HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-11-08, Page 3News
Candidates all say running was own idea
From Pogo 1
people in your corner when
they come to close your
school?" says Smith.
Smith 'adds that because
SDHS has been threatened
with closure, Seaforth people
are naturally more politicized
that residents of other'areas
who haven't been involved in
a similar fight.
But. when asked several
times directly if he
encouraged the other
candidates to run, Smith
would not answer yes or no.
He did say, "There is no
political party."
While debunking the
theory that Seaforth
candidates are attempting to
control the school board,
Smith made accusations of
his own that an organized
attempt is being made'to
attack candidates connected
to Seaforth.
Agar worked very closely
with Smith during the past
year on the law suit which
the Seaforth community won
against the Avon Maitland
school board keeping SDHS
open. She says that Smith is
the only candidate she
discussed her plans with
when deciding to run for
"I've read about this
conspiracy. theory in the
newspaper but I've never'
been phoned by anyone and
asked for my side." says
She says the only other
person she encouraged to run
for trustee lives in South
Huron but had too many
family commitments to run.
"I've never even talked to
the other candidates. The last
time I talked to Don
Renshaw was two years
ago." she says.
Like Smith, Agar says it's
no secret that keeping rural
schools open is a big priority
for her.
Renshaw taught at SDHS
for 28 years but is now
retired and has lived in
Stratford, where he's running
for trustee, for 15 years.
"I'm not one of Charlie's
angels. I march to my own
parade." says Renshaw,
calling his Seaforth
connections an "ugly
"I don't want to be
associated with that group,"
he says.
Renshaw says he's running
for trustee because he's spent
a lifetime involved in
education and his main
concern is "stopping the
leak" of students from the
public to the Catholic school
He says he wants to find a
way for the board to promote
itself better to attract the 30-
40 per cent of St. Michael
Secondary School students
that are non-Catholic back to
Your Candidate for
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Area 3 Avon Maitland District School Board
(Grey, Brussels, Howick, Turnberry, Wingham & Morris)
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Keeping Rural Schools
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' Small Town and Rural Ontario
Contact Jim Floyd
Phone or Fax 527-1583
email: recshop @tcc.on.ca
a public high school.
"Nobody likes to see
schools hosed but you can't
keep them open if the
numbers aren't there. Walton
had 60 kids and you can't
keep the lights on for 60
kids," he says.
However. he says a
solution, such as adult
education, should be able to
raise enrolment enough to
keep SDHS open.
Bennewies, of RR 2 Staffa,
is running against another
newcomer Tony Jackson in
the ward of West Perth, Perth
South and St. Marys.
She says she has lived in
Hibbert Township all her life
and her children went to
elementary and secondary
school in Mitchell.
Bennewies says her
dealings' with the school
board during a threatened
possible closure of Mitchell
District High School several
years ago and last year's
suggested boundary changes
between Mitchell and Exeter -
area elementary schools,
soured her on the current
school board trustees.
"This board has lost my
trust. I don't like this board's
attitude. They have acted like
the public"was not intelligent
enough to understand them,"
she says of her reasons to run
for trustee.
Before filing her papers to
run, Bennewies says she did
have a conversation with
Smith, whom she's known
since high school. about her
intentions to run for trustee.
"By the time he was
finished, I almost decided not
to run. I was intimidated and
tried to get someone else io
run instead but she convinced
me I could do it." she says of
the friend she approached.
She' adds that had her
opponent filed before her. she
would not have run since she
believes Jackson and she
share the same views.
But, since she's decided to
continue with her candidacy.
Bennewies says if elected.
she will not be swayed by
anything but her own
"I'm not going to he a
mindless little puppet." she
Floyd says those putting
forth the "Seaforth factor"
theory are "putting one and
one together and getting
He says, running for trustee
was his own idea. one he
.:arrived at when attending
public meetings dealing with
the possible closure of both
Walton Public School and
He says the issue of his
running outside the ward he
lives in has come up twice at
all -candidates meetings but
doesn't think it's a major
concern of most voters.
Bill Siemon for
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A Review of activities at
held at Northside United Church basement (Goderich St. West,
Seaforth) on the following days: Tues. Nov.'21 I 1 am -7 pm: Wed.
Nov. 22 1 I am -7 pm: Thur. Nov. 23 11 am -7 pm. No appointment
is necessary. Clinics will be provided on a first come. first served
basis. Please wear a short sleeved top and bring your yellow
Immunization Record. There is no charge for this Ontario
Ministry of Health and Long Term Care initiative.
MEMORIAL DONATIONS Scaforth Community Hospital
Foundation gratefully acknowledge recent donations received in
loving memory 'of the late: Floyd Wassman,Dorothy Wolfe.
Robert Marcille, William Leyburn, Cornelia Hcndriks. Robert
Eckert. and Nancy Hak:
TREE OF LIGHTS "A Celebration of Sharing" let the spirit of
Christmas shine by giving a Gift of Light. Once again the
Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary are sponsoring this fundraiser. this
year with proceeds toward the purchase of a lift weight scale and
hip chair .for patients convalescing post hip surgery.• Mark your
calendars now and plan to attend the lighting of the blue spruce
Christmas Tree" Sunday, November 26th at 6:30 p.m. (lighting
ceremony @ 7 p.m.) on the grounds of the Seaforth Community
Hospital. There will be Christmas entertainment. hot mulled cider
& homemade cookies with a frec draw on a camera, Tickets as a
"Gift To" or, "In Memory 1:3f." are, available at the Hospital
Switchboard or from Auxiliary members at the cost of 55.00
PRE -ADMIT CLINICS Seaforth Community Hospital will bc•
providing satellite Pre -Admit Clinics for residents of Seaforth
and surrounding areas who will be seen at Stratford General
Hospital for general. orthopedic and gynecological surgical
procedures: Appointments will be arranged by.either the
physician's office or the patient once O.R. time is scheduled.
These clinics will be offered every two weeks. Pre -admission
data will be collected at SCH then transferred -so information is
available when individual presents at Stratford General Hospital.
This service will eliminate the need for patients to drive to
Stratford for work-ups prior to procedures.
FAREWELL to Student Volunteers Sarah 4 Angela Jordan,
Kelly MacGregor and Ian Gordon. who have opted to leave the
Program in pursuit of educational demands. Thank you so much
for. all your contributions which have helped to make the
Volunteer Program the success'it is. We will miss you!
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Economic Development?
Nutrient Management?
Fire/Police Services?
Your Voice on County Council
On November 13th - ELECT
If you require a ride on Election Day - call 527-2389