HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-7-23, Page 541k._ THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 111111111111IMIIIIIMIMIHIMINIIIMMIIIIIIIMiall111111WHIMIIIIHIMMIHOWIMUMWWWWWOMMIUM111111111111111111itt Hensel' eu J'alY 30th, to neenin- = ate a candidate to contest South = aileron at the approaching DOMinion • -e-5 ;311eattlit°,11iliebei=.: (TeRoPlftV1VerlIn enQ _ aced beeore the = conveetiee. IVer. 1VIclefillan is a = UUM1111111111111111101111111111WIIIIIMIHMIMIIIIIIIIMINI11111111011101111IIIIIIIIIIIIIPIIIMMIMIIIIIMIMMI111111111110114 HENSALL High, School Students! You are leaving •school -e -Have you any Plans for the future? Do you NVifill you, lived near,a Technical School or University? Do you ever think of a Commercial Course as a stepping stone to, Higher Places, Intellectually and Financially. . A GOOD COMMERICAL TRAINING will enable you to take a position in a city, There you can complete your training in Music, Science, 'Mathematics or any branch that es- pecially appeals to you. If you are ambitipus, THINIC- IT OVER, You can LEARN while you EARN.. THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE criorrox, ONTARIO, offers.% STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERICAL, SECRETARIAL, SPECIAL COURSES 'WRIT)31, MISS B. F. WARD, ma., Principal; Pliltone 19S e NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of PETER MUNN, of the Village of :Hensall, retired farmer, wh,o died on the 12th day of June, 1925, are required to for- ward their claims, duly proven to the undersigned, ,on or befor4 *the 27th day of July,' 1925. • AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That after this said date, the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having. regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this fourth day of July, 1925. • GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Eiecutors NOTICE TQ CREDITORS.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of HANNAH BARKNER, of the Village of Exeter widbw, who died at the City of Lon- don, on the 3rd day of July, 1925 are required to forward their cleans duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of laxly 1925. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That after this said date, the Executor will proceed to- dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter,. this 'fourth day of July, 1925. . . GLADMAN & STANBIJRY Solicitors for Executor NoTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of JNO. Z1VARSKE \NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN late of the Township of Usborne, that all persons having claims a - laborer, who died on the 5th day of "gainst the estate of ELIZABETH '-june, 1925, are required to forward SNOWDEN, late of the Tovenshiir of their claims, duly proven to the Stanley, widow, yrho died on the undersigned, on or before the.27th 9th day of May, 1925, are required day of July, 1925. to forward their claims, duly proven AND NOTICE IS FURTHER to the undersigned, on or before the GIVEN: That after this said date 27th day July, 1925 the Administrator will proceed to ,AND NOTICE IS FURTHER distribute the estate, having regard GIVEN: • That after this said date only to the claims of which he then the Executrix will proceed to •dis- shall have notice. tribute the /estate, hating regard Dated at Exeter, this folirth day of only to the claims of which she July, 1925. then shall have notiqe. GLADMAN & STANBURY Dated at Exeter, this fourth day of Solicitors for Administrator July, 1925. GLADMAN & STANBURY Senators for Executrix Hensall Tile; Brick NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Block Yard INTERESTING LOCAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT ^ A bowling tournament of Scotch doubles has been staged on the local green bY members of the club dur- ing the past few weeks and first prize was carried off by Messrs. IP: - Simmons and Jas. Sangster, defeat- ing Alf. Clark and Rev. Naylor to capture first money, 1Vieisrs Henry Pfile and Laird Mickle gained the Mrs, 1Viillian is visiting relatives this week at Goderich. lefr. Nerman Cook is building a new garage at his home. Miss Agnes Hobkirk of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Miss Margaret Johnston is con- fined to her home through illness. Mr. Lorne Whiteside of Goderich is vieiting in town this Week. . Mrs. A. Hemphill and family are holidaying at Grand Bend just now. ,,Messrs Cook Bros. this week soldu a new Essex coach to Dr. Ilyndman of Exeter. - Mee C. Cook has about finished his new verandah welch has a very eine appearance. Mr. Rem, Passmore is spending a few holidays. up on the Bruce Pen., on a fishing trip. Miss Gertrude Barnett of Toronto is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and 1Vers, Thompson. • The Orangemen of this district in- tend holding. a 'picnic- at Bayfield on Thuiesday, 'July .23rd. a • Quite a number frem here took in the street donee at Seaforth on Thursday evening last. - Mr. Sheldon Coleman of Detroit visited over the week with relatives privilege to play off with Messrs. in and around Hensall. Clark and Naylor for second money Mr.- and Mrs. Ed. McQueen and by defeating D. Cantelon and A. children are visiting this week with Hemphill, on Monday evening. At relatives in Streetsville. time of writing the semi-final games Mr. Peppier and Mr. McLaughlin had not been played, This tourna- oltr local bankers, have returned ment has caused considerable -Inter- after two week'' -Vacation. est among our bowlers who plan to Miss FredaSniallacombe and stage other tournaments in the sister Jean of Guelph are visiting future. their aunt,. Miss Mattie Ellis. Mrs. J. Steacy of Toronto is visit- ing this week with friends and re- latives in and around Hensall. Mr. and 1VIrs. E. Rennie, and Mrs. Paisley and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Paisley of Clinton on Wednes- day, Mr. Jas. Nicol' of 'tile Standard Bank relieving- staff is holidaying - at .his home 'here for a couple of weeks. ''' • Mr. Arthur Hudson of Marlette, Mich., visited over the week -end with his grandmother, Mrs. Risepli Hudson. Mr. George Holman, County Clerk with Mrs. Holman and little sou of Goderich are visiting friends 'her'e this week. ' Mr.' Sidney Geiger who is teaching school in New Ontario is spending part of his holidays at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore and little son of London visited with the formers sister Mrs. Thes.iSimp- son on Tuesday. ° Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cudmore and children_ of Kitchener are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Oath:nave. The congregation of ;the continu- ing Presbyterian church intend holding a picnic at Bayfield on Wed- nesday, July 22nd Dr. Fletcher, Mis. Dougall and Mrs. Williams motored to St. Marys last week to attend the funeral of the late Alexander Campbell. Next Sunday Rev. A. Sinclair will Preach in the former Methodist church in the morning and in the Carmel church in the evening, • Our- lobe' coal dealers are send- ing out large quantities of eoal. Most people are getting hi aheir coal early this year, being afraid of a strike in the United' States this Fall. Mr. Donald McKinnon and Ladd McEwan have .returned from their Western trip and have resumed their' positions here. They say there is no place like Hansen and Old On- tario. '.. Mr. and Mrs. William Seeds. of Vancouver are visiting the latter's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh. They are on their way to England where they will visit for some time.' Rev. Mr. Richardson, formerly of '<ippon, occupied tlie pulpit of the United churches on Sunday last, in the morning 'in the Carmel church and in the evening in the former Methodist church. • Mrs. Hugh McDonald who has been visiting her.sister Mrs. Leper at Ste Catherines for the last few months returned home this week accompan- ied by her sister, Mrs. Leper who will visit her for some time. Mrs. Hassel and daughter Eleanor who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Ortwein for some time, re- turned to their home in Chambers- burg, Pa., on Tuesday, owing to the Illness of Mrs. Hassels' elder, daugh- Mr. John Young, who has been in poor health for some time, went to Loudon last week for an x-ray ex- amination. He returned home. on Saterday evening and inteads re - awning to London shortly for an ea - oration, A heavy thunder. and rain storm passed over Hensall on Tuesday 'afternoon 'accompanied by severe lightning, but fortunately no dam- age was done. The rain will do a lot of good as the crops were begin- ning. to suffer. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh made a trip last week by motor to Owen Sound, They report a beautiful country up north and good crops, The roads were also in fine condi- tion which made the trip ,all the more pleesene, Master Chas. Pearce ise smiling these days because one of" hie hens hatched . nine pheasants from the fifteen eggs sent him by the Fisher- ies and Game Deelartment. This is a larger number than, has been gea- orally got this year from g hatehing, but Charles was careful to remove those that were out and the mother here remained faithfully on the nest until the last egg was hatched. The young pheaaarits are particularly active little fellows and had to be kept coVered in a box for safe keep- ing, The Progressive Parte' of South Ruren intend holding a conVentioh Notice to -Creditors. A FRESH CAR OF CEMENT ausT ARRIVED THIS WEEK has ALSO A CAR,OP GYPROC arrived and we have it in all lengths 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ft. • Phone 7 DR. R. P. I.. DOUGALL Hanoi, graduate of FacultY *of Medicine, and Master of Science, University'of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. , Phiene 56 Residence 114 IIENSALL, ONT AUCTIONEER 0SdAR KLOPP . - Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - ion School, Special course taken in egistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Warm Bales, etc, Rates in keeping with .,..revalling prices. Satisfaetion as - Oared, write Oscar lelopp, Zurich, or Wire 18-93, Zuricly, WHITE PINE , lx6, v matched dressed on both sides at 5 0 PER M. THIS IS THE T1161E1 TO STOCK' P WITH GOOD COAL VirOILE YOU CAN GET IT AT A LOW • pulari A. J. CLATWORTHY GBANTON 111 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of JANE NEWELL of the Village of Hensel', Spinster, who died at the City of London on the 16th day of June, 1925, are re- quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned, on or be- fore the 27th day of July, 1925. AND NOTICE IS - FURTHER GIVEN': That after this paid date the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this fourth day of July, 1925. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executor Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons. having claims a- gainst the estate of MARGARET HILL, late of the Village bf Hensall, married woman, who died at the city -of London, on June 21, 1925 are aequested to forward their claims, dilly proven to the under- signed, on or before the -17th day of 1925. • AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That after this said date the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having regard then shall have notice. only to the claims of wilich' he Dated at Exeter, this forth day Of July, 1925. . • GI:ADMAN & ST,ANBURY" Solicitors fob Executor NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- geinst the estate 'of MARY ANN TURNBULL, late of the -Village of of Exeter, widow, 'who died n the City of London on the 22nd day of May, 1925, are required to forward their claims, duly .proven to the un- deeeigned, on or before the 3rd clay of August, 1925. e ' AND NOTICE Is FURTHER GIVillee That after this said date the Eeteenteix will proceed to clis- tribufe the estate, having regard only . to the claims of which she then shall have notiee. 1)ated. at Exeter this eleventh day of euly, e 025, GLADIVIAN & ST.ANDelleY Solicitors for Executrix' „ e brother of the Liberal candidate, Thos, McMillan and if he succeeds in landing the nomination will, no doubt, make an interesting run. f'lleeve Geiger,- Geo, C. Petty, et, Higgins and Louis Clark ateeeded the funeral of the late Geo, Hanley on Friday afternoon last, The fun- eral was' one of the largest seen in 'this Vicinity for yeare, Besides 4 large number of relatives, friends and neighbors, the Orangemen of Clinton and Varna, attended in a body, the Members Of the County Council ex -members and County Of.- ficials, the Township Council of Stanley, and a number of the mem- bers of the executive of the Smith Huron Conservative association were present. The funeral was in charge of the Orange Lodge. The death of Mr. Hanley creates a vacancy on the crimnal audit board of the County, and also makes an election neces- sary in the Township of Stanley for ReeVe. Those who. won prizes in the races a. the Union Sunday School picnic held on Wednesday, July 15, at -Bayfield are as follows: Primary—Keith Buchanan, Elva McQueen, No. .1 boys and girls—Lloyd' Lin- denfield, Bobby Pessenere, Lloyd Ortwein. ' • No. 2 boys and girls—Larne El- der, Alice, Higgins. No. 3 Boys ---Billy Joynt; Egbert Faber, Cornelias Faber. No. 3 girls—Avis Lindenfield, Mildred Scruton, Gertrude Higgins. No. 1 girls—Pearl Elder, Bertha Corbett, Irma Higgins and Mildred Snilloli4e No.' boys—Milton Boyle, Russell Blacerwell, Scott Welsh. Boot and Shoe races for girls— Alice Higgins, Gertrude Higgins, Pearl Elder, and Gladys Passmoee. Boot and Shoe race for boys— Billie Milton Boyle, Cornelius Faber and Scott Welsh. Marriecla-Ladies: race—Mrs. Gor- don Parker, Mrs. Fred Manns, Mrs. Blackwell and Mrs. Joynt. AUTO ACCIDENT While driving 'his car north about a mile and a' quarter south Of town on. Saturday morning last, Mr. Wm. Stone had the misfortune to be turn - 'ed into the ditch when mothen ear also headed' north tried to pass Mr. Stone who was driving slow. As the other ear 'passed him it cut ia too close• -in, front of the 'Stone cat ana striking the -front wheel, sent it into the ditch and turned it over, wreckieg '-the windshield and top: Mr; Stone, although somewhat bruis- ed and shaken up, was not seriously injured, as he managed to crawl out immediately after the 'car upset. The other ear, -after' striking Mr. St045"S car, took to the 'ditch also but -no harm was done. except, that. a tire was pulled off., This was an accident which could easilyhave been _avoided had the driver of the offending machine not been quite, so anxious to get to the other side of the road. BENSALL LOSES MOSE BAITS . TO ZURICH 5-4 • On Thuiaday evening of lastweek the local nine lost to Zurich on the latter's diamond by a 5-4 score. The score indicates the play to a large extent, the game being' 'anybody's. until -the last innings. The first of the second inning Hensall scored one run and in the last half two'Zurich men crossed the plate and with the scoee .2-1 in Zurich's' favor ,the game continued _without a score until the 1st oe the 8th when with twee men on eases, .Redden, he Reesall cat- cher smashed out a three bagger scoring two men and Redden. came in on* Venner's sacrifice grounder and brought the score, up to 4-2 in Hensall's favor. The last half of the 8th •proved the -locale undoing Venner, the Hensall hurler had been pitching good ball but lost his stride in the 8th as one man walk- ed, another was hit and the 'third man got on by an error, and so with the ,bases full Vernier retired from the box and Wilson Brintnell was sent in to twirl. He struck out the fleet 'batter to face him, a pinch hit- ter by the way, and then, Gascho Caine to bat for Zurich and smashed a line drive which went through Joynt in right -field and before the ball could' be got to the plate, three runs had been scored amid the game ended' on a last -inning rally by the Zurich team with the score 5-4. Batteries—for Zurich, Thiel Gaseho and Bedard; for Hensall, Vernier, Brintnell and Redden. The Hensel], team have no league game this' week but the Dashwood team comes to town next week. SUNSHINE Mks. S., A. Miller of .Cremarty spent the week -end with her neice Mrs, R. Fletcher, ' • Miss Sarah Upshalle of Exeter is visiting -With her sister Mrs, C. W. Godeolt, Mr. John, Omelet and his daught- er and i her husband" of Detroit are Visiting with Mr.' and Mrs. J. D. Creery. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Francis, of the Themes Road spent Wednesday with Mrs. Wm. Coward, • • , 'Miss Agnes Ceeery hee• returned home froM visiting friends in Wood- stock Mrs. Baines, Mrs, Mollard and Miss' Medd. of Exeter spent a day recently. with Mee, Heywood and Mrs. lee, Routly. • On Thursday afternoon the W. M. S. held ae union meeting When the following, Were present and took part in the programme. Kirkton; Woodhani, Zion and Elim - yule. Music from WoOdheen and Zion arni teedinge from Kirkten and Elimville and a Meet of the beench at, Windsor by Wire. Mollard. Prayer by Rev. D. Themperne of Wood- ham closed a very pleasant and pro- fitable meeting. Litneli Was •served by the ladies Of Sunshine. 10 • !PM! e "1, Dashwood Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. * D. D. S. DENTAL Sunouox At IVIcCormick's plock, Zwick, every Thursday and Saturday MAIN 'OFFICE frartleib's Block -- Dashwood, Out, A very pretty wedding' in which many in Dashwood and surrounding country will be interested took place in Kitchener on Wednesday of last week when Miss leina, Ehlers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Williame Ehlers, was united in marriage to Mr. Clarence reger, son of Rev. W. J. and Mee. Yager, all formerly of Dashwood. The happy couple were popular among a, large cirele of friends here and ill have the best wishes of all for a long and' happy wedded life. - • Mr. and e Mrs. W. Graybeil. of Woodstock 'spent the week -end in town. Miss Ca,thern Finkbeiner is visit- ing in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottshalk, of Sea - forth visited :with friends over the 'week -end. • • Mr. Chas. Stire of Oshawa is vis- iting his parents:, • • Mr. and Mee. H. Zimmer, of Strat- for visited in' town on Sunday:" " Re -v. and Mrs. R. Eifert, of Tavi- stock visited with friends a few days last week. Miss Ida Routledge of Zurich vis- ited in town on -Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Heist and Mr. and Mrs. C. Eilber of Crediton visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IVieruer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stade, of Zurich visited in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold and fam- ily -visited in, London last week. Mee and Mrs. D. Haugh, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wein and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kraft and daughter of Cavalier mo- tored to Niagara Falls and spent a few days last week. Miss Rose Rader of Detroit is vis- iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, of London visited relativee in town. Mr. Wm Zimmer' has moved into Mr, Snider's house and Mr. J. Ellig- sen of Mitchell has taken possession of the Commerical Hotel. " ' Miss Reid, of Toronto, is visiting her brother C. 'Reid at pre- sent. Mr. and,Mrs. Harry Kraft are at- tending the reunion at Sarnia this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Heinbach and' family of Toronto are visiting in this vicinity. Mr, Arnold Eifert of Detroit spent Sunday in. town. . Crediton Wheat harvest is nearly + complet- ed in this vicinity. Miss Leis Hamilton of Sarnia is visiting Miss Laura England for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Barry, of Wlton Grove spoil- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowman. Mrs. Lloyd England and family are spending a week visiting in Port Huron., Dribla airs. Sam Rollins and danghter of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Job Sims, 6 Berry picking is the order of the day. The crop will be light on ac- count of the dry weather. Mrs. Wm. Yearley has moved into her new home she recently bought from Mrs.. Alera.ham Walker. Mrs. H. E. "Rapley and daughter Norma of Marietta, Ohio, are visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Earl Walker, wife and child- ren of Maryfield, Man, are visiting Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, and. family of Saskatoon are visiting Mrs John Lawson and' othei• friends for sonic time, - Mr. and Mrs., Tom Edwards and family of Ingersoll -were week -end visitors the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs. Will Quance of Toronto spent Sunday- with Mr.' and Mrs. Will Matz and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edwards and family of Ingersoll spent the week- end visiting relatives and renewing acquaintances in the village. The "Faith of John Wesley" 5th and last in the series on "Faith of our Fathers" will be the subject in the United Church here Sunday ev- eniMr.ng. and Mrs. Raymond English and children from Kitchener return- ed home last week after spending e. few deers at the home of Mr. John English.- . . The game of 44basebaIl betWeen Crediton and Dashwood last Thurs- day evening resulted in the visitors being out classed by.7 to 1 in favor of Crediton. Miss Beryl. Hill of Moose ,Taw, Sask., who is holidaying at the home of her father, Mr. Isaac Hill, is at present with her brother, Mr, Roy Hill at Detroit. Miss Pearl Drier of Hanover and Mr. Lleyd Hansel of the Buffalo Savings Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. are spending their vacation at the Evan- gelical parsonage, • A sitting of the' Division Court Will be held at Crediton on Tuesday July 28th, at one o'clock. Judge Lewis will preside. A number of cases will conic up for . hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Ossie McKenzie of Pontiac, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Al- ex McKenzie af Ailsa Craig were vis - I itore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W 1130Wman One day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill and child- ren, of Detreit, Mich., aspent the week -end with the fermer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill. They were accompanied by Mrs. NedHubbellof Port Huron, who was the guest of Miss Merle Clark. e "The Character and Worth of e Christain" Will be the subject Of Rev. W. Y. Drier's message neet , Sabbath morning and at the evening service he will tiolitea part 2 of 'The 1Ministry of Afflietieb.8 and Advers- ity," "A Sabbath well spent brings TM:1; 0AV Hous, Painting Beautify your home, as well ae., Protect it, with a couple of good coate of PURE PAINT. Paint is no longer coneidered a luxury, it is an absolute necessity for the Protection your property from the elements. . PAINT NOW The weather conditions are ideal for out- side Painting. Consult us at once about that job you have been contemplating having done. Our Prices 'are Reasonable, and we Use the best materials obtainable. G. H. IVIARINN 658 Hamilton. Rd" London Ont. "Om' Prices are Reasonable" PAINTER AND.DECORATOR Plaine 7967 or send a, card for appointment- JULY 23rd, 1 laillIMMIIIMMEgnalaggggegeggigleM112111111111111111122021111 :MODERN IN EVERN WAY New civilian nt, Experienced Teacher, Modern Methods, Complete and thorough courses including: Stenography, Bookkeeping au Telegraphy. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONTARIO -Write to Principal, R. F. LUMSDEN LA., and get full particulars iimmimosammenstawassaman eg•neseassinsaussaimase a week of content." Then 1-ItTirs not ase our cars as taxi's to gather up the worshippers and carry them away from Divine Worship. GRAND BEND Dr, G. F. Roulston, of Exeter, de- sires to announce that he has open- ed a dental office in the banding across the street from the Bremier House and will be at Grand Bend every Wednesday for the next two months. ZION Zion community picnic was held at Springbank on Tuesday. There was a good turnout and the -usual line oe sports was keenly contested. The Misses elodgins, of. Biddulph are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Well- ington Brock. Several from Zion were at Grand Bend Wednesday afternoon. CHISELHURST Mr. and Mrs. F. Northcott, of Al- vinston, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Rodger Northcott and other relatives. Mr. and. Mrs. H. Humestou, of London, spent Wednesday with Mr. Win. J. Northcott. Mr. aff'd Mrs. T. Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Sutherland and family, of Toronto, motored up and are visiting with the Rowe family. Mr. Thompson has returned to the city. Mr. Chas. Aldworth, returned Sat- urday- after attending the funeral of his brother, the late William Aid - worth who died at Minneapolis on July 10th. The funeral was under theMasonic auspices. He is surviv- ed by' his wife and one daughter, Iva. WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Arksey and son. Andrew of Whalen spent SaildaY with. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rhin. 1 Misses Viola and Netta Shier pees holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. Jas Shipley aud Miss Olive *Stevens of Lucan are spending a couple of weeks with their sister, Mrs. A. Mills. Messrs. Charles Hayes and Aylmer Morley of Brantford called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Morley on Sunday. Miss Clara Morley spent a couple of weeks with ,friends in Forest and Sarnia. Mr. Wm. Kirk, Mr. Sam. Routley and j. L. Routley have gone on a trip to Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Mrs. Miners of Manitoba visited recently at the home of Michael Bre- thouIr: There passed away recently one of the most interesting reselents of 131anshard Township in the person of Alexander Campbell who passed away at the home of his brother Stewart. Mr. Campbell resided for some years in the Yukon and Alaska and was an acquaintance of the famous explorer Amundsen. He visited Wrangel Island which he described as one of the most desol- ate places on the face of the earth. Two brothers survive, Stewart, of St. Marys and Daniel in the Western States; also two sisters, Mrs., Firth, of Toronto and Mrs. Shaw of Lake 'Port. GREEN WAY A large number enjoyed the soc- ial evening put on by the Willing Workers class of the United Church. Misses Lola Viola and ' Norma Turner of Brinsley are visiting their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Teen- er. Mrs. Mende and Mrs. McAlpine visited their father Mr. Rueben Wil- son. We are sorry to report he is note well since his return frobi the hospital. Melvin Poster of Kirkton (laying With Edison Pollock. 'Meg. George Sanders of Watroue Sask., and two children are visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Mc- Pherson. • Mr. Madintosh 'or Port Huron in the guest of her. sister Mrs. R. Several from here attended the funeral Of the late Mrs. S. McGreg- or. She -will be missed in the organ- zatiemi of the church hete where She was an actiVe worker. Miss Mary McGregor has returned from a pleasant helidaY at Grand Send. STRATFORD, July 17—It is gen- erally. a real old-time railroader who can boast that his train had been stopped while the track was clear- ed of red deer, but such was the experience of a Palmerston C.N.R. crew, near Bluevale yesterday after- noon. The. southbound way -freight was steaming up just outside the town, some 45 miles north of Strat- ford, when Ihreedainty strangers were seen blocking- the right of way. The amazed engineer pulled to a stop, the intfuders watching the pro- cedure with great interest, but mak- ing no move. When the drugging freight engine had come to a halt, the deer, 'their curiosity evidently satisfied, bounded over the fence leaving the traiumde to ask them- selves if they, had seen a vision, or not. THAMES ROAD Church union. was consummated at the Thames Road church on Sun- day last at a service in, which Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Rev. Mr. Redmond and the pastor Rev, .G. M. Chidley, took part. The congregation is organiz- ed with a Session and a Board of Stewards. Session—Wm. leydd, J. Allison, Henry Anderson, Henry Franeis, Peter Whitlock, and. Arthur Donee. Board of Stewards—O. Al- lison, Ed. McDougall, N. Passmore, B. Monteith, 3". Remick, G. Duncan, A. Campbell, H. Jeffrey, P. Pass- more, W. Stone, C. Stewart. A fea- ture of the service was the reading at the communion. roll comprising 212 members. CENTRALIA Miss Lillian Elliott, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of her father Mr. W. Elliott. Mrs. W. Smith who has been quite ill for a week is somewhat im- proved. Miss Fortner of Hyde Park is spending a few days at the home of Miss W. Essery. Miss A. Anderson spent the week- end with friends at Port Stanley, MOORESVILLE SHOP BURNED — The Fraser blacksmith shop, one of the old land- marks of this place took fire on. Thursday afternoon, and having get considerable headway befere the blaze was discovered was totally des- troyed, together with most of the contents. The loss is partly cover- ed. by insurance. ZURICH Messrs Clayton and Clarence Hoff- man of Galt spent's, week with their' parents here. The Evangelical Sunday school picnicked at Grand Bend on Wednes-• day, at ‚which a good time was spent by all. Messrs. J. Gash° & Son have mov- ed their entire stock' of dry goods and groceries into the place of' busi- ness vacated by tir. H. L. Albrecht. The Misses Nettie and Ida Well of Detroit renewed 'acquaintances here last Week. Mrs'. Fred Thiel and two 'children visited in Kitehener during the past olvfeeWiLindsor visited at the home Miss Irene Alette and girl friend of Mr. 3, P. Rau, last week. renMrasi..ePevriesirigzlartithee alnodrmtwelposchpiald; ents, Mr. anti Mrs. jos, Gazelle, IMilt,10111k NMINMIMOSIMMINKV0.1025M11;esnwilliallelffill Kill them all, and the germs too. 10c a packet at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. Thimmagemememsomswir