The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-9-24, Page 8ire (J�. �ispla "4 Vowant you to come in and let us show you the new coats which are clow on display. You will find a big range a coats Kers in the new cloths and the new shades. The styles are all now and llraetieally all our coats are fur trimmed. Frac*s are lower this year, many of the new coats being priced at less than $20;OQ. New Fall Materials AU Wool Tricotines Silk Figured Crepes Pure Silk Broadcloths All Wool Poiret Twills Wool Baabrigan Cloths All Wool Kasha cloths • U1 Wool Dress Flannels Eperivay All Wool Crepes Fancy Si1k-Knit Materials Silk and Satin -Back Crepes Fancy Check Dress Flannels We have these materials in Popular prices. Make, your own dard patterns with the Belrobe every step necessary in making carry these patterns' right in sto ses you can have two dresses for a big range of new shades all at dresses this fall using the Stan - system included, whichexplains the very latest style dresses. We ek and by making your own dres- the price of one ready -Made dress. Our Grocery Prices' Large lemons only 39c a doz. P. & G. soap chips 2 lb. 25c. 2 tins choice salmon for 35c 4 boxes good sardines for 25c 2 lb. ginger snaps for .... 25c Shredded Wheat 2 pkg for 25c Kellog's Corn Flakes 3 for 29c Bring 7 bars Castile Soap for :<,. 25c Royal Yeast Cakes ,... 5c pkg Metal Tops for Jars 20c a doz. Seedless Raisins 2 Ib for 25c 2 lb. Mixed cookies for 35c. 4 bars. Laundry Soap for 25c. Rubbers for Jars 3 doz. 25c your Giilex Coup ons to us and save 10c J., A. Stevait" gemennewsifierilMellenlit 1 Gigantic FurnitureSale —AT - GARDINER'S IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING THE BUYING OF FURNI- TURE BE SURE TO INSPECT OUR LARGE AND MOST UP-TO- DATE STOCK. PRICES AND QUALITY UNEQUALED. LARGEST STOCK DETTERSIRVICE LATEST DESIGNS LOWEST PRICES "T.HE HOME FURNISH N,R" M. E. GA NE R 1. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE / LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 7431Nigkt call 74W ns r.' 9\ Men's Store Phone 81w Me 'sStore PREPARE for You may be thinking of0,new suit for fall, or a new fail Over- coat.. Drop in and look over our new range of choice fabrics False economy in clothes often proves very costly in the end*, We have a wide range that we offer at very attractive prices. NEW HATS FOR, 'FALL New Felts are somewhat wider in the brim 'and higli'ei In the crown. We can give you a wide choice at popular prices. ,SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, SWEATER COATS, ETC. Everything for the well-dressed man . W. Tfi 1\A Merchant Tailor and Gents Outfitter Mrs. Wilken, of St. Thomas, is vis- iting for a week with her.. mother, Mrs, Marshall. Mr. Simon Sweitzer, of Windsor, visited his mother in Exeter for sev• eral days during the week. Dr. and Mrs, McGillicx.ddy, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Delbridge, of 'C1sborne: Mrs. Ann Collingwood and daugh- ter, Mrs, W. Stone, of Ilamilton, have returned to their home after visiting with relatives at I(ippen, Crediton and Exeter. They also visited in Sarnia, Pt. Huron and Petrolia. Mr: W,. r• Bissett was.. taken Sud- denly i11 the latter part of last week with an attack of Cholera Mor- , bus and for ; o ie glue hie',e ' lite' wa� despaired of,tit b rs'Ytmedical attention ,.and careful nursing he a ,et rvived ;the ttaet and was able to ,be out ori a±°airday: Rev, E. Sheppard and wife re- turned home on Friday last -after spending several weeks with rela- tives in Hamilton, Mr. Sheppard has almost« -regained his old time vigor and occupied the pulpit of James St. church on Sunday. His many friends are pleased to see, him back. A very .pleasant evening- was spent by about 40 members of the Caven Presbyterian Young Peoples' Guild and their friends at a corn roast held in the valley en Garnet Frayne's farm, on Wednesday even- ing, Sept, ?til. The first part of the evening was devoted to games after which cern; and watermelon wenpp°°the rouzido. ","lxhen followed, no .. minuni ty singingbround the camn.. tire and the °evening was brought to a close by singing Auld Lang Syne and Good i ht -;l ,'1 g' es. THE EXET deter Markets Wheat $1,22 Oats 35e barley, 65d. Manitoba Flous,� $4;80 Blended' Flour $4.30 Pastry Flow $3.80 Feed Flour, $2,00. Bran $1.50 Shorts $1,70 Creamery Butter 45c, Diary batter, 35.38c. Eggs, Extras `360.. lalggs, Firsts 28e. Lard 20c Bogs, select, $13,75. 1Togs,, thick smooth $12.50. +4-e++++++++++++++++++++++4 Mrs. F. A. May and children are visiting for a week at Mitchell. Mr,, C. H. McAvoy of Wingham, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Wood, 'of Hamilton, is visit- ing her brother, 1\2r. H. Walter. Miss J. 1Yluttart, of Len.don, visit- ed with friends in town over the week -end, Mrs. 0. M. Skelton, who has been visiting at Galesburg, I11., returned to Exeter on. Saturday. Mrs. 0, Davis and child, of Lou- don, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C,E. Tuckey, Mr. Rd. Gidley returned last week from a pleasant visit :with friends in London and Lambeth. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Fuller, of Sarnia, visited 'for several days•'with their aunt, 11Irs. J. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Prout, of,De- troit, are Holidaying for a week With relatives in this community. Several from Exeter motored to Dutton Monday to attend the fun- eral of the late James Snell. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones,. of De- troit, visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Miss Evelyn Howard, Kenneth Stanbury `and Carl Morlock will at- tend Western University at London. Mr. Stanley Sheppard, of Pt. Huron, is spending a week with his parents at the James St. parsonage. Dr. Gibson has rented the office of the late Dr. Tennant in the sales stable of Frank Taylor on John St. Miss Olive Hackney, of Cromarty, is a member of the first graduating class of nurses from the Seaforth Memorial Hospital. The West Huron Teacher's Con- vention will be held in Main. Street United church basement, Exeter, on October 8th and 9th. Mr. M. E. Gardiner was don last week attending a tion of the Embalmers and Director's Association. ., in Lon- conven- Funeral E IMES-ADVOCATE TIII R$f A ', SEPTEMBER 24% 1026 c�A N rn saax A t v U I ,�NNIIIIIII�iIIhI�IIII umliiiimNII�I Ifi11111�oimiIq�11i�1uiniiI NIllllli��l�l��ti i�lillliflllllll ullooti 1ii�llltI I�iI. �e�. James, Foots, k3,A„ Minister . � 1.0 4,14. --Sunday School, M, NewStylos:-:,in.. • Coats Mrs. (Dr.) Lannin and child, of Hamilton, have returned to their home after visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Campbell. Mr. Herb Ford, Huron Street had a valuable cow struck and killed by lightning on Thursday night last during the severe electrical storm.' Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Nix,- of Walk- erville, returnetL-to their home on Monday after spending their holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Nix. Rev. F. E. Clysdale is improving slowly from his recent operation. He was able to be out Sunday for both services in the Main St. church. "`Dr. and Mrs. Garnet Atkinson, of Exeter, were guests this week with Mr. and Mrs.. Dickson Glass, Wolfe street."—London Advertiser. Monday, November 9th, has been appointed Thanksgiving Day. Nov. 9th has also been set for the com- memoration of armistice day this year. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cutbush and Miss Ainy Shapton spent Sunday at Ethel. Mr. and,, Mrs. Jas. Shapton spent the day with relatives at Sea-. forth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil and family of Detroit; Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Neil. and family, of Albion, Mich., spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. Jomes~'` • Mrs, W. D. Yeo returned home Friday after spending two weeks at Tyrone parsonage and attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Down. Mrs, (Rev.) J: D. Kestle will hold an auction sale of household effects Saturday afternoon., south of the Trivitt Memorial church. See advt. page four. . Dr. E. R. Follick, of Vancouver. B.C., Who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. E. Follick, for several days, is leaving this week on his' return to the West. Dr. W. E: Weekes and bride (nee Miss Helen Gertrude Mutrie, of Van- couver, B.C.) arriyed in Exeter on. Saturdayafter a honeymoon to Skagway in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams, . (nee Miss Della Treble) of Winnipeg, motored down and. visited for sev- eral days with Mrs. Geo. Coward and other friends in. Exeter. Mr. ; Ed. Desjavdine, of Grand Send, was fined $10.00 and costs in London on Monday for motoring on the newly laid pavement, on the Proof Line road near London. Mr. Bert Spicer and son of Brant- for:ti;• and 1VIr. and Mrs, Dickson of Flint, Mich., spent Sunday with old friends in town. Mr. Spicer and his sister, Mrs. Dickson, being former: residents. Mrs. A. A. Davis` of Montreal, cal,.. Who has , been visiting for several weeks with her , parents, Mr: and I). Mack, left Saturday to visit in: London°and 'Toronto, before return- ing to her.. home. Mr.nd a at Ms: W. am n were r` �.. ,�.oT�. a we e l C intan' Saturday-,. attbndi,ng;'.'the funeral sof the forrper's sieter", Mrs. Wm, Hobbs,.'who died at IlollyWood, Cal. The i`u1teral Was held ;froth- the Anglican church, 11.41,.M. ---"After the Great Sacrifice"- The 1Vlunister 7 p.M.—"Attre.eting the ( gad Things You Want," The Minister JA.'WE$ ST, ;UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA DA Rev E, Sheppard, Pastor W, R. Goulding, A,T,C,M. Organist and Choir -Leader ,RALLY DAY 11 a,m,--.'The Memory :Supper . The most wonderful of all needs. You are invited but if ashamed- of Jesus do , not come to this: sacred feast :of synt1m1s, Members receiv ed. 3 p.m. -500 in Church School. "How J:estis helps a boy." Illus- trated ,talk, 7 p.m.. --Story and songs about the Prodigal Son. If yowl are not in step, You must have another drummer. Prayer and study, Thursday ening at 8 p.m, ev-. TriVitt .Memorial 'Church , Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector 11 a,m,-.--"patience with God." 3 p.m.— Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m. "Man! Created or Evolv-, ed?" This sermon is being repeated bY• special request. Harvest Festival, Sunday, Oct. 4th. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E..Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.—Rev. D. N. McCamus 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Rev. D. N. McCamus Everybody, welcome. For Sale Good buggy, almost new Good single harness Several Ranges 3 small Heaters Show cases, 1 large, 2 small 2 notion counters, for store use. Cheese case, cheap. Good used piano, good organ. Use our Service for selling and locating. Inquire POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone 55 and 122 FOR - SALE —Pandora kitchen range in good condition, for coal or wood, reservoir, bargain for quick sale. Apply to Times -Advocate. FOR SALE—Cottage on Main St. opposite Presbyterian church, con- taining 3 bedrooms, parlor, dining - room, kitcheii, pantry and good cel- lar; wired for hydro and electric stove.' There is a frame barn and good garden with raspberry bushes, 2 cherry trees, black currants and grapes. Apply to. C` L. Wilson, house phone 1413; store 56. WANTED— A small " hen -house that can be moved, notify this office. Report of Hurondale school fair will appear •next.. week. Wednesday being Fair Day the Times -Advocate was held over until Thursday. Mrs. Alex. Wanless, of London, spent Fair Day' with Mrs. C., A. Southcott. Mrs Gordon Wells and babe, of Windsor, who has' been visiting re- latives in town has returned home. Mrs. Gillespie, who has been vis- iting for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd, .left on Monday for, her home in the West., Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel, of Stratford, and Mr. Cochrane,A of Kitchener, sp_ent Fair Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Militia training will start 4n Ex- eter in a couple of weeks. Those wishing to . join should leave their names with Major Heaman. The first forty will be taken. Among those from a distance in town for Fair Day were Mr. and Mrs. L. • Grieve . and children of Strathroy; Mr. G. Holman and Mi. S. G. Bawden, ` of Goderich; M'r. T. Harton, Mr. Alex Stewart and. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and children of London. COMMUNION SERVICE Rev. James Foote conducted: the regular Communion service at Caven Presbyterian church on Sunday morning and administered the Sac- rament to a large congregation. Eight new members.. were received by certificate. Quality `:Bread Quality built our success. If you're a regular customer, you'll back us in this state- ment. Neither cut, prices, sensational claims, nor a single trick of the trade accounts for the big success of . Lockwood's Better Bread Just out and - out quality there's the story in a nut -shell Bread , that is .delicious and rich in,; : nourishment—Bread" that gives you full money's worth. fy (Ask *bill' Grocer For It) CKWOOD AKgk ., ONTARIO 4474 44 LI .0110.161 IMMO S IMMO MM,. .M. s SNNWNada ilk knit & Crepe Dresses Isom wimp OWNS Imam 0111111111 We Offer -Sixty Coats in the very Newest St les and Materials and look. forward forward to a visit from S t Onl ' Qu. In sizes 38 to 48, We can fit stout figures who usually find it so hard to get their sine. $12,50, $16..50 and $19.50, New Shades in Hosiery Another shipment of the new- eiet shades, for Fall. These are real value at per pair 98 cents. Men's Suits and Overcoats Including a splendid assortment of new fall suits and winter over- coatt. All moderatelypriced and ready for the early 'buyers. Drop in and see them. N w Suede Gloves In smart new styles with fancy cuffs, selling at the popular price of 98 cents and $1.25. New Silk & Wool Hosiery In the popular check weaves In four color combinations. Priced at per pair 98 cents -to $1.50. ' 1'ew;: Caps for Fa11. Sho)vini'`the new cloths and weaves /or boys and men -$1.00 to $2.50. • New Fejt & Velour Hats In the new shades and shapes. We sell the Beltmore Hats. They give satisfaction. Priced at $4.00 and $'5.00. 41••••• ,Everything New for Fall YENNED .411M_a\O-ii_�':�-����i.%�X,L� �rµ�� 'i.. Southcott .Bros. LlIIllttltllltltttilllltllttlt�l1�16t1t11l111116111'l�tl�lli111fIRiII1Hi1lIIIIII�H�f!lfll��g���1�ISil�����i� � h _ I, R. CARLING B.A. COAL,—COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED E.` J. CHRISTIE3 OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns "I11'THE PUBLIC EYE BY i7 r .x! �hzz, REPAIRS 'We are =ow prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had -to, send them to London or elsewhere. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOI'° WAIT, 83.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, 81.00 and UP. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 We will be pleased to have you call and inspect our complete line of Furniture` R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR SATISFACTION GUARANTBED Phone. Bus. 20W House 20J LIGHTNING RODS Shin -Flat and Round Cables. We have the agency for the above lightning rods. Let us quote you prices. Old cables inspected and repaired. Four years' experience. Bruce • Mitchell, R.R. -No. 1, Cen- tralia; phone Crediton 29 r 6. Horses for Sale OR EXCHANGE -15 drivers and 6 heavy horses. Will' selI or exchange. Frank Taylor, Efetet, NOTIC.E'. All parties having accounts un- settled, please arrange payment for same before Oct. lst. 10 per cent will be added, to -ail accounts after this date. ARTHUR JONES Massey -Harris NEW STAR SEDAN—At a Sacri- fice for quick sale. Good 'assort- ment of used cars from $100 t� $500. Terms if required. C. C. ?lion, Huron Garage) Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE OR RENT -100 acres being lot. 21 S.T.R. On the property is a brick house, bank barn and other buildings; 75 acres in grass and the balance in stubble. Easy terms. 'Apply to W. H, Kay, Exeter `OR SALE} Geo" - 'second-hand buggy: ^.also° ,two sets, o single � ar- ggy f s lr gl nese, Apply at'.Tinies-A.dvoeate FOR SALE OR RENT ---A ; com Portable brick house centrally locat- ed. Phone No. 80: Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING If you want to look like a man, and feel like a man when you are dressed up, there is only one way and that way is to let ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Make your Clothes -� also do Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Agent for Tip -Tip Tailors , I We • W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Jhoirmaster James St. United Church Instrucction In Piano Vocal Organ Theory. Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 57 EXETER, ONT. J. L. LEWIS CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED ' Houses and Barns EXETER ONTARIO Phone 152W Wood for Sale 4. QUANTITY bF• DRY,, WOOD FOR. SALE :;s H. Bagshaw TRY US' Phone '58W DR. ADRIAN B. GIBSON VETERINARY SURGEON' Graduate of the. Ontario Veterinary College 1915 Residence, James St., Phone 99J FFICE—I' Taylor's 'Sales- Stable on John St, Phone 99W DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINAItY. SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario``Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO Phone 168 Residence Ann St. EXETER, ONT. J. VICAR MUNRO /REGISTERED ARCHITECT onsSpecifications .aI',X , , prepared for • Aesi.dence Churches, t es, Sohools .etc.,, Best References - phones: Office • 188 9w, Renee 5141w Room -8 Cate '' a Coate Ch tubers, Market Lane, Lendev: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Loans, Investments, Insurance OfHce,CarIing Block,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &e. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of ottr. Clients without charge. Exeter London Hermans} • R. McINNIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY For best results let R. Mean% handle your auction sales. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY POST OFFICE' Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental Officer AI Military District, Number One, Lot*. . don, Ont. • Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Office closed on Wednesday onl Dr..G. F. Roulston, DENTIST - Office over I. R. Carling's LaW office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas: ' AI Grand Bend every Wednesdar, during the summer months Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D.,'D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer.• city DENTIST Office over : Gladman & Stanbury'g office, Main Street Exeter. DR. IV. E. WEEEES Physician and Surgeon Office—One door south of the. Times -Advocate. Office hoursd9.30 to 10.30 a.m. 2 to 4 li.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. " Phone' 67.. , FRANK .''TAYLOR LICENSED --AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex ' FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices, reasonable and satisfaction.. guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 FARMS FEB SALELA A few chofed farms in the Townships of Usborne Tuckersmith and ^"'Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mail kets. ' Priced right. Apply to Thom Cameron, Auct., Box 164, Exeter. • THOS. CAMERON and, James 1A"r, WATSON LlcenH ed Auctioneers' A 474 Solea conducted in any locglitt kar n�to o k.,s les a;�s .ec a t Sao*" tactioa gua anteed, Charges: .meds . er e t Ordera 1 Orate. 0 ere eft at .this office, will be.roin p ptly,:attendad to. r :t,Ii;:1 1•iu, .. Kirton. Plume*Irkta 14r$. , •