HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-10-18, Page 3News
Breast self-examination classes aim
to reduce number of cancer deaths
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Stott
Every year she's worked as
an emergency department
nurse, Debbie Selkirk has
seen two or three elderly
women coming into
emergency, usually with an
unrelated complaint,
suffering from .the advanced
stages of breast cancer. -
"When they've changed
into -a hospital gown, you'll
see there's an open cancerous
wound on their breast.
They'4e probably ignored all
the symptoms out of fear,"
she says. adding she's seen
three such women during the
past year. '
Selkirk says there's still a
lot of fear and discomfort
among women. especially
older women. around
practices, such as _self-
examination . and
mammography. -that can
improve their chances of
surviving the disease.
"It's really important to_
talk to our mothers and
grandmothers about It.
especially since the highest
numbers of breast cancers are
found between ages 50 and
79." she says.
Selkirk was one of the
speakers at a breast self-
examination course offered at
Seaforth Community
Hosptial Oct. 2.
The class was the first of
five to be offered to Huron
County women this fall and
was funded by a $7.107 grant
from the Canadian Breast
Cancer. Foundation.
During the past 10 years,
12 Huron County women
have died' of breast cancer
each year.
In 1996: seven. "Huron
County women in 100 had
breast cancer.
"It's pretty common..Most
of us know someone with
breast cancer." says Selkirk. ,
She say that while many
women don't perform breast
self-examination for fear of
finding a lump, the good
news is that 80 per cent of all
lumps are benign (non-
But. if one is found,
Gail Stewart -Mores, of the Canadian Breast Cancer
Foundation presents a cheque of $7,170 to Kim Ross. of
Cancer Care Huron, towards local programs, such ak the
series of courses on breast self examination being head this
month throughout Huron County.
women should get it checked in a mirror for any changes to
out immediately. your breasts with your hands
"Don't think it's going to at your sides, over your head
go away on its own, she and on your hips..
says. .The next two steps include
She promotes breast self- ' using the pads of three.
examination for women' aged fingers in a circular motion
20 . and up to improve to. examine your breasts.
women's comfort with, and starting under the collar bone
knowledge of their own and working around the
bodies. breast like a clock and then
"Getting into the habit is examining the•lymph nodes
the hard part but that's the under each armpit. The
only way, you'll know what's manual exam should be done
normal for you. It's both upright. either in the,
important to incorporate a shower or tub, and lying
routine around it, just like , down in bed.
brushing your teeth." she ."Finding breast cancer can
says. . • save your life," she says.
- "And.. while it sounds like adding that finding lumps
it takes forever to dq it, you when they are small and self -
can do a breast . self- contained can increase
examination in five minutes," survival rates and increase
she adds. treatment options that are
Selkirk recommends pre- less invasive.
menopausal. women doing Selkirk says that Huron
self -exams seven days after County women can get
each menstrual period begins mammograms done at the
and post -menopausal women hospital in Goderich.
picking a special day each She adds that Alexandra
month. Marine and General Hospital
The self -exam involves in Goderich is in the process
three steps. the first step of applying to join the
including looking at yourself
All five Catholic
trustees acclaimed
-In the Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board, allfive
trustee positions will be filled by acclamation. Four of those
trustees are returning: Ron Marcy (Stratford). Vincent
McInnes (North Perth and Northeast Huron), Mike Miller
(South and West Huron) and current chair Bernard Murray
(South and West Perth). , . -
The new face on the board will be Mary -Catherine
McKeon. representing North and Central Huron. She'll
replace Louise' Martin, who stepped down after 12 years of
service. including stints as chair in 1993.294.'95 and '99.
Central Huron
has race in all
three wards
By Dan Etna
Clinton News Record Editor
There will be elections in all three wards for the new
municipality of Central Huron in November, after six more
candidates entered the race last week.
The new municipality. comprised,of'Hullett and Goderich
Townships and Clinton. will be split into three wards •for the
A reeve and deputy -reeve will be chosen by electors across
the municipality. In the race for reeve will be Carol Mitchell
and Ron McKay. both of Clinton.
Those seeking the position of deputy -reeve will be John
Bezaire of Clinton. Bert Dykstra of Goderich Township and
Bob Szusa of Hullett Township.
With the closing of nominations last Friday, Oct. 13, one
more name was added to the ballot for councillor in Ward 1
(Goderich Township), and therefore there will now be a race
for the two seats. Laurie Cox was the final candidate to
announce his intentions to seek a seat as a Ward 1 councillor,
and he will be joining Eric Kirk and Alison Lobb in the race.
In Ward 2 (Willett Township), two more names. those of
Marg Anderson and Tom Duizer, were added to the ballot.
Those two nominees will be joining Bruce Bergsma and Doug
Hugill in the race for two seats as councillor for Ward 2.
At the start of last week, Ward 3 (Clinton) had no
candidates for the two positions of councillor. However, by
week's end, three candidates had announced their intentions
to seek a seat. Now in the running for a spot as councillor in
Ward 3 are Bill Colquhoun, Lynda McKenna and Darren
Charles Smith. as the only Central Huron candidate for the
position of tntstee with the Avon Maitland District School
Board. will claim the position by acclamation.
Ontario Breast Screening
• Program, a process that will
take one and a halt' to two
years to complete,
The Ontario Breast
Screening Program
. recommends a three -pronged
approach - monthly self-
examinations, a yearly breast
examination by a doctor and
a mammogram every two
years for women over 50. -
However, Selkirk says -that •
women may have to insist
that their doctors perform the
yearly examination. .
"Most physicians don't
take the time to do it and if
they do it at alk they •
generally do it very quickly.
It's something we have to ask
for as women." she says.:
She says an alternative to •
having exams from doctors is
asking if an office nurse is
trained to do it..
Once the Goderich hospital
is accredited to -join the
Ontario Breast Screening
Program, women receiving
mammograms will also
receive a breast exam from a
nurse -practitioner and'
instruction about how to do
self-examination at the same
Symptoms of breast cancer
include lumps. chartges'in the
shape or color of a breast.
puckering skin or dimpling
that looks like orange peel or
a discharge from the nipples.,
Selkirk says the higgest,
risks factors of breast cancer
is being a wornan one per
cent of men get breast cancer
- and Having a strong family
history of the disease.
Minor risks include an
early onset of menstruation
and late menopause and
childbirth after age 30 or not
at all. Breastfeeding .for a
number of months or years
can reduce the. risk. 1
Breast self-examination
classes will he held at
Clinton Public Hosptitalon.
Oct. 1 2., at South .Huron.
Hospital in Exeter on Oct.
16, at Alexandra Marind and
General Hospitl in Goderich
on Nov. 6 and at Wingham
and District Hospital on Nov.
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