HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-04-12, Page 13AfterI.oss Lown u, M w .yu !nab anti/ Questions & Answers about grief recovery* so absent-minded since my husband died. It seems I can't remember a thing anymore. What causes this? • A. When a rusts befalls us, our mental and etlultt nal resources are flooded with a constant srrramn ot thoughts, aniieties, fears. and uncertainties.• We are trying t.+ ttnii logical mental pnlcesseS to deal with the changes to our fives caused by the loss. Eventually, we'll sort it all out and arrive at ways to begin problem solving. When this Occurs, we will find that our efforts to concentrate soon return. 'Questions asked duraig bereavement daces are answered here by Wt whom of tflertoss, the monthly grief -recovery Helpptetter For your free copy of wed ors or one of our other helpful booklets-abtiut grief mos please write, - ell .•r .top h, Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth '527-1390 .4 •ometr of Ile Mottoes family of Fu°t,a: Howl flauaal so selps'w coon r4ry noun wont aouratr.t ,tr int/ n.ortn 0199' Aheflon Inc • 90026,4 9112 ftrirlr)r' MORTGAGE NETWORK 25 Finanual Instdutions On Line MORTOAQE6 (For pie A dbor�a roowsers t.t t a s r 7. r 35" at° 3u6p $ 10 mage Gary Walden - Clinton 462-7675 wow. y 'then corn Your Leese I ace Consultant Hard h Approri gapes weeome 1" & 2^° Mortgage Money „ r Abs..ely eve nr.t rges Avaabieas lour as . . 6.50` Interest' Personal lows 41 you Ouahty Payments - 5.000 dos, • 40, �ment •166 '10.000 83 33 '15.000 ' 12500 • Cmsorraace row dates . "Na sper.•aste cr'Wer- m-,rciagrs Call (519) 364-0450 1.900.357.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC 38 Auction Sale RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Saturday. Aprlt 15 at 10:30 AM - (.`ase combine MP i65 with frailer. MH tr, tractor.' tandem truck with R "z 16 greater body aryl hoist. rock windrower. trailers, farm. machinery err hr Jameq and Stuart (:Ingerith. (:ri 1'. miles west of :Zurich. turn right ort Bronson Line go 1 miles. north .farm •7 :'sIik Cali 236-4209 or 2 sr, VI); for Information Saturday; April 22 et 9:00 AM - Antiques furniture "tools at Loht, Auction Cltntrin • Saturday. April29 at 9:00• AM. Antiques. furniture at Lobb Auction Clinton Saturday, April 29 at• 10:00 AM - 65 acre farrn for Koop. De Groot I miles west of Vlenmtller to Morris Tract line pure). right 'go -• mile farm *8.1532 we are arcepttn2 Z v'I addition- • www.auctlonhotline.com 40. Lost & Found FOUND- Yellow Lab in Staffa area. one 519-345-2489.40.15x1 .d 42. Deaths • PELSS, Edmunds: At Seaforth Community Hospitalen Friday. April 7. 2000, Edmunds Pelss. age 57.. of Seaforth. Prior to his retirement. Mr Pelss• had been .a ,-teacher • rat =. • Seaforth .District High School : for . several years. He .was, the - dear father' of ;vincents of • Borden. M chael• of Seaforth'and Martin of New 'Westminster. Also survived by his sister, Wilhelmina and her hos• band Rudy, Michelions of Toronto He was predeceased by his par- ents, Frances • and' Ann •(Leovicnj Pelss. Fatuity will. receive, fnends at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home.: Seaforth. on. Frida t'Apnl'14. from • 2-4 arid 7'9 pini: A memorial mass . will be held on Saturday April ,1 5. at - St. James Roman Catholic Chutch at 12:00 noon; Fr.- Dino Salvador will officiate. interment- SI. James R.C., Cemiftery. Seaforth. Memorial donations to Seaforth Community Hospital would be appreciated as • expressions of sympathy. 42-15-1 • STOREY, Dorothy C.M.:. At Woodstock- General Hospttal on Friday. April '7:• 2000.• Dorothy-C.M. St9rey of R R 1i2. Inner(ip• in her - 73rd year. Betoved.wife of Ellwood 'Aly Storey. 0)ear. Mother- of Garry. Storey and his fnend Cally Masters of Woodstock, Bnan Storeyand his wife Peggy of- Putnam: Wayne • Storey= and • his vote. Barb of Woodstock and •Connie- •Beraskin • and her husband Bemey of R.R. *3, Bright Loved -grandmother of 10 grandchildren and 7 great grand- • --childreq:.•Dear mother-in-law ,of . Jackie Perry ot Woodstock and sis- ter of Ray Bender' and his wife Vi.. • Cad Bender and his wife Donna: Grace Stephenson and her . bus: band BU and Ethel Boden and her husband Jack_Predeceased by her sister Merle Storey and her bus - bend Lloyd Dorothy was -a longtime member ot the.. Central United Church, • Woodstock. A merrtonal Service will be held .at Central United Church, - • Woodstock. • Thursday, April 13.- 2000 at 11-.00 a.m. with Rev. Robert Duthie Olio- - Interment later in the HdNtew Cemetery. Contributions. to the Canadlan•Cancer Society would be appreciated, and may b_ a arranged through the R D Longworth Funeral. Home.--845..Devonshire Ave., Woodstock, 539-0004 42.15 1 51 42 Deaths DALE -POISSON Krystal and Mike are thntled to announce the arrival of their first child Tyson Lawrence Mel. born April I. 2000. wetgtiirng 6 lbs 10 oz. at Stratford General Hospital First grandchild for Darlene Dale and Donnie Dale. Seaforth. seventh grandchild for Diane and Don Willard, Hensel! First great grand- _ child for Phyllis Cusack. Seaforth and ,. Robert Simpson. Alberta: Lorraine and Ron Dale. Seaforth. First great great grandchild for Alice Simpson. New Brunswick and great grampre Cusack is smiling down from Heaven 43-15;.1 --DALTON-SNELL its a' boy! Zachary Gordon Snell was born March 31. 2000 at Stratford General Hospital weighing` m at -5 lis 5 1/2 oz and measuring 18 1%7 long. Proud parents are April -and .Ryan. Proud grandpar- 'ents are _ Eilleen Dalton, - Deb Sallows and Dave. Brad anc Debbie Snell 43-15x1 46 in Memoriam BLACK: James D. The Norld's best Grandpa and Great Grandpa,. 'One year ago - I toot my best friend I knew you were sick - .. but couldn't;sea the end • As you, slipped away on that-ativfi l night. I felt you come and hold me tight You'whispered I'm Ori the' •. path to Heaven above • and with me ' I have at of your love. - I'0 miss you dear. Kerry butt must. go horse i leave you in loving hands and never alone Well Grandpa you were my soul mate and pal • and -1, was your friend and your little gal Oh what 1'woutd give • t0 have ;ne more day, to hop on the horses and nde far away 1 know you re sad about • my grieving and strafe: You d want me to -stop • and get on with my fife ' But for 31 years'. since the day 1 was born. You were always there, my heart is -row tom;- Maybe its time • - - to face a new dawn. to say 'Good Bye' - and let you begone. , But on April 15th - every passing year. t volt sf'ed - . lust one more tear• . You're - always .tri my thoughts and heart -grandpa, �.ve ,Cera 46- - 15%1 • -THOMAS CUNNINGHAM In loving memory of our dear husband, father and grandfather, Thomas John, who passed away on Apri115. 1999. Ke win always remember • his constant love and faithfulness through 38 years of marriage:". • how he beamed efitl pride- , . at the accomplishments of his children; • how he smiled with' a twinkle ire his eye as he greeted his grandchildren. . anxious to surprist them with a delicious treat or , news o a new_babv calf,' • the nic rants he gave and • boa.'. he everyone fie, - special: • ` his love of spots and.card _games and his delight at passing along his -expertise and stratigv; • his dedication to the community and commit - Ment to doing the right thing; t his love of spring and the fou he fell when watching . his crops grow in the fields:, and • ' • his determination and courage in facing his rv,io ii rllvrrsc, - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wile Ha and family Roger, Julia. Leona, Linda & Larry. Debra. & Rob and their families. 1 T141 MUlt009 EXPOSIITOR, April 12, 2000-13 Neighbouring OMB hearing in spotlight with province -wide ramifications By Andy Soder Mitchdl Advocate %dile • Whether they intended to he in the spotlight or not, all eyes seem to be focused on` the Ontario Municipal Board . (OMB) hearing involving the • Township of. West Perth's . comprehensive, toning hylaw., It seems no doubt that the hearing will have. a lar8e focus .provincewide. and once OMB .Chair Gary • Harron make his.decision. if it finds in the- municipality's favor. it will have 'substantial effects elsewhere:- . The key issue being discussed April S"through. April 7 at Abe West Perth municipal -building- in Mitchell, and potentially _two more days on- April* t7 and• iR. is the livestock unit cap of 600 on one. farm site. `Many •have applauded -the . municipality for. taking their stand- while others are saying it's too restrictive and prevents_ growth. But since Ben Gardiner. of the southern edge of Hihhert ward: the :Ministry of Municipal Affairs and • Housing (MMAH) and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture: Fond. and Rural •. Affairs (OMAFRA): and Jim Spence.appealed the hylaw.' originaI1y ' .passed last November.- eyes have -zeroed in -on this hearing. . "No doubt in my -mini. this is a provincial issue." Harron said. at the. beginning of day_ three- of the proceedings last - Friday: -• "This has implications farther -than • West -Perth." Although there. were. relatively -few: people in attendance for the hearings. : . 25 to -30 at the .most at any • .one time. those that were ,present (including West Perth. Cdu.ncit representatives -. �fasor John- Van Bakel.' • Coups. Barb MacLean. Bill - French. Doug Pfeifer and Lou Maloney. and Deputy- - Mayor Bert Vorstenbosch) represented • other area Municipalities, such .as Saugeen.Shores (Port Elgin ^ area). and •Perth South. one of their sister municipalities in -the county. . ' Mayor Van Bakel, who staunchly • defended his council"s move during his . two-and-a=half hours of testimony last'Friday, said - provincial' guidelines are simply not enforceable. and: • although he •and-. council realizes that family farm operations such as that operated by Gardiner make it difficult. this method makes for. good rural planning for the entire municipality. - ''We've lost. confidence in the government's -all: •governments-ahiltty to enforce." he -said. • What. may. prove to he a help or a hindrance in these proceedings is the impending written ..report from OMAFRA's Dr: Doug Galt,• ,parliamentary assistant to Minister -Ernie Hardernan, and- Toby Barrett; parliamentary assistant to Minister of Envimnmenc Dan Newman. • Dubbed the Galt/Barrett report. input was gathered. on intensive agri"cultural operations -and their effect on rural communities the.first• three months .of this year. the hearing was:told: with the - report. • due mid April: .possibly just prior. to_or just after this hearing re -convenes April 17 and 1:Rth_ • - The government has tried 'to get. a handle on intensive. livestock and their' -effects: admitted Carol Neumann. a rural planner with OMAFRA who testified at the hearing. "It's a major issue for this ministry 'and qmany others." she said during her testimony. ab n .',1emonam BLACK: -In loving memory of James Douglas Black who passed , away. Apni 15. 1999. He was a loving husband. a gear father and a kind grandfather and great grandfather. Always in out hearts and lovingly remembered by his wife Eleanor • and family. - 46-15x1 . BUTT: In loving memory -of a dear father, Keith Gordon. who passed away April 14. 1979. In a quretgraveyard. - . Where gentle,brrezes blow, - Lies lire one we loved so dearly. Whom we lost 21 years ago. • Your resting place we visit, And put flowers there with care. But no one knows the heartache, When we run and leave you there., Sadly missed and lovingly remem- bered- by daughter Lon and son Den Butt of Godench. 47 Cards of `ranks McCALUSTEVENSON We would like to thank the Blyth Fire Department for their .quick response..and their efforts for keep- ing the ban lire under control. Also thanks to the Seaforth Fire Department for assisbng with water. A special thanks to neighbours and friends with helping out during the rest of the week, with cleanup and food brought to the house. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Betty McCaa, Ron Stevenson 47-15x1 CHARTERS We wish to thank an our friends, ret- abves and neighbours for all acts of kindness • dunng the loss of our mother. grandmother and great grandmother and 'Special Friend" Gladys. For all the cards. visits, Sowers and phone calls while in Maplewood Manor. Seaforth Hospital and Huronlea Home; doc- tors and nursing stall tot their care, Special 'Thanks' to Rev. J. Golden for her prayers and being there when we needed her, Thank you to Chris Smith of the t3ox and Smith Funeral Chapel. Carol Le8eau, organist and Rev. D. Canavan for her service which touched us dear- ly - also the pallbearers and to the Kippen UCW lir the lovely lun- cheon. There are no words trial May tell you how we feel - but we are sure you know. - Marione, Mary, Anew, Bill and Families 47.15- 1 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 156 The members of Branch 156 Seatorth Royal Canadian Legion would like to thank everyone for their generous donations to the very successful auction sale last Saturday. Also to anyone who helped n any way to make Moe event such a success. 47-15-1 But_ will the report he aliowed to enter into these proceedings? Harron was non -committal, saying he'd have to wait and see if the report was Issued prior. to its resumption. - Rod MacDougall, lawyer for Gardiner, told Harron he should only "prriceed with the evidence presented during the. hearing. and not this- report. hut Mike - Mitchell, the. West Perth - solicitor. said if -the report is released, should detinitely'he utilized. if it .f the report) says there are problems to he• rectified. it should he taken into account.".said Mitchell: Mario - Faieta. the government's lawyer. told Harron that he. "should have. - the - hest information available" io - making -a decision. • "issues raised at -this hearing are heavy and tar-- widening.'- he said: . •Harron said according to the Ontario Municipal Board Act. informatidn such as this • - report could he added later . after the • hearing was' • complete and before, his decision is revealed. . During testimony during - the Initial three days. though. • the Galt/Barrett report was mentioned many times`by - various witnessed:- . The "mega -barn" issue is growing. argued' David 1 -fern. president of the Perth Count)( Christian, Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO), and this hearing.and: -the stance taken by West- . Perth is precedent -setting. • lot of townships_ are waiting forthe. upper echelon (id government i to act."' he Others outside. • the immediate region are also . keeping close watch. • 'It's going to he interesting to .tie how they make out - With that.': said Ben Van .Diepenheek: --Reeve of .Ashfield Township in Huron County. "We -could limit the ..lie "4if these (intensive livestock.) farms ?t- they`re succcs. to l:". Community Calendar WED. , APR. 12 7:00-8:00 p.m. -Step Aerobics with Kae liubberts at the Arena THURS. , APR: 13- 9:00,10:00 a.m. - Fitness is'Fun watt Orusilla at the Arena . FRI. , .APR. '14 1:15 - Senior Games.S Pin Bowling at Starlight Lanes SAT:: APR. 15 SUN.:, APR. 16 ' - - MON., APR. 17 7:00-8:00 p.m, --Nigh Impact Aerobics'with Kae Hubberts at the Arena 5 p.m.. Minor Sports Council BINGO at :he Arena - Host- Arena Board -TUES: , APR. 19. 9:00=10:00 a.m. - Fitness ;s Fun with °rustle at the Arena .700-8:00 p.m. Dog'Obedience at the Arena ' 7.30 p.m. -'7 : Minor Ball meeting at the Arena. ' - Everyone welcomd. • WED: , APR. 19 • 7'00.8:00 p.m. - Sten Aerobics with Kae riubberts at the Arta 7.30 p•m.-7 - Miner rackey Annual - Meeting at the Arena f rou's'e organizing a ,on -Profit oven 'of nterest -c niter-Seatoith area-csSidents.-ahcre he "c-eation office '_2;'-862• 'Ir :he Exoositor at 327 •:24C :r sad :tee - ntarmauon-:c•:amrnunlcy Calendar The -'ur-n Sxccsitor, Sox.59. Eeafort+_ :nano. VCK 'INC - Ateit:n advance :t :le scheduled late =^ee ,song nc:udes late. ane. • • -'lame of event Ira acaUai anty: Space 'or -1te ::.mrnunttV :aiendar s . Ionated SV The -urn xoasadr - CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE °Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' joisimi F4PMS ESTATES ANT10UES Ail 'or ;are sow's eat auc5ons across S olaro. ::stings neared lady Searcnaole tataoase w e.aucionstind-.xim:auctioneers:at 519)925.1'sa r. 2c CCt,LECT CASH! Cotte. Pepsi. Fate Lay,'ars 40.11 anque ienoors n lour area. F•T. PIT W seting. uv . nvesbflent 5:3380. Cal •,388 -5r - 53701241r; •r388 -Sr. -537fi124axs; Mern4er-018.8.6. woo 068. na-t ESTABUSIiED PRINTING AND a tStsnng 7usmess'o sate n Wawa. 'M9 'Hake 3 deal eitb an (Brewed 'rye, :bars aasy 'a usl foul anyone. 'Nil wit •AmOrete ae vl iguip neat everything teu nerd ;o cent alrr1051 anything) and 'he 7usnless meat nudes 'be Oamng imam and 'Ile newspaper Algoma Yews Review;. Would 7e ,Meng '0 7810 second mortgage 1 -lecessarv. Propeny, naming :wo .Aotey oro - duction pudding and one storey slice' outast% an De dougrt or eased as you dlcose. Owuer .Mang 'o stay and leip leve owner leo ;toned. 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