HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-07-19, Page 9'ni`INTEE Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 492-5991 Tony & Mary Vanden Henget Sales Repreeersatnes 233-3168 COMPLETELY RENOVATED. 3 FABULOUS WATER PROPERTY: 2e bed•oom horse Lovely nature sores fronting on the Brusseas Dam woodwork aeraclNely decorated Gas Conservation Area Includes part of heat $64.900 the darn +tse t, an island and a gcogews building site GREAT STARTER HOME w‘.1- ba -r HULLETT TWP. FARM. 187 acres for workShot 2. tearooms man 1roJr wn newer tungabw Farrow to Irish tamny'oor' Krntiurr flog barris Havestor silo Good value QUAL`TY BACHELOR apartment. available now. Also one bedroom available Aug Ln histonc home. separate, entranes verandah. al appliances supplied Phone 519- 527-0349 17-23-tf TWO - ONE BEDROOM apart- ments with tndge and stove Cali 519-527-0421 17-28x2 THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT for rerr,. CALL 519.527-0560 17- 28 -TF LARGE ONE BEDROOM apart- ment in Clinton controlled entrance. tndge ant stove included Gas heat separate!,, metered utili- ties. ousel b..iiiding r. good rotation with balcony ..aunini arra meats available if wanteo Available Aug 1st Please call 519-526.1049 leave message or cat 5'9-462-3571 17- 25x6ruke HEATED TWO BEDROOM apart- ment. newly demraled. triose to . uptown Ph9-,e 519-527-0235 17- 18-18 CLINTON - newe• two bedroom quiet 4 plex. con/robed entry fax appliances. le nary facilities avail- able. parking no pets. 5450 00 mord/1/y. plus utilities Available now 519-685-2264. 17-23xtta LARGE 2 BEDROOM APT. 65 Prm3ess St. W. Clinton • Clear, sure• adur. building • Seniors welcorne • lnvuoes appitances. uti t.es b parking • Lakindry tacdrtres avaaable • Close to uptown • Available August 1st 482-6784 or 527-1315 K Costs Norhing to Compare 10 -ouse for �rnt 21 FRONT ST EGMONDVILLE. 2 bedroom home gas. furnace. Over view surioeck. fridge arid stove hnciuded Avanable Aug 1. $525 Plus utilities Phone Kirkton 5.9- 229-8957 18-26-11 19 rooms for rent EXETER - ROOMS 4 rent. tur- n sped air conditioned. cable share krtchen bat' ra,�no-y park- ing Rent 5260 - 5400 rrr-iusive: also garage space 10, rent Fx informal,o- cal 519-235-401€ 19- 9Ax6 29 "endo -r s ONE BEDROOM apartment edge of Clinton. fndge and stove includ- ed Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754 17-06xtfcc 24 ' r�,.tac-d 10 gent SPACE FOR 12 months storage in Seaford, suitable for a car and a small boat Cel 519-527-0243. 24- 28x2 MATURE COUPLE looking for Lary* clean two bedroom or three bedroom home. tor Sept •1:00. Please cal; 519-275-2972 ask tor Bull or Bart 24-28x4 25 ,'.anted to c lay WANTED TO BUY. Scrap cars and trucks Repairs and towing. Also used cars for sale Phone Bis's Sarvage and Auto Sates. RA. 2, Brussels. 519-887-6510. 25-29-8 300 CEDAR RAILS for fencing pur- poses Cali 519-264.1906 25- 28x2cc ANTIQUE GLASSWARE. china. tumrt-ire sewing machines. maga- zines pre -1970. Paying 10 each for Crown fruit jars. It moving or settling an estate please call Bnan Butter. 519-245-3142 Strathroy. I buy almost anything old 25-09xttcc. 26-4elp t7anted FULL AND PART TiME chicken catchers- Caii Erne 519-482-8823 or 519-482-9067. 26-28-0 Well established local retail location requires on enthusiastic PART-TIME SALES PERSON Must be outgoing, motivated and interested in serving the public. Must be able to work weekdays, Thursday. evenings and Saturdays: Experience an asset but not a requirement. Send resume (with cover letter) to: Box 4126 clo Huron Expositor P.O. 69 Seatorth, ON NOK 1 WO 29 "tinders INVITATION TO TENDER rrvpr':� 11 27 acres, Concesswn 1, Part Lot 1 and Concession 2, Part Lot 1 And Part Road Allowance Between Concession .1. Lot 1 Arid Block E as RP.Tou•nshipof Colborne, County of !furor; 11.27 acres Slightly rolling land on edge Of Town of Godeneh, accessible from Main Road North boundary overlooks ranine and mature bush Road takes 5 - bend going north'around suh ect property Possible potential for future subdivision. D and 051 Zoning or planning inquires should be directed to the Township of Colborne '519/ 524-4669 or County of Iluron Planning and Development Department /5191 524- 2188 Vendor Estate of iames Everett Reid Tenders will be received to purchase the above referenced properly on the basis outlined in this invitation The tendered price excludes all applicable taxes Tenders will be received at the address below until 12 o'clock noon. on the 15th day of August, 2714i Upon acceptance, .the successful.tenderer, if any, Will be required to make a deposit of ten percent r10%4 of the purchase price The sirccesslul tenderer will be required to enter into a written Agreement of Purchase and Sak in the form provided by the vendor. A copy o the said form may be obtained from the undersigned The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Before submitting a tender, tenderers should carefully examine the property and fully inform themselves of all existing conditions with respect 10 the subject property, particularly, zoning restrictions, cfficzal.plan restrictions and other municipal or governmental restridions related to the property. The tenderer agrees that the tender price as stated in fly tender form .shall be alxn to acceptance by the Owner for a period of fifteen days from the daft of closing of tenders. The dosing of this transaction will be September 15, 2000, oft cinch date the balance of Mr purchase price must be paid. Dated al Stratford, Onlano, this 14th day of lily, 2000. Pr't.c'Y'v Descripftnrl Present Toni rix Beanbag, McDonald & Tymec Barristers and Solicitors 10 Downie Street Stratford, Ontario NSA 714 (519) 271-6350 phone 15191271-3074 fax Solicitors for the Estate Trustees 'the Estate of /ages Everitt Reid LICENSED ELECTRICIAN: required inviolately Experience in Conmorcial and Aprimikaral field an meet Please forward rename by fax 519-345-2415' or call Elligsen Electric Ltd. at 519-345-2447 26- 29x3c PERSON NEEDED for pail-bme worts. Must haw own transports - bon. Please call John van Vbet, 519-887-6908. 26-29-1 PART TIME HERDS PERSON required on 4575 sow breeding stock operattoff. Hours we flexible. If you are reliable, thorough, pro- ductive, like working with pigs and have void drivers license this open- ing rnay be for you. Please mad or fax resume in confidence to Joe KoRm►an. R. R. *2. Monklon. NOK 1P0 Fax 519-347-4054 26-29x2oc THE COMMISSIONAIRES are accepting applicants for security positions n Clinton and Stratford area Former military or police experience required.. Resumes by tax only 519-433.6115. 26-29x6cc SUPERVISOR. DRIVER & chicken catcher posrbons to be filled. Phone 1.519-799-5598 or tog free 1-800- 694-4045 26-44xttcc Weekly Delivery Person The Huron Expositor needs someone to deliver papers Wednesday mornings, 8 am to 9 am. Please call Terri at 927-0250 O'Rourke Transport Inc. has a permanent full-time position (30-40 hours/week) available immediately for an enthusiastic individual with a Gass D license for local work handling 2 week old pigs. Experience an asset but not necessary, willing to train. For sanitary reasons. the successful candidate should be clean and neat in appearance. Please fax resume to (519) 345-2501 or call (519) 345-2913 FREE KIT • free samples • free start-up cost • JOIN AVON TODAY 1 enjoy earning extra ■ $Smoney$$ LET'S TALK!! call Sharon Stephenson I @'519-887-6305 , before July 23 111111111111■1MNIIIMI DRIVERS WANTED CLASS AZ DRIVERS needed to transport live poultry. Full-time and part-time jobs available. Please apply in person to: Moores Produce Ltd. . at Hwy. 23 North, Listowel 519-291-4570 1-800-265-1749 BUS DRIVER NEEDED For Win. Michel 8 anion Areas mist leve Clew 8 license et waking to obtain. Tramp ;wooded For more information contact SCRUTON ENTERPRISE Calf 482.3775 or 345-2470 Ask for John FULL TIME help wanted for farrow to wean sow operation. Dubes All procedures ol early wean system. Pnmariy breeding. dry sow proce- dures and repairs and mainte- nance Experience required Apply with resume to Drawer *4127. c/o The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69. Seatorth. On. NOK 1 WO. 26-29-2 PART TIME NOW. full home evad- able mid August. must be able to work nights. weekends and some days. Smart Serve is an asset but will train. Experience an asset but will train nght people. Bring resume with references to Hailey at Toms Place. Clinton. 26-28x2cc 29 -enders CHICKEN CATCHERS required immediately for. local night crew. Full • time employment. Transportation provided, hours vary. salary piece work. Phone 1- 800-265-1170. 26-29x2cc. A HURON COUNTY 7,0 HOUSING AUTHORITY. - Reference• PT (HCI200 -03 Bids are etvrted for the Parking Lot Expansion and Reconstruction at 50 Mansel Street, SEAFORTH BID SECURITY: 52.000.00 Bids wit be received for the above until 11.00 a.m. local time Wednesday- August 2 2000. by the Huron County Housing Authority. 0/0 Huron County Heath & Library Complex, Hwy *4 South, R.R *5, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO. (519) 482-8612. from whom speafrcabogs • and details rnay be obtained upon payment of 115.00 per tender package (non-refundable). THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED 31 Service Directory BRIAN ULCH Welding. Custom Welding and Repairs. Portable welding Farm and Industrial Custom made trailers and hitches. Reasonable rates 519-345-2643 31-26xtfcc DO YOU HAVE A dusty dnveway or parking lot" We can stop the dust. Cat Mobile Oil Spraying for calcium duel control. 519-345-2862. After hours 527-2272. or 527-2097: 31- 25x6c REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques. handstripping, also custom made tumiture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR 91, Seatorth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-tf Abattoir and Meat Market .83-3 1;2 miles eau of Ehteter Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Horne cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Kai f5GGRAPIl(5 32 babysitting EXPERIENCED MOM willing to babysit- Nutntious meals. snacks. activities: crafts. walks. all provided with lots of TLC. With or without receipts. CalI today 519.345.2643. 32.26xticc 34 ersonal ARE NIGHTCLUBS JUST NOT your scene? Misty River Introductions, Ontano's backbone! matchmaker, at 519-658-4204 34- 29x 1 cc AIN ELEVAT I • AGER WANTE Fie time position for operational manager in the Vanua area. While prev$ous experience would be an asset, training MI be provided for an interested candidate with a solid agricultural and maintenance background. Benefit package provided. . Apply with resume tin MIM & MM1 Farrns Ltd. .Tei: (519) 233-3218 or Fax: (519) 233-3440 I+' Mow Recwcas Debepperrwn des osrttot Pram tineas reseourw Now* Cade Mas •tics wastcaast itaii The Godent h Louie Theme and the Wingiiam Town Hall Hentage Theatre seek to hue 10 yang people between the ages of 18 and 30 for project'eos Office Wesscoast Tae project is designed to give tea young people a real business experience in creating sad opernug a :mice busieess in rhe Godcrici sad Wwglsam won - APIPATaltt • meg mot be preseedy employed or if so wederemployed • mol slot be rasrtwg so sdsool u the year 2000 • west be' prepared to work a 35 it work week co a six day schedule betwees aim sad 8 pre for s six meads period beguawg to August. • dulls Needed for drese posaioes seclude. desip. merkebeg, media. mail sad comma k is slat massy tin each applicant possess skids sa WI areas A fiance is as asset hist slot aeoesssry. Resumes Anal/ be seat to Bet Office Walnut Project Co-cordial/1r The Liv 35 South Street, GGodeerrich N7A 3L4 Or fax 519 524-S79O and Pere, e4 wo later thin Monday. lily .11. 2000 WIMP ../ Pew4%. T H IA T.* Tisa INR MOM ILX/OSiTOB. Jsu/y 14, 8000-D A A. 1f you think you have a drink- ing problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for rasions. Cail 519- 527-1650 or toll free 1-800-706- 9833. 34-29x1 LOCAL MALE, 40 interested in meeting others who are Gay, Bi or Cuneus Friendship+. ages 25-55. Privacy guaranteed. Reply to Box 220 AB. Wharton, On. NOH 2T0. 34- 29xlcc DEBT PROBLEMS? FAMILY SERVICES PERTH -HURON can help Free Initial Consultation Cal (519) 273.1020 m1-800.258-0903 Na Profit Credo Counseling Since 1974 A United Way Member Agency 37 .`ttc Crc':tcrs NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of MARY WILMA CARDNO All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Wilma Cardno, late of the Town of Seafoarth, who died on or about the 2nd day of July. 2000, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of August. 2000. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seatorth, Ontario this 11th day of July. 2000. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Barristers and Solicitors - 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK MVO Solicitors for the Executor 37 i".'',ortgages MORTGAGE NETWORK 25 Financial Institutions On Line MORTGAGES (For posited borrowers) Flexible 62 a SV736' Rate sub»ct 10 change Gary Walden - Clinton 482-7675 www. &spin Your Local Consultant Hard To Aeonws weeoms 11' & 2'" Mortgage Money W Abstey Pyo ont Fees Avlgabie as b. as 7.0` Interest Persona' Loans - n you witty payments &MAcotox. Mo. Paye nl ' 5.000 ' 41 66 '10.000, ' 83 33 '15.000 '125.00 Co soboes you• debts -W/ soecvbsr r prorsem mongages C1111 (519) 364.04501-800387.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38 Auction Sale SOLD BY AUCTION: 1992 • Crown Vic. sold certified •witll no reserve. Kincardine Community .Centre. Fn. July 21. 6:30 p.m. For details 519- 389-5092. 38-29klcc SOLD' BY AUCTION: 1989 Dynasty. certified. '78 horse trailer. no reserve bid. Teeswater Curling Club. Mon. July 24. 6:30 p.m. For details 519-389-5092. 38-29x1cc AUCTIONS WED. JULY 19 AT 6:00 P.M. - Auction of M.F. 135 diesel tractor; lawnmowers: tools & household effects at 752 Queen St.. St. Marys for • Donald and Pat Naim. THURS. JULY 20 AT 4:00 RM. - Estate auction of old farm implements: antiques. and collectibles held 1 1/4 mile south of Dungannon and 1 1/4 mde west (just west of zoo) for the Estate of the Late Hugh and WdIetta McWhinney. THURS. JULY 27 AT 3:30 P.M. - Large auction of mostly antiques. collectibles; and some household effects at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St in Mitchell. Prop: Karl and Mary Jane Schussler; the Estate of Eula Kellar; and Oliver and Launne McIntosh. TUES., AUG. 8 AT 5:00 P.M. Aucbon o1 farm toys; toy trucks; banks and literature held at the Mitchell and Distract Community Centre in Mitchell. Consignments welcome. JACOB & ZEHR AUCTIONS 271-7894 or 887-9599 RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Tuesday. Judy 211 at 8:00 RIE: Versatile 800 Series 2 tractor with leader. Versatile 118 tractor. 9ft snowblower. 2.12 discs. 2 gravity boxes or wagons. N1 Unls System. new grain cleaner cost 87200. 24' lathe w/6' bed. 24- upright drilling machine, horizontal milling machine. 28' radial arm saw, 3T handsaw. 24• planer. H.D. wench. woodspUffer. JD hand turn corn abetter. large antique scale. elevator, baler. 7' packer. 200 gal saddle tank. AC corn planter. Dtrestteas: Go north of Bayfield on Highway 2I to golf course. turn right. go tri mike to Porters Hi9 acne. turn right. go vi mile to Bayfield River road, turn left. go t's mile farm *35953. Triple DJ. Enterprises Ltd. Ser anew.aucttorthothiw.com for full dating. Wim, Jtigr 98 a Sa0 Antiques. furniture. appliances at Lobb Auction In Clinton 1Vt are accepting Bsod a&btiens to this auction susew.ameeleaieglae.eeo Me dotal,/ Nods. sod woody awed**,.. • EXPERIENCED, dependable woman avadab+e for household and business cleaning. Reasonable rates. Call Elva Often. 519-527- 0656. 30-29x2c ' �i.i••.:1 ., •11 Festival School of Hairstyling... is now accepting registration for our September Class. Nail technology & make up artistry offered at no extra charge. Financial assistance available for those that qualify. For further information call 519-271-9551. 42 Deaths ALEXANDER-LAUZON, Theresa Mary: At• Seatorth Community Hospital on Thursday. July 6. 2000. Theresa Mary Alexander-Lauzon. age 67. formerly of Chatham. wife of the tate Ivan Alexander (1987) Bom in London, in 1932, daughter of the late Emily (Fitzgerald) and • John Harwood. she lived in Chatham for most of her life. She will be sadly missed by her daugh- ters, Charlene and husband Larry Pnebe of Seatorth, and Caroline Alexander and her fiance David Walker of Springfield & 6 grandchil- dren, Vanessa, Brittany. Natalie and Janette Priebe, Clyde and Najesta Ferrell. She is predeceased by 2 sisters Emily Rogers and Winnifred Wickert . and a brother Herbert Harwood. Friends and relatives called at The Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Horne and Chapel, 156 William St. S. Chatham on Sunday. Funeral Service was conducted at the Funeral Horne Chapel on - Monday at 10 a.m. with Fr. Greg Bonin of St. Joseph's Church offici- ating. Burial took place in St. Anthony's Cemetery. Donations to the chanty of your choice would be appreciated. 42-29x 1 McGRATH, Ruth: of Dublin, passed away at Seatorth Community Hospital. Seaforth, on Fnday, July 14. 2000 in her 75th year. • Beloved wife o1 the late Patrick McGrath. Loving mother of Barbara McGrath of Rexdale, Cheryl McGrath of Dublin, Sandra and Paul Haynes of Dublin. Donna and Neil Beuerman of Seaforth and Ken and Waneeta McGrath of Seaforth. Cherished - grandmother of Michael Beuerman, Nicholas Haynes, ' Tommy and • Timmy McGrath. Dear sister and sister-in- law of Arthur and Marguerite Vincent of Brantford, Evelyn and Leo Jones of Mactier, Eva and Jim Brown of Egmondville, Jack and Alma Vincent of Woodstock, Cora Vincent of Dorton, Veronica Vincent of Seaforth, Eleanor Murray of London. Ina - McGrath of Egmondvilte and Helen Ahrens o1 Stratford. Predeceased by her son Tom McGrath. one - sister . Iva Vincent and by 3 brothers Donald, • Kenneth and Ross Vincent. Fnends .: Ire received at the Box and Smith Funeral Chapel, 47 High St,. Seatorth, on Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9. Liturgy of the Christian bunal was held at the funeral home on Monday, July 17, 2000 at 2 o'clock. Father Maunce Charbonneau offici- ated. Interment St. Patrick's Cemetery, Dublin. As expressions of sympathy memorial donations to'' - the Canadian Diabetes Association, • the Heart and Stroke Foundation; the Alzheimers Society or the Arthritis Society would be greatly - appreciated. Pallbearers were nephews Larry McGrath, Dan McGrath, •Raymond Brown, Bill Brown, Fred Murray and Frank Vincent Flower bearers were grandsons, Michael Beuerman, Nicholas Haynes, Tommy and Timmy McGrath. As a tribute to the lute of Ruth; a tree will be planted in her memory. 47- 29-1 BAPTY, Dorothy (Etue); Passed away peacefully, on Saturday, July 15, 2000 at Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich, Dorothy Angela Bapty (Molyneaux) (Etue), in her 88th year Beloved wile of the late Lloyd Etue (1978) and the late Harry Bapty (1990). She wdl remain in the hearts of her children Jeanne and her husband Steve Scotchmer of Oakville, Jerry Etue of Birmingham, Michigan, igan, Mary and her, husband Bill Wilkinson of Farmington. Michigan, and Elizabeth Etue of Toronto. Fondly remembered by her grandchildren Jody and Molly Scotchmer, Peter, Mark and Bryan Wilkinson, Ry'ari and Kelly Etue and her great grandch.l ren Olivia and Ryan Dembroskr. Dear sister of Veronica Etue-David and Mary Stapleton and her husband Ferg. Predeceased by her sister Anna Schmuck and brother Jack Motyneaux. Visitation was held in the J.M. Mc8 alh Funeral Home: 49 Goshen 8t. N.,2unch, ON., (519- • 236-4365) on Monday, from 7-9 p.m. The funeral Mass was .cele- brated on Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 11 a m. at 81. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Highway 21, 8 km south of hayfield. Father Sipek cel- ebrant. Interment St. Peters Cemetery. Parish prayers were held at 8 p.m. on Monday. Memorial contributions, in lieu of flowers, b 81. Peers Roman Catholic Church or your local Nzhat mars Society world be appreciated by the family. 42.29x 1oc