HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-04-12, Page 22 -TMs NIMOM Expos TOfl, RPM 12. 2000 News Students, public will learn about droplets and goobers Slice of Huron teaches about agriculture What s a drurietA goober' What animal dnnks a bathtub of water every. • 'day ' How many litres of. milk does the aserage cow give in a year' Need:some help %vith the answers? - Come out to the family night on. Thursday.- April 13 during the Slice of Huron e+ent. being held at the Seaforth • Fairgrounds. Family night funs from 31l to 9 p.m. and highlights what 1. WO Grades -3 and 4 students fron Huron and Penh Counties are involved with dunng that week. Schoolchildren will he visiting Slice of Huron during that wee for a half-day of hands-on activities that help them dissect the "agricultural pizza.'" They will trace it back 16 the farm as well as look at other types of .agricultural production in this area. They will .find out -about pork production. create a variety -of soils. and find. out how many students in their class- it takes to reach the weight of a year old •steer. to name a feu of. the activities. Slice of Huron is a civ-coperatise a loin of the Ontario ylimcif-) of Agnculturc. Food and Rural Affairs. Huron -.Perth Catholic District School Board. Axon- - Maitland District School Board. Clinton Chnstian School. local. agnbusiness and rural •organizations: Admission to Family Night is a non-penshabk food item which will be donated to the Huron County Food Bank. For information contact Deb Campbell at 519-235-1609.` New board of directors elected to helm of BIA group looks at BIA buck program and store hours Gerry, Ryan has been appointed president of the hoard.(f directors of the Business Improvement Area for 2(01I and. Liz Canino will corse as Nice president. • Danica McNichol will >erN c as secretary -and Deb Brindley.treasurer. t Directors .will. }nclude -Susan Halfpenny. former- . president. Nancy Anstett. Catherine Huys.. Heather • Robinet. Maureen.Wildfong.. Liz Moir. Marlene -Holman. Terri -Lynn Hart. •Chrisia Lec,nhardt and Jason :A% head'%. Extending store hours suggested • Extending store hours on Thursday nights was a suggestion, at the BiA's. :March "2 annual meeting. The idea was to have the hours .. extended , to accommodate people w.ho work:late or out of town and cannot -shop locally during the current hours businesses are open. Thursday • was the ,suggested bight for -staying open because it is "pay day- at many. workplaces: • The BIA discussed' the need to committo doing this. year, round and to give it time. to develop -into a busy night since people will hove'to •get used to be able •to -shop late on Thursdays. - It was also. suggested that Thursday night specials could be offered to entice people to come out. , • BIA looks at bucks • The Business ImproNement Area is taking a look at. how. many • BIA 'Bucks to" distribute this year. • . ' The bucks are.sold as a Christmas promotion and give customers' 1,0 per cent off their local purchases. Last year.- S30.000 worth of BIA Bucks Were circulated. costing the BIA 53.000. Discussion at the B1A annual'meeting this month involved p....ihly ►ncreaetn;• the amount of- BIA Bu, • available to 550,410 but tri idea did not recep.e mus support. The idea of the BIA Bukks ys to entice people to .hot, locally. -. Members at the•rnect,n_• talked about' the >i changing haws the . are offered d_t%td: cost between the -..rid• and the indiy id;..: receiving the: B...... • payment. • The full merr►bershtp be polled about the; future the program. B1 Scott H,Ieelaii,r*' 'Justice Heeney questions whether or not a real decision-making process took place From Poge 1 • sch,ck61s and no others: Such •an approach gi\es..undue • seighit and momentum to•the , initial recommendations•to f close, the seven /schools.in question, and makes the final decision.. to some extent at :ea*i. a foregone eimclusion. .aN S Heeney, . Heel; points out that the rnmary- alt.ernative .cif :.'n%erting SDHS to Grade 7 ,OAC. and 'converting Centro!HuronSecondary • Sc hftil ,p- Clinton to JK to OAC that the Seaforth group, tu.explore •a;IS one of the education director's -own ideas and -recommendations ;n ht• Scpternb'er.' 1.998 eps.rt I . w ac nut some. Wild, • idea that would waste the board's time..Giyen the source. this -alternative • must be considered reasonable and worthy of further s}udy;; say's Heeney. He says the: hoard takes ."a. take •it or lease it (approach" and states. '-Without. alternatives to eonsider.•no' real decision-making process' is being undertaken. . Heeney says he cannot accept the,argument that a financial analysis. requested• by the Seaforth. committee. . leading the•board.to -a final list of seven schools from the .initial• 21. identified a') ear earlier. does riot exist. • . `'it defies belief ao -suggest some- winnowing process was not engaged in. 1 'cannot: accept that the financial. implications of various • perm_utatton.s and - combinations of closings and Seaforth committee conversions -• were • not The niht I6 h examined before the final to p:a� e - • 1.recommendations - were : the- decision -mak -_ -- made:-': says; . Heenes's is-illusor -utile remarks: - the right 1<i. exp; Heeney points to. the developr, 52_00.000 error the board ..alternati.es.,the - admits.making,which reduces reasonable di•c1[+su-e the annual cost'_sayings of -'nforman-on ,n closing SDHS from -S500.000 • iiocumentation to 5300,000 as one of the fully deselpp and pre'+ reasfins a full eiploration of position that -the at alternatives -would be useful. 'parts w►he•-to he hear: -"The -discos ery of -the :the 'right --to he S200.000 error cast doubt on sufficient time the.other.figure-s relied on -by - the forego►... Tr -e•'7....: e the board and justified further. .breached tr> time to -re -work .and analyze • three respects. • the • hoard's financial' ' projections." he says: \ Heeney also says the' board 'again breached its duty of fairness" be not. granting the extension.�requested by the Meals program looking for feedback from Pogo 1 •Hastng 5feals on. Wheels conte to the door Monday'.to Friday means personal contact and hasing someone checking on the reciPient -almost even das- Vincent:said they'are- looking for feedback from the ciimmunity tc> know • whether or not they should keep the -program; partially funded t;} -the"Lions Club and Legion. in operation. Anyone . interested in 'purchasing meals from the program • can • contact Vincent at 527-0373 or Helen MacKenzie at 527- 0737 ' . '. 1 McMaster Siemon i INSURANCE BROKERS INC. • - BROKERS: hill Samos-. Vidal JI•m n Amir t,4( Taman Ken Hukituwn Paul'Miettlauier 66 O%nanoecl ` 34&-&I50 I Wrttt.ek 1.800.561-0183 FARM & MUNICIPAL' ' DRAINAGE SpecaaIz M • (-ia# a P1astec Tie tnstaKaturs • ba!aVy* & Dozer Serwce • Septa"_ Slrstern instaitat.rw.s For Qu3111)' Etpt.r)ence B Ser,ice c:1l Wayne Cook • (519) 236-7390 AA 2Linen, Ont NOM 2T0 wwes hay Al -dramas ?NAM 1 CO!PUTER SUPPLIES CANNON EPSON LEXMARK HEWLETT PACKARD •1•.1. )I 1 ( ,y 11/11)(4 s *Disk} 1 11', •1' 11't k r(rl Mr 111- 1 5 •111-r1kIll tti Ntostri 111, tit 1'4,'sl)l-J} •1 •.'tk I1I\I V.1 \k1kIIN.i,, ( (l\Ii'F.1I1l\ F. Nu( l\(. II, I1, S.I0,- .,.II a 11 44111114'111 • tit nig III •.ut .1.1 4altiidgt-s frit rttSthog '•' PETE'S PAPER CLIP � 19 MAIN ST. SEAFORTII, •�—� 527-1681 11 /z1 OP *AZ I. ^..� -- — ———•—• �, r Seaforth Recreation Department Presents.... DOG OBEDIENCE WITH INSTRUCTOR ANITA HANSEN This 10 week session will begin on TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2000 7:00 - 8:00 PM at the Seaforth & District Community Centres Registration fee is $45.00 Interested persons must pre -register by calling 527-0882 GRAY I AIL Allan Carter, Broker ▪ Home • Auto • Commercial • Farm 522-0399 Seaforth 1-800.265-0959 Strathroy NOTICE To all owners . of properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. in the Town of Seaforth 1011.\S AVAILABLE 1nu may be eligible for .a low interest loan. and / or grant.. Guidelines' and Application Forms are :available at the Town Hall. • •r more Information. contact Cathv Gamck at TORr. R Al Tn gr Seaforth Golf & Country Club R.R. 4, Seaforth 522-09.85 Please tom us on Wednesdav evening Apo: itonighti at 7.30 in the clubhouse tor an 'information sess►am about our LIFETIME GOLF MEMBERSHIPS /)C -' i -r...r- :^.e ww.7r _'•�U, *Complimentary rein' [(3:11; Elott •Lega:.2uest • . _ . Presentation bN .. - . Fred. Cm.r.gContest - •�� Seaforth District High School PARENTS' . NIGHT WEDNESDAY, APRIL'19 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM no appointment necessary Everyone Welcome AvonDCHOOLT BOMaitland learning fora Liferzme Polaris Snow Check 2001 CASH BACK! $300 CASH BACK LIQUID -COOLED X200 CASH BACK ' FAN -COOLED • Free second -year Engine Service Contract • Free limited edition jacket • Snow Check Exclusive models available • Offer ends April 17, 2000. Your way out is waiting Middegaal POOLS and SPORTS 234 Main St. N. Seaforth 519-527-0104 O POLARIS oft►• Way Out. U. Sr. Clyd peva". • met 4.0144 w r•••c,.t• r emet•e . et era eweeme.d Nem •wide•.. Mdrd.•i• •err•, ...r•....•a 4.a" a ••..•1 err A..YI. .fir • r••e..geeme *weirs r./ r rid andele. Med whore r••►ibe.d bele. C•••••••• rime • MO ieeN• de.••el w and slime d erase S.w...Y.r w.d•.•d weir r M. Sr. Curr W N•a" O.•• be .•.$seal w Or wawa*, smear es d...• rah' S..•. Check The c.wrr .d ere i.• e./ W diet, el dr Sr. Cr..d..e.•.•.•i. iv r beer dtr. Ocre•r 2. 2'000 Woes ...•d r c.,.••.•. .i.r gr.ard...•.ea" •e:vierd+. Sr.Mi. 200't Le. Goa .. ~mobile Ocher 2, 2000, the ww••......e t0 awe hem Oodles .ldie rail •es•.•r•IWd••.bd..I•.•qilYdrhr.Art• The Sr.Cheat .Mrevoke wee r•••Jahi►•4*.•.......b ' dr• ie** 1••.ered p•a"eeen ••• .•.1rd...0.110•0 ills• .•le• treellehli Sew+.s i. a.i..w+wr •d the worm,. w p...,. w role him einem el dr rrmmeA. Oar vied Hoch d••. jl 4d17, 2000. N mo 2001.1141061 O01/ .M orad we s•4 340i. 4••+ .ei/a.eneigh. r120ACSVGA alerta.....rsevirra00LIrACPSrPalm•sued.' M♦d•q.mod lsrdwooer••.•ta"ti eln•Mime ..., S..ly.i.••Seep+.rM- -s Palma Astirlaw & Y Aewlr•Mcreille eierer4/►De. $e r.gp....wr.wrrr.• w+•+riaip Aires our • Wiwi w/ •i. Weep .Mepta 0 21000aw r fie l •