HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-7-9, Page 3STOMACH TROUBLE i DUE TO TIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red, Wr""'• Thin blood is one of the host cease anon oauees of stomach trouble. It af- fects the cligesti.ou very quickly, The glands tl,iat furnish the digestive fluids are diminished in their activity, the Stomach musclesare weakened and there is a loss of nerve force, In this state of Health nothiug will more quickly restore the appetite, digestion and normal nutrition than good, rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly. on the blood, malting it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired mos - cies and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. This Is shown by an improved appetite, and soon the effectof these. blood enriching pills is evident throughout the whole system. You find that ivltat, you eat does not dis- tress you, and that you are vigorous instead of irritable and listless. If your appetite is fickle, if you have any oLthe distressing pains and 'symptoms of indigestion, you should at once take Dr. Willtyatns' Pink Pills and profit by the better. condition in which they will. put your blood. These pills are sold by' all dealers in .medicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine :Co., .Brockville; Ont. A •Cart'Wheel Clue. Just over one hundred years ago Dr. Peter Mack Roget, who was bornn in London in 1779, read . a paper before the Royal Society which was destined to lead to the .invention of the cine- matograph. One day in the summer of 1824 he ' was looking out of his window at a baker's cart delivering bread at houses opposite., Passing his eye •'up and down the slots of a Venetian blind he. -received the impression of a stationary wheel, which, he saw was revolving when he kept his eyes still. He dis- covered the cause and effect, and ulti- mately gave his findings in his paper to the Royal Society, The publication of his paper started a neve train of thought among the lead- ing scientists of the day; and that his writings on the'' subject werewidely read • is proved by the acknowledg- ments cknowledgments of Dr. Faraday, Dr. Plateau, of Ghent, and Wr, Stainpfner, of Vienna„ evho agree that but for his clearly given data and lucid explanation of the phenomena the invention of . the phenal istoscope` by Dr. Plateau, and of a sinljlar instrument, the strobe- ‘1►.,eoope, by Dr. Stampfner, would not have occurred. Farthest North Surveys. Six differentP ests in the Franklin district of northern Canada have now been surveyed for the Royal Canadian Mounted •Police or for trading com- panies, as one of the results of the 1923 and 1924 Arctic Expeditions un- der the North West Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department of the Interior. • . Plans of these surveys are prepared by the Topographical 'Survey Branch from the surveyor's field notes for fil- ing with the Registrar of the North- west Territories. These surveys were made at Craig Harbour, Dundas Har- bert Strathcona Harbor, Ponds Inlet, Cumberland Sound, and Rice Strait _ by F. D. Henderson, D.L.S.. The last named post on. Ellesmere island, be: ing only 750 miles from the North Pole, is the most northerly point at which any official survey has. ever been made. 9 Europe's Great Surprise.. Previous to ' Gallileo's telescope in. 1609 no European had ever seen or even dreamed of mountains and 'val- leys on the moon. Of course the an- cients the Chinese and surrounding nations, knew of these things, but in Its centuries of ignorance all Euro- peans believed that all the heavenly bodies were specially manufactured to lighten this one earth for man. Gallileo's discovery of hundreds of fixed stars never before seen by any European resulted not.. only in thousands of supposedly learned men o to Italy, but - gave a death blow to the time-honored doctrine of the human destiny of the universe{, proving for all time that the earth is not the' cen- tral powerof all creation, but merely a tiny dot in illimitable space. This .was one of the greatest shocks ever experienced by Europe. DOCTQ R TI- 'UNA HERBALIST For.. Removing Tonsils and Adenoids or any form of:... Goitre • without, operation call to see Dr. Thuna. Main Office and Laborator y 426 Queen Si. W. Toronto TeL Trinity' 9771 Branches: 2`1.05 Queen St. East, Core, Leuty Ave,, Tel, Gladstone 04081 298 Danforth Ave., Tel, Ge rare! 7276. Call or write. J A Romance of the Great "Lakes and' the $t, Lawrence IROto Cape Trinity, one -of the impreeslve beauty spots on th'e Saguenay. aggessennes esegesease saa agas ee S.S, iiieheliou, Canada Stoamehip' Flagship hetween Montreal sI) i Sapuanay. (Type of YaesoI commanded (a'. Capt. Dufour.) Capt. J. P. Dufour and Presentation Clock. When Captain Joseph Pierre Dufour,. as a boy of 15, signeclbefore 'tho mast on the old S.S. Savoy, in the Great• Lakes trade, he probably could not foresee What the „years bad in store for him, That was nineteen years ago and to -day we find him Deputy Harbor Master' of the Port of Montreal, the second' port on the North American continent. But those nineteen - years were crowded with swiftly moving incidents. For the first two of them he learned the stern dlscip'Iineof ships and proved his mettle as worthy of the traditions of the Great Lakes. In 1910 he got his promotion to mate on the S.S. Canada, S.S. Noronic, Canada Steamship Flag- ship on Great Lakes. (Type of vessel commanded by Capt. Dufou;r). was wheeismah • on. the Tagoma in 1911, second mate on the S.S. Donna- cona and finally took his master's cer- tificate at the age of 25 in 1916 on. the H. E. Packer. Since then he was suc- cessively master of the Mapledene, Manola, India, Cape Trinity, Maple- dawn and Manoa, the latter on the Montreal -Newfoundland imute. The long line of Canada- Steamship mas- ters was worthily continued in Cap- tain Dufour. • From the Manna he was apipointed Assistant Superintendent of the Can- ada Steaniship„Lines for the Eastern Passenger Division. Last May he was appointed Deputy Harbor Master of the port of Montreal, the official duties of which lie took up June 1. On that date he was presented with a ship's clock in honor of his appointment and services with the C,S.L. There were gathered to honor him at the head offices of the company, the General Manager, T. R. Enderby, who made the presentation, and most of the ex- ecutives of the company. Inaugurate a Ne r Trail Trip This his Year. The unexplored regions. of .Canada's National Parks are more and more proving a loadstone to the out-of-doors adventurers, explorers and nature lovers. Every season brings reports of somenewly-explored area, attendant on the journeyings 'of individuals, or; parties' seeking access to the hidden. wonder's of remote districts. The present season will witness the inauguration of an annual "steel-to- steel",trail trip which will serve as a link between Jasper nae Yoho Nation- al parks, joining by pack pony the a ian lin Canadian transcontinental, es of the G National and Canadia Pacific Rail- ways. The journey will also offer a means of opening this interesting and. beautiful region, which forms the apex of the Rocky Mountains system in Canada, to a larger number of visitors, Although almost the entire journey is made over primitive trails through a mountain wilderness in all its prime- val beauty, no insuperable difficulties are presented, and last year several adventurous women were members of a party which made the trip. The route covered is about 200 miles and touches the practically unknown Whirlpool group of mountains between the angle of the Whirlpool and Atha baska rivers in Jasper park, the Col- umbia icefield and the Fortress Lake, Forbes, and l♦'reshfied groups•. The pack -train is scheduled to leave Jasper on the first of July, reaching Field in Yoho park, on the 25th of that month. The return trip over a period of 25 days will be commenced from Field the first of August. Wonderful Rosetta Stone. Cross -word puzzle solvers have been much bothered with "A sacred stone." The answer is found to be the Rosetta Stone, • a piece of black basalt now in the British Museum. Had it not been for this remarkable stone It -is more than likely that the ancient inscriptions of, the Egyptians would never have been made known to the modern world. In 1799 a number of scientists found a big block of black stone near the town of Rosetta. This monument was found to date from the year 196 B.C. and to contain inscriptions to Ptolmey Epiphanes and in three' languages, the Greek, the Egyptian vernacular and in the. "sacred heiroglyphics, It was a memorial of gratitude from the Egyptian priests to a great Greek ,Icing to whom, in return for favors con- ferred, they erected an image and a golden shrine.: With these three languages; all say- ing the same thing, it became a very' easy matter to translate the previous- 1 y untranslatable hieroglyphics, a knowledge that has ••now become a science and has added .most wonder- fully to the learning of the entire world. A Garden. What a thing a garden is For sweet dreams and quietness! • Roses and lilies, Narcissus, daffodiliiee, , Irises and phlox and stocks, And the Sultan Hollyhocks, Love-lies-bleeding=Love in a mist— Pansies tawny and amethyst. What a thing a garden is For medicinal heartsease. Lilac white and lilac blue, And a bird song in the .dew; Apple blossom white and rose,. Blue forget-me-not, and those -Pinks that have a spicy smell, Honest lavender as well. What a thing a garden is ' For the birds, for the bees, Was Probably Kicked- Out. Farmer's Wiiie—"D'yer hear light nin' struolc Hi Johnson's silo, jumped;. to the barn and ran in where there wuz six mutes ?" - Isarmer---''Yer don't say! D'yer hearwhat happened to the lightnin'. then?" Irish are artificially reared in some 500 "farms" in the Milted States, Oh, from the dark earth to hale Tulips and the primrose pale, Hyacinths, all that run: before The full summer's golden store For to create, for to bid live These so sweet, so fugitive! What a thing a garden is To bid grow, to increase! —Katharine Tynan. 0 -- The ring •sundial, now a curiosity, but in everyday use when watches were owned only by the rich, was sus- pended by an eyelet at the top, so that the sun shone .through a hole in one gide, _ and indicated " the time on the opposite inner surface of the ring. Exports of gold ore, dust, etc.,. from Canada has risen from $3,953,983 in 1922 to $28,358,449 in 1924. Keep Minard's Liniment in the House. BABY'S OWN T.k <<LETS ALWAYS IN THE HOME Once &.mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps;a supply on hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them in .keepingchildren well. The Tablets are aemeld „glut thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driv- ing out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers,' and making teething easier, Concerning them, , Mrs. Saluste Pelletier, St. Dumas, Que., e, writes:—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and am never without them in the house. They have always given the greatest satis- faction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Out. r. it IS good for Scouts toremind them- selves that; they belong to an 'orga,niza- tion which is world wide—a great In- terimU(5nel''.Brotherhood.. There are. tlib ini.11ion Scouts and each is a tM ' BOYS!- YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Do Not Let. It Pass, The Ontario Agricultural College offers you an educationthat will 'lit you."fcr practical up-to-date business farming or profesalenal life, An education to a farmer is a life -time gift. The years of youth are short, Corns to the O.A.C. on September 18th, Tuition fee for the first year only $20. Board and room only $5,50 per Week. 700 -acre farm, fine live stock, modern, welt -equipped buildings, living conditions the best. Write for College calendar, descriiitive of all science and practical courses,. J. B. REYNOLSD, M.A. A. M. PORTER, B.S,A,' President. Registrar. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE GUELPH ONTARIO brother to every other Scout. Even int some of the isolated isles of the seas i The Little Park. Scotlts,w]li be found, fellows with: the same games fun, and ideals as Cana- Little park that I pass through, dian Semite. 'These thoughts were' I harry off a Piece of you conveyed to the Princeton Troop, ' Every nlorninghurrying , down When He Failed to Stand Up. "I want you to understand, sir, I al- ways stand up for women!" "Except in the street cars, I've no- ticed a number of times." ne'w!s a ers tied Se+v�ral old p p to- gether in a bundle make a useful pad to place under the knees when weed- ing in the garden. ■ e. is SazPr which in' some way's, like many others Ontario,' is somewhat isolated, by a recent visitor from' Headquarters. The boys of this Troop will in future do as Sir Robert . Baden-Powell says every Scout 'should—chuck his chin well up, look the "•world ;in the face, and be proud of the organization to which he belongs, New Leaders. We are always' looking around for new capable men 1t.s 'boy leaders, 54 that it was a real pleasure to, interview a prospective Assistant Scoutmaster in Ingersoll whom it is hoped will throw himself heart and soul in the Troop work there ` This Troop is doing nice- ly tinder the leadership of Scoutmaster McMillan. Fire Prevention. If I remember rightly three Scouts in Woodstock have been recommended for medals, having successfully passed the very strict examination in fire pre- vention methods arranged by the Pro- vincial Fire Marshall. The Troop is also very busy laying itss plans for the finest camp yet. Reforestation. One of the Troops in St. Thomas hit upon quite a new scheme in tree planting: They obtained from the bush numerous saplings and replant- ed them on vacant places in the town. The owners gladly recompensed the boys Who by this 'method raised over 330. The three Troops in St. Thomas are doing excellent work, and two more will soon be organized. The re- cently formed Local Association is. calculated to help the work very ma- terially. Cubbing. Cub work in Merlin and Aylmer is getting along splendidly. The Leaders sure have a great time answering their many ' questions, and , in providing' games as an outlet for the unbounded energy possessed. One little fellow nearly struck the ceiling when giving his jump' ia,the "Grand Howl." If hey had succeeded there would undoubted- ly have been another howl. Finance. To my work day in the town. Carry .you for country there, To make the city ways more - fair, I take your trees, And your breeze, Your greenness, Your -cleanness, Some of your shade, some of your sky, Some of your calm as I go by; • • Your flowers to trim The pavements grim; Ydur space for room in the jostled street, And grass for carpet to my feet. Your fountains take and sweet bird calls, To sing me. from my office walls. All that I can see I carry off with me. But you never miss my theft, So much treasure you have left, As I find you, fresh at morning, Sb I find you, home returning, Nothing lacking from your grace, All your riches wait in place, For me to borrow On the morrow. Do you. hear this praise of you, Little park that I pass through? —Helen Hoyt. The Troop in Ridgetown seems to be an adept one in seizing every oppor- tunity for creating funds• with which operations. Sometimes to carry on by collecting waste paper, then disused bulbs. Or by a booth on Fair day, and the latest is an arrangement whereby they have secured the leading booth on the Race grounds. They are now silently praying that the race day shall be the hottest ever and they are sure a record sale of drinks, pop, and hot dogs will be done by them. A Scout is wide awake, alert always, and these fellows in Ridgetown are that every time. Blenheim is also con with finances but hope to raisethey require in another way. Ited to put on a- Scoutgra n which is hoped will give g publicity to' Scouting as well as p ds without the boys having t he distasteful art of. begging.ct Scouts are not allowed to A New Troop. The first Leamington T w been chartered and a r or was delighted to find ever uni- form, while the whole ed evidence of having receive early training. Assistant Scout Craig deserves much praise anded thaf plentyof rear i help. w ed him in the work. We are at No. 2 Troop will not dela appear- ance too long. Baseball Baseball has its 'attractionshe boy, we all know, thereforevery encouraging to be able t at a Troop meeting practicallyevery Scout right on time in s fas- cinating game being playedy. This happened at Dutton.p- other evidence that when is. really done nothing is more attractive than it. The Scoutmas he boys of Dutton have eve to be proud of the Troop an writer spent a very happy eveningm, They were a little over in Kelly's game, which quicklyd them' out, but throughout con- ducted themselves as real is —fellows who are striving to the Scout Law. concerned what is propos t Campaign good rovi'de fun o employ t In fa beg, Troop has no teem visit y boy in group show d good master itishop ll he afford hoping dust y its appea for t it is o register pits of a near b It's just a e Scouting re ter and t every reason d the with the confident some rt they good Scou to live up No More Afternoon Teas? High 'prices of tea in England have led te.the rumor that the British. may be forced to become it .eoffee•d'rinlcing FISHERMAN'S I N FR 'E D BACK TO WORK nation again; Two centuries ago cof- fee Was the English national drink. ,� foto seabed oli"t11e.Canadian� W 1 G• fI] Lb•-lr 1 i Pacific S.S. Empress Of Canada on their .recent arrival in Vancouver en route l To Stick a Stamp On. howls fro a trip r 1' r. Thefamous medical missionary and his,! "stick" m. a ott id the world: i Postage stamps stick• Much better immediately, where they will proceed if : ou lick the Corner of the etivelo 0e Wife will return, n to� the Labrador coast, y i with hospital. tat This will be the first cOnorete hos- instead of the stamp. The process is the el�ectiou of an :$80;000 ho.l li. 1 pital on the coast andpleasant for the teiigie of will be erected at St, Anthony. They Will journey to also more ship lust out from"En - the "Eckel'," the Coast on the 5.8. Strathcona2, a new hospital pis .,, t hi ] is � �. land which awaits them,•in St. John's harbor, Newfoundlar d, and w c r Long-legged men have the best manned from commanding. oMeors to dock hands. by a staff and crew of ci aceorciin " to the theory brain capacity, g volunteer 1 A t' t Dr. and Mrs. W. tene of,a raco,pi g Wor her✓!.' of an mei can se iera is To Extend Wireless System in the North. Arrangements are now under way for the erection by the•North West Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department of the Interior of three radio transmitting stations in the ter- ritories. The first of these will be located at Fort Smith, which is just north of the southern boundary of the territories and which is also the administrative headquarters.' Another will be erected at Akiavik. These are the standard sets of powerful instruments and will. be used for all -year work. The re- maining station, which will be on Her- schel Island, will contain smaller and less powerful apparatus and will be used for reporting movements of ves- sels during the season of navigation. During the short season of ua'vigation quite a. number of steamers and sail- ing vessels call at Herschel Island, necessitating a good deal of custom- house, post office, and police work, and r this station will keep the grope... offi- cers in touch with what is going on. It will be remembered that last year the material for the Arctic station was shipped from Vancouver on the H.B.C. S. Lady Kindersley and that owing to this ship being caught and crushed in the ice this material 'was lost. This year the apparatus and fittings • for the three stations. will be sent down the Mackenzie river from Edmonton and it is' expected will reach the destina- tion in good time. When these sta- tions are completed messages. will be sent out 'froth and received regularly at Dawson, Mayo, Herschel Island, Alt: lavik, Fort Simpson, and Fort Smith. Edmonton is the southern terminus of. the system. This:will provide for the transmitting of messages in the Morse telegraph code and thus break GA the long period in each year when it is not possible to communicate with this vast region. For Every III—Min Liniment. Sentence Sermons. When You Have Done—Your best you have done all that is required of ou. • y. A good turn you have made two peel- pie happy—yourself and one other. —An honest day's work you need not fear the inspector. —Something dishonorable you may expect to pay the costs eventually, —Nothing to start criticism you have done nothing to get results. —A foolish thing you have a, chance to learn wisdom from it. --A small trick be big enough to. apologize. Classified Advertisements SALES. oRsAN[zEa WANTED.' .. e3{tor•+ FLAVORING 'TiXTEecr uousle selnns dlroot .to homes, wants bright energet1 map. or woman Co sales organizer in each rounty. L Sight poky cap easny maim $60 p week.' Craig Bros,. pe,ic B„ Iflagera Falls, Out. Af3L^NT5--3100, $200 riot rrxx,n kgra.m'ee Easy -Wash. washes clothes while •. you rosts Eo rubbing or boiling required; end, 106 for 10 nun - 11Y washings. M, Manufacturing Qo„ tlan1G Ste- r�hrle, Ont. WHY BE LONELY? Many a happy friendship bar been formed through our Correspondence Bureau. Let us introduce you. Send stamp for particulars, . Strictly confi- dential, 71. MacKay Ave., Toronto. A. current of a- million volts, the biggest voltage' ever produced in Eng- land, ng land, was generated at Dr. de Per ranti's works at Hollinwood, 'Lana Lanca- shire, the other day, the experinieet causing a spark nine feet six inches long.. Rain has recently fallen in parts of South America for the first time since 1551. T� �k j 1lir EWES hokum CIPaflsingRefreshin e.. r,EET ACHE d A ' Rub them well with Minard's. and know what.. real foot 'comfort means. " 'PAN, Cross Words have now reached Italy, where they are so popular that some firms have posted up notices for- bidding the solving of them in busi- ness hours. WE WANT CHURNING NV* supply cans'and ett;r, express, eharge.s. " We pay daily by express money .ord'er's, which 'can be cashed anywhere without uny chat-ge. To obtain the top price, Cream must be free from bad flavors and contain not less than 80 per cent. I Butter Fat, Boweso Lit anted iE1'Ap �A.a. 7C T�' , Toronto For references --):lead; Office, 'r'oi o to, Flank of Montreal, or your local bank llistablislred for over thirty years. 4r.K`f• l�C2� -- [CJ3 Fresh Youthful Skin Maintained •By Cut ctira' Daily use of Cuticura Soap, `. with touches of Cuticura:,Oint- ment Oiri t meat when required,. will do much to prevent pore -clogging,. blackheads, pimples, roughness and other unwholesome condi- tions of the skin. Bampta Each tree by Mai,• Address Canadian; Depot: "8tenhonay Ltd., Monthshi.�rriee, Roan 2oc. Ointment 25 and 50e. $'alennn 25e. " Cuticura"Shaving Stick:sso, PMNS IN.:RA'CK AM SIDES Ended by Taking, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Fusilier, Sask.—"For two or three days every so often I would have smell pains in my back and sides that I could not do anything-- could not even lie quietly in bed, and my head ached, too. I was this way about, three years, but was worse after I was married.. I was on a farm with not a House nearer than five miles and t.herewasnot a person to advise me, as my folks live in Manitoba, My sister-in-law told vie about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and told me to try it. I took her advice and have been thankful for it ever since. After taking the medicine for three months I can say it has helped me a lot. and I am doing fine. I sin glad to rec- ommend the Vegetable Compound to 'others and you may publish my testi- xnonial."--Mrs,1:1ur rN BhLAio i?,rttse. Hier, Saslkatchewan. Often sonic slight trouble Will cause it generai upset of the system. hueh aynrptoula as nervousness, painful times, irregularity, backache and headache indicate sortie :form of female weakness;:. Women so bothered should give Lydia k;. ?i.nl;ham's yepetablc Compound a trial. This depencaabin medicine has helped thousands of women and itis reasonable to expect +h;pt• it will help you. Tryit'today. .Your druggist ;this' Medicine, C ..:' i ISSUE No.. 7 "�6.