamphlets, whilst
government inspectors visit the
apairies every summer to give person-
al advice and assistance.
."Now, Tommy," said hhrs. Jones to
her little son, "I want you to do soma
errands for mother."
"Yes, ma!" Said the little chap,.
"Two loaves from the baker's," con-
tinued Mrs. Jones, "a pound of sugar
from the grocer's, and one pound of
steak from the butcher's."
'Little Tommy set off with the bas
ket, and decided to -call at the butch-
er's first. When he'reached the shop
he stopped, looked fora moment, and
then . ran home as.Yfast • as ,his, legs
could carry him.
"What, Tommy, back already!" said!
his brother, in astonishment. "But
where are the things T sent you for?"
"o-o-oh!",blubbered• Tonlmy, Don't
get: any more pleat from our butcher.
He has run short and now he's got a
notice up to say he wants a lad."
Off to China.
The twb coinniercial travelers were
discussing the careless way in which
trunks and suitcases are handled by
some railway companies.
"I had a very cute idea for.•prevont-
ing that once," said one of them, smite
-frig reminiscently. "r-lebeled`each of
my begs '"Willi Care ---Chine'.",
"And did that have any effect?;' task-
ed the other.
"Well, 7' clon't know; yzlu see, .they:
shipiied the whole darned lot off: ;to
Declined With Thanks.
Aunty -•-"Anel were you a velty ,good
little girl at church this morning; !Sal-
lie?" ,
Sallie --"Ob, yes, Aunty. A man of-
fered me' a trig plate full of money,. and
I said 'No, thank you.' "
A Super 'Signal -Box.
The Metropolitan hallway Oompaety
has brought into use at Baker Street
station„ London, the radiating point ef'
the whole of the systema super gig
nal -box that eclipses all others'.
Operat91d.entiroly by electfic power,.
this signel•bex will control the move-
ment of 1770 trains daily, permit of,
greater flexibility, of trais and mate-
rially Ine•treas+e' the handling capacity
of We important .station,
11 in
Ani um ted diagram in the sig..
a i h
gii . ag.
al -bo 1
n x informs rnis the signalman of the
positionand movement of every train
within a three-mile zone. It also pos-
sesaes a power fralne.'cauterising for-
ty-five levers of the latest type, oper-
ating twenty-one sets of points, thirty -
live signals, and eleven route indica-
It TellsWhgat a Mother� Ought to
Know for Baby's Sake.
v 1 thins ever mother
l g y
wisheAbos'e thata herr child, er Children,
whatever their age, niay be bright,
healthy, good-natured, rosy boys '.and
girls; clear eyed, clear ekinned babies;
good sleepers', bright wake's. Every
mother's wish for her little folks is
that they. may be well.
It is natural for little folks to be
well. No wise mother thinks that her
child at any age ie in a natural state
unless it is Well and happy. No moth-
er can expect, though, that her child
wihl escape ail the -ills: to which baby-
hood and childhood are subject, but
she can do much to make baby's bat-
ties for health easily won.
A valuable little booklet entitled
"Care of the Baby in Health and Sick-
ness" has been prepared and as it is
something every mother should have,
a copy willbe sent free to any mother
on request `who will mention this,
paper by The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
New to Her.
The demure young woman signed
her name in: the hotel visitors' book
"Mrs. T Brown," and asked the clerk
whether there were anyletters- for
"I don't suppose," he said, taking
one fromh
t e rack, "that this could be
meant for you." And he handed her•
a letter addressed "Mrs.. T. Browne."
"Oh, yes," said the young woman,
eagerly, 'that's mine! I recognize .the
"But you spell it 'Brown,' while the
name on the letter has, a final 'e: "'
"That "s all right," she replied. "I'm
never quite sure how he spells it."
_ "My husband, of. course. •You see,
weave been married call= two days!"
Who Bosses the, Home?
If you clasp ' your hands together,
interlacing the fingers, and the right
thumb unconsciously comes on top,
you will rule the home; if the left, you
will be ruled.
RE yE° PAYragRuel tTf/E/19SEL liaste, mitre VES
Get '
Comfort with Stoma Windows: Low.
"Freight Paid" pnces, ready -glazed;
safe delivery guaranteed. Free price
list and easy measuring chart.
HALL' pee -te"'„°rt"'o 11AMILTOH
Jliite today forpriees-ire ahforanieo
therm for a week ahead
Estubllshep oyr"r 60 Y,tars -
36733 Bonsescours Market — vtorth.65t
A tea your grocer recon ,en. 8 is
u a11y good tea
PrEA"is good teal*
And most grocers recommend it.
What ` "h unbs Indicate.
The strength of your will -power le
measured by the length of the uppet
joint .of the thumb, and thumbs that
curvedownw-ard show shrewdness and
If the thumb turns back, it is a sign
that you love to spend money, and a
short thumb is a sign of humble origin.
The second division of the thumb
Shows how -mutat determination you
i Clasrs>E�t-cl Advertisement*
- I10wOAItb WRITli:0 IlitlItF,A.EI;s EATthiINQ'
wre omiherro,, gWe csouuertyoc. We}Iraayn.y, sstudeerhe. soli. Sna
sch of0. Toronto. roll -two Nor wash
,lI)als ONLY—Gall 1OOICLST:' r.AOILO'
ti j
Fr1cx d, mailed la Plata crt YeiaDu trea. .GalI^Y
2923, Aluntroai,
Lnils WANTED—T13 .no PLAIN A?tn LIGHT " .
sewing., at home, whale or spam unto; good
Day, work cent nnyese1stance, c$arsea Haid; sand
stamp for particulars. -'National Manutacteriaz Co.,
have. Thumbs that bend up indicated
acurious disposition, while a small,
narrow thumb denotes a weak ohar-
by :Trenols'a Remedy. Shuttle' home , treattnent.
86 scare' success. thousands testimonials. Writs at
onwAfar f¢ca book. Trench's homed 08 TAibited„ nnDt<
nater. T, 70 Adelaide East.. Toronto. Canada, Vitt this out.)
Ask for Minard's and take` no other..
iSays African is Happiest.
The London Post, discussing what
appears in some quarters a growing
affection for the ,primitive, says:
"The, ideal would appear to be the
state so wittily desoribed by the late
Professor Drummond in his 'Tropical
Africa' Of the African he wrote:
"Thi sanest is apparently quite happy;
he has practically no wants. One,
stick, pointed, makes, him a spear;
two sticks, rubbed' together, make him.
a fire;' fifty sticks, tied together, make
him a house.' "
Mars has a civilization extending
back for at least ninety thousand,-
housand'years, according to one American
p Just Dip to Tint or Boil
to Dye'
Each 15 -cent pack-
ackage contains direc-
tions so simple any
woman can tint soft,
delicate _shades or
dye rich, permanent
colors in :lingerie,
silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses,
coat s, • stockings,
.sweaters, draperies,
coverings, hangings
—everything! -
Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind—
and tell your druggist whether thema-
teriai you wish' to color is wool or silk,
or whether it is linen, cotton or, mixed
•�.. arra. Mr./ 1 din low-
Tin Cape Polishes.. Ltd., Hamilton
Proved safe by rnilli4ns and- prescribed by physicians for
l I�eadache �Calds �
Pain Toothache Neuritis • Rheumatism •
LesIzt only tBa er'.' aka .c
which 'cbntain5 proven directions.
handy "Payer" boxes of 12 tablets,
;also bottles of td24 and 1:00• -x -Druggists.
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered la Qauatla) of agger 8 tnnfaettire of bintotteette•
Yf 11
Y Wn
i d li Aaid �, �. . whir • It ern) rt>le
t r of sake llaaaid nae � 1 Sn I e S. ) a Is
that Aspirin means Bayer enauofeature, to eaglet thta public against Imitations, the Tablets'
Of Myst Company will be stauipod with their general trade math,'tho "Sayer (Irate•" •
Teo A?OlB8' owes. wnwie moa aeXel o otno
and Inst of .used ovens. Hubbard Oven Corn-
s nay, 752 Xing West. Toronto.
100'-'11' e1 a 1 sorivun Hamas x1raAH,'r
To postpone is not to settle. If alt
evil exists, you -cannot remedy it by
letting it accumulate and corrupt still
further the individual or the com-
). �l
• Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
WiiteMurine Co.,Chicago,forEyeCarel3ook
Large Red Pimples,
Itched Terribly
Cuticura Heals
"My face became full of large,
red, scaly, pimples and at times
they itched terribly. They spread
in great blotches and formed large,
sore eruptions that burneda great
deal.. T was ashamed to go any-
where on account of them, and the
trouble kept getting worse. The
'rouble lasted about a year.
" I tried various kinds' of oint-
ments without success. I sent for
a free sample of Cuticura Soap and•
Ointment and they helped tae. I
purchas..d more, and after using
three boxes of Cuticura Ointment,
together with the Cuticura Soap, I
was healed in about two °months."
(Signed) Miss Mildred M. Brenta,
Crousetown, Nova Scotia.
Prevent pimples by daily use of
Cuticura Soap, assisted by touches
of Cuticura Ointment when re-
quired. Dust with Cuticura Talcum.
Sample Each, tree by Ma. Address Canadian,
Depot; "atenhouae,:Ltd.,. Montreal." Price, Soap.
c. Ointment 20 and 50o. Talcum 26c.
5" Cuticuru Shaving Stick. 25c. .
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink-
harsa's Vegetable Compound.
Mitchell, Ontario.— "I have taken
your medicine for a number of years.
I do not take it steady all the time but
I am never without it. I always keep
it in the house. Itook it first for pains
in the abdomen and bearing -down pains
headaches and pains across the back. f
have my home to look •after and many
a day I could not get up at all. I saw
the advertisement in the paper about
Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Com •
pound,~ and Mrs. John Miller told Ile
about .it, too.. Every, time I take it, it
makes me feel better and I always ret``
omniend it to my friends. I am willing
to answer letters from women asking-
about this . medicine and you .may use
this letter as a testimonial. "-Mrs. F. 3.
WASSerANts, Mitchell, Ontario.
The merit' of Lydia E. Pinkhani's,
Vegetable Compound iS told bywomen
to each other. Many women know by
experience what this medicine will do
'and theyare :anaatts.Vitt withers to know.
Such testimony 'should cause any
Woman suffering from the troubles so'
Written to her sex' to give this well-
known medicine a fair trial.
Do you know- that in a recent canvasq
among women .usero$ pf, the :Vegetable
Cornpoubd over 2, b,0Ob r oplies Were,,reu
oeived. To the question; ''Rare yoti re-
ceWedbcrti:efit,bytalcit"i thisineditine?"
98:per cent. replied `les. ='. '•
This means that 98 out nf' every 100
women are int better health because
they have given this ni dieintt a fair
N ..
M 1 n a r d 's penetrates, .
soothes, and stops the
pain. Always keep a
bottle handy.
t -
ar rry
, ,
Large Red Pimples,
Itched Terribly
Cuticura Heals
"My face became full of large,
red, scaly, pimples and at times
they itched terribly. They spread
in great blotches and formed large,
sore eruptions that burneda great
deal.. T was ashamed to go any-
where on account of them, and the
trouble kept getting worse. The
'rouble lasted about a year.
" I tried various kinds' of oint-
ments without success. I sent for
a free sample of Cuticura Soap and•
Ointment and they helped tae. I
purchas..d more, and after using
three boxes of Cuticura Ointment,
together with the Cuticura Soap, I
was healed in about two °months."
(Signed) Miss Mildred M. Brenta,
Crousetown, Nova Scotia.
Prevent pimples by daily use of
Cuticura Soap, assisted by touches
of Cuticura Ointment when re-
quired. Dust with Cuticura Talcum.
Sample Each, tree by Ma. Address Canadian,
Depot; "atenhouae,:Ltd.,. Montreal." Price, Soap.
c. Ointment 20 and 50o. Talcum 26c.
5" Cuticuru Shaving Stick. 25c. .
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink-
harsa's Vegetable Compound.
Mitchell, Ontario.— "I have taken
your medicine for a number of years.
I do not take it steady all the time but
I am never without it. I always keep
it in the house. Itook it first for pains
in the abdomen and bearing -down pains
headaches and pains across the back. f
have my home to look •after and many
a day I could not get up at all. I saw
the advertisement in the paper about
Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Com •
pound,~ and Mrs. John Miller told Ile
about .it, too.. Every, time I take it, it
makes me feel better and I always ret``
omniend it to my friends. I am willing
to answer letters from women asking-
about this . medicine and you .may use
this letter as a testimonial. "-Mrs. F. 3.
WASSerANts, Mitchell, Ontario.
The merit' of Lydia E. Pinkhani's,
Vegetable Compound iS told bywomen
to each other. Many women know by
experience what this medicine will do
'and theyare :anaatts.Vitt withers to know.
Such testimony 'should cause any
Woman suffering from the troubles so'
Written to her sex' to give this well-
known medicine a fair trial.
Do you know- that in a recent canvasq
among women .usero$ pf, the :Vegetable
Cornpoubd over 2, b,0Ob r oplies Were,,reu
oeived. To the question; ''Rare yoti re-
ceWedbcrti:efit,bytalcit"i thisineditine?"
98:per cent. replied `les. ='. '•
This means that 98 out nf' every 100
women are int better health because
they have given this ni dieintt a fair