HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-08-30, Page 1010 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, August 30, 2000 Exnositor E 1ujt-OI i • , M GINAHI SL110111 `1I)il)lj v nl', TA( CHI CLASSES. information and registration Monday, Sept 11, 7 p m . MacKay Centre. Godench, Wednesday. Sept. 13. -7:30 p.m . County Club. Clinton: Fnday. Sept. 15:.930 a.m. MacKay Centre. Goderich.. Seniors Class. For infor- mation 519-524.8730. •CE•35x2cc DON'T MISS THE 2000 Seaforth Fall Fair. Sept 14, 15. 16., Homecraft Judging Day. Thurs Sept. 14. - Pnze fists available at Seaforth Town Hall. Tremeer Printers or call 519-527-1321 or 519=345.2525 for info. CE -35-2 . EFFECTIVE PARENT TRAINING • Huron Home Childcare Family • Resource Centre. Clinton. ,Sept 20th - Nov 1st. 7 - 9 p.m Cost S35'person 540/couple. Call Kanh. .519-482-1418 for informationrregis- ter.CE-35x2cc • • ANNUAL BACK TO SCHOOL Bag • Sale.. August 31st. Salvation. Army Thrift Store. King Street. Clinton CE-35xtcc A HARVEST OF HARMONY 2000: featuring champion quartet 'Bob's ver Uncle'. skits and the Seaforth • Harrnony Kings will be presented at Seaforth Distract High School on. Sat. Sept. 25 al 7.29 p.m. Advance • tickets 512.50 or S15 00 at the door Available. at Nifty Korners' or call 519.522-130i. CE -35x3. ANTIQUE SHOW Sat Sept. 2. Sun. Sept. 3. Mitchell Fa'> Grounds. Antique tractors. cars. -• trucks and. machinery. Featuring -Small Engines . and Garden Tractors Gate admission includes entry to Mitchell Fair and : all its events. CE=35xtcc DANCE ACROSS THE Millennium tickets. - formal dress or costume Fran favorite era Ballroom dancing • at the. Sattlord • Valley Hall (near Goderich) live band music. Sat. - Sept 16. Unable to attend. Two tick- ets available:.Cali 519-348-0518. CE-35x3cc 'ALZHEIMER COFFEE BREAK". Thurs. Sept. 21. 2.3 p m.. Seaforth Manor. lst floor' living room. Speaker`_ Alexandra Beasse. Education Co -Ordinator. Alzheimer - Society. Coffee and desserts. Donations to Aizheimers. Everyone welcome CE -35-4 • CLINTON LEGION Pipe Band Concert, Wed Sept. 13. 7 Seatorth Manor Front Lawn "'Refreshments Everyone welcome.. Please bring lawn chairs. CE -353 - DABBER BINGO every Friday. Bayfield Community Centre Doors ow 5 15 p m Bingo starts 7 00 p.m ,-,air Potential prize money S• ' J. wah 51.000 jackpot plus rr,:•., .; • pot Nevada tickets avail- able L,sense M00220 Bayfield Lions7Lioness CE -18x22- MURRAYSCHRISTMAS House open every day 10 a m - 4:30 p m Come share the magic of our shim- mering home. Enjoy the ultimate Shopping experience 7304 '.'.Richmond .Arkona,- 1-888.797 7760 CE-09x4Occ ' PINGO Goderich Knights of. Columbus every Thursday. 7 p m Columbus Centre. 390. Parsons Court. $3.855 ,r, pnzeS. 2 muni iackpot6 1 for S350. 1 for S60) regular jackpot 51 500 . •n,,s1 90 Lic 11:57920 First Saturday of 'ever/ month 1 p.m Columbus Centre. same . program as Thursday night. Luc. 1310856 Super Star ProVincial Game every Bingo Night .CE 42 xtfcc 1. Articles For Sale GIGANTIC BOOT AND Shoe Clearoul at.Rice s Workwear Plus. 11 Victoria St. Clinton Wholesale prices or better Tuesday. Aug 29th, to Saturday Sept 2nd 9.5 30 p rn 519 482 8709 01 95x1cc VENDORS WANTED! -Antiques -Crafts -Produce -Home & Baked Goods -Restaurant Operators & more CALL NOW 1.800.387.1932 Naustadt Mill Antigua & Farm Market Farm fresh, organically grown' vegetables, cut iiowers by the bucket or bouquet Perennials Gift shop AT hI0)CiARLt s FAR(1) 482-9360 (evenings 7 to 9) Hours Mon to Thurs, • 11 to h • Sal and Sun • 2 h, t, 1. Articles For Sale TRAILER HITCH tor Chevy $10 or Chevy Blazer. Complete with bolts. extension and bat. 5150. Can see at B h K Tire and Battery. Brodhagen Call 519-345-2248. 01- 35x2cc SALVAGE ARTICLES in good con- dition: Oak entertainment unit: oak stereo cabinet. oak computer desk. To view or place a bid call 519.527- °400, McKillop Mutual Insurance Company. 91 Main St.. Seaforth. Bids close September 8. 2000. 01- 35.1 RETAIL SHOE) EQUIPMENT 5 ft. 'Woods' display cooler. 8 ft. `General- display cooler. Tec MA 128 cash register `tape feed . Tec SL -2200 .electronic scale, 30 lbs. max. One 15 cu.ft. glass top display freezer. One 15 cu. ft. chest freezer.• All reasonable offers considered. Call Brian after. 7:00, p.m. 519.396- 5830 01.35x1cc HOT TUBS. 6 person, incl: delivery and start-up chemicals. extra filter. both taxes. 55,400. Truckload Sale, Sept. 14th to Sept. 16th, Rintoul's Poolsand Spas of Wingham 1.-800- 716-8685.01-34x4cc BAUER SUPREME CUSTOM 2000 Junior skates. size 3 1/2. 2E width, used one season, S75.00. Fisher 519-522-1394. 01-34x3c EB 1400X HONDA generator. in good condition, used very little. Very dependable. S500.00 firm. Phone 519-524.4908. leave mes- sage.0t-34x3cc EMBROIDERY MACHINE Supplies. polyester threads. spray adhesives. • stabilizers. needles, scissors •.etc. available: Sumthing Special. Seaforth, Made Huron Shop, -Clinton or call McClure Creations. 519-527-0768. 01- 33x3c RED, HAVEN PEACHES now in good' supply. Jim Bet Fruit Farm. sweet juicy and excellent quality. Special #2's S5.00 11 qt. basket. Bring own•containers. Also apples at the farm• or Orange Fruit stand. Hwy. 8. east of lights, Clinton. 519- 524.9460. 01-33xtfcc ,• 'STAR CHOICE only S199.00 after rebate included bonus of 5 free pay per view movies. free surge protec- tor. 3 year warranty. Limited quanti- ties. Now offering free installation. Call L & A Satellite 519-524-9595. 01=32xtfcc ANTIOUES - Call us. We buy it alt. Antiques. wooden furniture. coins, collectibles. glassware etc. No fuss - No muss Cash on the spot. Call 519.364.0448 01-16xttcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate. •The Clinton News -Record. The Godench Signal Star. The -"Lakeshore Advance (Zurich l: .Shoreline News (Port. Elgin) Kincardine' News,' Lucknow Senhnr,i and The Huron Expositor. 01 01-ttnxe FLEA MARKET The Ofd Mill "Tiverton, ON - Hwy 21 Open for the Season 1lout, %S'rtt , Thurs.. Fn , Sat X Sun. 9-5 I).nl. 3. Garage Sales .341 ONTARIO ST Hwy. 8 east. Clinton. 'Friday. September 1st, Saturday. • September 2nd Oil heaters, golf equipment, two. new train engines. aquariums, toils, bed server. wicker baskets. cutlery. fold- ing chaw much more 03-35x1cc YARD SALE Sat Sept 2nd, 8 a m. 4 Ott 2.172 miles east of Seaforth on Hwy 008 Watch. for signs, lot 843378 40 11 ladder, garden tools, small toolshand and saw bladesl bolts, nails. etc Lawn furniture, cof- fee and.end tables' kitchen tables, small kitchen ,appliances and household items Man's clothing. Other items too many 10 mention 03-34x2 6 fru( k.', f(iI FOR SALE BY TENDER 1992 FORD 1/2 TON 4X4 EXTENDED CAB PICK UP TRUCK Selling in "As Is" Condition Selling Price will be applicable to GST All tenders must be submitted to a sealed envelope clearly marked to the attention of Sandra Eedy, Clinton Community Credit Union Limited. 48 Ontatio Street, Clinton Ontario NOM ILO 519- 482-3468 ext 35 Truck may be viewed at Huron Tire, Clinton, Ontario Closing deadline for tenders Is September 1 , 2000M 1:00 p.m. Employees of the Clinton Community Credit Union Limited are ineligible from purchavng Town and Country LASSIFIEDS Deadline: Monday, 12:00 Noon Call 527-o2v.... 5 Cars for Salo 1984 Olds 98 Regency Brougham in running condition Please call 519-524-6716 after 6:30 p m. 05- 35x6nxe 6 Trucks for Salo 1991 FORD AEROSTAR. extended van. 160.000 km., 7 passenger, 52.500 as is. Call 519-527-2750. 06-35x1 . 7D Bicycles CLEARANCE on all new and used bicycles. All sizes. Call 519-482- 5698. 7D -35x l cc '79 PROWLER travel trailer. sleeps 7, 52000.00. Phone 519-527-2750. 7G -35x1 8 Computers COMPUTER SPECIAL: Amazing 1 year no payments" then only 512.70/week (OAC). 466 mhz. loaded. punter, monitor. software. free scanner, delivery and set up. 1- 1800.515-5545. 08.31x5cc 10 Pets FREE TO GOOD homes Collie Lab Blue Healer Puppies. Ready to go. 2 white with black marking. 3 black with beige and white marking. •519- 345-2574. 10-34x3c FREE TO GOOD HOME - Rottweiler crossbred puppies. good natured mother. 6 weeks old. Call 519-527-1139. 10-34-2 1 1F Farm Product WINTER WHEAT SEED We have a large selection of winter wheat and winter barley varieties available for planting this fall. Early order and early payment discounts in effect until September 9. 2000. Call Rosebank Seed Farms Ltd.. RR 2. Staffa, 519-345-2697 or 1- 888-289-9934 and ask for Roger. 11F-35x2cc PICKLING CUCUMBERS for sale. All sizes available. Also dill. Call - '519-393-6838. 11 F-31 x5cc 1 1H Farm Services CUSTOM SEED CLEANING: Do you have seed- wheat you would like cleaned? Phone Graham Keys 519.263.5367 11H-31x6cc CUSTOM LARGE square baling (with optional crop cutter) and round baling contact John White at 519-348-4517 or 519-393-6574 or Dave Louwagie at 519-345-2724. Hauling available. 11 H-27x9cc CUSTOM LARGE SQUARE bating Call Roger Penner, 519-393-3356 or mobile 274-1677. 11H 24x12cc CUSTOM ROUND BALING. 4 tt. wide by 3-6 ft. high. (John Deere 466) Scott Consutl. 519-233-9297 or 519.565-2728. 11H-22x14cc gm /////// wit • CUSTOM LIQUID IN g MANURE REMOVAL. f Vacuum Tank 1 1 2 Units Available 1 Agitation REY-AGRA 519-345-0047 , 111 • 519-345-2478 , LMINIS ////Ell CUSTOM LARGE SQUARE BALING Call 345-2880 Nick Klaver -r t'(II :1,I(lt ful If(. FOR SALE. Retirement Home in Mensal on the Lane. Large corner lot, 2 bedrooms. large closets, lots of cupboard space, natural gas heat. fireplace, the house was buck to accommodate .a wheelchair. Large porch with wheelchair ramp, garden shed, can be seen anytime by appointment. 570,000. Contact Johanna Gottschalk, 519.524- 7202 12-35x3cc + FOR SALE BY OWNER• 21 LLOYD EISLER ST. • EGMONDVILLB 127-0521 Owner built home on large treed lot. 2 storey, 4 bedroom, large 'Covered front porch, large back deck, oversized double garage, family & laundry room on main floor, 114 baths, high efficiency gas furnace, central Mr 4 vacuum. Includes washer, dryer, stove, water softener. Large cold room, hill basement with workshop, paved drive, maintenance free exterior. • 12 Real Estate for Sok Prudential Heartland Realty 1 .Albert Street, Coater �Q519.482-3400 itiroiIlvoV vy 1 GO' f - s - 249.000, .R INN EST RTLMRY: Magnificent 2 5 storey brick older home covered to a 10 unit apartment building Good location rn picturesque Seaton)) Excellent investment for the hands-on owner Serving Seaford, and Area Lurie Zulaur,, Saks Represenraose 519.522.0575( res. ) email: re.ealonCatce.on.ea Fax: 522-2131 (res.) Sandra Dale, Saks Representaose 519-527-0801 (res.) email: sdale@etceon.ca Fait: 482-3477 24 hour pager 1.888-182.3400 Hrukerilh.ner Fred R. Lobb 482.3321 tres_1 17 Apartments for Pont RENT GEARED to income apart- ments in Clinton. Exeter and Godench for women and children who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron. 519-524-1620: 519.482-5288: 519-235-3183. 17- 35xlcc SILVER CREEK APARTMENTS luxury 2 bedroom apartment: con- trolled entrance. fridge, stove. designed for mature adults. Phone 519-345-2197. 17.33-11 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment in Seaforth. Quiet location. Natural • woodwork Parking and laundry included. S525. Call 519-524-9076 or 519-527-1031. 17-33xtfcc The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C ( Coming Events 01 Articles for Sole 03 Goroge7Yord Sole 04 Antiques & An 4A Crofts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sole 06 Trucks For Sole 7A for Sale General 7B Wanted To Buy 7C Wonted To Rent 7D Bicycles 7E Motorcycles. ATVs. Etc 7F Snowmobiles & Equipment 70 Rec Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H Boats. Motors & Marne 11 Service Parts & Repairs 7K Swimming Pool '& Supplies 08 Computers. Videos. Etc 09 Automotive 10 Pets 23 for Rent 24 Wanted To Rent 25 Wonted To Buy 26 Help Wanted 27 Wonted General gungrmr2,71:07777 28 Business Opporttrtvtr 11A For Sale General 29 Tenders 118 Wanted To Buy I IC Wanted TO Hire 11 D Employment Wanted 11E Livestock IIF Farm Product 110• Farm Equipmere 11H Farm Services t 11 Farm Land I1K.Form Red Estate 12 Red Estate For Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vocation Properties 16 For Rent • 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 22. Lots For Rent 23 Commercial Property 30 Employment Wonted 31 ServNe Directory 32 Babysf mfg 33 Miscellaneous 34. Rersond 35 Notice to Geatas 36.ArnoJncements 37 Mongoges 38 Auction Sok 39. Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Manages 46 In Memoriam 47 Cards of Monks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY to:oo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY tt:oo AM Ad rates phi GST 25 WORDS - One Week S6.00, two weeks SS.so ea. week. three weeks 55.00 ea. week. Additional words 20 cents. An additional Sz.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memonams - 56.00 plus 35 cents per line diverse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - zf Words 56.00. Each additional word .to cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell,-Lucknow, Kincardine. Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (2S words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional 53.0o. - THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Cal1527-0240 Monday to Fnday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM coLDweLL BANiteR D ALL POINTS - stile 7s sir FESTIVAL CITY REALTY 34 MAIN ST.. SEAFORTH I4:00 ontwat e� 527-2103 0(F)CEA t 527-2103 >w34Rv' 0300 Ea TOLL FREE 1-877-599-0090 HOME 522.021 HOKE 3488000 www.coldwellbankerfc.com J I RELAX AND WIN - 000.1 COME IN AND REGISTER AN4 tri eirollIsolor MOW OFFICEMORE*527 HOSE 527.1093 JUST REDUCED -S10.000 A STEAL - S84.900 3.98 ACRES ONLY S109,000 2 01 ACRE HOBBY FARM. 23 X 40 SHOP, BARN. 4 BEDROOMS NEW KITCHEN, WINDOWS, WHIRLPOOL, FAMILY ROOM/FIREPLACE AS GOOD AS NEW - BETTER VALUE (1 `e p1"' COMPARE & SEE • 2 FIREPLACES • CENTRAL AIR • FINISHED BASEMENT •2 BATHS • UPPER & LOWER DECKS . • FULLY LANDSCAPED •LARGE LOT ' COUNTRY PROPERTY • PAVED ROAD • 2 FAMILY ROOMS • SUN PORCH ' DECK WITH SPECTACULAR VIEWS. •3BEDROOMS . • BACKS ONTO RIVER NEW REDUCED PRICE - S99.000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES ON BUSY #8 HIGHWAY 111.4"11111111. Tri RESTAURANT. GAS BAR VARIETY STORE STEADY CLIENTELE HERITAGE HOME LIVE IN & OPERATE YOUR OWN BUSINESS EGMONDVILLE. COUNTRY LIVING. 1 50 ACRES BACK ONTO OPEN FIELDS, LARGE HOME PLUS BUILDING LOTS l LSA ST . ',EWc,ICE UPPER APARTMENTS WITH LOWER OFFICES EXCELLENT INVESTMENT 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. FAMILY ROOM WITH FIREPLACE For Real Estate Anywhere in Huron or Perth Counties We Have All Points Covered Stratford • Goderich * Wingham • Seaforth ' Exeter • Zurich • Mitchell • Bayfield • Clinton REAL 23 CENTRE ST., EGMONOVILLE LIST - $134.900' - uiil511)11ii ESTATE LTD. rrr.. • 33 JOHN.STREET, - 'F' EFIELO - LIST 564.900 i - t�, E °''' • 113 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST 1149,900.' - . .....1... � • r" • LIST 179,0001 - ' i , p1 ` L, . • At if 15 EAST BAYFIELD ST., EGMONDVILLE LIST 569.900.' - Moll 0 100 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH ' COMMERICAL - LIST 1159,900' - / - t(• At a t+i�e 11 SPARLIN0 STREET, SEAPORT?' LIST 5119,900.' - '.,.1 A • 1 is • , i ' �• l 440 ,- . is .•, •-, 5 • , IIIIIM Nrsf• ...t. 1St JARVIS 9fREET, SEAFORTH LIST 1159,9001 - 13 WILSON STREET, SEAFORTH 289 ACRES - LIST $139,900 1 - aa�,. a 41104 44'. 1 173 FREDERICK STREET, CLINTON 1197 169.900' - 71',4 r•. I WILLIAM - iS�.,.. �. r>. STREET, EOMONOVILLE LIST 1125.900' - 1 11.0Ms _, 59 HURON ROAD, HARPURHEY - 1197 1192,500.1 - If%•' 1 lsefodh Oflloe: 4. upL/p�a 118 /127.1$77 w i�p7. 1H- f 1� 8 Msln Street .1AUS1EP1UNTATNE IAA 11EAL1011 Awl.1 am ..aYa a MAIM Id 11111111111 1)5T$749001 III GUEBIST 1$899900' TM AP