HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-10-18, Page 11TSUI MINON lotpow +011, OobbM 1St, 2000-11 :1;1-11, :: 1 i i J rarm Lane; arm Land FARM LAND FOR RENT Approximately 44 acres farm land known as Paoli of Lot 22, Conc. 1, Hullett Township, County of Huron for rent on a two/three year term. Further particulars including the tender form may be obtained by contacting G. H. Thuss, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer at: The Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board P.O. Box 70 87 Mill Street DUBLIN, Ontario NOK 1E0 • Telephone (519):345-2440 interestedarties should submit a written quotation on the approved form in an envelope marked "Tender - St. Anne's farmland" before 12:00 noon, November 10, 2000 to the attention of • -- • G. H. Thuss Superintendent of Business and Treasurer ' Bernard aetan L. Blanchette Chairperson of Murraythe Board Director of Education 12 Peal Estate for Sale iii`-INTEE Real Estate •150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 MLS SOLD • MENSALL! Excellent main GREAT BUY! 3 bedrooms. whirlpool car ivmg 31 s's oest. includes oak :t.b 2 baths. main floor laundry, built•m 4 •:^?^ 'am.,y •:omexcellent dishwasher. ,losed sun•porch with ccat.cr, I • skylights. many updates: 4110.000. MOVE RIGHT IN! 3 bedroom name 4 BEDROOM HOME IN BLYTH! Mt" -any opdaies Gas fireplace. Many updates. central air and Hydro or atm Nnrksrno < entrai air. 98. mot 19.!arge Krtrnen. wood IloOrs 4':ler 'astefudy throughout. Large id with mature 3y :: a 4 ,, i :rnabie at' trees. 585.000. INVESTMENT PROPERTY • Duplex Ndh many updates. •ncmding siding• 'ercea r arae 'ear yart many pass4bililres. (including Investment. sal Scr, HERITAGE 'ESTATES • Several affordable homes with many updates. Cast foray 'or details. MOBILE HOME PARK - 04 5 acres andmahy sites. 35 acres of tiusrupond. Cad 'cr rcre :etaJs, '• -'r Free Home Evaluations in`-INTEE Real Estate 4* 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 ****4 -. Tony & Mary Vanden Henget Sales Representatives 233-3168 EXCELLENT COUNTRY PROPERTY. TOTALLY RENOVATED. Small 'own Great starter home warn air for lying n this newly, sided. renovated 2 wgritshop.2. Oedrooms. main'Iodr tledroorn home. Featuring hardwood family room New gas fu"dace floor. patio door off kitchen. '4' ei22' Kinburn. Only.$48.500., douote storeysned. Qrucetieki.. 25 ACRE MOBBY FARM. Located COUNTRY PROPERTY -.1 7 acres. next to the Hulled Conservation Area. Renovated. schoolhouse 5Se4. Includes .1'•: storey house. large L- Godench lisp. Raised 'living room With shaped barn 3 garagerworksnop. • fireplace. solarium: 3 bedrooms. Secluded , some trees. trout pond 8 awns 1 n -or tent TWO BEDROOM one floor home. '550.00 per month plus utilities. Available Nov. 1st. Two bedroom; ' one floor, S400 plus uhlittes. One bedroom apartment WO. Available immedia(ely. REFERENCES REQUIRED Phone Culligan Real Estate Ltd: 519-527-1577 16-42-1 ACCOMMODATIONS for rent .n Exeter. $25OOarxt up includes every - t Ing except phone and fopd. Also garage space for rent. Price - depends on usage. Call 519=235- 4018: 17.42x3 • A QUIET, LARGE. newer one bed- room apartment with balcony, in 4 - plea with mature tenants. One block 10 downtown. Provision for laundry machines. Heat/hydro, included. $496.00. Available NoviOec. Call .1- 888-271-7860 or 519.527.0235.' NEWLY, RENOVATED 2 bedroom ground floor duplex Back yard. Close to uptown, 5450 plus utilities. Rekrences required. Call 519.527- 0622 and leave message. 17.42x1 ONE BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth. Available Immediately. Appliances included. No pets. $250 per month. Call Box Furn,ture 519- 527-0680 daytime 17-41.4 LARGE SECOND FLOOR. one - bedroom apartment her r4n . Rent includes heat, (hydro extra). fridge and stove Also small bachelor apartment avertable. Quiet buddng. Call 519.527.2369. 17-40-1 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Seaforth. Available Nov. 1. Phone 519-345-2459 atter 8 g.m. 17.40-6 COUNtRYViEW APARTMENTS. Clinton, large luxury 2 bedroom apartment Controlled entry. ensutte laundry. three appliances. small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519.235-2961 or 5.19-565.:5062 17.29xtrcc ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Dublin. no pets. Calf 519-345-2314 or 519.345.2792 17.34xtftc Excellent for retirement. hobbyist. or Tamil" just starling out. Well main- tiancd 1 M vinyl .tde.i hone wine* oak •c.pbuards. new windows and shoots. patio Jours to le deck. mud rm.ilaundry solid*. heated. insulates) shop. . Stevie( St Orr& and .oral boric Zulauf. Saks Representative .514•522-4515 I res, await: res ealonyricc.orq Fax: 522.2131 (res.) Sandra Dale, Saks Representative 519.521.0Ni rms.) email: sddeeltcc.e.ce Fax: Ja2-1477 24 hour pager 1.411/1641112-3400 • eneierNwner Fred K Loll 4123321 ins•) SILVER CREEK APARTMENTS luxury 2 bedroom apartment con- trolled entrance, fridge. stove. dseigned tor mature adults. Phone '519.345-2197. 17.33.11 BACHELOR APARTMENT for rent, immediately, in Seaforth. Fridge. stove. private entrance, very dean. References required. Phone 519- 527.0282 17.38-11 ' QUALITY apartments. available now, in historic home, 1 bedroom and one bachetor, all appliances supplied. separate entrances, veranda. Phone 519.527.0349. 17- 23-11 HEATED TWO BEDROOM apart - trent. newly decorated, close to uptown. Phone 519.527.0236. 17- 18 -if ONE BEDROOM apartment edge of Clinton, lodge and stove includ- ed. Call 519.236-2559 Of 1.905- 862.3754. 17.08xtfcc FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE for rent near Walton. references required. Coil 519-887-6708. 18-42x2 COUNTRY HOME for rent, 3 bed- rooms, no pets. References required. Call 519-527-2902. 18- 41-2 SEAFORTH. TWO bedroom duplex. 1 1/2 baths, deck & yard, near downtown & schools. Must have good references. 3550 month- ly. 519-235.3917 days 519-235- 3220 avenin s. 18.38-d REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Apprentice Plumber or Labourer. Experience in residential plumbing an asset. Good communication skills. Mail resume to Box 1354, Mitchell, On. NOK INC. 25.42xlcc HIEi.P %%.1 \TF i) Part time person could work into a full time position. Construction equipment and farm machinery experience would oe an asset. Contact: PARKER a ®PARKER Wayne Cook R.R. 2 Zurich Ont. 2367390 NOM 2T0 SUPERVISOR, DRIVER & chicken catcher positions to be filled. Phone 1-519-799-5598 or toll free 1.800- 694-4045 26-44xtfcc Scruton Bus Lines, Dublin requires Full or Part Time BUS DRIVERS for Dublin and Mitchell areas. Willing to train for "B" license. Phone 345-2470 PARTS PERSON - *Required for established John Deere Dealer *Computerized Parts Department •Excellent Career Opportunity for a self motivated individual *Must be a High Achiever Send Resume in confidence to: LOGAN FARM EQUIPMENT (1988) LTD., R.R. 5 MITCHELL, ONT.- NOK 1NO - PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE Are you looking to make a meaningful difference .in someone's life? By becoming a live-in - Assistant, you will empower individuals with • developmental disabilities to live to their full potential and in.return, experience self-discovery and growth.'. ' . If interested please send your resume to: L' Arche Stratford P.O. Box 522, Stn. Main Strafford, On NSA 6T6 Phone: (519) 271-9751 `Fax: (519).271-1861 E-mail: info®1arche:stratford.on.ca WORKING CHEF Salary: 26 - 30K based on experience Location: Goderich, Ont. Description: In addition to food preparation, responsibilities include- menu planning, food costing, kitchen staff management & working on other aspects with the general manager. A.la carte, buffet 8t smorgasbord experience as straining required. Graduates welcome. All applications confidential. AAy' to: Drawer #50 Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ontario N7A 496' S.O.S.,Staffing Solutions is looking' for YOU!- -. - Immediate Positions Available in your area • General Labour • Construction • Factory • Clerical Clinton Recruitment Clinton HELP 60 Mary St. Oct. 24 10 am - 4 pit • Wingham Recruitment. , Wingham HERC 108 Scott St. Oct 2410am-4pm CALL TODAY 1-877-281-7512 or fax resume to 519-848-5944 or email resume sosewci:on.ca RETAIL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Perth County Co-operative, a local multi -ser- vice agribusiness has an exciting opening for dedicated sales representative. This position will spend 3 days a week in the store the remainder on the road. The incumbent will apply sound sales and retailing knowledge in the area of sales volume, effective' merchandising (in store promotions), inventory management and customer service. We require an idividual with previous experience in a similar role, proven sales/marketing, customer services and interpersonal skills and sound knowledge of animal health products, .swine and dairy operations. Please forward resume to: Pitrttt County Co-operative Inc. Attention: Store Manager 152 Georgina Street, Box 370, Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1NO or Fax (519) 348-4241 No phone calls pieaee, as only those candidates under consideration will be contacted Closing Date; Oct. 28/00 IMMEJIFIE OPENING TRH., E Pull time Thursday through Monday. Resort 1 is looking for that special someone to 30111 oust • professional staff. Resod 1 is a member of the Coast to Coast resod system which includes discounts on condos. anises & hotels. This special svrrieorre most be neat. well groomed and outgoing. No experience necessary. we writ train the ngte person. .Avg. weekly commissions exceed UM/week. Call now. this fob won't he available long. Call 565-2950 Thurs-Mon 10-5 RESORT 1 RETAIL SALES clerk required for Main SI. Seaforth. Apply to drawer 44132 c/o The Huron Expositor, PO. Box 69, Seaforth, On. NOK IWO. 26.42.2 MODERN DAIRY operation near Brussels requires full or part time help. Milking expenence necessary. House available. Call 519-887-9411 or fax 519.887-6288. 28.42x3 LOOKING FOR • EMPLOYMENT') Clinton and Wingham recruitments, Oct 24. Call S.O.S. 1-877-281-7512 for further details: 26.42-1 WAITRESS -ERS required part time, must 'be legal age to serve alcohol, to- work weekends and evenings. Apply in person to Harley at Tom's Place with resume and ref- erences. No phone ‘calls please. Students welcome to apply.: 28- - 40xtfcc FULL TIME CHICKEN CATCHERS age 17 and up, some experience preferred. Call Julie or Ernie 519-, 482-8823 or 519.482-9067.' 26.33= tf , PART TIME RPN position available, current certificate of competence and medication administration course required, previous geriatric expenence an asset. To be available all shifts. - Please send resume to: • -blirtha Craig -=Administrator Blue Water Rest Home R.R. #3 Zurich, ON NOM 2TO Fax:. 319-236-7685 27 '.i""anted t erser al WANTED: FIREARMS students. This is our last one stop Firearms Course in 2000. The course is held in Dashwood on Nov. 18, 19 and 25. Advanced registration only. Call Neil Romphf at 519-235-1196 or Terry Romphf at . 519-237-3248. Remember. if you • own guns you must have a license by Dec. 31, 2000. 27-42x5cc 1 :t ! T)Ice 7.Irl cier: DAVE'S CAR OILING Starting Sept. 5. opened Mon-Thurs. 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. Friday 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. 9 am. 1 p.m. weather.pemMting. • Drummtnld St. E. Blyth. 519,523- 4343. 31-34x13cc BRIAN UL -CH' Welding, -Custom Welqing and Repairs. Portable welding. Farm - and Industrial. , Custom made trailers and hitches. Reasonable rates. 519.345.21343. 31-26xtfcc • REPAIR AND REFiNISHIts4G of fur- niture and antiques. handstnpping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, AR e1. Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35.11 • - . erner .:Ur,roncrrata ro •TRUCKIWI •GRAVEL •84110 A STONE . • nuu.co21NG • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS 714491, ....482-9926 RR3 Clinton lies. 482-9212 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY kficheilPHOTOGRAPHICS 3484520 Abattoir and Meat Market .83 - 31 2 miles east of Exeter Try us for CUSTOM KIW NG sal MOCE561NG Kell Days Tuesdays OUR WEC1ALTY Horne caped and smoked meats processed exactly the way you lice i1. FOR YOUR CHILDREN structured days, crafts, stones, walks with two nurturing mothers. Nutritious menus provided. Fenced backyard. Call Dianne Fischer 519-348-9654 or Janet Srtntjes 519.348.4346. 32.42x1cc EXPERIENCED MOM willing to babysit. Nutntnius meals, snacks, activities, crafts, make. all provided with lots of TLC. Wrth rx without receipts. Cail today 519-345-2643. 32.28xtfcc A. A. IF YOU THINK you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for mil- lions. Call 519-527-1650 of toll tree 1.800.708-9833. 34-42x1 ITS GETTING COLD OUT - Is this the year you meet someone to snuggle on the couch with? Misty River Introductions. Ontario's tradi- tional matchmaker at 519-658- 4204. 34.42x1 cc DEBT PROBLEMS? FAMILY SERVICES PERTH -HURON can help Free initial Consultation Cat 1519) 273.1000 a 1.800.258.0903 Non Prize Credit CoumeNng Since 1974 A United Way Member Agency PERSONALIZED SERVICE and best retest We wr1 save you money on your mortgage. business loan. etc. Don at Rea Capital, 519-291- 2600. 37-42xtfcc 37 Mortgages MORTGAGE INFO •151 mortgages Up to 1°', below posted rate -NO FEES !or duashed borrowers •Have you been'eiected for a mortgage Gary Walden•Clinton 482-7675 Consonant for tMongago Network www.y.ryw.W.n.com Monis Wanted • $15,000 jet mortgage required, approx. ' value $100,000, 14% • $27,000 1st mortgage required, well secured, approx. value $120,000, 13% Cab 1.00.307-1932 AST1Ut. FUNDING INC. 38 Auction Sale AUCTIONS FRI., OCT. 20 AT 7:00 P.M. and SAT., OCT. 21 AT 9:30 A.M. - Auction of horses and tack held at the Woodstock Fairgrounds in Woodstock. Sale Managers: Nelson and Kathy Bilyea. THURS.. OCT. 26 AT 3:00 P.M. - Auction of appliances: antiques: clocks and household effects at the Jacob Auction Centre. 185 Herbert St. In Mitchell. Prop.: Ted Hoffineyer and Walter and Marion MacDougakt. JACOB & ZEHR AUCTIONS 271-7894 or 887-9599 RICHARD LOBE AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Saturday. October 21 at 9:30 A.M.: Hay. grain. tractors. 2 cars. 16 HP riding lawn ' mower. machinery. horse drawn equip. cutter. snowmobile. shop ' tools. antiques. Edison phonograph w/horn. larger corner cupboard. large school hell. spinning wheel. washstands etc. for Estate of Lane Gardner. Go .one corner south then one corner %Vest of LucknoW. Friday, October 28 at 9:00 A.M.: Ford 3000 diesel tractor w/loader. 2- 7"snowblowers. 7 canoes. logaplltter. portable generator. 3 snowmobiles. open top freezer and cooler. 78' Honda motorcycle. 2 head paint shaker. tinting machine. paint and display shelves from store.- furniture. glassware. antiques. gas stove 3 vr. old etc. at Lobb Auction in Clinton. Poe latarg, q !beef tesla furore emeutma Melt our weiare wwer.ereueaketiw.cow �(! :Sf 1;1,1; LOST: Husky dog, reddish brown. 2 years old, male. friendly. Call 519- 345-2233.'40.42.1 LOST'. AuStralian Shepherd, friendly • male dog has a reddish brown coat, white hair around neck and down chest. medium length hair. Tail is docked. blue collar. If you have seen this dog or know ifs where- abouts please calf 519-527-2937 SCHROEDER, Haien: of Listowel, formerly of Atwood passed away at her residence on Saturday, October 7, 2000 in her 89111 year. Surviving Is her family, Eleanor Coulter and husband Rosa of RR 2. Atwood and Doug Schroeder and wife Gail of RR 1, Seaforth: five grandchuidren. Gordon Coulter and wife Under of Atwood; Gail Thomas and husband Greg of RR 2, Atwood; George Coulter and wife Gloria of Kincardine; Steve Schroeder and wife Joanne of Exeter; Brad Schroeder and wile Lon of London: 10 great grandchildren; brothers Harold France and wife Jessie of Wingham; Charlie France of Paisley and Alvin France and wife Ethel o1 Ripley and severai nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her par- ents the late George France and the former Ethel Caldwell, husband Reuben, 2 brothers, Jim and Melvin. sister-in-law Dorothy France. Visitation was held at the Peebles Funeral Home, Atwood on Sunday, October 8 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m where a service was held on Monday, October 9 at 2 p.m. Interment was 'n Elma Centre Cemetery. Rev. John Neilson of W►ngham officiated. Pallbearers were George and Gordon Coulter, Steve and grad Schroeder, Greg Thomas and Jim France, Flower hearers were Jaime and Scott Thomas and Philip and Whitney Coulter. 42-42.1