HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-09-13, Page 3News Fair set to begin month early New date brings new features to annual event available at press time. Agricultural Society President Gord Glen said there will be new rides on the grounds this year. The midway will be set up on the high school grounds beside the Agnplex this year. instead of at the arena parking lot. At noon, the limousin and blonde d'aquataine show will take place and at 1 p.m. the sheep judging begins. New this year. award winning children's performer. Paul Benke will perform at 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. He will also perform again that night at the ambassador competition with a family show geared toward an older audience. The ambassador competition takes place starting at 7:30 p.m. At 8:30 p.m. the annual and popular pork carcass auction takes place. Saturday starts at 10 a.m. with the pet show followed by a fair fasourite: Dickie Bird. The children's performer puts on a show at 11 a.m. and again at 3 p.m. • Also at 11 a.m. the charolais, simmental and Stan Jackson Memorial H Scott tiligendorft Ezposllor Editor A change. in this year's Seaforth Agricultural Society fall fair dite has also brought about a few changes to the 155th annual event_ Events begin this Thursday with the Huron Perth Parish Jersey Show. starting at noon. _ Thursdas is also the day home craft. school• and grain and field crop entrees must he registered. Registration is between 9 a.m. and noon and judging • begins at noon. Children will be out of school Friday for the traditional parade beginning near .Opti_mist Park at 10:30 a.m. and w•orking.its way down Main Street to the fairgrounds. MP Paul Steckle and agricultural Society members will officially open the fair following the parade. That's when children of all ages will have a chance to enjoy a new midway • this year. • while aline -up of rides was not Presidents baking cakes in new fair entry By Scott Higendortf ilio- +ditty r:h Agricultural S.•rie:. - s: dents. past and be up to their es in flour this week as _ht:. _7) their hand at alcake _i..7i::crtest. new to the s ear. 1 ‘e never baked a cake in try. life before." said Gord It Gien, this year's society. president. The e'ent follows the -suc:els pf a similar, contest as: ear that saw presidents baking pies. They had to bake Ates and prove they did it themselves with Polaroid pictures:that were judged like any otter fair entry. This year. presidents will be baking carrot cakes. After the judging. all the, cakes will rte auctioned off Friday evening during the annual ambassador to the fair compeution and pork carcass auction. Glen said the society will be donating the money raised at the auction to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Concerned the firefighters might not be able to hold their annual toll road to raise funds for the association. Glen said the society wanted to give them a hand this year through the contest. The money raised will be donated to the Seaforth Fire Department which will, in turn. give it to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the fire department's official chanty. And while Glen has never baked a cake before, he's .been working hard to find the best carrot cake recipe he can. "I've already had lots of help," said Glen, who's not sure howl he will make out in the kitchen this week. Motorcycle stolen year ago found in Seaforth Stolen motorcycle recovered A 19815 Kawasaki motorcycle. stolen almost a year ago from ,Stratford, was found behind the Shell gas station in.Seaforth Sept. OPP were called at 10 a.rn. • when..the bike was (located behind a garbage ddinpstcr at the rear of the building It had been there for about two days. OPP were called and found the bike had been stolen from a residence in Stratford on Sept. 23, 1999. Lawn ripped up OPP were called Sept. .10 after the residents of a McKillop Twp. home were awakened when a vehicle was spinning its tires on their front lawn around 1 a.m. Neighbours reported a grey pick up truck responsible for leaving ruts in the lawn. Hereford Show judging take place. The horse show: traditionally held on Friday. has been moved to Saturday with judging of light and heavy horses taking place at noon. "We've got the usual_ flowers. crafts and local exhibits. It will all be at the Agnplex." said Gien. The fair wraps up Saturday night with another new event: The Huron County Jr. Farmers will be holding a dance at the Agnplex that evening, While events have. been spread out to include the Seaforth and District Community Centres in the past. all events take place this year at the Roundhouse. • Agriples and agricultural society grounds. The date change is part of an attempt to make the fair more accessible. For the past several years. it was held on the. Thanksgiving weekend. a busy time for families. - Every day will feature Old McDonald's Farm". another Lair • favourite which features a petting zoo that lets children tet close to a variety of farm animals. Marijuana found by citizen in bush in Hullett Township A citizen reporting a suspicious vehicle on the Hullett- McKillop Road in Hullett Township led police to several marijuana plants. The citizen found the suspected marijuana plants growing near a bush. OPP officers arrived and took and destroyed the plants. Licences suspended for 12 -hours Two drivers received 12 -hour licence suspensions for drinking and driving on Sept. 10. OPP found the first driver on County Road 25 in Hullett Township shortly after 2 a.m. when the officer saw a vehicle parked at the side of the road..The officer found open liquor in the vehicle and gave the driver an road side screening test that registered a warn and resulted in a 52 - year -old Stanley Township man receiving a 1 2 -hour licence suspension. The second occurred at 11:45 p.m. on Highway 4 in Ttlekersmith Township. OPP stopped a speeding car and issued a 20 -year-old Wawanosh Township man a 12 -hour 1 licence suspension after he registered a "warn" on a road side screening test. 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