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Huron Expositor, 2000-05-24, Page 8
8 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 24, 2000 Error). • /% it ..T Coming Events ALL MEN WHO LIKE to Sing are invited to an Information and Guest Night for the Seaforth Harmony Kings at the Seaforth High SchoOI gym on Tues. June 6 at 7:30 p.m. For info. call 519.345-2201 or 519- 522.1301. CE-21x2c SPRING FAMILY DANCE at Seaforth Legion Hall. Sat. May 27. 8 pro. - 1 a.m. RM Sound Labs D.J. • Service: Admission - a donation. .. Ladies please bring sandwiches and squares. Hosted by First Presbyterian- Church. Everyone . welcome. .CE -21x1 c • CELEBRATE MEMORIAL Weekend at the Harbour Restaurant, Hwy. .21 at Bayfield • River. Full buffet. Sunday. May 28, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m value -and quality (coffee/tea. dessert included). Seniors rates available. Friday fish fry, • 4 p.m. on with salad bar. 'Saturday. May 27 full salad bar with your choice of entree from 5 p.m. • on Reservations 519-565-2554. CE-2lxlcc • -COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER • tor Cathy 'Carter to be held at Northside United Church. Seaforth. • on Monday. May 29. at 7:30 p.m.. Everyonewelcome. CE -21x1 • FIBROMYALGIA INFORMATION Evening. Tuesday, May 30, 7:30 ` p.m. Huronview. Or. Harth from- ' University Hospital will_ discuss signs and symptoms. Cash done - tion to society gratefully accepted. CE-2-111Ec / STRAWBERRY AND HAM Supper, Brucefield United Church, Wed. June 14, 5 - 7 p.m. Adults -$9.00 children 6 12 $4.50. Pre school • free. CE-21x3cc • APROGRESSION OF Fashion - 125 years of style., Commentator: Mary Garon, Wednesday, May • 241h. 8 p.m. CHSS.: Fashions - Displays: Refreshments. Tickets $10.00 from .Groves TV, My Fair Lady. proceeds: Clinton's 125th Homecoming. CE-2lx1cc STRATFORD COIN • , SHOW. Sunday. May 28th. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00_ p:m: Stratford Knights of Columbus Center. 151 Lorne Ave. East. Over 50 tables of coins. p per • money, tokens. mititaria, jewellery. postcards, ancients, coin supplies. Featuring some of Ontario's finest •dealers. • Admission S2.00. Door pries. Lunch counter: For more information call: (519). 271-8884. CE -21 xtcc FESTIVAL • CITY Singles Dance. .Sat. May 27. Dancing 8:30: 1 a.m. • at Royal Canadian-- Legion. .¢6 CHURCH ST. ST. MARYS. Top D.J. Dress code. Couples welcome, Lunch. provided: Info call 519-273- .1897 or 519-284-2267. CE -21x1 THE SENSATIONS, live. at •the . Harbour Restaurant. Highway 21 at Bayfield River 'featuring Unperson- ations of Buddy -Holly, the Elvis twins. Blues Brothers. Roy Orbison, Saturday. May 27, 8 p.m. midnight. 52.00 cover charge. Reservations 519=565-2554. CE-20x2cc . Dabber Bingo every Friday. .Bayfield Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Bingo • starts 7:00 p.rrt. sharp. Potential .prize money • ' 53.000 'with 81.000 -jackpot plus mini -jackpot. Nevada tickets avail- ' able. License M00220 Bayfield Lions/Lioness. CE-18x22cc MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS House open every day 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come share the magic of our shim-' mering home. Enjoy the ultintete shopping experience. 7304 Richmond, Arkona, 1.888.797- 7760,. CE-09x4Occ • BINGO - Goderich Knights of Columbus. every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus • Centre, 390 Parsons Court. $3.855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for $350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot 81,500 must go. Lie. • '1157920. • First Saturday of every month. 7. p.m. ' ' Columbus Centre. same program as Thursday night. Lic:. x310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE•42•xtfcc Annual Egmondville United Church Pork Chop Barbecue Supper Wednesday, May 24 Seaforth & District Community Centres Take outs available 4:30 - 7p.m. eat in 5:00 to 7 p.m. Tickets available from congregation members, Hildebrand Flowers, • Egmondville Store, Pizza Train. I11,' 1x1.11, r Ilrrl r. ,11'1' Iylr 1, '. WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor Office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star.' The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News. Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. Ot•01•tfnxe ' 1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE: 120 pcs. 2x6x16 con- struction spruce (new condition) 7.00 ea. 37 pcs. 4x8x11/16 formply plywood 28.00 ea., 600 snap ties wedges .50 ea.. 2 heavy duty corru- gated steel culverts 42- diameter, 22'x26' long, 300.00 ea. Phone 519-345-2044. 01-21x1 • . . USED INGLIS refrigerator, good condition. Asking 8150.00. Call 519.527-2628. 01-21-2 ASPARAGUS AND Red rhubarb available at Dougall's for $1'.75Ab. Call 519-235.1491. 01-20xtfcc SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS: We can load your truck or deliver. call R.J. Dungey and Sons. Mitchell 519-348-8477. 01.18x4cc 'H1GHGABLES FARM. perennials, herbs. planters. organic produce and fresh flowers (in season). west of Holmesville, on Cnty. Rd. 18. Daily except Friday. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. 519-482-9360. 01-17x27 ANTIQUES - Call us. We buy it all. Antiques. wooden furniture. coins. collectibles. glassware etc. No fuss • No muss...Cash on the spot. Call 519-364.0448. 01-16xtfcc FIREWOOD: Dump truck loads of hardwood. slab wood and edgings or blocks. Call R.J. Dungey and Sons 519-348-8477. 01-45xtfcc LAWN MOWER TIRES & TUBES We install too! SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 ZIULCIRif FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED FLEA MARKET The Old Mill , Tiverton, ON - HWY 21 Open for the Season May Hours: Sat. & Sun. 9-5 VINCENT LAWN & GARDEN RENTAL CENTRE -Now Open- Chainsaws to Lawnrollers to Garden Tillers for rent '/s days or full days Book Yours Today! ,SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 VLEadjaY FAR/.1 EQUIPMENT LIMITED VENDORS WANTED! -Antiques -Crafts -Produce -Home & Baked Goods -Restaurant Operators & more CALL NOW 1-800-387-1932 Neustadt Mill Antique & Farm Market 3. Garage Sales BRUSSELS 6TH Annual Village Yard Sale, Saturday. May .27:. Chainsaw sculpture in progress on the comer of Tumberry and Church. 03-21x1 ' . • GARAGE SALE. Sat. May 27. 8 a.m. 116 Harpurhey. Rd, 03-21x1 GARAGE SALE, Fri. May 26, 6 to 9 and Sat. May 27. 8, a:m. • ? Wood burning stove, lawn chairs, new and used. etc. 3-21.1 2 Events! SCDEn7: and Seaforth Invites you to Shop Downtown (for new items) Wed. May 31st through Sat., June 3rd and in our Neighbourhoods (for items new to you) Sat., June 3rd r isv /1.4 Town and Country LASSIFIEDS headline: Monday, 12:00 Noon Call 52'7-0240- 1. Articles For Sale MAR -TINA'S Perennial it Water Gardens -PERENNIALS- from sun to shade, Cactus. Alpine for scree's. water lilies z red. white. pink, yellow. Oxygenating plants. Hardy water and bog plants. 'tropical water plants, hyacinth, lettuce taro, parrot feather etc. Our plants are all grown and tested for hardiness in our gardens. We are now 'open for garden tours. 41728 Summerhill Rd. follow sign on Hwy 118 and Cly. Rd. 12 R.R. 12 Seaforth. 527-1249 5. Cars for Sale 1987 NISSAN PULSAR (private)• one. owner, removable hardtop: t - bar roof. 8795. Phone . 519.527- 0925. 05-21x2 1983 OLDS REGENCY, as is. in running -condition. $200.00. Phone 5197524-4915.05-.18x6nxe CARS FROM $500. Government seized and surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings. toll free 1-888-342- 3500. extension • 2234. 05.35- tfBNN. 1 1F Farm Product FOR SALE:. 15 or' 33 acres of standing 'hay. Call 519-345-2689. •11F-21.1 . HAY FOR SALE - 93 acres standing Alfalfa and Timothy hay. Call 519- 887-6708. 11F -21x2 17 Apartments for Rent HEATED TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, newly 'decorated, dose to uptown. Phone 519.527-0235..17- 18.11 ONE- BEDROOM apartment in Seatorth. Front and back entrance on ground floor. Natural woodwork. utilities, laundry, parking and deck included. Quiet location. 519-527- '1031 or 519.524-9076. 17-15xtfcc SMALLONE BEDROOM basement apartment. Rent . includes heat (hydro extra). fridge and stove. Laundry facilities . available. Also large one bedroom (2nd floor) avail- able. Call 519-527-2369. 17-14-tf • HENSALL • LARGE 2 bedroom apartments. Quiet. clean. freshly decorated. Move in Bonus. Call Roxanne 519-262-1138.. . 17- 03xtfncc EASTVIEW APARTMENTS, Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment, controlled entry, ensu4e laundry, three appliances. small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235.2961or 519- 348-0118. 17; 31 xtfcc ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton. fridge and stove includ- ed: Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17.06xtfcc • 18. Houses for Rent • TWO BEDROOM home, one floor, gas heat. attached garage. References required. $625 plus heat and hydro. -Phone Culligan Real Estate, 519-527-1577. 18 -21 - 'THREE -FOUR bedroom house in the' country between Mitchell and Seaforth With pool.' deck and play- house. Available June- 1. Call 519- 345.2077.•18.20x3cc 26 ACRESof standing hay for sale.' - Call Gord Pryce 519=527:0917. _ , e .11F-20x3c • • • FOR • • SALE: 12 acres Alfalfa/Timothy mix hay. Call -519- 233-7405. 11 A-20x2cc' HAY FOR SALE: 11 acres standing Alfalfa and Timothy hay. Call •519- 345 -2379.11F -20x2 11H. Farm Services CUSTOM HAY CUTTING and dou- ble windrowing. sib filling. tower and bunker solos. • Call 519-887- 6708. 11H -21x2 MN MI WE MI WEI ■ CUSTOM LIQUID ■ ■ MANURE REMOVAL ■ 1 Vacuum'Tank 1 ■ 2. Units Available 1 • Agitation . ■ REY AGRA ■ ■ 519-345-0047 519-345-2478 la Lfill•tlfifi-- 17. Apartments for Rent MITCHELL APARTMENTS has a spacious two bedroom available in June. quiet • building, suitable for a retired person -includes fridge and stove. $525/month,•plus• utilities. Call Ron 1-519-887-9605. 17-19.3 UPPER DUPLEX. 2 bedroom, park- ing,. no pets. suit couple. Available July 1. Credit and character refer- ence . required. Call 519.522-1833. 17-19-tfn QUALITY ONE BEDROOM apart- ments • -available June 1st and July 1st. Separate entrance with Veran- dah. Alt appliances supplied. Phone 519-527-0349. 17-18.5 The Huron Expositor's LAS SIFIEDS C E Coning Events 08 Computers. Videos. Etc 23 For Rent 01 Art,cles For Sale 09 Automotive - 24 Wonted. To Rent 03 Garage/Yard Sale 10 Pets •, 25 Wanted To Buy 04 Ant,ques & Tut 26 Help Wanted 4A Crofts & Hobbes 27 Want" General Farm itlas'tLaet><>c11,-K 05 Cors For Sole 28 Buseuessopportumty 06 Trucks For Sole 116. For Sale Genera 29 tenders Sperpa Ci*tse 7A -K 4it 7A. For Sole Genera 78 Wonted To Buy 7C Wanted le enc 7D Bicycles 7E Motorcycles, ATVs, - Etc 71 Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G Rec Vehtcles- Campers & Trailers 71-1 Boots. Motors & • Monne 7J Service Ports & Repous JK Swimming Pool & Supplies • 118 Wonted To Buy - 11C Wanted To Hire 11D Employment Wonted 1IE Livestock 11F Formprpduct IIG farm Equipment 1114 Form$ervices ill Form land 1 IK Farm Real Estate 12 13 14 16 17 18 19. 20 Real EstoleFor Sole Mobile Homes Vocation Properties For Rent . Apartments For Rent Houses For Rent Roos For Rent . Rmooms & Board 22 . Lots for Rent 23 Commercial Property 30 Employment Wonted 31 Service Directory 32 Bobysining 33 Miscellaneous 34 Persona 35 Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements. . 37 Mortgages 3$ Auction Sale 39 Educational 40 lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Decehs 43 Bettis 44 Engagements 45 Marriages - 46 In Memoriam 47 Cords of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY u:oo NOON • For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:oo AM All rates plus GST -• is WORDS - Onc Week $6.00; two weeks S5-10 ca. week. tfucc weeks St.00_ea. week. Additional ivanls'20 cents. An additional Sz or, will he Alert if hilling is necessary.. . In Memoriams - SB.00 plus 35 cents per line of verse. •. Card of 'thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words Woo, Each additional. . word .to cents. . We arc also -able to place word ads -in the -following papery Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich do Port l.Igin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (2s words or fess) -in any of the above paperi for an additional S;.00: I IIFSF. PRICES ARE PRE -PAID (:all 52--024o Jtonrhy to Friday't oo ASt to c.o0 1'1t Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. 48 EAST WII,LIAM ST,. SEAFORTH - LIST $69.900' - 83 JARVIS ST., SEAFORTH - LIST 885.000! - 25 CHURCH ST., SEAFORTH - LIST 5180 900 - 95 GODERICH ST. E., SEAFORTH - LIST $114.900' - RR42, DUBLIN - .54 ACRE - LIST 8179,900, - 53 WILSON ST.. SEAFORTH - LIST 5139.900' - 62 COLEMAN STREET, SEAFORTH LIST S105.0001-. SAT., MAY 27TH, 12:00-1:00 33 JARVIS ST.; SEAFORTH - LIST 884.900:' - • 151 JARVIS. ST., SEAFORTH LISTS 159.900' Ef tr'Int ■ 5 WILLIAM ST., EGMONDVILLE - LIST 5125.900' - 45 MILL ST., EGMONDVILLE - LIST 5169.900 ! - 69 HURON ROAD. HARPURHEY LIST 8179-9001 -- 'MAUREEN WILOFONG 482-3224 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE MIS REALTOR OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! Seaforth Office: 519/527-1577 8 Main Street SAT., MAY 27TH, 10:30-12:00 28 WILLIAM ST., EGMONDVILLE - LIST 5149.900' - MCKILLOP TWP. 2.07 ACRES - LIST 5229 900' - 1 COIaDWeU. BANKeR 0 CO ALL POINTS - FESTIVAL CITY REALTY 34 MAIN ST.. SEAFORTH 527-2103 TOLL FREE 1-877-599-0090 www.coldwellbankerfc.com Home Tom Sundays 12:00 on PJO© Huron Board tMet6.r LINDA DZIOBA' OFFICE 527-2103 .,e„ r -I All Path Board RON MURRAY' OFFICE 348-0300 HOME :-5000 Huron Board M.rrtbse ANDREA NIGH' OFFICE 527-2103 KO. - GARAGE SALE Signs Available FREE of charge JUST REDUCED! ...alt NMI -ill I ONLY THE BEST WILL DO t-►I�,# .. I 1 ALL THE LUXURIES GRAND SPACIOUS ROOMS FLORIDA ROOM AND MORE YOU MUST COMPARE HOME IS LIKE NEW CONDITION MANY RENOVATIONS INCLUDING TOTALLY NEW FAMILY ROOM d OAK FIREPLACE NEW PRICE 1.50 ACRES - ' • Z Al - PROPERTY, LARGE HOME. 2 OUTBUILDINGS POSSIBLE 6 LOTS TOTAL TOTALLY REFURBISHED VINYL SIDING. NEW WINDOWS. LARGE LOT. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN iil ppm 11 r*, ONLY 568.900 LOW HEAT 8 TAXES GREAT STARTER HOME CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN NEW LISTING - 109 MARKET ST. MAIN FLOOR LIVING. CLOSE TO UPTOWN, SCHOOL AND DAYCARE, LARGE KITCHEN. NEW WINDOWS, BATHROOM, AND FLOORING. FAMILY ROOM WITH BAR WOW -ONLY S62,900. MAIN FLOOR LIVING • CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN • NEW BATHROOM FLOORING ' 6 DECORATING NEW LISTING - 4 LONDON ROAD L. Tjl- CHARMING HISTORIC ' ONTARIO COTTAGE ON LARGE LOT, HARDWOOD FLOORING, ORIGINAL TIRM d BASEBOARDS. TASTEFULLY DECORATED. ONLY 889.000. NEW LISTING - R.R. #2. DUBLIN 100 HE* a pN REMARKABLE 2.01 ACRE HOBBY FARM. CLOSE TO TOWN. A REAL BEAUTY. BARN. PLUS 24 X 40 SHOP. MATURE LUSH LANDSCAPING. A STEAL - S84,900 NEW KITCHEN. WINDOWS. WHIRLPOOL, FAMILY ROOM/FIREPLACE NEW PRICE • . 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. FAMILY RObM WITH FIREPLACE For Real Estate Anywhere in Huron or Perth Counties We Have All Points Covered Stratford • Goderich • Wingham • Seaforth • Exeter • Zurich " Mitchell * Bayfield * Clinton