HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-11-29, Page 44-TMt NUNON £XPOSITON, Novismbee 20, 2000 Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 fern -Lynn Hort - Publisher Pot Armes - Office Manoger Scott Hilgendorff - Editor Dianne McGrath • SubscnotionstCossiiieds Susan Hundertmork - Reporter Katrina Dietz - Soles lii•Anne Roden - Distribution Bowes Publishers Limited Wk.fr., 4 S.. H,r. G,p..e». - 4Qu..R- G.►.., E-mail us of seoforth@bowesnet.com Visit our home porde at www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com • SUBSCRIPTION.RATES: LOCAL - 32.50 a year, Mailroom plus 2.28 G.S.T. SENIORS: 30 00 a year, M advance, plus 2. l0 G.S.T. USA it Foreign: 28 44 a year m odvonce, plus $78.00 podag., G.S.T. exempt SUBSCRIPTION RATES: • . Published weekly by Signal -Sar Publishing at 11 Main St., Seaforth. Publication mod registration No. 0694 held at Seaforth, Ontario. Advertising is accepted on condition rhos in_ the event of a typographical error, the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with o reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. In the event of oypograpltieal error, advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may riot be sold. Advertising is merely an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. The Huron Expositor is not responsible for he lass or damage of unsolicited manuscripts; photos or other materials used for reproduction purposes. Changes of address, orders for subscriptions and . undeliverable -oozes are to be sent to The Huron Expositor. . Wednesday, November 29, 2000 Iditeriel and Mdaess Offices - 1 1 Mein 51reet.,Sea/erlls Telephone (519) 527.0240 Tax (519) 527-2956 Meiling Address - P.O. Rex 69, Sealer*, Ontario, MOI( 1 WO Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association 'Ontario Community . `e..1-Poae..rs Association Publication Mad Registration No. 07605 'We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. Editorial Police ignoring missing person investigation The:Ontario Provincial Police were not interested • in.producing an age -enhanced photograph of the.• 'missing Mistie Murray. . Instead, it wasdone by her mother Anne, who' has not :liven up pressuring `poiice.to-take the search for her missing daughter seriously. since her husband Steven had been found not guilty of their daughter's murder. She has also managed to get an -investigation by. York Regional_ Police into how the local OPP treated the case and has an official complaint tiled against the local OPP who handled the case at the time. No body has ever been found. ..:Yet police maintain her body is in the lake even • though 'a' sonar search of the lake bottom. With -a device that could supposedly find an object as small as a pen. generated no• results. N.o new charges have been laid against Steve since his trial in 1997 -and no -new suspects have been publicly released., - Witnesses. who say they saw -Steve Murray take . \listie.onto the lake on his boat in Goderich and return alone. were all•discredited during: the three week trial: , While a couple of. witnesses who -saw someone. matching Mistie:s description after•her Goderich disappearance havebeen charged and found, guilty of lying about seeing her. testimony :in the trial of several witnesses suggests the possibility Mistie was in the Toronto area after she disappeared from the county. • Yet police continue to treat her disappearance as a murder despite the fact, without a body and with \.sitnesses who may have seen her after her disappearance from Goderich, they still have a missing person. • And with statements made by an OPP detective superintendent that he bel.ieves.,the former investigating officers that they need to look for a - body, the public should be outraged. Whether they believe Mistie is alive or dead, people should be concerned about the closed- ranking of the police. The detective making these .tatements is publicly relying on the word of ofticers who are currently being investigated for mise educt. . l k ;an the public trust:an investigation of their local police by a separate police agency when another ranking us '" •:r, outside of the investigation and not connected with the officers, will put blind faith in those officers in a controversial situation when he admittedly_ didn't know much about the case`' • • Anne Murray may have gotten her long -sought after investigation into police conduct. But after the detective superintendent's statements last week, it is hard to trust a situation where police investigate police even if the investigation is being conducted outside the closed -rank relnn of the OPP. And, the only way the local communities will ever have a chance to know. what really happened to Mistie is if an agency separate from the OPP takes over the investigation from scratch, starting with a search for a young girl who disappeared five years ago. Scot) llilgendorJf Opinion Marching band were 'best of the best' at Toronto parade I attended the Santa Claus - Parade 2000 in Toronto. It was a grand and magnificent parade. The . sharp appearance, precision. marching and upbeat music of the SDHS Marching Band was . outstanding. They ranked right up there with the best of best. My head. was held high as 1 told everyone nearby that 1 have the privilege to live within a stone's throw of Seaforth District High School. Girls you did us proud. Everett E. Douglas Seaforth Cancer society volunteers raised $66i,000 beating hast year's totals to set record To the Editor. than $661,000 this past year. experience; transportation help tor getting to and from cancer -related care: and practical support for people at treatment centres and lodges. For information about cancer. to. connect with out support services or to make a donation. please call I-888. 939-3333 toll-free or visit the Canadian Cancer Society's website at www.cancer.ea. We can't do it without vou.lf you would like to learn more about the Canadian Cancer Society's volunteer 'opportunities. please call '519-271- 4270 t9-271- 4270 or 1=800-294-0086. Let's make Cancer history, Ken Dale - Unit President Thanks to the work of our volunteers and staff, and the generosity of our donors, the Canadian Cancer Society is leading the way in the fight against cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society continues to 'fund. research on all types of cancer; is the most comprehensive source of credible information on cancer, treatment and risk reduction; and provides support for people living with cancer. family members and friends. . Through the efforts of many local community leaders. from the residential campaign to special events, the Huron Perth Unit has raised more This is a record-breaking contribution over last year's $537,000 total. These funds will. support research about cancer and community programs . which enhance the quality of life of people living with this disease. Forty- nine cents of each dollar is allocated -to the most promising research projects Canada. Thirty-three percent accounts for our services and eighteen percent for fundraising and administration costs. . Services right in this community include reliable information about all cancers, treatment, early detection, and resources to help; emotional support from others who have had a similar Forty bachelors entertain at oyster supper December 3, 1875 A man named Folland met with a painful accident in the sawmill of Messrs: Coleman and Gouinlock in this town. He was working with a circular saw when his hand came in contact with the implement mangling two .fingers on his right hand. They had to be amputated. •. For some time there has been 'a doubt in• the minds of the people of Kippen and vicinity, as to whether or not there would be a station of the London, Huron Bruce Railway. We believe that the manager of the Great Western has officially, instructed his engineer to make Kippen a station similar to one at Hensall. McKay from Gorrie has been engaged as .teacher in Section No. 6 McKillop ar a salary of 5475 . - A young lad, • 1:4 years of age, named Joseph Riley of Tuckersmith met with: a painful accident, while passing a team and one of the horses kicked, striking him on. the leg and fracturing it. Wm. Chesney of. Tuckersmith met with an-. accident whet' returning home from Seaforth. His horse took fright at the engine and ran away. The horse was caught at the Egmondville bridge. Mr. Chesney had three ribs broken. - The bachelors of the town. numbering 40, entertained James Thomas at an oyster supper at Rose's Hotel. The regular meeting of the Literary society of Seaforth was held, not withstanding the bad weather. M. Y. McLean occupied the chair. The subject, "should church property be taxed" was debated. November 20, 1900 The handsome new Roman Catholic Church erected. at Dublin was dedicated. The seating capacity is between 700, and 800. The pews are of solid oak and the altar is a• most handsome one. The congregation have acquired the residence of the late Joseph Kidd. Eli Crich has bought the John's homestead in Tuckersmith consisting of 100 acres, for the sum of $5,500. Thos. Peart of Hensel) has purchased the Years agone... latindry business and good will of C. Ballantyne: H. Carter of Tuckersmith, sold a pair ofcolts to Messrs. Ball and Wright of Hullett. Miss Dorrance. who has taught so. successfully in the school at Winthrop has been re-engaged io teach at No. 12 McKillop. -. D. Grum•mett has purchased, the Oscar Miller property in. Harpurhey from James Hugill. The place, consisting 20 acres and the - price ..paid ._ was $1,800. . C. Jackson, who has been with J. F. Day and Company's jewelry store has started up for himself' in Ripley. Messrs. D. D. Wilson and Company are now shipping out the Last of this season's eggs. R. Common, merchant_ of Winthrop has been teengaged. Miss Kinney has also been engaged to teach at No. 12 McKillop. R. Common, merchant of 'Winthrop has been around buying dressed fowl for market.. .. For some time past. -flocks of sheep belonging to `farmers in the 'Croinarty district have suffered with ravages from dogs. The flocks of D. McLaren and A. Wright had a number really worried. F. Waghorn of Walton is busy these days. He has dehorned 500 head of cattle within the past three weeks. - • A leading merchant in Seaforth says that he did the largest business he has done in any one week .for several years. Wm. Shade of. Harpurhey was married to Addie Sparling. Rev. Mr. Musgrove of Cavan Church McKillop performed the ceremony. A visit to the greenhouse of D. McLennan; would fully repay any admirer of flowers. John Barrows of Leadbury intends going out to the Rockies in the near future. Mr. Smillie of Brucefield left his team standing on the London Road and the horses took fright and ran as far as Bannockburn on -the Bayfield road. December 1, 1950 A happy gathering assembled at the home of Geo. Smith in Hullett when the neighbours and friends gathered to spend a social time with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie who have sold their farm in Haien.. John A. Wilson for, many years clerk and treasurer•of Seaforth, marked his 91st birthday at the home 'of his daughter. Mrs. E.S. Little, Quebec City. His son. David H. Wilson is the present clerk and treasurer of Seaforth. Dr. EA McMaster was elected Mayor of Seaforthat the nomination meeting. He succeeds J. E. Keating who has been . in the Office for three -years. - John Jones. who has been serving with the Air Force in Whitehorse, Yukon, is visiting his parents, prior to being stationed at Rockcliffe. Francis "Frank" Smith, former hockey player; suffered 'a heart attack and died on Sunday.: - Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Clarke and Mrs. D.H. Wilson were in London attending the installation exercises'of Forest City Eastern Star Lodge. Doris Pullman, Yvonne. Bolton, June . Snell, Stanley Dorrance are teaching in Seaforth Public School. J.R. Spittal moved his family to Seaforth and is occupying the residence On Centre Street, he recently purchased from; Mr. Culbert. The home of Mr. and. Mrs. Les Beattie was the scene of ' a happy gathering on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Garnhan's 25th wedding anniversary. Stewart Beattie presented them with a silver tea set for which Mrs. Garnham graciously. replied. December 1, 1925 Pine root sawing is the order of the day since the weather has turned colder in McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. John Byer.man entertained a number of their friends to a goose and rabbit dinar, • Sydney McArthur of Hensall 'had the Misfortune. to get the end of one ot';.his fingers badly crushed. • The semi-monthly meeting -of- the Lions - Club was held in the separate school hall when the Lioners •. put on. a real chicken dinner.. Lion Rev. Father Goetz entertained. the members with a short talk- on his recent trip to Europe. There hits - - been excellent sleighing in town .and country. • The Expositor , is indebted to 'Scott. Hawthorne . for a delicious venison steak. Miss _Alma Graves' left • -for:-Detr-oir--where she will spend the winter. Percy -Howe is making a umber of.improvernentS to the Seaforth Cafe.' - E. N: Shier of Kirkton has demonstrated that he,. can raise good hogs as well. :as wait on his customers - and sell . stamps. Hc purchased two young pigs., horn in April last.. When the hogs were .even months old, he killed then and when dressed, they. weighed 662 lbs • - St. James Church was the scene of_ a pretty wedding when Miss Marie Moro was united in marriage to Joseph J. Hickey of *Dublin. December 4, 197$ Tuckersmith Township Council authorized the closure of the 5th Avenue entrance - to No. 4 Highway at a meeting in • Brucefield Tuesday. - - Mervin Smith of RR 1 Walton was' -re-elected ' president of •the McKillop Federation of .. Agriculture at the annual dinner meeting. at St. Columban Parish Hall. For more than 20 years every student wlto 'graduated from Seaforth. District High School and went on to univergity too a 5500 Scott •Memorial Scholarship along. The • 1975 SDHS gradswho received their diplomas at commencement last month didn't because all •the money in the Bruce, Scott Scholarship fund has been used up. • - • A large crowd attended the ham and egg supper at Hibbert• United Church. •