HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-8-13, Page 8ea unable Special Articles you may need to buy this month are priced to save. ou money and to help its clear our shelves for fall goods wllch re now arriving. A table of silk and silk lisle stockings to clear at 65 scents. 13,1aak stockings all sizes, for ladies and children for 25 cents. Fine cotton stockings in good sand shade, sizes 8 1-2 to 10 for 2:5c I`7ew •handkerchiefs for ladies and girls all. colors 70 or 4 for 25c. All lengths of summer 'dress materials at about half price. A shelf of ladies' slippers and oxfords`' toclear at $2,98. Ladies' chambray and print house dresses now 98 cents. Men's work shirts blue or khaki—sizes to 17 for 98 cents. Men's medium weight sox 35c. or 3 pair for $1,00. Men's fine shirts, soft reversabie cuffs, $2,00 value for $1,49. Men's medium weight solid leather work shoes $3.90. Men's khaki bib-overalls—good weight—well niaele $1,98. Men's tweed Pants—strong cloths, well made, sizes to 46 for $2.98. OUR CHINA DEPARTMENT Do you visit our Chiufa department regularly? If not you are missing a real treat, •as beautiful new pieces of imported China and pottery are being continually added to our stock. Come in any time and see our display and do not forget to bring your out of town visitors with you, as they so often appreciate an oppor- tunity to select something out of the ordinary as a souvenir of Exeter. $24.95 Dinner Sets $24.95 This special offer includes five different patterns in 97 -piece dinner sets to be sold for $24.95. Three of these sets are in gen- uine :veito, hand painted, china while the other two patternsare in guaranteed semi -porcelain ware of the best quality. Our Grocery Prices Royal Yeast 'Cakes .... 5c pkg Seedless' Raisins 2 ib for 25c Rubbers for Jars 3 doz. 250 Metal Tops for Jars 20e a doz. 7 bars Castile Soap for .... 2.5c 4 bars Laundry Soap for 25c. 2 ib. Mixed cookies for 35c. Keilog's Corn Flakes„ 3 for 29c Shredded Whe"at 2 pkg for 25c 4 boxes good sardines for 25c 2 tins choice salmon" for 35c Large lemons only 39c a doz. 2 ib. ginger snaps for 25c P. & G. soap chips 2 lb. 25c. Bring your Gillex Coup ons to us and save 10c, imegseggsusgansisusigriginingirrigninnEnININIIMNIMISIMEnanni$11117 1 Cigantic Furniture Sale AT IF TURE DATE GARDINER'S, GARDINER'S :.:,•, YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING THE BUYING OF' � FURNI- BE SURE TO INSPECT OUR LARGE AND MOST UP-TQw STOCK. PRICES AND QUALITY UNEQUALED. LARGEST STOCK BETPRR SERVICE -LATEST DESIGNS LOWEST PRICES "THE HOME FURNISHER" M. E. GARDIN.ER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO OPERA HOUS10 BLOCS PHONE. 743; Night call 74W Li Men's Stora Phope 81w hat Men .Men's ;.Store When Summer domes Cream re In flannel Trousers, Grey Flannel, Cream Serge, Khaki and Fancy Tweed Trousers We have an exceptionally fine range of Men's Fine Fancy 11 at a very reasonable price. Fel; t COMBINATION AND 2 -PIECE UNDERWEAR. • ti,•:,;,, SPORT BELTS, FANCY AND PLAIN HOSE TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS • AND SUSPENDERS Ready.to-Wear Suits at $18.00 to $19.00 f T y i Mr. Chas. Wood is ill in Victoria Hospital, London, but is improving. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Pickard, Mr. and Mra. Roy Fletcher, Mr. Melville G7:adman and Miss Marguerite Pick- ard motored to Brantford where Mr. and Mrs. Pickard spent the Week- end. The others went on to Simcoe and visited Mies Margaret Sharp. Mr., and. Mrs. A.. S. Davis and son Walter yeti reed homeS y aturda 'after spending several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. G. Wells, aaf • Windsor. Mr, Davis has recovered ,frons his -accident Whet he 'WAS :utr'{rck by an ante,. Mr. and Mrs. Chaff and two sons motored tip from, Torontai, ; Mrs. (Miff ,and children remaining to vis- it with her mOther, Mrs. W. H. Passmore. The' latter will aceot np stir them. baok to Teironto at the end of the week and will Visit isi S t B' ovintzr�ville'. Miss Mable `Winegarden spent Sunday at Mitchell with her aunt, Mrs. R. Mitchell. ` Mr. 3. K. Baker, of Brussels, has been visiting With relatives hi this community, Rev. Robt. HiOks,+ wife and two children Miss Kathryn • and Master Robt. of St. Thomas, who have been visiting with Mt. and Mrs, 3, IL An- drew for the past two weeks return- ed to .their home on Tuesday. Word has .been received here by relatives . that Mr. Geo. Hayton, of Manitou, Man;, a former well-known resident Of Exeter is at present in a very lowstate df health, suffering from .Cancer of the:•9toxiaach frota which he has been a sufferer for some time and the end is ex erred at anyztiro•e: S�lr"s: L u tton f " Lon- don, Lott tion, left a few days;' ago for to visit her during ' i .y father, g. his remaining Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30 .Oats 450 Batley 65c. Manitoba Flub' $4.90. Blended Flour $4,44,. Pastry Flour $3.90. • Feed Flour $2.00. Bran $1,50 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 42c 43c. Dairy Butter 83-30e, 'Extras Eggs, x as 3 20 Eggs,N,firsts 25c, Lard 20e Hogs, Selects, $14.55. Hogs, thick smooth, $12,25. LOCAL ++ ++44++++ TII :KETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Miss Edna Pfaff is visiting at Pt. Huron and, Bad Axe, Mich. Rev. A. A. Trumper's airdale dog "Bonar" was poisoned on Sunday. Miss McFaul is visiting for 'a few days with ber father in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and son Neil are holidaying at Grand Bend. Miss E. 11I. Bowey visited in To,rr- onto for a couple of days last week. Mr. W. J. Beer has 'traded in his McLaughlin coupe: for a new Crysler Six. CAYEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev', Jaraes Feote, B.A., Minister 10 a,n .--,Suil.daY" School. 11 a. nt.--Service as usual, Oonductecl by Mr. H. Strang. 7 p.m. ----Service Withdrawn. JAIIZ.ES ST, UNITED CHURCH QF CANADA Rev. E, A Sheppard, o 1`! rd Pastor W. R. C' ould' T. Ing, Organist and Choir -Leader 1 , a,m,—'`Tlte abiding."' Rev. Asa Kestle• 3 p. m. --Sunday ;.school and Bible Glasses. 7 p,m.— `The • Secret Endurance, Rev. Asa Kestle . •• Trivitt Memorial ' 1 � Mr. and, Mrs. tH. W. Doerr and family are •holidaying in Mitchell and Kitchener. Miss Laura Knight has taken a position as bookkeeper' at the Public Utilities office. Capt. and Mrs. Rowland and fam- ily of the Salvation Army, are holi- daying at Owen Sound. Mrs. Hedden and daughter Miss Greba have returned home . after holidaying in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins, of Detroit, paid a short visit with friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis, and daughter Audrey, of London, spent the week -end with relatives. Mrs. Albert Kernick and faintly and Mrs. Eunice Stone. and family. are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt and family of London, are holidaying with Mr. ancl Mrs. Jas. Jewell. • Mrs. W. H. Lockwood has return - from Victoria Hospital, London, where she was receiving treatment. Mrs. Frank Johns and sonRoger have returned to Toronto after visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Well. Johns. Miss Florence Marchand, of Otter- ville arrived here Saturday and will. visit'with her sister, Mrs. C. H. 'San- ders. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. •Kirk and four sons were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard one day this week. The Gardiner, Duncan, Lydd and Allison families held a very pleasant picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Here and Mr. and Mrs. Cornwall Craff and son of Norwich, visited among relatives' here this week. Mrs. Montgomery, of Weyburn, Sask., who has been visiting her fa- ther, Mr. Jas. Handford, left Monday for her home in the West. Mrs. P. Rowcliffe and Miss F. Dinney, of London, visited over the week -end with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinney. Mr. Elmore Tuckey returned to London Monday after holidaying for a couple of weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. 0.. E. Tuckey. Who was it who recently said that the cost of living was like an even- ing' gown, it lOoks as if it is going to come down,: but it doesn't. Mr. Kennedy, editor of the Lon- don Advertiser, who is camping at Grand Bend, -was a pleasant caller at the Times -Advocate on Monday. Miss Mary Nelson . and Miss Made- line Gaffney have returned to De- troit after holidaying with the-for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs T. Nel- son. Mrs. R. R. Rogers, .Miss Margaret and Apr. Thos, Rogers, of Toronto; Mrs. E. Christie, Sr. and Miss Grace Christie are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Ben Case's new ho•tise on the London Roadnorth is nearing com- pletion and when completed will be an improvement to the section -be- ing of modern architecture. A new summer- home . for Mr. T. S. Woods has . just been completed at Grand Bend north of the Walker property.. lylr. and Mrs. Woods and family moved back last week. Miss Wanda von Wascinski, who has been on an extended visit with relatives in Windsor returned home last Saturday, Miss Ida Gillespie met her in London spending the day Mrs. Rosaaean, of Seattle, Wash., who has been visiting for . several weeks with her `uncle, Mr. Donald MbTnnis, left on Monday for her home. Mr. McInnis, who is quite ill is showing little signs of improve- ment, A female Boston Bull pup, ten months old, belonging to 1\Fr. True- man Elliott was run over by an auto and killed of Saturday • last. Mr. ' Elliott recently.. reftfsed fifty dollars for the dog. Mrs. Ed! Heywood who visited with her sister Mrs. W. J. NichOls at Strathroy has returned bringing with her little Miss Louise . Nichols who will visit in Exeter for a couple of weeks. The Chinamen cond acting the res- taurant south; of the Telephone ..Of- fice have taken a five year lease of the premises now occupied by Mr. ,F; 7I, "tablet', baker, one door south and will ` take possession in the Bourse of ,a few weeks. The Uremia - es to be vacated by the Chinamen will besed e u by the Te1,plzoneCom- pany as the C°eatral• Office. Mr. Xakler has not yet deoided Where ho will locate in town. Church Rev. A. A. Truniper, L. Th., Rector 11 a,m,—"`The Message of-Micaiab" 7 p.m.—"The Providential Care of God." MAIN STREET 'UNITED CHURCH Rev.. F. E, Vlysdale, Pastor 11-a.m.-"The. Works of God" 3 p.m.—Sunday School with a place for everybody,'• 7 p.m. --Song Service, "A Moonlight Ride." It is easy to SELL Character. It is impossible—to : PURCHASE it. It is our business to help BUILD it. The Church with the Helping Hand Powell's Bazaar Plain . Price Store, We prepared Big for our Anniver- sary Sale, but the weather was wet, so we are continuing this week at thesame low prices while the specials last.—Remember this Store brings the Market of the World to your elbow. You'll not find a bet- ter assortment of goods at as low prices, °even in the cities, as we are showing this year. Tourists say we have the best assortment in town, and the nicest way of mechandising. You simply sell yourself what you. need. If you arethinking of a set of Dinnerware, you'll save a few dollars on it here. Ask . to see our samples. See our Lustre clips and saucers at .50c, other stores ask as high as $1.00, tea plates, sugar and cream sets, cake plates and berry sets to match at similar prices. Our low selling costs make these prices pos- sible. Horses for Sale OR EXCHANGE -1.5 drivers and ` 6: heavy horses. Will sell or exchange. Frank Taylor, Exetei. - • POULTRY CULLING CAMPAIGN —A charge of two cents'" per hen will be made for culling poultry. Parties wishing their flocks . culled notify L. V. Hogarth, Exeter; phone Crediton 18r31. NOTICE—We are -prepared to fix washing machines, churns, tabs and all kinds of cooperage. E. Heide- man, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Good Cheer " stove, "Quebec, Style," bargain; childs cot white , enamel, with mattress;+ bed spring,; cheap, also -stretcher.; "hall rack, made of cherry, witgood mirror; secretary, cheap. Inquire at Powell's Bazaar, phone 55. FOR SALE—Two building lots' on the corner of William and Victoria streets, also workshop 18x18, black- smith tools, hammers,, saws, vice, anvil, *bellows, drill. Apply to Mrs. D. Love, William St. HOUSE FOR SALE -A two storey brick house, second door from Main on Market St., Lucan. Apply to Miss M. A. Preston, FOUND—A sum of money it Cen- tralia.,.Apply at Times -Advocate. NEW ESSEX.: CQAdx--Bumper and spare tire sold at a sacrifice for cash. Goqd assortmentof used cars from $100 to $500. Terms if re-: quired. C. C. Pilon, .Huron Garage, Exeter, Ont. REGISTER NOW All those who desire to attend the Fall "Term of the Exeter High School, commencing Tuesday, ,September lst should registerwith the Secretary, Mass K. McFaul,,. at once in order to secure a desk, "These will be. al- lotted in order of registration. WANTED—Customers for dairy butter. • Mrs. John Luker. WANTED -Boy boarders after August 24, comfortable rooms, Ap- ply at Times •office. • Parties wishing onion crates may secure the same. at the Crystal Palacb on Saturday morning of this week. Jas. H. Grieve. Mrs. E. II. Whitmarsh and child- ren., who have beenvisiting with Mr. and Mrs. E.3. Wethey, left for. a visit in 'Pt. Elgin. • On Wednesday esday last, whileon his. way to 'London Dr, T3yndman's new Essex coach was rust into by an - Other car .at. Ildeiton. The doctor. was proceeding slowly through the village' when he noticed a car '- w ap- proaching that,was 'being .driven recklessly. He slowed down but the other car ran into hints Tlie. bumper on the !doctor's oar saved the front of it but the fender of the ethfenderer car passed over a • fender of the doctor's car and dente e dented the rear .. IMEM BE OMMINt MMIM THURSDAY', AUGUST 13th, 1i; 25 1111111111111111111111111111111111111..1111111111111111111II1.1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111 IIIIIIIIII1l111111lllll 1110.I 111.1 1111.1114111III12 Reduced Prices piles anti crepe I?,resses • THIS' WEEK WE PLACE ON SALE ALL SUMMER DRESSES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE OFFER SOME VERY SMART STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM.' ALL IN SUMMER SHADES ALSO IN BLACK AND WHITE COMBINATIONS, New Silk Knit Dresses Just arrived this week. Comes in the new weaves and in a wide range of colors. Extra. value at $15.00 Brush Wool Sweater Coats Just the thing for outing wear. Grey .with blue trim. Sand with browntrim and brown with sand 'trim. Fine quality and' good weight. each $5.75 5 down .rouse Dresses at $1.25 IN DIFFERENT STYLES AND ,COLORED • GINGHA±SfS. GOOD. WASHING MATERIALS AND GOOD PATTERNS. A SPLENDID ,„ HOUSE DRESS. PRICED : AT Ladies Lisle `Dose, Peach • Small quantity of peach shade lisle hose with rib top. . Best val- ue we have seen this season. All sizes per pair . 75c. 3 pairs fot 98c. Men's Merino and Cotton Hose. Regular 35c. lines. ,Good wear- ers and medium weight. Get a supply. at 3 pair for 98c. Hatchway Underwear for Men and Boys • HATCHWAY , NO BUTTON UNDERWEAR IS BECOMING MORE POPULAR EVERY SEASON.. TRY A SUIT, AND BE 'CONVINCED THAT IT IS FINE FOR THE HOT WEATHER. BOYS $1.00; MEN'S „$1,50. WE ARE SOLE AGESTTS FOR EXETER, THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY . AFTERNOON DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST, outhcott Bros. L fllllflllilltllillllli#II#!1i#I#ll�flil#11111111111##�!#1111##I#l�lll###II11111(N##Ill#IIN##INf##til#####NH�tli#�I�ff�l#111lllllll#� I1iiIEPULIC EYE 4Y , / savt,ce. REPAIRS We are low prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had to send then to London or elsewhere. 'HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPEcr'ACLES, LARGE LENSES $1.00 and IIP Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR .& OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHOE 70 a —BIG— Furniture Sale... NOW ON BUSINESS HAS BEEN GOOD, BUT WE WANT TO DO MORE AND IN ORDER TO DO SO WE ARE OF- FERING "SPECIAL DISCOUNTS" DURING BALANCE OF July August Au gust COME 'IN AND ,SEE US BEFORE. BUYING. k.:N.:ROW]E EMBALMER AND ••FUNERAL DIRECTOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone Bus. 20W . House' 20J LIGHTNING RODS Shin -Flat and Round Cables. We have the agency fo? the above lightning rods.' Let' us quote yon prices. Old cables inspected and repaired.Four years' experience. Bruce . •Mitchell, R.R. No. 1, Con-. tralia; `phpne Crediton 29 r 6. Cochrane7. sMa Machine ''Works * EXETER and, I,ISTOWELr.. One of the best equipped p sho s In Western Ontario Weldinga Specialty n ty Regrinding cylinders and pistons made to fit No article too di c ifiCult 'tb make, In answer to Your inquiry re grind- ing cylinders for us, weul t Say that we are 'well satisfied, ' having found the work all that could be expected. The books its our estimation are as good as new ones. Penhale. 1VIgr.; b7,teter Can. Co. Write . , phone or cultic and Advice 'freely given COAL—COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED B. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make, SINGLE EDGE - 3c DOUBLE EDGE • 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- . -LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS W. R. V o lding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instrucction in Piano Vocal . Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools 1 Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 57 EXETER, ONT. ' J. L. LEWIS CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter. Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Houses and Barns EXETER :—: ONTARIO Phone 152W • Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD ' FOR SALE H. Bagshaw TRY US Phone 58W • FARMS FOR SALE—A few choice farina in the Townships Of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar leets. Priced right. Apply to Thos Cameron, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. VIOLIN AND PIANO INSTRUC- TION Pitpils visited or received Terms Moderate Concert Engagenfents Accepted. ROBERT GAMBRILL Phone 161, Exeter DR. ADRIAN B.GIBSON VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College 1915 Office and ,Residence Scillies St. Wost of SeinesSt. , an Vetted Church PHONE 00, EXETER DR. E. 8. SfiE NE X R VL+ TERI AR N Y SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AD NIGHT - AIT CALLS PROMI?T LY ATTENDED TO Phone#158 Ftesidence Anti St. EXETER, ONT, I. R. CABLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.. Loans, Investments, Insurance Office,Carling Block;Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money to Loan,- Investments Mads Insurance. - Safe -deposit Vault for use of out Clients without charge. Exeter London .Hensall R. McINNIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY For :best results let R. Minn* handle your auction. sales. FIVE•• YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY POST OFFICE Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental, Officer ofd Military District, Number One, II** don, Ont. -• `" Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Office closed on Wednesday oni7.;. Dr. G. F. Roulston, DENTIST , Office over I. A. Carling's Law office. • Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. At Grand Bend every Wednesday, during the summer months • Dr. A.R.in Kinsman, L,L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers sity DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stanbnry'' office, Main Street Exeter. DR. W. E. WEEKES: Physician and Surgeon Office -One door south •of the Time s -A dvo tate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to -8 Phone 67, "FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED .AUCTIONEER. for Huron'and ,Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable .andsatisfaction • guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's Sales Stables .ori John St, Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone' 26w, • ° THOS. CAMERON and Jani WATSON' Licensed Auctioneers • Bales Conducted e u ted lit any localitt. Patin Stock, sales a specialty. n ciaYty, Sat114 faction guaranteed. Charges g s >rtods erite, Orders loft at this office *iili be 'promptly attended to. R.R. NO. 1, . £1rktoa4 Rhone Klrkton 4r2..