HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-08-23, Page 11Correspondents Marching band accepting members The Seaforth and District All Girls Marching Band is present!) acceiNting new members. Young women between the ages of 12 and 19 are insited.to help keep this 48 -year-old Huron.County- tradition marching into the new millennium. Band membership enhances existing school music programs and instruments are loaned to members at•no claret. Young women with no mustcat experience are also welcome to loin this unique group. Flag and banner carriers. flag wavers and dancers are a colourful addition to the musicians who perform popular music and show tunes under the leadership of band director. Charles Kalbfleisch. In addition .to participating in'parades throughout Ontario -during the year. the band travels within Canada and the •L"nned States performing choreographed routines while expenencing the education that travel offers. • In ,larch 2001. the group plans to.travel to Florida. where they will perform at'Universal Studios. a Toronto Blue Jays spnng training game and at the Ice Palace in Tampa Bay. pnor to a hockey game between the Tampa Bay Lightning and the Toronto Maple Leafs. • The new.sea:on begins Sept. 6 at 6:45 p.m. at Seafonh District High School. Prcispective Members are welcome to attend. and parents are always welcome. For more information;please call: Charles Kalbfleisch 565- 224.2 Or•band e\ecuti'e members: Shirley ',tugger 527-1465: - Penn} Breen. 5_4-9306: �r Dianne Duskocv 887-65'6. Anniversary couple `roasted' by friends St. Columbon Frank Cronies backyard uas:WI of, family mem'\e. . relati\ es. _., an. • ,e� suer se `: aD True ue1) wishers ,:\•' rt an evening Frank, visiting- _ _,crated with . ioon5 enhan... the festivities., • Frank,and Patsy Croviley celebTe___ • their 25th weddjng dnni%ersary .with a mass of thank sgia trig at St. - ..Columban Church. The moving service Was' w rtnessed_ by a church past weekend in St. .Columban by the Huron Rec League team. Tenarea teams participated. The St. Columban team lost t� Lucknow by a score of 2-0. and to the Wingham team in a tough 2-1 loss in overtime. In the final. the Lucknow team -defeated Clinton 1-0 to win the tournament' v.hich ended.the season for the Rec League teams. • In The London First Division action. the St. Columban men's team suffered a 4-1 loss recenth, to top placed A.E.K. in London. Gerd Keller scored the team's single gTiai: i .By Mo 345 - ryC. Ryon 2560 Twit titled w tth family. relatives. neighbours and rJ len Each, of their children. Jim., Jane. Julianne. Jeanette and John partiupated in the ceremony presided by Father Joie Dabrowski. Debbie .VandenHengel and Amanda Ryan proyiied' the. music. for•the ser:rce. while !+like VanBake1 and ;9 Marianne VandenHengel were the soloists. An 'c\aning of fun and celehraiion followed with yisiung. music and laughter as family treated Frank and 'Patsy .t9 a ':roast." The successful soccer tournament as hosted this Local people attend card party in Kitchener Dublin An enjoyable afternoon of cards was held at the home 'of Cyril and Rosemarie Murray on Friday of last week in.Khchener. Martin Murray of .Seaforth and Jerome Murray of Mitchell played with their cousins from Peterborough. rut.1% a and Kitchener. ICE RENTALS Various times available late August & early September. please call 527-1272 For more information Seaforth & District Community Centres • St rat ford • Cinemas 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '.51 Huron SI. 273-6780 I Poktmon The Movie ' • .111.,•aA ar 4/I6. What Lies Bernath • Nightly el 6:45119:15 . are s..wtoo la Sr s, lira :1tit1s ern_ ler. t. rr 1 1 1 = Bring k •• 116 surtnari r7Ivo 14 1 11ro V oseUgly fligkeyat Kowa* iv. Tim N w 1 es , The Magic Rail Road 660,1 tttts tier.. • 11 rr fa {r 1 4 1', Tuesday 6Qtfr (. :ir .l FRI. & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN.-THURS. 8 PM '.Aihlyl:s F4)IW La� 1 r r t4,S .k ,1 coyote ugly iOCHEUE PFEIFFER ran FRI.&SAT. 6:45&9:15 PM .;, w,.s.'..,... wan "lo .. r./. 1.64..4 rr. ►... r_ T SUN.-THURS. 8 PM r.0 r iiroweirrtore r011 CM O,.ffi 11STANtt'► hitt 1 100 205 3171 101 1011 lIfl 110111 1910 l ALL ! OL' L AN EAT FISH & CHIPS $535 • NEW YORK $A 90 MELT 4• SUNDAY, AUG. 27th, Sto7PM BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST or HAM STEAK includes soup or garden sated, nuotwd or homemade fries„ colesla, veggies, dinner mil, coffee or tea and dessert ZZtN $895• • Seniors Discount to*. SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DINING 527 1964 90 Main St. Seaforth NOT FOR SALE One of a kind ,lassi.. no reconditioning necessary' No surta:e rust. all onginal parts. Lou maintenance. totally reliable. Two -owner - lady driven. No Offers Will Be Accepted! A Family Treasure, Happy Birthday. BE_NN1' BE!NNEWIES BUCK & DOE for RAY(BUZZ) BROWN JACKIE STEWART Saturday Aug. 26, 2000 8 p.m. -.1 a.m. Hensall Community Centre . Tickets 55.00 Age of Majority Lunch provided Music by D.J. Forthcoming Marriage MCLACHLAN-TAYLOR Sherri Ann McLachlan and Daniel James Taylor will be joined together in marriage on Friday the 25th of August at 7:00 .p.m. at Egmondrille United Church. KAREN A. VANSTEELANDT Gilbert & Ricki Vansteeldant are pleased to announce that Karen has graduated from the University of Windsor with • an •Honours Biological Sciences on June 10, 2000 (Bachelor -of Science and Bachelor of Education from Windsor; 19991. Karen will be teaching at Castle Vale Secondary School -in Birmingham. England . Congratulations Karen and Best Wishes in all your future endeavours! Lore, Mom, Dad, Tania and Kevin HAPPY 65th BIRTHDAY DAD John Cairns Aug. 23rd YOU MADE IT Du1 A..t.tt • The hair is all gone, IBut the boy's still here 1 r Happy B Day Cooper. I IIt's beep 40 years. ■ lignmeammesowasa•••aral Al Nicholson Happy 80th Birthday Al Love from your family! Shinaido Jo Jutsu Kai Ju Jutsu and Weapons Classes Addressing Strut defenses and Law Enforcement/Security needs Membership by approved applications only Glass site restricted (Excess on waiting list) Classes Tuesdays and 'Thurman T:30 P.m; to 9:15 P.m. 110 Per Person a sEielb Membeist>;p Includes a comprehensive insurance package Starting: Sevtember 5.2000 At: The County Club Meech St.. Caton) 4l•trib•rshiPe in Wald Ju Jutsu, Ktiatid0 itaderation and Ontario Mille Arts Aaa0fM00 {rluctorr SiMhan P. Pat Brads, Sth Degree 61adc Belt Phone: (5191 482-8965 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, August 23. 2000-11 Forthcoming Marriage Marlyn Gray and the late Gang Gray of Seaforth and Donna Flynn and the late Hugh Flynn of Londesbom are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Becky Lyn and Norris Michael William The wedding will take place at Northside United Church, Seaforth. on August 26, 21X10 at 3:00 p.m. Open reception 8:30 at Seaforth & Distnct Community Centres. THiS WEEK Ends Thurs. 24th SCAREY MOVIE and WHAT LIES BENEATH • Starting Friday Keanu Reeves in THE REPLACEMENTS and C6n1 Eastwood rn SPACE COWBOYS Gates Open 8:15/Show 0 9:15 r_•� DRIVE-IN /{van County ria SlO .1x752 Shipia Line 238-8'344 t 1UCX.DOE' yi,� for �< ': JEFF POSTMA KERRY COX Friday, Aug. 25 12 Clinton Arena 9 pm -1 am D.J.: Neat Guys Ticket info: 482-7903 \i"› or 482-9144 * • > Lunch Provided e Come Join The Huron - County Cloggers! Beginner, Intermediate & - Advanced Classes starting October 3, 2000 at the Seaforth & District Community Centres For more information call Sherry MCCall at 527-1307 e ▪ te r i:1 .• .t .• .r s .• 0 .• .• 1:.f ✓ M.C.L. SOUND .:', f • • FULL D.J. SERVICE Book Your Receptions, ✓ Buck & Does early' r . For more info. call 1 •John McLeod It* • 482-9984 evenings Dianna's Country Bakery & Cafe, St. Columban 345-2,304 BAKERY SPECIAL • - Fudge Brownies • S/1 50 Reg. 53.50 . NOW S2 5° 2 egg's with bacon: hani ..r .ausage toast & homefne. until 2 p.m. Sat. &Sun. '2.99 SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 AMtu2_Ix+P\1 $695 SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET 4:00 PMt..7•30PM. • Roast Chicken aid • Roast. Bi+ef • 5795 We're f - Open lj THURSDAYS 'TIL 8 PM The 1 iooking t_;la.. Culligan Real Estate Jackie's Hair & Aesthetii Archie's Service Centre Seaforth Sunv's Triangle Discount Queen's Hotel Attic Treasures Mac's Milk Pizza Train \ia i au hhn C hey Olds (amok.. Men's Wear Seaforth Shell Drake & Drake '. aforth Sensing Centre Sizzlers Sew What? The Hobby Shop t\'uerth's Shoes Commercial Hotel Jtorth Public i ibrary Nifty Korners I'vie's Paper Clip Hildebrand Flowers Hildebrand i'aint & Paper t1'king". Grill Seaforth Food Market Dr. LaPlante Sumthing Special -'t•aforth Chiropractic Centre Total image 11 Becker's Mtilk Iilue eater Interiors \Iain Street Video 'Iedman's & T1'I Travel Janet's Counts' Donuts Bo\ Furniture 1, • are 'pen Thur.. fvt/ tat rytitt+;: '1 i1 tt Jan fir later T his ad sponsored by: SEAFORTH SEWING CENTRE \lain St., Seaforth 527-1tf1N1 3 4 • U 17 • • =Bs NIL 3 cY•aaunaa 1 Orchestra seats 8 Rounded 9 Member of Jamaican religion 10 Band 11 Hurting 14. Frames 15. Firm in position 17. Aroused 19. South Amencen nation 23 Parts GI harness 24 Suppose 25 Take off 26 Jock 27 Anagram of emrwsttlsgals 1. Processor method 2. Channels 13. Placental mammal 4. Bulkier 5- Property 6 Many st consc,ousses.- 7. W41h three uneven sides 12. Rig 13. Curative • 14. Animal disease 16. In Its place 19. Expression 19 Jacket 20. Electronic cC,mmunk Gabon 21. Device 22. Exploiters 23. Rudolf _ • war cominaf • aohAron rue,il woo Edward Jonei Serving individual Investors '(.UCs 'Mutual lunch '{lands 'RRSPs 'Stotts •RRIFs (eax//w.markaonSams4 ran /ON 1 Jew Waite 1r " ♦ 79 f nano Kd. „iiito Militia!, t kit. hit $ I N( ) 0191 14l1-9117 1 vi+,+,,r r es