The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-8-13, Page 5THE EXETER ,TIMES -ADVOCATE
N e ws F rom
ggljool Tommerrg
and give you another opportunity • of starting on the road to COM-
SEIZE this OPPORTUNITY and registee now at the SCHOOL
•with the well QUALIFIED TEACHING gtaff.
• Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for the
HIGHEST paid positionin the BUSINESS WORLD, where work
is always REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered.
— COURSES -- •
Teachers, Civil Service and Special Courses
Special Classes for Hensall and/ Exeter Students
4 Weeks Additional Time Given to Students on an • 8 months'
oe Spider lionnuteoluI Joel
AL A. STONE Principal, Phone 198
Com. Specialist, Vice Principal MISS 13. F. WARD, B.A.
, The undersigned has received
strtfctions to sell by Public Auction,
— on ---•
Soldan's "Willole Hall" Farm
One 'Half ,Mile North of Hensall
__ on __
- TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1925
at 1 o'clock p.m. the. following
3-pieqe livingroom suite, uphol-
stering real leather; 9 -piece dining -
room suite, fumed oak; living room
table; tapestry upholstered chair,
brass umbrella • stand, smoker's
stand, bedstead a fumed oak, coil
springs, felt mattress; dresser, chif-
fonier, stand and bedroom reciter all
of fumed oak; toilet set; Wilton rug
9x12ft., Raymond sewing machine,
cook 'stove, washing machine and
wringer, crock clash churn, number
of fruit jems, ice cream freezer. 1
driving mare, buggy, set of driving
harness, Jersey Cow, •age 5 years; 17
1 -year-old hens; 25 pure Minorca
early ,chickens, wheelbarrow, walk-
ing plow together with numerous
ether articles. •
Wm. McLaughlin •Oscar Elopp
• Proprietor Auctioneer
Hensall Tile, Brick
and Block Yard
bas arrived and we have it in all
lengths .6, 7, 8, 0, 10 ft.
= •
Phone 7
Honor graduate of Faculty of
' Medicine, and Master of -Science
University of Western Ontario.
Member of College of Physicians
and •Surgeons of Ontario. Office
two doors east of Post Office.
Phone 56 Residence 114
Honor Graduate Carey or An -
tion School, Special course nken in
Regietered Live Stock (all ',..13reeds,)
Merchandise, • Real Este .e, Farm
Bales, etc. Rates in ke ming with
prevailing prices. Sat, 'faction as-
anred, write Oscar Klo.p, Zurich, or
Wire 18-93s Zerich,
1x6, v matched dressed on both
'Odes at
50 _PER M.
pi WITH Goop COAL wictLx
"Head Office, • Parqulutr, Ont
President, . JOHN ALLISOD,
Yice-Preeident, JAS. McKENZIE
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent far
Uaborne and Eiddulph. ,
piAvER HARRIS, Munro, Agent fOY
• Hibbert, Fullerton. and Logan.
W. A. TkilitNautris,
• Seetetary'4reasurer
• x 98 Ilectiter, °Atari°.
grdupuot & STA1'413URE
• Solleitdre, EXetero
The members of the United church,
of Hensall have taken a forward
step and in accordance with the
spirit of the great union movement
have decided • on local union, the•
congregation, of the former Metho-
dist ch-urch and the unionists of
Carmel church uniting. This is a
very important event in connection
with the ehurch work in liensall
and in bringing this .about the fol-
lowing steps were taken. • On July
13th a joint coramittee from the two
congregations .met and. discussed the
advisability oe local nnion. The
committee being favorable to it, ar-
rangements were made for union
services to be carried on alternat-
ing in the two churclies. The con-
gregation of Carmel church met and
decided unanimously not to call a
minister, • but to invite the former
Methodist congregation into Carmel
church and form a united congrega-
tion, the minister of the former
Methodist church to have charge.
The members .of the congregation
were most cordial and enthusiastic.
The invitation was brought before
the board of the Methodist church
on August 5th and after full dis-
cussion and careful consideration it
was accepted unanimously. The
board recommended that their action
be approved by, the congregation at
a meeting to held as soon as pos-
sible and that thee. President of the
Conference, the Chairman of the
District and Rev. J. E. J. Millyard
beThevited to attend. The meeting
was held on Monday night. • Rev.
G. W. Rivers, chairman of the Dis-
trict, presided, and Rev. A. E. M.
Thompson, President of the Confer-
ence gave an address advising the
congregation to sanction the action
of the Board, which was done with-
out an opposing vote. In this way
the final step has been taken and
the Unioniste of Hensall will enter
tie spirit, of the union and present
a united front for the cause' of the
United,. chus6h in this community.
A number of the young ladies of
the village nnet at thtehome of Miss
Rena Hudson on Monday evening
arid gave, a shower to Miss Hattie
Whitesides who is to be married to
Mr. Edward Fines of Clinton. A
large number of useful articles were
given. to Miss Whiteside. The. eve-
ning was spent, games and
contests, after whlob a dainty
lunch was served on the lawn. Miss
Jessie Parks sang a .soloe and the
following won the pies in the con-
tests —A love- story contest -s -Grace
Stone,- Violet Whiteside, Nellie Pet-
ty, Edna Gill, Mae Simpson, Mary.
McKaig, Helen Smith, Cathleen Pfaff
Drawing contest—Mary Fisher,' and
Zetta, Passmore. Mrs. Whiteside
and Miss Violet and Jean were
down for the event. Hattie is to
be an.arried ,on Saturday August 15,
and after a honeymoon trip they
will reside in Clinton, where Mr.
Fines is a teacher in the Collegiate
A very cemplimentary address
was read by Miss Helen Smith
While in the :village ,Saturday ev-
ening Mr. Wm. Petty ,of Hay put
his horse and buggy ey. the hotel
sheds and on going to get the horse I f
later in the evening -found it mis-
sing. Thinking it had broken loose
and gone home, he seeured 1VIr.
Themas 'Wren's car and drove to his
home. The horse zick hen* there,
he eonoIncled that it wae Stolen, so
he returned to Hensell and intorme
.ed Constable Hudson, securing the
help of Mr. Wren and Mr. Wil-
lard, They started out to hunt Up:
the outfit and driving n2rth. to Kip -
pen they met a horse and buggy
coming this way abont the stoue
bridge and Mr. Petty recognized his
horse. The two Indians who Were
in the buggy inunediately swung
the horse around and headed it
north, and in the ,darkness jumped
from the buggy. One of them 'es -
Caped across the fields,. the 'other
Indian ran beck on the feed aed Mr.
Petty whO :had. got out of the car
eaught him. The horse rail to Kip-
p,en eornee then turned west and
"Was caught over the railway tracks
by' cottstable Hudson, Mr, Hiidsou
turned back to where Mr. Petty was
holding his prisoner, and they broe
tient him to Monsen and locked him
up, where he was held until Monday
Constable Hudson took him to God-
erieh on Monday whet° fie will be
tried by Magistrate Reid and sen-
tenced. The two Indians' had been
working at Blyth and 'on Friday at:.
ternoon stole a earand' apparently
hee,ded for honie. At Byron they
run out of gas encl having no money.
to buy mere they shoved the car in
the ditch and left it. They started
to Walk baek to Myth again,
tween eventing and riding they got
to Hensall late Saturday night and
thinking they walked Mr enough,
Stole IVIr Petty's herse and buggy.
, ft.
Master Harvey Hudson is visiting
friends in Exeter,
Mrs. Robt, Higgins and. Miss Vio-
• la are visiting reltives in petroit.
Mrs. Robert Caldwell le visiting
friends and,relatives in Toronto.
Rev. S. L. Toll, of Toronto was a
Visitor in the village on Friday.
• Mr. Charles Johnston of Detroit
is visiting friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Stratford
vioswiteerds. on Wedneedaer with Mr.
Mrs. Wm. Vanhorne of London is
visiting her sister Mrs, George
Hudson. -
IVIr,• and Mrs. P. B, Buchanan of
Toronto spent a few. days in town
this week.
• Owing to repairs being made tlae
• Public Library has been closed for
several days. '-
Mr. Percy Clark of Windsor vis-
ited. -over the week -end. with relat-
ives in town. •
Mr. Edmond Geiger .of London is
visiting his parents, Mr. end. Mrs.
Owen Geiger.
A large number attended the Ford
Picnic at Grand Bend ^on Wednes-
day afternoon,
• Mr,psand Mrs, C. Chapman of
Palmerston are visiting Mrs, Geo.
Scott this week.
Mr. Wilson and Ed., Berry of
Windsor are visiting their mother
Mrs. Thos. Berry.
Mrs, Colin Hudson and children
and Mrs. Kate Bengough visited in
Exeter on Thursday.
Mrs. Garlock and. children of De-
troit are here visiting Mrs. Garlock's
father Mr. Thos. Cook,
Mrs. George Folliqk and daughter
Mildred visited over the week -end
with relatives in gxeter.
Mrs. Graham is here visiting her
mother Mrs. Scott and sisters Mrs.
Balentine and Miss Katie.
Mr. Carl and Miss Ida Wilkins of
Clinton visited. with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Palmer. on Saturday.
Rev. Robt. Hicks and family of
St. Thomas were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Ortwein on Monday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Caldwell and
children of London visited over the
week -end with relatives in town.
Mrs. Coldwell of Sasketchewan is
here vieiting her mother, Mrs. John
Diek and sister Mrs. Bertha Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson and
family visited with Mr. Hudson's
father at Egmondville on Seinday.
Miss Versa Geiger who has been
visiting friends , in
turned to her home Monday night.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Jas., Sangster on the arrival of a
young son to their home on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. .,Wm. Moore and lit-
tle son of London.. visited on Thee -
day. with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, .Simp-
son. ' '
Rev. Mr: and Mrs. Naylor and
little son are, spending then- vaca-
tion at Point Ann Berle, Georgian
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Luker and Miss
Gladys intend leaving for the west
n.ext week, where they will visit
Mr. Robt. Baker.
• Quite a number of the Orange-
men of the village and others went
to Goderich onk Wednesday to cele-
brate. Derry Day.
Mr. John MoD. Wilson who' has
been very poorly for the last few
months is not improving as fast as
his friends would wish.
Next Sunday the sereices of the
United church will be held in the
morning at Carmel church and in
the evening at the former Metho-
diet church. •
Miss Mattie Ellie and Miss Emily
Merrison left on Tuesday for a mot-
-or trip to Barrie. From there they
intend taking a trip up -She lakes as
for as Duluth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beaver return-
ed' home on Monday from Kitchen-
er where they have been visiting
their daughter and taking in the
Old Boys' Re -union.
Mr. and Mrs. John Young who
have been visiting their daughter in
Harrington. returnede home Monday.
Mr. Young is not improving in
health. as fast as bia really friends
would wish. -
Mrs. Millian who has been visit -
rig her niece, Miss Mattie Ellis here
or.some time left for Blyth on Mon-
day whereshe will visit for a few
days. She intends leaving next
week for the West where she will
spend the next few months.
The many friends of Mrs. Adam
.Case of the London Road South
were shocked to hear ' of her death
which occurred at her iate home on
Monday. Mrs. Case was in her six-
tieth year. The funeral which took
place on Wednesday afternoon was
largely attended. Interment in; the
Exeter cemetery. '
• Mr. John Gorby, his son and
daughter-in-law of ,Saskatchewan are
visiting friends in town. Mr. GorbY
carried on farming and blacksmith-
ing at Dixie for a number of years
and this is 'the first visit home in
22 years. He sees reat changes
shoWn here and his maty old friends
are delighted to see him.
Mia Helen' Ornie is holidaying
with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. C. Eilber spent Sunday vis-
iting her Mother at Zurich,
jaelc Fulton, of Toronto spent a
few days with Mr. Ezra 1-leist. -
Miss Lavine Smith has been re-
engage& as teacher et ,Sheren echOol.
, Miss Vera Holtzman spend a feW
days last week with .friends in Lon-
Mrs, CliffeHill'and son Orvil are
holidaying With relativee Pigion
Mich. '
PleaVer Broe, Of .Crediten are
building the pest Office at Allem
The IVItsees Oestrieller have .re-
turned from the Old Plonte Week at
Mr. and MOS. LlOY4 England a
femilY sp�nt Sunday with relati
ladies eerved refreehments,
MI election, resulted in Pres. Adileen
Vete GO,Iser, Vice -Pres. Clara 1Vierloelt,
e°', Fred Feist; Tress,, Clinton
Morlock; Cor, c'y, Close Oestreich-
er; Librarians, Dorothy leirtzel and
Lila Heist; Junior Supt., Lavine,
Mrs. Levi Heist, of Elkton, M
ie speneigg a few daYS with re
Mies Lnean of London
Spending a few days at the home
Mr. Chris. Fanner,
Mrs, Aaron Brown of Blenheim
Visiting with her pareuts, Mr. a
Mrs, Gotfried Galaer,
Mr. Mose Geiser, ot Kitchener
visiting with 'his Parents Mr. a
Mrs, Gotfreicl Geiser,
Mies Gladys Lewis is spending h
holidays in Ingersoll with Mr. a,
Mrs. Thomas Edwards.
Miss jemina Voelker has retnr
ed hOme after a pleasant visit wi
her sister, Mrs. W. IL Smith,
Mr. Charlie Owalcl from Clev
land is spending his holidays wi
his mother Mrs, August &weld.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gruenthe
and son Harry of Kitchener are vi
iting with relatives and friends,
Mrs. Haunailler and sister Lillie
are spending. a few weeks with the
Parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilbe
Bar. and Mrs. Harry Lewis an
family spent Sunday in Brinsley yi
iting the former's Mother Mrs. L
Mr. and Mrs. Harriston Hole
Mann and children. are visiting th
former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jo
Heist. .
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fischer and
daughter of Dashwood viSitecl with
their son Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fischer
on Sunday.
Mrs, H. Sheardowa and grandson
Earl have returned home after visit-
ing the former's sone in Goderich
for a, month.
Miss, Jean Lankin has returned
home after spending several weeks
with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs
Herb Young.
Mr. and Mrs. IL K. Eilber and
Bernice left last week on a motor
trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and
other • places.
Miss Mary Holtzman and. brother
Murray of 'Detroit are spending a
few days with their mother Mrs.
George Holtzman.
• Mr. and Mrs. L. Roedding and
Miss Rollins of 'London were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Treve-
thick over Sunday.
• Miss Orme and Miss Ruth Tenny
have returned to Buffalo after
spending a few weeks with Dr. J.
W. and Mrs. Orme.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilsou and two
daughters of Petrolia motored here
tied spending their holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz.
Mrs, Dan McIsaac and son Lester,
Mrs. Melick of Zurich and Clinton
Morlock have returned home from
a ,motor trip to Michigan.
Mrs. Otto Brown and daughter
Vlorence have returned home after
spending- a' number of weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber,
Mrs Suhr, of London; Mrs J Wein
of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Opticgroff, of
Bad Axe, •Mich., are visiting -with
their sister, Mrs. Gotfried Geiser.
Mr. and Mrs.. Longmate and fam-
ily have returnedeto Detroit after
spending, a few, weeks •with Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Heist and friends.
• Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark and
daughter Laura intend taking a ino-
tor trip this week to Algonquin Park
were they will visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs..MoeesFaist and on
Lewis, Mr. Joe. Heist, have return-
ed home after a delightful visit with
relatives at Elkton, Pigeon and
Bad Axe, Mich.
• 1VIr. and-]‘Frs. Williara Homey and
daughter and Mrs. Ferguson all of
Kippen and Miss Pearl Va.nstont of
Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. 1Vlotz on Sunday.
Service at the usual hour next
Sunday evening in. the ' United
Church, Rev. Mr. McTavish will take
as his subject, "Perjudices and the
Way to Overcome Theme' This will
be the- last message by the Pastor
before going on his holidays.
Mr. Michael Klumpp celebrated
his 94th birthday on Sunday at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. John
Smith, when a birthday supper was
served. to relatives and . friends. Mr.
Klumpp was presented. with a purse
containing a sum of mbney.
"The Church—God's Divinely Ap-
pointed Agency for World Redeihp-
tion," is the subject at Zion Evan-
gelical church next Sabbath morn-
ing, and in the evening the message
is "A Nature Study illustrating the
Grace and Glory 'of a Christian."
An empty, pew dishonors God and
works injury to the individual and
the kingdom.
It has been decided to hold free
out-doore moving picture shows in
Crediten Athletic Field on Saturday
evenirtgA for the rest of the summer
commencing with next Saturday,
Aug. leth, This should be an in-
ducement for people in our district
to come to town on Saturday even-
ings to do their shoppinge and bring
the children with therh. Seats will
be provided, but you will have to
bring your own cushions if you need
them. There will be lots of none
foe ears to park, so that you can sit
in your car and See the show. 4No
charge or eollection will be made,
and we want to see record crowds
turn out to see the shows, eOrde
along and help your own town.
Remember, no charge,' so bring all
your own children and Aa many
more as you can gather up.
The Young Peoples' League of the
Evangelieal church held their an-
nual business meeting and election
of officers at the home of Rev. and
Mrs, W. Y. Dreier last Friday even.-
ing. It was in the form of a Meas-
uring Tea, Proceeds were devoted
for Missions, The following inviea-
tion was sent out to the memrers,
ex-mentbers,. friends and adhr tents
to the league and found heaeter ee-
eponse: Yoft are cordially Invited
to a measuring .tea ' given by the
menebers ef .the E,LeGe111., on Friday
evenin'at fo'clock. The Leaguers
will reach the dock at the evangel-
ical paesonage, Where a measuring
tea will be given for • you, 'Tie
something pleasant its well as neev,
Five cents for eVery foot you are
tall. Measuee yourself against the
wall. An extra cent for each inch
give and thereby show how
high eoti live, The jolly social pro-
gram' was enjoyed by all end the
la -
• Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Geiser cel-
ebratecl their golden wedding an-
niversary on Wednesday August 12
in a quite but festive and lialiSY
manner at their honie lu Crediten,
Is At high noon friends front near and
nd far numnerieg about 60 sat down
to a sumptuous we,ddieg clinner. A
short program in charge of 'Rev. Mr.
Drier, consisting of Senn, addresses
greetings, congratulations and reru-
n- inisences was rendered.. • Tilos° pre -
til sent from a distanee were Mr. and
Mrs, Cecil Wagner, and family, Mr.
add Mrs. Henry Wagner, Mr. Moses
Geiser, Miss M. letenknecht, Mr. and,
Mrs, Matthew Guenther, the Misses
Enema and Freda Grimm all of Kit-
chener; Mr, and IVirs. Aaron Braun
and son Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. F.
n Goff, of Bright, Onte,Mrs. Christian
ir Ingold, of New Hamburg, Mrs. Wm.
r. Suhr, of London, Ont., Mrs. C. Wein
d of Detroie, Mich., Mrs, James Upt-
s- grove, Mrs. Levi Heist, of Elkton,
e- Mich., Mrs. Sophia Oaks, of Naper-
vilelea,rt 4,
111. This' was "An occasion
sweet with a oy complete."
"Where is the happiest home on
'Tis not mid scenes of noisy mirth
Slut where God's favor sought aright
Fills every heart with'joy and light.
The richest home it is not found
Where wealth and splendor most
abound, .
But wheresoe'er in hall or cot
Man lives contented with his lot."
Rev. Mr. Thompson' and family
are holicla,ying at Grand Bend,
Misses Mary and Blanche Spearin
of St. Marys are visiting with friends
'Alvin Lawrence of Scranton, Pen.
who has spent the past six weeks
with relatives here left for Detroit
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Chatten of London visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn on
Sunday. .
• Miss Henrietta Colgan of Lon-
don visited her friend, Miss Verna
Hazelwood this week.
The W.M.S. held their meetin.g in.
the church on IVfonday afternoon and
the Mission Cirlce held their meet-
ing in the evening.
Mrs. Ray Mills spent a few days
last week with friends in Toronto.
There was no service in the
church on • Sunday owing to the
pastor, Rev. Thompson being on his
vacation. Sunday School was well
attended, there being about 160
present. Miss Grace Switzer of
Kirkton ga,yee a verve interesting
talk on Missionary work and Misses
Hazel Mills and Verna Hazelwood
favored with a duet.
Miss Bertha Bichell of Kirkton
spent Sunday with Miss Evelyn
• Dashwood •
Dr. H. H, Cowen, L. D. S,
At McCortnictee Block, Zuriek, every
TiauredaY and Saturday
Hartleib's Block — leashwood, Ont.
Air, and. Mrs. 13, Winkenweder of
Chioago renewed acquaintances in
this Vicinity last Week,
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Elsie, of De-
troit event tile week -end with Mr,
and grs. el. Elsie,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilfong and Mrs,
R. Wipert are spending a few days
in Detroit,
Miss Clara Kuntz, of Lansing,
Mich, is visiting her parents,
Mr. end Mrs. Stadelbauer. of Lon-
don visited in town ou Sunday,
Miss Clara Kraft after spending
several mouths in Loudon, has re-
Mr. Homer Guenther of the Can-
adian Bank of Commerce in Exeter
has been. transferred to Owen Sound
Miss Grace Guenther is visiting in
Hamburg and Kitenener.
Dr, Taylor bas purchased the hall
and Post Office building from Me.
Percy Kleinstiver and Herb Wil-
lert are visiting in Detroit.
Miss 1V1yrta Hoffman, of Kitchen-
er is spending her holidays with her
Mr. Ed. Kraft made a business trip
to Windsor on Saturday.
Quite a number from here took in
the Ford picnic at the Bend on Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman visited
in Zurich on Sunday,
Mr, P. McIsaac•left Tuesday for
St. joseph's Hospital, Loudon where
he underwent an operation, We
Understand the ,operation was suc-
cessful and hope 1 or a speedy re-
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Atkinson and
son Percy and Mr. Archie Davis of
Exeter motored to Windsor and De-
troit for the Week -end,
Rev. Fr. Sullivan, C.S.B., of To-
ronto is visiting at his home here
this week.
At 4.30 a.m. Thursday the resi-
dence of Mr. P. Glavin of the 12th
Con., Stephen was burned, cause un-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan and
family accompanied by her brother
John and two sisters of Chicago are
visiting the formers brother Mike
• Miss Lucy Patten of Detroit arriv-
ed here last week.
A number frem here attended the
Ford Picnic at Grand Bend on Wed-
nesday. ,
Messrs Mandville and Hubert Moir
of Loncton 'spent a few days with
their uncle Mr. J. 3. Madden.
ss . uinan is spending her
vacation at the home ot her sister,
Mrs. M. Ityrd.n..
Mr. Jim. Beamess and. friend of
Detroit called on friends here last
week. "'
Mr. Jack Kearns accompanied by
his sister and mother 'of West Lorne
spent Sunday a the home of Mr. P.
• Centralia
Centralia -will hold a grand Soft-
ball tournament on Wednesday,
August th. Girls teams from
Lieury, Exeter, Staffa and Centralia
will take part arid Thames Rd. and
Centralia boys wilt also play. Re-
freshments and lunch will be avail-'
able on the grounds. 0 All that is
needed is good weather to make it
a big day.
• Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston, of Buf-
falo are visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Mills this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Welhan, of Inierton
and Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Lon-
don visited at ,the Parsonage over
the week -end. ;" e
Mr. 3, ICent who has been quite
ill for the past few days is some-
what improved.
Mrs. C. Reeks and family of Ed-
monton are visiting at the home' of
the Misses Wilson's and other friends
Mr. Leonard Abbott, of Detroit,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bay -thane and
-son of St. Thomas spent last Friday
with the former's parents here.
Quite in excitement was caused
on the Main St. just north of the
Creamery on Wednesday forenoon,
which seemed like a collision at first
sight but upon further examination
it proved to be only a big Reo or re -
tiler an old gas wagon being backed
out to the centre of the road and
tied on behind an other car and tow-
ed some Place riorth to be fixed up
again so that the owner could get
another trip or two out of it Af-
ter it got out of sight things quiet-
ed down to normal again.
You never realize what an un-
clean place the world is until you
put'on white flanpel trousers.
An exchange is mean enough to
say that lady teachers who have had
no luck in the matrimonial field are
signing up for another year of teach-
ing. •
curd tM' Gra13an h c)4tt vP9X4'lete°4 te0r0-
elturch Sabbatli last in the
absence ot Ur. Ritcitie who is spend-
ing his holidays. et Bruce 13eaeli,
iVir, I3,iehard Speareikor Calgary
spenclieg a few dare with hia broth-
er and other friends le the neigh,-
Tufford and sister MISS
Currie have returned' after eyelid-
ing a week visiting with. tlieir sister
IVITS. 'lessen of Avonten.
Miss May Burrows a Stratford is
at present visiting at the home of
ch:14;mcaorutys.ins Mr. Jas. Hoese near
During the hail and thunder
storm that passed over our vil-
lage on Weduesday lest, Mr, Win,
Dinnin's house was struck be,' light-
ning the current coming down the
chimney skatterins the stove pipee
And passing out the stove killed a
dog which was lying by the stove at
htioieusteiAie and otlaerWise Injuring the
Niers:eller Bros. are having their
home nicely renovated by a fresh
coat 61 paint,
The regular meeting of the Ilur-
onclale Women's Institute was held.
on July 2etle at the home of Mrs. A.
Moir, with the new President Mrs.
A, Mitchell in' the chair. About 50
members and several visitors were
in attendance. The members re-
sponded to the roll -call by naming a
suitable book for a child under ten
years of age,
A committee was appointed to ar-
range for a chicken pie supper to
be held at the. Hurondale School
en August 21st 1925. Arrange-
ments were made to oa.rry on the an-
nual school fair to be held at the Hu-
rondale School. The leash:Less ses-
sion was followed by an interesting
program. The Misses Ford render-
ed a pleasing duet with guitar ac-
companiinent. An address was giv-
en by Mrs. Bolton who spoke on,
"The Itomance of the Old Edmon-
ton Trail." A demonstration was
given by Mrs. Dr. Graham, on table -
setting which proved interesting and
The meeting closed with "God
Save the King Refreshments were
served by the lunch Committee and
all enjoyed each others company for
half an hour.
The next meeting will' be held at
the home of Mrs. W. Kerslake on
Sept. 2nd one week later than usual.
The roll eall "Practical Sugges-
Kill them all, and the
germs too. 10c a packet
at Druggists, Grocers
and General Stores.
SEPTEMBER 12th --19th 1925
This leading Canadian Agricultural and Industrial Ex-
hibition is now over half -a -century oul, and improving
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ions booked for this year.
Entries Close September 3rd
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For particulars apply—J. H. Saunders, Pres We D. ja,ckson, Sec.
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Courses: Stenographic, Secretarial, Business, Complete
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Write for full particulars now and take the first step toward
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Write* to Principal, R. F. LUMSDEN B.A., and get full particulars
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$ 5
Plus half a cettt a mile beyond -Loan points in Mani -
focal Saskatchewan, Alberta,—Bdinonton,
Calgary, MacLeod and Bast. •
Returning—Half a cent per mile to Willi:dee&
plus $20.06 to destitiatien.
GOING . DATES, ATJCUST 18th and 21st
AUGUST 18th ---Toronto, thiledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midlattd, Parry
Sound, Sudbury, Ca,preol and east thereof in Ontario.
AUGUST 21ste--Toronto, IngleWeoed J'ete and all Stations south and Wet thereof in Ontario.
LON1)0N—August 21st, 4,00 a.m,
wrt iSirvEt,C1rAr114ivril Through Car to ViTennipeg also leaves London 9.00 am,
,1 ItAlem L4PA Y L'44 STRATFORD--August 21s4, 7.40
Ihrough traini---Constoirtatbis ColiOnlist es
•Opoiniall car* for WrOgrien and Children,
Purchase your ticket to Winuipeg via Canadian Nati:mai Xtllwdys, Whether or
your Anal &ablation itt the West is a 'mint ori the Canadian /stational.
Tickets and alt tiformat cm from ttearest