HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-10-11, Page 3News
Haircut could fund Seaforth Cubs
for two or three years, says teacher
Front iegs 1
"it's an enormous start. As
Paul said. with- careful
budgeting. we should he able
to he- good for two or three.
scars." said teacher Louise
hcskinen. .
'sic have c' sheet athletes
on the Seaforth Cubs' and our
participation last near in the
Special. Ors mj'ics has
remrnded_us. to try our best
and :. have good
' . Keskinen said last sears
prosincfal pilot protect
inxotsing school children in
'the Special Olympics Was
inspiring for the Seaforth
participants. espcciaih when
then sass' athletes with much
ire.:.,, disat`iliti.es
par.:,:pating and succeeding.
'There -was this man el lous
ler from Wingham who
..sed "a ramp and siickcd into
tubes. hooked 'up .to her
Wheelchair to send the ball
u n the ramp`. And.. she had
a score of 125 in five -pin
how'ir:c'' she :aid
Depending on how much
money is raising in the
future. Keskinen said the
Seaforth team could also
expand into other sports such
as basketball or swimming.
Before the haircut was
made. Menan was read to by
Grade teacher Georgina
Reynolds from a poem by St.
Anne's student Amanda Van
M,iltenburg. who was
inspired by his fundraising
• The poem reads as follow s:
Paul .Ilene• saw a need
For special kids to
He only had to find a way
For the Special Olympics
teams to stay.
He's going to cut his hair
It really was his wife's
fust thought
And Paul. he figured,
"Hey. why not?"
It's only hair, it'll grow
hack in,
His lovely wife Brenda
said with a grin.
He's going to cut his hair.
Paul's the TA at the local
The kids there think he's
really cool.
They never thought they'd
see the day
When he gladly gave his
hair away.
He going to cut his hair.
No one has seen him with
a short do
He won't need near as
much shampoo.
It willl be wash and go,
just wait and see
Without those locks he'll
feel so free.
He's going to cut his hair.
The special kids need
some shorts,
So they can play in their
beloved sports.
It's amazing what we can
do together
You call Fred and 1'11 call
!fes going to cut his hair.
He wants to raise funds,
for the Olympic team
For that his hair he will
People will pay hint to cut
his hair
Money will be raised from
He's going to cut his hair..
The hair will go to a
cancer patient. —
They will think it Was
heaven sent.
To make a wig it takes
much time
To waste his hair would he
a crime.
He's going to cut his hair.
Get in line to pledge your
(father your friends,
family and even your honey.
Open your wallets to this
great cause.
It'll make you feel like
Santa Claus.
He's going torn: his hair.
Goderich, Wingham stations to be studied
From Page 1
Theconsultant mid the on-call vehicles at both locations are
he: ng redtkaad because of sow call volume.
Referrtng'tli the 1999 activity patterns Dashwood -Zurich
I a • : -__e s : 4 calls per week or fewer after 9 p.m., compared to the
:x _:. • am: c,f 338 calls.
I C -'on-Seat the numbers are comparable. After 6 p.m.
lance re s to 1..25 or fewer calls compared to the
a: 19' a.m. whehrthe ambu'lartice is responding to almost four
•A _. :oan::l %otgd in favour of reducing the on-call
Bean igrowers need
subsidies, says farmer'
horn Pope 1
against Canadian agncultural producers.
.-The-World Trade Organization i W'TOt told all agncultural
,producing nations -that subsidies had to be eliminated (to
restore balance to the commodity plrices). ' h¢ said. "Still. the
-nencans and Europeans, keep introducing new programs to
rielp their farmers.: at the expense of Canadians:
Steen,stra.. Broadfoot and Nairn all pointed out that
Canada's- subsidies for agnculture are far below the standlards..
Of the rest of the world
Both the Federal -Provincial Crop Insurance Plan (Clef and
tie Jr,cdme.Stabsliiatlon Account !NBA) are available to
tarrners -should they a .struck by hard, times. However,
according -to Huron County. Federation of Agriculture
.literature. Canada ss onis' using .40 to 50 per cent of the limit
alluded bs the WTO in contrast to the 'Americans who are
using 100 per cent of the allowable funding:
Steens a ei(platned-that thee-CIP assists by establishing
.price lesefs=for crops. If the Commodity puce fallsbelow the
ei.tablished figure: the program will make up the -difference
and -gi%e rt to the'farmer. However, Broadfoot stated that the
-program has been -quite ineffective as the federal and
prusincial governments have squabbled over the program,
nullifying any potential benefits ftothe farmers of Canada.
I Steenstra sasd•the-same is true for NISA.
"Basically with "ISA. you have.to have money to use the:.
;•rograrn. he' said. "Each dollar• that you contribute ,'the
federal) gosemment vtill match: Then when you need it, you
can used''.
Steenstra questioned. the effectiveness of the program as it
still dues not address problem of financial support required for
the agncultural industry in hard times. According to Broadfoot. farmers need to band together to
• ensure that a t;ollectlive voice is presented to, lobby for
desperately needed changes to the assistance programs.
1f there Is an election this fall, Broadfoot said that MPs
across. the t.iuntry should. "Br concerned about the. safety of.
'th)eir) seats.- she said:
Seatorth District Community Centre
Entry forms may be
picked up at:
• Archie's Service Centre
• Pizza Train
• Seaforth District Community Centre.
or call 527-1272
Entry deadline
For info call 527-1272
Procoed5 t() Community Prosect,.
vehicles in Dashwood -Zurich and Clinton-Seaforth, the p(+..ihilit'
of future staffing changes at the Goderich. and \gingham
ambulance stations will be examined sometime after rest March.
At the Goderich' station. Hambides said the station is tatted
from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. seven days a seek with on-call
staffing from 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 1
On Friday and Saturday nights the ambulance is staffed on-site
from 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 am. perhaps with the heliet these times
will be busier. But. he said the call solume for Friday and Saturday nights is
less than a Thursday night.
For example. on all. Friday nights in 1999. between midnight and
1 . a -.m. only four calls occurred.. _ Between
1 and 2 a.m. only two calls occurred for the entire -sear
"The call volumes. are sen low and the need for on-site stiatt
during these hours is questionable." said Hambides. .
In ss''ingham. he questioned having staff on-site from 4 p.m. ti
midnight Monday to Friday. •'
He said after 5 p.m.. slingham's call volume and likeIthoxJ
calls is comparable to. and sometimes less than. Seaforth-Clinitvi
combined and Dashwood-Zunch.
In the two latter locations on-call stalling is sufficient and the
need fbr on-site stalling in \Linghart from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. ss.i,
questioned. After 5 p.m. the.number of calls drops from 0.71 t(+ ie..
than .5 calls as midnight approaches.
Hambides said using only 199914atisttcs instead of multiple scar
statistics waslaccurate to ha_se information on as there hasn't leen
many fluctuations in call volumes.
Tilt HONOR iEXPOSITOR, Ootswee 11, 2000-3
Moving to a Larger Home
And Save Thousands
Sealorttu Ort. - A new nixes has
lust been released which identities
the 6 most common and costly
.mistakes that homebuyers make
when mining to a larger home
Unlike the expenence of buying a
fust home. when you're linking to
move -up, and already own a
home, them are certain factor. that
can complicate the situation It's
very important for you to
understand these issues before
you list your home ft* sale
Not only is there the Issue of
financing to consider, but v. RI also
have to sell your present home at
exactly the right tone rr order to
avoid either the financial burden
of owning two home, or, gust as
bad; the dilemma of having no
place to hive during 'ti gap
between closings
In anwer to this issue, industry
insiders have prepared a free
special report entitled "6 Inside
Strategies to Avoid Trade -Up
Mistakes ".
These six strategies will help, you
make informed choices before you
put your homeon the .market in.
ar l patron of meting to a larger
To hear a brief recorded message
about how to get your FREE copy
of this report, call 1-877-457-2754
and enter 1D01007. You can call
anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
Call \OW to learn how you can
get. the most money for yout
hoax •
Leann,i.7 f,'r a Lifetime
Office Administration
Certification Program
offered by the
South Huron Adult Learning Centre
92 Gidley Street East, Exeter
A 20 -week post secondary certification course
for motivtrted individuals wishing to secure
employment in clerical, office and administrative
support positions.
A free information session abcut this full-time
training program will be held on
Tuesday, October 24th, 10:00 a.m.
at Me South Huron ALC, Room .120
Space is limited.
Find out more by calling 235-4079
and Get Your Hands On Learning"
Funding for this program tray be available
.1 a t, .,r ..h,• -i tt,•,ri .
• - ( qtr , \,-nh. .
Ccs,. r•h U\ \ A i%li..
Telcph,,,nc `! v iii r I-‘ • _ FYc'i 514, `_ -__
Director of Education
You have aemployr:es
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.Apprournately-86% ofalt new i,.i„ ,,.
- . (rated hw small' bwtnets. .1in.c I'i',`
thr(e has( been 741),000 new jolt► ireatui .n
4 )stain. and even more (obs will 1„
generated by increasing ira+le and esporis
The Ontario government has reduced red
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_ and at committed tri" doing more iu hell,
sirtalt buwineis. • '
To find out more about how
is helping small business grow, a,su
Ontario's Small Business Web page fodi)
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t! Ontario Small Business. Big Success,