Huron Expositor, 2000-05-10, Page 5News
Game On!
Heather Rea photo
Under hypnosis
Jay Cochrane and. Jim Burns do a tango while under hypnosis by hypnotist Dale lc who was at Seaforth District High School
May 2. Twenty students were hypnotized into believing they were The Village People, on a hot air balloon ride or had x-ray
vision, among the pranks pulled on th em.
Twelve -year-old is winning book worm
By Scott Hilgendorff
Expositor Editor ,
Reading 99 hooks in 1999
was easy for 12 -year-old
Angela Jordan of St.
Columban School.
In fact, she read them in
about five months as part of
contest held by McLelland
and Stewart Publishing and
'the Segforth Library.
"It was to encourage kids
to read and was obviously
very successful," said Trudy
Broome of the library.
More than 7,000 children
'frons across Canada read 99
books to qualify for a chance
to win one of 25 Canadian
Encyclopedia 2000 cd rooms,
of which Jordan was a
/ Jordan, an avid reader, said
it was easy getting through
that many books and knows
she read well -over that
amount, averaging 'bout five
books every week.
Broome said the library
wasn't even made aware of
the contest until June, about
six months into the
competition that required
children to ready 99 books
within that year.
Broome said that is a big
accomplishment since the
students in the age group of
the contest were reading
chapter books.
She was pleased to see that
in the extra -limited amount
of time they had, 12 students
at the local library read 99
books for the contest.
Jordan was already done
by the end of October.
sometimes making two trips
a week to the library for more
She likes to read almost
any kind of story but prefers
mysteries, reading all
summer and every night
before she goes to bed.
Scientists say hugging is therapeutic
From Page 4
The father tried to get the boy to sleep,
but he kept asking over and over.
After a time, the father got up and
took the little fellow into his bed. But
the child was still disturbed and restless.
Finally. the little boy reached/ a hand
through the darkness. placed it on his
father's face and asked. "Daddy is your
face toward me?"
Given assurance verbally and by his
owrf touch, that his father's face was
toward him. the boy said. "If your facd
is toward me. Daddy. I think I can go to
By this time: you are probably asking.
"What does all this have to do with
What I am interested in 4 in naming
those characteristics that give us the
ability to cope; the ability to say "Yes!"
when asked if we want to live to he a
,hundred; the ability to accept the risk
and challenge of living a rich and full
life right now.
The great missionary physician. Dr.
Albert Schweitzer. said it simply and
realistically: "Each patient carries his
own doctor inside himself. They come
to us (physicians) not knowing that
truth. We are best when we give the ,
doctor who resides within each patient a
chance to work."
Arc you giving the "doctor who
resides within you" the chance to work?
Here is a little self-administered test
from a study hyDr. Carl Simonton.
All you do is answer;these questions
yes or no. Do you have a tendency to
hold resentment? Would you rather
carry a grudge than forgive? Would you
rather cry in self-pity than invite a
friend out for dinner? Do you have a
problem developing and maintaining
long-term relationships?
Do you have a low self-esteem?
If you answer with more "yeses" you
are not giving the "doctor who resides
within you" the best chance to work. A
"yes" means you are most vulnerable to
In the church. touch is sacramental.
We touch with the hand when we
baptize, when we confirm and when we
administer a blessing.
I believe the sacramental touch goes
further than the hand - it includes
hugging. f
Scientists are saying that hugging is.
more than just a friendly act. Hugging is
therapeutic. Many different studies
show that hugging communicates
tenderness, gentleness, caring - all those
characteristics that are essential for
healing both body and soul.
Hugging relieves many physical and
emotional problems, hugging helps
people lirve longer, maintains health,
relieves stress and promotes sleep.
Studies also show that hemoglobin,
the portion of blood that carries oxygen,
increases significantly when people are
Jesus believed in touch.
Jesus practiced the sacrament of
touching with his hands. He even says
that when someone touched him,.
believing, he knew that power went out
of him.
Let's remember that.
It's a good reason to keep human
touch on a high level.
Keep in touch with Jesus by faith and
you'll feel power and newness flowing
into and through you.
There is healing in touch.
Six hundred trucks each day
travel County Road 12
Route saves one company zoo miles per truck,
avoiding 400 series highways to the US border
From Poga 1
stretch of highway following
controversy raised about the
dangers of travelling certain
portionsbf Highway 401.
"Everyone knows the
suicide stretch of 401 is
between London. and
Chatham where a -lot of had
publicity has come." said
For some. she suggests
County Road 12, a rural
route that doesn't' connect
with any major towns or
cities, has become part of a
hackroad route around those
For Warren Gibson
Limited in Alliston, it has
become a route that saves
about 100 miles per truck by
not taking the 400 series
About 100 Warren Gibson
trucks a day use County
Road 12. taking it to where it
eventually connects with
Highway 21 to Sarnia. a
Murder city the company uses
to connect with Michigan
and Indiana. From those
states, the trucking company
picks up auto parts for the
Honda manufacturing plant
in Alliston.
"It saves thc guys a lot of
miles." said Ted Myers, a
safety officer with Warren
He said they've been using
that route for about two years
now and. while truck
operators may enjoy the extra
lanes and higher speeds of
the 40(1 series highways, the
County Road 12 route makes
more sense for the company.
Warren Gibson's trucks
make up only a fraction of
the growing truck traffic on
arca roads.
The Ontario Trucking
Association reports 612,000
truck trips each week on
Canadian roads with 3.2
million trucks a year crossing
Ontario borders at Michigan
and New York State.
Stephe Anderson, a
communications officer with
thc Ontario Trucking
Association said the free
trade agreement would be a
major factor in the steady
growth of the trucking
"r would say it must be a
big factor because therg's
more trade across thc border
and more companies doing
business between Canada and
the US," he said.
Eighty per cent of trade
between Canada and the
United States is moved by
It's closer to 90 per cent
for trade within the country."
Anderson said.
And Transport Canada
estimates a 2.3 per cent
annual growth in the trucking
industry until 2010.
Statistics Canada predit
similar growth.
On County Road 12, The
Expositor counted trucks for
a half-hour period on Friday,
noting 22 various transport
trucks passing through Main
Street in either direction.
That included, two trucks
from Warren Gibson.
Vehicles ranged from
livestock trucks to cement
Based on county traffic
counts, Lawson estimates
about 600 trucks pass along
Main Street every day.
Highway 8, a recognized
truck route that intersects
Seaforth at County Road 12
and links the area to
Highway 401, has only about
half as much traffic.
Ministry of Transportation
traffic counts from 1996
reveal less than 300 trucks
use Highway 8 each day.
But Lawson isn't too
surprised by - the . higher
number of trucks on County
Road 12.
She said the county
estimates 15 per cent of
traffic on county roads are
trucks, from transport trucks
to courier cube vans and
County Road 12 fits within
those estimates.
.She said even the' 400
series highways, that people
think is mostly used by
trucks, would have similar
ratios of trucks to cars.
It's simply the volume of
traffic that makes it seem like
there are so many more
trucks on those highways,
she said.
And while County Road 12
isn't designated a truck route.
Lawson said it has been built
to trucking standards and can•
handle the heavier loads.
While the trucking industry
continues to grow, she said
eventually all county roads
will be rebuilt to those
Saturday May 13, 2000 at 3:30 pm
$25.00 per person
includes golf and barbecue supper
Phone Seaforth Golf Course 522-0958
SILENT AUCTION of donated items
including celebrity memorabilia
Bidding for silent auction 1:00 to 7:00 pm
open to everyone -golfers and non -golfers welcome
SDHS students will be selling car raffle tickets at
the SOS Golf Tournament on May 13. $1.00 for
each ticket sold will be donated by the Seaforth
Business Improvement Association (BIA) to the
SOS Fund. Buy a ticket to support Seaforth District
High School and for a chance to win a car.
Rona Cashway Breakfast - Saturday, May 13
9 am to 1 pm
Donations to Seaforth Optimists to go to the SOS Fund
All money goes to the 'Save our Schools' Fund!
To place your fundraising event here
please call 527-0240
A Review of activities at
NATIONAL NURSE'S WEEK is being celebrated May 8 - 14,
2000. This year's theme is "Challenge Yourself- Get,,►ctive! to
promote and maintain good health. A contest displaying baby
pictures of Seaforth Community Hospital Nursing Staff to "Guess
Who The Little Girls Are" is underway in the Patient Lounge.
The draw takes place May 9th with a prize offered for the person
having the most correct answers. A Staff Pot Luck with an
invitation to bring their favourite dish, will be held in Conference,
Rm. 2 Thursday, May 11th. Let's join with the Nursing Staff in
celebrating their vital and appreciated profession. We salute each
and every one of you!
something for everyone's taste; come and participate in the fun of
the annual Penny Sale May 1 - 12 inclusive daily 9:00 - 5:30 and
Friday until 9:00 p.m. at 11 Main St. North, (formerly Would You
Like To Paint store). Please note, there will be no ticket sales on
draw date Sat. Mar 13th.
"The Canadian Family Guide to Stroke" perhaps you or a
loved one has experienced the trauma of a stroke. There is a
helpful paperback available in the Hospital Gift Shop that
provides a wealth of information to help to cope with life changes
resultant of stroke. It contains helpful charts; illustrations and
personal stories of stroke survivors , prevention, treatment and'
recovery. It features current. easily understood information/and is
produced by the Can. Heart & Stroke Foundation.
The Seaforth Veterinary
Clinic is now offering
"Start something special with
your new friend!"
Puppies, ages 3-6 months
Classes Wednesdays,
from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
5 week program
Instructor: Anita Hansen
Call 527-1760 or 527-2864
to register or for more information.