HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-06-28, Page 9,llIlit'c1 11 tut "..stmt,' fr r 1,72 iri`•INTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (619)527-2763 Sharon Medd 527-0660 Dan Pearce 522-0485 Associate Broker MLS Georgina Reynolds 527.1366 Market Value Appraiser Sales Representatives WHY RENT? Scenic lot with 3 bedroom home in Heritage Estates, cathedral ceiI ng, woodstove. latge lot backing onto bush/pond 551.500 COZY ATMOSPHERE - Open concept home with lots of natural light. oak kitchen cupboards. wood flooring in dining room. pauo doors lead to fenced -in deck. and a large rec room downstairs Paced al lust 5125,000 Jr, i MINT CONDITION! Mitchell Area 3 bedroom semi-detached. 2 battn. central air, oak kitchen, dining room with terrace door to Targe cedar deck. lull basement, recroom, beautifully andscaped backyard Must be seen' 5124,900 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME - Hardwood floors. closed -,n front porch. single detached garage wicement floor and woodstove. private yard. lots'of trees Very affordable at fust 599.000. Marl' MAiN FLOOR LIVING AT ITS BEST - GREAT FAMILY HOME! 3 bedrooms 3 bedrooms. master w;ensu to plus 2 baths. main floor laundry room, large walk-in closet. 2 pc whirlpool. !amity country kitchen with European room, office. open concept. fenced cupboards. single attached garage. backyard. 8 x 10 tool shed, worth a open porch at front and side. Must be look' seen to be appreciated 5105.000 DRY BASEMENT in this bock custom built home. 2 full floors of living space. extra large yard with lots of trees. large private rear yard Vendor has obtained other residence Call for details! SOLD: DUPLEX - 2 x 3 bedroom umis on severed lots in Clinton SOLD: HOBBY FARM - 4 bedroom srdespht on paved road. 5 stall horse barn. workshop Free Home Evaluations ifisINTEE Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel Sales Representatives 233-3168 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 1st 10:30 am -12 Noon 364 VICTORIA ST., CLINTON: Neat & tidy 3 bedroom home. Open concept. New patio door to a new large wood deck. Fenced backyard. Great family home' 599.900 471110 ta�441P. 1.111119 GREAT STARTER HOME with barn 25 ACRE HOBBY FARM. Located for workshop 2. bedrooms. main floe next to the Holten Conservation Area family room Krnburn Only 548.500 Includes 1'; storey house. large L- shaped barn & garage/workshop 17 Apartments for Rent AVAILABLE JULY 1 a large two bedroom apartment above video store in Seaforth S460/month includes heat. PUC and parking. Phone .519-522-1507 17-26-11 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apart- ment in Clinton. controlled entrance. fridge and stove included - Gas heat. separately metered ubtr ties. quiet budding in good location with balcony Laundry and meals available it wanted Available Aug. 1st Please cab 519.526.1049 leave message or call 519-482-3571 17: 25x6nxe GODEFIICH CENTRAL LOCATION - large one and two bedroom avail- able. stove. (ridge. air conditioned, excellent storage close to gro- ceries and square, no pets no smoking $475 and $525. plus utili- ties tileties 519.524.1801 Ask for • Kelly. 17-25x2 ONE BEDROOM first floor apart- ment in a duplex near downtown Sealorth References required For more information call 519-263- 2404 17-24x3 OUALITY BACHELOR apartment available now Also one bedroom available Aug 1 in historic home separate entrances verandah alt appliances supplied Phone 519- 527-0349 17-23-11 CLINTON - newer two bedroom quiet 4 piex controlled entry four appliances laundry facilities avail- able, parking no pets 6450 00 monthly plus utilities Available now 519.685.2264 17-23xttcc HEATED TWO• BEDROOM apart- ment newly decorated close to uptown Phone 519-527.0235 17- 18.11 EASTVIEW APARTMENTS. Mitchell Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. controlled entry, ensuite laundry. three appliances. small storage area Designed for mature adults Phone 519.235.2961 or 519- 348-0118 17-3lxtfcc . LARGE 2 BEDROOM APT. 65 Princess SI W Clinton • Glean quiet adult building • Seniors welcome • Includes appkences. utilities 8 parking • Laundry facilities available • Gose to uptown • Available August Illi 482-5784 or 527-1315 N Costs Nothing to Company 17 Apartments for Rent SMALL ONE BEDROOM basement apartment Rent includesheat (hydro extra). fridge and stove Laundry facilities available. Also - large one bedroom (2nd floor) avail- able Call 519-527-2369. 17-14-11 ONE -BEDROOM apartment. edge of Clinton, fridge and stove includ- ed Call 519-235-2559 or 1.905- 852-3754. 17.06xttcc 18 Houses for Rent 21 FRONT ST EGMONDVILLE. 2 bedroom home, gas furnace, river view, sundeck, fridge and stove included. Available Aug 1 5525 plus. utilities. Phone Kirkton 519- 229-8957 18-26-11 THREE BEDROOM 1525 Three bedroom home .in Clinton close to downtown, 1 1/2 baths, 18rge yard, parking appliances, gas heat Available August 1. 5525.00 • monthly plus utilities. 1-519-637- 3737 18.25xtfcc 19 koorns for Rent EXETER HOME to Share Hot -tub on patio deck, BBO. central air, kitchen/bath, laundry, parking Rent for small room 5200 DO/month, medium room 5300 00 or large master 5400 00 inclusive Call 519- 235-4018 19-25xtfncc 25 t'lflntt'(i to boy WANT TO BUY large amounts of insulated copper and aluminum scrap electrical wire for recycling. 519.766-6086 25.26xlcc WANTED TO BUY: old Wingham bottles Soda waters/syphons. J.W. Orr,- R Hit, PH HM Mdjcs Smith. Tervit. Bateson and Foxlon Dairy Call 519-357-2741. 25.26x2cc WANTED OLD BARNS- and brick houses lir salvage. Clean up guar- anteed Call 519-233-5539. 25- 21x8cc WANTED TO BUY Scrap cars and trucks Repairs and towing. Also used cars for sale. Plane BIN's Salvage and Auto Sales. RR 2, Brussels. 519.887.6510. 25.18x9c0 ANTIQUE GLASSWARE, china; fumrture, sewing machines, maga- • zones pre -1970. Paying .10 each for Crown fruit )ars 1f mos ng or settling an estate please call Brian Butler, 519-245-3142 Strathroy. I buy almost anything old 25-09xtfcc. 26 - ', `il) . ;omit .(J PART TIME HELP required on a dairy farrn. Suitable for 'students. Drivers license required.' For more information salt 519-345-2142. 26- 26x2cc OUR CUSTOMER in Wingham. is searching for the following people with skills in: Drywall, Painting. Cabinetry, Plumbers. Electrical. Roofing. Framing. if you can build a house we want to see you. Auto Cad Architectural Designers need- ed. 511.20 per hr. to start. Please call Temp -Ted Employment Srv. 519.235-0547.26.26xlcc EXPERIENCED hill time farrow to weaner help required in the Monkton area. Call 519-347-4133. 26-26x2cc TEMP -TED EMPLOYMENT SER- VICES Inc. We're looking for a Travel Consultant with 2 years experience. To fill a maternity leave with the possibility of permanent. Please apply in person with resume and references, 411 Main St. Exeter, (519) 235-0547. 26-26xlcc TECHNICIAN REOUIRED for ser- vicing photocopiers, full or part time. Will train. Phone 519-524- 2647, 26-25x2cc ORGANIST required for 9:30 a.m. church service at St. Thomas Anglican Church. Seaforth_ Call 519-345-2023 for more information.. 26-25-4 HOUSE OF LLOYD CANADA Needs consultants for one of the fastest growing Canadian home party plans. Start your own home- based business. Sell exclusive and unique gift items and Christmas decorations. Call Sandra 519-474- 1181 today to sell or book your own party for S80 free merchandise. 26- 25x2 SUPERVISOR, DRIVER & chicken. catcher positions to be filled. Phone 1-519-799-5598 or toll free '1-800- 694-4045 26-44xtfcc RECEPTIONIST, GENERAL OFFICE HELP full tune. 9:30 am 6 pm Thursday through Monday _Please note we are closed Tuesda's and Wednesdujs Call 565-2950 RESORT 1 Wanted Experienced Driver Must have AZ'licence. Local work. . Apply to: Frank Kling Ltd. 527-0297 TELEMARKETERS NEEDED part lime. 20 to 25 hours per week. good siartmg pay phi,: bonus. air meekly pay 5115) 10 S410 Pleine note we are closed 7ites /ass and Wrdnesda',i Call 565-2950 RESORT 1 Experienced Construction Labourers required to install community mailboxes in S.W. Ontario. Involves overnight stays and heavy lifting. D license an asset. Please fax resume to 519-451-8455 W.G. 'Thompson & Sons Limited, Seaforth Requires a full time Elevator/Sprayer Operator. Operation of- elevator system receiving,. cleaning •tk pruccssing grain products. Operate a High', Clearance Sprayer. Trainable to use Pest Control Products and the ability to obtain liccnsc as required.. Poses ion of or the ability to obtain an AZ Driver's License -i' essential. Please contact Ernie Fleming Phone 519-345-2545 • Fax 519-345-2910 E-mail t:ticming (a> wglhompsttn.com 26 ' 'L'!f `.. f)ntr'11 FULL AND PART TIME chicken catchers. CaN Ernie 519-482-8823 or 519-482-9067. 26-23-4 Now Hiring Kitchen & Waitstaff Full & Part-time positions available at our famiy oriented restaurant facility & our casual Keg Room. Waitstaff We have two positions available for a waiter/waitress. One opening in The Keg Room & one in our restaurant area. Bar experience & SIPS training preferred. Some day. evening & weekend shifts available. Must be 18 years old. Excellent wage! Cook We have one position open for a qualified cook. 2.3 years experience would be an asset. but we will train the right person. Salary commensurate with experience. Various shifts available. Dishwasher Must be 16 years of age. Various shifts. Students may apptY• If you are energetic & enthusiastic you will be ideal for working with us. Apply in person to 350 Baylfeld Rd., Gabriel' after 10:30 am daily 28 Business Opportunity #1 RATED HOME business ('97, '98, 99). If you called and received no response, please call again. 24 hr. info. 1-877-573-2182.'28- 25x2cc 30. Employment Vranted TUTOR: Educational Assistant will tutor in my home. Reasonable rates. Cali Karen 519-233-5441. 30-26-2 31. Service Directory BRIAN ULCIj Welding. Custom Welding and Repairs. Portable welding. Farm and Industrial: Custom made trailers'and hitches. Reasonable rates. 519-345-2643. 31-26xtfcc DO YOU HAVE A dusty driveway or parking lot? We can stop the dust. Call Mobile Oil Spraying for calcium dust control. 519-345.2862. After' hour 527-2272, or 527-2097. 31- 25x6c REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR #1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35.0 PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available. at the Huron Expositor office. 100 Main St.. Seaforth 8'/2 x 11 copies - . .25 cents per sheet. 8': x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527-0240. 31-01-tfnxe , VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market .EJJliuIeseasJofExerer Try us tor CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING kill Days -Tuesdays • dUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats prrxessed etactly the way you like it. erner CONTRACTING LID •TRUCKING 'GRAVEL •SAND & STONE • BULLDOZING • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS &SH P.,.482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res. 482-9212 32 Babysitting EXPERIENCED MOM willing to babysit. Nutritious meals, snacks. activities, crafts. walks, all provided with lots of TLC. With or without receipts. Call today 519.345-2643. 32-26xtfcc IN HOME CHILD CARE available June. July and August. Students will bring a quality program to your home. Call to book your days 519- 527-0682. 32-25x3 34 t`t',O11(li WANTED 20 people to lose weight. Call Marq 519-522-0266. 34-24x3 DEBT PROBLEMS? FAMILY SERVICES PERTH -HURON can help Free Initial Consultation Call (519) 213.1020 or 1.800-258.0903 Non Profit Creel Counseling Since 1974 A United Way Member Agency WHIRL' CREEK LOGISTICS xriichcn (Mt. Professional Company AZ drivers required for Van and Flatbed divisions. Also recruiting owner operators. We Offer: -Late model equipment -34 cents per mile •Any hourly work 14.00 hr. We Require: - Positive attitude - Drivers abstract • Cross border experience • Min. 2 yrs. driving experience Owner Operators please call for details Phone 519.348-0654 or fax resume to 519-348.0558 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Juno 2S, 200441 2ci ,'rl(t'(', THE HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Invites sealed tenders for the following project: PURCHASE AND REMOVAL OF ONE PORTABLE CLASSROOM AT ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL, KINKORA 4583 Road 145, R:R.-#1, Sebringville ALL TENDERS DUE Wednesday, July 5, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. at the Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board Office • Tender is available at the Huron Perth Catholic District School Board Oitice Bernard Murray Chairperson of the Board 87 Mill Street, Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 (519)345-2440 Gaetan Blanchette Director of Education 35 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of EDMUNDS VTOL DS PELSS All persons having claims against the Estate of Edmunds Vitolds Pelss of the Town of Seaforth. who died on or about the 7th day of April. 2000. are hereby notified to send'in full •particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of July. 2000. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 12th day of June. 2000. ' McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX,• Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ' In The Estate of GEORGE STERN PETRICK All persons having claims against the Estate of George Stern Pethick of the Township of McKillop, who died on or about the 5th day of May. 2000, are hereby notified 10 send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of July, 2000, after .which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to ctaims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 26th day of June, 2000 McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors, 77 Main Street, P.O. Box 220 Seaforth, Ontario, NOK I WO Solicitors for the Executor 37 i'Alortgages MORTGAGE NETWORK 25 Financial Institutions On Line MORTGAGES (For quailed borrowers) 6 62ble 5" •� or 5 Year 7 35" • ere subject to change. Gary Walden - Clinton 482-7675 www. rywsWsn.com Your Local Mo aqs Consultant Hard TO Approve ges Welcome 1" & Zea Mortgage Money Abso urety vo OMom Fees Ava,iabie as low as 7.0` Interest Personal Loans it you qualrry. payments Afnt. Approx Mo. Payment ' 5.000 ' 41 66 '10,000 ' 83.33 '15,000 '125.00. Consolroate you, deers 'We specukze 41 Di 001001 mortgages CaII (514) 364.04501.800487.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38 Auction gale AUCTIONS WED. JULY 5 AT 4:00 P.M. - Auction of antiques: furniture and misc. at the Tavistock Memorial Hall. Prop: Joanna Keinz THURS. JULY 6 AT 4:00 P.M. - Auction of M.F. 185 tractor; small implements, appliances; 'antiques and household effects at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. Prop: Gladys Ranney of Stratford and James Griffin of Motherwell. ' JACOB & ZEHR AUCTIONS 271-7894 or 887-9599 RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Setstl y. July a it 9:00 Mt: 1986 Toyota truck, nearly new computer. Rolex watch, Royal Doulton figurines. antique furniture collectibles. commercial dough mixer and oven etc.. for London Estate. Hensel' and Goderich homes at Lobb Auction. TwNq, July 11 at 6:80 PTL: MF 165 tractor with loader, 1968 Ford pickup truck 32.234 miles. farm machinery. sap equipment. horse sleigh. post hole digger. anvil. BA cans, antiques etc., being held for Rosa Kercher. 3W miles east of Hensall 262-3435. werw.asedsitketMae.00ss lie detailed twigs sad epsaMa6 maims. 40 Lost & Found LOST: One pair of child's glasses in • Seaforth (at public sr1uool play area) or (McConnell, Stewart and Devereaux office area), Sunday, May 28. Phone 519-522-1677 40- 24-3 42 Deaths SMITH, Florence Bernice: of Seaforth passed away at Seaforth Community Hospital, Seaforth. on Monday. June 19. 2000 in her 87th year. Beloved wife of the late Bradford Russell Smith. • Loving mother of Virginia Logsdon. of Edgerton, Wisconsin. USA. Corinne ' and Robert Bell • of Nobleton, • Madelyne and Kerry Campbell of St. Marys, and Charles Smith of Seaforth. Cherished grandmother of Katnna Maldonado, Jeanette and Brian Gulledge, Bradford and Jamie Logsdon. Sharon Logsdon, Heather Logsdon, Colleen and Rob Desjardins, Robert and Janice Bell, Brent and Vicki Bell, Brad Bell. Tim Campbell, Todd Campbell, Tara Campbell and Ten Campbell. Also loved by great grandchildren, Michael Maldonado, Natasha Maldonado. Holly Gulledge, Hannah Gulledge, Brandon Logsdon-Schmanski, Adam Smith. Ashley Smith. Joshua Bell and Megan-. Bell: Dear sister-in-law of Florence Good of Waterloo and Jean Lobsinger of B.C. Also remembered by numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her -sisters, Sister Michael ,Francis. Josephine. Loretta. Helen. Margaret, Mary. Teresa, Irene. Madelyn and Rita and by her broth- ers Patnck and Fergus. Friends were received at the Box and Smith Funeral Chapel. Seaforth, .on Wednesday and Thursday. Mass of the Christian Burial was held at St. James Roman Catholic Church. ' Seaforth, on Fnday, June 23, 2000 at 11:30 a.m. Father Dino Salvador officiated. Interment St. James Cemetery. McKillop Twp. As • expressions of sympathy memorial donations to the Arthritis Society or the Seaforth Community Hospital would bd greatly appreciated. Pallbearers were grandsons Bradford Logsdon, Robert Bell. . Brent Bell. Brad Bell, Tim Campbell and Todd Campbell. As a tribute to Me life of Florence. a tree will be planted in her memory. 42- 26-1 MOYLAN: Joseph (Kenny): Peacefully departed this world. from the hands of his wife and children into the loving hands of his. Lord and Saviour, on Thursday, June 22, 2000. Joseph Moylan, -aged 53 years. Kenny was a member of St. Anthony Daniel Church and the St. Vincent de Paul of the church. He was a group facilitator for the Marriage Preparation course, a member of the Waterloo Knights of _Columbus. Father Spetz Council and the K -W Serra Club. Ken had been employed with Bell Canada for 32 years, retiring in 1997 and a member o1 the Bell Pioneers. Loving husband to the former Louise Lemmetti. Dear father to David and Michelle, both at home. Brother to Denise and her husband William Weiler of Kitchener. Predeceased by his parents. Joseph Moylan and Mary O'Sullivan. Friends called at the Raiz-Bechtel Funeral Home, 621 King St. W. Kitchener, on Sunday. Jane 25 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where parish prayers and the Knights of Columbus Scripture Service was held at the funeral home on Monday at 10:15 a.m. fol- lowed by funeral mass at St. Anthony Daniel Church at 11 a.m. with Father Ed House officiating. Interment was in Parkview Cemetery. A reception totlowed in the Ratz-Bechtel Family Centre. Donations to Si. Vincent de Paul Society, c/o St. Anthony Daniel Church; St. Mary's Hospital Foundation or the K -W Serra Foundation. 42.26-1 Ag• is NO h.rri.r.« Merged euitise, • key isiieWw►