The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-8-27, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE t111111111111111111111111111111111111W1111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111 HENSAL1. A go°4 ga,111.6". itte4 Whir" -.14; t9P 111/:11130antis ' leap: elationd oil the aen • I eav - 11. liZelittinons ,,e jPolrFare to play, the team, at 13J9teal7t, 4114",4puiminniullunimuninumirmilfi,00111111111111011111011Milinimumfiniimmumnumminimu•linOummuniii ,"rocir public 0,nd Continuation ode- a illarnged elTnnwenertsis$:xtupredetaeyd.niAltitr:an: Mrs. Charles Scliroeder, in etore es vvill be given by. Dr, Tandor eta several of the Mileieters attending the syneid. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hervey and daughter, Mise metered to Hamilton on aYlonday et last week With Mr. and Mrs. Williamse whe Were visiting in town. TheY vieited Niagara Falls, witnessing tie ills umination of the great 'Waterfall. They were accompanied home by Miss Lanriel Mr. Wm. Westlake of Wyoming, pent the Week -end evith his mother Mrs, Lotrise Westlake. He was an- conipanied home by Isis wife and chitdret, who have been visitiag here. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell of Strathroy and Miss Cora Sehroeder visited with friends in the village. Da.shwood has a beauty spot that does not fail to attract the attention of all who happen to be passing through that village. It. is ap, small plot of land that from early Spring until late in the fall- contains a macs of bloom. that greets the eye of the passerby. This plot of land is the particular bobby and pride of Mr. Adolph Morenz, who lives retired in the village, and judging from the cotapactness with which the plot is planted, and its well -kept P.Ppear., ance, Mr. Morenz must spend con- siderable time in his garden, as well as money to provide the very many varieties. And we understand the only returns he gets from it is the delight aderives from doing it. He takes great pleasure in showing one throngh. The garden is sur- rounded by an evergreen hedge and the real beauty of the garden is realized only by a- close inspection. Orr entering the small gate one is attracted by the double row of fire bush neatly trimmed and. shaped. To describe the many kinds of flovr- ers and plants is next to impossible, as -there are over one htindred var- rijout Trintmert; ouNT0N,. ONTARIO, — WILL‘RE-OPEN ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st 1925. and give you another opportunity of starting on the road to COM- MERCIAL, SUCCESS. SEIZE this OPPORTUNITY and register now at the' SCHOOL with, the well QUALIFIED TEACHING Staff, Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for the HIGHEST paid positions in the BUSINESS WORLD, where work is always .REWARDED in proporlinn to the SERVICE rendered. •COURSES -- STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERICAL, SECRETARIAL, Teachers, Civil Service and Special Courses Special Classes for Hensall and Exeter 'Students 4 Weeks Additional Time Given to Students on an 8' months' Course. . , Aidder uoinetuanuI to M. A. STONE Principal, Phone 198 'Com. Specialist‘ Vice Principal MISS I. F. silTARD, B.A. * ools.open for ,the fall term on 74es- Heniali • day, September 1.st, with the eame Mr. Lee Hedden Lett Moneld'y staff of teachere as last year. Mise morning'for Detroit. J. johnston, a Clifford, Principal .Mr. T. C. joynt Made a-businese ef the Continuatien clanees and MISS trip to Toronto this week. G. Scarlett,' of Sea.forth as aesiStatt. Miss Margaret Smith, of London, Mr: Wm, McKaY, Principal. of the ie visiting frierids, in town. Public School and Miss Ellis and ' Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Pfaff visited Miss Buelianan as assistants. friends' in London last week, Some sixty tickets were epld at Mise 'Thelma, Hudson is visiting the local depot on Friday Morning relativeg in London this week, last tO People going Weet on the Master Clare Zuefle is visiting Harvester's Excursion. The. etation relatives in Toronto this week.spresented a very lively appearance. Canadian National Exhibitione until the train 'pulled out. Ameng starts on Saturday of this *week. those going frOM here were Mr. and Miss •Ida Stamen left on Friday Mrs. McLaughlit and family, ?Ir. last to visit friends in Saskatchewan and Mrs. Wm. Luker and 'Miss Glad - Mr. and Mrs. Cbris Eilber of Zur- ys, Chas. Shaddock, Albert Traquair ich spent Sunday with friends in Bert and Lloyd Horton, Geo. Fee, tow. * in • Wm. Dignan, Harry Horton, Lloyd Mrs. 3. Passmore and family are McLean and also quite a number enjoying life at Grand Bend this from Zurich and vicinity. week. • Mrs. A.gur, mother-in-law of Dr. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hill, of Tor- onto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fletcher, is 93 Years old, but site C. Davis. is still active and pOssessed of a e Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteside of high degree of courage. Her daugh- , Goderieh, vieited friends in ,to rn ter, who lives with her, suffered an e Sunday. . injured ankle a few days ago and Miss Edna Butt, ofToronto,her mother insisted that she take - ' is. her room downstairs, While coni vietting relatives in .and around the toevn this week. ing downstairs, from her daughter's „ • room, which she was occupying., Miss Flossie Foss, of Toronto, visiting her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Mrs. .A.gur fell several steps and D. Foss, in town. broke her right wrist. Not wishing MisAudrey Wood, of London ' to disturb either ha daughter or s` , is leg son-in-law, Dr. Fletcher, for visiting this week with her cousin, *Tem she, keeps house, she raised aliss Marie Foster. no alarm and suffered he pain of a Mr. and Mrs. 3. Dick of Oakville broken wrist all night. In the morn - are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Dick in town. ins a doctor was called and the frac- Mrs. Vermilyea, of ' Toronto via- ture was reduced. • Mrs. D. A..Cantelon and Mr, Fer- ri YOU READY wEeekRaennlidiao rsiaeanCastpteenktmt.tine dvMa arts. nanda pleasant motor .trip visiting in Kit- ? chener, Brantford, Hamilton and • 0 • FOR SCHO other --points enroute. DR. DOUGAra, alEETS We have now in Stock a Complete Line of the New School Text Books, and. also .carry a good assortment of • the best in !SCRIBBLERS and NO BOORS PENS AND INKS LOOSELEAF NOTEBOOKS • PAINTS and BRUSHES DRAWING BOOKS • WRITING BOORS • PENCILS, RULERS Aud all other requirements of the scholar. • J. PASSMORE IPHONE 31' HENSALL Hensall Tile, Brick le• and Block Yard • A IFRESII CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED THIS „WEER 4,44 ALSO A CAR'.OF -GYPROC Ins arrived and we. have it in all lengths 6, 7, 8; 9, 10 ft. W% *WOVE Phone 7 b. DR. R. PI, DOUGALL 'Honor graduate of Faculty of 'Medicine, and Master of Science, 'University of Western „Ontario. Member of College of Physicians And Surgeons of Ontario. Office Awo doors east of Post Office. Phone 56 . Residence 114 RENSALL, ONT • AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- Stion School, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Rlopn, Zurich, or Wire 18-93, Zurich, WHITE PINE v matched dressed on both sides at 50 F'EF4 M. THIS IS THE TIME TO STOCK PP WITH .GOOD COAL WIlll,CM yOU CAN GET IT AT A' LOW PRICE el A. J CLATWORTHY GBANTON 53SBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL pIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Hotta Oat Yarqubart Out President,•soitg ALLism WITH AUTO ACCIDENT While driving home from making a call on another Doctor who had neteived a broken ankle, Dr. Ross Dougall of town, lost control °Villa car, whieh took the ditch just east of Chiselhurst. • .The car was dean - aged to some extent and Dr. Doug- all susained a sprained wrist, which .aturally 'inconveniences hiin to a certain extent, but does not prevent him from being on the job at his office. MANSON—MacDONelieD A prettyaquidsummer wedding was solemnized in. the Brucefield Union church on Thursday, August 20th, wnen Anna Isabelle MacDonald, only daughter of Mrs. Annie and the late Rev. John A. MacDonald, was unit- ed in marriage to Gordon A. Manson of Blyth, eldest son of Mrs. Jelin A. Manson at Zurich. At 2 p.m. the bride entered the church to the strains of the Lohengrin Wedding March, played by Mrs. Lundy, wife of Rev. R. A. Lundy of Kippen, who officiated at the ceremony. The bride, who was given. away -by her uncle, Mr. Robert Allan, looked charming in her bridal gown of white atin crepe, with veil. and or - ited for a few days with her aunt, FIGHT STAGED AT KIPPEN Mrs. John -Murdock. , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser, of De- Tivo well known youngmen of troit, Mich., called on Mr. and Biers, thig dietrict appeared here efore 3. Zuefle on Sunday. • Magistrate Reid last week on a ch - Miss Saline, Beaver of Kitchener, arge of disorderly conduct. One was is visiting her parents; Mr. and Mrs. 'fined $25 and costs while the other Wm. Beaver of town. • paid $10 and coats. It seems that Misses Winnie and Flora Cudmore the two young men met in Clinton of Toronto, are sPeriniPg their holi- during the Old. Boys' Reunion and days at their home here. some trouble arose between them Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield and and intsead of settling their argum- family visited over the week -end -ent there 'and then., decided to meet in London and Springbank. in Kippen and settle the difference All library books must be in by by a fistic encounter. Great prep - August 29th, as the library will be aration was made by the two pug - closed until September 15th. ilists and ,a large' crowd assembled Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth and daughter at Kippen on Saturday evening eo Irene visited for a few days recent- witness the fight. After considerable ly with relatives in Toronto. bantering the gladiators staatod Mrs. Bateson and family, of Bay at it and between fighting and de - City, Mich. visited over the week- bating put in an hour of great ent- end with Mrs. John Murdock. • ertainment for the witnesses. The • The cucumbers are proving a good battle ended in a draw. Magistrate crop. this year, and large quantities Reid, in passing sentence, said that are being marketed here daily. if the two young men had just hap - Miss Helen Fisher, who has been pened to get into a row he would spending her holidays at her nome not have thought so much of it but when. the whole plan was mapped .0'1A. beforehand ,auel staged in the manner mentioned; it was too gross a piece ,of disorderly conduct for the law 'not to take notice of. here, has ;eturned to Toronto. .1, ange blossoms, carrying—a shower • bouquet of Premier roses, Dr. and Mrs.' CamPleell and family Her of Toronto, • were.gaiests this week bridesmaid, Miss Marguerite Doug-• Dr. Smith, a former dentist of town and well known her is visit- ing friends in this vicinity this week. of M'r. and Mrs. Thos. Murdock. A nuMber from town-andevicinity took in the veteran's picnic held at Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon• . Miss Margaret Lumley of St. Th- omas, was a guest this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarrott and •daughter, of Hinsgreen, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Steacy. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. McArter and Mr. and Miss McArter, of Brussels, -vis- ited with Mrs. Andrew DougalT on Sunday. " - Mrs. McMartin and daughters, Ruth and Margaret, of Barrie, are visiting Mrs. McMartin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Robte Bonthron. Mr.- John Milker, of Auburn, vis- ited in town this week. He intends leaving for Toronto on Friday and While there will take in the Ex. Mrs. Vincent Wood and. son, and Mrs. Callise, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dinsdale, ,left Tuesday for home it Santa Barbara, California. Mr. and/ Mrs. Richard Blatchford, who have been visiting friends in Windsor and Detroit for some time, returned home on Saturday and re- port 4." very enjoyable trip. Next Sunday the Union services will be held in „Caeniel church when Rev— McDonald, • 'of Egmondville, will be in charge, Rev. Sinclair be ing in Toronto on his holidays. Misses Viola and Flora Higgins returned home on Saturday evening after a very enjoyable visit with friends in Wingham, Wroxeter and Turnberry and ISforris Townships. • Mrs. D. Paisley and children who ha -ye been visiting the former's par- ents,Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie, for the past month, returned to their home 'in Montreal on Wednesday. The last half -holiday for Ilensall stores . this eummer was observed Wednesday afternoon last and after thip week tlae stores will be open on Wednesday instead of Tuesday ev- enings. Mr. Geo, Q. • Petty left Saturday morning for Winnipeg where he in- tends visiting his daughter for a time. He went 'to Sarnia and- irom there by boat up the lakes and is anticipating a very enjoyable -trip. Mr. and Mrs. Murch of Toronto, who have been visiting' with Rev. and WO. Sinclaie for the nest week, returned to their heme on Tuesday pecompanied by Rev, §ine1aji4) Wife 'find family Wit6 Will lake in the Exhibition While in the •Queen oily. Congratulations "to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bell, of Windsor on the arri- val of a son .at their home on Sun- dey morning last. Mrs. Bell's mo- ther, Mrs. J. Zuefle of town mot- ored to Windsor Sunday afternoon and will visit her daughter for a time, - • Mr, and Mrs, Fred Corbett, Hay Venn Were visited last Week by a number of relatives among whom Were Mr. and Mrs. P. Delvin, of Stratford, Mrs. as, Brown of Fen- ton, Mich., Mr. and 'Mrs. Algol Brewn and Mise Virginia, and Mr and Mrs. .10Seple Corbett and data ghter IVIyrtle, of Port Huron, las of London, wore a gradeful gown of coral , georgette, , and carried Ophelia roses. Little Miss. Kath- ryn, Drysdale of Hensall made a dainty flower girl in a bouffant frock of peach taffeta. The groom was ..attended by his • brother, Mr. Lorne Manson, of Calgary. The ushers werajMessrs. William Manson of Watford and Cameron Iraugh of Brucefield. Guests • Were present from New York, Calgary; London and Detroit. LOCAL NINE LOSE TO CREDITON 10-9 Heiman Team Now out of the running On Friday evening' of last week the Hensall team suffered defeat at 'the hands of the Crediton nine by a 10-9 score, and by losing this game thealocal bunchare out of the run- ning for the playoff whieh will now be played between. Crediton and Zurich, the first genie of which, will be played on the Crediton diamond_ this Friday „evening. The game on Friday.of last week was not quite up to the mark, the plays quite fre- quently being bungled by errors. Venter in the box for Hensell did his share nowever, and it may truth- fully be said that the game was not lost through defective hurling. It would be about right to say that errors when they meant runs, com- bined with the Hensall teams in- abtlity to come through with hits in the,pinches lost tbe tilt for the local nine. Motz in the box for Crediton turned in a good effort, especially in the latter innings and got himself out of enastys hole in the 7th and final 'innings when. the 'Jensen slug- gers hammered across three, runs and had men on second and third; but as was' before Mentioned Heti= sall's men were unable to hit in a pinch and our 10th and tying run died ot third when the last batter up popped down an easy grounder to Feistier on first. The game, however, was at times exciting, two 3 -base hits and several doubles being slanimed out. Hen - salt is out of it for this year but we -will live to fight again next year. 13atteries for Friday's game were— for Crediton, Motz.and Fahner; for -Hensall Venter and Hedden. RENSALL UNIONISTS HOLD • SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL EVENING The Hensall United Church holel a large and successful social on the Carmel, Church lawn on Monday • el'et the donciusiol-of a VOTY Eine program given in the auditor- ifini of the thurch, at which Rev,A. Sinclair • ably presided, a hearty lunch was served on the lawn, The program consisted of seleetiots by the combined orchestras 01 the two congregations, a solo by Mr. Sam Aannie, and several by Mr. March of Toroato'a ladies quartette, am in- strumental duet by Messrs Feriis Ceeltelen and Sain Ranuie, severel readings by Miss Middleton of Oran -- ton and a ehott addrese by Mr. G, 'Sutherland, Alf of evnicli nimbers received the heartiest bf applause, • The Social Was One 61 the happ- iest tUrictionss held. here fer a long time and atigttrs well for the Spirit' of Wilson. in the village, Yriee-PreSidpirt, JAS. 1VicKENZIE, - DIRECTCRS =los. RYAN SIMON DOW BOB': NORRIS, WM. BILOCE AGENTS 40101111SSERY, Centralia, Agent fox • liaborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logen„ „ W. A. TIMNIKJIL Secretary-Treaeurer lel 98 Exeter, Ontario. 011A.DVIVI & STAIMITSX. )11Xetere tt Dashwood Dr. H. H. Cowen L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Blocle,,Zurick, every Thursday and Saturday MAIN OFFICE Hartielb's Block — 'Dasliwood. Ont. Mrs. Earl Guenther spent a few days with her parents in Londeon. Misses Ella and Rose Zimmer and little Sammy Moon are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zinimer. Mies Lily Hoffman of London vis- ited relatives in, towli over the week -end. • Miss Evelyn Isaac of- Greenway is visiting her cousin,' - Miss Theda Hayter: Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane and family of Guelph visited with Mr. and.Mrs. L. Morenz: The C.G.I.T. are this week camp- ing at Turnbull's are, Miss Grace Kellerman has return- ed from summer schodl oat Toronto. Miss Cathern Fifilebeiner has re- turned from a visit in Sarnia. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Humble and children. • Mrs. Donahey of 'Chicago is vis- iting her parents 'MS'. and Mrs. J. K. Goetz. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brunner and children of Kansas City are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. Oestreicher. Rev. and Mrs. Garfield. Kellerman and family of Monroe' allele., and Mrs. H. Kellerman of Elkton, Mich., arevisiting at the home of J. Kel- lerman. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Art Haugh, Mrs. Guenther and Gladys • and Miss T. Miller, spent Sunday in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff, of Sarnia spent Sunday in ton. • Mr. A. Koessel ahd two sisters, Miss Clara Kuntz and Mrs. E. Sip- ple, of Lansing, Mich., spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 3. Kuntz. • e Mr. 3. McIsaae, Yr,,,;, and sisters of Detroit are visieing relatives in this Vicinity. Miss Lucile Willere left for De- troit Tuesday. Miss Myrna Hoffman , who spent her Vacation with her parents re- turned to Kitchener Monday. MIS. C. Hinte of lloneece Mich. ig Visiting friends' in this vieinity. Mrs. Granger of Saynia is„visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. Schilbe and daughter, Of Zurich visited at the home of Mre. 0,, Kraft on SundaY. ' Miss R. AVery91 Mitchell and MM Mr. and Mrs. offat called on friends in tOwt on Atonday. Missee Pearl end Susie Kraft have had the telephone installed in their holne. Mr, and 1VIre, Sam Lirik and daughter are visiting on • the 14th concession ` The bean growers of this vicinity are pleased to learn that alessrs Wein and Reid are 'installing aft a up-to-date beat cleaning and polish- ing Maehlite, Crediton haeeleall team won from lieresall on Ir'ridnY eYening last by ehe score Of 11---10. Credifon ated Zurich plaY the firet gam se of the playoff ou Friday evening' of this week. A gooa turnout is all that is asked •of the an:, The boys are getting donut Praetiee and a goed game can be .exPected, 1Viiee Cora Sehroeder left for Dee pot Harbour evhere hat been en- gaged as junior teacher, F'ree mOvies. es usual. in baseball park SaturdaY evening,. If weather does not permit the open-air concert' the movies will be0aeld in the town hall and a eilver eollection will he taken to defraY expenses of natl. Ceritraiia T RSO Al; ITS OTtlie After the sports were run off a delightful ianclieson • was served set tins easine bY the ladies, • Weedlese to say Centralia ladiee, as. le always the case, cart cater 4XQ 1. ln the graceful wolk contest the men judges were aid to coMniit themselves and so Ms, Otto BroWil and Mrs. Roy Fletcher were called to the reecue ate, acted, Very cap- ably in it final decision, wHALEN Miss Ellua Tapp who has spent about six: weeks visiting here, res turned to'ner home at Virden, Mane on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coursey of Lucan, who attended. the 'wedding of Mrs Coursey's brother on Satur- day ,at Moorefield, ealled on friende Mrs, Dr, D. C. Stratton, of Winni- here on their ,return on Saturday peg, and MI'S. H. • Kerr, London, evening, have been. visiting at the home a Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Brooks and their sister, Mrs. T. W. Neil, algo daughter Jessie, Mrs. Dan Breeks Miss Dorris Wilcox, niece ,of tine and Mrs. Jos. Morley, were in. St. latter, of 'Stratford. • Marys on Saturday, -Mr. Douglas Blatchford, Beta, of Mr. John. B. Webb and fa:111113r of TOronto and bride (nee Dr. Ellen the 10th Con., Blanshard, have inov- Comisky) visited with Mr. and 1VIrs, ed to Granton to reside. Norman Mitchell last week. Nils and alrs. Earl Johnson, Zion Mrs. B. Anderson and. Mrs. Mur- visited, at Wilson Morley's on Sun- ray Elliott and family are camping day. e ae Grand Bend this week. Miss Florence Pullen will attend • Mr. A. Hancock spent the week- Alma College after the holidays, end in Clinton, • Success Florence. Mr. and Mrs. M, Ba-ynb.am • and Howard Morley sports a new Douglas, cif 'St. Thomas, spent tile Cleveland bike. •• week -end WW1 friends here. • A number from here went to Ex - Mrs. Craw' and Miss Dorothy left eter on Saturday to see the flower Monday for their nonie near Tor- show at the rink. - onto. . • Miss Bessie '1VIOrley was- in Lon - yrs. W. Hodgins, of London, don over the week -end and to see spent the, week -mad with friends her cousin, Miss E, Tapp off on beer here. •return home. • The flax mill has countenced • Mr. Win. Batton and wife of De - threshing their season's crop. troit are spending .a week 'visiting Miss Gertrude Andrew visited the former's father here and also with 1Vliss Ada Mitchell last week. his brothers and sisters in Usborne. The Sunday School picnic was Mrs. Dr, Mackenzie Smith gave a • held at Grand Bend •on Friday the, very interesting talk on naissions itt ieties. From the crocuses and tu- 2est and was a grand success the the church here on.Sunday evening lips that bloomein the early ePring attendances being the largest we which was much enioyed by all, the garden is sb planned that until have ever lead. The soft ba,11 gamd Mr. David Johnston, Sr., is recov- the frosts come it the fan, there is betweem the married and single men ering from his fall off a load of always a profusion of bloom. The at the beginning of" the sports was grain last week. garden is laid out with paths and in a real one the score being 24 to 23 Mrs. Ethel Johnson of London is the centre is a bower ,covered with for the Dads, after -which the follow- calling on friends in the neighbor - climbing roses, red, pink and white. ing sports were run off to the en- hood. Particularly just at this season the gladioli, sweet peas, dahlias, candy joYment of all:'• Mr. Frank Squire of the 10th tuft, pansies, zinnias, cosmos, phlox anBdo),R-segundaelo•d6gsyoema;rsg, iDrlosnaulnddBerlai6r Cpaoinn,,taBalanTsb.nanrkdeyis ez.havmitigddhleistonnounfse•e gaillardia, 'balsams and others of years, Greta Isaac and B. Skinner; Lucan have the contract. the more common, as well as many boys 6 to 8 years, Willie Elliott and Mrs. Wm. Tookey of Lateen spent their grandeur. A large Cultivated Andrew Blair; girls 6 to 8 years, Friday under the parental roof. of rarer varietiesn are out in all D"°t117 Greta Pollard; girls What is the weed inspector do - Scotch Thistle occupies a prominent 8 to 10 years, Doris Essery, Florence ing? He must be • dead, as weeds place. At the four corners are mote Mitchell; boys 10 to 15 Years, Verne have not ,been cut or looked after toes in,wliitewashed stone, susronude Smith, Harold Mitchell;; girls 10 to along the., roads. ed-- by pansies, two of which read: 15 years, Ada 'Mitchell, Ilene Hod- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore of "Sweet Heats," "Call Again." gins; 100 yds free for all, Alton the Thames Road spent Sunday in • Isaac, Bert McFalls; 100 yds. free this neighborhood. for all girls, neda Mitchell, Verde Marvin Johnson was in Hensel). Boyce; married men's race, Murray Friday on business. Elliott, Homer Buswell;; 3 legged Mrs. Geo. 1V1illson is spending a race, H. Buswell and C. Skinner, few days with her daughter, ,Mrs. Murray Elliott and. T. Boyce; biscuit Geo. Mardlin, London Tetp. eating contest, Elsie Reeder, Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire visited Hicks; backward race, H. Bowaen, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Ilene Hodgins; candy eating contest Squire, Of Sunshine. Kenneth .Mitchell, nicks; • Mr. Frank Pnrkinsen has been It is altogetherministers remaining over after the Mrs. Al. McFalls; married ladies confined to hie room for several likely that visitiug married ladies bobbed hair • race, days suffering from the "flu." close of the Young People's conven- nobbed hair race, Mrs. Geo. Hicks, Mrs. Geo. Gunning and daughter tion will occupy the pulpit at the Mrs. Cecil Skinner; fat ladies lace, Amy, of Brandon, Man., returned to Evangelical church next Sabbath mra- Al. McFalls, Mrs. T. Willis; their home on Friday, having spent morning and evening. • graceful walk, Mrs. Harry Elliott, •the past month with relatives in When these lines will be read by Mrs. T. Boyce, Mrs. (Rev.) Craw; this district. readers of the Times -Advocate the sports committee, Murray Elliott, Miss Mary Brooks, of Seaforth, is Young People's convention will be Roy Fletcher, Gordon., Wilson,.Homervisiting at the home of her brother, in full swing at' the Evangelical Buswell, Otto Brown, T. Mills; Mr, Wm. Brooks, for a short time. church Crediton. The sessions are committee in charge of sports and air. and Mrs. Wes. Jaques spent .at 9 a.m., 2.30 p.m. and 7.40 p.m. transportation, Albert Mitchell, Wm. Sunday at the home of Allan Recreation period at 3.40 p.m. on 3. Smith and Wm. Isaac, Jaques. Thursday and Friday afternoon at the athletic 'ground. Mr. and Mrs. WeslecFinkbemer and faraily.of Pittsburg,, Pen., spent a few days with his mother and re- latives here. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Ss Borland, of Tint- mis are holidaying with. relatives. Mr. Melville Telfer, of London, is spending his 'holidays with his grandmother, Mrs. August Ewald. Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner, of Ansa Craig, is visiting with Mrs. Louis Wein.• '' nuber of peoPle have ALaken the Harvester'S excursion to differ- ent parts of the west. 'Mrs. Ed. Cramer, of Saginaw was visiting for a few days with friends in town. A number of delegates and min- isters from different parts of Ont- ario are taking in. the E. L. ,C, E. convention which is held at the By - angelical church this week. Mr. and • Mrs. J. H. ,Holtzmanna have returned home after spending) a few days at Grand -Bend. ' The Misses Vera, Pearl and Lor- etta noltzmann have returned home Miss Loretta to her duties at Vic- toria hospital, eLondon, after spend- ing a couple of weeks at Grand Bend. Mr, Charles Eilber underwent an operation in London on Tuesday, having a toe removed. We hope ha will soon be back to the village again. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell of Strathroy spent a few days with her aister, Crediton • The pulpit in the United church will be oceupied next sunday even- ing by Mr. Geo. A. Stanley of Lucan Mr. Stanley is one of the best among platform speakers.Come and hear hiskanessage. E STERN FAIR LONDON — ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 12th --19th 1925 This year the Midway and Grand Stand attractions have been carefully chosen and far surpass anything of this nature in previous years. A real good time, full of fun, pleasure and interest ia assured to all. The Pure Food Show, Dog Sleew and other exhibitions are bigger and better than ever. Entries Close September 3rd $40,000 in PRIZES and ATTRACTIONS For particulars apply—.I. H. Saunders, Pres W. D. Jackson, Sec. London, Ontario 1111191S2241=-7-AZEMNIUMSIMRSENSIMIIIM FALL TERM OPENS ON SEPTEMBER FIRST Courses: - Stenographic, Secretarial, .Business, Complete Office Training and Telegraphy 1 Write for full particulars now and take 'the first step toward CENTRAL • BUSINESS • COLLEGE your future success. STRATFORD, ONTARIO Write to Principal, R. F. LUMSDEN and get full particular amoinswainannewinsamismease ramuswasamaumgozavegawommem ANI111111111111•••••••••••• HARVESTERS WANTED tosommomplootoms. $ 1 5 • • TO WINNIPEG Plus half a cent a mile beyond to allpoints in Mani-. toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,--Rdmonton, Tenuity Calgary, MacLeod and East, Return a cent pet mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 to destination. GOING DATES, September 1st and-1,21th September let --Toronto Cala.° n East, Beetozi, 1V1ea,ford, CollingWood, Penetang 41dIand, Parry' Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in. Ontario, September 4th—Torouto, Inglewood Jct. and all Stations south s.,nd WeSt thereof In Ontario. SPECIAL TRAINS LEAVE TORONTO -*Sept, 4th, 12.80 p. TORONTO—Ser•t. 4th, 8.35 p.m. STANDAlt1) TntlI roujh trains—Coinfortisble Colonist Cars* gatirsi for Vitognon *rad Children Purchase your' ticket te Winnipeg- via Catadian National Railways, whether o net your .nat destination in the West is a point on the Canadian National, Tickets and ail inforination from nearest Agent.