HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-7-9, Page 1XETER TIMES, ESTABLISHED -1878 AMALGAMATED )MUTER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 18$7 f DECEMBER 1st 1924 EXETER, ONT, TITURSDAN MORNING, JULY 9th., 1925 IIIIIIII111111111III11111111111111111111111U11I111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIRIM1111111111111111I11111111111111111111IIII111IIIII1111111111111011111111 ENETkR SCHM , REP0RT Results of promotion, Junior IV Q eni AMMO AMMO Animino 411.11 AMMO rianim COMM PNIMMI r t S or IV Names in order of I merit, Passed, Geraldine Burke; Wil - S flie Ellerington, Helen Penhale, Will. . Baikwill, Violet Gambrill, Dorothy ,r1 •. a DinneY, Willie Lee, Mary Wells, Russell Collingwood, Gladys H`nn- kin, Russell Snell, Lillian Payne, 1 Clarence Boyle; Mabel Snell. On trialSUMMER , = Failed -Harold . McDonald, Oswald Hamblyn, Nelson Wells, George An - Jean Walper, Clifford Lamport. =, drew, Charlie Lodder, maneG. S. Howard, Principal WASH DRESSE = gin = AlmaONION iNimp = Ammo 011. We place on sale this week over thirty, fine quality, summer wash dresses at greatly reducecd ,prices. These include voiles, linens, crepes and broadcloths. These are real bargains so come early. Another Shipment of House -Dresses Just Arrived High Grade Overalls .We carry the following well known- brands of good quality over- alls: Bull Dog, Headlight, Walkers, Peabody's, Lenox and Snag. Prices Reasonable. Clearing of Girls Summer Dresses We 'have about twenty girl's dresses ranging in sizes from 2 to 14 years, in ginghems, etc., to clear this week at only 50 cents. ROMPERS-Crildren's rompers regularly 75 :cents this week clearing at 50 cents. Ginghams at 29c. a yard Hundreds of yards of good quality, fast color ginghams,,32-in. wide on sale this week at 29 cents a ya,t d. WHITE WASH SKII3.TS CLEARING AT 50^ CENTS AND $1.00 EACH Men's Fine Shirts at $1.65 We still have several dozen men's fine shirts, sizes 14 to 17 clear- ing at $1.65 or 2 for $3.25. • WORK SHIRTS -Big B. brand is the best $1,00 shirt on the market. We. are local- agents. CHERRIES- White and Black Sweet are' now ready. Prices are rea- sonable this year. The good MONT14MORENCY RED CHERRIES will be ready about July 15th to 20th. Place your order with us. THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING THE MONTHS CIF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST F 'PHONE 32 ;fon.es BIiII111111111111111111111111fIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIflIIIINIItlilllillillllllllHIIIIIIIIIi11111HuiIIIiIIIIIIidIiIIIIIIIIIIINNIIIIIININNNNfNNW PHONE NE 3 Dolma valmuNI ROOM 'IV From Sr. III, to Jr. IV. -Honors, Raymond Pryde 8$, Joe Creech 81, Rosie Jennings 80, Marvin Rice 79, Madeline Stewart 78, Gerald Skin- ner '77,. Merna Sims 77, Margaret Martin 77, Melville Simmons 76, Joe Jackson 75; Pass Ruth Balk- will alkwill 74, Grafton Cochrane 73, Jus- tin Kuhn: 70, Gladys •Hutchinson 70, Mary Cann 68, Gladys Smith 68, Dorothy Cox 68, Jean Sheere 67, Wallace Seldom 67, Richard 'Trump- er 67, Ilene Kestle 66, Hazel Bloom- field 66, Lloyd Freckleton 66 Harry Cole 63, Marguerite Bloomfield 63, 'Cecil Laing 63,Ruth Collingwood 62, Lois Statham 61; Below pass, Helen'. Stanbniy 59, Billie Nelson 56, Mar- garet Ellerington 55, Helen Hey- wood 55, Muriel Kay 54, Jack Red- den 51, Hugh Wolper 17. From Jr.. III to Sr. III -Ruby Stone 68, Jean Pe+nhale 62, On. trial Marguerite Cann 55, Harry Attfield 49. Num- ber on roll 40,; average attendance 38.8. Jean S. Murray, Teacher ROOM III Jr. 111A -Honors, Thelma Lewis' 87, Constance Jennings 83, Ed- ,_, round Wetbey 80, Dorothy Davis 78, = Stella Little 77, • Marion Davis 77, Utah Clarke 76. Pass, Florence Cor- nish 74, Allen Fraser 71, W. Burke = 69, Wm. Chambers 69, Thos. Eller- ington 69, Earl Frey 68; Helen Salter 67, Edith Kestle 60. Jr. MB- Florence Stewart 71, Jean Ross 71, Kenneth Hockey 70, Lorna Walper 68, Lucy Pomfret 67, Ruth Fraser , 66, Arthur 'Attfield 66, Howard Kerslake 65, Dorothy Walper 61. Sr. II. -Honors, Edith Clysdale 89,. Marjorie Complin 86, Adeline Stone 80, Lois Macdonald 75, Jean Pilon 75; Pass, Russell Crews 74, Jack rStanbury 71, Eddie Ward 70, Nora = M'clnrais 70, Mervin. Simms 67, Vera Kestle 66, Allan Quance 65, Elmer Hunkin 64. Number on roll 44, average attendance 43.6. = lE 14%,-yinsman, -Teacher imam tostook Another Big Sale of "Wear Ever' Don't Miss These Bargains Saves all the fresh fruit flavor 11111 Q. A4, I1 4 No stirring necessary, Fruit not crushed Special Offer for Thursday,Friday andgSaturda y Waii810 QUART SIZE, REGULAIR, $2.45 SPECIAL, $2,15 1'2 QI;TART fIZE, REGULAR $2.65, SPECIAL $2.19 14 QUART SIZE, REGULAR ,$3.30 SPECIAL $2,39 Introducing the New "Wear Ever" Potato 454 Imperial Quart. improved harries tight i over' de of f this c ansa ,g, heauvy "Wear Ever" Al. - i mato* R e ti1ar $2 06' Special $1 . 34 OFF ALL TENNIS R iplO TS, 13.41M13.AALL GLOVES S & NUTS T11sn nthingand Plumbing g ea nSHard re & Paint Store Mr. Geo. lrawson has made a 'great improvement to his house this summer by the -addition of a new verandah and by having the, exter- ior overlaid with stucco. Mr. Geo. Jeffery; of Usborne, had a successful barn raising on Monday erecting the framework of an L shaped barn on a cement foundation to replace the one destroyed by fire The Singles Dominion Champion- ship Bowling games in Exeter have been played dowa to semi-finals with W. J. Heaman, R. N. Creech, R. G. Seldon and C. B. Snell ter p)ay off. The stages', single rink doubles are yet in the init- ial to g es while g the s gamenob yet been started. ed. has y FIRTHS HARRIS -In Usborne, on July 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. James `Leonard Harris, a son. (Charles Ivor.), MARRIAGES BRIMACOMBE = PETHER - • In Windsor, on June 20th, Miss May ?ether, formerly' of Toronto, to Mr, Clifford Brimaconibe, son of Mr. and 11trs. Win, Brimacombe, of town. ELLIS-DOW=In Exeter, .on July • 4th, 1925, by Rev. Jae. Foote, Anna Laurine, deaugkter of Mr. Alex. Dow, to Roderick James Ellis of Parkhill. BEATON-GREEN-At the p'anon- age, Jaensal3, by Rev, A. Sinclair, Dorothy A. Green, to Mr. Beverly Baatoxi, of Seaforth, on Saturday, July 4th, 1925. DEATHS BARKNER-In London Tp., on Fri- day," July 3rd, Hannah Ga1ster, , relict of the late Frederick Bark- ner, aged 75 years, 7 months and 13 days, MORLOCJ-Ii Crediton, oia Taos - day, July 7th, Char'1otte Beaver, widow .of the late Gottlieb' Mor loch, aged 84 years, 0 months and 27 days. AVERY -in St, Tlioxnas on .Tule 0, 7aite, Horn, beloved wife of Mr. Fid. Avery, aged 50 years. SWEITZER..In Crediton en Wed- nesday, July 8th, 3acob Seteitze , aged /6 yeas, 10 Writhe raid 21' days. 4. ROOM II The pupils in the Sr. II who took Jr. III standing on the June Exam- inations were: -Honors: Margaret Taman 83, Helen Tramper 80, Helen Walper 79, Ray Creech 78, Rowe Dinney 75. Pass -Reba Simmons 74, Eileen Snell 72, Ireire Mooney 70, Ray Hutchinson 70, Mavis Spen- cer 64, Dorothy Sims 62. Those who in the Sr. II who failed to take Jr. 111 standing either on total or in some subjects were -Billy Walters, Stanley Ward, Myrtle Lee, May Qua - nee, Hazel Lockwood,' Ruby Attfield, John. Payne. Those who wrote on Jr. 11 Examinations and took Sr. II standing were -Honors -Grace Ba- ker 79, Edith Cann 79, May Sinis 78, Fred Ellerington 75, Clifford Hey- wood 75. Pass -Charlie Complin 67, Jack Pryde 64, Hazel Clark 64, Eileen Cornish 60, Raymond Freck- leton e"0. All of the pupils will be promoted to another room in Sept. Pupils can obtain report cards by calling at Griggs' Book Store. N. Medd, teacher ROOM I Names arranged in order of merit. Promoted from Class V. -Bernice Delbridge, Jack Attfield, John Car- ling, Mary Van Camp, Jessie • Jen- nings, VeraDonnelly, Gladys Stone, Betty Complin, Winifred Walper, Harry Kestle Georgina Anderson. Promoted fr*m Class IVA-Lorne ;ziowey, Tom Campbell, Howard i Levey, sit IVIar'aoix e Kernick. IVB -Mildred Promoted from Class Quante Annie Cox, Mar drie• Foote, 1. GordonGordonHewlett, Ole Reid, , Pred Simmons, Raymond Smith, Ivan Webber, Jack Kernick; Billy Pen.- hale,. Chaelie Snell. Promoted from Crass III -Eileen Sims, Irene Van •Camp, Lloyd Geuttner, Jack Kernick Cecil Smith, Florence Snell, Gordon Sanders; Walter Davis. Promoted from Class IIA.-Robena Hunkin Violet 18uker, Gertrude Complin, David Kestle, Ronald Bowland. Pro- moted from Class IIB• -Orville Web- ber, Marion Walper, Gerald Cornish Promoted 'from Class IA -Bordon Sanders, Bobbie Dinney, Billy Wil- son. Promoted from Class TB Evelyn Clysdale, Jack Jennings, Audrey Rowcliffe, Doris Harvey, Marion Powell, Reggie McDonald, Barbara Atkinson, Xtay Genttner, Billy -Kydd. Promoted from Class Ie. --Victor Lutman, Ethel Smith, Hazel nelk Helen Lockwood, Bobbie Ellerington, Lorraine Armstrong, Billy King, Tom. Willard. z Promot- ed from Class ID. ---Dorothy Quance, Irene Kernick, Heleit Bawden, Mary Taylor, Lillian McDonald, Bruce Cann, John Collingwood. I>7'etmber on roll 70, • average at- tendance 64.75. Olive M. Taylor, Teacher Sir: and Mrs. Ulric Sneil return- ed home Tuesday after spending twe weeks in Cleveland where the, latter underwent two primary, op- erations. in the Cleveland hospital. Mrs. Snell was taken to Cleveland Ir'oni Wailer hospital, London. Mrs. S'k1 mer accompanied her. She is home for mouths' , three o s>lest and, her many friends will be pleased to know that she is awaking splendid progress towards recovery, 1VITSCELLANEO'(TS SHOWER A miscellaneous shower was Or- en. iven, on Monday evening by Mrs. H. Bowers and Mrs. E. C. Harvey for Mrs. Roderick Elis (nee Miss Anna Dow). A number of ladies were present and a very sociable evening was enjoyed., Mrs. Ellis was the re- cipient of'soine lovely' gifts. Lunch- eon was served at the home of Mrs. Bowers. DIED IN ST. r.rnomis Po' Word was received in Usborne on Monday of the death of lairs. Ed- ward Avery, of St. Thomas. The deceased wan a daughter of Mr. S. Horn, of Elimville, her maiden name being Jane Horn. She was fifty Years. of age. Besides her husband she is survivedby one son, also her father and two brothers, Wesley, of Elimville and John of Toronto and two sisters, Mrs. W. J. Brock and Mrs. 'Geo; Earl, of Zion. The: funeral was held at St. Thomas Thursday. McARTNEY-MURPHY NUPTIALS. A very pretty wedding took place in Goderich Township on Wednes- day June 24th when Miss Jessie Ai- leen Murphy, daughter of Mrs. Hen- ry. Murphy, and sister of Mr. Rich- ard H. Murphy, of town, was mar- ried to Mr. Harvey McArtney, the ceremony being performed by Rev. A. A. Trumper, of Exeter,. The bride was given away by her bro- ther Mr. Richard H. Murphy, and Miss Mildred Murphy, of town, act- ed as one of the three bridesmaids, and Mr. Mervyn Hanley, acted as best man. Mr, and Mrs. McArtney spent their honeymoon in. Detroit. The bride was well-known here hav- ing spent considerable time here with.. her brother since the death of his wife, and she will have the best wises of the many friends here. • SOFTBALL On Friday evening, July •' 3rd the James St. single men journeyed to Crediton and brought home a 16-12 victory. k Monday evening through lack of 1ilayers Main St. team was forced to forfeit their game to James St. single men. On Friday night Thames Road went to Centralia coming home with the bacon to the tune of 18-7. James St, married men and Tha- mes Road played a tie game last Thursday evening on the local dia- mond. The score 11-11, indicates the play. Jaques. St. scored 7 runs the first inning, the Thames Road team becoMing demorilized after 2 easy flies' had been dropped in the field. Thames Road made their big push in the sixth, when, with time- ly hitting and taking advantage of James St. errors, they scored six runs. At the end of the seventh' the score was 11-7 for Thames Road. In the eighth Tupper Anderson hit a . three -bagger and then Fred May came to bat and knocked out a home run, tieing the score. It was a ter- rific wallop, going to the fence. That ended the scoring, Chidley striking out Harness for the final m s Road came out in the 9th. Thae u in for some criticism for not play- ing off the ties the reason being that they were shy one of their pitchers. Games For Coining Week To -night ,(Thursday) James; St. married play off their tie game with Trivitt. On Friday Thames Road plays a postponed game] with Crediton at Thames Road. If James St. married win Thurs- day they will 'play Thanes Road at Exeter on Monday. The first half of the series should finish within the week and the schedule for the second half will be announced next week. The first game will be between James St. S. and Thames Road at Thames Roach. TEE STANDING W L Tie P.C. Main St. 4 1 1 800 Tb aazes i Rad 3 1 1 750 James St. M. 2 1 3 666 James St. S. 3 2 0 600 Crediton 2 8 0 400 Centralia 2 4 0 330 Trivitt 0 < 5 1 000 Mr. Robt W. Moir, of Arrow -wood, Alta., is visiting ,his mother, Mrs. John Moir. Misses Eva and Katharine Vosper left Tuesday for London, before re- turning to their home, in Toronto Lucan Irish Nine defeated St. Thomas at Lucan on Wednesday ber a score of 14 to 5. Mr. Ericson, of Rochester,. N.Y., spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs Ericson at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bissett. Mrs. Bissett has been slight- ly improved during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Surridge and family of Detroit, motored here Saturday and together with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Pomfret and family motored to Hamilton for the week -end. Mrs. Clias Randall and son, also Mr. and Mrs. Atkins and two child- ren, of London, visited over the 1st of July at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Box. hrrs. Box returned' with and will visit Detroit Tol- edo, in, i'and 1 ants . for Sylvai xa IIQ 1 Ohio, a cotiple of weeks. Anthony Heenan, a prominent Earner of Bldclulph Township, died suddenly on Monday. Deceasedhad not.. been in robust health 'for some to t�rt. Just able be abo u tires, bat was about noon Mrs.'leeenan called him in to laave something to eat. De- clining the food, loo lay down on a couch and died almost immediately. Bceides his widow, who was Teresa. Brown, he is survived 'by three' she terse Misses ;Mae Norah end Mrs. Casey and two brothers, Patrick and Dennis all living in Biddulph. 'FIFTY-SECOND YEAR No. 2O7 LOCALS Miss. Thelma Ford is :holidaying in Musltoka, '• Miss Muriel Hogarth is visiting at Pt. Lambton. Mrs. Thos. Acheson Is visiting for a few days In London. Mr. J, Routledge, of Dutton, spent the week -end in Exeter. Mr. Jas. Jewell is having his house Boated with stucco. Miss Fern. Short, of London is: holidaying at her home here. Miss Alberta Horton, at Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Squires are vis- iting with relatives in Whalen. MissHelen Brown, of 'Dutton, is visiting with M'r, and Mrs, C. Way. Miss Lillian Hedden, of Brantford is holidaying with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vincent and family spent a few days in London. Miss Crozier, of Walton, has been engaged to teach school at Huron dale. Mrs, Donnelly and family, of Stratford, ao'e ` holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs; Ferguson, of Toronto, is vis- iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. Sweet. Main St. Sunday School will pic- nic at Springbank on Wednesday of next week. Miss Blanche Senior, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior. Messrs G. W. Davis and W. Ham- blyn were in Toronto for a few days on business. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curnoe, of De- troit, visited with Dr. and Mrs. Ward on Wednesday. Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodison and daughter, of Sarnia, called on friends M town on Saturday. Mrs. C. L. Wilson and children are spending a few days with Mrs. Baker at Grand Bend. The Exeter Social Club have form ed a softball team and challenge any of the teams of town. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bourg, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .L Willis Powell. Mr. Jas. Jeckell and Miss L. M. Jeckell left to -day (Thursday) to visit in Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Williamson has returned to her hone at Hamilton after visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton. Miss Phyllis Myers of Detroit is visiting for two weeks with Miss Vosper and Miss Sanders. Mr. E.•'3'. Wethey is in Toronto asssting with the marking of depart- mental examination papers. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Frayne and family, of Brantford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne. I Messrs. Young Creech and Harry Sweet, of . Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Chas. Manning, of Cleveland a former resident of Exeter, visited with Mr. C. T. Brooks on Saturday Dr. and Mrs Fergason and little granddaughter, of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. B.1 Snell. Misses Dorothy and Margaret oHarris, of Ottawa, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd, of Us - borne. Pong Kwong, a former laundry • - man, who recently returned from a trip to China, is back in town for a few days. Mrs. S. West, and daughter'Flor-1 ence and son Sid. returned Tuesday; after vistng for a week with friends 1 at Cromariy. Mr. Clyde Heaman, of the Bank' of Montreal, is on sick leave at the summer cottage of his, parents at Grand Bend. ; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford, also Miss Irene Ford and Mr. Chas. Box spent Friday in. Seaforth with Mr. Box's brother. Mrs. Down and Mrs. Varney, of St. Thoma returned home last week after visiting a week with Mr. and . Mrs. J Elston. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford, of Detroit, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Box,ofStephen. Miss Lewis has s 1 as r Brained home from Vi i V ctoi a Hospital, London and p , is an present being cared for by her niece, Nurse, Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Schwalm and two sons Addison and Orval, of INHumeolt Sask., are visitinhe former's sister, Mrs, Wm. Prattf Mr. and ribs. S. Elliott and daugh- ter and Miss Nina Redman, of Michi- gan, motored over and visited with Mae and Mrs. T. 'Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson of Stratford; motored over and accom- panied by Mrs. T. G. Creech motor- ed to West Lorne for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Redd and Mi. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, of Detroit, motored over Saturday and spent the Week -end with relatives. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Grieve, and Mr. and Mrs, Lockwood motored to Strathroy over the week -end, Mrs., Gxiteve `remaining for a few clays. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson and Mr. Ed. Clarke, of Marion, Mich., former: residents of Exeter, called oil old friends 111 town over the week - Med. Mrs. Jane Gardiner and daughter Mrs. Penman of Clearwater, Man.. a v i Zan. are visiting with the former's sister Mrs. Janet Hamilton, and other ret- atives. Mrs. -Ida Creech Arad daught.eve Miss Olive, of Brantford, are visit- ing with i\4r..and Mrs. R. N. Creech,. who, with Hugh, spent the week -Bird bi (Brantford. The rentaaas of the late Mrs; Barkner,' who died near London on Friday last were brought to the home of her roti George in Exeter North air and the f r funerala held w s e on Monday, interment at Zurich. The deceased is survived ber two sones and three daughters, Let Us Help You To See Better "To see better," does not awe,* mean to see more. It often aamilit to see with less effort. A certain eye defect called Hypyre meis trop in many cases ,does not i>R� terfere with acuteness of vision; b$$$ does create an excessive eye strslt which causes headaches, dizzinest and nerve strain. The proper glasses will relleYY . MS condition and give corafort, Office Hours 9.30 to 12 a.m. 1.30 to 5;p.m Evenings by Appointment S. Fitton, Phone 75W Registered Optometrist MORE BREAD You realize as a good' house keeper that Bread is your strongest aliy- It heads the list ase. satisfy- ing food. Every member of the family knows just what hits the spot when hunger hits him -BREAD Lockwood's Better Bread is the choice of the discriminat- ing housewife. Qiality explains • why the route from our sales - racks to your kitchen is a quick one. The home -y flavor and rich nourishment make its liberal use one of the most sensible, ways of fighting the high cost of living. (Ask Your Grocer For It) W. H. LOCKWOOD BAKER EXETER, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. C. Pum and family motored to Whig -ham Wednesday to attend the golden wedding anniverse ary of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Van stone. Mr. and. Mrs. Vanstone axe in remarkably good health .They,. have .five children, 14 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. 'Mrs. Vanstone's sister, who acted as bridesmaid 50 years ago was pre- sent at the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson and two daughters, of Detroit, visited here over the ;'eek -end. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore and family came with e i li th nn and visited in For- est arriving in Exeter on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Robinson accompanied by the latter's mother Mrs. Passmore, have taken a motor trip to Toronto;' Bownanviile and other , points be- fore returning to Detroit. SUNSHINE A number from. this vicinity, at- tended anniversary. services at Thames Road on Sunday 'evening Friends from Woodstock visited with Mr. and i it s.., J. E. Creery on Sunday and Monday. Greta and Audrey Fletcher, who spent a week with their cousin, Doris ITodgins of Saintsbury, returned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Helen of Windsor, Mrs Bailey of London Mrs. Heywood of Winchelsea mot r- ed to Toronto and spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. 1. Wilson of ghat place. Miss Bernice L a m . i a r d of Mzl.re Y St. Ii~ • 1S e' u aaa • cone I loci with is visiting Jaques. Little Grace Reeking of Munro, spent, the past week with her aunt, Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mrs. J. E. Creery is visitini' with friends at Woodstock. Mr, and M'rs. G. (l dboit of Cen- tralia and D. Clark of Exeter nielte ed at C. Fletchers on Sunday. WOODHAM Mr. 1Van. Sinclair spent the p.n,, • week with ` his son Roy. Sinclair, Essex. e Misses Netta and Marion Shier are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. S. Gunning, of Whalen s• t the past week with. her sister, l. ,Syd, i inks. Victor C.4iatteu is spending a eon- pie of weeks -With friends near Granton. Alvin Lawrence, of Scranton, Pen., is visiting with his grandmother,. Mrs. Hopkins. Mr, and Mrs. john Hooper of Tor- ante, visited with friends h.ro me - Miele'. z Miss l+Ianuali Riirri is sperachrxai, a couple of weeks with friends in Kiel sarcine, Miss Clara Morley visited with Mr. and airs. Delbert Mc rley, of: 'Granton an Stiridey, . MissSo Ti let Feenace, of St. MaT.rS spent, the hast wcelx with Mr, and Mrs. CTereetee M lira. Quite a number from here at en- ded the: uireuTa' in London on Irene day. . = yr, .- i+ and d'wtisr It Mrs. �,..4, '7'aitrn, ra.ari 1, �, tees Eunice and Janet, of LvitxsfM,' are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cliier�: epee Mills.-