HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-05-03, Page 8II -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 3, 2000 Coming Events COUNTRY SMORGASBORD. Walton United Church, May 22. 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Adults $9.00. chil- dren 6 to 12 $4.50, 5 and under Free. Take-outs available. CE -18x3 TUCKERSMITH DAY Nursery Spaghetti Supper at Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tues. May 9, 4:30-7 p.m. Adults $5.00, children 10 and under $3.00. family $20.00. Tickets at the door. CE -18-1 CLINTON LEGION Br. 140 Fish Fry, Saturday, May 6. Serving 6- 7:30 p.m. Entertainment starts 4 p.m. Tickets 510.00. Everyone wel- come. CE,l8xlcc WOOD YOU LIKE TO PAINT Open House, May 10 to 13. 10 to 9 daily at our new location 041568, Byers St. Alma, R.R. 04 Clinton. Call 519- 233-7154. CE -18-2 SAVE OUR SCHOOLS S.O.S. Silent Auction, 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. May 13. 2000 at Seaforth Golf Course. Everyone welcome. Phone Susan Arts to donate articles for auction at 519-522-1085. Watch for list of celebrity donations and arti- cles in next week's paper. CE -18x1 MONSTER EUCHRE tournament, St. Joseph's R.C. Church Hall, Clinton, Wednesday, May 3, 8 p.m. Over $100.00 in prizes. Lunch pro- vided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. CE-18xlcc BEGINNING MAY 12TH Dabber Bingo every Friday. Bayfield Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Bingo starts 7:00 p.m. sharp. Potential prize money S3,000 with $1,000 jackpot 'plus mini -jackpot. Nevada tickets avail- able. License M00220 Bayfield Lions/Lioness. CE-18x22cc EUCHRES AT WALTON Hall, 2nd' and 4th Thursdays of the month at 8:00 p.m. and May 11 and 25. Bring your own partner. 55 per person. Cash prizes. Lunch. CE, -18-3 HAM AND SCALLOPED Potatoes Luncheon, May 10 from 11:30-1:00 p.m. at Walton Hall. Proceeds to hall improvements. Adults 56.00, children S3.00. CE -18-1 DINE 'N DANCE is back, Harbour Restaurant Hwy. 021 at Bayfield River, Friday. May 12th, starting at 7 p.m. Featuring Ed Hoekstra and His Magic Cordova. Reservations rec- ommended, 519-565-2554. CE- 18x2cc SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Horticultural Society's Annual Plant Sale, Saturday. May 13. 2000 , 9- 11:00 a.m. Northside United Church Hall, side) entrance. Notice new time. Donations of plants gratefully accepted Friday. May 12, 2000. 6:30-8 p.m. CE -18-2 SEAFORTH'S GIANT Community Yard Sale. Sat. June 3. Plan to par- ticipate by registering for a loonie at the Town Hal. Call 519-527-0160 to/ details. CE -18-3 HURON COUNTY 4-1-1 Chinchilla Show and Auction. May 6, 2000. Walton Community Hall, . Walton. On. Judge for the day - Greg Riedatra. 20 4-H members will be showing 40 animals. 4-1-I leaders Ray and Barb Storey, 519-527- 1049. CE -18-1 MOTHER'S DAY Breakfast Sunday. May 14/00, 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a:m. Family 515, Adults 55. Children under 12 -$3; Pre -School Free. Tickets from board members or at • door. Everyone welcome. CE- 18x2c CROSSTITCHERS: Stytchen Tyme Open House. Saturday. May 13, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. 292 Huron Rd. Goderich. 524-2950. Show us your latest finished project - receive $2.00 off your purchase. CE- 18x2cc SEAFORTH CO.OPERATIVE Children's Centre Inc. is offering a Babysitting Course on May 5. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost 527.00 includes course, manual and lunch. Call 519.527.0682 to register. CE-17x2c A PROGRESSION OF FASHION: 125 years of style. Commentator: Mary Garon, Wednesday. May 24th, 8 p.m. CHSS. Fashions, Displays, Refreshments. Tickets S10.00 at Groves TV. My Fair Lady. Proceeds: Clinton's 125 . Homecoming. CE-17x3cc POOR MAN'S LUNCHEON. Friday. May 501, 11:30-1:30. $5.00 each at door. Sponsored by 1.O.O.F= Lodge 083. Princess St., Clinton. CE- 17x2cc SEAFORTH HOSPITAL Auxiliary Penny Sale. Monday, May 1st - Friday, May 12. Daily 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday evenings 5:30. - 9:00 p.m. 11 Main St. S. (former Wood You Like To Paint store). Draw date: Saturday. May 131h, 2000. (No tick- et sales day of draw) CE-16x3c GUITAR LESSONS now available for Summer Sessions • Children and adults • Adult group lessons • Vocal lessons For more information Call Kim or Ben 522-0598 Coming Events 8TH ANNUAL Walk For Aids. May 7th. Registration 1:30 p.m. The Cove, on the Beach. Goderich. Proceeds: programs of the Huron County HIV Aids Network. Call 519- 482-1141 or fax: 519-482-1191. Pledge sheets available Rice's Workwear, Clinton: Jeffery Hudson, Hair Design. Grand Bend. CE- 16x3cc PARENTS ON BOARD for parents of children aged 4-14. Come, meet other parents, share common ques- bons and concerns. learn how to help your child find academic suc- cess. To be held at Clinton Public School in Clinton beginning Tuesday, May 9th. 7-9:30 p.m. for 3 sessions. The cost: $20/person or $25/couple. Sponsored by Rural Response for Healthy Children. For more information and to register please call 519-482-8777 or 1.800- 479.0716. CE-17x2cc BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS 20th Anniversary Concert, Saturday. May 6. 7:30 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Featuring former .choir mem- bers and conductors. Tickets 810 advance. $12 at door, $7 for chil- dren 12 and under. Regular ticket outlets or Blyth Festival Box Office 519-523-9300. CE-16x3cc MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS House open every day_10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come share the.magic of our shim- mering home. Enjoy the ultimate shopping experience. 7304 Richmond. Arkona, 1-888-797- 7760. CE-09x4Occ BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre. 390 Parsons Court. $3,855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for $350, 1 for 5600; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. 0157920. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre. same program as Thursday night. Lic. 4310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-42-xtfcc 1. Articles For Sale WILTSIE CONSTRUCTION truck topper, 5500.00 or best offer. Call 519-527-2799.01-18-2 • COMPUTER SPECIAL: Amazing 1 year no payments. thenlonly 812770 per week (OAC). 466 mhz, loaded. printer, monitor, software, free scanner, delivery and set up, 1-800- 515-5545. 01-17x4cc WORLD WIDE WEB Secrets - Dowriload up to $100,000 in soft- ware tor free. Plus over 30 more mind boggling secjets. 1-900-643- 1112 ext. 6314. 52.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Serv-U (619) 645-8434. 01-18x1 FOR SALE: QUARTER HORSE gelding, seveh years old, quiet. 51150.00. Phone 519-527-2913. 01-18x3c SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS: We can Toad your truck or deliver. call R.J. Dungey and Sons. Mitchell 7519-348-8477. 01-18x4cc INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE on items ranging from lotions, crafts, seasonings and more at Winthrop Country Comers Gifts and Crafts, May 2-6. Open 11-6..519- 527-0675. 01-17x2 LAWNMOWER BATTERIES $34:9 SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 FAnki EOuirrrEtiT LP,IITED the Lawn Master SPECIAL Apple Trees Check out our new perennials 527-1750 R.R.#2 Seaforth Town and Country LASSIFIED e dli e: 1 Articles For Sale MEXICAN P BASS (Fender) good shape, extra strings. strap and picks (case in rough shape) also comes with small practice amp (BIOC) also good shape, both $300.00. Call Chris 519-348-0518. 01-18x6cc MURRAYBROOK MEADOWS Bird Seed. Niger Seed 1.20Ab. Finch Mix .80Ab. Peanuts In Shell 1.00Ab. Black Oil Sunflower .30Ab. Select Mix .35Ab. Premium Mix .50Ab. Anti - Starling Mix .80Ab. All taxes includ- ed. Phone Jim Murray 519-345- 2407. 01-17-3 FRANKLIN FIREPLAC(E50, good condition. Phone 519-524-5569. 01-17x3nxe ATTENTION TURKEY Hunters! Over 200 guns, camouflage cloth- ing. binoculars, scopes. decoys. and tons of ammunition, at prices that can't be beat! Lake Huron Rod, Gun and Marine, Underwood, 519- 368-7182. 01-17x2cc ATTENTION ANGLERS! OVER 200 downriggers, fishfinders, V.H.F. marine radios. G.P.S. and 10.000 hot salmon lures at prices that can't be beat! Lake Huron Rod, Gun and Marine. Underwood, 519-368-7182. 01-17x4cc HIGHGABLES FARM. perennials. herbs, planters. organic produce and fresh flowers (in season). west of Holmesville, on _Cnty. Rd. 18. Daily except Friday. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. 519.482-9360.01-17x27 SUMTHING SPECIAL. Now featur- ing once over children's consign- ment clothes, gently used, brand names. size 3 months to size 12. Phone 519.527-2435,:01-16-3 FRESH APPLE CIDER S3.00 4 litre jug. delivered. Phone Martene Orchards 519-522-1507 or order at Pete's Paper Clip. Main St. Seaforth. 01-16-tf ANTIQUES - Call us. We buy it all. Antiques, wooden furniture, coins 9ollectibles, glassware etc. No fuss - N6 muss...Cash on the spot. Call 519-364-0448. 01-16xtfcc FIREWOOD: Dump truck loads of hardwood, slab wood and edgings or blocks. Call R.J. Dungey and Sons 519-348-8477. 01.45xtfcc WE SUPPLY AND PLANT LARGE TREES ... hundreds to choose from. including all popular evergreens and shade trees - as well as exotic and uncommon varieties. ■ Heights in stock from 6 ft. to 25 ft. WE ALSO TRANSPLANT EXISTING TREES AIREEmendous "20 3!eais sa ?tit Pia rtlay Seseu44" JOHN GIBSON • RR 4 CLINTON CONSULTING ARBORIST 233-3300 3 Garage Sales LARGE MULTI FAMILY yard sale, 2 miles east of Clinton on Hwy. 8 (Watch for sign), Saturday, May 6. 8 a.m. Something for everyone. 03- 18x1 S. Cars for Sale 1983 OLDS REGENCY, as is, in running condition. 8200.00. Phone 519-524-4915. 05-18x6nxe 1993 REGAL GRAN SPORT, loaded, new paint with Kenwood 6 pk. C.D. player, mint condition. Phone Ang 519-482-7903. 05- 17x2c CARS FROM 8500. Government seized and surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings, toll free 1-888-342- 3500. extension 2234. 05-35- tfBNN. 4 Antiques & Art 4 Antiques & Art Pinery Antique Flea Market Located 3 Milo South of Grand Bend on Hwy. 121 Open Sunday: May - Thanksgiving 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. FEATURING ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2000 • 100-250 vendors under the shade of Oak Savannah Forest • paved walkways • concession stands • • new merchandise and antiquities in main building • • wheelchair accessible & handicap facilities • L r,i FREE PiRlii\G PhJFax 519-2384382 PROMOTER: RAY SWAIN, WE BUY ANTlQUESI GRAND BEND, NOM 1TO M r day, .00 Noon Call 527-o24�r 10 Pets HURONIA HUMANE SOCIETY has for adoption "Jed" is a one year neutered orange male tabby cat with shots. Jed is a big cuddly fel- low. He is very laid back tempera- ment wise. Jed desperately needs a good home as he has been picked on by other cats in his foster home. Call 519-522-0995. 10-18x l cc GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, females, CKC registered, shots. 3 yr. guarantee. Gentle disposition, excellent with children, home raised. Call 519-396-5586. 10- 18x3cc 1993 AOHA GELDING, excellent • trail/team penner, 84.000. Shetland ponies. 2 year old mare $600; year- ling colt 5300; also pony saddle and new barrel racing saddle. Call 519- 233-3215. 10-18-2 11G Farm Equipment FOR SALE: J.D. 7000 4 row planter. Hardt (TR 300 30 ft) sprayer, International 720 plow 4x 16", 4 row bean puller and windrow- er. All items in excellent condition. Phone 519-527-0761. 11G-16x3c 11J Farm Land WANTED TO RENT or sharecrop good cash crop land. Phone 519- 527-0715. 11J-18-2 WANTED TO RENT: good cash crop land. Good land stewardship. Hugill Farms 519-233-7467. 11J - 17x2 17 Apartments for Rent QUALITY ONE BEDROOM apart- ments available June 1st and July 1st. Separate entrance with veran- dah. All appliances supplied. Phone 519-527-0349. 17-18-5 HEATED TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, newly decorated, close to uptown. Phone 519.527.0235. 17- 18-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth, close to uptown. Available May 1. $300/month, plus utilities. Phone 519-527-2094. 17-16-3 ONE BEDROOM apartment in .Seaforth. Front and back entrance on ground floor. Natural woodwork, utilities, laundry. parking and deck included. Quiet location. 519-527- 1031 or 519-524-9076. 17-15xtfcc SMALL ONE BEDROOM basement apartment. Rent includes heal (hydro extra), fridge and stove. Laundry facilities available. Also large one bedroom (2nd floor) avail- able. Call 519-527-2369. 17-14-tf HENSALL - LARGE 2 bedroom apartments. Quiet, clean, freshly decorated. Move in Bonus. Call Roxanne 519-262.1138. 17- 03xtf ncc CLINTON: bachelor apartments, laundry facilities, parking. Phone 519-482-1293. 17.43xtfcc EASTVIEW APARTMENTS, Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment, controlled entry, ensuite laundry.. three appliances. small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961or 519- 348-0118. 17-31 xtfcc ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton. fridge and stove includ- ed. Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17-06xtfcc 18 Houses for Rent COMFORTABLE 3 BEDROOM house in Seaforth, close to uptown., Call 519-527-0622. 18-18-2 The Huron Expositor's LAS SIFIED 5 C E Coming Events 01 Articles For Sole 03 Garage/Yard Sole 04 Antiques & Art 4A Crofts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sale 06 Trucks For Sole SporteCentrit 7A-X 7A For Sole General 79 Wanted To Buy 7C Wonted To Ren! 7D Bicycles 7E Motorcycles. ATVs Etc 71 Srtowmobdes 6 Equipment 7G Rec Vehrcles- Campers & Traders 7H Soats..Motors & Monne 7, Service Parts d Repairs 7K Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers. Videos. Etc 23 For Rent 09 Automotive 24 Wonted To Rent 10 Pt-. 25 Wonted To Buy 26 Help Wonted 27 Wanted General 28 Busness Opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment Wanted 31 Ser %iceDI( ectory 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sole 39 Educational 40 toll & Found 41 ToGive Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages • 46 In Memoriam 47 Cards of Thanks • '8 al :'d Buy 1 1 C Wanted To Hire 110 Employment Wonted 1IE Livestock 111 Form Product 11G Farm Equipment IH Form Services 11) farmland 11K Form Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sole 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vocation Properties 16 For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 22 tots For Rent 23 Commercial Property DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 1z:oo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY t t:oo AM AU rates plus GST z� WORDS : One \W'cck Sn.00, two weeks SS.So ea. week, three weeks S� oo ca. week. Additional work zu cents An additional Sz.00 will he added if billing is necessary. In Memoriam, - So oo plus ;j cents per line of verse. Card oil hank, n Birth Announcements - z( Wards S6.00. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers. Goderich, • Clinton. Mitchell, I-ucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The l luron Expositor we can place the same ad (z, words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional S;.00. '11II:SF. PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 5z --024o Monday to Friday 9 oo AM to i:oo P\1 18. Houses for Rent BORNHOLM ROAD country house. Reduction in rent for exchange of light chores. Call 519-393-6539. 18- 17x2cc 2 1/2 MILES west of Brodhagen.on paved road. Paved lane. garage, 4 bedrooms; Florida room, gas fire- place, clean and spacious. Available May 1. References. $650/month plus utilities. Call 519- 348-9057. 18-17x3cc - TOWNSEND APARTMENTS Newly renovated 3 .bedroom townhouse including fridge, stove. oak cupboards, central air,' Ntgas heat and lull basement. Call Scott at 482-3744 ifisINTEE Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel Sales Representatives 233-3168 VANASTRA OPEN HOUSES Saturday, May 6 - 10:30 p.m. - 12 noon 25 TORONTO BLVD: NEW PRICEI 4 bedrooms, rec room with gas fireplace & pine bar. 2 baths. Excellent location. 3 REGINA ROAD: 3 bedroom bunglaow in very good condition. Owners health forces sale. 27 TORONTO BLVD: Brick bunglatow With attached garage- 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, finished basement with family room & play room. %.,Liatiigarii • REAL /1110 .rTIMMte', --- ESTATE LTD. IttiW G r ` llN.r. i ' I ` 45 MILL STREET, EGMONDVILLE LIST $169;000! - SEW G ��Si�l1 - �� i. 40 WEST FRONT ST., EGMONDVILLE - LIST $179.500- 43110 BRIDGE RD.. MCKILLOP TWP. 2.07 ACRES - LIST $229.900! - r lit - S.�wNCs �� •-++ate 1 .�' � WALTON 879.900 - 1111 1 fj, ... .; e2 EAST WILLIAM ST., SEAFORTH - LIST $89.000 - Vr W SII O'S' 00Oh' tits sl "rntraii �. Ti• HIGH STREET, - LIST 5 WILLIAM STREET, EGMONDYILLE - LIST 8125.900.! - SEAFORTH - 79 GOOERICH ST. W., SEAFORTH - LIST S89,900.1- 33 CHALK STREET N., SEAFORTH - LIST 8114.9001 - 151 JARVIS STREET, - LIST 8159,900.! p; ,Mil Ili 22 LLOYD EISLER ST., EOMONDVILLE - LIST 8119,900.! - \',•.', Tu 1 1 t, i 32 SPARLING ST., SEAFORTH - -LIST 899.000.1 - BUSINESS • 17 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH LIST 811.900.1 - •Iu►unEet 'SALES I' 1 Seaforth Offka: 519 / 527-1577 MNn street MLR REALTOR •. IS ,. • ! ✓- F , yC = :{ t . ' • i R.R. 11, BUCK RUCEFIELD-TERSMITH - �� r 1 ' e y T '- , • I wioFallo 442-32249 REPRESENTATIVE 139 ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON - LIST 149 900.1 -