HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-07-05, Page 7nin.e_R.neniTnmcw5nemeemenneeritiemeeei
Father Dabrowski
welcomed to parish
Dabrowski was •
welcomed into the
St. Columban Parish
family and.
community at Mass
celebrated by Father
Dabrowski this past
Sunday -at St. .
Columban Church.
Father Joe belongs
to the Michaelite
• Fathers. an order
. who have a
community in .
London, Ontario.
Father Joe was horn in
Warsaw. Poland. While
training in the seminary in
Poland. for four of those .'
years. oneof his teachers was
Pope John Paul U. Father Joe.
has been in Canada for -many
years now. serving in
parishes in Wallaceburg and •
Tilbury, then for several
years as .a military chaplain
in the Canadian Armed
Forces. He comes to St. -
Columban afterserving his
most recent parish in
Thamesville. Asocial time
with cake: coffee and getting
acquainted was held inthe
St. Columban Parish hall
following Mass to welcome
Father Joe who.has moved -
into the rectory at Si. •
Columban. Mass will be
celebrated in theChurch • .
'every weekday at 9 a.m. and
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
Joe and Teri Dwyer. Eric.
'Danny and Sara hosted the
annual -Dwyer family reunion
St. Columban
By M
Ory C
their home
s past
y. The weather
co-operated as
severatmembers of%
the Tim and Joe
Dwyer families
(originally from near
Kinkora area)
gathered in good Irish
tradition to get re-
acquainted with long
lost relatives, or just
get caught up with
cousins not seen for
some time. The
children enjoyed
tossing water balloons filled
' at the hand pump, playing
football and flying kites. A
pot luck dinner was enjoyed.
by all. -
The Grade 8 students at St.
Columban School
accompanied Father Moe
Charbonneau in a visit to. St.
Peter's Seminary in London.
The students at St. Columban
School wrapped up their year
'of studies and activities with
as assembly to honour say
goodbye and make a
presentation to those teachers
who are leaving the school.
Each class presented a song _
or skit to honour Miss Kelly,
,Miss Poppe and Mrs. •
Shirmack who are leaving
the school community.
The Huron Rec League
Soccer action. the St.
Columban Men's team kept
the Exeter team to a 1-1 tie in
recent play. The St:
Columban goal was scored
by Brent Hulley.
St. Patrick's
Dublin St.
Patrick's Church
Centennial was a
success with
Family Day on
Saturday. July 1st
and on Sunday.
July 2nd the parish
was delighted to .
have His
Excellency, John
Michael Sherlock.
Bishop of London.
officiating at the •
Mass along with our priest.
Father Maurice
Charbonneau and six other
priests Father Costello.
Father DelCiancio. Father
Nyland, Father Carrigan.
Father Janisse and. Father
At 1 p.m. Sunday, a
• dinner was served at
Mitchell Community
"Centre with a huge crowd.
Two former "Dubliners"
Father Martin Nyland and.
Father Jack Costello gave
us an interesting and •
'tumorous talk.
Margaret Rowland and
Pauline Harttiel organized
this wonderful day.
• The former 'mayor' of
Dublin. Ontario or the
Inspecting Trustee. Jerry
Murray. returned to the
roots of his ancestors in
By D
Dublin, Ireland,
along with five of
his cousins, .
Raymond Maloney
. and son Pat, Leon
Maloney and his
two. sons, Chris and
Derek•Maloney. .
They left June 15th
and returned June •
Murray reports
that the country of
Ireland is not that
big but what there is
is second to none. They
even took a picture with the
Prime Minister of Ireland,
Mr. Benie Ahearn. They
drove around the country -
with two cars, Pat Maloney.
and Chris Maloney
navigating. They also
kissed the Blarney stone.
The group found John
Murray's store in the
County of Roscommon..
The. Murray name is the .
20th most common name in
Ireland. There were two
brothers - John Murray
married Hanorak Burke and
Thomas murray married '
Chaenne Burke. We are 95 .
percent sure it was the town
name River St. Bailinasloe
in the County Of
Roscommon. •
' Library gears up for Wilderness Bound program
.The Huron County Library is gearing aspects of the wilderness—from birds Works.•a division of the Department of
tip for its annual summer reading and plants to animals and more. Canadian Heritage. has also contnbuted
. program to -he held in 12 library. • Amy Gibbings and Tara Sturdy. the , to the.program: Donations are also,
branches throughout -Huron County. Summer Reading Program Coordinators, received from ioeal businesses and
The theme tor 2000s program is. will present the "Wilderness Bound service clubs.
Wilderness Bound Adventure Found," " Adventure Found" program during the This program provides an opportunity
Through -participation in stones, crafts. , months of July and August throughout for parents to offer their children an -
gamesand songs relating to thethe participating libraries. The summer entertaining yet educationalt:xperience.
wilderness theme, children will be reading program is made possibleFor more information about -'Wilderness
encouraged to read.a variety of books through the support of the Huron County Bound Adventure Found" or to register.
during the summer Library, along with a grant from the to take part in the program, please visit
- All children _:between the ages Of five Summer Career Placement Program the Seaforth "Librarywhere the program.
and 12are invited to take pan in the through Human Resources Development will run Fridays from 9:15 to-1015-11.ro:
program. They will enjoy exploring all Canada. A grant from Young Canada. • starting July 7 until August 25..
KippenWI take road trip
Kippen East Women's
Institute held its car trip last
Monday starting with dinner
,at Kate's Station in Vanastra:
We travelled east of
Londesboro to "Kountry
Essence Candles" where we
learned of new scents and
saw different candle shapes.
Next on our route was
"Country Soap" north of
Blyth.'We learned of the
different natural products
used to inake the soap.and
what each was best used for,
such as skin treatment or
removing a stain. We were
served fruit hread and cheese
with our cot fee.
We then toured the
greenhouses at Londesboro
and back to Willy's at
Clinton for our "banana
splits" which is a must on a
Kippen East tour.
• There we held a shoe
Grace Drummond read a
Father's Day poem. The roll :
nail was answered by
bringing an item for the
Children's Hospital and
telling of "our most
embarrassing moment-"
Plans were made for the
District picnic to be held
July 4 at Crediton.
Mona Alderdiee had the
joke for the day and Helen
MacLean had a "smile."
Grace Drummond also had a
joke. Helen MacLean -
planned the trip and drove
along with. Mona Alderdice.
Request for Submissions
The Huron County Museum
will be hosting an Art Show
August 18 -October 8, 2000
Submitted work roust be done in
watercolour, oil or ac-ryk and the
subject matter should have some
relevance to Huron County. Artists
must be seasonal or fu#-t*ne
residents of Huron County.
given purchase awards of...
'1000 ..1ST PIM
'700...380 PM=
Paintings must be received
by the Museum (110 North
Street, Goderich) no later than
Monday, MOM 14 2000.
For information & regulations,
contact Wendy Chan at
the Huron CQuilty, Museum
SECTION 210 (111) of the
Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990
NOTICE is hereby given that the following Councils intend to pass
a by-law to name public roads which may not have been previously
named. and to change the nine of -public roads which may Have
, been previously named.
The public road naming, or change of name is intended to facilitate
the County -wide municipal addressing system which is required to
be in place prior to the implementation of the 9-1-1 Errtetgency
Response System for ambulance. fire and police services
throughout the County of Huron.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating 10•the proposed naming/
renaming of public roads is available for inspection al the,
respective Municipal Offices or the Huron County Planning and
Development Department at 524-2188. - ' - • • ,
J.A. Murray, Clerk -Administrator
County of Huron
Munieioslfv- C1stK Public Msatina
Ashfield Twp. r Linda Andrew Aug. 09.. 2000
(519) 529.7383 7:30 p:m. •
Coiborne.Twp. Judy Kay Aug. 01.2000
(519).524-4669 7:30 p.m.
Godirich Twp. Linda Cranston Aug. 21, 2000
(519)482-9804 8:00 p.m. .
Grey Twp. Brad Knight Aug. 21, 2000
(519) 887.6268 • 8:00 p.m. :
Howick Twp. Valerie Przybrlla ' Aug. 08, 2000 •
(519) 335.3208 7:00 p.m.
Mullett Twp. Rhonda Fischer Aup. 22,2000
(519) 5234340 7:30 p.rn.' •
MCKilop Twp. J.R. McLachlan Aug. 02, 2000
(519) 527-0160 7:30.p.rn..
Morris Twp. Nancy Michie Aug. 15, 2000
(519) 887.8137 7:30 p.m.
Stanley Twp. Ansberth Willed Aug. 08, 2000
(519) 233-7907 7:30 p.m.
Stephen Twp. Larry Brown • Aug. 01, 2000 "
(519) 234-6331 5:00 p.m:
Tuckeremith Twp. J.R. McLachlan Aug. 01, 2000
(519) 527-1997 7:30 p.m:
Tumberry Twp. Dorothy Kelly Aug. 15, 2000 •
(519) 357.2991 9:00 p.m. •
East Wawanosh Twp. Winona Thompson ' Arig, 01; 2000
(519) 357-2880 9:00 p.m.
West Wawanosh Twp. Lmane Nolan Aug. 01, 2000
(519) 528-2903 7:30 p.m.
Jatafse Lavoie.
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Both Neat Joanne Williamson, Lynn Pletsch. Ken Cardno 41 Main St. S. Seatorth
You we invited to attend
these art kgs
Rev. Judith. Springett
10 a.m. Worship
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
Jarvis SI. Seaforth •
Rev. Robert Hiscox 482.7861
Service of Morning Prayer
at 9:30 a.m.'
Catholic Church
Saturday -5:15 pm
SI. James Pansh. Seatorth
i ' Saturday- 7:15 pm .
St. Joseph's Pansh. Clinton •
Sunday - 9:00 am
St: Michael's Pansh. Blyth.
• Sunday = 11:00 am .
St. James Pansh: Seafonh
Father Dino Salvador
Bethel Bible ChurchCAVAN:
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
HOUR 10 a.m.
Pastor:Rev. Doug Corriveau
(Winthrop) 9:30 a.m &
(Godencn Si . Sealorth) 11:00 a.r^
527-2635 uccavns 4 tcc.on ca
Rev. Sheila Macgregor
Straight Talk From
How To motivate
your customer
Advertising can do three
things effectively: it can
position, it can inform and
.it can attract leads. For a .
business, positioning; or •
• top of mind recognition, is
the single most important
requirement for survival.
The customer must know
you are there or they are •
not coming to you.
Positioning requires con-
. stant spaced repetitive
advertising but it would be
nice if those ads also gener-
ated leads. ,
There are a number of
ways to cause a potential
customer to take action.
The best way lies in under-
standing the process they
go through to making a
buying decision. All buy-
ing decisions are made irra-
tionally and 'emotionally at
a subconscious level. Once
the individual realizes at a
conscious level they are
going to build a home (for
example) the natural human
buying system applies a •
level of fear.
The amount of fear injected
is determined by the ability
of the decision being made
to adversely affect the indi-
vidual. Feat is a natural
part of the buying process.
it is there to force the indi-
vidual to seek out- logical,
rational information to con-
firm or deny the decision
they have already made.
Therein lies the key. A
human being can no more
buy a product without
accumulating or haWng
accumulated information .
than they can survive with-
out air. if your ad offered'
to.provide them with the
information they need to
alleviate the fear they will,
come to you before the.
competition even realizes
they are in the market for
the product. For example
if: you were planning to
build your own home you
would be experiencing tear.
If I offered you a free
brochure entitled."'The
Forty Things You Have Tb
Do Before You Put a Hole
. In The Ground" what
would you do?
You need to figure out.
what fears the potential
consumer. has with regard
to buying your product then
create an information sys-
tem (for example a pam-
phlet) that will alleviate
tharfear The larger the -
purchase the easier itis to
anticipate the fears and Cre-
ate -the offsetting informa-
tion. Using information
that alleviates the potential
buyer's natural fear (of
making a mistake, or
adversely affecting their
image, net worth or family/
is an excellent actionrnoti-
vator. People do not buy •
products as much as they
buy the people with whom
they deal. They select
those people based on the
product knowledge or
information they possess
and demonstrate. Offer ,
information and make the
customer tell you they are
in the market for your
The Bossiness Doctor is available for
memiess ik sales conventions.