HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-01-12, Page 9T51E /MOON EXPOSITOII, ,laeteeary 112. =WO NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of MERVIN EDWARD BEUERMAIN AN persons having darns against the estate of Mervin Edward Beuermann p rile Township' of McKdbp. who"'&0 on or aboul.the 22nd day of September. 1999, are hereby notified t0 send in full particulars of their claims to the undersignedBn or'betore the 31st day of 'January. 2000. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to taints then received DATED at Seaforth. Ontano this 30th day of December. 1999. McCONNELL. STEWART 8 DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Executor !t; HEATED two bedroom aparyri nt. newly decorated. doss to tip own. Phone 519-527.0235. 17-0941 NEWER 2 bedroom unit. Mitchel. Controlled entrance, laundry face - tee. Suitable for seniors.$576.18. Cat 519-348-9102. 17.20x11 18 Houses tor Rent THREE DORM 1525 THREE BEDROOM .home in Clinton. dose 10 downtown. 1 1/2 , baths. large yard. parking. appli- ances. gas heat. Available March , 1st 1525 00 monthly plus utii6es 1-519.637-3737 18-01 xtfcc THREE BEDROOM new semi- detached brick house, main floor Irving, full unfinished basement. yard. garage. 1700.00 plus utilibes. References required- Call 519-527- 2438 18-01x3 3-4 •BEDROOM HOUSE. in the - country. on paved road. north of Seaforth Available Jan 15. References required Call 519-348- 4811 18-48-11 TWO BEDROOM home. gas fur- nace. main floor Laundry. Overview -• and sundeck, fridge and stove included $525 plus. utilities. Available Jan 112000. 21 Front St. Egr ondvitle Phone Kirklon 519- 229-8957. 18.484f 22 _ohs for �cnt LARGE MOBILE HOME lots avail- able in Seaforth area, year round park, gas. cable. 100 amp service, rent S150 plus tax and utilities monthly Call 519-522-04 72. 22- 02x4 25 V./anted to Buy WANTED TO BUY Radial arm saw or table saw (bell dnven). router. scroll saw or any other woodwork- ing tools. Also a compact travel playpen Phone 519-522-1269. 25- 02-1 WANTED: OLDER ROLEX Wrist watches. such as Oyster, Skyrocket, Victory. Prince, Oyster Perpetual. etc Will pay top dollar. Call Bruce Walsh. 9 Market Si. Stratford N5A 1A4. 519-272-0411. 25.28xtfcc ANTIQUE FURNITURE. glassware. china. sewing machines. !amps; Jewellery. post cards. magazines. Paying 1 Oc each for Crown felt jars Bnan Butler. 271 Burns St, Strathroy. N7G 1G2. Phone 519- 234-3142 25-23xtfcc - WILLING TO TRAIN someone to work in a pail tine nurses aide position. Mutt be albs to work every ower weekend and be available for call in hours. Call 519-348-8861 between hours of 9 am. and 5 p.m. 26-02-2 WAIT STAFF required. Must be available Thurs. Fri. day shift and weekends. Neat and tidy appear- ance, 18 years or older. Apply wi1E resume to: Sizzlers. Main St.. Seaforth 26-02-1 FULL AND PART TiME chicken catchers. Call Nick Whyte 519-527- , 01349. 26-47-tf SUPERVISOR. DRIVER & chicken cattier positions to be Med. Phone 1-519-799-5598 or 109 free 1-800- 694-4045. 26-44x1cc S.O.S. 'staffing solutions' ITnmediate Positions - Available FW] lune/Part Tune #ansporabon/Work Boots , Training Provided C1-877-21-7512 for further information EXCAVATOR OPERATOR The successful candidate will have the . following qualifications: •AZ license and ability to operate float •Commercial, residential and agricultural site work •Daily maintenance of machine *Be familiar with grade hazer components and operation 4iirimum 4 years excavator experience Send resume by fax to: McCann Redi-Mix Inc. 519-237-3644 No terep tone cads please. We thank all who apply but only those invited to an interview will be contacted. m`-INTEE Rea Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 Tony ,ary Vanden Hengel Sales Representatives 233-3168 Bed'so're, rec room with gas READY TO MOVE INt 2 bedroom f,repkace a pine bar 2 Dates Excellent tome. new open concept hang area. ncauor m vanaslia becks onto savor yard. Newt' sided. new front deck . 3 new windows Varestra 3 Storey apartment budding CIRCA Hunan Twp. Farm 187 es with 1882 6 -2 bedroom' apartments. with newer bungalow Farrow to Fries nog Mow a stove snowed Cinion barns Harvestor silo Good vakre' r Full time position available at HULLETT BUS LINES LTD Mitchell location. Duties: To dispatch and wash buses, etc. Preferably mechanically ' inclined. Must have class B licence. Competitive salary and benefit package. Please fax resume to 1-519-482-5829 or Call 1-519.482-3747 29 enders HURON COUNTY Fe, HOUSING AUTHORITY Reference i S F T (H0)2000-02 Bids are invited for Electrical .Upgrading & Apartment Panel Replacement at 50 Market Street, Seaforth (21 unit OHC building). - Bids will be received for the above until 11.00 a:m- local time. Wednesday January 2@ ZOOQ by the Huron Counf Housing Authority. c/o Huron County Health & Library Complex. Hwy *4 South. R.R. *5. Clinton. Ontario NOM 1LO. (519)482-8612. from whom specifications and details may be obtained. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 0 Employment ,'.antei RELIABLE, MATURE cleaning Lady has openings Phone evenings 519-233-3430. 30-01-2 MARKETING GRADUATE Looking for Job experience or career opportunity. Reliable, Creative, ' Hardworking. Please Call Pat 519-235-0387 31 Service Directory FIREARMS & HUNTING Safety Students.. Register early for our next 'One Stop' course in Dashwood on Jan. 22. 23 and 29 Limited seating. Gift certificates available Call. leave message. Terry Romphf 5.19-237.3248. Neil Romphf 519-235.1196 31-01 x3cc FREE NO CHARGE Wedding Photography Services *hen yoy purchase '316.00 d wowing Photos. Gary Walden (Since 1963) 4e2.7675 Weblike: www-garywalden.com erner CONTRACTING LTD *TRUCKING •GRAVEL *SAND & STONE • BULLDOZStG • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS :FLU . 482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res. 482-9212 VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hw . 83 - 3 1.1 miles east of Exeter 2:;i- 1 1 "2 Iry us fur CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING K,II Dar*, -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Horne cured and smoked meats processed euacth the was you like it Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD., )IreCtory REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstnpprng. also custom made furniture bolt to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR et. Seaforth Phone 519.527-Q786 31- 35-tf 34 personal LOVE ME For Whom I Am Introduction Club. Safe, confidential with low rates. We've had 36 suc- cessful matches in our first year of business. Ladies meet that special someone for year 2000. We have nice ,stable gentlemen from - 306 years +. If you are working or retired, we would like to have a that with you. Open to call 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. at 519-364-6646. 34-46xtcc , 1 AM SEARCHING for my birth mother. I was bom in Seaforth - Comrnunity Hospital on March 27. 1972. My mother was a single mom and my grandmother raised me for approximately 1 1/2 years, then I was given up for adoption when she was no longer able to loot after me There were 7 children in my moth- er's family. Most had red hair but my mother's was brown. 1 have red- dish blond hair and freckles. I am now married and have two children - if my mother or any of her relatives - read this would you -please contact me. Becky Wardell at 905-383- •0821.34-02x1 r RAVEN .EYES PsyctuG ConsUta Y irndivdual Readings/House Parties (Bost Free). From people. pictures. tarot cards. fully taped. High referral and accuracy rate 1-519-433-0880 or 1-877-24RAVEN. 34-O2XTFCC TIRED OF MEETING people who aren't what they seem', Carl Misty River introductions to meet singles sincerely interested in a longterm relationship. Phone 519.658-4204. 34-02x1 cc ARE YOU LIVING with a dnnk.ng problem') Al Anon can help Phone ' 519-527.1650. 34-02-1 35 ' .once to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of CHARLES HERBERT WIWAMSON M persons having Uauns against the estate of Charles Herter" Williamson of the Towr. c' Seaforth. who died on or about the 18th day of 3epterrrber. '999. are hereby notified to sena in futi particulars of therr.claims to true undersigned on or before the 31st day of January. 2000: atter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to clams ther received DATED at Seaforth. Ontario tris 30th day of December. 1999 McCONNELL STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, . Seaforth, Ontario, NOK IWO Soiotors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of ALPHONSE DENNIS CRONIN 411 persons having claims against the estate of ALPHONSE DENNiS CRONIN of me Township of Hibbert. County of Perth, who deo on or about the -31st day of December. 1999. are nereoy notified to send in full pamculars of thew damns to the undersigned on or before the 7h day of February. 2000. after which date the assets will be drstnbuted having regard only to darms then received DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 7th:day of January. 2000 McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO So citors for the Executor 22 VICTORIA STREET, EOMONDVLLLE ea HURON ROAD, SEAFOITTH - UST 5179,900 ! - itoo R.R.N, CIJNTON - UST 5125.000 - 99 JARVIS STREET, KNOWN - UST 599.900.! - 111 JOHN STREET, SEAPORTN - UST 9157 500 ! - - UST 5119,900.1 - tet QUEEN STREET, HEN$AU. - UST 194,000 ' - MM UNE e4, DUSLN - WIT $l09,000! - M AIN Sue,, SSAFORTN - LIST $119,9001 - 112 MILL ST1REET, SWAFORTN -. UST 5109,000.! - 'YMMM4 4 EdrrO 'Mlle IIV1MEMENTATWE at1$1111LALXOR OPEN Six DAYS A WEEKI Seefenti Mee: 11S 1627-1577 S Min Sweet 119 JOIN SHIT, SEAPORTS - LIST $1211.900 ! - W2, STAi%A - UST 112N,000 ! -, FARMS/COUNTRY NEW - DAIRY - CASH CROP - 171 ACRES - 164 workable. 150 acres systematically bled. Brookston clay,- newer tie barn..2 homes - 1 -two storey brick home, 7 bedrooms, t- rental units. Great location on paved road. McKILLOP - 180 acres. 175 workable - Large ban, steel clad, loose housing, 2nd ban 40 x 60 plus 25 x 50 - bunker silo, 2 overhead bins (20 ton each). Older frame home, 1 vi storey, 3 bedrooms. MORRIS TWP. - 40 acres - Storage bam with retail used for ongoing business. Brick bungalow built in 1986. Excellent chance to own your own business. Call for details. HUMERI TWP. - Cash Crop or 'Beef - 100 acres, 93 workable, systematically bled. Older bank bam plus L -shape Cover -All shed plus 30 x 70 dive shed MORRIS TWP. - 280 acres, 180 workable, L-shaped bank bam with boos housing, pens arid gates. 2 drive sheds. 1 tower silo plus manure storage. 2 storey red brick home, drilled. well, open bolwrn land Harnelon loam. a NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in The Estate of NORA YOMCA NONA) WEISBERGER All persons having claims against the estate of Nora Monica (Mona) Enzensberger of the Town of Seaforth: who died on or about the 71h day of.December, 1999, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th . day of February. 2000. after which date the assets will be fistnbuted having regard .only to claims then received DATED at Seaforth. Ontano this 10th day of January. 2000. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX. Barristers and Solicitor 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ,n The Estate of MARGARET ELLER HATCH All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Ellen Hatch of the Town of Seaforth. who died on or about the 6th day of No/ember. 1999. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of January. 2000. atter which date the assets will oe distnbuted having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontano this 21st day of December. 1999. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 MainStreet, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 W0 Sciic:to s for the Executor 37 Vortgages 10' & "Mils wUorx Fars 1ey Assist- as low as 6.50` Interest Pinola, Loans n you salty. oapnwxs .. &CL-Acpmi M0- Pavmert. ' 5.000 ' 41.88 "0.000 ' 83.33 •"5.000 '125.00 Cmsoious ya' carts 'We spsc+aiUS r modern mamas_ Call (519) 364-0450 1-100.31117-1M2 ASTRAL FUNOIMG NC. 40 Lost & sound LOST NEAR EGMONDVILLE. 10 year old Labrador Fietnever, named Jakewearing green collar and tags Can'519-522-0121.40-02.1 LOST GOALIE PADS. 32' Koho Professional. blue. black and white. Rewa'd offered. Call 519-527-0543. 40-02-2 LOS Mans overcoat. taken by rr'rsta,Ce from Seaforth Arena at Harmony Kings. night. Dec. 10. Please phone Gord Pryce 519-527- ;9,7.40-02-2 38 Auction ,alk NcEri_v CONSIGNMENT Auction of :Mckers..ducks. geese. Small and farcy birds and atumals plus harm related misc. articles, Fn. Jan. 14.'00. 7 p m 21/2 moles west of Brucefieki. 1/2 nate east of Varna on Huron County Rd 3 Watch for sign. Food wagon on premises. For info 519.2333430 Consignments wanted 38-02-1 • RICHARD LOBO AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 We are a'tcepitng good additions for upcoming auctions • of furniture. antiques. appliances and tools. Call Ben or Richard. mrww.aeetloaiotlW.esm BLAKE, John William: 'Was he telhn you"...Probably not. • John William Blake passed away at Seaforth Conrru pity Hospital on Wednesday. January 5. 2000. He was in his 76th year. Bom in Gtey Township on November 10. 1924. - John William Blake was the son of the late George and Mary Blake. He as a nun of few words but when he spoke it was with authority and wis- dorit Never going tar. Grey Township, was his home. He lived_ onthe farm with his wife of 46 years. the . former Irene Tomaszewski. enjoying their ever expanding family; children. grand- ctWdren and a great grandchild. John loved to spend time with the boys hunting and fishing. He always had plans to master the hunting Ind fishing skill. He loved to tell every- one. about the ones that got away....especjally if it wasn't his John has touched many of our lives Everyone that knew John respected and enjoyed their time with him. He will be fondly remem- bered by all. John will .be sadly missed by his beloved wife Irene, his children Janet McLean and her husband Doug of St. Cathannes. Don Blake and his special friend Julie McCall of B1yh. Mike Blake and his wife Mary of Seaforth. Frances McCall and her husband Ross of Brussels. Yvonne McLean and her husband Glenn of Clinton, Linda Blake and her special friend Steve Evans of Dundas. Greg Blake -and his wife Mane of Molesworth and Steve Blake and his' wife Kathy of Brussels. Dear . brother of Alice Wade and her hus- band Howard of London. George Blake and MS wife Mane of Brussels aro Gordon Blake and his rife Helen 01 Bnissels. Beloved grandfather of Pam Edwards and her husband Neil, Debbie McLean. terse McCall,- Matthew McCall, Lacey McCall. Connie McLean.. Danielle McLean. Ashley Blake. Adam Blake. Crystal Blake, Vicki .Blake, Patncra • Blake. Jonathon' Blake, and Johanna Blake and great grandpa of Taylor Edwards., Predeceased by his infant son Stephen in 1963. Fnends were received by the family from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Fnday at the Schimanski Family Funeral Home. Brussels where the prayer service was conducted Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. A funeral Mass was cele- brated at St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church. Brussels by Father Ron Paquette on Saturday. January 8th. 2000 at 11-00 -a.m: Pallbearers were Jim Blake. Bob Blake. Leo Deitner, Chris Smith: Jim Ryan and David Gnffiths. Spnng interment will follow in St.- Ambrose t.-Ambrose Cemetery. Brussels. As . an expression of sympathy. memo- rial donations may be Made to the - Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the Canadian Dial ekes Association. 42-02-1 MCLAUGHUN, Helen: At Seaforth Manor Nursing Horne. on Fnday. January 7. 2000. Helen (Delaney) McLaughlin, formerly of McKillop Township, in her 95th year. Beloved mother of Joan and husband Jerome Murray of R.R. *5, Mitchell. Jean and husband John Keane Of King Crry and Manon and husband' Gerry Brennan of London. Loving grandmother of seven grandchil- dren and three great grandchildren. Also survived by two sisters. Anna Blonde of Windsor and Frances Melady o St Columban. two broth- ' ers. Joe Delaney and wife Mame of Dublin and Jim Delaney and wife Dorothy of St. Cotumban, sister-in- law. Ursula McLaughlin of Dublin and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by•her hus- band Joseph McLaughlin (1975), her parents James and Sarah (McQuaid) Delaney. and four sis- ters. Mary Bruner: Evelyn .O'Neill. Loretto Shea and Theresa Malone Family received trends at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home. Seaforth on Sunday from 2-4 and 7- 9 p.m. where parish prayers were said at 7 p.m. Mass of the Chnstian Bunal was held. on Monday. January 10. at 11 a.m. at St. Patnclk s Roman 'Call -wok Church, Dublin. Fr. Maunce Charbonneau officiated. Interment St. Patrick's R.C. Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ken Murray, Gerald 1311/xer, Tom Malady; Pat O'Neill. Gord Murray and Bnan Brennan. Flower bearers were Irene Kelly and , Jayne . Delaney -Walsh. Readers were Pauline Skinner. Srobnan Keane - Bondy and Nicole Brennan. Soloist was Cheryl St. Onge accompanied by Jayne Delaney -Walsh who also sang. Memorial donations to Right to Life, Heart and Stroke Foundation or chanty of ones choice would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. 42-02-1 rTAIITIflM'J TE 1 At the Jacob Auction Centre. 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. Ont. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 AT 9:30 A.M.. INCLUDING: Pine 5 piece bedroom suite with queen sae' bed (as /L nQ), pine entertainment unh eeveral dining and bedroom suttee, suites; cedar test; bunk beds; desks; nisipfs drop teal banquet'table; new round table and chairs; singlechina car cabinets; electric ac ustsbie double bed: o cabinet odd washstand; nine piece walnut dining room suite dehumidifier. colour TVs. VCRs; microwaves; Danby spin washer; freezer. 30• rich electric shoves; Maytag washer and dryer; Whirlpool automatic washer; calendar oossceon; cosec ie dishes including Germany. RS. Gilvesia, Royal Winton, cups and saucers, etc.; collectible seders; coins; good horse drawn cutler; 3/4 Inch drive socket set; 1 York 2001 weight mach line; and our usual 'woe offering Double 1 ring auction. Prop: A St. Marys ENab and Sorel/en! Reefdence AUCTIONEERS: Doug Jacob and Jo* Zahr 519-271-7894 • 519.187-9599