HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-03-01, Page 1110 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, March 1, 2000 Corning Events EUCHRE TOURNAMENTS at Walton Hall, 2nd and 4th Thursdays. March 9 and 23. Bring your own partner. Admission $5 per person. Lunch. CE -09-2 KIDS COOKING Classes, March Break. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. CaII for information Pamela's School of Food Service 519-482-9914. CE- 09xlcc HARBOUR RESTAURANT, Hwy 21 at Bayfield River, re -opening Friday. March 3. Friday Fish Fry, Saturday Salad Bar with meal. this Sunday, March 5 new gala brunch buffet 11 a.m. 3 p.m. Opening at 7 a.m. After this weekend open Thursdays to Sundays in March. Bayfield 519- 565-2554. CE-09xlcc ST. PATRICK'S EARLY BIRD Luncheon at Walton Hall, Wednesday, March 15th, 11:30- 1:00 p.m. Adults $6.00. CE -09-2 • LAST YEAR'S SOLD OLD HIT returns to the Blyth Festival for a limited engagement! Death of the Hired Man by Paul Thompson is a dynamic theatrical tribute to the threshing era. Tickets on sale March 6. Don't miss it! CE-09x3cc SEAFORTH • AND DISTRICT Horticultural Society will meet on March 8 at Northside United Church for a potluck supper at 6:15 pm. fol- lowed by our meeting at 7:30 p.m. Featured speaker is Susan Hay from the Huron Stewardship Council on Planting Perennials and Native Species. Everybody wel- come. CE -09-1 MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS House open every day 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come share the magic of our shim- mering home. Enjoy the ultimate shopping experience. 7304 Richmond, Arkona, 1-888-797- 7760. CE-09x4Occ • WOOD YOU LIKE TO PAINT Moving Sale. Feb. 23 to Mar. 25. Don't miss the bargains. 11 Main St. Seaforth. Phone 519-527-2233. CE -08-2 BLYTH FESTIVAL. SINGERS pre- sent Music For A Sacred Season. Sunday, March 5th, 3 p.m. Wesley . Willis ' United Church, Clinton. Tickets $10 advance. $12 at the door. $7 for children under 12. Regular ticket outlets or Blyth Festival Box Office 519-523-9300. ' CE-07x3cc SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE Supper, St. Thomas .Anglican Church, Seaforth. Tuesday; March 7, 5 - 7 p.m. Adults 95.00. children $2.50. All You Can Eat. CE -07-3 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus. every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $3.855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for 9350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot 91.500 must go. Lic. 4157920. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre. same program as Thursday night. Lic. *1310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-42-xlcc 1 in 13 Canadians over 65 has ALZHEIMER DISEASE • Are you interested in volunteering ssvh a person with. Alzheimer Disease? • Would you like to increase your knowledge and understanding about Alzheimer Disease? • Would you espy participating in a public awareness campaign to educate others about this disease? The Alshelmet Society of Huron County is offering a tree, 4 session training and education course at the Huron County Heahh Unit in Clinton on Mondays March` 6. 13. 20 and 27from 7to9pm Please call to pre -register at 482-1482 or 1-800-561-5012. 1 Articles For Sale MEN'S XL Yamaha snowmobile suit. 2 years old, red/blue/black. Paid 9900.00 new, $325 or best offer. Helmet to match 975. Adult boots, size 12. S50. Call 519-524 4240 atter 6 p.m. 01.09x3nxecc NEW EASY SET Pod, slit in box, 12 tool round x 30 inches deep, 5275. 3/4 size violin, excellent con- dition, 9125.00. Call 519.521.0363. 01-09x3c ONE USED JOHN WOOD 40 gal. electric water heater, excellent con- dition, 9100 o.b.o. One set of 20.8 x 38 tractor tire chains, never used, $300. Phone 519-345-2908. 01- 08x3c EMU SUMMER SAUSAGE. com- mercial rabbits; and free rabbit manure for garden and flowers. Phone 519-529-7214. 01.08x2cc CATHY'S SHOPPE: Treasures Old and New, 1 1/4 mile north o1 Wkithrop, tum'right, second place on the left. Phone 519-527-1484 01-04x9c WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? Call ua. We buy ft M. Antiques, furni- ture,. mine etc. No fuse- No muss. Cash an She spot. Call 519-364- 0448 0l-28xMoc 1 Articles For Sale FIREWOOD: Durrtptruck loads of hardwood, slabwood and edgings or blocks. Call R.J. Dungey and Sons 519-348-8477. 01-45xtfcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star. The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich). Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01 -tfnxe 5 Cars for Sale CARS FROM 9500. Government seized and surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings, toll free 1-888-342- 3500, extension 2234. 05-35- t1BNN. 12 Real Estate for Sale Town and Country LASSIFIEDS Monday, 12:00 Noon Call $27-0240 6 Trucks for Sale '83 DODGE 1/2 ton truck for parts, newer battery and tires. topper. sun roof. 9500 for complete unit or part out. Phone 519-524-2776. atter 6 p.m.06.05x6nxecc T. Snowmobiles 1998 FORMULA 500 deluxe with electric start and reverse. Also a 1997 Formula S. both in excellent condition and low mileage, well maintained. Phone 519-887-6708. 7F -08x2 FOR SALE: 1998 Ski Doo MXZ 500, excellent condition. well main- tained. low mileage. Phone 519- 12 Real Estate for Sale ii9NTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street (519) 527-0560 F Associate Broker Sharon Medd Market Value Appraiser South, Seaforth ax (519)527-2763 M LS Georgina Reynolds Sales Representative MLS Services Available i New Price - Unbelievable back split Great Income Property - Or large 4+ bedroom, 4 baths. extra large living single family home. Possible 5 room, kitchen oak with island, sky bedrooms. many updates in '99 lights. workshop, double garage plus including siding, roof featured. On lot much more. 58 x 150 fenced yard. Must Be Seen - 2 floors of finished You Can Own Your Own Home - For living space including 3 bedrooms. 2 less than rent. Heating budget 346 a baths. hardwood floors, central vac month. Call for more information plus more. Country Retreat with treated workshop. Serviced Lots nu subdrwsion tees Tum Key Business - Tired of working for someone else. ' Mobile Home Park with 64.5 acres and many sites. 35 acres bush pond Custom Built Home ready to move in with all the amenities We have Homes from $25,000 and up. For details call 527-0560. Free Home Evaluations Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel Sales Representatives 233-3168 FABULOUS STARTER, GREAT STARTER HOME. Totally RETIREMENT OR INCOME HOMEI redecorated & upgraded. Move right int NEW LISTING! Country living. 3 bedroom home on .62 acre lot. Family room Attached 2 car garage & workshop. Drilled well. Paved road. 5121,000 Prudential vow. Heartland Realty 1 Albert Street, (linlon Marketing 519-482-X100 1ti- 93 HURON STREET, CLINTON Unique 2nd Empire home with onginal ID' ceilings and woodwork Stately home features central tower, artist's studio. MBR ensuite with Italian marble finish. dhl garage w/unfinished apt /in-law suite allose SI Le.I.XX) Serving Seaforth and Area IArje Zulauf, Saks Representanse 519-S22-0575 (res.) email: re sealon@lcc.on.ca Fax: 522-2131 (res.) erolurAhiner Fred R I.o44 482.3321 heti HUGE RV SHOW "27th ANNUAL" Campground Operators and Associated Suppliers in Attendance March 17, 11 b 19 Western Fair Grounds -London Admision: $7.00 Seniors $2.00 off Friday Only For Info: 519.685.1110 rs RAINBOW TRAILERS Above decks 16'-24'; Tilt Decks 16-24'; Utility Trailers 62' - 74'; ' Little Rainbows 2000 Ib. cap.: 2 -Place Snowmobile Trailers. Hyde Brothers Farm Equipment Ltd. Hensall, Ontario. 519-262-2605. 7G-08x6cc 1996 POLARIS 600 XLT, 2 up, reverse, driver and passenger hand warmers, new cover, skins, large helmet with electric visor. $4300. 519-335-3590. 7G-O6x5nce 10 Pets MA AND PAWS GROOMING , cer- tified, gentle groomer; reasonable rates; cats welcome. Baths, nails, comb -outs. On Highway 21 north of St. Joseph. Call Dianne at 519-236- 7570. 10-08xtfcc HOME: Rent to own. Vendor will hold mortgage 967,000.00. Must have down payment. Kincardine area 1-519-364-0448. 12-09xtfcc TEXAS USA, by owner take over 20 acres in prosperous West Texas. .assume $150.00 monthly payments on $6,995.00 balance. Call 1.800- 875-6568.12-09x2cc SERVICED LOT FOR SALE in Seaforth with mobile home. 915,000. Phone 519-887-9102 12- 07x3 17 Apartments for Rent STREET LEVEL. modern one bed- room apartment with deck in a quiet residential area of Seaforth with pri- vate parking. Ideal for senior citi- zen. Phone 519-527-1027 after 5 p.m. 17-09x2 The Huron Expositor's LAS SIFIEDS 08 Computers, Videos, lllt 23 For Rens 09 Automotive 24 Wonted To Rent 10 Pets 25 Wonted To Buy 26 Help Wonted 27 Wanted Genera 28 Business Opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment Wanted 31 Service Directory 32 Babyselirtg 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Credtors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgoges 38 Auction Sale 39 Educational ' 40 Lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deoths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In Menanam 47 Cads of Thanks C 1 Coming Events 01 Amcles For Sale 03 Garoge/1'ord Sale 04 Antiques 6 Art 4A Crofts & Hobbies 05 Cors For Sole 06 Trucks For Sole 7A For Sole General 78 Warted To Buy 7C Wanted To Rent 70 Bicycles 7E Motorcycles. ATVs. Etc 7F Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G Ret vehicles - Campers & Treaters 7H Boats. Motors & Marine 71 Service Parts tL Repairs 7S Swinirning Pool & Supplies 116 For Sale General 118 Wanted To Buy 11C Wanted To Hire 110 Employment Wonted 11E tivestock 1IF Farm Product I IG Form Equipment 11H Form Services 151 Form land 11K Form Red Estate 12 Red Estate For Sale 13 Moble Homes 14 Vocation Properties 16 For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 22 101s For Reit 23 Commercial Property DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY u:oat NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY scoo AM AD rates plus GST zt WORDS - One Week 56.00, two weeks 55.50 ea. week, three weeks St.00 ea. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional 52.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memonams - 56.00 plus 3s cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - at Words S6.00. Each additional word to cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell,'Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (at words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional Sj.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-oz.io Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to s:oo PM UNDA DZIOBA• OFFICE 527-2103 HOME 522-0221 Huron Board Member COLDWeLL BAN I(eR 0 All Points - RON OFFICE 348-03HURRAY00• Festival City Realty"oME 348 5000 527-2103' www,coldwellbankerfc.com 34 Main St. TOLL FREE 1-877-599-0090 MEMBER OF BOTH HURON AND PERTH BOARDS To SERVE YOU BETTER. NEW LOWER PRICE Perth Board Yenber MOVE RIGHT IN NEW COUNTRY LISTING - 3 ACRES FLORIDA ROOM HUGE ENSUITE. FAMILY ROOM FIREPLACE & MORE BOTH LEVELS FINISHED & IMMACULATE. ALL THE LUXURIES. LOW MAINTENANCE. 3+1 BEDROOM HOME FAMILY ROOM di LIVING ROOM BARN SET UP FOR HORSES, PAVED ROAD OPEN HOUSE - OPEN HOUSE NEW COUNTRY LISTING - 1.89 ACRES 64 LOUISA ST. i SAT. MAR., 4TH 1000 - 11 00 A.M. 3 BEDROOMS, FAMILY ROOM, GAS FIREPLACE, MAIN FLOOR LIVING 1.50 ACRES-EGMONDVILLE A-1 PROPERTY, LARGE IIOME. 2 OUTBUILDINGS POSSIBLE 6 LOTS TOTAL CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN WHAT A BEAUTY!! EDGE OF TOWN 5 BEDROOM BRICK HOME MANY RENOVATIONS ONE OF THE BEST1 NEW WINDOWS, CENTRAL AIR. LARGE COUNTRY KITCHEN ONLY $114.900 12 ACRES BUSH. LOCATED ON PAVED ROAD, RAISED BUNGALOW FOR REAL ESTATE ANYWHERE IN HURON or PERTH COUNTIES WE HAVE ALL POINTS COVERED' STRATFORD • GODERICH • WINGHAM • SEAFORTH • EXETER • ZURICH • MITCHELL • BAYFIELD • CLINTON THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2000 6:30-7:43 PM 11 HURON ROAD, HARPURHEY - LIST B114,900 1 - Culligan REAL ESTATE LOTS-ST.COLUMBAN - LIST 522,500 EACH' - 151' KS40 STREET, HENSALL -MAKE AN OFFER! - 50 HURON ROAD, HARPURHEY - UST 8125,900. - 54 CENTRE STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST $189,9001 - 61 LONDON ROAD, EGMONDVILLE - LIST f74.900'- 33 CHALK STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST 5114,9001 - 25-27 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST 5169.900! - S3 JARVIS STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST 599.9001- 137 99.900!- 137 MARKET STREET. SEAFORTH -1157 $89.!X10.1 -' 32 SPARLIRO STREET, SEAFORTH - LIST 5102.5001 - 47 ANN STREET, SEAPORT'S LIST 9149,900.1 - -YAUREEN 11ft MONO 4$2.7221 '55(15 REPRESENTATIVE YES REALTOR 11/4 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 8 Main Street tee MAN STREET SOUTH,SEAFORTH - LIST $69. - 151 JARVIS 5T `ter ET, SEAFORTH - LIST 2169,9001 - FARMS/COUNTRY NEW LISTING - 195 ACRES - No buildings, approximately 180 workable. ELLICE TOWNSHIP - 100 ACRES - R.R. s1, Brunner - Beef Farm with L-shaped bank bam, tool shed and granary, set for 80 head veal plus 40 head in L -shape, 94 acres workable and small bush. 11/2 storey double brick, vinyl sided house, completely renovated, three bedrooms, office, porch, some newer windows and good roof, forced air oil heating. List 5449,000. TUCKERSMITH - 10.85 ACRES - 17 Stanley Street, Egmondville • Pullet Farm - 18000 pullets - bam 32 x 235, hen barn, 2 storey barn 25 x 112, newer fencing, Quonset steel shed. Double detached garage plus a very well maintained 4 bedroom home with newer lifetime steel roof. List 9410,000. McKILLOP - 80 ACRES • 75 acres workable, 1V2 storey 3 bedroom house, bam 98 x 104, steel clad, pole construction, bank bam 40 x 60 plus addition. MORRIS - 70 ACRES - 65 workable, red brick, 4 bedroom, Office, family room, bam built 60 X 70, steel shed 15 x 30. List 9245.000. MORRIS - 280 ACRES - 160 workable, 2 storey red brick home. L-shaped bank bam with loose housing, 2 steel sheds 32 x 72, 2 grain bins. List 9695,000.