The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-7-2, Page 8i JULY SPECIALS It will pay you to study this list of special prices on season- able merchandise. Just what you need to buy at money saving prices. Men's work shirts, all sizes, good value at 98 cents. Men's Sox, for every day wear, light and medium weight for 35c. Men's Okfords, snappy new styles, black or tan for $5.00 Men's English Broadcloth Shirts, collar to match•' for $2.50. Men's Overalls with iib and braces, a real value at $1.98. Men's Tweed Pants, sizes 32 to 46, reduced to $2,98. Ladies' Holeproof Silk Stockings, all the new shades for 9 8c. Ladies' one -strap Satin Slippers, newest style, special at $4.95 Silk Knit Blouses, new styles and color combinations for $2,98.. Black Cotton Hose, all sizes, also fawn hose sizes 8i/a to'10 for 25c. Kiddies' Sport Caps, all the new bright color combinations for 25e. Visit Stewart's China Department We invite you to visit our china department to see the beauti- ful display of china, glassware and imported novelties we now have on display. Bring in your out of town visitors, they wil ap- preciate the opportunity to select something out of the ordinary - as a souvenir of Exeter. • Cake plates, new shapes and decorations priced from 50 cents up. China cups and saucers -5O new patterns, priced from 25 cents up Glass vases for large bouquets -35 cents each or 3 for $1.00. Novelty cream jugs and pitchers priced from 10 cents up Beautiful Imported Salad Bowls priced from 49 cents up. Imported vases, candle sticks, bowls and baskets. 97 Piece Dinner Sets Reduced to $25.00 Do not miss seeing our special dinner set offer. Several beauti- ful patterns in full 97 -piece dinner sets of guaranteed semi -por- celain at our special price of $25.00. 64c. worth of Soap for 49c. Ask us how we can save you 15 cents on this special soap sale, only one assortment to a customer. J. A. Stewart i BEiTEB Y�LUES IN FURKITURE at GARDINER'S Latest Designs Largest Stock Better Service i Lowest Prices The Home Furnisher M. E. 6ARE1NER- Director of Funeral Service Airglohswrarse and Horse Equipment DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 1 LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO OPERA HOUk BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Niskt sail T4W i AIM Men's Store Phone 81w ,., Men's Store What Men Need When Summer Comes Cream Flannel Trousers, Grey Flannel, Cream Serge, Khaki and Fancy Tweed Trousers We have an exceptionally fine range of Men's Fine Fancy Shirts at a very reasonable price. COMBINATION AND 2 -PIECE UNDERWEAR. SPORT BELTS, FANCY AND PLAIN HOSE TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS AND SUSPENDERS Ready -to -Wear Suits at $18.00 to $19.00 W. W. TQM Merchant Tailor and;Gents' Outfitter r4 -1 IMBSUBmininfialM Mr. Norval Sheppard is holidaying in Muskoka. Mrs. CompIin and children are visiting for a few days at Strathroy. Mrs. H. Hutton and daughter Evelyn, of Brantford, are, visiting with Mr. and Mrs+ T. O: Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Wood of Windsor are visiting the latter's sister, Miss Ida Gillespie. Mrs. P. Gardiner, of Blyth, visit- ed with friends in town and attend- ed the Jtbilee at Elimville Sunday and Monday. Competition for the Dominion championship in single, doubles and. rink events started oh the local. greens Monday evening. Easter Willie Geddes and friend Master Jack Marshall, bf London, a ;re spenchinig their vacation with Mr. W. J, Northcott, of Sexsmitit., • Mr. Stanley Sheppard and friend Mr. Len. Little of Pt. Huron. spent the week -end with Hey. E. and Mrs. Sheppard at James St, parsonage, Mr. Silas McFalls, of the Bank of Montreal, Walkerville, has relearned to his duti'es after holidaying for a couple of weeks at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner have received word that their son Bert is ill in Detroit. They will motor to Detroit on Friday to bring him home. The concert put on in the Opera House by London artists on Friday evening of last week drew a fair house but not sufficient to meet the expenses. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and daughter Miss Theinfa left this week for a motor trip to Michigan. They xpect to visit at Pt, Huron, Elkton, ail Axe, Saginaw and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Trenouth and sons Stanley, of Watford and Ron- ald of Windsor,called on friends at Sexsmith one day recently. Mrs. Trenou:th is well-kndwn in this vici- nity being a daughter of the late illi m Clarriclt. THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.10 Oats 45c Barley 600. Manitoba Flour $5,19. Blended Flour $4,75. Pastry Flour $4,15. Feed Flour $2.10 • Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.70 Dairy Butter 32c. Creamery Butter 40c. Eggs, Extras 29c. Eggs, Firsts 23c, Lard 20e Hogs, thick and smooth $12.50 Hogs, Meet $13.75. LOCAL , t Mrs. S. Hutchinsn of Lofiield, Alta. is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Gill. • Mrs, W. R. Davis of Mitchell, is ' visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. A. May. e e presided in Exeter visited in week with her Mallett. Lower of La iting with his daugh- ter, Lewisof a week with Kaplansky, of over and B. Howey. Hustonand family summer at Grand of London, home after spending Mrs. P. Gregory left she will for the depart- mental Kuhn has moved from on Ann and vadat on the same Mrs. Fred Lily, of over days with Mrs. T. E. Handford, Mr. and Mrs L. Finn, Mrs. Godwin and daughter Grace, of London, called on friends in town Saturday on their way to Grand Bend. Mr. Samson Yelland.. iias return- ed to Pt. Perry afteer visiting with his., -moil ler, Mrs. (Rev) Yelland. 'Miss Bessie Yelland accompanied him to London to visit for a fed days. Mrs. W. G. Wilson, of Goderich, and daughter, Mrs. H. A. Chamber- lain, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited for a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie and other rela- tives. Rev. Joh ily, mission just returned spent a few former's pa Walker. Mr. and daughter, of Toronto, of Boston, cently and E. A. Folli John Walker, wife and fam- ily, to China who have home on furlough, days last week with the rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs, Ed. French and Ruth, and Mr. Al. French and Miss B. Sanderson, Mass., motored here re- visited with Mr. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Jaines Foote, B,A,, Minister 10 a.m.'-Supday School and Bible Class. 11 4.111, --Services as Usual 7 p,m....,Services as Usual Mrs. R. H. Collins of Kitchener is spending a few days with old friends in town. Mrs. McWicol left this week to visit for a Couple of months at Law- son, Sask. Miss M. A. Hortonat the H. S. examinationsseveral days this week. Mrs. Esli HeywoodLon- don during thesister Mrs. J. W. Mal Mr. W. J. Porte, Ind., is here vis augh- ter, Mrs. John Mr. John ti Brooklyn, Ont. visited for over his sis- ter, Mrs. S. Handford. Mr. and Mrs. Wat- erloo, motored spent Sun- day with Miss Mr. H. E. have moved to theircottage, "Outside Inn" Bend. Mrs. Keough,has re- turned to her a few days withFrayne. Miss Stella Tuesday for Toronto whereact as one of the examiners examinations. Mrs. A. Mr. C. B. Snell's residenceSt. to that of Mrs. Cottleed by Mr. Rutherford street. Mr. and Willis, son Robert and daughterMar- lette, Mich., motoredand vis- ited for severalrelatives and friends. and Mrs: ck, Rev. H. E. and Mrs:Livingstone, of Elimville, have been granted a two months' leave of•absence and on Tuesday left for a trip to the Old Country. Mr. Andrew Boa will - conduct the services on the Elimville circuit while Mr. Livingstone is away. The engagement is announced of Miss Olive ' Muriel Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Taylor, of London Tp., to Mr. Robert W. Moir of Arrowwood, Alta., son of Mrs. Moir and the late John Moir of Ex- eter, the marriage to take place early in July. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Baker of Moose Jaw, Sask., are visiting with relatives iri this community. Mr. and Mrs. Baker visited in Chicago, Minneapolis and Detroit before com- ing here and are leaving for Mon- treal -and Quebec for a trip. They will spend a month at Grand Bend. Dr. Steiner and his bride, of Brookport, N.Y., arrived in town on Friday and have taken up their resi- dence in one of Mr. C. B. Snell's residences on Ann St. Dr. Steiner is, opening up a veterinary practice in town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lind accompanied them to visit for a few days. Rev. Andrew Boa, who has been supplying the Methodist pulpit at Granton for several months was presented with an address of apprec- iation and a cheque by the congrega- tion .before his departure. He was also honored by the Orangemen when he was presented with a gold wat.h at a meeting of the Black Knight Perceptory. Mr. Boa will supply at Blinrviile during July and August. "Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Wilson, who have been resident Methodist minis- ter and wife, in Amherstburg For the past two years, left yesterday (Thursday9 for Burlington Beach, where they will speakd the next bwo months. After that time they pur- pose motoring to Los Angeles, wheat they expect to spend the winter and Spring, The best wishes of a host of friends go with them to their new. home, Mr. Wilson leaves a wonder- ful garden at Wesley parsonage, We noticed that the Globe reported' neer potatoes some plate in Ontario on the 14th of June. Mr, Wilton has been using theirs since the 9th of^ June, and each hill supplies the family for a meal."-kmlrerstbirrg ,Echo. JA1kfES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF Rev, CANADA E. Sheppard, Pastor W R Goulding ATC M 'Iatili$l)AY, JUI'iY and, ioao r 1111111111119111911M111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111011111f11111111111111111MA1111101111111911N11111111111111I111n1111111151 S 111.111 MOM Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.-How far have you gone? OMNI "He went a little further."MOM 3 p.m. --A class awaits you. . WIMP 7 p.m. "W iat are you doing these MIMI IIIMINS M▪ IMS NNW Well-known Hymns, spiritual pray- ers, choice Scriptures, good singing, Gospel Sermons, Hearty welcome. COME AND BE BLESSED Trivitt Memorial Church Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector 11 a.m. "To enter into Life." 7 p,m.-"Spiritual, Conservation." A study in the parable of the Tares. ` Powell's Bazaar Plain Price Store We have just received the pret- tiest "individual" salt and pepper sets, we have ever shown, in all gold and colored decorations, to sell at 50c., also a large range of useful Souvenir goods, besides, the "girls" say we have the prettiest "bobby barettes" in town, over 80 to choose from, combs and brushes too. Ask to see our openstock dinner- ware at from $19 per set, special sale of Austrian Bridal Rose for the next two weeks. Try us for Graniteware, we have the prices. ' Don't buy elsewhere then regret. Come to the store that inivtes you. FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIALS Watch our Windows FOR SALE -Good Cheer stove, "Quebec Style," bargain; childs cot white enamel, with mattress; bed spring, cheap, also stretcher; hall rack, made of, cherry, with good. mirror; secretary, cheap. Inquire at Powell's Bazaar, phone 55. FOR SALE - Buthiiing lots for sale. p pp 3r to' D: Mack NOTICE All persons who are indebted to the late Wm. Huxtable are request- ed to settle their accounts on or be- fore July 15th. TEACHER WANTED -For S. S. No. 2, Hay; experienced teacher preferred. State salary. . Apply to M. M. Russell, R. R. No. 1, Exeter. TEACHER WANTED -For S. S. No. 1, Usborne, second class certifi- cate. Apply before July 6th; stat- ing experience and salary to E. F. McDougall, Route. 1, Hensall, Ont. TEACHER WANTED -For S: S. No. 3, Stephen;'state salary and ex- perience. Duties to commence Sep. 1st; apply before July 15th to C. W. Christie, Route 1, Exeter. LOST -Between Exeter side road and two miles south of Shards, a man's blue coat. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times -Advocate. WARNING Owing to the increasing custom of children pulling peas from pass- ing loads, warning is hereby given that offenders in future will be prosecuted, and further that the company will n'ot be responsible for accidents arrising out of such of- fences. Exeter Canning Co. 'NOTICE ..', m Hydro power will be off on Sun- day next between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mr. Wm. Mitchell wishes to an- nounce that he 'has been appointed agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Canada, head office, Water- loo. a Br. E. S. Steiner, V. S., graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, wish- es to announce that he has opened up,a practice in Exeter and solicits a portion of ,your patronage." Calls promptly attended day or night: Phone 115 8. Residence Ann St. Miss Verda Sims, • of town is spending her• vacation in London. Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis recently gave a delightful dinner party in honor of the latter's sister Miss Inez Tuckey, who is leaving for Nova Scotia prior to her appproaching sem moos' `aIutu p eihe, 4e2ulsretu decorated in orange blossoms and pink and white roses. The Main St. garden party on Fri- day evening last was a splendidsuc- cess. The evening was fine nd a sumptuous supper with liberal serv- ings of strawberries and cream . was served by the ladies. There was a booth and fish pond on the grounds,. Gidley's orchestra provided some stirring music and the moving pic- tures were fine. The proceeds amounted to about $140.00. Is the report of the Exeter Coun cii which appeared last week it was stated that Councillor Coultis was opposed to taking action against the manager of the Exeter Social Club. Councillor Coultis asked us to state this in the minutes of the council. Other members of the council take exception and intern]. us that Coun- cillor Coultie, while not voting In favor did not object to the motion. MINN M▪ OM .01116 MEMO E 111111.1 Another Shipn�nt of Dresses We offer a fine new range of Summer Dresses in Voiles, Crepes, Broadclothsnd other new summer materials. We are fortunate in having some good styles in large sizes. Priced at x•4.50. 6.00 $7,50 t$12.50 Men's Work Shirts 98c. This is a good quality material made in roomy styles. A low priced shirt for the hot weather. Each 98 cents. Men's Work Sox 3 pairs for $1.00 In three makes. A good wear- ing sox at a popular price 35c or 3 pair for $1.00. .1111 Ladies' Silk Vests WIMP A splendid garment for summer wear. Comes in or- chid and peach. Extra value at 75 cents. 10 dozen Ladies' Cot- ton Vests Good roomy make,. In comfy cut styles. While they last at per garment 25 cents: Hatchway Underwear They are fine for the hot weather. No buttons to but- ton. Cool and comfortable. Ask the fellow who wears them. Priced at $1.50. Southcott Bros. [411111111111111111111111111ffiniffill{11111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111NEMINIMINIMIMINIMNIIN "IN TI1E PUBLIEEYE tirroPlyivinisi,a441 REPAIRS We are now prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had to send then to London or elsewhere. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $8.00. SPF (+i"TACLES, LARGE LENSES, $1.00 and UP. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHO:E 70 FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos Cameron, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. VIOLIN AND PIANO INSTRUC- TION Pupils visited or received Terms Moderate Concert Engagements Accepted. ROBERT GAMBRILL Phone 161, Exeter LIGHTNING RODS Shin -Flat and Round Cables. We have the agency for the above lightning rods. Let us quote you prices. Old cables inspected and repaired. Four years' experience. Bruce Mitchell, R.R. No. 1, Cen- tralia; phone Crediton 29 r 6. • LOCAL AGENT WANTED for Exeter and district, to sell for the "Old Reliable Fonthill Nurs- eries." A splendid opening for the right man, with exclusive territory. For full particulars, write Stone & Wellington, Toronto. Cochrane's Machine Works EXETER and LISTOWEL One of the best equipped „shops in Western Ontario Welding a Specialty Regrinding cylinders and pistons made to fit No article too difficult to make In answer to your inquiry re grind- ing cylinders for us, would say that we ase well satisfied, having found the work all that could Tee expected. 'The blocks in our estimation are as good as new ones. L. J. Penhale,,,:, Mgr., Eiseter Can. Co. Write, phone or come and see us Advice freely given DR. ADRIAN B. GIBSON VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College 1915 'Office Dr. Sweet's Old Stand Residence: James St. West of James St. United Church Phones: '•Office 99w Residence 99j EXETER ONTARIO COAL -COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED C1- 121 ' ' E OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns For Spring YOU WILL WANT SOME New • Furniture OR - Your old Repaired THE PLACE TO GET YOUR RE- PAIRING •DONE IS AT R. N. ROWE'S WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF A GOOD JOB. OUR STOCK OF FURNITURE IS OF THE VERY BEST AND OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEATEN ANY PLACE. R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND • FUNERAL DIRECTOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone Bus. 20W House 203 Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE " 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Per9ect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Mans W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instrucction ,n Piano Vocal Organ. Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 57 EXETER, ONT. J. Li. LEWIS CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Houses and Barns EXETER :--. ONTARIO Phone 152W Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOB, SALE Bagshaw TRY 135 Phone 58W I, R. CARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Loans, Investments, Insurance Offce,Carling Block,Main St. Exeter: GLADMAN & STANBURY Barrittters , Solicitors &c. Money to Loan, Investments Mad_% Insuranoe. Safe-deposit Vault for use of, onr, Clients without charge. ') Exeter London Hene4Fel R. McINNIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY • For best results let R. 1,2cInnitt �' handle your auction sales. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY POST OFFICE Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental, Officer of Military District, Number One, Loa, don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 24J Office closed on Wednesday only_.. M1 Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S; DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's La'1 office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univere city DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stanbury'$ office, Main Street Exeter. DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon • Office -One. door south of the Times' -Advocate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. ± 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone.. 67 FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction--- guaranteed , EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Stu'geon Office --McDonnell's Sales Stables oil .., • John St. Phone calls receive promo - attention. Phone 26w THOS.. CAMERON, and James W'i WATSON Licensed Auctioneers Sales conducted in any locality. Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satise tactless guaranteed, Charges moth Orate. Orders left at this office velli¢ be promptly attended to. R,R. No. 1, Kirkton, Phone Kirkton 54r2. ti