HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-10-15, Page 8MOW See STESITART'S Large Advertisement Page 2 New Dress Materials Our fall display of dress materials is now complete and if you buy your materials at our special low prices, and use the Standard Patterns which we carry right in stock, you can have two new dresses for practically the same cost as one ready -rade dress. The Belrobe included with every Standard .Pattern explains every step to take in making the very latest style dresses. All Woiil', Ti icotines Sill: Figured' Crepes Pure Sill: Broadcloths Wool 13<albrigan Cloths Ail Wool Poiret Twills All Wool Kasha Cloths All WooI Dress Flannels Epernay All Wool Crepes Fancy 7Silk-Keit lNiliterials Silk and Satin-l3ack Crepes Striped,. Plaid and Bordered Dress Flannels We have all the New Shg'des Outstanding Fall Values In All Departments See Page 2 J. A. Stewart 1 1 INNINNeSsognmmengessaIMIw The Best Place to Shop After All GA.R.DINER'S D BUSINESS WE ARE DOING THAT THIS IS THE BEST PLACE THE INCREASE CONVINCES . -US STILL MORE TO SHOP. OUR STOCK IS LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE AND OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. OUR INVITATION TO INSPECT 0 -OR STOCK IS ALWAYS IN FORCE AND IT INCLUDES EVERYBODY. ' ALWAYS GLAD TO SHOW YOU THROUGH "THE HOME FURNISHER" _ M. E. GARDINER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION OPERA HOUSE BLOCK OPERA 'HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743; Night call T4W • Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store PREPARE for FALL You may be thinking of a new suit for fall, or a new fall Over- coat.. Drop in and look over our new range of' choice fabrics False economy in clothes often proves very costly in the end. We have a wide range that we offer at very attractive prices. NEW HATS FOR. FALL New Felts are somewhat wider in the briar, and higher in the crown. We can give you a wide choice at popular prices. SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, SWEATER. COATS, ETC. Everything for the well-dressed man TfANkfi.Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter Great At#actian at .Qur Store... WFiat? THE BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE AND THE LOW PRICES Yes!.. We are selling ottr . furniture at lower"prices than an other store In the country. y Follow the crowd to otir store and do yoatr .buying and you will sae money, 4 .refs 4.4 u,' '.• R. O E W 'UNDERTAKER AND EMRAL11tEf Flneat iylotor Rear Mid Funeral: J quip emit Thane 20W -20J \ Exeter Markets Wheat $1.05 Cats 35c, 13arley, 00c. Manitoba Flour $4.25. Blended. Flour $3.90 Pastry Flour $8,40 Feed Flour, $2,00. Bran $1,50 Shorts. $1,70 Creamery Butter ,480. Dairy butter 40c, 43c Eggs extras 40c. Eggs firsts 300, Lard 2.0e Hogs, selects $13.75 Hogs, thick smooth $12.50 LOCAL •h•1•++4•+ +44+44++ After the Election—Next import- ant event, Trivitt Memorial howl Supper, October 30'th. Watch for further annou,I.icements. Miss Alice Pfaff 'Spent the -Week- end at Atwood, The lawn plower is about shelved for another season. Mr. T. 0. Southcott was in Toronto last week on business. Mrs. East left last week for Eng land"to visit her old home, THE EXETER TIMES- ,I VQCATE CAVAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Jamas Foete,, „A .A Minister ANN1Vk,IRSARY • 1,0 a.m,-5'nnday School. Services at 11 a.m. `and 7 pan. conducted by REV. ALFRED MAC-. FARLANE, I1.A,, l.D., of Clinton. Special music b the choir, assist- ed by Miss M. Forbes Of London, Cottage prayer meeting Thursday evening at Mr, Thos, Cameron's, Miss Marjorie Clark spent a few days last week in Stratford. Andrew H. Pepall comes up for trial at the Toronto Fall Assizes this week. Mrs. Fowell is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. J. Spackman, in To- ronto. Mr. S Kearns, of Toronto, spent. the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. • Rev. Jas. Foote will conduct an- niversary services at- Monkton -nn Sunday next. Miss Hazel Sanders has returned home after spending a couple of months in Detroit. Messrs. Bruce Tuckey, Verne Har- ness and Verne Wells have returned home from the West. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell and daughter Marion and Mr. S. Powell, spent Sunday at Thorndale. Owing to the Teachers' Conven- tion here last week school was sus- pended Thursday and Friday last:. Mrs. McLelland has returned to the home of Mr. Nelson Sheere after an extended visit at Stayner, Out. Mr. C. B. Snell has another new house nearly ready to be plastered. Contractor Lewis is doing the work. Miss Margaret Davis, R.N., ' of Vancouver, B.C., is spendingthe week with Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes. Mr. Hedley May and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southcott and family spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H Peter Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis attended. the Thanksgiving service at St. James' church, Clandeboye, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMane and two children, and Mr. " Whaley, of Milverton spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Roulstoh. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lloyd have re- turned to Toronto after Holidaying. with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson visited their daughter, Mrs. E. Tuckey, of London, on Saturday, Mrs. Mawson remaining for a few days. Mr. J. W. Mitchell, of Vancouver, B.C.; arrived in town Monday and will spend a few weeks with his mother, Mrs. Ann Mitchell. There will be no service held in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sun- day evening owing to the annivers- ary services in Caven church. i Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis and daughter, Thelma, motored to Thorn dale on Sunday where they were the guests of Mr. and• Mrs. 0.. C. Ward. Mr. W. H. Penhale, who has been in the 'west for the past few weeks looking after his farm interests re- turned to his home here Saturday. Drop your news, items into the let- ter box of the Times -Advocate office door. Sign your name as a guaran- tee of good faith—not for publication Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanders, Miss Annie Sanders and Mrs. Thos. Snell spent a few days at Otterville and Waterford the latter part of the week. A premature snow storm visited this, section. on Saturday morning last and the proverbial old woman picked her geese with a vengence for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rohde, who have been visiting in this vicinity for . the last month, leaye for their home at Keating, Vancouver Island, B.C., on Monday next: Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Senior and family, of Toronto, spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Senior. Miss Blanch Senior returned with them to • the city: Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Muleison and little daughter andr M s. Norman,; Johnston and son Reg., of Windsor and Mr, Cecil Johnston, of Essex, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner. The Liberals are holding a public meeting in the Opera House this (Wednesday) evening to be address- ed` by Miss 1. Armstrong, of Ottawa, and Thos. McMillan, the Liberal can- didate in South Huron. M Powell Mrs. owe 1 Slid Mrs, J, N. How- ard have rented the dwelling owned by Mrs. Robt. Mawhinney. on Wi1L liana street_ and have taken posses- sion. Mrs, Mawhinney has gone to live with her daughter, Mrs, Ralph Brandt, at Alvinston: Last week we refer;recl to Mr. C. H, Russell, barrister of Wetaskiwin, Alta., being a candidate In the Fed- eral election, stating that he is a on Of Mr: Thos, 13, Russell. We were in error in tho last statelilent es` Mr, Russell Is a Soar of 1Vtr, WtY Russell sof town, JAMES . ST.:' TIMMS)) CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A•T.C;M.. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.--•"God, the World and Us" 3 p.m—Lessons from the early church. 7 p.m:—"The Meanest . Man in Huron County," Treat'yourself to the best on Sun- day. Go . to .church and enjoy the. welcome, the, music, the sermon and the .worship. Trivitt . Memorial Church Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th.,•Rector. 11 a.m.—Special Children's Day Service. 3 p.m,—Special .Rally. for Children and Adults. Evening service withdrawn in favor of Caven Anniversary. MAIN STREET UNITED . CHURCH• Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 • a.m. Service withdrawn with best wishes for the Successful An- niversary of Cave% church. 3 p.m.—Sunday School, Enjoyable Exercises, Profitable Lessons. 7' p.m.—Geo. A. Stanley of Lucan will bring an inspiring message. Main St. Anniversary, October 25th Powell's Bazaar The Big 'Variety Store Gold Fish have arrived. Bulbs, tulips, hyacinths, etc., are here too. Silk and; wool and all wool stock- ings too. Besides, a shipment of woodenware, • clothespins, scrub brushes, salt boxes, rolling pins, etc. 25 Blue Amberol records for $3.75 10 Columbia records for $5:00 10 Edison, ' iacklabel records. $5.00 Variety is the Spice of Life, you'll find it here. •Bring your friends. FOR ,-SALE----Well 'saved last year's Itay.,AL T. Morgan, Usborne, Phone 12 71; Exeter. -•• NOTICE RE ONIONS We.: will start to take in onions' at the Canning factory on October '14. No onions taken in on Saturdays. J. H. Greive LOST—In Exeter on Friday after- noon last, a small brown coin purse containing a sum of money. . Re- ward by leaving at Times -Advocate. FOR SALE—Spys- and Baldwins. Anyone wishing such phone John Callwell, London Road. ' TuunspAY, OCronun 1;ith, .II92G. rolloommmonnummommouounommomoominoommummoinommiNumunommillowsIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIt111111111NIUI1111111BIId1111111AIIOfIII11HNNILTJ WQNDERFUL VALUES AND CLOTHS IN OUR NEW MEN'S OVERCOATS "London Life has opening for. real live man., Writ9' C. K. Kep- kay, Agency Manager, Stratford, Ontario." WANTED=Capable girl to''assist nplain cooking. in housework and . g Good home. Apply by letter stat- ing age and qualifications. Mrs. C. Ricker, 120 Roncesyalles Ave.. (3) Toronto. • 10-15-2tp FOR SALE --That desirable prop- erty on William St. belonging to the estate of the late David Johns. Ap- ply to Gladman & Stanbury. 10-15-2t BOARDER WANTED—Gentleman or two school boys preferred. Ap- uly at Times -Advocate. FOR SALE -1 barrel of hand picked pears. Mrs. D. Braund, Exe- ter North _ ERNEST ELLIOTT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south•°Times Office Mr. Clyde Heaman, Of the Bank of Montreal staff here, left Monday morninggHollywood, last s for o H ywoo Cal., where he will join the'; staff of the Bank • of Italy of that ' place • Mr. Chapman, a former manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is engaged in the same' bank` in Hollywood. The Women's Missionary Society of Caven. Presbyterian is' v church'held sb Ytin a very large and successful,' Thant# Offering meetingN on Monday r.ev'en-^ fig in the church, , As ReV. James McKay of St. James Church,, London was- the speaker the Young People's Guild .and the men of the ' church were also present and listened to an' inspiring address given. by,Mr:'1V1c Kay. The ladies Were gratifled to announce that the' Thank Offering amounted to $100,00. The Time � v s Ad baste can now lay claim to being among the most ad- vantageous advertising medium 'from the standpoint of 'local Coverage, It May be ,said that practically 90 per cent of its circulation goes in ideal trading territory. That; this is an advantage goes without saying. This means that its message is not broad- cast over the country at large, but is highly' concentrated where it will do the most ,good.It lessens tljn cost to do advertising by eliminating waste circulation and forms the basics for excellent resalta, M slow 1 1 NEM IMMO MOM MEMEL MEMO Don't buy your New Coat until you have seen our New Models and Cloths You will like them, and the Prices -are Very Reasonable. Good Coats' at $20, $25, Silk knit & Crepe Dresses In Sizes 38 to 48, We can St stout 'figures who usually find it so hard to get their size. $12.50, $16.50,and $19.50. $35 •$45. New Shades in Hosiery. Another shipment of the new- est shades for Fall. These are real value at perpair98 cents. Men's: Suits ,'and ,Overcoats ,Including a splendid assortment' of new fall suits' and winter over- coats. All moderately priced and r eddy for the early buyers. Drop in and see them. New Suede Gloves In smart new styles with fancy cuffs, selling at the popular price of 98 cents and $1.25. New Silk & Wool Hosiery In the popular check weaves in four color combinations. Priced at per pair 98; cents to $1.50. • New''Caps for Fall Showing 'the new .cloths„ and weaves for boys and men -41.00 to $2.50. N'ew' 'Felt & Velour Hats In. the new shades and shapes. We sell the Beltmore Hats. They give satisfaction. Priced at $4.00 and $5.00. Everything Newfor Fall outhc�ttBros..j 1N TtIE PUBLIC EYE REPAIRS We 'are now- prepared to do ' al! kfhds of repairs on broken frames. whereas before, we had to send them to Landon or elsewhere. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES” TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $8:00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, 161.00 and UP. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER. O`f' T. PHOE 70 FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, Lot 12, Con. 8, H.R.S., Tuckersmith, situated 5 miles from Seaforth, • 6 miles from Hensall; 1-2 mile to c school. Rural mail and telephone.; There are• 30, acres of Alfalfa and timothy, 19 acres of 'timothy and clover, 8 acres sown ,to O.A.C. 104 Fall Wheat, -about 9 acres good bush the remainder in pasture. There are on the premises, a good frame house of eight rooms with furnace, also woodshed attached. Water and Sink in kitchen, ;good ' celIar with• concrete floor. Bank barn 50 ft. x 86 ft. with concrete floors through- out, water in stable. Hog -pen 25 ft x 40 ft with concrete floors. Abun- dance of good water from 3 never failing ;wells. It is well drained and fenced.' This is a choice faun the a high state of fertility and cultiva- tion. A sale of chattels will be held on Oct. 27th to be announced later. For further information apply to John Alexander, R.R. No. 2, Kippen; Ont., or to Frank Taylor, Auctioneer Exeter, Ont. COAL—COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR 3?ATRONAGE SOLICITED E. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE 30 DOUBLE EDGE 4o Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING If you want to look like a man, and feel like a man when you are dressed up, there is only one way and„ that way is to let ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Make your Clothes We FOR SALE OR RENT -100 acres being lot 21 •S.T.R. On the property is a brick house, bank barn and other buildings'' 75' acres in grass and • the balance in stubble. Easy terms. Apply'to.W. H. Kay, Exeter 111 Ytl;E' FOR *ALE Bicycle, in good. condition, paint- ed, and overhauled; at a very reas- onable price. Apply at Times -Ad- vocate office imes-Ad-vocate:office for further narticiilars W Fox S: • ale _ 3erSey , q g cow -quiet milking fresh- ens in Febriiary Single light sleigh, nearly new. Boy's overcoat, nearly new ' ,Good single harness 3 small Heaters New home Sewing Machine, Cheap. Several'Veneer. c,ses, suitable for. baby -yard, or wardrobes, or stor- ing of garments. Boys overcoat, hardly • •• soiled, Ohealr Good, idar o, upright organ, bar- gain. Baseburater, large and smalL hea;t- er, oil heater. Sewing - Raymonde S Machine a1- yg most new. Two used phonographs; bargain. lase ottr Service for selling and locating,' Inquire POWELL'S BAZAAR Plrotie 55 rind 122 also do Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Agent for Tip -Tip Tailors '. W R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instrucction.in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 57 • EXETER, ONT. J. L. LEWIS CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Houses and Barns EXETER ':f—: ONTARIO Phone 152W ,Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE H.Bagshaw TRY US .r. Phone 58W DR. ADRIAN B. G1BSON VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the- Ontario Veterinary College 1915 Residence; James St.,'Phorie 993 FFICE—F Taylor's Sales Stable on. John .St,' Phone 99W DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO Phone 158 Residence Ann St. EXETER, ONT. J,VICAR MUNRO REGISTERED ARCHITECT Plan Specifications Plans, Sp t ri's prepared' for Residences, Churches, Schools etc. Best References Phones: Office 1889w,House 1 se541w Itoom. 8, Coote Chambers, Market Lane, London I. R. CARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC; Loans, Investments, Insurance Offlce,Carlfng Block,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors_dtc. Money to Loan, Investments Ma[d Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for nee of our Clients without charge. Exeter - , London Hei R. McINNIS 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY For best results let R. idcInnis6 handle your auction sales. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY POST OFFICE a Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.34 DENTAL SURGEON Late ' Listrict Dental Office, d� Military District, Number One, •,Logy+ don, Ont. 4 Main Street, Exeter, ' Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 343 Office closed on Wednesday on Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.9►� DENTIST Office over I. R. ; Carling'a L$' office. • Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. ` At Grand Bend every,, Wednesdai during the summth' .months 111 Dr.. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers+ • city DENTIST Office over Gladman & •$tanbury'd office,_ Main Street Exeter. DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon ;'i Office --One door south of the Times -Advocate. .. j Office hours 9.30 to 10.30 a.m.• 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p,m. Phone. 67 FRANK TAYLOR..,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex... • FARM SALES "A SPECIALTY Prices; reasonable and satisfacUo guaranteed d' EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 FARMS FOR SALE—A few choIcd farina in the Townships of Usborne,, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar, kets, Priced . r! htApply toTh B pP y as Caineron. Auct„ Bos 154, Exeter. THOS. CAMERON and James W, WATSON Licensed Auctioneers lo Sales cOnducted rd in any i tJe` E'arai Stock sales a specialty. Sittig., faction guaranteed. Charges itiod$ erate; Orders lett at tins office WJi ae presaptiy, attended to, R.R. bion, • 1, IBirkton Phone /Midas 111,41r2, 1.