HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-02-16, Page 4Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 • Terri -Lynn Hart - Publisher Pat Armes - Office Manager Scott Hilgendorff - Editor D. me*cGA Sudscriptipis/Cbu+fieds Susan Hundertmark - Reporter Katrina Dietz • Sales & Distribution Bowes Publishers Limited .5,... - �: ; cr►�v.i>o. -.4 E-mail us at • seoforth@bowesnet.com ;ASCRIPTION RATES LOCAL: 32.50 a year, in advance. plus 2.28 G.5 7 .SENIORS: - 30.00 p'yeor. In advance, plus 2 10 G.S.T USA & foreign 28 44 a year in advance, plus 378.00 postoge, G.S. T exempt SUBSCRIPTION RATES - Published weekly by Sgno1 star Pujilishmg at loo Main Sf , Seaforth. Publication moil registration No 0696 heli at Seoforth, Oniono Advertising is accepted on condition that in the event of o typographical error the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together w,th o reasonable allowance For signature: will not be charged, but.ihe bolonce of the odvernsement will be poid For of the oppiicable • rote -In the evens of o rypogrophicol error. advertising goods or services of a - wrong price, goods or services may not be sold -A, ertising is merely on -offer to • sell and may be withdrawn of ony time -The Huron Expositor- is not responsible For iFe toss o. damage of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other. moierids usedior reprodvciion purposes Changes of address; orders for subscriptions and unddireroble copies are to be sent to The Huron Expositor - • Wednesday, February 9.2000 . Editorial and Easiness Offices - 100 Main Sfreer.,Soefortb Tol.phene (519) 527-0240 Fax (519) 527.2656 Mailing Address - P.O. Box 69, SeafortH., Ontario, HOK IWO Member Of the Canadian C6mmuniy Newipoper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association Publication Moil Registration No. 07605 Editorial When is there going to be an honest look at gas prices? Its just about time people took their feet off their accellorators and d ug in their heels on rising.gas prices, If a nation can come together and fight the federal government s move to provide financial support to the NHL, why can 1 the general public take as strong a stand on gas pricing? •. The price continues to creep. up and' every,. tim there s an outburst from community. watc d auto clubs, it seems -to Kold- steady olittle while. Forecasts of prices into the 70 cent range by Christmas time caused one of the biggest outbursts so far since the price had barely reached the 60 cent mark last fall and that seemed to hold things off. Now, after sifting.af 65 cents for a couple months, it doesn t seem so bad that the price has creeped up again. But it has done nothing but creep up, even when our American counterparts were enjoying huge pricebreaks not even a year ago because of crude oil prices that had dropped to 1970s levels. Where were aur price breaks? The government didn-t add any fuel taxes last year so it s difficult to understand why there were no decreases in this country. ' It s those same world oil prices the fuel. companies have used to justify the enormous increases we ve seen. While no government panels have ever been able to prove collusion among the oil companies, it s also difficult to understand why each'gas company is able to consistently offer the same prices. If this were a truly competitive market, one company or another would be finding cheaper ways to transport or produce its fuel than another company and pass those savings on in order to encourage more sales at the pumps. It works in other markets. Look what happened when competition entered the telephone market. It s time to take a stand and force our MPs and MPPs to push for a legitimately competitive fuel market and fair prices for everyone. If the nation can flood them with• letters, faxes, phone calls and e-mails it should be even more upset about gas pricing and do the sam Scott Hilgendorff How to access us Letters to the Editor and other submissions can be made tit us by noon on Mondays at: seaforth@bowesnet.com All letters and submissions must be signed and accompanied by a day -time telephone number. All submissions are subject to editing for both length and content. Don't forget to check out our homepage at: www.bowesnet.coln/expositor/ Opinion Letters ...Then there was the Jane Stewart affair... Arrogance of the government surfaces To the Editor: forms filled out. Then he • went on to comes around. . - It has certainly been an interesting say that it really wasn't that much I would like to poinr.out to Mr. ! ' month in Ottawa. money.. . - Chretien that on June 21.: 1991 he The Federal Liberals went from Excuse me! stated, "I would like to tell the people `i trying to give wealthy hockey Owners - _ It is a of Canada,. that when we form the millions of dollars`in subsidies, to Billion Dollars that is a 1 with 9 government, every minister in the` -- giving the • wealthy banking zeros! cabinet.. -will have to take full establishment -millions of dollars in This statement was topped later the 'responsiblity. -...If there is any bailout money for forfeited loans: same. evening when a Liberal; bungling in the department, nobody Then there was the Jane Stewart backbencher blamed the Reform Party will be singled -out. The minister will affair. for the mismanagement. • have to take the responsiblity." - I can hardly believe the comments I Let me get this right....it was the Oh, how soon we forget!. am hearing from the -Federal Liberal opposition's fault because they did not Mr. Chretien, why don't you try and Government in regards to the Billion catch the Liberal Government keep oneof your promises for once. Dollar Boondoggle in the Human throwing money out the back -door to Mr. Pettigrew and Ms: Stewart Resources Development Department. pet projects before it reached the should be asked to resign. - . I. sat and watched our Prime Billion Dollar mark. Better yet why don't the two.. Minister on the news recently, state Unbelievable!- Ministers responsible show some that there,was really no problem as he Finally, the arrogance of the integrity and do the right thing. The was pretty sure that the money went to government is coming to the surface taxpayers of this country are waiting. good programs. on this scandal. Sincerely. How would he know? A lot of the 1 know I am one taxpayer that will Mark Beaven programs didn't even have applicatiot member when the next election ' . , Bluevale Respite program gives caregivers a break To the Editor: .. Sometimes the most difficult thing, but one of the most rewarding things we can do; is take time for ourselves. Families who care for family members with special needs benefit immensely from taking a break. This break allows the family caregiver to pursue his or her favourite leisure activity; go oh vacation, take a walk on the beach or around the neighbourhood. have a cup of coffee witha friend or catch up on much needed sleep. ' How can a family caregiver get a break? The Huron Respite Network has host families and in-home 'respite providers who will provide safe and secure care for. • children, youth and adults requiring assistance, as well as make referrals to other agencies who provide opportunities for respite. Host families will take this individual into their own home and in-home providers -will provide assistance in the home of the family or individual requesting respite. This not only a the family caregiver to take a break but also provi es opportunity for the person with special needs to e n friends and gather new and interesting experiences. There is a moderate fee for this service, however, people who cannot afford this -fee may be eligible for a subsidy. The Huron Respite Network is a collaboration of the following agencies and programs:, Community Living '- Central Huron, South Huron and Wingtiam and District:. Familyhome, Community Support for Families. Huron Safe Homes for Youth, Children's Aid Society. of Huron.- -Community Care Access. Centre for Huron. Huron Perth. Crisis Intervention Program. and the Canadian Mental Health Association„. If you or someone you know could benefit from respite services or is interested in becoming 'a respite provider: please feel free to call one of the agencies listed above or the Respite Coordinator at 481-3115. Heart and Stroke month raising funds in -Huron challenge to all re.3aters: to: collect donations. as we arrange to receive a Heart give a few hours of you( can get. All it; takes is .a and Stroke Foundation time to canvass a street in few hours; and it will canvass kit: so vou,can' your neighbourhood, as mean all thedifference to help the .many thousands we are always in need of those 'affected by of other cans assers.in more volunteers to help us Canada's #1 killer, heart Canada to reach our goal. out during this very busy disease and stroke. Yours in health.. time. This year; our goal " . If you' are willing to Sarah Brown in Huron County is accept the challenge: Person to Person S52,000, so we need to please' contact our office Coordinator; Huron/Perth/Oxford To the Editor: February is here. and that means that it is Heart Month all. over Canada. Locally (Huron/ Perth/Oxford Counties). we are off to a great start with many different events, including our annual Person to Person Campaign. -get as many people out at 1"-888-2$7-7775 as 1 would/like to offet a Knocking on doors to soon as • possible to Annual seed show held in Tuckersmith February 19, 1675 John Mason -of Hullett sold his imported horse, "Crown Prince" to Messrs. Sullivan and McLaughlin from Ohio for $2.000. The recent cold spell which has done so much to make life a burden' during the past few weeks has "let up." - John Grieve of McKillop has sold his farm on Concession 4' to his son, Wm. Grieve for 55,600. The annual seed show under the auspices of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural Society was held in the hall and was probably the best that has been held here. The following are the names of the -judges: John Beattie, Seaforth; James Pringle, Seaforth; A. Strong,. Seaforth; Frank Fowler; Sr. Tuckersmith, R. Logan, Seaforth; John Payne, Seaforth; Wm. Murray, Tuckersmith. Oliver Mills, A farmer on the 1 l th concession -of Hunch, went to cut wood in the bush and not returning at the usual time, when he was found lying where he had been working, quite dead. He was a man of 35 years of age. - Messrs. Logan and Jamieson have places as a sign over the door of their store, a very handsome, "Golden Lion." It was manufactured in Toronto and presents a very good appearance. Seaforth Encampment No. 27 100F was duly constituted by John Gibson, G. Patriarch assisted by several members of No. 5 Stratford.. ' • - We are glad to see that the town authorities have prepared for emergency in case of fire by purchasing four Babcock Fire extinguishers and a hook and ladder apparatus at a cost of S550. February 16, 1900 William D. Sanders of Stephen Twp. met with a painful accident. •He was attending a sick cow and in order to assist the animal in rising he went to the head of the beast. His horn came in contact with his eye with force. The ice on C. Grieb's pond at Zurich has been fine for skating and large crowds were on the ice. John Ward of this town has presented the Expositor with an egg laid by a barred Plymouth rock which measured 8X 6 1/2 inches and' weighed one quarter of a pound. The thaw of last week flooded the flats on the farm of Jonn Beattie and Geo. Chesney. Harry Beattie of town has opened a law office in the Cady Block. Geo. Baldwin of town is getting his bicycle business in shape and has In the years agone... opened a shop in the Carmichael block. The school "kids"' have commenced, playing marbles; a sure sign of an early spring. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig of town now occupy their handsome new residence on Goderich St. Master John Sproat of Tuckersmith escaped what might have been a serious accident. He was riding horseback when he animal became frightened and threw him'to the ground. February 20,1925 C. Holland of .Goderich Twp. has been engaged sawing wood and grinding grain for the farmers. in Tuckersmith. The choir of Turner's Church. Tuckersmith, held their annual oyster supper at the home of H. Crich. Clever and humourous speeches were given by L. Tebbutt, A. Matheson, H. Crich and others. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Dan Regele. Manley, when neighbours and friends gathered there for a social night. During the evening an address was read by H.A. Benneweiss and a presentation was made by R. Bunch: J.J. Hugill of Alma recently purchased from Joseph Thompson of Seaforth his one hundred acre: farm on the 4th concession of McKillop. Judging from the number of hogs that were loaded from Ahna, the farmers still. think there is money to be made in raising the porker. . Dr. A. J. McKinnon of Zurich has moved his stock of. drugs into'his new drug store. . The Seaforth Memorial Hospital received a very substantial and welcome gift from the Huron Old Boys Association of Toronto; this consisted of 6 double pairs of blankets. 2 dozen pillow cases and 12 sheets. • John Hinchley of Stratford was here last week attending the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. Frank Best. Two cars of western cattle were delivered at Walton station from Wm. Staples of McKillop. They were a good looking bunch and arrived in good condition. February 17, 1950 Eric Eaton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton, accidentally fell from an old truck while playing at the rear of Crich's Bakery. X -Rays revealed that he had a broken kg. • James W. Hart. brother of Wm. M. Hart. of town • had the. misfortune to have his nose wrist • and thigh broken while at work in Hamilton recently. He was a former resident of Seaforth. • _ Mrs., John Beattie was hostess:to• twenty lady bowlers of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club. The bridge -prise. ' •was donated and won by Mrs. Close. Seaforth received its share of thertnost destructive • storm of the winter. which swept Western Ontario, The storm • caused widespread disruption of Hydro. • telegraph and telephone services and lett many small communities without power. Boy, playing with matches narrowly escaped•being seriously injured when a • gasoline drum exploded and blew one end completely oft'. The drum was situated between the Reliance.Pettoleum storage tanks and Wm. Hart's office. The boys had ignited the end of a corn stalkand inserted it into the drum. The Kippen radio minstrel gang under the leadership of Art Finlayson. .entertained an audience -at Exeter in Main St. United Church. February 20, 1975 Sunday night's Olympic Lottery draw made a few people in Seaforth quite a bit happier. Ctrs. Betty MacLean of Egmondville won S1.000 with her lottery ticket which she bought at the Provincial Savings Office. Seafonh Mayor Better Cardno and Councillor Wayne Ellis. chairman of the Police Committee attending a meeting with police committee members from other area towns and OPP and Ontario Police Commission members in Clinton Tuesday night' to discuss costs involved. if OPP took over policing in Huron's towns. ` ' . • Substantial increases in all• areas of its' operation except losses featured the report presented to policy holders of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance, • Company at the annual meeting on Friday in the Seaforth Town Hall. . , A potentially dangerous accident happened about 8:3.0 lost Thursday morning on Highway 8 just west of Seaforth Community Hospital. A motorist stopped suddenly to turn left into the hospital drive and a hydro truck '`' following went into a side skid on the icy roads in order to stop. A large tractor trailer behind the Hydro vehicle also had to stop quickly and jacknifed over the embankment ort the South side of the road.